Benefits of using infrared sauna heaters. How to choose infrared emitters.

The healing properties of the bath have long been known. Today, in the age of advanced technology, people go to the sauna more often. As a rule, for the construction of premises and the manufacture of cabins, solid wood is used, which, when heated, releases phytoncides that kill and suppress the development of pathogenic microorganisms. Of course, many keep traditions and prefer to build a real Russian bathhouse, but sometimes it is more advisable to abandon the stove and use more modern innovations, such as IR heaters.

In modern saunas as heating devices Electric and gas infrared heaters are used. Their waves are safe for humans, so heat therapy is useful at almost any age. A half-hour visit to an infrared sauna is equivalent to 2 hours spent in a traditional bath.

Advantages of IR equipment

  • As a rule, such devices have an attractive appearance and compact dimensions. Mounting and dismantling the equipment will not be difficult. There is no need to prepare logs and throw them into the firebox throughout the rest.
  • Purchase and installation will cost several times less than laying a traditional oven, and the advantages over an electric oven are quite obvious - the IR device consumes up to 80% less electricity.
  • To warm up the steam room traditional way it will take at least 2 hours, the heater needs 20 minutes. Moreover, it does not highlight unpleasant odors, does not burn oxygen, which is often the cause of headaches when heating a room with a stove.
  • The IR heater can also be used in small rooms - mini-saunas installed in apartments.

  • During operation, the device unit practically does not heat up, which allows it to be mounted on ceilings and walls made of any materials.

A few words about their shortcomings:

  • if you need to purchase 5-6 electrical appliances for a room, then the amount will be quite significant;
  • the appearance of the equipment will look inappropriate in a bathhouse, the furnishings of which are made in the best Russian traditions;
  • there is a big risk of buying a low-quality heater, which will undoubtedly lead to its rapid failure.

Types of infrared heaters

Electrical appliances of this kind are classified into 3 types:

  • shortwave. Models with such parameters can be identified visually - when turned on, they emit a yellowish-red light. The wavelength corresponds to the range of 0.74-2.5 microns. Heating of the element can reach 1000°. High-temperature devices are installed in rooms where the ceiling height is 8-9 meters. They are intended for production facilities and factory floors. It is not recommended to be for a long time in the room where such equipment is installed;

  • medium wave. Equipment with a wavelength of 2.5-5.6 microns are used more for local heating. It is capable of creating a heat flow stronger and faster than a similar device with long waves. Heating of the plate can be up to 600°. The operating mode is achieved within a minute. Medium-temperature devices are suitable for rooms with a ceiling height of 3-6 m. Where such a device is installed, you can stay for no more than 8 hours.

  • long wave. Thanks to long waves (50-2000 microns), heat penetrates deeply into objects and the human body, positively affecting his well-being and the body as a whole. Heating of the plate is possible up to 300°. The optimal range in which people and animals can constantly stay is 5.6-1400 microns.

Low-temperature heaters are used for premises of any purpose where the ceiling height does not exceed 3 m.

Infrared heaters are also selected depending on the area of ​​the room, its purpose or based on the required technical parameters, for example:

  • floor-type equipment, equipped with a height-adjustable leg, used as additional source heat;
  • a model with an open heating element is designed for local or complete heating of a room with high ceilings. It is equipped with a reliable design and is usually mounted on the main ceiling;
  • if the ceiling height is from 2 to 10 m, then it is advisable to use a device with a closed heating element. The appearance of the body panel allows it to fit perfectly into any sauna interior;
  • in some cases it is advisable to install moldings, for example, above a window or above a door, thus providing almost complete protection from possible drafts;
  • in rooms where the ceiling height does not exceed 3 meters, cassette heating devices are used. They are attached directly to the suspended ceiling structure;

  • it is also possible to use modern systems working for hot water. Such heaters are designed for hidden installation in a suspended ceiling;
  • You can connect a thermostat to this equipment, through which the optimal temperature is adjusted.

