Vegetative vascular dystonia symptoms treatment drugs. Signs of vegetative-vascular dystonia in women

Disorders of the autonomic nervous system are among the most common today. Almost a third of such cases require quality treatment and regular monitoring by a psychotherapist and neurologist. Vegetative vascular dystonia may first begin to appear in childhood or adolescence. It has been observed that women suffer from VSD three times more often than men. What factors can contribute to the development of such insidious disease? Emotional stress, a period of hormonal changes, climate change, overload, exacerbation of endocrine, somatic, neurological diseases or neurotic disorders. Often, vegetative-vascular dystonia can develop depending on hereditary predisposition. But how to recognize and properly treat such a disease?

How does vegetative-vascular dystonia manifest: symptoms, treatment

Symptoms of this disease associated with a violation of the basic control functions in one or several at once vegetative systems. Blood pressure may be increased or, conversely, decreased. The patient's heart rate is impaired, tachycardia develops, while in the left half chest appear painful sensations. On the part of the respiratory system, a feeling of lack of air, attacks of suffocation, sometimes shortness of breath, as well as rapid and forced breathing may begin. Vegetative-vascular dystonia can be accompanied by changes in the gastrointestinal tract, as well as the genitourinary, vestibular and thermoregulatory systems. People with this condition often complain of headaches, drowsiness, weakness, tinnitus, or even possibly fainting. Frequent dizziness and sensitive reaction to weather conditions are also characteristic. People who have this condition usually blush or turn pale easily. All of these signs can appear either constantly or occasionally. Treatment must be started, regardless of the degree of VSD and its type. Since the internal balance in the body and its processes is disturbed, which means that not only blood circulation, but heat exchange and digestion will work poorly.

Vegetovascular dystonia (VSD): treatment

Having learned more about a disease such as vegetative-vascular dystonia, the symptoms cannot be ignored. Although the diagnosis is not extremely life-threatening, the consequences are alarming. The disease itself is extremely insidious, difficult to cure and “fuzzy” in diagnosis. Many people prefer medication, while others choose traditional methods. The drugs prescribed by doctors can be addictive. For this reason, self-medication is extremely dangerous. Special medications are often prescribed - antidepressants and sedatives. Provide beneficial effect Herbs, such as hawthorn and motherwort, can affect the body. Vegetative-vascular dystonia can bring less concern if, taking into account age, you think through exercises and engage in physical therapy. Well, don’t forget that for any disease the best medicine can be called rest. Sticking with everyone necessary recommendations, you can feel much better!

A modern common disease of the body, based on the psychological state of a person, is vegetative-vascular dystonia. The signs of this disease are quite extensive, as are the types, since VSD can be understood as diseases of the endocrine system, heart and blood vessels, central nervous system, impaired blood circulation, mental disorders and even stress.

Other names for vegetative-vascular dystonia are:

  1. Somatoform autonomic dysfunction (SVD).
  2. Neurocirculatory dystonia (NCD).

Due to poor nutrition, constant stress, workload, fatigue and lack of proper treatment, when a person gets sick, almost 70% of the entire population can be diagnosed with VSD. Among them, up to 75% suffer from it among adults and up to 35% among adolescents and children.

The website explains the appearance of vegetative-vascular dystonia in the younger generation by hormonal changes, stress and heavy workload at school. More VSD is inherent female due to his unstable emotional state and hormonal changes.

Why does vegetative-vascular dystonia occur?

Vegetative-vascular dystonia can manifest itself in moments of stress, as well as during physical exertion, which becomes a constant phenomenon. Weakness of the cardiovascular system leads to the constant manifestation of VSD, especially if a person is exposed to stress or the influence of a traumatic situation. Why does vegetative-vascular dystonia occur?

  • Hereditary weakness of the cardiovascular and nervous systems.
  • Diseases of the endocrine system, in particular low level TSH or diabetes mellitus.
  • Diseases of the nervous system, encephalopathy.
  • Regular lack of sleep, overwork.
  • Brain injuries.
  • Gastrointestinal diseases: pancreatitis, ulcers, gallbladder diseases.
  • Period of hormonal changes: menopause, pregnancy, adolescence.
  • Cervical osteochondrosis, which leads to impaired nutrition of the brain.
  • Sudden change of residence.
  • Individual characteristics: iatrogeny (suspiciousness and increased vulnerable reaction to the words of medical staff, a tendency to see death behind each diagnosis), hypochondria (see behind the slightest symptoms serious illnesses) increased anxiety.
  • Abuse of drugs, alcohol, caffeine.
  • Chronic diseases, in particular in the oral cavity (caries, tonsillitis).
  • Chronic heart diseases (defects, arrhythmia, bradycardia and tachycardia).
  • Constant stress and psychological stress.
  • Heavy stress on the body.
  • Allergy.

