Drug treatment of migraine in the interictal period. Selected effective remedies. The nature of migraine

Migraine prevention does exist. The bottom line is that a person with this type of headache takes a certain drug every day for a certain time. His choice is made by a neurologist after examination. This medicine is effective for migraines because it does not act on the symptoms, but on the very mechanisms of the development of attacks. This reduces the number and severity of migraine attacks and reduces the burden of painkillers consumed.

But such preventive treatment for migraine is not prescribed to all patients with migraine.

It is justified if:

  • headache attacks become more frequent up to eight times a month or twice a week;
  • Even special anti-migraine painkillers - triptans: amigrenin, relpax, zomig - help a person little;
  • the patient cannot take analgesics and triptans due to contraindications - in the presence of uncontrolled hypertension, coronary heart and brain disease, after a heart attack;
  • the person does not tolerate migraine medications well. For example, in some people, after taking such drugs, blood pressure increases or decreases, and the pulse quickens. There are hot flashes and a feeling of a lump in the throat. Abdominal pain and dry mouth appear. And although these side effects temporary, not all patients can put up with them;
  • a person has a rare hereditary form headache - the so-called hemiplegic migraine. As it develops, the risk of stroke increases.

Choosing a drug for migraine prevention

To prevent migraines, seven groups of drugs are used as treatment today - from drugs to reduce blood pressure to drugs to reduce female sex hormones. Almost all drugs used to prevent migraine were discovered by chance, when practical application, and are not specifically designed for this purpose. Therefore, at first glance, it may seem strange why a person with migraine would be given medication for epilepsy or depression. And so that he does not have a desire to cancel it, the doctor explains what its benefits are.

Selecting such a preventive drug for migraines is an art. The doctor must take into account the mechanism of its action, effectiveness, spectrum adverse reactions. Looks at concomitant diseases person. First of all, for existing mental disorders. When selecting a drug for migraine prevention, it is important that the prescribed drug does not aggravate these problems, but helps treat them. Previous experience with medications and their compatibility are also taken into account. For example, simultaneous administration vasodilators may negate all preventative treatment for migraine.

In addition, it must be taken into account that quick effect there may be no benefit from such treatment. You need to wait, be patient. Migraine prevention medications exhibit their properties within three months. In this case, treatment is considered effective if the number of attacks is reduced by half. For example, if you used to get migraines eight times a month, but now only four, that’s good. In the future there will be even fewer attacks. And those that occur can be eliminated with smaller doses of analgesics and triptans.

Preventing migraines with Botox

In addition to medications, Botox and its analogues are used for the preventive treatment of migraines. Migraine prevention with Botox is today the “gold standard” of treatment. This is a scientifically proven, well-tested and proven technique.

The drug is injected into the areas of greatest tension and pain on the head. It relaxes stiff muscles. The nerve endings that transmit pain are blocked. And thus the frequency and severity of migraine attacks decreases.

One injection session usually lasts for 4-6 months. Then the drug is completely eliminated from the body. And its introduction can be repeated. And if you don’t like something, refuse or reduce the dose of the medicine. Moreover, if the injected Botox causes discomfort, there are approaches that can neutralize its effect ahead of schedule.

Preventative treatment for migraine needs to be repeated

However, no matter how successful migraine prevention is, it will not be possible to get rid of migraines forever. After all, migraine is chronic disease, most often embedded in genes. This means that under the influence of various provocateurs (causes of migraine) and different periods migraines may return in life. Therefore, migraine prevention is necessary from time to time. It is possible to change medications, their dosages, and regimen of use.

But it's also important own attitude person to illness. Every migraine patient should understand that the frequency of migraines directly depends on their lifestyle.

It is necessary to identify all your personal risks - those factors that provoke a migraine attack specifically for you. They can be stress or any strong emotions, lack of sleep, working at the computer, eating certain foods or drinks, inhaling odors.

And as soon as the impact of one of these factors is expected, preventive treatment for migraine is applied the day before. Let's say, if you know that in two days you will take an exam, sleep little and strain your eyes a lot, you need to take, for example, some kind of nootropic. This is the name for medications used to improve blood flow in the brain.

Another, purely female case of episodic migraine prevention is menstrual migraine. It appears at the end of the cycle due to a drop in hormone levels. In this situation, 3-4 days before the start of menstruation, the woman is recommended to take NSAIDs - non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. This will help prevent the development of severe attacks and serve as a good preventive measure for migraines.

