Eastern New Year - scenario. “Oriental Tales” - Script for a dance group concert

July 28, 2017

The East, amazing and charming, attracts with its mystery. So why not have a holiday in this magical style and find yourself in the fairy tale of 1000 and 1 nights?

To convey the bright color of the countries of the East and the customs of local residents, you will have to make a lot of effort. Special attention requires decor, invitations, themed costumes, menus and entertainment - everything is the same as for any other themed party. But if you intend to arrange a bright holiday that will give a lot of positive impressions and pleasant memories for a long time, then nothing is impossible! Along with tips from zavodila.com Preparing for the holiday will be easy, quick and enjoyable.

1. Invitations

You can notify guests about an upcoming event in various ways. But all of them, one way or another, should be related to the theme of the party. This will have a positive effect on the guests and will certainly intrigue them. You can order invitations from a printing house. On the Internet it is not difficult to choose a suitable layout in oriental style. Delightful Arabic ornaments and inscriptions in script will do the trick. But it’s much more interesting to make invitations with your own hands. Below are several options describing the creation process.

Option 1. Paper invitation cards. Take thick paper. If you have beautiful handwriting, then write the text by hand. Handwriting like a doctor's? Then print it on a printer in a font that is as similar as possible to Arabic script. Decorate the invitation with an ornate design, then fold it into an envelope. In handicraft stores you can find wonderful bright envelopes with “knocking” that will highlight the theme of the holiday.
The content of the invitation is optional, but be sure to indicate the time and location. And if the party involves a dress code, then this is worth mentioning. The text might sound like this:

« The most exotic and magical party of the year!
Oriental sweets, barbecue, belly dancing, fakirs and... rent a genie! Don't miss your chance to fulfill your most cherished desires and fantasies.
And, of course, hookah. After all, you need to blow well, otherwise no magic will work.
Western clothing and ripped jeans are prohibited. Entrance only for residents of the East.
I look forward to seeing you, my radiant one, some August at 19.00 at the Taj Mahal No. 112 on the street. Eastern.

Your Aladdin"

Option 2. Oriental bag of incense. Take a small bag with a drawstring (they are sold in all stores and gift departments and are very inexpensive), fill it with everything related to the theme of the party: small coins, gem-like stones, and a stick of incense. Also place an invitation written on a small card inside. Such a bag will become not only an original invitation option. It is a symbol of success and wealth that it brings into the home, and will also delight your guests with a delightful aroma for a long time.
Option 3. Bracelets. An equally original invitation to the celebration will be bracelets, which are an integral attribute of Eastern culture. This could be a red thread with a bead, which will be your ticket to the party. The bracelet should be given along with a postcard containing information about the date, address and clothing requirements.

2. Dress code

Women's outfits for a party in the East style

First of all, you need to take care of your image. As the host or hostess of the holiday, your image should be no worse than that of an Arab sheikh or an oriental princess.

It is important to choose a style that emphasizes all your strengths. Girls can safely demonstrate the smooth curves of their bodies, covered with bright bodices with embroidered patterns, rhinestones and beads. Bloomers made of translucent fabric and a belt on the hips, decorated with playfully jingling coins, look great. A delightful scarf that covers the head and face will help make the image more enigmatic and mysterious, leaving only expressive eyes with colorful and bright makeup open. Instead of bloomers, you can wear a floor-length skirt. And modest women can use a sari that will hide their figure from strangers.
You can make costumes for an oriental party yourself. For example, for a bodice, take a top and decorate it with lots of sequins, sequins and embroidery.

A belt can be easily made from a small piece of fabric, such as tulle, trimmed with coins. Handicraft stores sell special coins with holes that are very convenient to sew on, and they are very inexpensive.

We make the face veil from the same fabric or the same color as the rest of the elements of the image. Silk will look good. Needlewomen will be able to sew their own trousers. You can find various patterns on the Internet. To make a skirt, just sew two pieces of fabric with an elastic band (around the waist) and leave slits all the way to the hips.

When creating an image, it is mandatory to use a variety of jewelry and jewelry. Earrings, beads, bracelets on arms and legs, necklaces and other jewelry will only make the image brighter and will not spoil it at all.

An important element is makeup in oriental style. Eastern beauties always draw long arrows on themselves, which visually enlarge their eyes, and make their gaze expressive and mysterious. The main makeup colors are gold, bronze, copper, turquoise, emerald, ruby ​​and deep black. The most important thing in makeup are the eyes. Try to make the look as “cat-like” as possible. At the end, everything must be shaded with a small brush. Special attention It’s worth paying attention to your eyebrows. They should be pronounced, and the bend should be more characteristic than usual. But you shouldn’t make your lips bright. It is best to use nude shades or delicate pink.

Men's costumes for oriental parties

For strong half There are also many image ideas from those invited. A man can reincarnate as Aladdin, a Bedouin wanderer or a genie. A mandatory attribute is a turban, fastened with a magnificent brooch with a large stone.

Of course, you will have to spend a little time until you get the hang of putting fabric or a bath towel into the turban, but the result will surpass all expectations. The stern look and image of the Sultan will conquer any girl. You can throw a robe with elements of oriental patterns over your shoulders, and replace the bloomers with regular everyday pants.

Both ladies and men should not worry about choosing shoes. Bare feet, sandals or light fabric slippers are allowed.

The organizer of the holiday needs to take care of a backup plan and prepare something like a turban for men and a scarf for girls, which will become a salvation for those guests who are too lazy to take care of the thematic image.

3. Room decoration

The tone of the event is set by the decoration of the room. You should not try to replicate the luxurious decoration of the Sultan's palaces. But making the interior as similar as possible to the chambers of an Arab ruler is quite possible. When decorating a room in an oriental style, the main rule is the abundance of fabric and decorative items.

In Asian countries, it is customary to seat guests directly on the floor with soft pillows. They are usually decorated with patterns of smooth lines or patterns.

Those gathered at the table on small legs are treated to food. If the guests are more conservative, invite them to sit on the sofa or chairs, which should first be draped with fabric.

There must be a carpet on the floor. Preferably embroidered with many patterns or with floral designs. If there are several carpets, this will only add a certain oriental flavor. To enhance the resemblance to the Sultan's palace, build something like a fabric canopy over the main table. To do this, take a very light fabric (2 or 4 pieces) and secure it to the chandelier. And the ends, directing to different angles rooms, secure them to the cornices and furniture. The same fabric can be used to drape the walls. Scatter a lot of pillows - large and small, throughout the room, on sofas, chairs, the floor in a “creative mess”.