In children, VSD is a consequence of strong experiences due to the situation in the family: conflicts between parents, divorce, scandals, etc.

By what signs can vegetative-vascular dystonia be recognized?

Vegetative-vascular dystonia has many forms of manifestation. Doctors usually make this diagnosis when they cannot explain the reasons feeling unwell person. When absent obvious symptoms diseases, but signs of VSD are noted, then such a diagnosis is made. Moreover, vegetative-vascular dystonia is recognized by 150 signs, the most important of which are:

  • Sleep disturbance.
  • Headaches (migraine).
  • Dizziness.
  • Swelling of tissues.
  • Difficulty breathing (inability to breathe deeply).
  • Heart pain, work interruptions, cardialgia.
  • Coldness of the extremities, rare convulsions, trembling of the hands.
  • Joint pain.
  • Myalgia and neuralgia.
  • Gastrointestinal disorder.
  • Urinary dysfunction.
  • Neurotic disorders: increased anxiety, suspiciousness, phobias, obsessive movements and thoughts, hysteria.
  • Asthenia – weakness, fatigue, fainting.
  • Apathy.
  • Symptomatic-adrenaline crises at night: cold sweating, trembling of the whole body, fear of death, anxiety.
  • "Formication.
  • Numbness of the limbs.
  • Feeling of heat on the face.
  • Temperature rises to 37 degrees.
  • Decreased performance.
  • Memory impairment.
  • Drowsiness during the day and insomnia at night.
  • Depressed mood, depression.
  • Wariness, timidity.
  • Loss of appetite due to nausea, but stable weight gain.
  • Feeling of a “lump in the throat.”
  • Stomach ache.
  • Pain in calf muscles, especially at night.

Children may experience the following symptoms:

  1. Feeling of heat in the body.
  2. Weight loss when not eating.
  3. Increased heart rate.
  4. Hot temper.
  5. Sensitivity to pain.
  6. Neuroses.
  7. Sudden mood swings.
  8. Temperament.
  9. Inattention.

Types of vegetative-vascular dystonia

There are many types of vegetative-vascular dystonia. Based on the nature of the effect on the cardiovascular system, there are:

  1. Hypertensive. Fatigue with moderate physical activity, pressing headaches, decreased heart rate, memory impairment.
  2. Hypotensive. Constant weakness, loss of strength, fatigue, numbness and coldness in the extremities, fainting in stuffy rooms and morning time, headaches, cool skin, low mood.
  3. Cardiac. “Frozen” heart, interruptions in work, tachycardia, lack of air.

Vegetative-vascular dystonia is classified according to severity:

  • Light. Symptoms come in waves. Remissions last a very long time. Typically, exacerbations occur after a stressful situation, prolonged physical or mental stress. Occur no more than 2 times a year.
  • Average. Symptoms appear in waves and brightly. Exacerbations last up to several months. During this period, a person’s performance may significantly or completely decrease.
  • Heavy. Constantly experiencing symptoms of the disease. In moments of strong interruptions in the heart, a person experiences fear of death. There are interruptions in the ability to breathe. Efficiency is completely lost. Sometimes hospitalization is required.

Vegetative-vascular dystonia in children

The first attacks of the vegetative-vascular system can occur at 6-13 years of age, when the child begins to complain of difficulty breathing during physical exertion, a feeling of heat and heavy sweating, coldness in the extremities, constant weakness and pain in the heart area.

Vegetative-vascular dystonia affects children with pathologies and birth injuries brain. The development of the respiratory and cardiovascular systems is also important here. Other factors contributing to the development of VSD in children are:

  1. Frequent stress.
  2. Troubled atmosphere in the team or family.
  3. Overvoltage.
  4. Frequent change of residence.
  5. Bad habits.
  6. Aggressive living conditions.

In some children, vegetative-vascular dystonia is a consequence of character traits, which can become chronic. To prevent the development of VSD in children, preventive measures should be taken to create a calm environment, ensure favorable conditions life, proper nutrition, proper rest, etc.

How to treat vegetative-vascular dystonia?

Vegetative-vascular dystonia must be treated comprehensively. First, it is necessary to diagnose the cause of its development. A psychoneurologist or neurologist will help here. You should also undergo examination for the condition of the cardiovascular and respiratory systems.

  1. Elimination of the physiological disease that provoked VSD.
  2. Taking a course with a psychotherapist to eliminate psychological problems.
  3. Restorative and relaxing methods: massage, yoga, meditation, vitamin therapy, acupuncture, rest, breathing exercises.