Migraine prevention medications

Group of drugsExamples of drugsConcomitant diseases for which they are not prescribedConcomitant diseases for which it is prescribed
Anti-hypertension medications: 1. Beta blockersPropranolol, Metoprolol, Atenolol, BisoprololDepression, asthma, diabetes, heart failure, hemiplegic migraine is a hereditary form of the disease with aura and an increased risk of stroke. With caution - with low blood pressureHypertension, ischemic disease hearts, panic attacks
2.Blockers calcium channels VerapamilDecreased blood pressure, rare pulse, constipation, depressionMigraine with aura, hypertension, disease, asthma, coronary heart disease
Antiepileptic drugs (anticonvulsants)Topiramate, ValproateBronchial asthma, hemiplegic migraine, body weight deficiency, liver disease. With caution - for depression, anxiety, panic attacksObesity, increased convulsive readiness, epilepsy, manic syndrome
AntidepressantsAminotriptyline, Venlafaxine, DuloxetineLow blood pressure, epilepsy, mania, obesity, specific migraine with aura, urinary retention, heart blockDepression, anxiety, panic attacks, chronic pain, sleep disorders
Female sex hormone preparationsMonophasic combined oral contraceptives in a prolonged mode - for example, for three months without a break for bleedingIncreased blood clotting and a tendency to form blood clots, severe varicose veins, previous or threatening strokeHormone-dependent types of migraine, primarily menstrual migraine
Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugsIbuprofen, Naproxen, AspirinPeptic ulcer, gastritisMenstrual migraine, arthritis and other pain syndromes
Botulinum toxin type ABotox, Xeomin, LantoxSevere liver and kidney diseases, high degree of myopia, allergies, bleeding tendency, hemophilia, cancerChronic migraine, ineffectiveness drug prevention or drug intolerance

For effective migraine prevention, consult a specialist:

    Chief physician, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor, neurologist highest category

    Neurologist, professor, doctor of medical sciences

    Neurologist, Doctor of Medical Sciences

Migraine is a fairly common illness. This is a chronic neurological disease. It is known that it is inherited. Characterized by severe attacks of headache. More often, women suffer from migraines, but males can also be affected.

On average, attacks occur 2 to 8 times a month. The patient’s quality of life decreases: over time, loss of ability to work occurs and even assignment of disability. Migraine prevention consists of identifying the factors that provoked the attack and eliminating these factors.

Predisposing factors

Most often, patients can independently identify among previous events the fact that was to blame for the attack or the reason why relapses have become more frequent. Doctors identify the following factors:

  • chronic stress and fatigue;
  • emotional overstrain due to experienced negative emotions or their suppression;
  • eating foods that trigger seizures;
  • decreased blood glucose levels;
  • hormonal changes.
Get rid of stress in everyday life It's getting harder. Sedatives can come to the rescue. It is important to consult with your doctor before use.

Insufficient or excess sleep can also cause headache attacks. For an adult of working age, eight hours of sleep at night is quite enough (no less than 6 hours and no more than 9!). However, everything is individual and everyone already knows the needs of their body. To prevent migraines, it is important to maintain a sleep and rest schedule.

Avoid emotional exhaustion. You need to learn how to transform your negative emotions or throw them out without scandals. To do this, you can use psychological relief: tear paper into shreds, color, or go to boxing training. Everyone has their own methods of pouring out accumulated experiences. You should also pay attention to teas with mint and lemon balm - an excellent remedy for relaxation.

Dangerous food

The dependence of migraine attacks on the foods consumed was revealed. So, here is a list of foods to avoid:

  • Products containing amine. This additive provokes brain vessels to sharply narrow and expand. Amines are found in expensive varieties of cheese, sausages, legumes, chicken liver, smoked fish, crabs, and also in some fruits (citrus fruits and pineapples);
  • Coffee, as well as caffeinated products. You should even refrain from drinking green tea. Such healthy dark chocolate is especially dangerous. Note to those with a sweet tooth: milk and white chocolate are not classified as dangerous products;
  • Alcoholic drinks. Especially champagne, dark beers and dry red wine. Moreover, for an attack to occur, just a glass of wine or half a glass of beer will be enough;
  • Spices: cinnamon, red pepper, nutmeg.
Hypoglycemia is a decrease in blood sugar levels. A dependence of migraine attacks has been identified on this. Low blood sugar levels occur due to skipping meals and snacking. This is why it is so important to eat regularly and nutritiously.

The hormonal levels in women's bodies constantly fluctuate. It is believed that headaches are most common in the first half of the menstrual cycle, or rather, at the very beginning. Representatives of the fair sex are also susceptible to migraine attacks at the moment menopause(menopause). Women taking hormonal contraceptives, also at risk.

Treatment is aimed at timely relief of attacks and their prevention. Preventative treatment can be done with the help of medications or identification and subsequent exclusion of predisposing factors. As a rule, patients themselves assume what events provoke painful headaches and know how to prevent migraines.

