Table of periods developmental psychology. Periods of child development


    Coming into this world, the baby already has features characteristic of all newborn children. They all have to long haul formation in physiological, psychological and social terms.

    Stages of child development by age

    Reasons for distinguishing stages of child development

    Throughout life, the baby develops at different speeds and intensity. But at certain stages changes occur that are turning points in the development of children. Such critical periods, as psychologists call them, do not have clear boundaries. But, nevertheless, each subsequent stage is different from the previous one. This is due to the development different organs and human systems at different age periods. On the way from a helpless baby to a fully formed member of society, each person goes through several stages, during which new formations occur in his mental development.

    Educators, teachers, and circle leaders must take into account the age characteristics of children for the successful formation of their personal qualities.

    Newborn crisis

    This first stage of life lasts from birth to 1 year. They began to single him out as the last of all existing ones. Its main features are as follows.

    A newborn baby is a separate person

    A newborn is essentially a biologically helpless creature and cannot survive without the influence of adults. A new development of this age is considered to be the separation of the child from the mother’s body, the emergence of an individual mental life.

    Reactions characterizing normal development child of this age:

    • increased motor activity, revival when an adult appears;
    • communicating by screaming or crying;
    • increasing vocalization (use of vowel sounds, a little later - humming);
    • the appearance of a smile as a reaction to the facial expression of adults.

    At this age, the foundations of speech skills are laid, so by the end of the first year of life, some children can utter several simple words or syllables.

    Development up to one year, first stage

    Increasing every month motor activity: the baby begins to take toys in his hand, transfer them from one to another, tries to crawl, and by a year or a little earlier - to walk. As the baby begins to walk, the boundaries of his world and the nature of his viewing of surrounding objects expand significantly.

    Early childhood period (from 1 to 3 years)

    Now that the first birthday is over, the baby is entering a new phase of his development. The child speaks more and more, although not all words are successful, but those closest to him understand him perfectly well. Vocabulary The child's knowledge increases as he learns about the world.

    Objects become not just objects, but things that have their own functions (a chair for sitting, a spoon for eating, a stroller for going for a walk). Children from one to 3 years old

    Children from one to three years old begin to socialize

    The child begins to build his relationships with other people (adults and children).

    Closer to 3 years, he begins to show that he does not like the care of adults, he begins to show intolerance, persistence, is capricious, and insists on his own. Parents should start giving their child more independence (within reason).

    The physical capabilities of children at an early age increase significantly. The need for movement is great, so limiting children in this can lead to whims, disobedience, overexcitation and, as a consequence, to bad sleep and appetite.

    It is important to regulate the child’s activity: after active games, you need to captivate the child by calmly reading books, watching cartoons, playing with construction sets, etc.

    Getting ready for school (3 – 5 years)

    This age is called preschool. Usually at this age children attend kindergarten and gain team life skills. Games are increasingly educational in nature. Children of this age category have good memory, so it’s not difficult for them to remember some letters, numbers, and foreign words. The child begins to develop a worldview and self-esteem.

    Preparing for school is the main task in the period 3-5 years

    Preschool children often pass off what is imagined as real due to the development of imagination and imaginative thinking. The main thing for adults is to understand with what intent the child told a lie and make an appropriate decision. Most often, children's lies are nothing more than a little fantasy, an invented fairy tale.

    At this age, the child begins to show his abilities. The gift of drawing, singing, and recitation must be used now. Visiting clubs and early development schools can help with this. In addition, communication with peers will have a good effect on mental health child.

    Development of younger schoolchildren (6 – 11 years old)

    By this age, the development of the child’s brain creates the prerequisites for teaching him various sciences. Changing your daily routine, increasing your time intellectual activity require the development of new skills: perseverance, patience, introspection, concentration, focus.

    Younger school age- first stage of growing up

    The development of a schoolchild’s social “I” allows him to see his role in social relationships and have his own point of view. The child’s primary school age is about communication with peers and development various types relations between them: friendship, competition.

    Development of children from 12 to 15 years old

    The average school age of children is adolescence their development. This is the age when children's desire to learn decreases. The teenage crisis is associated with the transition of children to a new stage intellectual development. Children think in new ways, their behavior changes, and there is a transition from concrete to logical thinking.

    Periods increased activity are replaced by a time of decreased performance, children of this age are selective about science. The child's desire to a certain type activities that may become the basis of a future profession.