It will take a long time to get rid of vegetative-vascular dystonia, since its development also took a lot of time. Here the question often arises of changing the habitual lifestyle that a person led and which led to the disease.

Consequences of the disease and prognosis

The prognosis for the treatment of vegetative-vascular dystonia is always favorable. This disease is not fatal, but can lead to unpleasant consequences if not eliminated:

  • Impaired functioning of the cardiovascular system: increased volume, tachyarrhythmia, persistent increase in blood pressure.
  • Heart attack and stroke.
  • Decreased immunity.
  • Lack of performance.
  • Predisposition to the occurrence of infectious diseases.

Vegetative-vascular dystonia can be prevented by preventive measures, which include a healthy diet, alternating work and rest, eliminating stress, visiting a psychotherapist, giving up bad habits, introducing moderate physical activity, and timely elimination of body diseases.

Vegetative-vascular dystonia (VSD) is included in the list of the most common diseases of mankind. Symptoms of VSD are found in almost 50% of adults and children, and only a small part of them promptly seek help from doctors.

Developing vegetative-vascular dystonia due to disturbances in the normal functioning of the autonomic nervous system, which is responsible for functioning bloodstream and internal organs.

To the classic symptoms vegetative-vascular Dystonia includes: a sudden feeling of lack of air and a coma in the throat, rapid pulse, sudden increase and decrease in blood pressure, pain in the area where the heart is located, abdominal cramps, hot flashes, sweating.

Treatment of the disease includes: psychotherapy, the use of sedatives, antidepressants, herbal medicine, lifestyle changes, conflict resolution and stress management.

What is VSD?

Vegetative-vascular dystonia in any of its many manifestations is a disorder and dysfunction of the autonomic nervous system. The patient presents a lot of complaints that relate to different systems and organs. Moreover, the entire complex of observed symptoms occurs at any time without visible provoking factors and causes panic fear in a person, up to the fear of sudden death. Such attacks are called “panic attacks”. It is precisely these exacerbations of the disease that emergency physicians have to deal with. But at the same time vegetative-vascular Dystonia is not a life-threatening disease and cannot lead to serious complications.

However, in the absence of a potential threat to life, VSD can greatly reduce performance and worsen the quality of life in general, contribute to progression some serious pathologies.

Causes of VSD

Reasons leading to development vegetative-vascular dystonia, extremely much. Doctors are constantly identifying new and new factors that provoke the disease.

1. Acute and chronic infectious processes, which are the trigger in the development of the first symptoms of dystonia. With any infection, the body is in a state of stress, since the disease itself brings certain suffering. Fear of a new infection is formed. After recovery, a person becomes overly attentive to the slightest changes in his well-being and finds non-existent symptoms.

2. A state of chronic stress, overwork, inadequate nutrition, which can sharply reduce the body's protective capabilities. And this is a direct path to the emergence of new infections. Constant stress and overwork destabilize human nervous system. Adaptive mechanisms are wasted, and when a person encounters a real infection, he no longer has the strength to fight it.

3. Sedentary lifestyle and prolonged work in a sitting position. Often, symptoms of VSD are preceded by intense work with documents or at the computer.

4. Hormonal changes very often underlie VSD in adolescents, as well as in women after childbirth or when menopause approaches.

5. Bad habits (smoking and alcohol) can provoke the first symptoms of VSD, especially in young people.

6. Personality characteristics and numerous psychological diseases are the main causes of VSD. It has been scientifically proven that suspicious or impressionable people, especially young people. Prolonged depression may be disguised as VSD. Unfortunately, people with persistent character also suffer from VSD. But they also aggravate their condition, not complaining and worrying about everything within themselves.

Somatoform disorder is the main characteristic of VSD

By somatoform disorder is meant a condition when the patient has many subjective complaints and symptoms (discomfort, pain, malaise), but a comprehensive examination with constant monitoring does not reveal any serious pathologies of the internal organs.

Somatoform disorder arises due to transformation problems mental plan And conflicts sick V bodily complaints . At this themselves patientsNot feel available V them certain psychological problemsAnd essence his illnesses see V physical ailments.

A typical victim of VSD is young, very impressionable and a restless person, prone to quick and sudden changes in intensity, not trusting the opinions of doctors, but often seeking medical help. Such people constantly study medical books in search of a diagnosis, and then come to the doctor and say that they have this or that disease. Patients describe their feelings colorfully, in detail and emotionally. In search of the cause of their condition, patients willingly undergo all sorts of complex examinations, but remain disappointed when they don't find anything serious. Due to the presence of a huge number of very diverse symptoms, which are often similar to manifestations of serious diseases, people with somatoform disorder, when their condition worsens, call an ambulance or urgently visit a doctor.