Drug prevention involves taking medications to control migraine attacks. Their frequency, duration and intensity of headaches should decrease. It is also necessary to exclude the transition of migraine to a chronic form.

Preventive treatment is strictly individual approach and there is no way to do it without consulting a doctor.

Indications for drug prophylaxis

To preventive treatment medications resorted to improve the quality of life of patients who suffer from frequent and severe migraine attacks (or attacks). The decision on such treatment is made by a neurologist. Indications for taking medications:

  • The frequency of attacks reaches twice a month or even more. At the same time, the state of health is extremely difficult and it negatively affects performance;
  • The medications that the patient takes for attacks do not give the desired effect;
  • Seizures are caused by disorders of the nervous system. These are various neurological disorders, possible epileptic seizures;
  • “To treat”, that is, to stop, an attack has to be done more than twice a week.

Groups of medicines

For preventive therapy Unfortunately, one true remedy that would help all patients was probably not invented. Therefore, based on identifying the cause, the selection of drugs occurs exclusively individually. So, what groups of drugs are used for preventive treatment?

  • Vasodilators (beta blockers: atenolol, metoprolol; calcium blockers - flunarizine);
  • Antidepressants – amitriptyline;
  • Anticonvulsants – carbamazepine, topiramate, valproic acid;
  • Serotonin antagonists (contain ergot derivatives). For example, I collected a vase;
  • Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs.

The neurologist will prescribe the required dosage of the selected drug (or combination thereof) and prescribe a course of treatment and dosage regimen. It is important to seek help and not self-medicate and under no circumstances expect everything to go away on its own.

One of the most common neurological diseases that provoke acute attacks headache is a migraine. This pathology has a chronic course, and therefore has a significant impact on the lives of patients.

Most people suffering from this disease experience sleep disturbances, headaches, frequent nausea. To avoid this condition, doctors recommend migraine prevention, which will significantly reduce the risk of developing such a disease.

Headaches can develop in every person, regardless of age, but migraines most often occur in women between 30-45 years of age.

In what cases is it necessary to carry out

Migraine prevention should be started in the following cases:

  • Tendency to epileptic seizures.
  • Availability neurological disorders, including long-term depression, neurosis, depression, worsening sleep.
  • Period after recently suffered trauma heads.
  • Frequent headaches that occur after exertion.
  • Impact specific factors which may increase the risk of disease (stress, depression).
  • Lack of the required effect after taking analgesics.
  • Increased frequency of migraine attacks. In this condition, a person needs to take medications to prevent prolonged attacks that affect nerve receptors.

What are the goals of treatment

Main goal this treatment is to reduce the severity and frequency of developing attacks.

However, patients should be aware that migraine is a chronic condition, the course of which can only be alleviated with the help of correct mode and a number effective drugs. These actions will help reduce the risk of complications from the disease (hypertension, stroke), and also improve general health sick.

Prevention of migraine is possible through the use of a number of drugs that are effective folk remedies, homeopathy and massage.

Moreover, eliminating the provoking factors of the disease plays an important role in preventing attacks. In some cases, it is precisely this action that allows one to stabilize a person’s condition and protect him from manifestations of the disease. Patient reviews only confirm this.

Elimination of provoking factors

To prevent migraines, it is advisable for a person to reconsider his work and rest schedule. Thus, it is important to avoid physical overexertion. It is also worth getting a full eight hours of sleep.

To prevent headaches, you should avoid drinking alcohol and coffee. It is also necessary to avoid stress, depression, nervous overstrain and excitement.

Another attack can be caused by bright light, bad smell or loud sound. That is why such factors should be limited from a sick person.

Non-medicinal products

To improve the condition and prevent the occurrence of migraines, you can do self-massage of the legs, head and neck. Also helps a lot contrast shower and baths with sea ​​salt and essential oils.

If an attack occurs, you should immediately contact a neurologist. You cannot try to endure such a condition, especially when it is accompanied by vomiting, dizziness and abdominal pain.

Medicines for migraine prevention: homeopathy remedies, best medicines and doctor's advice

Reception homeopathic remedies is part of the treatment of many diseases and migraine attacks are no exception.

  • Belladonna. This is a universal drug for the prevention of migraines and pain of any other localization.
  • Yellow jasmine. It helps well with severe pain in the head, neuralgia, and nervous exhaustion.
  • Nux vomica or vomit nut. It eliminates spasms, cramps, and muscle tension.
  • Meadow lumbago. The product is great for pain relief, nervous tension, weaknesses.

It is important to remember that homeopathy remedies will help eliminate the symptoms of the disease and improve the functioning of the nervous system. At the same time, unfortunately, they will not get rid of the disease completely.


In most cases, doctors prescribe several medications to prevent migraines. These may be beta blockers or calcium channel blockers (Verapamil, Amlodipine). They reduce blood pressure and normalize the functioning of the human heart.

