Is viral peritonitis in cats curable? Viral disease - peritonitis in cats

In the body of a specific individual. The disease occurs subacutely or chronically. The disease occurs without manifestation in 75% of animals clinical symptoms, in other cases dry and wet peritonitis develops.

Virus in external environment released by sick or recovered animals through biological fluids and cal. Infection occurs through the mouth, upon contact with material contaminated with the virus. Infection through the air is possible.

FIP is dangerous disease only for cats, young animals and kittens are especially sensitive. To fully immerse yourself in the topic, we recommend reading the article to the end and watching this video:


  1. In the first stages, the causative agent of viral peritonitis enters the body through organs digestive tract And respiratory system, where it settles in the tonsils, then proceeds to develop in the intestinal cells.
  2. In the animal’s body, the virus begins to actively multiply in macrophage cells, which becomes the cause of a generalized course of the disease. Macrophages become a kind of carrier of the pathogen throughout the body.
  3. The virus enters the blood through macrophages, resulting in viremia.
  4. In the case of strong immunity, the body suppresses the development of the pathogen in macrophages and infectious peritonitis does not develop in the kitten.
  5. In the absence of an immune response, feline coronavirus will actively multiply in macrophages, which spread throughout the body. Their greatest concentration occurs in places of high concentration blood vessels, which determines their location under serous membranes. In this case, wet or exudative peritonitis develops.
  6. In the case where an immune response to the penetration of the virus into the body occurred, but it was not enough to prevent the disease, the level of affected macrophages spreading throughout the body is significantly lower. In this case, the cat develops proliferative or dry peritonitis.
  7. In some cases, the development of viral peritonitis is suppressed by the immune system, but after some time the disease still spreads.
  8. Previous infection leads to the formation of antibodies to other strains of the virus, which contributes to the formation of an antibody-antigen complex, which is carried by macrophages throughout the body; in places where blood vessels accumulate, such complexes cause damage to the vascular wall. This process is typical for exudative peritonitis, in which, through a damaged vascular wall sweats fluid containing large number proteins.

How long do cats with peritonitis live?

According to statistics, the mortality rate with infectious peritonitis is about 90%. If the type of peritonitis is bacterial, then the chances of survival increase to 50%.


Viral peritonitis in a kitten it can manifest itself in different ways, the intensity of the disease depends on the virulence of the strain, the condition of the cat’s body and its age.

The incubation period in cats can last from several weeks to several months, depending on the amount of pathogen and the state of the cat's immunity.

Depending on the course of the disease, various symptoms may appear:

  • In kittens. Lethargy develops, the temperature can rise to 40 degrees, signs of peritonitis are observed, and there is a possibility of developing pleurisy.
  • In adults. There are two forms of the disease with different symptoms:
    • Wet peritonitis. In the abdominal and chest cavity liquid accumulates. This leads to the animal having difficulty breathing, shortness of breath, and murmurs in the heart area upon auscultation.
    • Disease without accumulation of exudate. In this case, the symptoms will depend on which organs were affected:
      • Eyes. The first manifestation of FIP in cats is the development of conjunctivitis, followed by lesions of the retina and iris.
      • Kidneys. Development of glomerulonephritis.
      • Liver. With liver damage, jaundice is observed skin and mucous membranes, pain in the liver area.
      • Lungs. Bronchopneumonia develops.
      • Nervous system. Extreme skin sensitivity, paresis or paralysis may occur.

Lifelong diagnosis

Peritonitis in cats has similar clinical signs With other infectious diseases, the symptoms and treatment differ for different forms, so the diagnosis should only be made by a specialist.

The final analysis is based on serological studies blood confirming the presence of antibodies to coronaviruses, PCR. Detection of a virus in the body is a weak argument for making a final diagnosis, because It is impossible to determine the strain of the virus during research.

Differentiation of the feline peritonitis virus can be reliably established through post-mortem diagnosis of dead animals.

Post-mortem diagnosis

Diagnosed based on autopsy results and histological studies affected organs.