Symptoms of VSD

The autonomic nervous system coordinates the activity of almost all systems and organs of the body, so its violation physiological functioning can be expressed in a wide variety of symptoms.

Today there are several forms vegetative-vascular dystonia which have a characteristic set of symptoms, more or less constant, related to functioning of one or another body system and similar in course to certain diseases.

1 . Cardialgic type of VSD, which characterized the appearance of painful discomfort in the heart area. The pain can be aching, dull, and last a long time. Stitching, piercing pains may also be felt. In addition to heart pain, there is a fear of death, anxiety, difficulty breathing normally, increased blood pressure or increased heart rate. The main difference from the signs of angina or myocardial infarction is pain more long lasting and have no connection with the load, and are also not relieved by taking nitroglycerin.

2 . Tachycardial type of VSD, which is manifested by increased heart rate (tachycardia). Patients feel fast and strong heartbeats, a pounding pulse in the temporal region and pulsation of the cervical vessels, a rush of blood to the face, fear of death and general anxiety.

3 . Hypertensive a type of VSD, manifested by episodes of increased blood pressure for a short time. In this case, the pressure increase almost never exceeds 170/95 mm. rt . Art.

4. Visceral type of VSD, which characterized work disorder digestive systems in the form of irritable bowel syndrome (flatulence, feeling of heaviness in the abdomen, pain, constipation and diarrhea, rumbling).

5. The hypotonic type of VSD is manifested by episodes of decreased blood pressure to 90/60 mm. rt . st and below. Hypotension is accompanied by weakness, darkening of the eyes, headache, dizzy, cold hands and feet, increased sweating of the extremities.

6. The respiratory type of VSD is characterized by the patient’s inability to take a deep breath, which forces him to yawn. There is a lump in the throat and a sore throat, a constant dry cough and painful discomfort in the chest (aching or stabbing pain), which is especially felt when inhaling.

7. Asthenic type of VSD, characterized by decrease performance patient, decreased resistance to all kinds of stress, increased fatigue. Patients are constantly in a depressing state of extreme fatigue, weakness, there is a slight increase in temperature to 37.5 C, and slight trembling of the hands appears.

8. A mixed form of VSD, in which the symptoms of all types of the disease are combined.

Vegetative crises(≈panic attacks) are acute, sudden attacks that greatly frighten patients. Attacks begin after stress, fright, or for no apparent reason (they are also observed at night during sleep). Very often, an attack occurs while the patient is in a confined space or in public places.

Diagnosis of vegetative-vascular dystonia

All patients with suspected VSD are subject to a detailed examination by a physician. Staging diagnosis VSD possible only after one hundred percent exceptions everyone diseases, which can leak With similar symptoms.

At such, simple on first sight, tactics diagnostics on practice arises weight difficulties. Sick categorically Not agree With those, What heavy diseases, alleged them, Not diagnosed doctors. They are seeking absolutely unjustified deep surveys And tests, change doctors, carry out parallel research V several clinics. Naturally, What to the patient have to early or late accept diagnosis VSD, to learn live With this problem And fight With her manifestations.

Modern methods of treating VSD

Treatment vegetative-vascular dystonia has complex approach. Conducted it therapists, cardiologists, neurologists, psychiatrists, in some cases with the participation of endocrinologists. Highlight some important directions, application which helps significantly improve state sick or get well.

1 . Elimination reasons VSD And psychotherapy. Elimination root causes, brought To disease, is the most important And complex stage treatment VSD.

Often sick With VSD capable on one's own name conditions And reasons, calling at them seizures diseases (family problems, personal failures, stress And overwork).

Sick With VSD should understand, What this disease Not is dangerous disease And never Not will lead To serious complications or consequences. Awareness everyone sick good quality available manifestations VSD, How independent, So And V process treatment, is the most main stage psychotherapy illnesses. Sick, realized reason his illness, include To specific manifestations illnesses without fear And can fast suppress seizures VSD.

If patient Not Maybe on one's own come To thoughts, What his state Not dangerous For life, recommended carrying out course psychotherapy, visit programs By autorelaxation And classes yoga.

2 . Healthy image life And hygiene labor process. U many sick Part symptoms And even seizures VSD arise after tense worker day. IN such cases optimal means prevention exacerbation VSD is strict And permanent compliance hygiene labor. TO example, working for computer, necessary interrupt on rest, warm up, walk, breathe fresh air. Every hour work must end 10 -15 minutes rest.

Everyone without exceptions recommended regularly study calm And safe species sports, which include control breathing: swimming, running jogging, yoga.