To eliminate pain, analgesics are often used, as well as drugs from the NSAID group (Aspirin, Nurofen).

If a person’s condition is on the verge of a breakdown, and he often experiences attacks, the patient is prescribed antidepressants (Amitriptyline). They should be taken with extreme caution due to high risk side effects.

Drug groups

If a person suffers from diabetes, heart disease, hypertension, or is emotionally unstable, it is recommended that he take medications to prevent migraines.

The following groups of drugs can be used for this:

  • Antidepressants.
  • Serotonin antagonists.
  • Remedies for seizures.
  • Sedatives(plant origin).
  • Beta blockers.

It is important to know that only the attending physician can prescribe a specific drug for each patient individually, depending on the symptoms, cause and extent of the disease. The specialist also takes into account the patient’s age and the presence of concomitant pathologies.

Selected effective remedies

The following effective tips will help reduce the risk of developing this disease in humans:

  • Eliminate loud noise or flickering light.
  • Completely stop drinking alcohol and smoking (even passive).
  • Maintain proper nutrition, which will be rich in vitamins and beneficial microelements. The basis of the menu should be nutritious homemade dishes from fish, meat, vegetables, and fruits.
  • Create comfortable conditions for relaxation, which will be dominated by delicate yellow, blue and green shades.
  • Have proper rest.
  • Do meditation and yoga regularly.
  • Protect yourself from stress and all sorts of worries. If you experience frequent worries, you should consult a doctor (preferably go to a neurologist or psychologist) before depression occurs.
  • Sleep on a comfortable mattress and a hard pillow.
  • Do regular relaxation procedures and pay due attention to rest fresh air.

Migraine is a neuralgic disease which amazes nervous system and is characterized by periodic attacks of headaches or regular, painful sensations on one side of the head or the other.

What is important to know about migraine

In some cases, migraines can be bilateral. Young girls aged 20-30 years and adult women aged 40 to 50 are related to this problem. Sometimes this disease occurs in children from 4 years of age. The occurrence of these attacks occurs 1-2 times a year and reaches several times a week or month.

Migraine tablets. List of effective inexpensive means for headaches is presented below in this article

Migraines often occur due to the activation process occurring in the center trigeminal nerve. Migraines can be inherited. As the body matures, its signs weaken. Between the ages of 25 and 35, this disease reaches its peak.

Migraine symptoms

This disease is different from others. It appears suddenly, does not respond to analgesics and also disappears imperceptibly. Migraine symptoms include pain on one side of the head and can last from half an hour to five days. It can be in the area of ​​the eyes, forehead and temples.

Patients are often irritated by bright lights and strong sounds. At the same time, the pressure remains normal. A person may experience nausea, sometimes accompanied by vomiting. This occurs spontaneously, without connection to a stroke, brain tumor, and sometimes can indicate the development of such pathologies.

There are several types of migraine:

  1. Ocular, without aura,
  2. Hemiplegic,
  3. Cervical.

Headache rarely occurs on both sides of the head. The appearance of migraine in such cases is associated with blood vessels, but has nothing to do with an increase or decrease in blood pressure. Intracranial pressure or attacks of glaucoma, also have no reason to cause migraine. This is a completely different kind of headache.

Interesting fact! Even before the birth of Christ, this disease was known, but it had no name. Later, the great Hippocrates described the symptoms of the disease (around 400 AD) and designated its name. However, the founder of its classical name was the ancient Roman physician Claudius Galen.

And he also made the discovery about the localization of pain. Many geniuses were accompanied by this disease. It is inherent in people who prefer mental work. Many brilliant personalities suffered from this disease: (Pontius Pilate, Pyotr Tchaikovsky, Edgar Allan Poe, Karl Marx, Anton Pavlovich Chekhov, Julius Caesar, Sigmund Freud, Darwin, Newton).

Causes of migraine in women

The main factor in the occurrence of migraine in women is heredity, but its causes have not yet been fully elucidated, since it has complex mechanism development of such a condition.

The following body overloads can provoke migraines:

  1. Physical;
  2. Emotional;
  3. Eating disorders;
  4. Alcohol consumption;
  5. Sleep disturbance;
  6. Solar overheating;
  7. Changes in weather conditions;
  8. Smoking;
  9. Changes in hormonal levels in women

Statistics show that in 80% of cases women are affected by this disease. Males also have a risk of getting the disease, but in women this disease manifests itself much more often than in men.

Migraines have genetic predisposition. It is inherited from the mother to the children.

This is interesting! People engaged in mental work, active, ambitious and striving for heights are targeted by this selective disease. They want to be the first everywhere and in everything, thereby forcing the brain to work incessantly and waste energy inappropriately. The risk group for this disease is workaholics.

