What is asked of the holy matron. Divine healing - prayer to Matrona of Moscow for health. How to pray to the Holy Blessed Matrona

Pokrovsky stauropegial convent, located in Moscow, on Taganskaya Street, is today known throughout the world. Since 1998, the incorruptible relics of the Orthodox Russian saint Matrona of Moscow, in the world - Matrona Dmitrievna Nikonova, have been kept here. Every day, a continuous line of believers comes to the monastery temple to bow to Matronushka and ask her for prayer help. And even in the most hopeless cases, when there seems to be no chance of successful outcome, miracles happen.

Prayerful assistance of Matrona of Moscow in the birth of children

Blessed Elder Matrona is approached with many problems: when there is no hope of recovery from a serious illness, in difficult life situations, and also when it is not possible to give birth to a child for a long time. And through the prayers of the righteous woman, hundreds of thousands of people received help and consolation. “Everyone come to me,” Mother Matrona said shortly before her death, “and tell me, as if alive, about your sorrows.” She promised to see and hear everyone, and help everyone.

There are many known cases of miraculous healing from infertility thanks to the help of Saint Matronushka. When doctors were unable to help get pregnant or carry a child to term, women came to the church of the Intercession Monastery or to the Danilovsky cemetery, where the blessed one had previously rested, left notes with requests, and miraculously their problem was solved - the long-awaited conception occurred and children were born.

Examples of healing from infertility and assistance in having a child through the prayers of Matronushka

Anna says: “I lived in marriage with my husband for four years, never used contraception, never had an abortion, but I became pregnant. The husband really wanted children, and this problem weighed heavily on him. He began to move away from me - staying late at work, drinking. We started having scandals, and then I also learned from the doctors that I would never have a child. To say that I was in extreme despair is to say nothing. My whole life was falling apart.

One day I ran into church and couldn’t stand it - I fell on my knees in front of the icon of St. Matrona of Moscow, burst into tears and told her everything, as if in spirit. Just a few days later I felt unwell. My husband did not want to communicate with me - he was preparing for a divorce, but I managed to persuade him to accompany me to the doctor. It turned out that I was pregnant. Now our beloved daughter is growing up, and we have completely improved our relationship with my husband. “Everything is wonderful in our family, and for this I endlessly thank Saint Matrona.”

Olga says: “I had my first pregnancy at 38 years old. This age is considered unfavorable for having children, and doctors tried to persuade me to have an abortion. However it was long-awaited child, the birth of which I constantly postponed, and therefore I decided to continue the pregnancy at all costs. One day, during a regular examination, a serious deviation in the baby’s development was revealed, and I was told that he had no chance of being born healthy. Grief overwhelmed me - this was my last desperate chance to become a mother.

Since I live far from Moscow, I asked my Muscovite friend to leave a note about my child near the relics of St. Matrona. I still can’t understand how, but my baby was born absolutely healthy. “I am eternally grateful to Mother Matronushka for my happiness.”

These are just two examples, but it is difficult to say how many children were actually born thanks to the prayerful assistance of Matrona of Moscow - there are a lot of cases described.

How to ask the Holy Blessed Elder Matrona for help

In order to ask for help from Saint Matrona, you do not have to go to Moscow. Wherever you are, a heartfelt prayer, uttered in your own words, even silently, will be heard by mother, and according to your faith you will receive an answer. In addition, to have a heart-to-heart talk with Matronushka, visit the church in the places where you live, light a candle to the icon, order a service. After all, the deceased saints are not located where their relics lie - they are invisibly present wherever their help and support is needed: in every church and in the hearts of people who remember and honor them.

And if your life turns out in such a way that you find yourself in the capital, visit the temple of the Intercession Monastery and, together with a series of other pilgrims, venerate the holy relics. This good deed will strengthen your faith. There, in Moscow, you can visit the grave of St. Matrona at the Danilovsky cemetery.

If you absolutely want to personally make a request to Matronushka, write her a letter and send it to the address of the Danilovsky Monastery. The servants of the temple will lay it at the relics of the blessed mother.