Autopsy results

Necrotic plaques in viral peritonitis

  • The animal is severely emaciated.
  • Detection of a large amount of fluid in the abdominal and chest cavity. The nature of the exudate is transparent, straw-colored; minor impurities of fibrin threads may be observed.
  • Serous membranes have dull color due to the accumulation of fibrin protein on their surface, which also causes dense adhesions on the surface of the membranes.
  • On the surface internal organs white necrotic plaques can be seen.
  • Increase lymph nodes, when cut, the characteristic pattern stands out clearly.
  • In the proliferative form, there may be inflamed foci in the organs.

Danger to humans

Although peritonitis is practically incurable, it is not transmitted in any way from a cat and is absolutely safe for humans.


In most cases, the animal does not recover from feline infectious peritonitis. The animal must be treated comprehensively under control. veterinary specialist. There is no specific therapy for infectious peritonitis, so maintenance therapy is carried out until stable immunity to the pathogen is formed.

  1. Puncture. It is carried out to remove accumulated abdominal cavity exudate. After surgery, re-development is possible

An attentive owner will definitely notice changes in the behavior of his pet. Owners of young cats and those whose age limit has crossed the 11-year-old line should be on their guard. Viral peritonitis is a dangerous disease.

Viral peritonitis in cats - what is the danger

When a person decides to have pet, he understands perfectly well that this is a huge responsibility. When bringing an animal into your home, you need to clearly understand that now the life and health of this furry creature depends entirely on your care. Feeling this, the cat or dog will repay with devotion and love, giving a lot of unforgettable moments.

Most often, a pet becomes a full-fledged member of the family, and if it gets sick, they worry about it as if it were loved one. Loss four-legged friend Children and lonely people experience this especially painfully. To protect your family pet from illness and loved ones from shocks, it is better to find out in advance about possible diseases cats, to prevent their development.

Viral peritonitis primarily affects young cats under two years of age and individuals after eleven. This does not mean that the disease is not scary for those who do not fall into this group. Infectious peritonitis in cats is caused by a virus of the coronavirus genus. But if, according to scientists, coronavirus is present in the body of every cat, then peritonitis is caused by its mutating forms. It is believed that the mutation occurs after the animal has suffered stress. This disease is rare - about 10% of animals become infected with this disease, but, unfortunately, the number deaths is 100%. A natural question arises: why such a high mortality rate? The fact is that this disease is relatively young. It has been known to science only since the 80s, so very little has been studied. To date, there are only assumptions about the origin of this disease. A cure has not yet been found. Doctors can only alleviate the animal's suffering. In addition, there is no vaccination, which makes the situation worse.

As mentioned above, cats under two and after eleven years of age suffer first of all. It was found that the infection occurs orally. Sources of infectious peritonitis can be:

  • contaminated food, if it was previously eaten by a cat who is a carrier of the disease;
  • feces containing the virus accidentally entered the animal’s mouth;
  • cats licking each other;
  • mating of animals in nurseries;
  • infection of the kitten by the mother.

Another version of the development of the disease is a mutation of the coronavirus. That is, it is known that this virus is in every pet, but before certain point he doesn't make himself known. After an animal experiences stress or illness, the virus mutates and viral peritonitis occurs.

Symptoms of viral peritonitis

Every loving owner will notice the slightest change in the condition of their beloved four-legged friend. You should be alert to the following unusual phenomena:

  • lack of appetite;
  • weight loss;
  • increase in abdominal volume;
  • depression;
  • shortness of breath;
  • dryness of the upper eyelid;
  • change in the shape of the pupil.

How does infectious peritonitis occur in cats?

Viral peritonitis has two forms of manifestation:

  1. Exudative form of the disease. Also called “wet”. It is characterized by sweating (accumulation) of fluid in the stomach, which leads to inflammatory processes. Fluid can also form in the heart, disrupting the functioning of this organ.
  2. Non-exudative form or dry, accompanied by damage to the eyes, internal organs, and nervous system.

Unfortunately, after 2-5 weeks the affected animal dies.