How to treat migraine

In this case, self-medication is strictly contraindicated, since improper use of medications can lead to new attacks and a protracted course of the disease.

There is no clear answer on how to treat the disease. But there are recommended groups of medications aimed at reducing attacks.

Migraine tablets

List of effective medications:

  1. Drugs, do not contain drugs (paracetamol, ibuprofen)
  2. Cerucal
  3. Medicine, in the form of a spray (dihydroergotamine) Patients often carry it with them.
  4. Sumatriptan and others are seratannin receptor agonists.

In 95% of cases, with the help of these drugs, the attack is successfully copied outside the hospital. If the medications do not have the desired effect, the patient must be immediately hospitalized. For mild cases of the disease, the use of one analgesic is sufficient.

For more severe and persistent attacks, a triptan drug is recommended. During the onset of an attack, you need to take a triptan tablet and do one spray of the spray, and repeat these steps two hours later.

In that case if the drug does not have an effect, you need to change the drug. That's why the process of migraine treatment itself takes away long time and is accompanied by financial losses for the patient.


These drugs can be bought at any pharmacy without a doctor's prescription. Analgesics, today, are the most popular for relieving pain syndrome. To get the effect of these drugs, they should be taken 2 tablets per day, washed down a large number liquids.

These drugs are recommended not only as painkillers, but also as an antipyretic. Analgin with Tempalgin - the most common drugs this group, but they have many side effects. Use very carefully for children.

Aspirin or acetylsalicylic acid It is used for migraines as an antipyretic, and Codeine has a weak narcotic and analgesic effect. Caffeine is a psychostimulant during migraine attacks.


10 years ago these were effective remedies for combating migraines. After some time, medical luminaries came to the conclusion that during migraine attacks there are no spasms, which means antispasmodics don't carry that therapeutic effect like caffeine-containing drugs. Antispasmodics that patients often take: Ho-spa, Dibazol, Nicotinic acid and other drugs.


Experts advise not to get carried away with antidepressants, because by calming the nervous system and eliminating headache, this does not guarantee that the patient will receive effective treatment for migraine. Even as a preventive measure, sedatives such as Doxelin and Amitriptyline are not suitable for everyone.

Caffeine tablets

Tablets containing caffeine (non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs) are used to relieve attacks and treat moderate illness.

Migraine triptans (drugs), price

Triptans are not always effective for migraine; only some of their groups actually provide positive result. The drug must be tested. They are not only able to relieve the patient from headaches, but also eliminate the symptoms associated with this disease (nausea, vomiting).

When testing these drugs, it was found that 65% of subjects received significant relief. At modern treatment migraines use the following drugs: sumatriptan, zolmitriptan, naratriptan and eletriptan. The price in pharmacies starts from 100 rubles. up to 1500 rub.

Important: Triptans are inadmissible in the treatment of patients suffering from blood pressure, and IHD. This risk group also includes patients who have suffered a myocardial infarction or stroke.

Treatment with folk remedies

If the attacks are infrequent, then necessary help folk remedies will provide. They will also be effective during exacerbations of the disease.

At the first signs of a migraine, a drink made from raspberry herbs and willow branches in a 1:1 ratio will help. In this healing drink contains acetylsalicylic acid. You can drink hot black tea.

In some cases, a decoction of ergot is used, but, unfortunately, it is very toxic and can cause poisoning. Ergot has its own contraindications: pregnancy, hypertension and angina. The recommended course is a week.

If the patient refuses to take decoctions and medications orally, then there is another way. Rub mint behind the ears on the forehead and temple essential oil - it relieves migraine pain. Sometimes caraway oil can also help as an anticonvulsant.

Sharp headaches can be relieved by placing a wet towel on the area. A cold foot bath will also be effective. In your diet, you need to pay attention to vegetables, except tomatoes. B vitamins must be present in the diet.


Our ancestors successfully used such a simple remedy as compresses. You can place cut potatoes, lemon slices or a wet canvas cloth on your forehead. Ice cubes will also help. Alternating cold and hot compresses give positive results.

Lemon compress

Lemon compress is considered very effective. Squeeze the juice from the lemon into a cup and place it in the refrigerator for 10 minutes. A bandage or gauze should be soaked in this juice and applied to the forehead and temples. Keep this compress for 30 minutes.

Herbal decoctions, infusions, teas

In certain cases, hot black tea with honey can help. Tea contains substances that affect the nervous system, and they have soft action unlike coffee. The brain receives much more oxygen and the patient relaxes. Blood circulation is normalized and the patient experiences significant relief.

Green tea for headaches

Another remedy is very useful in this case - green tea with a pinch of mint. It copes well with headaches, which are caused, in addition to migraines, by fatigue, overwork, vasospasm, and menstruation in women. You should drink it once a day and before meals.