Oh, blessed Mother Matrono, hear and accept us now, sinners, praying to you, who has learned throughout your entire life to receive and listen to all those who suffer and mourn with faith and hope for those who resort to your intercession and help, giving quick help and miraculous healing to everyone; May your mercy not fail now for us, unworthy, restless in this busy world and nowhere finding consolation and compassion in spiritual sorrows and help in bodily illnesses, heal our illnesses, deliver us from the temptations and torment of the passionately fighting devil, help us convey our everyday Cross, to bear all the hardships of life and not to lose the image of God in it, to preserve the Orthodox faith until the end of our days, to have strong trust and hope in God and unfeigned love for our neighbors, so that help us, after leaving this life, to achieve the Kingdom of Heaven with all those who pleased God , glorifying the mercy and goodness of the Heavenly Father, glorified in the Trinity: Father and Son and Holy Spirit forever and ever. Amen

O blessed mother Matrono, your soul is in heaven before the throne of God, but your body is resting on earth, and various miracles have been performed by the grace given to you above!
Look now with your merciful eye on us, sinners, in sorrows, illnesses and demonic temptations, waiting for our days, comfort us in despair, heal our fierce ailments, allowed by God to us through our sins, deliver us from many sorrows and circumstances and pray to our Lord Jesus Christ forgive us all our sins, iniquities and falls, even though we have sinned from our youth even to this day and hour, and through your prayers, having received grace and great mercy, we glorify the one God in the Trinity - the Father and the Son, and the Holy Spirit, and now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen

You can pray to the holy elder Matrona about pregnancy in your own words - speak from the bottom of your heart, and mother will hear you. And if you can’t find the right words, just remember a short prayer: “Holy righteous old woman Matrono, pray to God for us.”

In conclusion

They say that the Lord sends the help of saints in our most difficult times. Being disabled, Mother Matrona devoted her entire life to those in need and did not leave anyone without consolation who turned to her. Her only requirement for pilgrims was deep faith in God. “The Lord heals with my prayers,” she said, “believe, and the Lord will not leave you.”

Every day, believers bring a huge number of fresh flowers to the relics of Matrona of Moscow in gratitude for their help and consolation. The name of Matronushka is known to hundreds of thousands of people all over the world, and everyone who turned to her in prayer felt her invisible participation in their destiny. So let him remain God's blessing with everyone whose faith does not fade, and who in difficult times does not lose hope, but trusts in the help of Orthodox saints.

From birth, Mother Matrona was chosen by God to serve people. Born without eyes at all, she had a special spiritual vision that allowed her to heal the sick and penetrate the secrets of the future. Having spent more than fifty years in sitting position, Matrona of Moscow could see inner world other people and help them unceasing prayer in overcoming mental problems and physical illnesses. And today people from all over Russia flock to the blessed holy old woman, remembering her words spoken shortly before her death: “Everyone, everyone, come to me and tell me, as if alive, about your sorrows, I will see you, and hear you, and help you.” .

Mother Matrona helps with simple everyday matters and troubles. They ask her for intercession both in curing serious illnesses and solving problems at work. Through the prayers of Matrona of Moscow they unite married couples and major losses are discovered. The blessed holy elder helps in arranging her personal life and in having children. You can turn to her in many ways, but the main thing that needs to be observed is a sincere, tearful and humble prayer, beginning with the words: “O blessed mother Matrono...”. Short prayer to Mother it sounds like this: “Holy righteous old woman Matrono, pray to God for us!”

Where to ask for help from Matrona of Moscow?
You can ask Matrona of Moscow for help about marriage, establishing financial situation, resolving difficult life situations anywhere:

  • at home;
  • in the temple you visit in your hometown;
  • in any Orthodox church the world, where there is an icon of the holy old woman;
  • in the Intercession Monastery in Moscow, where the relics of Mother Matrona rest.
The presence of an icon (at home, in a church) and a visit to the Intercession Monastery is not prerequisite in order for Matrona of Moscow to pay attention to you. Mother Matrona hears everyone who turns to her with a sincere prayer coming from a pure heart.

If you want to ask Matrona of Moscow for help about pregnancy, then, of course, it is advisable to visit the Intercession Monastery, stand among other pilgrims, and venerate the relics of the saint. The Pokrovsky Monastery is located in the Proletarskaya metro area and further along Abelmanovskaya Street. Access to the relics of Mother Matrona is carried out daily from seven in the morning to eight in the evening, on Sundays - from six in the morning to eight in the evening.

