Scented sticks for home: how to use. Incense sticks for the home: benefits and harms, where to buy and which ones to choose

About incense sticks ( incense sticks-incense) everyone knows, some actively use them at home. And some run away from them like “the devil from incense” (you can read about incense and what it is). And indeed, serious passions have unfolded on the Internet around this oriental product:

    some claim that such incense heals;

    others - that incense sticks are dangerous and cause cancer;

    Still others complain of addiction and subsequent withdrawal symptoms when they quit.

We decided to look into this issue and find out where the line is between human paranoia and the truth. Are incense sticks really that harmful to humans, or can they still be used to fumigate a room?

What are aroma sticks?

First, let's figure out what appromatic sticks are and why we need them or don't need them. As we said above, these are “dry” incense; for greater efficiency, they are set on fire to create a pleasant atmosphere in the house (and not only).

Very often, such sticks are used during various rituals and ceremonies, mainly oriental ones. Since this product came to Europe and Russia from there.

Incense sticks are usually a sliver of bamboo with a scented base of charcoal or masala applied to it (this is a mix of crushed herbs and dust).

  1. If the incense stick is black, then charcoal was used in its production; during the burning of such a stick, only the smell of the aroma filler is felt.
  2. If the color of the stick is beige or brown, then it is masala based, and its smell may be mixed with the fragrance of the main flavoring.

In general, they can all be divided into several types:

    ordinary, with wood chips inside,

    barrels and cones,

    baseless incense sticks,


It is not enough to use incense sticks correctly; it is very important to know the composition, because the more carcinogens there are in such incense, the more negatively they affect human health.

Fragrance sticks for home

Since ancient times, people have fumigated their premises with a mixture of herbs. Just remember the rituals of Litha (an ancient Celtic solstice holiday). This was done for ritual purposes: to protect against evil and attract wealth to the house. Nowadays, incense sticks are used in completely different cases:

    for ritual purposes, yes, there is still a similar practice, only earlier the premises were fumigated with smoke from a mixture of certain herbs;

    for health, the issue is controversial, we will talk about it below;

    to create a certain atmosphere in the house;

    for scenting rooms.

Types of different incense sticks

Similar incense, in addition to their own different types, have different countries origin, different production technology, different manufacturers, different compositions, and, in the end, different properties. We will look at the most popular of them.

Incense sticks for the home from India

India, according to one version, is the birthplace of incense in the form of sticks. And they are very widespread there; they are lit (more correctly, incense) during many festivals directly in temples, other sacred places and sometimes in homes. In Russia, such incense is the most popular and widespread.

They make such incense in a simple way: a certain composition is applied to a base of bamboo chips, which is soaked in essential oils for several days for aromatization. Indian incense sticks have a very rich scent and quickly fill the room with it.

Popular flavors:

    eucalyptus, believed to be excellent at relieving cold symptoms;

  • Patchouli is often used to incite passion.


Chinese incense is usually produced in the form of thin spirals. They do not always have any kind of base, so they are most often sold in the form of barrels, boats and baskets.

Popular flavors:




Incense sticks from Thailand, almost the same as those from India, but packaged brighter. And, what’s most interesting, they are inferior in quality, but more expensive.

Tibetan Incense Sticks

They are considered the most environmentally friendly, because the plants for their production are collected in the Himalayan mountains by hand, within a certain time frame. These sticks contain approximately forty different elements.

Tibetan aromatic incense is created from herbs and minerals by pressing. Therefore, they have no basis inside. During the burning process they can change their aroma.

Nepalese incense

Flavored sticks from Nepal, in their composition, are the same as Tibetan ones: pressed without base. Distinctive feature Nepalese incense is that it has a very strong, long-lasting aroma. You can light them for a couple of minutes, and then extinguish them and enjoy the fragrance:

  • cedar and others.

Incense sticks from Japan

They are considered one of the highest quality products on this market: the Japanese value high quality and naturalness. In addition, the production of incense sticks in this country is a family business. From which it follows that:

    most of them are made by hand;

    their recipes are unique, kept as family treasures and passed on by inheritance;

    raw materials are collected at specific locations in certain time.

Japanese scented sticks, like Nepalese ones, are baseless, do not have perfume additives, and their aroma is not distorted by foreign impurities.