A hookah will be a wonderful addition to the decor. It will highlight the theme of the evening and will also be good entertainment. Tall floor vases, figurines of dancers and animals are suitable as decorative elements. Paintings depicting military battles, magical palaces and colorful oriental bazaars will also fit perfectly into the overall look.

An important role is played by light, which should not be bright. Subdued lighting is created using floor lamps and wall lamps. Place candles throughout the room. But it will be safer to use small lamps styled like real candles.

Light some incense, but don't focus on it. The subtle scent of vanilla or iris will relax guests and transport them to the far East.

4. Menu and drinks

IN eastern countries ah, it’s customary to treat guests to a variety of traditional dishes. Be sure to have meat dishes: pilaf, manti, beshbarmak, shurpa or shish kebab.

In our usual understanding, there are no salads in oriental cuisine. They are being replaced fresh vegetables. Sliced ​​tomatoes, peppers and herbs make great additions to main treats.

Oriental sweets play a special role. The well-known baklava, Turkish delight and sherbet will delight guests not only with their taste, but also with their attractive appearance.

Making oriental sweets is not at all difficult. It is enough to spend a little time and approach the work with enthusiasm. And following the recipes exactly will allow you to get delicious snacks, not much different from those sold in Turkish bazaars.

Lemon Turkish Delight Recipe

sugar – 900 g
water - 0.5 l.
starch - 170 g
zest of 1 lemon
powdered sugar – 150-200 g.

Mix starch with 250 ml of cold water. Place another 250 ml of water on the fire and bring to a boil, then add sugar and cook the syrup until it is completely dissolved. Next, you need to pour in the starch solution and reduce the heat. When the mixture begins to thicken, add lemon zest and cook until the Turkish delight begins to become very thick and “pull away” from the walls of the dish. After this, put the mixture in a mold (or small molds) and level it with a wet silicone spatula or spoon. Let cool at room temperature for 5-7 hours and cut into small squares, which are rolled in powdered sugar. Turkish delight should never be placed in the refrigerator, otherwise moisture may cause it to become soggy and turn into jelly.

Recipe "Chak-chak"

Another traditional sweet for Arab countries, very easy to prepare and very tasty.

flour – 0.5 kg
butter– 160 g
sugar – 160 g
chicken eggs – 5 pcs.
honey – 250 g
vegetable oil (for frying) – 350-450 g

Beat 5 eggs with 30 grams of sugar. Melt the butter in the microwave and cool slightly. Add warm butter to the egg mixture, then stir. Pour the pre-sifted flour into the egg-butter mixture and knead the dough. It should be dense and soft at the same time. Cover the dough with cling film or cotton cloth and leave to rest for 20 minutes.

Then heat the vegetable oil in a cauldron, frying pan or any saucepan with a thick bottom. Place dough pieces into it in small portions and fry for 2-3 minutes until the dough turns golden, then remove to a paper towel to get rid of any remaining fat. When all the dough is ready, you need to prepare the honey filling. To do this, 120 g of sugar needs to be melted along with 500 grams of honey. Bring the mixture to a boil and cook over low heat for 3-4 minutes. The sugar should “disperse” and the caramel itself should thicken a little. Place the chak-chak sticks in a mold or deep bowl and pour over the honey, stirring thoroughly and gently. Next, form a slide and leave to harden. Chuck-chuck is ready.

Drinks for an oriental party

Availability strong alcohol excluded. Traditionally, in Eastern countries, guests are treated to strong tea with sweets or coffee. But if you don’t want to give up alcohol altogether, you can serve wine or low-alcohol cocktails in jugs, inventing them original titles like Arabian Mojito or Aladdin on the Beach.

It is best to prepare cocktails based on red or white wine with the addition of fruit juices.

Cocktail “Sheikh”

80 ml red wine
30 ml raspberry syrup
20 ml lemon juice
5 ml orange liqueur
3 ice cubes

Mix all the ingredients of the drink thoroughly in a shaker and pour into a glass. Garnish with a strawberry or a slice of lemon (orange).

Cocktail “Oriental chocolate”

milk chocolate – 30 g
red wine – 40 ml
cream – 80 ml
coffee liqueur – 200 ml

Melt the chocolate in the microwave (in several stages, 5 seconds per full power, stirring each time), then mix with cream, wine and liqueur. Pour crushed ice into a glass, pour over the chocolate mixture and serve immediately.

5. Scenario

Characters: Scheherazade (mistress of the house), King Shahriyar (master of the house), guests.

Tsar (greets guests) : Eastern princes and princesses, strong Janissary warriors, Bedouin sages and sheikhs came to us. We are happy to welcome everyone to our palace! A lot of entertainment awaits you. This is my wife - Scheherazade. Today she will tell us many fairy tales, which may not be fairy tales at all. Well, welcome!

Scheherazade : Hello, dear guests. We are glad that you graced us with your presence. In gratitude, we promise to treat you with delicious treats and pamper you with entertainment. Come in and sit down at the table. Don't forget that today we follow all Eastern traditions. Place yourself directly on the floor. And for comfort, the servants have taken care of soft pillows with gold thread embroidery that you can use.

The guests sit down and eat.

Tsar : Enjoy, dear guests, the dishes. And my beloved wife will delight us with her fairy tale.

Scheherazade : For a thousand nights I haven’t closed my eyes, telling you fairy tales, king, and weaving carpets of patterned speeches. But today I crave entertainment. My husband, Shahriyar, the light of my eyes, what are you ready for for me?

Tsar : Anything, my dear Scheherazade. I’ll even get you a star from the sky!

Scheherazade : Take your time, lord. You'll still have time. You know how much I love dancing. So, choose four assistants and give us a belly dance.

Game "Belly Dance". The king selects four male guests, they wear a belt with coins over their clothes and dance to oriental music.

Tsar : Oh, I’m tired, my little wife. Look at all these princesses who are visiting us today - all beauties. And it’s time for us to choose a spouse as an heir. Let's have a beauty contest.

Scheherazade : Our dear beauties, choose a man to help you. Now we will have quite interesting competition, which involves putting as much jewelry on the princesses as possible. And this task falls on the shoulders of men.