Type of device and principle of its operation

  • An infrared heater for a bath, somewhat reminiscent of a fluorescent lamp, is made in the form of a rectangle with a body made of sheet metal coated with powder paint. Inside there is a panel with an electric heater, which can be ceramic, tubular, or carbon. A heat-emitting reflector is installed on top of a heat-reflecting screen. The inside of the case is protected by a heat-insulating gasket, which prevents the surface of the device from heating.
  • After being connected to the mains, the heating element acts on the aluminum plate, which begins to emit waves. Thermal energy is transferred to the surfaces of objects located in the heating zone, and they already transfer heat directly to the air. Thus, the air is heated evenly, where the main heat accumulates in the floor area, and not near the ceiling.

  • The heating part of the device, made of ceramics, is a ceramic plate in which a high-resistance conductor is placed. This transmitter is made of nichrome, where the heating temperature can reach 1000 °, or fechral, ​​an alloy with high electrical resistance, its incandescence is about 800 °. The service life of such a heater is on average 4 years.
  • The tubular heating element is insulated with an aluminum profile. Thus, a long and wide plate is formed, where infrared rays emanate from its entire surface. As a rule, one heater is equipped with several such modules. A heating device with a heating element will last about 7 years.
  • The carbon heating module consists of a quartz tube, inside of which a spiral-shaped carbon filament is placed. The evacuated tube is completely sealed. Carbon fiber is durable and heat-resistant, withstands heat up to 3000°. If the device is made properly, then the service life is practically unlimited.
  • Depending on the wavelength, the plate can heat up from 250 to 600°, but the body itself rarely heats up above 60°.
  • The weight of household appliances is 3.5-5 kg, the length of the panel is 1 or 1.5 meters, the standard width and thickness are 16 and 4 cm, respectively.
  • As a rule, the package consists of the device itself, brackets and hardware (dowels, self-tapping screws, screws). Additionally, a wire with a plug is purchased, where the cross-section is selected for the appropriate load, a thermostat, automatic devices, magnetic releases or other components may also be useful.

A properly selected and correctly installed device will last at least 25 years.

Choosing an infrared heater for a sauna

Selection should be made according to the following criteria:

  • manufacturer;
  • dimensions;
  • coating quality;
  • power, wavelength;
  • installation type.

Manufacturer of infrared emitters

  • Russia is recognized the best manufacturer IR equipment. Brands such as “Peony”, “Master Hit”, “Ballu”, “Ecoline” produce high-quality products. There is a fairly wide range of similar products on the market, which allows you to select the required model with the appropriate parameters.

  • Quite popular Italian stamps"AEG" and "ITM". These companies are demanding about the protection of equipment; all presented models are resistant to mechanical stress and are equipped with moisture-resistant housings.
  • German IR equipment from WAGO, Kroll and Eckerle is cost-effective. Here high quality successfully combined with power and low power consumption.
  • France does not lag behind leading companies and presents its products on the heater market. For example, the Thermor company produces devices in the form of a panel; despite its compact size, the device is quite capable of replacing central heating. Models from the Noirot brand are characterized by safety, mobility and the ability to heat a room in a minimum amount of time.
  • Similar devices from Switzerland are economical, have a reliable design and elegant appearance. On the market you can buy IR heaters made in Turkey, Sweden, Greece and Denmark. Thanks to the huge assortment, the consumer has the opportunity to purchase a device with necessary parameters and attractive design.

Installation type of IR heater

  • This parameter is of no small importance, for example, a floor-mounted IR heater is easy to install, but it requires a specific place on the floor and can be overturned if careless. In this regard, the model must be equipped special function, which turns off the device if it falls, which is important if there are children in the family.
  • Devices are more difficult to install wall type, but they do not take up space and look very decent against the general background of the interior.
  • Ceiling models are characterized by uniform dispersion of rays and, accordingly, heat, while the method of their installation is quite complex and time-consuming.
  • For saunas, devices are often purchased that are embedded or mounted in the corners of the room. Here the opening angle can be 90° and 120°.
  • To maintain a certain temperature for an extended period of time, it makes sense to purchase a thermostat. For a sauna, it is better to choose a model with a rotating mechanism.