The benefits and harms of aroma sticks

Incense sticks are the most popular type of incense used to fumigate rooms. They deserve such fame and love because of their ease of use and low price (you can buy incense sticks for your home for 300 rubles). And no one has doubted the power of aromas for a long time. Remember the wonders of aromatherapy.

Therefore, it is very important to know how to “manage” them correctly in order to bring maximum benefit and minimum harm.

Firstly, you need to understand the harmful and dangerous aspects of burning these incense:

Systematic use of incense sticks can cause cancer of the upper respiratory tract. This was proven by Danish scientists, in particular the work of Eppe Friborg and his colleagues.

From 1993 to 1998, scientists observed 60,000 people who lit incense sticks indoors and found:

The more a patient used incense sticks in his life, the greater his risk of developing upper respiratory tract cancer. The statistical significance of the result is 99.6%. For example, the incidence of squamous carcinomas in those who like to burn incense is almost twice as high.

In all other cases, for example, cancer of the throat, lungs and oral cavity, the difference is not very big. But in general, it is not in favor of those who like to burn incense.

Therefore, it is important to protect yourself from negative impact incense sticks:

  1. do not burn them too often or too much, especially in small rooms with poor ventilation;
  2. should only be purchased natural product If, when burning a stick, you smell a synthetic smell, then this is a bad sign.

The benefits of smoking incense sticks

To begin with, we note that they do NOT cure any diseases. Only treats modern medicine and some folk methods, but in conjunction with the advice of doctors. So if you want to buy aroma sticks just for this, it’s a waste.

    But they relax, lift your spirits, and create comfort.

    Some scents are aphrodisiacs.

    And if you are interested in esotericism, then certain smells will help mobilize your internal forces and protect from evil.

In general, the topic of the power of scents is very, very large. There will be a separate article for it.

How to use aroma sticks at home?

  1. The scented stick must be placed on a special incense stand.
  2. Then light the stick, making sure it lights up (a small light should light up).
  3. Then just blow out the flame and leave the stick to smolder.
  4. In order to completely extinguish the stick, you need to stick the smoldering end into the sand.
Important! Smoldering incense sticks should be supervised and placed away from other objects. So that nothing catches fire.

Buy incense sticks

A very difficult question is which aroma sticks to choose. After all, it is important that they are natural, inexpensive, and not harmful. It seems that all this is impossible to combine, but we will try to figure it out. So.

    The most common are Indian charcoal sticks from the company NEM. They have a huge selection of all kinds of flavors. But, as we found out, they are carbon-based, and although they have a bright, rich smell, they are not safe. No, you can buy them (they have a natural Florence series), and there are products not made with charcoal, but with bamboo chips (they have a dark brown color).

    Satya (Satya) - premium aroma sticks. They are not considered the best, HIM is more famous in this regard. However, if the package is marked “Incense masala”, this means that the class of the product is quite high.

    Sital - has light aromas.

    Tibetan incense Om.

    Sorig is a Tibetan manufacturing company.

    YAK is a very famous manufacturer of Tibetan incense.

    Shambhala (Tibet)

    Shoyeido is one of the best manufacturers Japanese incense sticks.

And many others. There are many manufacturers, and it’s best to look by country: Tibet, Nepal, Japan, or India, if you want the classics.

We will offer you several options where you can buy aroma sticks for your home. The store is verified (AliExpress), the author of this article made purchases there.

By the way, you can also buy a cool stand there for flavored sticks. Fortunately, the choice is wide (just go to the main category).

P.S. Pay attention to the scents and their choice. What one likes does not always suit others.

Many of us use incense sticks (incense). This product became extremely popular during the “esoteric boom”, when the magic of the east began to penetrate our country. At that time, they were credited with various healing and “magical” properties; they were used during rituals, various practices and ceremonies. Incense then began to be used primarily as a fragrance to create a pleasant atmosphere.

On the web in lately There were a lot of discussions on the topic “are aroma sticks harmful”? It is sometimes said that using different incense may increase the risk of developing bronchial asthma, lung cancer and other diseases.

They are also credited with various psychotropic effects.

In fact, incense sticks have virtually no direct impact on health. They will not be able to cure a cold or relieve you of stomach pain, nor will they provoke asthma or cancer. Incense does not help expand your consciousness.