Start of use: at the first attacks of headache. Drink green tea very slowly, sips at a time., because it affects blood pressure levels. Brew it in a porcelain cup, letting it steep a little. In terms of potency, it is equal to black tea.

Migraine with aura, symptoms, treatment

Migraines with aura - severe paroxysmal headaches, which are preceded by visual and speech disorders.

The peculiarity of this migraine is that it is complicated by various visual disturbances. To correctly diagnose migraine with aura, one must rely on neurological and ophthalmological examinations, EEG, MRI and CT scan of the brain.

Treatment includes preventing and stopping attacks.


This type of migraine is characterized by precursors that last about an hour. To stop an attack, you should take medications prescribed by your doctor. During this period, the patient experiences loss of sensitivity, speech disorder, cuts, and sees lightning or black spots in his eyes.

All this may be accompanied by hallucinations. And only after the end of these symptoms, an hour later, a severe headache occurs. The disease spreads to the forehead, temples, eyes and involves lower jaw. At such a time, the pills will not give the desired effect.

There is pallor skin, then sharp redness, lacrimation begins. In the area affected by the disease, the mucous membrane of the eye is hyperemic.

Symptoms such as frequent and large amounts of salivation, nausea and difficulty breathing due to nasal congestion gradually appear.

Causes of migraine with aura

  1. Stressful conditions;
  2. Lack of sleep;
  3. Sudden temperature changes;
  4. The light is too bright;
  5. Constant noise;
  6. Monitor flickering;
  7. Strong odors;
  8. Excessive sexual activity;
  9. Menses;
  10. Long-term use of contraceptives;
  11. Therapy with hormones.

It has been noticed that people who do not complain about life and are optimistic about it are much less likely to suffer from migraine attacks than those who experience constant feeling dissatisfaction and irritability. People who suffer from this type of migraine are: hypochondriacs, patients depressive neurosis and sleep disorders and chronic fatigue syndrome.

To combat migraines, you need to follow a diet. Many foods can trigger headache attacks. These are food products such as: citrus fruits, fish roe, bananas, cheese, nuts and red wine.

Neurologists say that it is not the foods themselves that are harmful, but the timing of the onset of the attack and the consumption of certain foods. The brain records this, and then causes a headache as a reaction to this product.

Treatment of migraine with aura

Treatment of migraine with aura is divided into two areas: the treatment of migraine attacks and their prevention. In this case, an individual approach and treatment based on ECG results is important.

1.How to stop attacks

Use NSAIDs (naproxen, ibuprofen, diclofenac) or analgesics. For severe and prolonged headaches, the doctor prescribes medications such as triptans: zolmitriptan, naratriptan, eletriptan, sumatriptan.

In case of vomiting, anti-vomiting medications are added: chlorpromazine or domperidone.

2. To prevent migraine attacks, it is recommended to carry out a course of treatment with drugs 1-2 times a month. The procedure is very lengthy and takes a lot of time. Antidepressants and psychotropic medications are also recommended. Scientists are still busy with the problem effective treatment migraines.

Important to know! There is also a non-drug approach to quality treatment of this disease. The patient’s attitude towards the disease, adherence to diet and nutrition, and the use of decoctions are very important. The psychological aspect is also important here.

The patient must analyze the situation and change his lifestyle. If this is not done, then he may receive increased doses of medications for a long time without visible results.

Migraine in children, symptoms, treatment

Causes and treatment of migraine in children

In children, the disease appears suddenly and without apparent reason, however, it can be provoked by eating certain products, Chinese dishes.

At risk:

  • sugar;
  • caffeine;
  • chocolate;
  • nuts.

Symptoms in children they are the same as in adults. Before illness, a child may become whiny, irritable and withdrawn, or, conversely, agitated and talkative. These children have disturbed sleep and appetite.

A child's aura is often visual. The child is not able to tell what is bothering him, and then the doctor shows pictures or asks him to draw what he sees. Usually, various lines, dots, unclear and blurry pictures appear before his eyes.

The child often feels dizzy, speech functions are impaired, memory suffers and the face goes numb. There are problems with coordination. The attack lasts 4 hours. The child becomes lethargic, taciturn, drowsy, and afraid of light. Nausea, vomiting, chills and fatigue occur. This continues for several days after the attack.

To treat migraines in children, it is necessary to follow a daily routine, protect from stress, follow a diet, if the child is a schoolchild, then you need to reduce the study load. The attack can be stopped at home. To do this, you need to put the child on the bed in a dark and cool room so that he can fall asleep.

Depending on the duration of the attack, you can stop it with ibuprofen or naproxen, in addition to aspirin. Medicines should be given no more than 2 times a week during exacerbation.