Getting it right

To avoid bitter disappointment and regret about wasted money after purchasing this device, you should pay attention to the following things when purchasing:

  • the packaging must not be damaged; in some cases, the case is protected with foam inserts;
  • before you buy an infrared heater, you must definitely check the device; the seller’s assurances that everything works and no one has complained yet are not a reason to cancel testing the equipment;
  • The device must operate absolutely silently. Therefore, the check is carried out directly in trading floor. Any sound produced by the device is a reason to refuse the purchase;
  • the purchase of an electric mechanism is accompanied by the following documents: a receipt and a completed warranty card;
  • request a certificate for this device, study it - all data on the purchased model must match.

The basis for refusal of purchase is the absence (failure to provide) of one of the above documents.

  • Infrared heaters should be positioned so as to create a single thermal field, thereby achieving uniform heating of vacationers. Typically, 6 devices are enough for a room, two of which are mounted on the back wall, one each on the side surfaces or in the corners, above the door, and one is installed horizontally in the canopy riser for heating the feet. The devices are placed vertically because a person is usually in a sitting position indoors.

  • The heater power is selected based on the area of ​​the room. This is explained by the fact that the device is not designed to heat air, but to heat the surfaces of the room and the objects (people) in it.
  • Emissivity shows how much energy is dissipated. The higher the value, the better. For example, if the coefficient is 80%, then 20% of the thermal energy simply disappears.
  • Ceiling height is the main criterion when selecting models; for example, it is not advisable to install a heater low power in a room where the ceiling is about 4 meters. In this case, the rays will simply dissipate without reaching the floor.
  • Conversely, it is not recommended to install a powerful device with ceilings whose height is less than 2.7 m; the person in such a room will experience inconvenience associated with excess thermal radiation.

Film infrared heaters

  • IR film can be used as additional heating for the sauna. It is treated with 1 micron carbon paste and glued with ultra-thin carbon threads. The film surface lamination is made of a special polyester that meets all fire and electrical insulation requirements. Heating of the film heater is from 30° to 110°, the length of the rays is 5-20 microns.

  • The thickness of the film (0.4 mm) and technical characteristics allow it to be laid under any finishing coating. Installation under stone or ceramic finishing is also possible, but in this case the work should be entrusted to specialists.
  • IR films are also produced with decorative lamination on front side, which makes it possible to install it on walls and ceilings.
  • Such heaters are equipped with a thermostat and a wire with a plug at the end. They will last at least 20 years, but long term operation depends on the quality of the product and at least periodic inclusion.

Flat infrared heaters

  • Heating panels are used for rear walls, cut into the right and left of the canopy or mounted in bottom part benches. Flat emitters are characterized by intensive operation, the maximum heating temperature is 70°.
  • The panel frame is usually made in “gold” or “silver”; the outer side of the heater is made in various colors. You can choose a model with a mirror surface; here two functions are combined - a mirror and heating the room. Neon lighting will add special chic to the interior.


  • IR energy acts if it hits the human body. Outside its zone, heating occurs due to internal temperature premises. This is what reflectors are used for; they disperse radiation as much as possible.

  • The reflector is a curved metal plate with reflective properties. This allows you to direct up to 95% of the emitted energy to the object. The reflector models correspond to the emitters of ceramic heaters, for example, the ECS-2, ECP-2, ECH-2 emitter corresponds to the ECR2 reflector.
  • The wide shape of the reflector helps soften and distribute the radiation at an angle of approximately 120°. Such models are used in compact cabins so that for a person sitting in close proximity to the heater, the radiation is pleasant.
  • Corner reflectors operate differently, namely: they concentrate the rays at an angle of 90°. They are mainly installed in spacious saunas, focusing IR radiation onto the bench.

Control system

  • Infrared radiation has different effects on human skin, and the body reacts differently to the rays. Control systems, which are available in 2 types, are responsible for a comfortable stay in the sauna.