3 . Medication treatment VSD. Treatment vegetative-vascular dystonia medications helps establish normal work vegetative nervous systems. For treatment are used following groups medical funds: sedatives vegetable drugs, tranquilizers, antidepressants, adaptogens, vitamins.

Definition type, dosages And duration reception drug carried out treating doctor. Should understand, What one only medicinal treatment few, even the most dear And quality drugs Not can help without techniques psychotherapy And compliance healthy image life.

4 . Physiotherapy V treatment VSD. At VSD shown application the following physiotherapy: electrophoresis, water procedures, acupuncture, massage, which very effective, How addition To medicinal treatment And psychotherapy.

Prevention of VSD

Correct, balanced nutrition And compliance healthy image lifebeaten adviсe, But For people With VSD these recommendations acquire paramount meaning. Even If Human has hereditary predisposition To this illnesses, at him There is All chances stay healthy, If will be observed healthy image life, full-fledged dream And healthy food diet. Regular on foot walks And jogging on fresh air strengthen How immunity, So And cardiac muscle.


Important moment, defining success everyone therapeutic events, is strong wish himself sick get rid of from illness. Skeptical customized patients V in the end Not experience improvements, A If positive dynamics And There is, symptoms All equals are returning.

Health person depends only from n his himselfgold words, having direct attitude To problem vegetative-vascular dystonia!

The sympathetic and parasympathetic parts of the nervous system trigger mechanisms for mobilizing and relaxing the body in the right situation. In modern conditions, people often intentionally or unwittingly hold back the timely inclusion of these functions. As a result, vegetative-vascular dystonia occurs (ICD code 10). Let's understand the features of this condition, which is even a contraindication for conscription of men into the army, learn about the causes of VSD, types of dystonia of the vegetative-vascular system, methods of diagnosis and treatment.

Causes of VSD

Vegetovascular dystonia, what is it from a medical point of view? This disease is not an independent disease, it manifests itself as a complex of symptoms, with aggravation in autumn and spring. Scientists believe that it is formed autonomic disorders with hereditary disorders. The list of probable factors for the occurrence of dystonia of the vegetative-vascular system is extensive. TO characteristic reasons doctors include:

  • hormonal "revolution" in puberty associated with menopause or pregnancy;
  • irreversible changes in the nervous, cardiovascular, endocrine systems;
  • discrepancy between physical maturity and the development of the nervous and endocrine systems in adolescents;
  • periodic psycho-emotional overload;
  • exhaustion or overwork;
  • chronic fatigue;
  • sleep disorders (lack of sleep, insomnia);
  • suspiciousness, vulnerability;
  • excessive physical activity;
  • viral infections;
  • injuries;
  • insufficient physical activity;
  • radioactive exposure;
  • chemical intoxication;
  • smoking;
  • alcohol.

In adults

The appearance or worsening of the syndrome of dysfunction of the vegetative-vascular system in adults is often caused by for the following reasons:

  • depression;
  • chronic illnesses;
  • disruptions in the endocrine system;
  • neuroses;
  • fast weight loss;
  • traumatic brain injuries;
  • disorders in the digestive system;
  • injuries upper section spine;
  • hormone imbalance during menopause, pregnancy;
  • bad habits;
  • stress;
  • physical inactivity;
  • untreated infections.

In children and adolescents

Among the most probable causes of the development of dystonia in a child, doctors highlight the consequences difficult birth and pregnancy in women. The provoking factors for dystonia of the vegetative-vascular system include:

  • parental alcoholism;
  • conflicts at school and in the family;
  • overprotectiveness;
  • chronic stress;
  • emotional stress;
  • mental fatigue.

Among other causes of dystonia, doctors consider the most likely:

  • somatic diseases;
  • infectious diseases;
  • endocrine disorders;
  • allergies;
  • neuroses;
  • anemia;
  • traumatic brain injuries;
  • body features;
  • unsuitable climate;
  • severe weather conditions;
  • intense sports activities;
  • incorrect daily routine;
  • unbalanced diet.

Types of disease

Dystonia of the vegetative-vascular system of the body is characterized by constant symptoms, but different localization. Typology of VSD according to symptoms:

  • vascular;
  • neuroendocrine;
  • neuromuscular;
  • mental;
  • tonic;
  • cognitive;
  • mixed.

Depending on the location, dystonia of the vegetative-vascular system is classified into:

  • vegetative-visceral;
  • respiratory;
  • cardiological;
  • cerebral;
  • gastroenterological;

According to the clinical course, the typology of VSD differs in blood pressure (hyper- and hypotonic, mixed), cardiac disorders (tachycardia, barycardia, arrhythmic, etc.), and other pathologies (asthenic, respiratory, neurogastric, cerebrovascular dystonia). Let's take a closer look at some common types of this vegetative-vascular syndrome.


