How long do cats with viral peritonitis live? Infectious or viral peritonitis in cats: symptoms and treatment

Viral diseases Pets may experience various forms. One of the dangerous diseases is viral peritonitis in cats. He calls severe lesions internal organs and in most cases can lead to death.

What is the danger for cats?

Viral peritonitis in cats it is inflammation of the walls abdominal cavity caused by coronavirus. In an animal’s body, it is capable of mutations, resulting in a changed intestinal form coronavirus causes the development of infectious peritonitis.

A cat with peritonitis also suffers from serious problems with its functioning. immune system. Instead of fighting the virus, the animal’s own antibodies become carriers of the disease, spreading it throughout all organs and systems.

Peritonitis in cats often causes the death of the animal, especially if its symptoms are not immediately noticed. The virus poses a greater threat in crowded areas, so it is recommended to vaccinate cats when the kitten reaches sixteen weeks of age.

Vaccination does not provide complete protection, but it can reduce the destructive effects of the infection. The cat has the opportunity to overcome the disease and get rid of it completely. Owners must not forget that even after complete recovery the animal remains infectious for several months.

The disease spreads through the oral-fecal route or through contact with an infected animal. The virus is especially dangerous for cats living in nurseries, in foster care, in shelters or when keeping several cats in the house, as well as at exhibitions.

To prevent the spread of infection, feces must be covered with bleach, trays must be disinfected, and their locations must be treated with special preparations.

Even if the disease is cured and there are no signs, the animal may remain a source of infection for some time. Some cats recover and then become ill again through contact with carriers or due to the presence of contaminated feces.

A small kitten can become infected from its mother, and a cat can become infected from her sick baby, as she licks it, removing traces of discharge. In this case, in a weak baby, symptoms appear very quickly, and it is extremely rare to save him. If you miss the first signs, not only the entire litter will die, but also the mother, as well as the cats that came into contact with them.

Peritonitis in cats is an inflammation of the peritoneum, or rather, the mucous membrane of the abdominal organs. At risk are young animals aged from 6 months to 5 years. The prognosis is very alarming if a cat gets sick. Death almost always occurs. The fact is that there is no cure for peritonitis, and therapy in most cases is aimed at maintaining and prolonging the life of the pet.

What kind of disease is peritonitis, how a cat becomes infected with it, types and forms of peritonitis, the main symptoms of infection and treatment are in our article.

How does a cat become infected with peritonitis?

Peritonitis- This infectious disease, pathogen - . It is registered in many cats, but they do not always develop the disease. Occurs in healthy pet as a result of sniffing or licking the feces of a sick cat. For several months after infection, the cat's feces contain the virus. Also, most of the infected animals are observed in nurseries (i.e., in places where four-legged animals gather) and after visiting exhibitions. The virus undergoes significant mutations, and the cat may simply be its carrier. The virus will begin to progress when a provocation occurs: weakened immunity, stress, or general weakening of the body after an illness.

What is the danger of peritonitis and its similarity to AIDS

The cat's immune system produces antibodies, but they are not able to destroy the virus. Therefore, immunity works in the opposite direction: instead of destroying the virus, it actively spreads through the vessels to all organs where inflammation begins.

Forms of peritonitis

There are two types of viral peritonitis in cats:

- escudative(fluid appears in the abdominal cavity, the cat’s belly swells and feels like a balloon filled with water.

- dry(liquid is not formed, but the central nervous system, kidneys, liver are affected - accompanied by jaundice, eyes, lungs, lymph nodes).

Symptoms of peritonitis

3. Loss of appetite.

4. Apathy.

6. Fever bodies.

7. (for liver damage).

