The sexiest lips: scientists have calculated the shape and volume. Ugly lips What to do if your armpits look ugly

Lipstick is a very important part of every woman's makeup. Today, there are all kinds of lipstick shades on the market. Very often lipsticks consist of harmful cosmetic materials that cause harm sensitive skin lips Frequent use lipstick damages the original texture of the lips and makes them darker. Many women have lost their natural pink of your lips due to excessive use of lipstick.

But don’t despair, because there is excellent home remedy which they will tell you about today. Using it, you will restore the natural pink color of your lips.

Step 1 - First, remove the dark layer from your lips using this homemade scrub.

This is an incredible homemade scrub that will help you remove dead skin from your lips.


  • Coconut oil - 1 teaspoon
  • Salt - 1 teaspoon


  • Take a small bowl and add 1 teaspoon coconut oil and sea salt.
  • Mix well and apply it on your lips using a cotton ball.
  • Using your fingertips, gently massage your lips for about a minute to remove the dark layer.

Your lips will instantly become smooth and soft.

Wash them with water and dry them carefully.

Step 2 - Use this homemade lip balm 3-4 times a day

A homemade lip balm will help you keep your lips hydrated at all times. This will improve the color of your lips and make them look shiny.


  • Olive oil - 1 tbsp. spoon
  • Coconut oil - 1 tbsp. spoon
  • Honey - 3/4 teaspoon


  • Take a small bowl and add 1 tbsp. spoon olive oil and coconut oil.
  • Warm them up a little so that both oils are in liquid form and mixed correctly.
  • Finally, add 3/4 teaspoon of honey and mix well.

Store the balm in a glass jar in the refrigerator and use 3-4 times a day whenever your lips feel dry.

Step 3 - Night Lip Balm

This last step to your beautiful lips. All you need to do is take 1 vitamin E capsule, open it and apply the solution to your lips before you go to bed.

Use this cosmetic procedure within 1 week and you will notice a wonderful change in the appearance of your lips. You will not find any need to apply lipstick every day as your lips will be naturally pink and shiny. This simple three-step trick will make your lips attractive and irresistible.

Lip shapes are often in fashion, the owners of which are famous personalities, movie stars, pop stars. Sexuality is associated with a beautiful lip shape. There are men with beautiful lips.

How to draw beautiful lips

According to psychologists, men, when looking at women, often pay attention to their lips, assessing their sexuality and attractiveness. Many consider Angelina Jolie's lips to be the standard; we are talking about both shape and fullness.

Some people, eager to change the shape of their lips, come to a plastic surgeon. There are those who visually correct the shape by drawing it with a special pencil. Of course, it is best to be satisfied with the form that is given by nature.

Draw beautiful lips not so easy. However, you can cope with this task even without drawing skills, if you act in stages. Drawing them with a pencil on paper, first markings are made - three parallel lines. Next, the corners of the lips are drawn and upper contour. It is important to note that the upper contour should be reduced and the lower contour increased. When drawing with a pencil, you must not forget to create a shadow effect and draw “wrinkles” on the lips.

Some representatives of the fair sex prefer lip tattooing, making them fuller or reducing excessive volume. Tattooing helps hide asymmetry and gives clear outline. The main thing is not to make a mistake with the master, choose a real professional.

Beautiful lips of celebrities

It is not surprising that many beauties dream of becoming a singer or actress, regardless of whether they have the talent for it. Often, it is not talent that is assessed, but only external data, moreover, only some individual parts, for example, lips.

We can name ten contenders for the title of owners of the most beautiful lips. This is Jennifer Lopez, Miley Cyrus, Kim Kardashian. Katherine Heigl is in seventh position, followed by Halle Berry and Anne Hathaway. Angelina Jolie is in fourth place, and Keira Knightley is in third. Second place went to Christina Aguilera, first place went to Christy Turlington.

Separately, it should be noted that it is the lips that have long become business card Angelina Jolie. And thanks to her lips, the actress is considered one of the most beautiful women in the world.