Many pilgrims ask Matrona of Moscow for help at her grave located at the Danilovskoye cemetery. You can get to the cemetery by metro - to the Shabolovskaya station and then by tram 26 to the Danilovskoye Cemetery stop.

How to write to Matrona of Moscow?
If for some reason (economic or physical) you cannot personally visit the Intercession Monastery, then you can write a letter to Mother Matrona, which will be laid by the monastery servants at the relics of the blessed old woman.

Classic letters should be sent to: 109147, Moscow, st. Taganskaya, 58 (postal address of the Intercession Monastery). Emails(they are printed out and also placed at the relics of Mother Matrona) are accepted by e-mail: matronushka(dog)gmail.com.

Matrona of Moscow was blind during her lifetime, but this did not stop her from helping people, saving them from various diseases and problems. She was chosen by God and given a special gift that continues even after her death. Many people are interested in how to ask mother for help and what exactly the saint helps with. Today, many people make pilgrimages to her relics to solve their problems and find solace.

What can you ask Matrona of Moscow?

People turn to the saint to solve their everyday problems. They often ask her for help in treatment serious illnesses when medicine no longer offers hope. Matrona also provides support in solving problems at work, for example, in gaining favor with superiors, improving relations with employees, etc. If there are financial problems, then the saint will help you find the shortest way to resolve them. Understanding the topic - what Matrona of Moscow is asked for, it is worth talking about such an important area as personal life. The saint helps to improve family relationships and avoid divorce. Single girls ask for help in finding a soul mate, and married girls ask for help in having a healthy child.

How to correctly ask for help from Matrona of Moscow?

It doesn’t matter at all where exactly to address the saint. For example, this can be done at home, directly in the temple, as well as in the monastery where the relics of Matrona rest. You can also visit Matrona’s grave, which is located at the Danilovsky cemetery. It doesn’t even matter whether there is an icon at home or in the temple, since the saint will pay attention to you in any case. You can read a special prayer or say everything in your own words. To receive the help of a saint, the most important thing is - sincere words appeals that must come from a pure heart.

Speaking about how to ask pregnant girls for help from Saint Matrona of Moscow, it is worth giving a recommendation that in this case, it is best to visit Pokrovsky. Admission to the relics is carried out every weekday from 7 to 8 pm, and on weekends the time period is long - from 6 am to 8 pm.

There is another option for addressing the saint, suitable for people who cannot or do not have the opportunity to get to the monastery to see the relics, because you can write a letter dedicated to Matrona to the address of the monastery: 109147, Moscow, st. Taganskaya, 58. The clergy will definitely place it at the relics of the saint, so you can write about all your problems and experiences.

Only a few receive a gift from God to help believers. Among the most famous saints is Mother Matrona, who lived according to the commandments of God, healing people and guiding them to the right way. Every person has the opportunity to turn to her for help.

How does Saint Matrona help?

Mother always said that it is not she who helps people, but the Lord to whom she turns. Before her death, the blessed one asked that all people come to her and talk as if she were alive, talking about their problems. Saint Matrona of Moscow helps in different situations:

  1. There is no list indicating what you can turn to the saint for, but judging by people’s reviews, you can come to her with various troubles that have happened in the family, at work and in other areas.
  2. Saint Matrona helps in various everyday needs, so they ask her for marriage, healing, love, help and protection.
  3. Women ask their mother for help in conceiving and.
  4. Every person who prays to Matrona with a pure heart and soul receives advice and support. It strengthens faith and teaches one to trust and rely on the faith of the Lord.

There is one custom among pilgrims - to bring fresh flowers to the saint. In the Pokrovsky Monastery, near the shrine with the relics of Matrona, there are always a lot of luxurious bouquets. People who bring flowers receive from the clergy in return several plants that were blessed on the relics. They must be brought home and dried, and then stored near the image of the Matrona. Blessed plants can be used to brew tea, which should be drunk and prayed for healing from ailments.

Life of Saint Matrona

The future saint was born in the Tula region in the village of Sebino in 1881 into a poor peasant family. When Matrona’s mother was pregnant, she thought about sending the child to an orphanage, since there was nothing to feed another child. At night the woman dreamed prophetic dream, where a white bird appeared to her, which had the face of a man, but with eyes closed, and sat on her hand. After this, the woman decided to leave the child, and the future holy blessed Matrona of Moscow was born, and she was blind.