Incense sticks can only be harmful if they are of poor quality. Then of course you can earn yourself a headache, and maybe even allergic reaction. Incense that is intended for outdoor use may be too spicy and smoky for you and may well cause you to feel uncomfortable. Which, by the way, can be attributed to most incense from India, since they are used there to drown out unpleasant odors, which literally permeated all the streets.

To avoid troubles such as headache and allergies, you should be careful about your choice of incense sticks, and buy the wrong incense that is inexpensive and wrapped in a bright wrapper. High-quality incense sticks will never be cheap. In addition, you need to make sure that their smell is not too intense and “poisonous”. Even if you feel through the packaging strong smell, then it’s better not to buy such sticks. You still won't be able to use them at home.

Among the huge variety of incense sticks that are presented in stores, naturally, there are incense that has more high class and indeed good quality. We are talking about Japanese incense. As everyone knows, Japanese people are meticulous in their approach to every task and are absolutely obsessed with producing high-quality products.

Japanese incense sticks are a fundamentally different product, which is often made by hand in family businesses, the recipes are passed down in great secrecy, and the raw materials (plants and herbs) are collected in certain places and at certain times of the year.

Other than that, Japanese incense is baseless. This means that the aroma of the stick is absolutely not distorted by the smell of the burning bamboo base and smoke (as is usually the case with incense from India). The Japanese do not approve of perfume additives, as a result, the aroma of such incense will never be “chemical” and harsh, and you will not develop allergies or get a headache.

There are several houses in Japan that have been producing incense for several hundred years. One of these is Shoyeido. This company has a long history and an excellent reputation, their products are certified, and the quality has never been in doubt.

Shoyeido incense sticks have recently appeared in Russia, so now you and I can enjoy the delicate and refined aroma of Japanese incense.

Sandalwood - the scent of spirituality, depth and sensuality

sacred aroma of meditation, brings you closer to the divine, reveals from within, restores the aura, relieves stress and depression, gives a feeling of well-being, aphrodisiac, increases sensuality, excites passion, cools after meditation, cleanses the room

Sandalwood famous for its wood, which produces a woody, resinous, rich aroma, with a hazy musky undertone. The aroma of sandalwood is not strong, not flashy, without harsh notes, but very persistent. It has practically no analogue in nature. This is a classic, erotic, expensive scent. In India, everything that is most beautiful, expensive, and best is called the word "chanda" those. "sandalwood".

In Hinduism, sandalwood is an integral part of religious services and rituals; it is used in meditation, “transfers” the believer from the material world to the subtle world, brings him closer to the divine, purifies the mind, helps overcome obstacles on the path to enlightenment, helps open the “third eye” , directs consciousness inward.

The scent of sandalwood is considered sacred, and in Indian culture there has always been a clear connection between sandalwood scent and religious life.

According to Indian mythology, Paradise is filled with the scent of sandalwood, the gods love it, so it was “offered” to the gods during puja (worship) - they used incense sticks with the scent of sandalwood, and added sandalwood oil to smoking lamps. They cleaned holy places with it, and smoked it in houses to ward off evil spirits. Interestingly, the scent of sandalwood attracts snakes. In Indian illustrations you can find an image of sandalwood entwined with snakes.

It is believed that the scent of sandalwood allows the soul of the deceased to reach God, as well as calm the mourners and reconcile them to the inevitable.

In addition, sandalwood aroma has excellent antiseptic properties, cleaning the room and killing bacteria and germs.

Sandalwood scent - One of the classic aromatherapy scents. This is a complex philosophical scent. It has the following effects:

- on a psycho-emotional level- relieves anxiety, stress, depression, a state of fear, relaxes and warms, gives the opportunity to open up from within, removes barriers, lets go of the imagination, opens the springs of creativity, helps to adapt to change, protects from impulsive actions not related to the nature of Good and Light, removes obsessive thoughts, gives a feeling of well-being, eliminates tearfulness, helps to meet life’s unpleasant surprises with dignity, stressful situations and conflicts

- at a therapeutic level- normalizes heart rate, nervous system, relieves irritability, gives sound sleep, treats sexual disorders caused by psychological problems, relieves sexual tension, helps to realize any love desires and fantasies, makes sexual intercourse exquisite, increases sensuality, helps with neurotic loss of voice, difficulty swallowing, menopausal problems, hiccups nervous soil, skin inflammations, irritations of the throat and nasopharynx, relieves tension after intense mental activity

- on a magical level- excites passion, a “spiritual smell” used for meditation and harmony, personifying the balance of day and night, cold and heat, masculine and feminine, spiritual depth, develops intuition, restores the aura, gives clear dreams, helps to concentrate during meditation and “cools” » after meditation

Aromatherapy has long established itself as an effective method of influencing the entire human body as a whole: both its physical and psycho-emotional spheres. Incense used in aromatherapy is various forms and have different compositions. Incense sticks have gained the most popularity for their ease of use and high quality at a very reasonable cost.