This type is often found in people exposed to stress and emotionally unstable, is accompanied by increased blood pressure, entails hypertensive crises. VSD of the hypertensive type occurs as a result of increased muscle tone of the arteries. With this variant of the disorder, blood pressure decreases without taking medications, this is its main difference from hypertension.


The main symptom of this type of dystonia is a tendency to decrease blood pressure. With this variant of vegetative-vascular disorder, the functioning of parasympathetic division nervous system responsible for rest, accumulation of strength, weight gain, sleep. A person with hypotensive VSD syndrome suffers from drowsiness, gains weight, has a slow heartbeat, and decreases blood pressure.


With VSD, the coherence of the action of the parasympathetic and sympathetic parts of the nervous system is disrupted, and one predominates. When clearly defined “superiority” is not observed, an incessant “struggle for power” occurs; dystonia of the vegetative-vascular system is diagnosed according to mixed type. This type is characterized by constant pressure surges, accompanied by disturbances in the functioning of the heart muscle.


This type is characterized by symptoms of cardioneurosis and occurs in half of the cases of dystonia of the vegetative-vascular system. The causes of the development of the syndrome are pathologies of control of the hypothalamus and limbic vascular innervation, as a result of which the response of blood vessels (spasm and relaxation) to external factors is disrupted, and nutrition and supply of oxygen to tissues becomes difficult. The mechanism that triggers this type of dystonia of the vegetative-vascular system is considered to be stressful situations.

Main signs and symptoms

Characteristic manifestations of dystonia are an inadequate response of blood vessels and the central nervous system. Distinctive and defining symptoms of VSD - mental characteristics people suffering from this dystonia of the vegetative-vascular system:

  • increased anxiety;
  • panic attacks;
  • suspiciousness;
  • sudden emotional changes;
  • obsessive thoughts.

Headaches when vegetative-vascular dystonia– one of characteristic features illness, along with the following manifestations:

  • dizziness;
  • tinnitus;
  • frequent fainting;
  • tachycardia;
  • belching;
  • drowsiness;
  • weakness;
  • nausea;
  • shortness of breath (suffocation);
  • hyperhidrosis (feet, palms, body);
  • increase in temperature;
  • muscle pain;
  • trembling in hands and body.

Diagnostic methods

The diagnosis of dystonia of the vegetative-vascular system is made when there are obvious somatic diseases they don't find it. To determine dystonia, it is necessary to exclude organic pathologies Therefore, patients are advised to undergo a general examination and additional consultations with a neurologist, gastroenterologist, cardiologist, and endocrinologist. The procedures for diagnosing vegetative-vascular syndrome include:

Treatment of vegetative-vascular dystonia

General therapy for dystonia of the vegetative-vascular system consists of returning to healthy image life, balanced diet, massage, exercise therapy, alternative treatment, drug effects. Doctors do not have a consensus on how to treat VSD. Experts recommend combining two directions:

  1. Treatment of a certain vegetative-vascular syndrome.
  2. Treatment of the disease that causes this syndrome.

Diet therapy

The diet for VSD is designed to adjust the diet in favor of obtaining potassium, phosphorus, magnesium, iron, fluorine, and manganese. Depending on the type of dystonia of the vegetative-vascular system, patients are recommended:

  1. Hypotonic type of dystonia. Limit salt and tonic drinks. Add beans, cottage cheese, spinach to your diet, barley porridge, carrot.
  2. Hypertensive type of dystonia. Include citruses, spices, and vegetable oils in your diet.

Nutrition rules for any type of dystonia of the vegetative-vascular system:

  • lunch, dinner, breakfast - by the hour;
  • do not overeat;
  • take multivitamins;
  • include broths, soups, fish and dried fruits in the menu;
  • There is;
  • Eat oatmeal and buckwheat porridge daily.

Drug treatment

The use of medications (tablets, injections) is indicated only for advanced dystonia of the vegetative-vascular system. Effective medications that help cope with the disease (take only on the recommendation of a doctor!) are:

  • caffeine (“Askofen”, “Novomigrofen”, “Sedalgin”, etc.);
  • tranquilizers (for anxiety, emotional excitability, for example, Tofisopam, Novopassit, Afobazol, Persen;
  • stimulants (“Mexidol”, “Piracetam”, “Glycine”);
  • cardiovascular drugs (“Valocormid”, “Corvalol”, “Valocordin”, Validol”, “Reserpine”);
  • multivitamins, dietary supplements (“Neuromultivit”, “Nootropic”);
  • hypo- and hypertensive drugs (“Anaprilin”).