8. Seizures or loss of coordination.

9. Abdominal pain.

10. Enlarged lymph nodes.

11. Accumulation of fluid in the abdominal cavity - plump abdomen (with wet peritonitis).

12. Shortness of breath (with wet peritonitis).

12. With dry peritonitis, the process of excretion of urine and stool is disrupted.

Treatment of peritonitis in cats

Viral peritonitis in cats not treated. To date, no medicine has been developed that kills the virus. All therapy is aimed at maintaining the animal’s vital functions. If you contact the veterinarian in time and he will immediately diagnose correct diagnosis, the animal can live with this disease more than a year. If you contact a doctor late, it is recommended to euthanize the animal.

Therapy is aimed at relieving the symptoms of the disease and supporting the body’s vital functions. The veterinarian will introduce medications that suppress the immune system, this steroid hormones or other immunocorrectors, vitamins and antibiotics.

Painkillers and heart support medications are also prescribed.

If fluid accumulates in the abdominal cavity, a dry cloth is applied to the cat's abdomen. cold compress. To prolong the cat's life, the veterinarian prescribes surgery to drain fluid from the abdominal cavity. After the operation, after some time it will form again, but for a short period the cat will not suffer from abdominal pain.

The mortality rate for viral peritonitis is extremely high. A number of veterinarians talk about 100% death of the animal from this virus, some claim a small percentage of surviving but not recovered animals - 10-15%.

There is a second type of peritonitis - infectious peritonitiscats. It usually occurs as a result of severe trauma to the abdomen or rupture of internal organs, such as from a fall or accident. Also infectious peritonitis cats occurs after surgical intervention in case of violation of aseptic requirements.

Infectious peritonitis in cats: symptoms andtreatment has the same as with viral peritonitis. The only difference is if the disease provoked serious injury. It is often eliminated by surgical intervention, and then drugs that relieve pain, antibiotics of the penicillin group, are administered.

What to feed a cat with peritonitis

A sick cat should be fed exclusively according to the diet prescribed veterinarian. We recommend special food designed for cats with digestive problems. Such nutrition will be easily digestible and fill the body with vitamins and minerals.

Vaccine against peritonitis

The drug is called "Primucel". Does not provide 100% protection for cats against the virus. A small dose of a weakened virus is injected into the body, which spreads in the upper respiratory tract, as a result of which immunity of only the mucous membranes should be developed.

If a pet lives with a carrier of the virus, the vaccine protects it only by 75 percent. However, this is better than absolute vulnerability. The vaccine is given when the kitten reaches 16 weeks of age.

Prevention of peritonitis

  1. Under no circumstances allow your pet to come into contact with neighbors or stray animals.
  2. Don't let him go outside without vaccination. Carry out antihelminthic measures regularly.
  3. Always clean and wash your cat's bedding and periodically disinfect the room.
  4. Wash bowls with disinfectant.
  5. Remove the tray in a timely manner.
  6. Avoid stress for your cat.
  7. Provide.
  8. Do not neglect to consult a veterinarian when obvious signs ailments.

Most cat owners know how difficult it is to care for their pet so that it always remains healthy and energetic. Even if you follow a list of all kinds of rules and application useful tips Unfortunately, there is a risk that your pet will “catch” some virus. Infectious peritonitis is considered a very serious and dangerous cat disease, the causative agent of which can damage vital internal organs.

Causes of infection

The causative agent of the disease is coronavirus (Coronavirus), sensitive to high temperatures, but persists at low temperatures. It is also a causative agent of less dangerous disease enteritis. The difference lies in its action in the animal's body. Once in a cat’s body, the coronavirus is able to mutate due to symbiosis with macrophages (cells that fight bacteria). At the same time, their mutation rapidly increases, spreading throughout the body and penetrating into all internal organs. Cats develop viral peritonitis.

The effect of the virus is characterized by two types: exudative (effusion of fluid into the abdominal and pleural cavity) and non-exudative (granulomatous inflammatory foci form on the tissues of internal organs). Granulomatous lesions may be seen on serous membranes intestines, liver, kidneys, lungs, on vascular membranes eye. Most often, young cats that are less than two years old, as well as weakened animals with a chronic disease, are affected.