Are incense harmful?

The pros and cons of aromatherapy have been discussed for quite some time, but there is no clear unambiguous answer to the question “What side effects has aromatherapy? still not. Only one thing can be said for sure: like everything else in the world, incense sticks are harm and benefit in one package. The fact is that aromas affect both the psyche and physics almost instantly. However, we are not always fully aware of this. Consciousness modern man accustomed to relying mainly on the organs of vision and hearing, while the subconscious (which is approximately 90% brain activity) continues to use the basic, animal method of obtaining information - the sense of smell. Therefore, the main recommendations when using any incense at home or in the salon are the following:

  • - well-ventilated area;
  • - short-term use of incense;
  • - taking into account the specific effects of a particular aroma on the body.

If you remember these simple tips, then aromatherapy will always be a pleasant healing procedure for the soul and body.

Types of Incense Sticks

The most common on Russian market are Indian incense. Sometimes not particularly attractively designed, they nevertheless perform their function perfectly and are inexpensive. These are bamboo sticks with an odorous base applied to them, which is then further impregnated with essential oil, so their aromatic effect is immediately noticeable.

Thai incense is usually sold in colorful packaging, but it is of lower quality and more expensive.

Nepalese and Tibetan (Himalayan) sticks are pressed and often consist of an aromatic mixture of various herbs. When burned, these incense changes its aroma, which is used in long-term meditative practices.

It should be said that the color of incense sticks has nothing to do with their quality. Black sticks have a charcoal base soaked in essential oil. When burned, coal will not impart any additional odor. Light color indicates that this is a masala base made from pressed crushed aromatic plants or fine chip dust, which will add a slight tint to the main aroma. You should pay much more attention to the smell essential oil: It can be natural or synthetic. Of course natural component preferable.

According to their effect on the body, incense is divided into:

  • - stimulants, uplifting and activating;
  • - adaptogens, harmonizing incense, normalizing the functioning of the nervous system;
  • - sedatives, used to relieve stress, mental and physical fatigue.

Whatever incense sticks you need, you can always buy them at the IndoChina store. An aromatherapy session is a pleasant and useful gift for both yourself and a loved one.

Why can aromas have such a pronounced positive impact on energy and physiology. It turns out there is nothing surprising in this. Plants always have large stock vital energy allowing them to adapt to unfavorable conditions external environment. Same potential vitality embedded in all objects of the world around us. Through smell, their energy and qualities are transmitted to us, and this influence can work wonders. Volatile aromatic compounds, penetrating into the aura, eliminate its starvation, immune deficiency, promote wound healing, redistribution and harmonization of energy, lightening and compaction etheric body. Moreover, they have a huge impact positive influence on physiological health, as well as on human emotions. Fragrances can help restore the aura, gain a taste for goodness and justice, and eliminate complexes and anger. The choice of incense aroma is made according to the body type (called Prakriti in Ayurveda). If incense is used to achieve therapeutic treatment, then the current imbalance of doshas (the so-called vikriti in Ayurveda) is also eliminated. After considering both Prakriti and Vikriti, the selection of the appropriate fragrance can be made.

Ayurvedic incense is made from various herbs, wood parts of some aromatic trees and some special resins. More than 100 of these aromatic substances can be used for one type of incense. There are various incense, and accordingly, methods for classifying them. This is due to both the wide variety of varieties and wide range their applications. Typically, incense is distinguished by place of production, by appearance, according to composition and purpose.