    Middle school age - awareness of your future

    Teenagers love to communicate more than to study; they prioritize relationships with peers rather than with family. They begin to show interest in members of the opposite sex, worry, and experience sexual attraction.

    This is a time of manifestation of stubbornness, self-will, rudeness towards adults, rebellion against foundations and rules, negativism towards public opinion.

    The teenager wants more and more independence; he is irritated by the introduction of someone into his inner world.

    Formation of the personality of children of senior school age

    Final psychological and physiological formation children occurs between 16 and 18 years of age. Children at this age are preparing to graduate from school and are thinking about choosing a profession. Their mental abilities They are going through the final stage of their development, but their improvement continues. There is an increasing need among young people for solitude and philosophizing; they protect their inner world from anyone’s encroachments and consider themselves completely independent.

    Adolescence is the most difficult age

    They want to understand themselves, the characteristics of their character, and are demanding of those around them. During this period, they develop sense of purpose, social activity, and initiative. These are already fully formed individuals; they approach issues of self-education more responsibly.

    Age characteristics of children in different stages their lives should be taken into account by adults when communicating with them and trying to explain their behavior. Understanding from adults life situations children will facilitate their socialization and help them adapt to the adult world.

From the moment of conception human body is constantly evolving. Individual periods of life are distinguished by certain features, the sum of which gives them general characteristics. Let's take a look Rome the main periods of child development.

Newborn baby period

The period of a newborn child begins begins from his first cry, first breath and lasts until the end of the first month of life. The child is still very weak and needs adult help. He needs warm maternal love and constant and selfless maternal care. With the help of adults, the child gradually adapts to external conditions from the first independent breath, the beginning of independent thermoregulation to food intake. During this period, very frequent and severe disorders in the body are possible.

Infant period

Period infant starts begins at the end of the first month and ends with the first year of the child’s life. He already behaves somewhat more independently, although he is completely dependent on his mother. The main feature of this connection is breastfeeding. The child has rapid growth feeding needs. He is already less sensitive to infection, especially if he eats mother's milk, which promotes education immune properties in the child's body.

The care of adults during this period should be aimed at proper nutrition and care, protection from infectious diseases and raising a child.

Small child period

Period small child begins I from the second and ends with the third year of his life. Independence is becoming more and more noticeable. The child is no longer on his mother’s lap all the time; he moves further and further away from her, since he can already move independently. Speech capabilities contribute to his closer contact with others, and not just with his mother. He acquires the first concepts and is already capable of analysis and synthesis, and of making some decisions independently. Most often, a child suffers from childhood infectious diseases such as chickenpox, diphtheria, whooping cough, etc.

Preschool period

The period of preschool age of a child is long extends from the previous stage to a full six years. It is characterized by intensive maturation of the central nervous system. The child becomes more and more independent, shows more and more of his “I”. Games are the most important activity in this period of his life.

School age period

School age period begins It starts from the age of six or seven and lasts until the age of sixteen. During this period, physical and mental development occurs very intensively. The child enters public relations and becomes more or less a social being. Among children of this age, the number of accidents is rapidly increasing, since the communication skills of children during this period are pronounced. Disturbances in posture and gait appear.


Puberty in children School age begins at approximately 11-12 years for girls, and for boys at 12-13 years. In children of this age, so-called secondary sexual characteristics appear: hair around the genitals, beard, lips, breasts... This period is characterized by rapid physical and mental changes. There may be manifestations of functional disorders or diseases characteristic of this period.

Period of puberty

The period of puberty right from connected with the previous one and is characterized by the maturity of all organs and their functions. Physical and mental independence is complete. Social positions are defined. The growth of bones and muscles ends.

Such a division into periods, like any other, is conditional and artificial. The boundaries between them cannot be strictly and clearly defined. But still, such a division helps us understand some of the features of individual stages of child development.


Age has a huge impact on a person's personality. It is impossible to compare a 30- and 50-year-old patient in terms of physical, psychological, or social parameters. It is impossible to treat 15-year-old adolescents and 25-year-old adults in the same way, although with a slight age difference there may be a discrepancy between the physiological and psychological age. A boy who, from the age of 12, works part-time not “for beer”, but in order to feed his family with a disabled mother and younger sisters, is psychologically more mature than a 25-year-old student day department university, which is supported by parents. When building his relationships with patients, the doctor must rely on knowledge about age characteristics personality development and take them into account when establishing contact, constructing a conversation, predicting the patient’s behavior and teaching how to carry out therapeutic and preventive procedures.