The routes of infection can be very different. Most often, a cat becomes infected after eating infected food. Infection is possible through the feces of a sick animal, with particles of which a healthy pet has had tactile contact. Possible transmission of viral peritonitis by airborne droplets along with infected saliva. It is also transmitted from a sick mother to kittens. Incubation period can last up to three weeks. Most often, outbreaks of the disease are observed in nurseries where healthy and sick animals live together. In more than half of infected cats, the disease progresses in hidden form. However, they remain carriers of the virus.

Symptoms of peritonitis

Signs of peritonitis vary depending on the pathogenic nature of the virus and the state of the cat's immune system. The initial stage is characterized nonspecific signs: anemia, depression, weight loss, diarrhea, possibly vomiting. During this period, there is no significant increase in body temperature. TO pathological changes refers, first of all, to the accumulation large quantity fluid (exudate) in the abdominal and pleural cavity. On the part of the kidneys, a significant increase is observed; foci of the disease are noted in the form of fibrous nodules in the liver and pancreas.

Forms of the disease

Clinical manifestations of peritonitis are expressed in two forms: exudative (with effusion into the internal organs) and proliferative (dry).

At exudative form peritonitis observed following symptoms: lethargy, loss of appetite, possible increase in body temperature, as a result of fluid accumulation in the abdominal cavity, possible enlargement of the abdomen, possible shortness of breath, disturbances cardiovascular activity, with pleural effusions, signs of pleurisy are noted, and enlargement of the lymph nodes is observed. Late stage Peritonitis is characterized by jaundice, and the death of the animal is possible.

The non-exudative (multiferative) form of peritonitis is characterized by rapid weight loss, general lethargy and depression, severe damage to the kidneys, liver and other internal organs. There are signs of eye damage (uveitis, curvature of the pupil), changes in the functioning of the central nervous system, and possible paralysis of the limbs. At strong immunity animal, the polyferative form can become chronic with hidden symptoms.

Treatment of peritonitis in cats

Establishment accurate diagnosis in the multiferative form it is difficult due to nonspecific symptoms. At the same time, with the exudative form, there is an increase in the volume of the abdomen, which allows timely recognition of the disease. For appointment maximum effective therapy it is very important to distinguish peritonitis from a number of other diseases accompanied by similar symptoms. First of all, it is necessary to eliminate violations cardiovascular system, in which ascites is noted, as well as oncological and infectious diseases. Diagnosis includes hematological and ultrasound examination. If ascites is present, fluid is collected for analysis. The abdominal cavity and chest are subjected to x-ray examination.

For any form of viral peritonitis, it is prescribed complex treatment. Depending on the weight of the animal, it is carried out antibacterial therapy. When fluid accumulates in the abdominal cavity, a puncture is often prescribed to remove exudate, which relieves the animal of painful discomfort. But in complicated cases this procedure ineffective. It is mandatory to prescribe symptomatic therapy aimed at relieving pain and maintaining the function of the cardiovascular system. Complex treatment also includes immunotherapy. An easily digestible diet is prescribed. In some cases, blood transfusion is performed. Treatment must begin at initial stage disease when the first symptoms appear. Only in this case is there a chance for full recovery pet.

To the main preventive measures includes compliance with hygienic rules for keeping animals. The room where the pet is kept must be regularly disinfected.

Peritonitis is an inflammatory process localized in the abdominal cavity. There are many factors motivating the development dangerous condition. Purulent, bacterial or viral peritonitis in cats is a reason to contact the clinic immediately, otherwise the pet will die. Unfortunately, a sad outcome cannot always be avoided, even if help is provided in as soon as possible. Therefore, it is important to make every effort to minimize the very possibility of this disease occurring.