The composition of incense sticks is divided into two parts: the base and the filler oil. And the bases, in turn, can also be divided into two types: coal bases and “masala” (a mixture of fine chip dust or crushed aromatic plants). Charcoal-based incense has a bright black color. They are good because when burned, the coal does not produce odor impurities, and the stick strictly emits the aroma of the filler oil. This is very beneficial when selectively influencing certain body systems. Masala incense sticks come in a variety of shades, from light beige to dark brown. During combustion, the smell depends not only on the filler oil, but also on the composition of the base. It is wrong to think that the quality of the stick depends on the color of the stick and that black sticks are chemical and light sticks are natural. The main thing for incense is the quality of the filler oil, as well as the quality of the “masala” in the case of light sticks.

Incense, and they are also called agarbatti, are divided into groups according to their properties:

  • Stimulants- increase concentration, improve memory, eliminate depression, give vigor and efficiency. These include aromas of cedar, lemongrass, lemon, fennel, mandarin, orange, patchouli, cinnamon, rosemary, rhododendron, magnolia, camphor and sandalwood.
  • Adaptogens- normalize the functioning of the nervous system, increase communication skills. Mint, lavender, savory, laurel, jasmine, rose, myrrh, oregano, almond.
  • Calming- used for mental and physical fatigue, stress, depression. Chamomile, geranium, neroli, lemon balm, sandalwood, vaginal, tea tree, incense, lotus, orchid, marjoram.
  • Protect- energy vampirism, envy, ill will
  • Restore aura: jasmine, lemon balm, almond, sage, cloves, rose, opium, rosemary, juniper, incense, lemon. In cold weather, it is recommended to use: eucalyptus, almond, cinnamon, geranium, camphor, rose, aphrodesia. In the warm season: sandalwood, incense, hyacinth, violet, magnolia, lemon, bergamot, lavender. The strongest aphrodisiac is musk.

Types of incense. Based on herbs and wood from wooden trees Sticks - basic, with a thin twig inside (made in India), and baseless (made in Nepal, Tibet) Cones - for faster fumigation, the burning intensity increases exponentially. Spirals - burns in a spiral, creates an energy column to send signals to the deities Oil from flowers and aromatic plants. Natural oil It is extracted with great difficulty and very low efficiency: for example, to obtain 1 kg of rose oil, it is necessary to lime 3 tons of brutally killed rose petals. Sandalwood oil can be obtained by distillation. In ancient times, a large gold coin was paid for each drop of such oil. Sang - 100% natural powder resinous plants and herbs. It is poured in a heap and, quickly, decisively, fills the air with a strong aroma. Used less frequently, mainly for religious rituals among Buddhists, Hindu Christians and other Hare Krishnas. Indian ritual incense, which is used, for example, when consuming ayahuasca. They are baseless pressed mixtures of dry substances. They mainly consist of Copal (resin from the Burserae tree), but you can also find variations where the main component is Palo Santo. Most often produced in countries Latin America. How to choose and buy incense? First of all, you need to determine for what purpose you want to buy incense.

For daily use at home Many types of incense are suitable. The most common Indian incense sticks are bamboo-based: they are inexpensive, easily accessible, and the palette of their aromas is endlessly varied. You can read more about Indian incense in the article in the “Incense from India” section. Less known, but have the same qualities as Indian and some Thai incense. Chinese incense for daily use home use are created, as a rule, taking into account the principles of Feng Shui, have a deep aroma with subtle shades, and have a harmonizing effect on the atmosphere of the house. Chinese incense takes the form of thin, long, often colored baseless sticks. The most exquisite and rare home incense in Russia is Japanese incense. In Japan, making incense is as much an art as the tea ceremony, calligraphy, or ekibana. Japanese incense is a thin, colored baseless stick that has a variety of aromas, including both traditional and complex, distinctive aromatic bouquets. Among Japanese incense there are special incense for sensitive people, with a particularly delicate and light aroma. If you don’t know which incense to choose for your home, try recognized “family” aromas that improve mutual understanding between family members and create the energy of warmth, comfort, and light in the house: jasmine, orange, musk, tangerine, coconut, incense, lemon , sandalwood, myrrh, and mixtures of these scents.