Drew Barrymore's lips have a seductive shape and attracted attention to her even during the release of the film Charlie's Angels. Anne Hathaway is remembered not for her full lips, but for her beautiful smile and white teeth. To highlight her smile, the actress avoids dark lipstick tones. The owner beautiful shape lips is Sienna Miller. Her lips aren't particularly full, but that doesn't bother the stylish star.

Recently, when turning to plastic surgeons, women ask to make their lips look like Scarlett Johansson's lips.

Another celebrity Megan Fox is the owner of full lips from birth. According to her, she has French, Native American and Irish roots. She became a sex symbol after starring in the movie Transformers. However, as it became known, the actress decided to slightly change her appearance. Most of all, the changes affected her lips. Now they began to look even more plump and appetizing. Jessica Simpson, Elizabeth Hurley and many other stars also went under the surgeon's knife.

Men with beautiful lips

Beautiful lips make men attractive. It is believed that according to the laws of physiognomy, one can easily determine the character of any person by the shape of the lips. Lips can be small, flat, full, crooked, protruding, or even. Women pay attention to the lips of men, opinions differ - some like plump male lips, others thin or sharply defined.

A man with beautiful lips is most often called sexy. Among the handsome men are Enrique Iglesias and Eddie Murphy. Leonardo DiCaprio's lips have not left women indifferent for many years. Jason Statham has beautiful lips, Julia Roberts was considered to have the most beautiful lips

In recent years, Jolie has been displaced from the first position by Scarlett Johansen. It was she who was called the sexiest on the planet, and more than once. She was first awarded this title back in 2006. According to the actress, she likes to wear red lipstick on her lips. To make your lips look classic, perfect shape, she uses lip pencil. Scarlett says that she prefers lipstick, but with a brush she only corrects the contour, which makes her lips more expressive.

Among men, the title of owner of the sexiest lips was awarded to Johnny Depp and David Beckham. Lately Brad Pitt beat them to it. It was he who received the majority of votes. By the way, according to the site, football player Rio Ferdinand is recognized as the man with the ugliest lips.
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There are several options you can use to get rid of unwanted gel in your lips. The first is punctures with microscopic thin needles outside lips. This method cannot be called effective, connective tissue in the lips does not allow the gel to be extracted efficiently.

Then they resort to the second option - extracting the biopolymer gel through an incision with inside lips. This procedure is carried out under local anesthesia and is considered a full-fledged operation. There is little pleasant here: swelling, long rehabilitation period and other delights of postoperative life.

The same method is used to reduce the natural volume of the lips. You heard right: there are girls in the world who voluntarily want to part with their natural wealth. These include Ivanka Trump, Angelina Jolie and Jessica Alba.

Ivanka Trump

The daughter of the US President Ivanka, after coming of age, decided to bring her appearance to the ideal: rhinoplasty, removal of Bish's lumps, chin augmentation. After the last operation, in order for his face to look harmonious, Trump had to reduce the volume lower lip.

Kofemolka, 07/05/03
I don’t know why, but it’s girls’ thin buzzing that irritates me. Guys have a funny look... It seems that the girl looks arrogantly and purses her lips angrily... lipstick looks so stupid on thin lips: it shows the imperfections of the lips. I love my lips... they are not thin, definitely... they are ordinary, they seem a little full if I wear bright lipstick - chic, shine, beauty

misst, 29/11/03
Usually chubby girls have the same lips...poor thin ones! After all, men seem to like plump ones more!

SOMEL, 04/05/05
It's not pretty. The face seems somehow unfinished... angry.. and by old age the mouth will generally look like a chicken ass... and kissing is one hundred percent bad!