When the girl was baptized, at the moment she was lowered into the font, people saw how she was surrounded by a table of fragrant smoke. This was an indication that the child had been chosen to serve the Lord. The life of Saint Matrona was filled with various miracles and trials.

  1. The blessed woman had no eyes at all, and her eyelids tightly pulled her eye sockets together. In the area chest she had a bulge that was shaped like a cross.
  2. When the girl was 8 years old, her gift was revealed and she could heal people and predict the future.
  3. People began to come to her to get advice or help, and the blessed one did not refuse anyone. The fame of the saint spread far beyond the borders of her native village.
  4. At the age of 17, Matrona’s legs gave out, and she spent the next 50 years of her life “sedentary.” She made prophecies not only for people, but also for entire countries. She could see from a distance and could talk about places she had never seen.
  5. The Holy Martyr Matrona, even after death, helps people who turn to her. The main thing is to come to her with good intentions and from a pure heart.

Predictions of Saint Matrona

During her lifetime, the blessed one did things that, after some time, actually came true. It is up to everyone to believe or not in the prophecies of Saint Matrona of Moscow, but the fact is that they have a connection with the events taking place in real life, understandable even to a child.

  1. One of the latest prophecies indicates that modern man A serious test awaits and the moment will come when people will have to make a choice between the cross and bread. If we consider the prediction based on real events, then today many people, in order to ensure their lives, forget about the morality of Christianity.
  2. Saint Matrona said that in the future people will live under hypnosis and demons will burst into their souls. This can be interpreted from the point of view that many people today are dependent on television and the Internet, and through them it is easy to control crowds.
  3. The blessed one predicted that people would not die from war, but something else would happen, from which everyone would fall to the ground in the evening, and in the morning all the strength would go underground.

Miracles of Saint Matrona

In the Pokrovsky Monastery there are records testifying to how the blessed one helped ordinary people on various issues. For example, here are some of them:

  1. Not far from the village where the holy elder Matrona of Moscow lived, there was a man and he could not walk. She ordered him to crawl to her in the morning, and after the reception, he already left her on his own feet.
  2. One man did not believe in the powers of the blessed one, but one day he fell ill and could not move his limbs. His sister came to Matrona and asked for help and she agreed. After reading the prayer and drinking the charmed water, the man recovered. The blessed one said that his sister’s faith helped him.
  3. Saint Matrona also saved people exposed to demons. One day, several men brought to her an old woman who possessed enormous power and behaved strangely. After prayer, she came to her senses and recovered.

Prayer to Saint Matrona

To get mother’s help, you need to consider a number of recommendations:

  1. You can contact Matrona in church or at home, the main thing is to look at the image during prayer.
  2. There are special prayers, but you can also address Saint Matrona in your own words. It is important that they come from a pure heart.
  3. Since the blessed one is considered the patroness of orphans and homeless people, it is recommended that before contacting her, help people in need or feed animals on the street.
  4. If possible, it is recommended to visit the Intercession Monastery to venerate the relics. The Holy Blessed Matrona will hear if you come to her grave.
  5. If it is not possible to visit these places on your own, then you can send a letter with your request to the monastery and the nuns will definitely place a note on the relics.

Prayer to Saint Matrona for help

There are situations when you cannot do without outside help and support. Higher powers will be a good support in solving various problems and overcoming obstacles. A well-known prayer is to Matrona of Moscow for help, which can be used in difficult situations to return to the right road, see the right direction, gain faith and strength not to give up. The blessed one provides support to those who truly deserve it.

Prayer to Saint Matrona for health

The blessed one became famous thanks to her healing power. During her lifetime, many people dreamed of going to her to cope with their illness. Many testimonies have survived to this day that Matrona helped to heal even from fatal disease. For those who are interested in health, you should know about some rules:

  1. Not only the patient, but also his close relatives can ask for healing.
  2. It is necessary to pray for help in front of the image, which should be located near the bed of a sick person. It is recommended to light a candle next to the icon.
  3. The text can be spoken about water, which a sick person should then drink.
  4. You need to ask for healing every day and it is better to do this in the morning and evening.