Age characteristics- a complex of physical, cognitive, intellectual, motivational, emotional properties characteristic of most people of the same age.

Developmental Psychology ( developmental psychology) - chapter psychological science, the object of study of which is developing from birth (and in lately from conception) to death of a person. The subject of study is the patterns of mental development in ontogenesis, the dynamics mental processes and personality traits on various stages life cycle. Psychologists are looking for answers to the questions: what are the general age characteristics and patterns of development, and where is the place for individual ones? What causes development? What forces force the psyche to become more complex, providing a person with new opportunities? Where are the limits of these possibilities? How does the development process occur and how can you influence it? What conditions promote and what hinder the processes of development, maturation, and aging?

The first book that laid the foundation for the scientific study of the child’s soul was written by the doctor Tiedemann at the end of the 18th century (1787). In the 19th century, books by Passewitz, Sgismund, Lebisch, Altmiller, Sikorsky, and Preyer appeared. Charles Darwin's study “Biographical Development of the Infant” and his theory of the origin of species served as the basis for the biogenetic approach in developmental psychology.

The heyday of developmental psychology as the psychology of childhood occurred in the 20th century. Behaviorism and empiricism, psychoanalysis, Piaget’s genetic theory of the development of intelligence, and Vygotsky’s cultural and historical concept have become classics. Interest in the other pole of changes in the human psyche - old age - arose much later. And development in maturity for a long time no attention was paid at all. Only in recent years The object of research by psychologists is a changing, maturing person throughout his entire life path.

Psychological-pedagogical and medical research made it possible to identify a number of age periods of human development (see Table 5).

It is known that this kind of periodization (dividing the life cycle into individual periods or age stages) are based on generalizations, the limits of which can be very wide. In each specific case, fluctuations in the level of real human development have a fairly large amplitude. The oldest age periodization known now is the Greek division of human life into 10 periods of 7 years. Ptolemy determined development in a certain life phase by the influence of individual planets. The Roman and Chinese ancient classifications and many more recent ones are known.

Table 5. Age periodization child development

In age physiology In medicine In developmental psychology and pedagogy
Newborn (first 10 days) Newborn (first 3-4 weeks) Infancy (birth to 1 year)
Infancy(10 days - 1 year) Infancy (junior toddler) (4 weeks - 1 year)
Early childhood(1-3 years) Pre-school age (senior nursery) (1-3 years) Pre-school childhood (1-3 years)
First childhood (4-7 years old) Preschool age(3-7 years) Preschool childhood (3-6 years)
Second childhood (8-12 years old) Junior school age (7-12 years old) Junior school age (6-10 years)
Adolescence: boys - 13-16 years old girls - 12-15 years old Adolescence High school age (12-18 years old) Adolescence (middle school) (10-15 years)
Youth age: boys - 17-21 years old girls - 16-20 years old Youth: 1st period - 15-17 years 2nd period - 17-21 years

Table 6. Stages of psychosocial development according to E. Erikson

Stage Psychosocial crisis Strength personalities
Infancy (up to 18 months) Trust - mistrust Hope
Early age(1-3 years) Autonomy - shame and doubt Willpower
Age of play (3-6 years) Initiative - guilt Target
School age (6-12 years old) Achievement - feeling of inferiority Competence
Adolescence (12-19 years old) Identity - role confusion Loyalty
Youth (20-25 years old) Intimacy - isolation Love
Maturity (26-64 years) Productivity is stagnant Care
Old age (65-... years) Integration is despair Wisdom

The options for periodization of child development presented in the tables are somewhat different, since they are based on criteria specific to each approach. L. S. Vygotsky (1927) distinguished three groups of periodization: according to external criteria, according to one or several signs of development.

The first group of periodizations is based on an external, but related to the development process, criterion. Periodization by V. Stern, created according to the biogenetic principle (ontogenesis in a brief and condensed form repeats phylogeny, so the process individual development corresponds to the main periods biological evolution and the historical development of mankind), R. Zazzo (the stages of childhood coincide with the stages of the system of raising and educating children).

The second group is based on an internal criterion - any one aspect of development. The development of bone tissue in P. P. Blonsky and the development of childhood sexuality in Z. Freud. Periodizations based on one characteristic are subjective: the authors arbitrarily select one of many aspects of development. In addition, they do not take into account the change in the role of the selected characteristic in general development throughout life, and the meaning of any sign changes with the transition from age to age.