The first thing you need to pay attention to is sharp decline weight of the pet, with an increase in the abdomen. The cat may behave strangely, for example, change its mood quickly. Paralysis of the limbs, most often the hind limbs, is observed.

If you notice these symptoms, you should immediately go to the veterinarian. To make a diagnosis, a puncture of the abdomen is performed. But only after autopsy of an already deceased animal can it be confirmed.

Treatment for peritonitis

Due to insufficient research of this disease To date, there is no way to cure an injured pet. The disease irreversibly affects the internal organs, and they stop functioning. Doctors administer antimicrobial and antiviral drugs. Fluid is pumped out from the abdominal cavity. But it doesn't give positive results, and still the animal dies.

It should be remembered that this disease is not transmitted to humans. That is, you can care for your pet without fear of being infected.

Disease prevention

If infectious peritonitis cannot be cured, you can try to protect your cat from the possibility of acquiring it. To do this, you need to follow the following recommendations of leading veterinarians:

  • protect the cat from communicating with other cats;
  • if you have several animals, you need to constantly keep the toilet clean and wash with disinfectants trays;
  • prevent stress in your pet;
  • provide adequate nutrition;
  • Avoid visiting places where there are a large number of cats.

Viral peritonitis causes pathomorphological changes in the animal's body. There is no cure for it, only relief of the symptoms. To avoid this terrible disease, you need to remember all the recommendations of specialists and take care of your pets.

Viral diseases in pets can manifest themselves various forms. One of the dangerous diseases is viral peritonitis in cats. He calls severe lesions internal organs and in most cases can lead to death.

What is the danger for cats?

Viral peritonitis in cats is an inflammation of the abdominal walls caused by a coronavirus. In an animal’s body, it is capable of mutations, resulting in a changed intestinal form Coronavirus causes the development of infectious peritonitis.

A cat with peritonitis also suffers from serious problems with its functioning. immune system. Instead of fighting the virus, the animal’s own antibodies become carriers of the disease, spreading it throughout all organs and systems.

Peritonitis in cats often causes the death of the animal, especially if its symptoms are not immediately noticed. The virus poses a greater threat in crowded areas, so it is recommended to vaccinate cats when the kitten reaches sixteen weeks of age.

Vaccination does not provide complete protection, but it can reduce the destructive effects of the infection. The cat has the opportunity to overcome the disease and get rid of it completely. Owners must not forget that even after full recovery the animal remains infectious for several months.

The disease spreads through the oral-fecal route or through contact with an infected animal. The virus is especially dangerous for cats living in nurseries, in foster care, in shelters or when keeping several cats in the house, as well as at exhibitions.

To prevent the spread of infection, feces must be covered with bleach, trays must be disinfected, and their locations must be treated with special preparations.

Even if the disease is cured and there are no signs, the animal may remain a source of infection for some time. Some cats recover and then become ill again through contact with carriers or due to the presence of contaminated feces.

A small kitten can become infected from its mother, and a cat can become infected from her sick baby, as she licks it, removing traces of discharge. In this case, in a weak baby, symptoms appear very quickly, and it is extremely rare to save him. If you miss the first signs, not only the entire litter will die, but also the mother, as well as the cats that came into contact with them.

Peritonitis in cats is an inflammation of the peritoneum, or rather, the mucous membrane of the abdominal organs. At risk are young animals aged from 6 months to 5 years. The prognosis is very alarming if a cat gets sick. Death almost always occurs. The fact is that there is no cure for peritonitis, and therapy in most cases is aimed at maintaining and prolonging the life of the pet.

What kind of disease is peritonitis, how a cat becomes infected with it, types and forms of peritonitis, the main symptoms of infection and treatment are in our article.

How does a cat become infected with peritonitis?