Dry and wet are distinguished by shape. purulent peritonitis in cats. Dry peritonitis is foci (granulomas) of inflamed cells localized in any organ. Most often it is the liver, intestines, lymph nodes, kidneys. Symptoms are nonspecific: severe fever, lethargy, refusal to feed, the body does not respond to antibiotics. Wet purulent peritonitis in cats occurs due to the decomposition of fluid accumulated in the peritoneum (sometimes in the chest or pericardium). In addition to the symptoms listed above, it is clearly noticeable. In most cases, cats suffer from the wet form of peritonitis (about 70% of animals). Peritonitis can be not only purulent, but also fibrinous, serous or mixed, which is determined by collecting fluid and analyzing it.

Among inexperienced owners It is widely believed that appendicitis in cats is main reason peritonitis (similar to peritonitis in humans). Appendicitis refers to inflammation of the vermiform appendix of the cecum - the appendix. But cats do not have an appendix at all, so appendicitis in cats is impossible in principle. The causes of peritonitis in cats are listed below.

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Bacteria – mortality rate about 50%

Infectious peritonitis in cats occurs as a result of penetration of blood, bile, urine, intestinal or stomach contents into the abdominal cavity. Bacteria that should not normally be present in the abdominal cavity begin to multiply, leading to acute inflammatory process. Causes: damage to the walls of the stomach or intestines due to rough food or foreign object, ulcers, tumors, injuries of internal organs. Bacterial peritonitis in cats can be a consequence of stretching of the intestinal walls due to the accumulation of hairballs or fecal stones inside: through microcracks formed as a result of intestinal stretching, the contents seep out.

Feline infectious peritonitis is symptomatically little different from other peritonitis: fever, abdominal pain, thirst, sudden weakness, loss of appetite. Prevention: detection and control chronic diseases, refusal to feed your pet bones and other rough foods that can damage the intestines.

Ascites – mortality rate about 80%

Ascites is the accumulation of fluid in the abdominal cavity. There are many reasons: injuries, obesity, diabetes, chronic diseases of internal organs, etc. Ascites does not always lead to peritonitis - the fluid may remain sterile. But if bacteria begin to multiply in the accumulated fluid, bacterial peritonitis in cats. Typically the culprit is intestinal bacterium, conditionally safe, normally not causing disease.

Obvious symptoms of peritonitis in cats suffering from ascites are: sharp rise fever, vomiting and diarrhea, discoloration of mucous membranes (yellowness, pallor), acutely painful peritoneum. Prevention: detection and control of chronic diseases.

Read also: Gingivitis in cats: first signs and treatment

FIP coronavirus – less than 1% survive

Coronaviruses normally either do not cause disease or provoke enteritis, which can be cured with timely consultation with a veterinarian. However, this virus is capable of mutation: forming a link with macrophages, it spreads throughout the body. The stronger the infection, the more macrophages the immune system sends to fight the invader. The more macrophages, the faster feline viral peritonitis develops: either as a result of sweating, fluid accumulates in the peritoneum, or multiple foci of inflammation form on the tissues of internal organs.

Since coronaviruses are known “provocateurs” of human immunity, many owners think that viral peritonitis of cats is transmitted to humans. However, in reality this disease is not contagious (for both people and any animals). The mutation of the virus occurs inside the host’s body, “adjusting” to its individual characteristics. In addition, they are harmful in the body of humans and cats. different types viruses.

Symptoms of FIP include fever, sharp pains in the peritoneum, apathy and lethargy, bloating, gastrointestinal disorders. There may be other signs, depending on which organ or system of the body is more affected. Unfortunately, veterinarians consider treatment of peritonitis in cats (caused by coronavirus) impossible. This is a fatal disease. However, in some cases, a pet can live for several months or even years - with proper care, drug support and medical supervision. Prevention: general support of the immune system, prevention of contact with potential carriers of the coronavirus. There is an experimental vaccine for FIP, but its safety and effectiveness are still in doubt.