The third group of periodizations is based on the essential features of this development. These are the periodizations of L. S. Vygotsky and D. B. Elkonin. They use three criteria: the social situation of development, leading activity and central age-related neoplasm. Basic provisions: the existence of stable and crisis stages of development.

Stable period characterized by the gradual formation of personality through the accumulation of subtle changes, which, in accordance with the law of the transition of quantitative changes into qualitative ones, appear in the form of neoplasms in the human body and psyche. Critical periods(relatively short in time O m respect) are distinguished by significant changes in physical and mental development. Age crises can arise during a person’s transition from one age stage to another as a result of qualitative transformations in the spheres of activity, consciousness and social relations. In addition to “planned” crises, which are typical for most people of a certain age, a person may also have “unplanned” moments of revision of life goals and values. This is usually due to severe stress caused by a threat or

loss of health, loved one, roofs over your head, etc., or a major acquisition - the birth of a child, winning a large sum of money. But these crises are personal and are discussed in other sections of the book.

D. B. Elkonin formulates the law of periodicity as follows: “A child approaches each point in his development with a certain discrepancy between what he has learned from the system of person-person relations and what he has learned from the system of person-object relations. It is precisely the moments when this discrepancy takes on the greatest magnitude that are called crises, after which the development of the side that lagged behind in the previous period occurs. But each side prepares the development of the other.” Each age is characterized by its own social development situation; leading activity in which the motivational-need or intellectual sphere personalities; age-related neoplasms that form at the end of the period, among them the central one stands out, the most significant for subsequent development. The boundaries of ages are crises - turning points in the development of a child. D. B. Elkonin’s periodization is the most common in Russian psychology.

There are a number of other versions of the periodization of development, and their number continues to increase, since unified and indisputable criteria have not yet been found.

At each age, a person’s ideas about himself change, life priorities and the hierarchy of goals and values, leading activities and motivation, views on the world and on others, as well as on the perception of one’s own age become different (brief data on the main features of each period are presented in Table 7).

Look at infants: if the difference is one month, and even more so six months, these are completely different children, it is difficult to apply the word “peers” to them. In the preschool period, the difference of six months or a year becomes significant. For primary school age it is more important than physical age it turns out the period of study (class), for the senior - class and gender (high school girls date older boys and consider them equal to themselves). 10th grade students classify classmates as peers, and ninth graders as juniors, without paying attention to calendar age. And the age of 30-40 seems incredibly distant to them.

This is that same mythical maturity, which for them is equal to old age and the absence of desires and plans. The same perception is typical for the opposite direction - for a 50-60-year-old teacher, all schoolchildren are “children”, and students too, regardless of age. It is difficult to look through the prism of generations (and this is in any direction) and discern colleagues in them.

At 40 years old, the entire generation is considered the same age, and this is already a range of at least 10 years. Graduates of the 60s differ from graduates

Table 7. Age periodization of personality development

Psycho- Preschool childhood
logical characteristics Infancy (0-1 year) Early childhood (1-3 years) Preschool age (3-7 years)
12 3 4
Basic Needs Physiological needs, the need for emotional and bodily contact with the mother is the first social need Psychophysiological needs and the need for mastery of the objective world and orientation in it The need for mental development, role communication, love and approval
Leading activity Communication with adults and manipulation of objects Object-manipulative and visual activities Game
Crises of formation Newborn crisis Crisis of the first year of life Crisis of three years
Revitalization complex, initial form of speech understanding, orientation in the surrounding space, emotionality Imitation, speech, the ability to use the objective world, the discovery of the Self - the emergence of a sense of personality The ability to identify with other people, fairy tale characters, gender identification, fears, the ability to symbolically replace objects, psychological readiness to school

When communicating with elderly patients, it is important to accurately determine their age and avoid making broad generalizations (for example, pensioners) when selecting groups for classes. physical therapy or training in specific healing skills. In this case, one should take into account individual characteristics, physical condition, stage and severity of the disease.

School age
Junior school age (7-10 years) Adolescence (11-14 years) Early adolescence (15-18 years old)
5 6 7
Cognitive need, need for approval Needs for communication with peers and moral self-determination, the need to become an adult The need for self-affirmation, personal and professional self-determination, and communication with people of the opposite sex
Teaching Variable organizational forms and types of education Educational professional activity
Seven Years Crisis Crisis adolescence Identity crisis
Arbitrariness of mental processes, internal plan of action, reflection, ability to identify with others, development of a system of coordinated movements Sense of adulthood, moral regulation of one's behavior, comparative self-esteem, reflective thinking, friendship Generalized self-esteem, self-esteem, personal and professional self-determination, socio-professional reflection, feeling of loneliness, self-concept.