  • The simplest, but ineffective - temperature controlled system. The operating principle is to turn off the heating elements when the specified parameter is reached. In this case, the emitters stop generating energy. When the temperature reaches minimum indicator, the thermocouple reconnects the heating modules. Thus, the devices operate periodically, and the human body does not warm up completely.
  • Has excellent performance power control system. Having set the required power, the microprocessor controls the flow of rays. In this case, the IR heaters do not turn off, but smoothly change the level of supplied energy. The regulator allows you to select a mode for individual characteristics person. Consequently, deep and uniform heating is ensured for both children and people with sensitive skin, and for those who like to take a deep steam bath. Such a system consists of separate elements:
    • The control panel is mounted with outside cabins The digital display indicates the procedure time and radiation power. The system can be configured for a certain period of time, after which the heaters are automatically disconnected from the network. The remote control allows you to control 2 power control units.
    • The power control unit is designed to control the operation of heaters. A device with a power of up to 1.1 kW is used in standard cabins with a capacity of 1-2 people and can control the operation of up to 6 heaters. The heater, whose power is 1.5 kW, is suitable for multi-person saunas and is capable of controlling the operation of up to 8 heating devices.
    • The internal control panel is used to adjust the required parameters so that the experience in the sauna cabin is optimal.

The system can be equipped with additional functions, for example, “smooth heating”, which allows you to avoid jumps in starting currents, or a “time counter” mode, where the system turns off the heating devices after a certain time; this is relevant if the sauna is intended for commercial purposes.

IR heaters seem to be created for equipping a sauna, which requires very high demands regarding safety. Their silent operation, fast and uniform heating of the room and the human body are what you need for a relaxing holiday. A long service life and minimal energy consumption makes this device ideal in terms of price-quality ratio.

Product catalog

Infrared heaters for saunas ECL

As heaters for infrared saunas ceramics are most often used infrared emitters. The Elektronagrev company produces heaters for infrared saunas in both standard sizes and to order.

By using ceramic sauna heaters you can achieve optimal temperature regime and microclimate inside the room. Ceramic IR heaters for saunas operate in medium-wave radiation mode, so the heating elements themselves do not glow.

Modern infrared saunas are very popular because, unlike ordinary saunas, sauna with infrared heating does not heat the air, but heats objects, which significantly reduces energy consumption and increases the penetration of heat into the human body. IR saunas can be designed to be small in size and placed in an apartment or small house. Thanks to fast and even heating, you will appreciate the use of infrared saunas.

The heaters in infrared saunas are ECL ceramic emitters, the popularity of which is due to their cost-effectiveness compared to other types of infrared emitters. Ceramic heaters are more reliable and durable, they can be used in high humidity conditions.

Thanks to modern developments in the production of ceramic heaters for infrared saunas, you will warm the room to the desired temperature without burning oxygen. Ceramic heaters operate in constant heating mode, and by connecting a temperature sensor you will ensure control of the heating temperature.

Installation of heaters for infrared saunas

The design of the heater in the infrared sauna consists of a heater in the form of a ceramic emitter, a protective box made of stainless steel and a cable for connecting to the electrical network.

Electric heating produces heaters for infrared saunas of standard size or to order - according to customer drawings. For optimal heating, heaters should be placed around the entire perimeter of the sauna. The company’s specialists will help you correctly calculate and think through the location.

Protective casing and reflector - used to reflect waves thanks to the mirror surface. Also, the casing design will reliably protect the heater from mechanical damage.

Ceramic emitter ECL- this is one of the most important elements design that serves as a heater in an infrared sauna.

The heater mounts are provided as a screw connection, but upon request you can provide additional holes and functions.

Used to connect to the electrical network.

If necessary, you can connect a special temperature sensor to the heating system, which you can adjust to your temperature regime.

Basic conditions for installing ceramic heaters for infrared saunas:

When designing infrared sauna It is necessary to consider first the location of the heaters. Infrared ceramic emitters are located vertically around the perimeter of the room. The power and number of heaters are calculated based on the area of ​​the sauna and the number of people.

The main function of infrared emitters is fast and uniform heating, regardless of the person’s position in the sauna. A relaxing, therapeutic and preventive effect is achieved by following the rules for staying in an infrared sauna. But do not forget that the procedure of staying in an infrared sauna has contraindications and time limits.

Buy heaters for infrared saunas Available from a warehouse in Moscow, or on order with delivery throughout Russia. Heaters for infrared saunas Electroheating offers both standard sizes ECL I and ECL II, as well as custom-made ones, where you can take into account the overall dimensions and think through the fastening system.