Competition "Fashion Show". Five pairs of participants are selected, in front of whom a tray with a lot of jewelry is placed: beads, brooches, bracelets. In 30 seconds, the man must put as much jewelry on his partner as possible. Whoever has the most jewelry will win.

Tsar : You all did an excellent job, well done.

Scheherazade : Our men still have a sweet tooth. Yes, yes, don't be modest. Raise your hands those who cannot live without sweets. We all know that eastern countries offer excellent cuisine, in which sweets occupy a special place. Today you will enjoy one of them - Turkish delight. Whoever eats it the most in one minute is the champion. But you can’t just touch the treat with your hands.

Competition "Eating Turkish Delight at Speed". Five participants (or more) are selected. A plate of Turkish delight is placed in front of everyone. The most gluttonous one becomes the winner. The catch of the competition is that neither the plate nor the sweet itself can be touched with your hands. Violators are immediately eliminated.

Scheherazade : Real sweet tooth! Drink some tea soon. I wish that everything in your life will always be as sweet as it is in your mouth now.

Tsar : Let's call the genie. And he will fulfill all our desires. Now, I have a real lamp (takes it out from under the table). I suggest passing it around and making wishes. And the genie will definitely fulfill them.

Game "Desire". The “lamp” is passed around in a circle. Each guest rubs it and makes a wish for another guest. Desires can be different, but not too complex, like belly dancing.

Scheherazade : Now I propose to arrange a test for couples in love. Will you, valiant warriors, be able to recognize your beloved by just one glance?

“Show your face” competition. Girls cover their face and head with a scarf so that only their eyes are visible. And they sit in a line on the floor or chairs. Men need to get to know their partners.

Scheherazade : You all did an excellent job in this competition. Girls can be confident in the love of their chosen ones. Would you like, our dear guests, to help me compose a new fairy tale - one thousand and two?

Game "The New Tale of Scheherazade". Those gathered take turns speaking one phrase at a time, continuing the stories of the previous player. The result should be an interesting and funny fairy tale.

Tsar : Most honorable guests, proposing to arrange an examination in ancient science– astrology. My questions are dedicated to the 12 signs of the Zodiac. The game is best played at the height of the party, when the guests have drunk a lot.

  1. It is better not to pull this zodiac sign's mane. (Lion)
  2. Is this friend still a mountain whistler? (Cancer)
  3. And who looks like himself, like a reflection in a mirror? (Twins)
  4. Big spender of H2O? (Aquarius)
  5. Do they call him “small cattle”? (Capricorn)
  6. Always hits the bull's eye? (Sagittarius)
  7. And why wasn’t he simply called “Baran”? (Aries)
  8. An offensive sign for men. (Virgo)
  9. Is he stubborn like no other? (Taurus)
  10. Only a slender girl will stand on this sign in the presence of a man. (Scales)
  11. Poisonous and dangerous! (Scorpion)
  12. And this sign went to spawn (Pisces)

Tsar : Well, you know astrology.

Scheherazade : Honey, let me suggest a game for our sheikhs. Here they will again have to experience all the difficulties that Eastern women face.

Hula Hoop Competition

All players are given a hula hoop and a fan. Whoever can spin the hula hoop the longest and gracefully fan himself at the same time is the champion. The winner receives a prize - a photo with the harem. That is, with all the ladies present at the party.

The celebration continues with dancing and fun. It is advisable to choose thematic music: Arash, Tarkan, Abraham Russo.

You can end the evening by launching sky lanterns. Unless, of course, they have not yet been banned in your city.

Amazing, full of mysterious charm and passion, the East attracts many. What if you throw a wonderful party in such a style that at least for a while you find yourself in the fairy tale of 1000 and 1 nights?

The interesting flavor of eastern countries, the temperament and customs of their inhabitants - in order to convey all this, both the organizers of the party and its participants will have to give their best. Special efforts and attention will be required in the design of invitations, premises, making themed costumes or searching for them, organizing refreshments, games and entertainment program numbers. In general, everything is as usual.

But don't be upset! If your friends are ready to help you in this matter or you have the means to order services from a holiday agency, the task will be much easier, and the preparation process will quickly be completed.


There are different ways to notify prospective guests about the place and time of a themed party in the style of the East.

Postcards. Both traditional ones, decorated with oriental ornaments and images of beautiful concubines, and musical ones are suitable, when opening them, guests will hear the characteristic melody. It would be good if the inscriptions were stylized in Arabic script, and the text was reminiscent of one of Scheherazade’s fairy tales.

Volumetric postcards. This option involves decorating a cardboard base with drapery made of flowing fabric, shiny elements (coins, beads, beads) of an oriental dancer’s costume. Postcards “with a secret” look original - you open one, and a figurine of a genie, a sheikh, or the silhouette of an oriental palace appears before your eyes.

Bracelets. In any case, an abundance of decorations will be welcome at an oriental party. One of them - a bracelet - can become an original entrance ticket to the event. It is advisable to attach a small invitation card to the bracelet with a reminder of the start time of the party and the dress code.

A bag of incense and coins. An elegant pouch with a drawstring, made of transparent fabric, in which you first put flavored stick from a set of incense, several small coins or bright stones reminiscent of gems. A small invitation card will also be stored in the bag.

If all this seems too complicated, draw up an invitation on a regular sheet of thick paper, printing an oriental ornament and the text of the invitation on it. The editors of eventspro have selected a small selection of invitations designed in oriental style; you can use them as a sample for ordering from a printing house:

How to meet friends?

Eastern hospitality – required attribute for our themed party. It is ideal if each dear guest is greeted by the owner in a turban and an embroidered robe, while treating everyone who enters with fruits and sweets, and offering a cup of strong coffee brewed in Turkish style.

In addition to the above, you can treat yourself to traditional Caucasian drinks, such as an invigorating ginger drink, milk tan, ayran or matsoni.

Or maybe a fakir will entertain those entering the house? Demonstrating another trick, he will take out various treats from under his magic cloak. An excellent alternative to him will be our old acquaintance and Aladdin's assistant - the genie.

The meeting of guests can also be entrusted to beautiful concubines who perform a charming and seductive belly dance for all the guests gathered at the party.

Will help set your guests up for an oriental fairy tale amazing music, because the melodies of the East cannot be confused with anything. The atmosphere of the beginning of the holiday will be supported by a video with oriental dances and songs, the smell of freshly brewed coffee, and the wonderful aroma of lit sandalwood sticks or other incense.