How to relieve migraine (headache) during pregnancy

Treatment during pregnancy

During pregnancy, migraines either increase or decrease. Sometimes such attacks are noticed in a woman for the first time. This is partly due to hormonal fluctuations. This disease does not have any effect on the unborn child.

The following symptoms are typical for migraine patients:

  1. Fever along with headache;
  2. Duration of attack or frequent repetition of pain;
  3. Deterioration of vision (blurred and unclear outlines).

How to relieve migraines during pregnancy

When pain occurs, just put a cool compress on your head. During pregnancy, experts recommend taking acetaminophen tablets (Tylenol) strictly as recommended by your doctor. You should not take anti-inflammatory drugs, especially aspirin, on your own.

Gymnastics against migraines

Gymnastics and self-massage have a very positive effect on the human body during this disease. Gymnastics against migrainesVery effective remedy . You can eliminate the pulsation in the head only by raising and lowering your eyebrows. Blurry vision can be avoided by applying pressure to the eyeballs.

If you stroke your temples in a circular motion for at least 2 minutes, you can reduce attacks of debilitating headaches. If you shake your head in one direction or the other, the effect of the procedure will be positive.

Another good exercise: you need to lie on the floor with your sacrum on a tennis ball and lie down for a while. But these exercises are only effective if the attacks are not very severe.

What not to do if you have a migraine

There is no need to self-medicate, believing that the headache will go away. Some foods may cause allergies. You need to decide on a diet and not break it under no circumstances. More than 30% of migraine patients reported an increase in headaches when eating a certain product.

Migraine prevention, medications and more

TO preventive methods include:

  1. Relaxation exercises;
  2. Yoga;
  3. Acupuncture;
  4. Massage.

It is necessary to monitor the foods that are eaten daily. To prevent migraines, you should eliminate foods containing tyramine from your diet. Limit products such as cocoa, citrus fruits, chocolate, legumes, and hard cheeses to a minimum amount or eliminate them completely. Alcohol in any form is prohibited for migraines.

Walking in the fresh air will be beneficial, the absence stressful situations, positive attitude towards life. Healthy sleep and good quality nutrition will restore strength and good spirits. Take B vitamins from time to time and monitor your vascular health.

Migraine tablets. A list of effective inexpensive remedies for headaches is presented in this video:

Video about what migraine is and how migraine medications work:

Many people are familiar with migraines. A painful headache makes you forget about household chores, work and weekend plans. Most often, only sleeping with the curtains closed helps. The patient is irritated by any sounds. But the bad thing is that the attack may not go away for several days. This is a big nuisance, since most of us need to go to work under almost any circumstances. This symptom is difficult to treat, so migraine prevention medications are a good option for most people.

General characteristics of migraine

This is a neurological disease, which is characterized by the development of a severe, pressing headache. Not everyone has heard about drugs for migraine prevention. Usually we start thinking about pills during an attack. But this won’t work with migraines. Often patients complain that during an attack the stomach does not accept either food or pills. Trying to take the drug causes vomiting. It remains to use only drugs for intramuscular or intravenous injections.

Disappointing forecast

Unfortunately, migraine cannot be cured. This complex disease, the cause of which may be the whole complex reasons, including psychological and physiological. Therefore, migraine prevention is very important. A neurologist or therapist can select medications for this.

If we cannot cure the disease, then we need to prevent attacks or at least make them less pronounced. To do this, you need to find out the causes of migraines and identify irritating factors. It has not yet been possible to determine the exact causes, but it is known that the disease develops against the background of constant stress, an unbalanced diet, bad habits And hormonal changes. The mechanism of development of the disease is associated with vasodilation. Migraine prevention medications are sold in large quantities in pharmacies today, but before using them you should definitely consult a doctor.

Smart prevention

You can repeat as much as you like that you don’t have enough time. But migraine attacks, especially if they are frequent, rob you of much more resources and strength. Smart prevention ensures long-term remission and eliminates the development of long-term pathology. Timely preventive measures will help cure the first symptoms. You need to understand well that drugs for migraine prevention will not work if they are not supplemented with vitamins, medications for external use and folk remedies for headaches.


We are what we eat. This famous saying becomes even more relevant if we're talking about about migraine. Seizures are triggered by certain food additives that are included in the menu. These are not empty words, but a verified fact. That is, you can select medications to prevent migraine attacks as much as you like, but if you eat a lot of fatty and sweet foods, they will be ineffective.

Therefore, we begin prevention by excluding fatty foods and large amounts of sweets. Biscuits and a couple of caramels with tea are allowed, but cakes with cream are best left only for the most special days. Large quantity spices can also provoke attacks. Headaches can be caused by chocolate and smoked foods, alcoholic drinks and caffeine.