End of table. 7

Psycho- Adulthood
logical characteristics Youth (18-23 years old) Youth (24-27 years old) Maturity (28-60 years old)
12 3 4
Basic Needs The need for social and professional self-determination in establishing relationships The need for social professional growth and career development The need for self-realization and self-fulfillment in the profession
Leading activity Educational and professional activities, vocational training and normatively approved by prof. activity Regulatory approved professional activity Regulatory approved individual and creative professional activities
Crises of formation Crisis of professional expectations Crisis professional growth Crisis of unrealized professional opportunities
Basic psychological neoplasms Social and professional activity, generalized methods of cognitive and professional. activities. System of professional knowledge, abilities, skills Social and professional independence, prof. experience, professionally important qualities, professional qualifications, professional identification, social and professional reflection Professional position, above-norm prof. activity, key qualifications and competencies, prof. conditioned character traits, socio-professional self-actualization, prof. personality deformation

Let us briefly consider the features of each age period.

Every child goes through several stages of development in his life. In our article we will figure out what these stages are, how they go through and how to help your child more easily cope with the difficulties that arise.

The life of a baby begins long before his birth and birth. The newborn's body has different physiological characteristics, they depend on how it develops while still in the womb.

Scientists have found that all age periods can be considered mature and passed if the functions of the body correspond to the age of the baby and the conditions in which he developed.

Parenting is based on several age stages of child development. Let's look at each stage and talk about how to harmoniously raise children for successful relationships in the family and in life.

The following main stages of mental and physical development child:

  • Intrauterine. This is the period from conception to birth and takes approximately 280 days or 38-40 weeks. During intrauterine development, the human body is fully formed, all organs are formed, and future preferences and character may also be formed.
  • Neonatal. This is the period when the baby has just been born and until he is one month or 4 weeks old. During this period, your baby is extremely vulnerable and needs full care and attention. He learns to eat, poop, sleep correctly, and makes some first involuntary movements. During this period, it is important to maintain the most comfortable environment for the child.
  • Grudnichkovy. This is the period from a month to a year of a baby’s life. At this time, he learns to control his body, learns to sit, stand up, crawl, walk and much more, he also actively explores the world and studies the environment. The baby develops most quickly in the first year of life. His first teeth appear and as he approaches the age of one year, he becomes more independent and partially separates from his mother. During this period, you need to carefully monitor the development and condition of the child, undergo all examinations and visit doctors on time.
  • Nursery. This is a period from one to three years. During this period, the child improves his skills, he learns to run, talk, make decisions and becomes even more independent. Speech and thinking become better, the child continues to actively grow and develop. At this time, many children are already starting to go to kindergarten and there is a more complete separation from their mother. For most kids this is a huge stress. And it is important to properly prepare your child for a trip to childcare facility. The main activity for children of this age is play. They learn to interact with each other, communicate, and make decisions independently.
When children begin to actively communicate with each other and attend kindergarten, there is a high risk that they will become infected with various childhood infectious diseases.
  • Preschool. This is a period from 3 to 7 years. At this time, your child’s character is being formed and he is developing as a person. He develops a manner of behavior and speech, he copies a lot from his parents, so it is very important to give the child good example. Speech is developing very actively, the child continues to learn to get along and communicate with peers. He also develops all psychological and physical processes. It's growing fast, something else is happening age development child, teeth change, the physique and structure of the body changes, he becomes independent. Knows how to draw logical conclusions and make decisions, can stand up for himself.
  • Junior school age. This is the period from 7 to 12 years, that is primary school. The child becomes more attentive, responsible and increasingly begins to realize that he is an individual and can safely make decisions on his own. Children learn to plan their future activities and actively develop their intellectual skills. There is a complete replacement of milk teeth with molars.
  • Senior school age. This is the period of puberty from 13 to 17 years. This is a huge leap in the growth and development of a child. He often becomes uncontrollable, disobedient and believes that he is already an adult and can make his own decisions and do whatever he wants. At this age stage there is a discovery inner world child, their own views are formed. The child becomes an adult and begins to live a more independent life.

The main stage of a child’s development can be called nursery, since it is during this year that the child grows at tremendous speed and learns to walk. As parents, it is important for you to understand that each child is very individual and can go through all stages with their own characteristics.