A specialist from the Elektroheating company will help you calculate the heating power and temperature. You can order a heater for an infrared sauna in Moscow by calling the indicated phone numbers or email address.


Specifications infrared heaters for saunas:

Overall dimensions of infrared heaters for saunas:


The current supply to the spherical ceramic emitters is carried out by a wire insulated from ceramic beads (with a ring tip). The standard lead length is 200 mm.

These days it is difficult to find a person who has not visited a sauna at least once. Except therapeutic effect, it has a good preventive effect on our body during periods of hypothermia and viral diseases, gives health and beauty. Electric and gas infrared sauna heaters (IR) are becoming more and more popular every year. What is the advantage of a sauna with an IR heater over a sauna with a traditional stove?

Using IR Emitters

When infrared heaters, rather than a furnace, are operating, their rays heat only objects without affecting the temperature of the surrounding air. In a regular sauna, everything around is heated by hot air, which gets its temperature from the stones that are heated by the stove. A gas or electric stove, heating the air of a traditional bath or sauna to a high temperature (at least 80 ° C), usually uses large number energy. It takes a long time for the oven to heat up well (about an hour and a half).

Preheating of the IR sauna lasts 15 minutes, so its operation is more economical (up to 50%) than the operation of a stove. Building a sauna, which is planned to have a gas or electric stove, will take a lot of effort, time and financial costs, and purchasing an IR heater will be quick and inexpensive. The heaters are compact and do not require special knowledge for installation. While relaxing, there is no need to constantly monitor how an electric or gas stove operates.

The owner and his guests enjoying their holiday will not be bothered by headaches that can result from the combustion of oxygen in the stove. The fumes from gas combustion, which are emitted by a gas stove during operation, are not formed during operation of the IR heater. And it doesn't dry out the air as much as a gas or electric oven; the humidity in the room remains the same.

The device design is based on electromagnetic radiation, close in power to normal room temperature. The most powerful IR emitter known to mankind is the Sun; its infrared spectrum occupies about 50% of all radiation. The famous astronomer William Herschel came to this conclusion back in 1800.

IR emitters for baths or saunas were first proposed by Dr. Tadashi Ishikawa. Before it was started mass production, they underwent scientific testing and research for 14 years. Experiments begun at the end of the last century confirm that heaters containing IR emitters are absolutely harmless to the human body.

Advice from the master!

On the contrary, the positive effect that such a device has is scientifically proven and substantiated.

Types and features of IR heaters

The modern market offers products that differ in:

  • squares;
  • power;
  • price.

In this case, attention is paid to the manufacturer, dimensions, quality of coating and type of installation. Recent years Many people prefer film infrared heaters, as well as reflectors and flat devices. The latter are usually called “panels”. Panel heaters are usually inserted into the rear wall of the cabin, most often at the bottom of the bench.

They are characterized by maximum intensity (provide heating temperatures up to 70 ° C). The panels are framed in “gold” or “silver” design, in a different color palette. Neon lighting on a model can add chic and sophistication to the style. The heating part of the panel is a ceramic plate, a tubular element or a carbon module.

The ceramic plate contains a conductor that will provide uninterrupted operation device for 4 years. Infrared heaters, in which the ceramic plate is hollow or three-dimensional, are widely used in the construction of baths or saunas. They are durable, comfortable, reliable and affordable. For a bath or sauna, it is better to use low-power IR heaters, taking into account the size of the room and the number of people receiving bath procedures. IR emitters are installed either individually or in combination with a reflector and other devices.

The ceramic gas installation that emits infrared rays deserves special attention. It uses a ceramic panel as a heating element and powers it gas system. The gas ceramic model is installed on a flat, hard surface of a bathhouse or sauna.

Advice from the master!

The gas installation has a relay; it is activated if the product falls for some reason. This advantage is especially important for compliance with fire safety requirements.

The gas design operates with an uninterrupted gas supply; if interruptions occur, it immediately turns off. Its infrared rays effectively cope with work in three modes, in a room up to 60 square meters. meters. Their gas component is replenished at any gas station, and cylinders, the gas capacity of which varies from 5 to 50 liters, depend on the model of the device.