What to wear to an oriental-style party?

Perhaps the wildest scope of imagination in terms of costumes is given by a party in an oriental style: girls can show themselves in all their glory, showing off the delicate curves of their figures, covered with bodices embroidered with beads and trousers made of transparent fabric with a belt on the hips, decorated with rich embroidery and inviting jingling coins. A scarf that covers the head and part of the face will add mystery, leaving only the eyes with bright, memorable makeup visible.

Alternatively, a girl can wear a long floor-length skirt instead of bloomers. Required item– a lot of jewelry: large earrings, necklaces, beads, monistos, bracelets on the forearm and wrist, on the ankle. The most modest representatives of the fair sex can get by with a veil, which will allow them to hide their figure from unwanted glances.

There are also many costume ideas for the male half of the guests: the sultan, the genie, Aladdin, the fakir, the Janissary warrior, the Bedouin wanderer, the Baghdad thief. An indispensable attribute is a turban or turban, fastened (at the front) in the center with a luxurious brooch with a large stone.

Yes, you will have to work hard while you learn how to roll a piece of cotton fabric or a towel into a turban, but the result is worth it - a proud posture and a predatory look will conquer any of the party participants. Bloomers can be replaced with regular trousers, and a robe with oriental patterns on the fabric can be thrown over your shoulders, or, as a last resort, you can try on a wide bathrobe. A fakir should take care of a wide cloak, and a Janissary should take care of having a sword, a faithful companion of a warrior.

You don’t have to worry about shoes at all – the dress code of an oriental party allows for bare feet, light ballet shoes or soft shoes with turned-up toes.

Room decoration

It is unlikely that the party organizers will be able to accurately reproduce the rich decoration of the Sultan’s chambers, but it will be quite possible to make the interior of the room as similar as possible to an oriental palace. The main rule is an abundance of textiles and decorative elements.

Traditionally, guests in the East are not seated on chairs at the table; guests are treated to the meal sitting on the floor, on soft pillows, decorated with ornaments with many smooth lines and curves, at a table with low legs. If the party guests are conservative people, you can invite them to sit on cozy wide sofas, low poufs or chairs draped in fabric.

Be sure to lay a carpet on the floor, or better yet, not one, but several. To give the party a special oriental charm, we recommend making canopies from light fabrics that form a kind of tent over the dining area and drapery along the walls. Pillows and thoughts are most welcome different sizes, scattered in “creative” chaos on the floor, sofas, chairs.

Don’t forget about the traditional oriental hookah - this smoking device, beloved by many, will fit perfectly into an oriental party and help maintain a conversation with each other.

Large floor vases, elegant figurines in the form of dancing girls, animals - elephants, tigers, horses - are suitable as decoration. The walls can be decorated with paintings of battle scenes, picturesque views of palaces and oriental bazaars.

The lighting should not be bright; dim light from floor lamps and wall sconces is sufficient. It is good to use candles, placing them on the floor, tables, shelves, but it is better (and safer) to replace them with lamps stylized as candles.

Where to hold such an event?

The most ideal option, of course, would be to hold a party in an oriental restaurant or cafe. In this case, you won’t have to worry about decorating the room and refreshments.

If the finances of the organizers are limited, you can receive guests in your home or a room rented for the evening, having previously arranged it in the style we need.

A great idea is to hold an oriental party in nature. To organize a thematic event, you will have to install a large tent, and more than one if there are many guests planned. The tent, of course, will have to be furnished with small ottomans, carpets, and hookahs. In the case of a tent, you will achieve almost one hundred percent reproduction of the oriental style, because tents are used in the east to this day! You should also worry about musical accompaniment– without him, an oriental party with enchanting dances is unthinkable.

What to treat your friends with?

Treating at a party in an oriental style is a responsible matter, since a warm welcome to guests also presupposes an abundance of food on the table.

Meat dishes are a must - delicious pilaf with lamb, beshbarmak, shurpa, baked meat under a vegetable coat and, of course, shish kebab. You can stop at one dish or choose several (depending on the number and wishes of the guests). Oriental cuisine replaces salads in the usual sense with fresh vegetables: several plates with beautifully chopped tomatoes, cucumbers, peppers, and herbs will decorate the table and delight the eyes of the participants in the celebration.

Don't forget about oriental sweets: baklava, Turkish delight, sherbet and other delicacies are prepared according to recipes yourself or ordered in a restaurant.

Such a party does not require the presence alcoholic drinks. The custom of the East is to serve strong tea or coffee. If guests do not agree to give up alcohol, you can offer wine or light cocktails, inventing them unusual names, for example, “The 1002nd Tale of Scheherazade” or “The Feat of the Janissary.”

Selecting music

We have already mentioned that you need to take care of the musical accompaniment. If you are in doubt about your choice or can’t think of anything, we suggest paying attention to the following options:

  1. Some Arash compositions, for example, Tike Tike Kardi, Boro Boro, “Oriental Tales” or Chori Chori.
  2. Tarkan with his Simarik, Kuzu Kuzu and Dudu would also be appropriate.
  3. Songs “My Queen”, “Eyes”, “Sorceress” and others performed by Eldar Dolgatov.
  4. Elbrus Dzhanmirzoev and his “Tramp”, “I’ll Be Around”, “I’ll Remember” and more.

And, of course, do not forget about traditional Caucasian compositions:

In fairness, it is worth noting that the concept of the East is very broad, this concept includes our Caucasus, neighboring countries and Far East, therefore, in terms of the musical sheet, it may turn out to be some kind of oriental mix.

Entertainment part

Belly dance

Not a single oriental-style celebration is complete without fiery belly dancing. When performed by a professional dancer, guests will receive a lot of aesthetic pleasure.

Many people will think: what can you offer guests at an oriental-style party other than belly dancing? In fact, the list of entertainment is much richer; for this purpose, the eventspro project has a special section of competitions and games.

To lay the first stone in the foundation of your entertainment part, we present here several competitions that will fit perfectly into the oriental style of the party.

Fakir tricks.

Anyone can master several simple tricks with a magician's kit, which you will find in any specialized store (holiday agency). All that remains is to practice in advance, prepare a fakir costume - and go ahead, surprise your guests!

Competition for the best belly dance.

There will always be girls in the company who have studied oriental dancing. If they demonstrate their art at a party, thunderous applause and adoration from fans are guaranteed.