The effectiveness of physiotherapy in the treatment of vegetative-vascular dystonia is explained by its ability to normalize the functioning of the heart, the functions of the central nervous system, and combat stress. The indicated procedures to help cure dystonia of the vegetative-vascular system include:

  1. Magnetic and laser therapy. Activate metabolic and enzymatic activity of cells.
  2. Vibroacoustic therapy. Activates microcirculation, lymphatic drainage, stimulates nerve endings, enhances metabolic processes, normalizes blood pressure, sleep.
  3. Dance therapy, electroacupuncture. Normalize metabolic processes, blood pressure, emotional background, processes in the cerebral cortex,

Folk remedies

It is impossible to get rid of dystonia forever at home, but there are folk remedies, helping to gently influence the vegetative-vascular system:

  1. Tea with lemon balm, rosehip, mint.
  2. A mixture of equal amounts of red wine, lemon, honey, garlic, carrot juice, radish, beetroot. A tablespoon three times a day.
  3. Decoctions of nettle, meadowsweet, St. John's wort, mistletoe, elecampane, valerian in arbitrary proportions.
  4. A mixture (one and a half spoons each) of hawthorn, hops, thyme, motherwort, mint, lemon balm, oregano, St. John's wort, wormwood, calendula, mistletoe, sweet clover, dill, valerian, chamomile. Brew and drink like tea.
  5. Compote of rose hips, black currants, barberries.
  6. Motherwort tincture (10 g of herb per glass of boiling water – daily norm). Drink four times a day for a month.

People who are familiar with the diagnosis of VSD (vegetative-vascular dystonia) first-hand know very well how real this disease is. However, controversy surrounding its causes and even its existence continued for many years. However, in 1998, American doctors from the world famous Mayo Clinic discovered by radioimmune methods that the cause of autonomic dysfunction is autoimmune inflammation in the nodes of the autonomic nervous system.

Symptoms of vegetative-vascular dystonia

Since the autonomic part of the nervous system plays important role in the functioning of the whole organism, therefore its dysfunction causes numerous and varied symptoms.

Diagnosis of autonomic dysfunction

We do not divide symptoms into “cardiological”, “urological”, “psychiatric”, etc., but draw up a general picture of the existing disorders in their morpho-functional relationship. For this purpose, in addition to a detailed survey, we conduct instrumental research.


Autonomic nerve ganglia, among other functions, are responsible for thermoregulation in the body. Therefore they pathological condition immediately makes itself felt on the thermogram.

Infrared radiation from the surface of the body makes it possible to detect the localization of nerve centers that are in a state of illness with millimeter accuracy. The number and location of them directly depends on clinical picture diseases.

Our many years of experience in using a thermal imager have shown that even minor “local” disturbances in the functioning of the sympathetic and parasympathetic parts of the human nervous system can lead to pronounced pathological changes in the cardiovascular, digestive, nervous and endocrine systems. Hence the variety of complaints, the progressive nature of the disease and resistance (immunity) to drug therapy.

Our foreign colleagues

James Mercer

Professor, President of the European Society of Thermography (EAT).

"Serious scientific research of the last decade have shown high reliability and reliability of thermography. This allows you to use this method for making a diagnosis in complex cases.”

Reinhold Bertz

Professor, President of the German Thermography Society (DGTR).

“Thermography is a highly sensitive diagnostic method that is able to identify the precursors of a disease that has not yet manifested itself, and identify abnormalities in the body’s functioning in the early stages.”


The study of cardiac rhythmography came to us from space medicine. With its help, the ANS of future cosmonauts was diagnosed and their health was tested for strength. After all, people with “shaky” nerves have nothing to do on board a spaceship. Their body simply cannot withstand colossal loads, sudden changes external factors and will not cope with adaptation in space.

Cardiac rhythmography allows you to assess the compensatory capabilities of the autonomic nervous system (ANS) and identify its hidden disorders. By analyzing changes in heart rhythm under light load, clinic doctors identify the presence of disturbances in the functioning of the ANS.


A comprehensive diagnosis of VSD takes 1-2 hours. The program includes a set instrumental studies(computer thermography, cardiac rhythmography). All studies are carried out using non-invasive methods and are absolutely safe for the patient.

* Until April 12, there is a promotion: Free consultation with a neurologist and a 50% discount on diagnostics. The cost of diagnostics with a discount is 11,400 rubles. 5,700 rub.

Treatment of VSD in Moscow

We use complex physiotherapy and neural therapy to influence the affected autonomic nodes, which are detected on a thermal imager. A suitable treatment method or set of procedures is prescribed by a neurologist based on the results of an initial consultation and comprehensive diagnosis.