A pet's illness unsettles not only the animal, but also its owners. It's sad to see how an active and curious purr is weakening literally before our eyes. This is a direct route to the veterinarian, who will find out what led to this disorder and how to treat it. Let's look at this using an example with a dangerous infectious peritonitis.

The disease is caused by the FIPY coronavirus, which contains RNA elements. The microscopic (only up to 120 nm in diameter) virion, once in the body, begins to multiply in blood cells - macrophages. They, in turn, distribute it to all organs. This is how a generalized infection begins, and the first to be affected are the intestines and tonsils, lymph nodes and vessel walls.

At weak immunity the virus multiplies despite protective antibodies. Their reaction is the determining factor on which the form of the disease, its dynamics and duration depend. A frightening feature of peritonitis is the high mortality rate.

The risk group includes young (under 2 years old) or elderly individuals who are 10 or more years old. Animals that fall into this age bracket get sick much less often. Owners should be especially vigilant purebred cats- they, unlike, are very sensitive to the effects of the pathogen.

Causes and routes of infection

As we have already found out, the main reason for the initiation of an infection is the action of the virus. It reminds itself of itself in different ways: by active sweating of protein-rich fluid into the body, or by the formation of specific nodules in the organs.

Important! The disease does not threaten kittens under 10 weeks of age - they still have strong antibodies, transmitted by the mother through the placenta.

This development of events is preceded by infection, and in this case it is important to know how exactly the insidious viral peritonitis is transmitted, and how its development in cats begins.

The virus enters the body mainly orally: when eating food that is left over from an already infected individual or due to accidental contact of particles of its feces on the mucous membrane of the mouth. It is also possible that infection occurs by air.

The key factor here is the sanitary condition of the home - if the house is dirty, the risk of infection increases significantly. Although a pet can get its dose of virions just by walking outside. It is not always possible to keep track of active animals, so suspicions of viral peritonitis often arise when the incubation period in cats has already come to an end.

From the moment the virus enters the body until the first signs of illness appear, it can take from 2-3 weeks to six months.

It all depends on the dynamics, as well as the specific form of peritonitis. Adding to the complexity is the fact that in 75% of cases, symptoms do not appear at all, which complicates further treatment.

Did you know? Cats' ears have 20 muscles, which gives them unique mobility.

Exudative and proliferative forms are considered more expressive, which are worth dwelling on in more detail.

The exudative (“wet”) scenario is associated with the production and release of a significant volume of fluid entering the abdominal or chest cavity. This process is easy to notice:

  • shortness of breath begins (if the substance enters the chest cavity, thereby giving rise to pleurisy);
  • the abdomen may also become enlarged; in severe cases, up to 1 liter of exudate can get there;
  • all this is accompanied or begins with loss of appetite, lethargy or weight loss.

So characteristic symptoms only emphasize sharp move disease and its danger.

More measured in time chronic course inherent in the proliferative (dry) form. In such cases, fewer vessels are affected. Although this does not make it easier for the pet - with this development events he may experience:

  • damage to the eyes, in particular the retina and iris; it happens that dry plaque is clearly visible under the eyelids;
  • enlarged lymph nodes;
  • increased sensitivity skin;
  • causeless and frequent change mood;
  • "failures" of the nervous system - impaired coordination of movements, manifestations of paresis hind limbs;
  • fever;
  • problems with breathing, liver and kidney function;
  • Sick kittens are noticeably stunted in growth.

Important! An increase in temperature is just indirect sign characteristic of many diseases.

These symptoms, found in cats, and indicating that infectious peritonitis occurs in a proliferative form, are considered the most dangerous. This is due to irreversible changes in the body.

A standard complication is accumulation in the abdominal area or chest viscous clear liquid, sometimes with visible flakes and fibrin thread.

This same fibrin forms a film covering the tissues and membranes of internal organs. At the same time, they become dull, and different areas mini-spikes are observed.
Moreover, whitish foci of rotting are often found there, surrounded by compacted exudate (taking the form of small nodes or plaques with a diameter of up to 10 mm). This affects the liver, pancreas, intestinal wall and other membranes through which necrosis penetrates.