“Gulchatay, show your face!”

Will guys be able to recognize their girls if the beauties are hidden under a veil, leaving only an alluring gaze open? Such a test will be a real test for couples in love (and not only).

"Brave Janissary."

You can organize a comic fight with fake swords between representatives of the stronger sex in the costumes of warriors and sultans, because every man should be able to fight.

"The New Tale of Scheherazade."

During a meal or quiet conversations, you can play a game where each participant says one phrase, continuing the story of the previous player. In the end it should be new fairy tale with funny adventures.

Board games.

Traditional entertainment, which can be combined with hookah smoking (chess, backgammon), is suitable for those who prefer a quiet pastime to noisy games.

An oriental-style party can turn into an unforgettable fairy-tale adventure if you prepare for it with imagination and take into account all the details. eventspro sincerely wishes you success in organizing! And we really hope that our advice will help you create the most beautiful and magnificent oriental fairy tale in all respects!

A short plan for preparing for an oriental party

If you have always liked oriental themes, and you get indescribable pleasure from oriental food, then an oriental themed party is what you need!

Answer yourself the first most important question: we will organize it ourselves or we will order it on a turnkey basis.

If you decide to order a turnkey party, the issue of choosing a quality performer is very pressing, use our services to greatly simplify your task.

If you are confident in your abilities, we offer you a short thesis plan to help you keep your finger on the pulse and not forget anything during preparation. Copy it, print it in Word and go! Let's have fun!

  1. Determine who in your group of friends will be responsible for preparing the party (one or more people, if several, determine who will be the coordinator) and distribute the tasks according to this list.
  2. Make a preliminary list of party participants.
  3. Call or meet with everyone to clarify the seriousness of each person's intentions.
  4. Determine the date and time of the party.
  5. Determine the budget that you are willing to spend on the party (the solution to all subsequent issues will largely depend on this amount)
  6. Resolve the issue of financing (who, in what amount, when and how will pay all the costs of preparation and implementation)
  7. Solve the design issue: what attributes and design elements are needed, in what quantity, where to get them. It is best to have them ready at least 1 week before the event. If you rely on the experience of professionals, leave a request on the site; they will offer you not only design options, but will also demonstrate existing decoration elements. You can choose the best performer based on quality and price.
  8. Discuss the dress code issue.
  9. Find costume rental studios (after all, it’s far from a fact that every participant has the necessary clothes) and give everyone a reminder with addresses and phone numbers (this way you can avoid excuses like “I didn’t know where to find the right outfit...”)
  10. Decide where you intend to hold the event (restaurant, office, yacht, country complex, etc.). To solve this issue more easily, leave a request on the site indicating that you are planning a New Year's party in an oriental theme; for sure, you will be answered by sites that specialize in oriental cuisine with an interior that exactly suits your goals.
  11. What dishes/drinks should be on your table? Who prefers what?
  12. Consider the issue of transport and delivery of participants home.
  13. Consider the entertainment part. Which contests and competitions attract your friends and which ones don’t? Use our competitions section to quickly solve this problem.

Universal Eastern tale script, can be used for any celebration, make your holiday unique, surprise your guests with an interesting fairy-tale action.

Scenario of an Eastern fairy tale - beginning

The evening begins with beautiful music, 2 presenters come out.

2: We APPEARED to you from the East. Dressed up in chiffon and velvet. We swear, we are beauties and you will like us very much!

1: We are your “Scheherazades”: Zhanna and Marina.

2: Already a thousand nights
We do not close our trembling eyes: We tell fairy tales to the people And weave carpets of patterned speeches.

1: The thousand and one night comes: The full moon shines in the sky. Today there will be a fairy tale “About the Sultan” - We hope you like it.

2: About which Sultan. Where do you see the Sultan? He left for the war...

1: You see. He's having fun there. And we miss you here.

2: Let's dance - maybe it will cheer you up.

1: Come on! I suggest we find cheerful man, which will entertain us.

2: You will play odd-even with them.
Decoy -
A handful of beans is taken out of the bag, the participant must guess the even or odd number of beans in the presenter’s hand. They recruit three men for the game.

1: If a woman wants something, no one can defeat her.

2: Zhanna, better look at the men next to us. No worse than our Sultan. Only the noses let us down.

2: Zhanna is a treasure of joy and knowledge. She came up with an oriental game - whoever kisses her first is worthy... But it’s not so simple. The belt is magical, the safety belt will help... May Allah multiply your days.

Game moment -
The presenter puts on a belt to which 2 long ribbons are attached.
3-4 meters each, men take the ends of the ribbons in their right hand, ribbon
passes behind the back and is located along different sides from the presenter.

The task is to quickly wrap yourself in a ribbon and kiss the presenter. Joke - in
the moment the men approach, the presenter bends down and the men kiss
each other. The winner is chosen at its discretion and left to
the role of the Sultan. Participants are awarded prizes...

1: A real man- like a big fire: it gives light, it gives warmth, it warms the soul! You will be our sultan for this night (they put a turban and robe on the man).
The presenters bow

2: Our beloved sultan, lord and god, You are beautiful, like a rare diamond. We kiss the footprints of your royal feet. Look, look at us!

1: It seems to me that our master is somehow bored... The Sultan needs a new wife. I told you, less than three, Allah will laugh.

2: There are so many beauties around, you can choose as many as five, we don’t mind. Listen, the one our Sultan chooses goes to the harem. The one who refuses will have her legs cut off in the market square.
Recruitment of competition participants is underway. The Sultan walks around the hall, selects 5 participants at the prompting of the presenter.

A beauty must have three things:
1. White - skin, teeth, hair.
2. Black - eyebrows, eyelashes, eyes.
3. Red - nails, cheeks, lips.
4. Wide - neck, chest, hips.
5. Definitely long hair, arms, legs.

The participants are covered with “burqas” and seated on chairs in a row.

1. Why does our master need so many new wives, would just one be enough?

1: Now we’ll fix everything,

(men wear nose masks and turbans)
2: Listen, how beautiful they turned out. Let's keep everyone to ourselves.

1: According to the laws of the East, there can be three or even more women. But a man should be one, one and only

2: Why don’t we choose the one and only? Do you know, dear, what you need to do to please a woman? (answers) We love women with our ears, which means men must please our ears. Let them sing for us and entertain the guests at the same time. We have already selected a song for you, our favorite. Arabic words are incomprehensible. But karaoke music.