Prayers to Saint Matrona for work

Many people ask the saints for help in solving work-related problems, for example, some cannot find a decent job, others have problems with their superiors and staff, and others dream of a promotion. wages and career advancement. The help of Saint Matrona will help solve existing troubles only if a person independently strives for success, and does not wait for what he wants to “fall on his head.”

Prayer to Saint Matrona for love

Girls who are in search of mutual love can turn to To higher powers. Holy Mother Matrona helped lonely people find love during their lifetime by reading special prayers over the person. To quickly get what you want, when addressing the blessed one, it is recommended to imagine an image ideal man. The main thing is to ask for love from a pure heart without any bad intentions.

Prayer to Saint Matrona for marriage

For centuries, women, wanting to improve their personal lives, have turned to the saints. Sincere requests will help you become more attractive and attractive to members of the opposite sex, and they will also increase the chance of meeting your soulmate. There is a special appeal to Saint Matrona of Moscow, intended for women who want to receive a marriage proposal.

Prayer to Saint Matrona for the fulfillment of a wish

People often live with the goal of realizing their deepest desires, but for many, their dreams remain unattainable. Prayer to Saint Matrona of Moscow gives faith so that a person does not stop, and strength to move forward, and also helps circumstances turn out as well as possible. Remember that prayer texts are not and need to be constantly worked on.

Prayer to Saint Matrona for conceiving a child

A huge number of women dream of knowing the happiness of motherhood, but for unexplained reasons They are unable to get pregnant. To change the situation, many turn to Higher powers. Miracle-working in this regard is the prayer to the holy blessed Matrona of Moscow. There are several recommendations that, according to the clergy, those who want to have offspring should follow:

  1. A woman must humble herself and obey the will of the Lord. It is important to believe in the power of prayer and not to despair.
  2. Spouses must attend church, confess and receive communion.
  3. A woman and a man must lead a righteous life, adhere to the commandments and fasts.

The venerable old lady has colossal authority in Orthodox world because her mercy knows no bounds. People turn to the holy saint in cases where there are health problems, social status, childlessness and many others. Matrona intercedes with the Almighty, who gives pious people what they truly deserve.

The venerable old woman is asked in front of holy icons, relics with the help of prayers or notes, where you can carefully think through own desire and express it clearly on paper.

Why do they turn to Saint Matrona for help?

Just before her death, Matrona addressed all believers with words from which it became clear that the saint would be glad to see suffering and unhappy people at her grave. And today, pilgrims from all over Russia come to the burial site to pour out their souls and receive a special blessing. Believers know that Matrona will personally meet them at death if they turn to the saint for help and lead a charitable life.

Icon of the Blessed Matrona of Moscow

Many Orthodox believers turn to Saint Matrona of Moscow, an extremely revered servant of God. Through her, people ask the Lord for healing, family well-being and guidance on the true path of faith.

Reverend Matrona was born completely blind, and at the age of 19 she lost the ability to walk on her feet. Despite these problems, she never lost her presence of mind, giving her soul to the service of the Almighty. People who came to her felt divine warmth, received consolation, maternal affection and good advice.

Important! Every person should follow the example of holy people who have distanced themselves from selfishness and know that God exists and only He grants eternal bliss to His children.

The Reverend Mother loves people and is ready to help everyone who humbly comes to her grave, as well as to her remains in the Intercession Monastery. She accepts not only prayers, but also letters expressing the same thoughts and wishes.

In what form to address the saint?

A written appeal has no specific and strict form creation. As in prayer, here a person expresses his own wish, showing humility and praising the Lord, as well as His saint. More often the letters have summary and are created in free form.

Advice! In order for a request to reach Matrona’s consideration, it is necessary to create it with great truthfulness and religious love for the environment. A person himself must believe in what he asks for with such great zeal.

A letter addressed to the holy saint gives a chance Orthodox person for correction, departure from sinful life. A manuscript, like a prayer, allows one to receive divine forgiveness and reconcile with the Almighty Creator. With spiritual vision, Matrona sees the emotional outpourings of people who turn to her for significant help. She loves every person extremely and does not leave him in trouble; the saint prays to the Lord himself for calm and happy life for defenseless orphans, unfortunate widows and seriously ill people.

Icon of Saint Matrona of Moscow. Pokrovsky Stauropegial Convent

The notes that reach her have miraculous powers, as do her images or holy remains. The request finds a response when a person sincerely desired to sacrifice his life to the Lord.