Iron Maiden, 05/05/05
Let's just say I don't like lips that are too thick (like Rasputina's) or too thin (like Dolores O'Riordan).. I believe that everything should be in moderation.. Normal lips, not the plumpest but not a string, are ideal for me!

like everyone else, 05/05/05
Yes, it's ugly. Most likely you won't want to kiss a girl with lips like that. But why bother them here? There are such lips as there are. Be glad that you are not like that. Damn, there's nothing left to discuss here. Create a topic about girls with big or small ears, and finally take them all apart piece by piece. But too thick ones are also unsightly. A. Jolie is not included in this category, she was just lucky with such lips :)) Lips that are neither thin nor thick are best. Moderate, in short.

Lasse, 06/05/05
I don’t like those who are really thin, it irritates me for some reason. I look at them all the time, and imagine how and what they do with them, for some reason I feel sick. I'm probably crazy.

toffee, 09/05/05
I heard more than once and was convinced... that people with thin lips...angry, vindictive and envious...I don’t know...well, in my opinion it’s not beautiful...girls have to draw them, which looks even more nasty...I don’t like what young people have, what girls!! I love plump lips))) young people with plump lips... mm...)))

tanez, 12/05/05
I don’t remember where and when, but I read that thin lips- a sign of an evil character and a cruel soul. I started to take a closer look. Practice has confirmed the theory.

Aenima, 12/05/05
Well, sometimes they look very organic, but most women with thin lips by the age of 35-40 turn into ugly little women with a cleft instead of a mouth, framed by wrinkles. I’m not just saying this, but using the example of the sick people. Moreover, no amount of lipstick can brighten up this flaw. So all that remains is for them to call the plump-lipped ones lip slaps, and frantically every morning draw with a pencil an outline that extends far beyond the boundaries of their striped lips, this is all from the evil one...

finch, 13/05/05
Thin and twisted in an evil grin. And the chubby ones smile! These are the only associations. It's also good to have dimples on your cheeks. It's like blood and milk! And all sorts of thin-lipped aristocrats are the last squeak of the dying bourgeoisie... fi! In general, if a girl is thin-lipped, turn and run, and ask for political asylum where the sexy mouth is. However, men, there is a danger of running around and living in eternal marathon mode. So you need to choose not by the width of your lips, but by the breadth of your soul...

Evil-stick, 10/01/06
I have thin lips. And, despite the fact that I am an open and friendly person (which is confirmed by numerous friends and acquaintances of various stripes :)), at the first meeting I give the impression of an arrogant person, a bitch and a spiteful person (almost everyone says so: () I hate my thin lips that no one can fix cosmetic product. And all attempts to draw plumper give away even more true dimensions my lips - it looks pathetic and makes me look terribly old. Apparently, you will have to pump in silicone.

ULTRA, 22/01/06
I don’t hate it, but I can’t see the beauty in this...umm.. aristocracy (???). Girls with thin lips really look like feisty (not at all bitchy) people who have been deprived of some zest. I’m writing some nonsense, in short, I don’t like it. Young people with very thin lips are also not held in high esteem. PS. Special SORRY to all thin-lipped people. :)))

Princess Viper, 26/01/07
oh, ugh... a mouth without lips... how disgusting, ah yay yay. When women become very old and their lips disappear somewhere, this is normal. this is life. Well, when young or middle-aged without lips... it looks like an old woman. excuse me. Moreover, such girls usually paint an outline over their lips with a pencil - so that it looks normal - but all the same, you can’t fool people, and especially nature - it looks unnatural. They also use all sorts of volume-increasing glitters, and some, like my friend Smirnova. they turn them, so to speak, “inside out,” so that they seem more normal.

LIFE, 04/01/08
I had a friend, one might even say an ex-girlfriend. I still keep in touch with her, if you can call it a couple of phrases: “Hello! How are you?” in the school corridor. Her lips are thin, ugly, I would just say it’s terrible. The girl herself is pretty, but her lips are completely thin and do not decorate her. Or average, or plump. It’s very beautiful when a girl doesn’t have thin lips, but those that are called “average” are no different. But thin lips are completely unattractive and ugly!

black-eyed, 24/09/08
It seems to me that full lips suit girls better, but thin lips suit guys better (there are exceptions)! girls have thin lips that somehow don’t look feminine (of course there are those that suit them, but these are only a few) I also don’t like too full lips like Malinovskaya or Jolie, the most ideal for girls are puffy lips, slightly full! and the glitter looks beautiful on these. and it’s not true that plump girls have such lips! I’m thin, but I have swollen lips.

