What does the high priestess card mean in tarot. Combination with other cards. The High Priestess in readings for personality analysis, psychological state

Main meaning of the card

Straight position

The priestess symbolizes developed intuition, feeling the urge of an inner voice. The Priestess in the reading reminds you of the need to act slowly, take a wait-and-see attitude and let events take their course.

This Arcanum in certain situations quite definitely indicates developed extrasensory abilities (with the Hierophant or the Hermit) and the ability to see pictures of the future (especially if the Star Arcanum falls nearby). However, this does not always mean that they are conscious and clearly felt.

The priestess is also a deep understanding of the fact that not everything can be understood and accepted from the standpoint of logic and the notorious common sense. Such a card speaks of a correct understanding of the relativity and absoluteness of truths and the fact that ordinary people considered unshakable.

And, in addition, this Arcanum can be proof that there is some secret or classified information, which can be revealed or obtained in this moment does not seem possible. With the Sun, this means that subsequently everything will open up and become clear.

Inverted position

In an inverted position, the Priestess can mean unfounded fantasies, unwillingness to make decisions and a tendency towards fatalism. If a person gets this Arcana upside down, it means that he is inclined to rely too much on the mercy of fate, to hope for a miracle.

A priestess in an inverted position can also indicate the danger of temptation. For example, together with the Seven of Cups, this card symbolizes an interest in perverted forms of pleasure; with the Jester - talkativeness and inability to keep secrets.

Love and relationships

Straight position

When divining relationships, the priestess says that there is a very deep emotional connection between the people on whom the alignment is being made (for example, with the Ace of Cups), strong attachment(especially with the Nine of Cups). However, depending on the specifics of the alignment, this Arcanum may imply one-sided direction, that is, only one person is attached to another.

When divining love, the priestess indicates mutual trust between partners. In addition: A Priestess with the Three of Cups means a long-awaited explanation or proposal of marriage, with a Six of Cups - an irresistible physical attraction to a partner.

Inverted position

The inverted Priestess indicates too much emotionality or, on the contrary, suppressed due to various reasons emotions, as well as unreasonable fears and uncertainty about the promising future of existing or about to arise relationships. Very typically, this situation manifests itself in combination with the Page of Cups. The priestess inverted can also mean the fact that a person is not going to take a single step towards his partner, preferring to simply wait. The Four of Swords especially accurately indicates a wait-and-see attitude.


Straight position

In layouts for the profession, the Priestess symbolizes talented person with a subtle artistic taste (which can be indicated, say, by the presence of the Knight of Cups nearby). Such people usually solve any problems patiently, putting their soul into them and listening to advice from others and their own intuition.

And also, if the Priestess appears in the scenario, this is with a large share probability means that the one for whom they are guessing will manage to end up in in the right place at the right moment.

Inverted position

The priestess in an inverted position in such scenarios is evidence that the situation is full of hidden motives and circumstances that are not possible to judge objectively, at least at the time of fortune telling. At the same time, the nearby Two of Wands will indicate the machinations of competitors, the Five of Wands will indicate that they are trying to “hook” you.

A person who has an inverted Priestess is probably experiencing (has experienced or will experience) problems due to whims, uncertainty, doubts of his own or those of others.

Observe yourself, those around you, and the situation. You know exactly what and when to do. But perhaps you don’t realize this yet. Until you understand your own feelings, do not allow yourself to act rashly, fuss or rush things. Even if it begins to seem to you that everything has finally fallen into place and fell into place, act without haste and judiciously. In short, hurry slowly.

2nd Arcana - High Priestess (Popes)

As you can see, this card shows a woman sitting at the entrance to the temple. Her face and figure express detachment and concentration.

The 2nd Arcana traditionally bears several names: “High Priestess”, “Papess”, “Isis”, “Gate of the Sanctuary”. The meaning of this card is closely related to science and knowledge. IN Greek mythology corresponds to the goddess Hecate, who sent people night visions and divinations, the patroness of sorcery and magic. Hecate was a lunar and therefore female goddess. And it was women who prayed to her when the need arose for her protection and patronage.