Important! If a believer shows tremendous will and overcomes his own selfishness, he will definitely receive the gift for which he begs with a pure heart.

What can you ask Saint Matronushka for?

Most often, Orthodox believers turn to Matrona of Moscow in the following cases:

  • People are trying to overcome serious illness, which modern medicine is sometimes powerless to cure.
  • People turn to the mother to get new housing (for example, a young family expecting a child).
  • People write letters or come to the shrine of the holy saint to return stolen things to which they are very accustomed.
  • Reverend Matrona pays great attention to orphans, the unemployed and those who find themselves on the edge of society. Therefore, merciful people should pray to her in their letters for great blessings to the unfortunate and needy.

The Holy Mother helps to get rid of many of life’s difficulties, while at the same time involving a grateful person on the path of true religion. He who has seen a miracle and experienced the power of the Almighty becomes kinder to those around him, strives to benefit society and sacrifice his time for the sake of the whole.

However, before the miracle happens, you must correct your own thinking and activities.

Advice! The saint loves it when a person asking (through a letter or in front of an icon) makes a donation to a church, feeds a homeless person, or shelters an orphan. Any good deed gives the believer a special favor from the Lord and His saints.

Examples of written appeal

Prayer notes to Matrona of Moscow should be placed with her holy relics, which are located in the Intercession Monastery. To get to the remains of the reverend saint, you must stand in a long line, since the number of pilgrims here is proportional to the fame and good reputation of the mother. Particles of the relics sometimes come to other cities of our vast homeland. If it is not possible to visit the church in person, the nuns accept electronic appeal, sent to the monastery website.

Pokrovsky Stauropegial Convent

The Pokrovsky church complex is located at the address: Moscow, Taganskaya street, house No. 58. E-mail - info@pokrov-monastir/ru. The monastery is open daily from early morning to eight o’clock in the evening, and hosts divine services according to church canons. Notes in which believers express their innermost desires have extraordinary power and serve as an indirect reason for the fulfillment of a great miracle.

There are a wide variety of examples that you can use as a guide when writing a request.

  • “Forgive me, Holy Matrona, for the sins I have committed and please take me away from all kinds of troubles that come in difficult moments. Please pray for my family and those around me before the Almighty Creator, ask Him for strength and health to serve good deeds. Help us to live calmly, without worries. Amen".
  • “Holy Matronushka, please make sure that they return to our family pure relationship and sincere love. May the Lord make our family complete and fill it with an atmosphere of pleasant comfort. Let us, mother, take the path true faith and live in an aura of goodness and justice.”
  • “Reverend Matrona, help all people find spiritual vision, which you yourself possess. May each subsequent day bring only happiness to everyone, may none of us fall into the temptation of sinfulness and fall into the abyss of vice. Thank you".
  • “Holy Mother, make sure that my children can safely graduate from school and go to university. Please put love for the Lord and faith in His existence in their minds, let them grow up good people and will strive to help their own environment, not passing indifferently past the homeless, orphans and the sick. Amen".
  • “Dear, kind Matronushka, we ask you to strengthen our strength and faith, which will help us cope with the hardships of our present existence. Pray to the Lord that He never leaves us, because we love Him with all our hearts and try to remember His power at all times. Holy Mother, let this petition be heard, and spiritual transformation happen to every Christian.”
  • “Great saint Matrona, I pray that you help me find a faithful and honest husband with whom I can make a full-fledged family. May the Lord grant best conditions for his loyal followers. Help me, mother, create big family which is based on true religiosity. Amen".
  • “Holy Matrona, I ask you, make sure that my child gets back on his feet and never gets sick again. Instilled in his heart spiritual knowledge, let these hardships contribute to our religious growth. Please heal the man for a long time bearing a heavy cross. Thank you".
Note! You can contact the reverend saint with any question, as long as the request does not go beyond the bounds of piety. There is no place for vicious and selfish desires in the notes. It is necessary to believe in a future miracle, do good deeds and be able to forgive all sorts of insults, which are a colossal burden for a person.

With hope and love, the prayer finds a response, and the person finds great peace of mind.

How to write a note to Matrona of Moscow via the Internet. Priest Igor Silchenkov