The healing effect of infrared baths and saunas

IR baths and saunas are often recommended by experts modern medicine and cosmetology. This takes into account the fact that IR heaters are capable of warming up skin, muscles, tissues, tendons and everything internal organs a person to a depth of up to 4 cm, in contrast to traditional baths and saunas, in which the skin is heated only to 5 mm. The infrared radiation provided by such an emitter has a wavelength of up to 5.5 microns. The effect caused by the heaters in question:

  • impaired blood circulation is restored;
  • the body is cleansed of waste and toxins;
  • body weight decreases;
  • immunity is strengthened;
  • kidney function improves.

IR heaters help restore the epidermis, lift vitality and improve your mood. Such procedures are widely used by people of different ages and different weight categories, so increasingly such devices are installed in private houses and apartments. IR heaters are indispensable for a modern sauna.

Advice from the master!

They satisfy everyone necessary requirements to the safety of devices of this type, affordable, reliable and convenient. Their silent operation does not interfere with relaxation, and economical operation increases the pleasure received from the procedures.

The world does not stand still; every year more and more ideas are born. A sauna with a large stove and black smoke, as they say, is a thing of the past, but now there is an electric sauna. Thanks to the Russian inventor Maslov and his team, the world became acquainted with the infrared bath (infrared heaters for the bath), which included all the advantages of Russian, Turkish and Finnish baths. The new Russian infrared bath is based on an electric steam generator, which, firstly, consumes less energy, and secondly, the air in the steam room does not cause discomfort, like a conventional oven.

Russian bathhouse Maslova , is an infrared sauna cabin, with dimensions starting from 1 m2, it all depends on the number of people in it, and the height depends on the height of the room itself in which it is located. When you come to such a bathhouse, you will not burn yourself on the sunbeds; here the temperatures are evenly distributed: the floor (temperature fluctuates about 35 degrees), the walls (from 40 to 60 degrees), and the sunbed (about 50 degrees). The heating feature is simple: electric heating elements are placed under the lining of the walls, ceiling, and sun loungers, so you won’t be shocked and there will be no magnetic radiation in the steam room.

Hygiene is paramount, therefore all surfaces, beds, shelves, and walls must be lined with hygienic material. Granite, marble, and ceramics are precisely the materials that provide good heat transfer and have a long service life. Also, this material is easy to process and wash.

How to steam in an infrared sauna

1) To begin with, set the temperature in the infrared bath to about 40-50 degrees, and the humidity is not high - 40%. At this temperature you will feel comfortable. The body warms up evenly on all sides. Profuse sweating, the heating is soft, the humidity is not high and therefore it is easy to breathe. The sensations are not at all the same as in a regular bathhouse, since it is not so dry and high temperature, from this it follows that the load on the heart is minimal.

2) And now the above-mentioned electric steam generator is used, in which there are red-hot stones, and a certain amount of water falls on them. Changes are already taking place in the infrared bath; the temperature has risen to 90 degrees, and the humidity is also 90%. Your body is already warmed up, so an increase in temperature does not affect your well-being in any negative way. It is at this stage that brooms come into play. A massage with a broom will now bring maximum pleasure and thoroughly warm up the body and muscles.

From all of the above it follows that steaming in an infrared bath is very simple. You will get great pleasure and a surge of strength.

Infrared bath, benefits and harm

An infrared bath has an excellent effect on the body, immunity increases, the body returns to tone, blood circulation and metabolism improve, your joints and spine will become flexible again. The benefits of an infrared bath are quite great, but we should not forget about the enormous harm. The sauna is harmful for those who have problems with thyroid gland, uterine fibroids, malignant neoplasms, psoriasis, hypertension, arthrosis, cardiovascular dystonia. An infrared bath is contraindicated for pregnant women and women after childbirth.

Infrared sauna prices

It is not necessary to go to specialized places to visit the bathhouse; such a bathhouse - shower can be built at home, for this you will need access to electricity. No documents are needed for construction! An infrared sauna, the price of which ranges from $1300 to $3200, is very useful and convenient. If the price is too high for you, then you can build a bathhouse with your own hands.