For gifts buy gift sets of incense, or rare and original incense. However, a couple of elegant packages of inexpensive incense sticks can be very useful, as a pleasant addition to another, main gift. Incense is one of the most universal and “win-win” gifts, but when selecting it, it is important to take into account the interests of the person to whom your gift is intended, so that it is liked and remembered for a long time. Admirers of the mystical heritage of the East can be given Tibetan incense in a beautiful gift package, such as “Relaxence”, “Manjrushri”, or “Nagarjuna”, or a set of several types of Tibetan incense. Connoisseurs of Japanese culture will love real Japanese incense, especially since it is quite difficult to buy them in Russia. If the preferences of the recipient of the gift are unknown, then a woman can safely give incense with floral aromas - such an “aromatic bouquet” is as universal as a bouquet of fresh flowers. For a man, incense with discreet, “woody” aromas (pine, “dragon’s blood”, sandalwood, etc.) is suitable. A universal gift - incense with “delicious” smells: chocolate, coffee, coconut, vanilla, tangerine, cinnamon, and others. If you give incense, do not forget to give a stand for it at the same time - this will add completeness to the gift and demonstrate your attention and care. It is especially important to add a stand to a gift with Tibetan incense: their sticks are quite thick and require a special stand, which not every home has. For Japanese and Chinese incense, a stand is usually (but not always) included, and is in a package with incense sticks.

To accompany spiritual practices and meditations Tibetan and Nepalese incense are ideal. Since ancient times, they have been created as a means of healing the body and spirit, therefore they contain exclusively natural, often very rare components that have powerful healing and sacred properties. The aroma of Tibetan and Nepalese incense is never sweet or “perfumy” - it is a restrained, noble and pure aroma of plants growing in the harsh climate of Tibet. Also, some Chinese and Japanese incense, especially “temple” and sandalwood sticks, are suitable for creating an atmosphere conducive to meditation. Among other types of incense, those most often recommended for meditation are aromas that allow you to enrich your spirit and energy, and achieve a harmonious fusion with the outside world. These are sandalwood, myrrh, pine, incense, musk, neroli, juniper, rose, rhododendron.

For rituals. In almost all traditions, burning incense is an integral part of any magical action. Incense is selected depending on the task and the tradition in which the practice is carried out. For example, if a ritual is being performed for a love relationship, then aphrodisiac aromas will be appropriate: ylang-ylang, rose, vetiver, jasmine, musk and others, but for a cleansing ritual they will not be suitable, but sage, incense, juniper will be needed... Interestingly, some aromas have such a pronounced effect that they are used for ritual and mystical purposes in a variety of traditions, from Christianity to shamanism: such as frankincense, myrrh and cedar. Please note that among Indian incense sticks you can find special ritual incense for different purposes: “Clean House”, “Gold and Silver”, “ Divine healing", "Higher Power" and others. Often, aromatic resins (frankincense and mixtures based on incense, myrrh, copal, etc.), as well as herbs (common and white sage, juniper, bison and others) are used for rituals. Some practitioners prefer to create aromatic mixtures based on them themselves. However, you can almost always find a ready-made aromatic analogue in the widest range of incense. In general, the selection of ritual and gratitude incense remains entirely up to the specialist performing the ritual. More details about each type of incense can be found in the description of the corresponding categories, as well as in the extended description of the incense themselves. One of the most important benefits of incense is that it is usually made from 100% pure natural ingredients. Despite the use of incense in Ayurveda therapeutic purposes They are also used daily during religious and other personal rituals to influence the mind and mental states. Fragrances have long been known for achieving feelings of relaxation, well-being and awe, which further aid in meditation and worship. One special note should be mentioned about the ingredient Guggulu or Gugul, contained in some Ayurvedic incense. Guggulu or Gugul is very similar in its properties to Frankincense and Myrrh and was traditionally used for spiritual cleansing actions. Not only does he provide very beneficial effect to the environment of the room, it should also make a person feel more calm and religious, helping in the enormous strenuous practice of meditation. This ingredient is also sometimes found in Tibetan incense. Both Ayurvedic and Tibetan incense are made from very similar ingredients and are air dried for maximum purity and potency. As a rule, they do not contain coal or other such toxic substances, flammable and should not be addictive. They have been used for centuries during prayer, meditation, certain tantric rituals, as well as for cleansing the home environment and healing the spirit and mind.

The effect of incense on the human body

Incense has a general harmonizing effect and helps increase the flow of energy into the body. It is recommended to use to improve performance, relaxation, to attract the opposite sex, to get rid of negative emotions and unpleasant thoughts are also actively used to energetically cleanse space.