In the lungs there are fewer such formations, and the pathways themselves acquire a rich scarlet color, often becoming denser.

The clinical picture also includes enlargement of the kidneys against the background of the appearance of single white nodes, absorbed into the cortical composition.

Did you know? When frightened, a cat can jump to a height 5 times its height.

With proliferative dynamics, foci of inflammation appear, covering the eyes and nerve endings, cardiovascular lines and the lower abdominal region.

Having shown the animal to the veterinarian, many are shocked to hear that only an autopsy can provide an absolutely correct diagnosis. This is not the black humor of the Aesculapians, but a fact that once again proves the extreme danger of the disease.
But not everything is so gloomy - more familiar methods can clarify the picture:

  • Serological analysis of blood and serum obtained from it.
  • PCR (polymerase chain reaction) - laboratory technicians examine a collection of blood or saliva, “breaking down” the material into individual strands of DNA and RNA. The same can be done with swabs or feces.
  • Abdominal puncture followed by analysis of the collected fluid is also practiced.

Deciphering samples makes it possible to exclude the presence of a number of diseases: bacterial peritonitis, tuberculosis and cardiac or pulmonary failure.
After making sure that no such illnesses were found (as well as tumors or consequences traumas suffered), doctors make a diagnosis and decide what to do with treatment.

Let's start with the fact that classical scheme there is simply no treatment. In addition, extensive internal damage may turn out to be “outdated,” which threatens to reduce the likelihood of healing to a minimum.

Important! If there is an exacerbation, you can apply ice to the abdomen (if, of course, the pet allows it).

In view of rapid development peritonitis viral type treated comprehensively:

  • It all starts with removing exudate using a puncture. In some cases, a blood transfusion is also performed at the same time.
  • If the pet’s condition allows you to do without them, a course of therapy is prescribed. Typically, injections of Penicillin, Cephalosporin or sulfonamide compounds are used. Enterostat, used by many doctors, along with its analogue Fosprenil, do not give much effect.

  • Prescribed to eliminate symptoms vitamin complexes with the obligatory presence of compounds of groups B and C.
  • Neutralization of a pathogenic virus is a task for Cyclophosphamide, Prednisolone or similar drugs.
  • The result is secured with immunostimulants like Interferon or Immunoglobulin.

Did you know? All cats are naturally predisposed to farsightedness - they are able to see an object from a distance of 60 m! But striped animals most clearly perceive objects located at a distance of 0.75-6 m.

Doses, rates and frequency of administration are determined only by a veterinarian. The owner is required to take extra care of the animal. It comes down to the use of vitamin-rich foods (but at the same time “light” for the stomach).
Many people are interested in how viral peritonitis found in cats affects how long they live after it is detected.

Unfortunately, the prognosis is consistently (90%) unfavorable - with the exudative variant, experts give the cat a few days to a month. With the proliferative form the situation is slightly different: here the count starts from 3 weeks to six months (and this is the maximum).

The time frame may be even shorter if there is a history of leukemia (at least 20% of cases of infection occur in such animals).

It is not surprising that in this situation, prevention plays a huge role.

Of course, the easiest way is to get all the vaccinations against infectious diseases prescribed by the calendar from a young age. But they work to strengthen general immunity. provoke specific protection on at the moment Only one vaccine can do it. It is produced in the States and is called “Primucell FIP”.
Although there is a nuance here: domestic veterinarians often refuse to use this remedy, citing insufficiently studied contraindications and risks side effects(again, not fully clarified). On the other hand, many of their colleagues recommend administering the drug through the nose.

Important! If taken from a nursery, this slightly increases his susceptibility to this disease. When making such a purchase, be sure to request documents indicating the date of vaccination, the name and dose of the drug used.