TKV, 24/09/08
Well, it seems to me that thin lips make few people look good, although if the facial features are thin and neat, the lips will look “dumplings” unnecessarily, but thin ones are normal. I think Sharon Stone's lips are thin, but they suit her facial features. And if you have plump lips, then it’s better to use your own, because... “one’s own” always harmonizes better with one’s appearance than something acquired. I think Jessica Alba has the perfect lips, and in general she is the best beautiful woman in the world for me. Alexa used to have beautiful plump lips, now she has torn dumplings, ugh. So if nature has rewarded you with not too plump lips are better Leave them like that, otherwise you end up with such freaks. Although plump “own” lips don’t always look beautiful, so the golden mean is probably better - not plump and not thin, neat lips.

Marfyne4ka, 07/03/09
It’s a pity that I can’t fully express my thoughts, because... V at the moment I’m abroad and I’m writing in transliteration... thin lips are unpleasant to me, firstly, the owners of such stripes are nervous, stingy, secretive and vindictive individuals, and secondly, there is no desire to kiss such lips. Since childhood, I have emphasized the importance of lips in a person, maybe this is wrong, but I can’t help it, my sympathy will only go to those with plump lips))

TKV, 07/03/09
But I don’t understand when facial features are considered separately from it. Collectively, we need to watch and evaluate!!! Of course, “plump lips” sounds more interesting, Jolie is immediately in my thoughts, yeah))) But natural plump lips are not always so good, sometimes they just look like fish, or, as in the case of Alexa, a plunger instead of lips. I have met attractive girls with thin lips, but the face should be looked at as a whole, and not assessed individually. For example, if we talk about long legs, they are beautiful, yes. And if you look at Giselle, there is no waist, no ass, beautiful face no, and my legs don’t seem so long anymore)) In general, my thought is this: plump lips are not always beautiful, and thin lips are not always ugly. It’s beautiful when the bud-shaped lips are juicy and symmetrical, but when, sorry, the pussy is turned out on the face, I don’t think there’s any beauty here...

SexyLermontoV, 18/08/09
Of course, plump lips are much more attractive. But what to do if a girl has thin ones?? Should I pump it up with silicone straight away? For me it’s better to leave it that way. By the way, I noticed one thing: let’s say a girl has thin lips and she has surgery and puffing them up will only make things worse! Your facial features will immediately become disproportionate! It’s better not to try to transport what nature has provided.

For a long time, girls have sought to enlarge their lips: with the help of paint, lipstick, gloss, menthol (causes blood flow and slight swelling), in the end it came to injections. Plump lips- at any cost, men like it so much! Californian plastic surgeons even developed a formula perfect lips: the bottom should be 2 times (we're not kidding) more plump than the top. This is the standard that most people use plastic surgeons in the USA.

, an esthetician from London, together with his colleagues, conducted a large-scale investigation, the result of which was the ideal size and shape of lips, which, according to the vast majority of male respondents, look sexy, but not vulgar.

Participants in the study were asked to choose between two photographs of entire faces, which one looked more attractive and sexy, and separately between photographs of two different forms lips In addition, they were asked to note the advantages and disadvantages of each photograph. The third stage was the formation of an identikit: computer model lips that meets all aesthetic requirements.


And here it is, the result: the upper lip should be equal to the lower lip in fullness, and the ratio of the widest part of the lower lip to the width of the lips in the corners of the mouth is exactly 2 to 1.

Dr. Esho's research also showed that the cleavage upper lip or "Cupid's bow" plays important role in men's perception of such lips as sexy. A soft, not too pronounced hollow makes girls’ lips almost twice as attractive as a deep, pronounced one.