  • Agarwood(Agar, resin) - keeper of the family hearth.
  • Aloe vera(Aloe vera) - strong antiseptic properties, capable of clearing the space of the house from a variety of colds pathogenic bacteria and viruses. Incense is well suited for burning in the evening, as it has a strong calming effect.
  • Watermelon/Banana- carry a lot of positive qualities, enhancing the general energy background, uplifting mood, helping with fatigue, relieving nervous tension and stress.
  • Almond(Almond) - an aroma that excites the senses and raises the erotic energy of passion, which made it strong, stimulating sexual energy, means.
  • Amber-sandal(Amber, amber sandalwood) - In the East, amber resin is used in cleansing practices as a means of removing everything negative, bad, and destructive energy. For a cleansing procedure at home, simply smoking an incense stick containing particles of amber resin will be enough. Strengthens the element of fire in the body, warms the heart, makes it kind and sympathetic.
  • Apple(Apple) - the aroma of apple relieves depression, fear, irritability.
  • Bergamot(Bergamot) - helps to achieve success in creativity, helps overcome difficulties, neutralizes the negative energy of others.
  • Citronella(Citronella) - is an excellent remedy for fatigue, relieves fatigue and drowsiness. Also thanks to its strong aroma. Citronella has a beneficial effect on the internal and external space, removes all types of negative energy from it.
  • Сlove(Clove) - restoring strength after nervous and physical overstrain, the aroma harmonizes a person’s energy space, lifts vitality, makes the mind calm and clear.
  • Coffee(Coffee) - tonic and invigorating, helps concentration and concentration.
  • Cherry(Cherry) - helps to feel the joys of life more clearly. CHAMPA (Champa) - favorable for compacting and brightening the energy shell, aura. Promotes concentration of mind, relieves nervous tension and overwork.
  • Camomile(Chamomile) - eliminates inferiority complex, helps in difficult life situations.
  • Chocolate(Chocolate) - perfectly lifts the mood and creates a cozy atmosphere in the house.
  • Cinnamon(Cinnamon) - stimulates blood circulation, relieves the effects of intoxication, strengthens the nervous system. Warms, cheers, relieves depression.
  • Cedar(Cedar) - eliminates stagnant processes in the body and in the surrounding space, cleanses the atmosphere, promotes mental clarity and good health. Increases performance and immunity.
  • Coconut(Coconut) - stimulates appetite, enhances metabolic processes in the body, relieves apathy and drowsiness.
  • Carnacion(Cloves) - provides assistance in overcoming excessive nervousness, protects against negative energy-informational influences, and promotes a speedy recovery after injuries and operations.
  • Eucalyptus(Eucalyptus) - stimulates mental abilities, strengthens memory, improves mood, relieves drowsiness. Purifies the atmosphere, kills bacteria. Powerful antiviral and anti-inflammatory agent! Helps with asthma. An effective remedy to repel insects.
  • Frank incense(Frankincense) - helps maintain sobriety of mind in any situation, protects the house from evil spirits, protects and cleanses the aura of people and serves as an excellent means for meditation. F
  • Rankincense-myrrh(Frankincense-myrrh) - helps in spiritual search, protects against evil spirits.
  • Green tea (Green tea) - it should be noted the tonic properties, with the help of which a person begins to feel lightness and clarity of mind. Cleanses the body of all kinds of energy blocks.
  • Gardenia(Gardenia) - helps with insomnia, fatigue, headaches, inflammation. Burning this incense will have a good therapeutic effect.
  • Grapefruit(Grapefruit) - relieves pain and spasms in the areas of the four upper chakras: chest, neck, head. Normalizes lipid metabolism (obesity, high cholesterol in the blood). Stimulates the hypothalamus and will help you temporarily get rid of the symptoms of bronchial cough, cold or flu.
  • Ginger(Ginger) - strengthens determination, instructs the right way V love relationships, helps to survive an energy attack.
  • Hyacinth(Hyacinth) - is a good relaxant, helps with insomnia, relieves nervousness and stress.
  • Honeysuckle(Honeysuckle) - effective for the prevention of colds, and also helps with headaches, insomnia and stress.
  • Honey(Honey) - recommended for use as a preventative tonic for colds, fatigue and stress.
  • Juniper(Juniper) - used to cleanse space of stagnant qi energy. The aroma of juniper protects against the effects of dark forces, improves your attitude, eliminates fear, increases intuition and personal strength. Recommended for moral exhaustion, bad memory, insomnia, hangover.