Peritonitis- This infectious disease, pathogen - . It is registered in many cats, but they do not always have the disease. Occurs in healthy pet as a result of sniffing or licking the feces of a sick cat. For several months after infection, the cat's feces contain the virus. Also, most of the infected animals are observed in nurseries (i.e., in places where four-legged animals gather) and after visiting exhibitions. The virus undergoes significant mutations, and the cat may simply be its carrier. The virus will begin to progress when a provocation occurs: weakened immunity, stress, or general weakening of the body after an illness.

What is the danger of peritonitis and its similarity to AIDS

The cat's immune system produces antibodies, but they are not able to destroy the virus. Therefore, immunity works in the opposite direction: instead of destroying the virus, it actively spreads through the vessels to all organs where inflammation begins.

Forms of peritonitis

There are two types of viral peritonitis in cats:

- escudative(fluid appears in the abdominal cavity, the cat’s belly swells and feels like a balloon filled with water.

- dry(liquid is not formed, but the central nervous system, kidneys, liver are affected - accompanied by jaundice, eyes, lungs, lymph nodes).

Symptoms of peritonitis

3. Loss of appetite.

4. Apathy.

6. Fever bodies.

7. (for liver damage).

8. Seizures or loss of coordination.

9. Abdominal pain.

10. Enlarged lymph nodes.

11. Accumulation of fluid in the abdominal cavity - plump abdomen (with wet peritonitis).

12. Shortness of breath (with wet peritonitis).

12. With dry peritonitis, the process of excretion of urine and stool is disrupted.

Treatment of peritonitis in cats

Viral peritonitis in cats not treated. To date, no medicine has been developed that kills the virus. All therapy is aimed at maintaining the animal’s vital functions. If you contact the veterinarian in time and he will immediately diagnose correct diagnosis, the animal can live with this disease more than a year. If you contact a doctor late, it is recommended to euthanize the animal.

Therapy is aimed at relieving the symptoms of the disease and supporting the body’s vital functions. The veterinarian will introduce medications that suppress the immune system, this steroid hormones or other immunocorrectors, vitamins and antibiotics.

Painkillers and heart support medications are also prescribed.

If fluid accumulates in the abdominal cavity, a dry cloth is applied to the cat's abdomen. cold compress. To prolong the cat's life, the veterinarian prescribes surgery to drain fluid from the abdominal cavity. After the operation, after some time it will form again, but for a short period the cat will not suffer from abdominal pain.

The mortality rate for viral peritonitis is extremely high. A number of veterinarians talk about 100% death of the animal from this virus, some claim a small percentage of surviving but not recovered animals - 10-15%.

There is a second type of peritonitis - infectious peritonitiscats. It usually occurs as a result of severe trauma to the abdomen or rupture of internal organs, such as from a fall or accident. Also, feline infectious peritonitis occurs after surgical intervention in case of violation of aseptic requirements.

Infectious peritonitis in cats: symptoms andtreatment has the same as with viral peritonitis. The only difference is if the disease provoked serious injury. It is often eliminated by surgical intervention, and then drugs that relieve pain, antibiotics of the penicillin group, are administered.

What to feed a cat with peritonitis

A sick cat should be fed exclusively according to the diet prescribed veterinarian. We recommend special food designed for cats with digestive problems. Such nutrition will be easily digestible and fill the body with vitamins and minerals.

Vaccine against peritonitis

The drug is called "Primucel". Does not provide 100% protection for cats against the virus. A small dose of a weakened virus is introduced into the body, which spreads in the upper respiratory tract, as a result of which immunity of only the mucous membranes should be developed.

If a pet lives with a carrier of the virus, the vaccine protects it only by 75 percent. However, this is better than absolute vulnerability. The vaccine is given when the kitten reaches 16 weeks of age.

Prevention of peritonitis

  1. Under no circumstances allow your pet to come into contact with neighbors or stray animals.
  2. Don't let him go outside without vaccination. Carry out antihelminthic measures regularly.
  3. Always clean and wash your cat's bedding and periodically disinfect the room.
  4. Wash bowls with disinfectant.
  5. Remove the tray in a timely manner.
  6. Don't put your cat under stress.
  7. Provide.
  8. Do not neglect to consult a veterinarian when obvious signs ailments.