Contest -

Participants perform a verse of a song, singing only one
vowels. The song "If I were a Sultan" is offered for performance. The winner is determined by applause. He is given a prize and released in peace.
E-i y y-a I e-e e e And o-o a-o-o s y o-u-e O u-o o-o-s and a-i e-a O-o e and a-o a-a-and A-a

Chorus: (leaders sing)
It's not bad to have three wives, but on the other hand it's very bad
U-i-ya o a-a a-i u o-i Yo yu-i a a-a o-a-e o-i I e-y a-o-a o and o-o-i O y -o o-o-s e-e o-e and
A y a u-a-a i-o u u-a O-o e a-y a and i-i o-a A o-o a a-o e o-e o-o E-i i s oo-o-o

2: The ranks of men are thinning.

1: But the chances are rising - to find a worthy replacement for our Sultan. And we will now determine the worthy one, I swear by my mother.
2: A real man should always have a choice, (to the Sultan) And for the choice to be correct, entrust it to us.

The Sultan sits down on the pillows, the hosts play the game “Bring us...”.
Game moment -
Depending on the number of participants, chairs are placed in front of the stage, and the participants are asked to take them.

Then the participants are asked to bring some object, at this time the presenters remove one chair. The participant who does not have enough chairs receives a consolation prize and is eliminated from the game.

Script for adults “Insert a Word”

But these words can be used for completely different entertainment. It represents a kind of competition. IN certain moment In the evening, you hand out pieces of paper to all guests with written phrases that include Japanese words.

To come up with these phrases, you can use the words above. Examples of such phrases can be: “But my kimono is not finished,” “Now I will show you my favorite karate technique,” ​​“One more word and hara-kiri will not be avoided,” “What kind of brave shogun is sitting in front of me?”, “Oh , I love singing karaoke with passion”, “Just like a Sudoku riddle”, “Banzai!!!” One such statement should be written on each piece of paper.

The competition rules are as follows: everyone must insert their own phrase during a conversation or some other fun at least three times. This phrase should not be pronounced meaninglessly, but, so to speak, “on topic.” We advise you not to limit this game by time.

But still, warn your guests that the first one to complete this task will receive a valuable prize.

This entertainment practically does not need description. But the only thing you need to do is point to Japanese origin this word. But we still recommend choosing songs with oriental notes. Any pop disc will definitely have 2-3 such songs.

If your company is especially active, then sing together, and best of all, choose “oriental beauties” for backup dancers.

Best Oriental Beauty

Choose the best oriental diva (Japanese, Indian, etc.). We offer following criteria to evaluate participants:

1) the best suit;

3) the best oriental dance.

The first two criteria require home preparation"beauties". The dance can be prepared in advance, or it can be a real improvisation. If you have a mixture of styles, then it is best for girls to perform belly dancing. Skill is not required here.

I advise you to put a belt of coins on the girl. Surely one of your friends does belly dancing. It's fashionable now, just ask this person to give it to you for the evening, or better yet, invite her to your evening. The coins on such scarves, if you hang it on your belt, ring even when you walk normally.

So don't let the members worry: Simply moving your hips like a figure eight or kicking will make the coins jingle very loudly. One option could be to perform an Egyptian dance. To do this, you just need to take poses with your hands. The simplest dance, in our opinion, is still Japanese dance. But for it you need to prepare props, namely 2 fans. Of course, you can make them yourself, but we advise you to purchase two small hand fans from the store. Feel free to buy them.

Rest assured, they will not aimlessly gather dust in your apartment after the party. They are such a delight that you can display them on any shelf as a keepsake like my friend did, or hang them on your wall with photos to commemorate your fun party. And in hot weather you can use them for their intended purpose.

For Japanese dance, each girl must have two fans in her hand. It looks very impressive when they open at the same time. During the dance, you can cover your face with open fans. The same type of movements can be done on your knees, sitting, standing.

Don't forget how a Japanese woman should bow at the beginning of the dance and at the end. Please note that the gait should be small mincing steps, otherwise the Japanese woman will not be “real.” We advise you not to play the entire song.

It’s better to let the girls dance in turns for 1–1.5 minutes. If the dance is prepared in advance, then let it be almost a whole song.

After all the evaluations, the jury chooses the most natural oriental beauty. It is best if the jury is as objective as possible. After all, everyone was preparing and you can easily offend any girl.

So the best option would be to award the nominations “The Most Hardworking”, “The Most Natural Oriental Diva”, “The Most Charming”.

Game "Twist"

You can buy this game in the store. But you can do it yourself. For it you will need: 25 sheets of A4 format, on the sheets you need to print or draw the outline of the palm and the outline of the foot. Inside each foot you insert an outline of a die with a number from 1 to 6 inside. You do this in no particular order.

This game can be played either by a single couple or by a group of friends, and the company should include both girls and young men. The presenter rolls the dice and calls the name, the number drawn and the body part: right hand, left hand, right leg, left leg and maybe the head. Example: Katya - left leg 6, Sasha - left leg 2, Katya - right leg 3, Sasha - right leg 4, Katya - right hand 1, Sasha - right leg 2, etc. As a result, everything is intertwined, legs and arms are leaving.

The poses turn out to be very exotic – hence the name.

This section is one of the most interesting. Do not neglect it in any case, as the oriental atmosphere will be created to a greater extent by the costumes. It is in them that guests will truly feel like representatives of the East. If your party is in a purely Japanese style, then suits will be almost effortless for guys.

Almost everyone has friends who have been or are still involved in oriental wrestling. In this case, you just need to borrow a kimono from them. Kimonos are usually white. Usually only the colors of the belts differ. If not everyone has a black belt, then you can easily make it from any rope by tying it over the kimono.

When you find a friend with a suit, try to find his friends, because everyone who did, for example, karate, definitely has a kimono. Don't forget about the fairer sex. After all different types Girls also engage in wrestling.

You will also be able to invite that same friend or girlfriend to the holiday, i.e. those who were involved in this. But do not forget to warn your guest that, as an expert in Eastern culture, he is simply obliged to demonstrate his skills. Let it be a short speech consisting of techniques.

But do not forget that this number will require additional space for the stage.

Still, a kimono, especially if it is for men, will look very good on the stronger sex. For girls, we advise you to make a costume from the immediate upper part of the kimono and skirt. The skirt should preferably start under the bust, and its length should reach the ankles.