  • Jasmine(Jasmine) - stimulates creativity, strengthens self-esteem, a sense of well-being, helps to adapt to an unfamiliar environment, has an anti-stress effect, eliminates fatigue, muscle tension, mobilizes the body's reserve forces.
  • kiwi(Kiwi) - helps with initial stages throat diseases, and also has amazing abilities to heal heart disease, helps burn fats that block arteries, and this in turn reduces the risk of blood clots.
  • Lily(Lily) - will relieve depression, traces of fatigue from your body and mind.
  • Lotus(Lotus) - relieves fatigue, promotes spiritual development human, helps to smooth out the severity of depression and melancholy, sharpens intuition.
  • Lavender(Lavender) - promotes self-knowledge, used in meditation, helps to relax.
  • lemon(Lemon) - promotes recovery after hard work, strengthens immune system person. Provides balance of emotions, helps get rid of anxiety, improves mood and improves well-being. Stimulates mental abilities. Has antiviral and anti-infective effects.
  • Muschio bianco(White musk) - restores the energetic integrity of the aura, makes it invulnerable to bad communication, and is used for meditation. Helps with anxiety, mental fatigue, relieves stress, helps men and women to ignite passion.
  • Musk(Nutmeg) - suitable for meditation, helps to gain tolerance in love and work. It is especially relevant for teenagers, protecting them from bad influences.
  • Magnolia(Magnolia) - soothes, promotes relaxation and rest.
  • Myrrh(Mirra) - the main property of myra is to cleanse the human heart, and naturally the space of the house from everything negative, from damage, from the evil eye, simply from problems. Myrrh will eliminate what you think spoils the atmosphere of your home and prevents you from living in harmony and peace.
  • Orange(Orange) - increases optimism, self-confidence, charm, opens the soul towards goodness, prepares for the perception of positive information, strengthens after illness.
  • Patchouli(Patchouli) - money incense. Eases suffering, gives strength, determination, self-confidence. A strong erotic stimulant, increases sensitivity, relieves frigidity and impotence. Strong antiviral agent.
  • Pine(Pine) - used against pulmonary diseases, enhances the flow of pure energy, helps to quickly restore strength after a severe emotional blow. Develops a philosophical understanding of failure. Useful for those who experience an unjustified feeling of guilt, freeing them from it. Has a strong anti-inflammatory effect and antiseptic.
  • Rose-honey(Rose and honey) - the aroma of honey cleanses respiratory tract, relieves colds, has immunobiological, antiallergic properties.
  • Rose(Rose) - transforms the negative energy of disappointment and sadness into the constructive energy of self-improvement. Helps to soberly assess the situation and find the roots of the problem. Refreshes and clarifies thoughts, helps to make the right decision.
  • Rosemeri(Rosemary) - revitalizes and renews energy, promotes active image life and brings back the faded interest in it. Develops intuition.
  • Saffron(Saffron) - have the property of purifying the energy of space. These incense also have a slight therapeutic effect on the human body, strengthening the immune and nervous system.
  • Sandal(Sandalwood) - promotes relaxation, favorable for spiritual practice, meditation, calms the nerves.
  • Strawberry(Strawberry) - relieves fatigue, stress and lifts your mood.
  • Tangerine(Mandarin) - relaxes, relieves mental stress, eliminates depression. Improves blood circulation, helps harmonize the digestive system. A mild aphrodisiac, treats frigidity and impotence.
  • Vanilla(Vanilla) - gives joy to feelings, makes the heart kind, and encourages trusting relationships.
  • Vetivert(Vetiver) - eliminates depressive states. Returns emotional activity and spontaneity.
  • Violet(Violet) is both an erotic aroma that brings together and opens the hearts of men and women, and a general strengthening aroma that can lift even a too low mood, and simply a means of increasing vitality.
  • wild orchids(Wild Orchid) - known for its erotic properties, making it ideal for intimacy. The aroma of an orchid also lifts your spirits and strengthens your overall vital background.
  • Ylang ylang(Ylang-ylang) is a good antidepressant and induces a feeling of self-confidence. Relieves cramps nervous tic, headache. Excellent aphrodesiac, increases male potency. Tea tree - protects against the effects of aggressive energy from the outside world.

Have a nice evening!