Treatment is carried out on an outpatient basis. The duration of treatment depends on many factors and is determined during diagnosis. The course of treatment usually includes 10 sessions of complex therapy. One session lasts 40-60 minutes.


Physiotherapy includes a set of procedures: laser therapy, magnetic therapy, color rhythm therapy. In modern neurological practice, this combination of physiotherapeutic methods is considered the gold standard for the treatment of panic attacks and VSD.

We constantly monitor the parameters of physiotherapeutic effects (frequency, intensity, duration of impact), based on a detailed analysis of dynamic changes in the state of the autonomic nervous system.

Physiotherapy promotes the regeneration of damaged nerve cells and recovery normal operation vegetative nerve ganglia. It is the most physiological and has no side effects.


Neural therapy, or therapeutic blockades, is one of the effective tools help, which is used in modern practice by classical neurology. Neural therapy methods are widely used in European and American medical institutes and clinics.

The essence of the method is to restore the functioning of the autonomic nervous system in response to the introduction of a low concentration of anesthetic into the projections of “sick” nerve centers. The procedure is carried out purposefully, strictly at the epicenter of the disease, which is determined by the doctor using computer thermography.

Video testimonials from patients

At the age of 25, my heart began to hurt, as if there was a problem in the heart rhythm. I felt like I was burning, I was very hot, but at the same time my feet were cold. The last straw of steel severe pain, which were not removed by any medications...

Vascular spasm, then you turn white, practically lose consciousness, and then suddenly your blood pressure reaches 200. Well, this is terrible. Coming out of the subway onto the platform, if there were no speakers, I felt horror comparable to being pushed out of an airplane...

Several times I wanted to jump out of the window. I didn't want to live. There were hellish headaches. My body was burning, it was impossible to endure. In January I slept on the balcony. In the thermal imager images the picture was all brown...

I had 5 doctors in 1.5 months. During this time, my health deteriorated sharply, and I didn’t come here, I crawled. I didn’t immediately like the pills that were prescribed. It was written on two sheets of paper, one doctor crossed out one thing, the other crossed out another...

Cases from clinical practice

Belenko Elena Alexandrovna

Neurologist-vegetologist. Candidate of Medical Sciences.

Among hundreds of my patients with VSD, there were many people whose main diagnoses were: neurosis, depression, hypertension, dyskinesia of the gastrointestinal tract and many others. There was no mistake. Patients with many years of experience of VSD “acquired” these diseases without receiving the correct treatment in time.

Let me give you one example. A 15-year-old girl was brought to me with a diagnosis of neurosis obsessive movements. Associated disorders were - dysmenorrhea (violations menstrual cycle), headaches, disordered eating behavior, weight gain (by 10 kg in three months!), cardialgia (pain in the heart), cephalgia ( headache) etc., which clearly fit into the diagnosis of VSD, which was in second place in her medical record. At the same time, no serious illnesses she was not found.

For an hour, while I was collecting anamnestic data, the girl was not at rest for a second, twitching her left shoulder, making complex movements with her hand, as if trying to shake off a thermometer, turning her head, as if trying to free herself from something heavy on her neck.

Her dad, with whom she came, is a cardiologist. He was opposed to the treatment that his daughter received and looked for any way to “take” her off the drugs. And she received Finlepsin (an anticonvulsant), Cerebrolysin ( vascular drug), bellataminal (sedative), haloperidol (antipsychotic) and several other “related” medications prescribed by different specialists.

During the survey it turned out that the girl was early childhood I often had a sore throat (three to four times a year for three years). The thermal imager showed a large one-sided red lesion in cervical spine. And I had the idea that violent hand movements are not a true obsessive-compulsive neurosis, but a defensive adaptive reaction to overstrain of the neck muscles, which arose due to frequent inflammatory diseases involving local neurovegetative centers. Over time, this reaction took hold, which gave psychiatrists a reason to make such a diagnosis.

We did a novocaine blockade and conducted several sessions laser therapy with a focus on the “interested” myofascial areas. And the child fully recovered after five sessions of physical therapy, although he was treated unsuccessfully for more than four months. Over the past two years, according to her father, she has lost weight, become more active, successfully completed school and entered college. She no longer had any complaints, including somatic ones...

Excerpts from the book

We bring to your attention an introductory fragment from the book by Alexander Ivanovich Belenko “Panic attacks and VSD - nerve cells are being restored. The easy way start the body to recover"

“Particular attention in heart rate variability is drawn to the rigid rhythm. Its occurrence indicates that the autonomic nervous system is working on its last legs, and this can have catastrophic consequences for a person.

There are already separate publications in the world scientific literature that a persistent rigid rhythm is a harbinger of cardiac arrest, which can occur within a year...”