If girls do not want to wear a kimono, then any large piece of fabric can help you. you will need to wrap it in such a way that the sleeves are as wide as possible, and fasten the fabric in the middle with a huge brooch. This “blouse” looks very impressive. Recently, all kinds of sweaters and dresses with high collars and buttons sewn vertically at the throat have been in fashion.

They will be a great costume for an oriental style party. As a last resort, you can use a regular silk robe as a costume for girls, fastening it with all the buttons.

Japanese girls should not forget about appropriate makeup and hairstyle. Try to make your face as white as possible; to do this, simply use powder in a shade 1-2 shades lighter than your skin color. Of course, the most suitable option would be white.

Eyebrows and eyes should be painted brightly, they should be lined with black pencil. Lips, optionally, pink or peach shade. http://site

Don't forget about your hairstyle. It is necessary to gather all the hair tightly into a bun and insert two sticks. If this hairstyle does not suit you at all, then we advise you to leave bangs. You will find hair sticks in any department with hairpins and combs.

If you don’t want to buy them, you can easily plan them from ordinary pieces of wood, sharpening the end on one side and leaving it quite thick on the other. You can use a marker to draw lines and curls on these sticks. If you don’t want to do them at all, then you can do it differently. You simply insert disposable chopsticks into your head; you can also buy them in the napkins and other table supplies department or at a Chinese restaurant or sushi bar. They are usually sold in packs of two or twelve.

But in order to ensure that the chopsticks on your head and those for eating do not match, we recommend that you still decorate the hair sticks with a marker.

We've sorted out the external "Japanese" look, now let's move on to a mixed party. Any Arab girl can look as follows: a burqa, which can be any scarf tied on the face just below the eyes, or, as a last resort, even a pareo, blouse or top, preferably with a deep neckline and a huge amount of rhinestones and decorations. Try to wear jewelry.

Crosses here, as you understand, will be out of place, but pendants with large pendants will harmonize perfectly with your oriental style. Don't forget big bracelets, rings and brightly colored eyes. On the bottom you can wear both wide pants and long skirts with a yoke, or flared downwards. We also suggest wearing belts and belts on this day if they are associated with the East. Most often these are metal belts consisting of rings fastened to each other.

If you absolutely cannot choose a suit, then you can do the following: put on a swimsuit top and sew all kinds of beads to the bodice. If you have beads as Christmas tree decorations, then you can sew them on this bodice so that it resembles top part belly dancer costume.

For men, in this case, any bathrobe will do. Instead of a turban, you can wrap a towel on your head so that you can attach a large brooch inside. You will be provided with a Sultan's costume.

You can easily make an Indian costume (something like a national sari) using a long piece of fabric. It can be decorated with braid and beads along one edge. It is necessary to wrap this piece of material so that one part of it covers the head, and its continuation is wrapped as if it were a skirt. The transition from head to bottom should preferably be vertical and pass from the front.

We suggest you take a regular table and unscrew its legs. Thus, it will become so low that it will be more convenient to sit behind it on the floor. Take care of pillows in advance; you can use pillows from the sofa and blankets that will create comfort and make your floor softer. Don't forget about chopsticks and umbrellas as salad decorations. Also, to give the table an oriental flavor, place deep dishes with floating flower buds on the table. Large floating peony buds look especially beautiful on the table.

If there are no flowers, place floating candles in the water and remember to light them. Candles in water will add oriental comfort to the feast.

Enough has been said about decorating the table; now we need to move on to the most delicious detail of the evening: the choice of dishes. Here you can name dishes almost without stopping. But you need to remember the main thing: prepare rice as a side dish, and fish as the main dish. Sushi, rolls and other trendy dishes will also bring great joy to your guests: they will never see such a party in a sushi bar. We also recommend preparing salads with squid, crab sticks, seaweed etc. Remember: the main dishes are seafood.

If the party is not Japanese, but is a mixture of oriental styles, then you can safely prepare lagman, bizhbarmak, Korean carrots, adjika. Here the main theme may simply be spicy food.

Alcohol is an important point in preparing the table. Now there is a huge selection of oriental drinks on store shelves. Chinese wine, beer with various Japanese names, you can even find rice vodka if you look hard enough.

But don’t overdo it, otherwise your “oriental” guests will behave in a very unoriental way.

As for the selection of music and decoration of the apartment, here you must take on the role of a designer and think through everything to the smallest detail. To create an oriental flavor, you will need to make your room more cozy and welcoming. To do this, you can use candles, which we already talked about above, or simply dim the light. As many velvet pillows, carpets and figurines as possible.

Velvet has the ability to make a room softer and warmer. If you have pieces of velvet-like material, cover chairs and blankets with it. If you have a large fan, then be sure to hang it, if you don’t, then you can make it yourself. Take whatman paper, draw an oriental ornament or a sakura branch on it and fold it like an accordion, like folding a notebook sheet.

Hang blades and swords on the wall, any weapon, maybe even a toy one. Nowadays, toy swords look very realistic. Draw a dragon on whatman paper, cut it out and also hang it on the wall. The fire-colored dragon looks very impressive.

Also on the Internet you can find a huge number of black and white pictures that depict the outlines of Chinese houses. You can simply print them out and hang them on the wall in black and white. Also for a romantic mood, the outlines of the Indian tomb of the Taj Mahal are suitable.

In general, try not to limit yourself to our advice.

As for music, as we noted at the very beginning of the book, look on your computer. Surely you have at least one Japanese game in it. Any Arabic motifs will also work.

Be sure to try to immerse yourself in the oriental world. If we managed to convince you, then you will never forget about this evening.

music – 1

8.00. The presenter (Sultan) bows, hands folded, palms facing each other. to the chin: Assala malaykum or good evening! Greetings, O highly respected spectators, Sultans and Scheherizades! Sit comfortably on our carpet - airplane, us A magical bazaar of entertainment awaits, belly dancing and other delights of the east... but before that we all need brighten our aura, in Russian speaking, tune in.