Your behavior

Also very important point. As you know, migraine is a neurological disease. That is, stress and anxiety, serious loads- all this affects the frequency of attacks. This pattern is confirmed by reviews from doctors. Migraine prevention medications have an auxiliary effect. Human behavior plays a huge role in prevention.

The patient must know what is causing his attacks and be careful. This could be a reaction to weather changes, stress or phobias. After conflict situation It happens that no medications help. That is, this neurological problem, and first of all you need to calm down.

The basis of prevention is the correct daily routine. You need to work productively, but in moderation. Be sure to take breaks, switch to other things on weekends, and take vacations. Sleeping less than 6 hours will negate all prevention. But it is also not recommended to sleep for a long time, because it provokes headaches.

Experts recommend planning your weekend and workday as much as possible. You need to get up and go to bed at the same time. An excellent tool is a contrast shower, strong and very morning exercises. Need to drink more clean water so that the vessels are constantly filled with liquid.

If a person feels that the symptoms are approaching, then preventive measures no longer help. Common symptoms include aura, fear of lights and sounds, smells, and nausea. Reviews of drugs for migraine prevention confirm that at this point it is already too late to take anything. You need to take a horizontal position and place it on your forehead cold compress. The best way out would be to disconnect from problems and eliminate irritating factors. Sometimes neurologists suggest taking an antidepressant.

Migraine prevention medications

The list should be in every home where there is a person who suffers from this disease. Please note: when your head already hurts, it’s too late to drink them. And be sure to pay attention to your psycho-emotional state. Frequent exposure to stress not only provokes headaches, other organs also suffer.

If a person suffers diabetes mellitus, this can also cause headaches. Therefore, you need to monitor your sugar levels. Mental and physical overstrain is the most common cause. In this case, they resort to sedatives.

Let's look at the names of migraine prevention medications that can help prevent a serious attack:

  • "Ibuprofen." This is one of the universal painkillers and anti-inflammatory drugs. After about 10 minutes, the medicine blocks the hormones that bring painful sensations.
  • "Aspirin". It is used for migraines with aura. Antiemetic drugs are combined with it. After about 4 hours the pain goes away completely.
  • "Paracetamol". Its effectiveness cannot be called high, but in some cases it can help.

In fact, it is quite difficult to choose medications for migraine prevention. Names and reviews of those appointed medicines they say that most of them can help directly stop or weaken an attack. Moreover, the sooner you felt it approaching and took the pills, the faster you will feel relief. If attacks occur frequently, you should consult a doctor who will prescribe more serious and effective medications:

  • Beta blockers. They are prescribed in courses for preventive purposes. But the mechanism of action is still not clear, so it is difficult to say whether the drug really has a significant effect on the body. These medications are Atenolol, Metoprolol, Nadolol and others.
  • Serotonin antagonists. They provoke the release of serotonin and theoretically can be used as prophylaxis.
  • Triptans. Responsible for preventing pain. That is, drugs of this group are taken at the moment when they feel the first symptoms: nausea, aura. These are "Zomig", "Imigran", "Sumatrix". Reviews from doctors recommend these drugs as the most effective, they are not addictive and can be used for a long time.

  • Hormonal drugs. Used if seizures are associated with menstrual cycle.
  • Combined analgesics and antispasmodics. Combination drugs are used for the treatment and prevention of attacks, as they immediately affect a number of symptoms. The base is paracetamol.
  • Antidepressants. According to doctors, they are effective for treating and preventing chronic migraine. Independent uncontrolled use is extremely undesirable, as it leads to mental disorders. Drugs such as Amitriptyline and Venlafaxine are often prescribed. Of course, antidepressants have a number of side effects, but in some cases they help you return to normal life.

Preventive treatment with folk remedies

This method requires more time than using tablets. But otherwise, this is a gentle way to relieve a migraine attack:

  • Clover infusion. It is effective for any headache. To prepare the infusion, you need to pour 1 tablespoon of inflorescences with a glass of boiling water. Take 1/3 cup after meals.
  • Oregano brewed in a similar way relieves an already developing attack.
  • Strong sweet tea is great for coping with attacks and boosting immunity.
  • Menthol ointment. When applied to the temples, it increases blood circulation and relieves pain.
  • Baths with sea salt. Just 15-20 minutes - and you can relax.
  • Massage. Effective for incipient headaches.

Instead of a conclusion

We reviewed the main drugs for migraine prevention. The list of titles can be saved so that it is at hand at the right time. If attacks of pain occur more than twice a week, then you need to see a doctor and undergo an examination. Preventive treatment sometimes requires quite serious vascular drugs. If you regularly take this course, you can avoid severe attacks. Of course, we must not forget about proper nutrition and daily routine.