Now I will help you realize the state of happiness and harmony, available only to enlightened residents of the east!

music - 1.1.background

So: finish chewing everything, stop the conversation and sit comfortably... close your eyes, pull the top of your head towards the ceiling (shants). Take a deep breath, fill your stomach first, then your lungs and collarbone area to the limit, hold for 3 seconds and exhale slowly...and repeat 2 times. you can raise your arms with a sigh, and while holding your breath, stretch your arms as high as possible...at the end say d zhee gure de

music sounds like a ballet show

Presenter: From the height of our flight we can see the endless sultry desert, we can see one of the wonders of the world - Egyptian pyramids and guardians of the wealth of the pharaohs...

8.05. – Oriental – pharaohs

Presenter: Guardians of the Desert Treasures - the beauties of the Oriental show ballet!!!

By the way, why did this wonderful team call itself that? What is Oriental? This is oriental metal!! Honestly! Don't believe me? Now we will learn more about the East and traditions...


+ true, - false

2 people are invited (whoever gives the most correct answers), or 5-6 people - in descending order: if you make a mistake, you are eliminated. And so on until the last.

do you believe that

+ V Arab countries men greet each other and kiss

And the man just shakes the woman's hand

- a candelabra is an oriental weapon, like a long saber with a tip

- yogis drink 100 grams of 5% bamboo infusion daily

Yogis don't eat white rice

Yogis use breathing to heal from diseases

Turban - oriental headdress

- children in China are some of the most disobedient and whiny in the world

Shanghai and Beijing are the two most big cities world in terms of population.

— The degree of computer equipment in Russia is higher than in Iran

Iran has a special women's taxi

The largest unit of measurement is the period from the creation of the universe to its destruction

— this unit appeared in China

India is approximately 10,000 years old

The traditional Chinese greeting means “have you eaten?”

prize - 1

Presenter: and for you again the mysterious beauties of Oriental!

8.20. Oriental - feathers

8 .25. Presenter: Belly Dance professionals - Oriental!

There are a lot of interesting traditions in the east, it’s not surprising! Different cultures...

Here is another example: in Algeria and Egypt, after a successful joke or wit, it is customary to extend a palm to the interlocutor, which the interlocutor hits with his palm, while among Russians an outstretched hand is perceived as an intention to say goodbye, and they begin to shake it, which causes great bewilderment of the interlocutor, which could later even lead to a saber duel...

COMPETITION No. 2 saber duel(2 turbans, 2 sausage balls, blower, fishing rod with ring)

muses - 2

2 M with a turban on their head in their hands hold an inflated balloon - a sausage - a saber, and an assistant holds between them a device in the form of a fishing rod - a twig with a thread, and at the end - a ring into which the participants must fall. Whoever gets into the ring first wins.

prize – 1

8.35. Host: if I suddenly met Jin, I would ask him for a lot of girls, hot dances and his favorite music….

8.35. dance block

8.55. Presenter: anecdote about Eastern hospitality:

- Excuse me, can you tell me how to find this street? – the girl addresses the Uzbek, pointing her finger at the diagram.

- Oh, beauty, this is not the right scheme at all! Let's come to my place, I'll treat you to some manenti with pilaf, some aromatic coffee, a hookah, and then I'll give you the correct scheme I'll draw.

- Yes!??( indignantly) According to this scheme, I have already lost my virginity twice today!

Well, I invite Oriental beauties again, and it’s up to you, dear guests, who will be the best. Now, with the help of your applause, we will decide... I invite our beauties (4 eastern names_______________________________________________________________)

8.57. Oriental - battle

(first one dances, then the second, then the three of them, and the host asks the audience who wins this battle - by applause, then the 2nd battle with the 2nd pair in the same way, then the 3rd bow - with the winners of the first 2 x battles. The winner of the 3rd battle is awarded a tiara and a prize from the cafe.)

(tiara and prize from the cafe)

9.10. Host: We continue to discuss and look at the delights of the east!

Here is a set of qualities of a real oriental man:




ability to love,


loyalty to this word.

If there are such men in the hall, please leave.


Male sultans wear turbans on their heads.

Host: There are so many beauties around, you can choose as many as five, we don’t mind. Listen, the one our Sultan chooses goes to the harem. The one who refuses will have her legs cut off in the market square.

(Sultana walks around the hall, selects 5 participants from the presenter’s prompt, the one who finds the girls faster wins, matching the description, for example, one sultan found Sheherizade 3 times faster - he is a winner, and the second 2 times - he was a winner. And at the end the sultan sits down, cross-legged in the oriental style, and the girls dance around him - for anurage. muses – 3.1.)

A beauty must have three things:

1. White - skin, teeth, hair.

2. Black - eyebrows, eyelashes, eyes.

3. Red - nails, cheeks, lips.

4. Wide - neck, chest, hips.

5. Definitely long hair, arms, legs.

prize – 1b

9.20. Presenter: Well, now for you, experts in oriental martial art, the pride of the Eagle region - European prize-winners in wushu!

9.20. capoeiro

9.25. Presenter: Performing belly dancing requires a certain technique. Dance actively develops coordination of movements, vestibular apparatus, has a beneficial effect on the spine, ligaments, cardiovascular system, and oriental dance is also an excellent prevention of hypertension and cervical osteochondrosis.

In general, men, this is all for women. let's heal you and me too.


3-5 M are invited, put on special headdresses and dance. The presenter comments:

- First, the head dances - left and right,

- then the arms are spread to the side - the palms are turned towards the sun - the hands are dancing

- then the chest and shoulders - we really have nothing to shake, but we’ll try

- now the tummy - pull in - relax...

- well, the most important thing is the butt - we draw a figure eight, we pull the thigh at the top - oops...

Well, now let’s connect all the movements...

prize - by applause 1b

9.35. Host: I won’t go away for long - take a puff of hookah, while you dance!

9.55. dance block

9.55. Host: Continuing to enjoy the delights of the east,1 I can’t help but remember India! Meeting - the eastern goddess - Lakshki, who has mastered one well eastern wisdom: Oriental dance allows a woman to perfectly present her body as it is!

9.55. bbw - India

11.20. Host: India! What did this country of elephants give to the whole world? Hint - it clearly contributed to demographic growth! Yes! This is the Kama Sutra!

11.20. COMPETITION No. 5 YOGA POSE muses – 5

- tree

- head to knees

- martin

- feet at a distance of a meter, stretch the tailbone, lean on the hands in front of the face

- downward facing dog

prize – 1-2

Host: Yes, I hope that today you have perfectly mastered all the lessons of oriental dance, the mysterious oriental culture, and you will also practice our yoga poses as Kama Sutra lessons!!