What meaning does this card have in the layout? It can symbolize intuition (a predominantly feminine quality) and passive perception of current events. The Arcanum “High Priestess” is also characterized by the desire to understand this world and oneself in it, the desire to constantly learn and acquire more and more new knowledge.

If you get the 2nd Arcanum in your personal reading, then all of the above applies to you to a large extent. Think carefully about how, having the listed character traits, you can best manage your destiny.

It would be a sin to “bury” your inherent talents, including the ability to understand people and find a common language with them. And also - undoubted abilities for science and the arts, a desire to discover more and more new horizons.

When reading the situation, the “High Priestess” card says that you should not actively interfere in the ongoing process: wait a little, and things themselves will take the direction you want. If you do decide to intervene, you need to be clear about your goals, otherwise you risk punishing yourself!

Remember, however: in a negative environment or reversed, the High Priestess card can mean. that you are characterized by such primordially feminine tricks as the desire to get along in life at the expense of others, without making any effort. Or - the desire to “float at the will of the waves”, without thinking particularly about where the current will take you.

Finally, if the 2nd Arcanum appears in a man’s reading, in front of you is a man who is not inclined to rush into making decisions. Therefore, if you expected some energetic actions and steps from him, you should say goodbye to your hope and look for another way out of the situation.

1st Arcana - Magician | >>

September 24, 2015

Tarot Meaning - The High Priestess

Tarot Card - The High Priestess
Value in upright position

Arcanum High Priestess deck
Rider White Tarot, Ramses Tarot, Thoth Tarot

General description of the lasso:
Intuition, going with the flow, secret information. Something secret and inexplicable is happening in your life. Perhaps you have unusual abilities that you can put into practice. This could be good intuition, clairvoyance. You need to be more attentive to your dreams, pay attention to the signs that are given to you from above - you can get an answer to exciting question thanks to your subconscious. The High Priestess Arcanum portends favorable changes. You'll probably get good advice from the wise, endowed psychic abilities or psychological gift, women.

Arcana Tarot Priestess symbolizes great relationship, in which the spiritual closeness of lovers has highest value. Such a union is based on mutual trust, care, understanding and love in the broadest sense of the word. You and your partner are connected by something more than just feelings - it is a karmic connection. The High Priestess symbolizes a person with good intuition, psychological gifts, wise and fair. You can get help and advice from a wise woman.

Value in work schedules:
Reflections, intuition, premonition, hidden information. The Arcanum High Priestess means that in matters of your activity a situation arises that requires you to understand not so much the material side of the issue as hidden problems, higher truths. In your business, you should focus on intuition rather than logic. Perhaps you are the custodian of some important information that is not available to your business partners or employees, which gives you great opportunities to implement your plans. Circumstances from the past, experience and accumulated knowledge will help you find the right direction in business, work, career. Your wish will come true, favorable changes are taking place.

The Tarot Arcana The High Priestess symbolizes a wise woman with good intuition. You can get good advice from her.

Tarot Card - The High Priestess
Reversed meaning

Arcanum High Priestess deck
Durer Tarot, Tarot of the Dwarves, Tarot of 78 Doors

General description of the lasso:
Prejudices, secret enemies, suspicions. Strange circumstances are happening in your life: it is difficult for you to find out the reason for your failures and disappointments. Perhaps you don’t want to listen to your inner voice, pay attention to dream clues, or use the power of intuition. Most likely, you take your gift too frivolously. The High Priestess Arcanum portends unfavorable changes and the machinations of enemies. There may be a magical effect.

Meaning in love readings:
You are unwilling to listen to what your inner voice is telling you, so you may find yourself in trouble in your personal relationships. You are sometimes too reasonable and busy making decisions. various problems, which prevents you from expressing your feelings and emotions towards your loved one. Your relationship may suddenly be subject to negative magical effects from envious people. The Tarot Arcana The High Priestess in an inverted position symbolizes a deceitful, envious person, leading an immoral and disorderly lifestyle, capable of cruel acts.

Sudden negative changes.

The High Priestess Arcanum in an inverted position represents an empty and superficial person, a secret enemy, often in the person of a woman.

Advice - pay attention to what lies behind the external actions of the people you work with, listen to your intuition. Before taking decisive action, collect all important information on your case.

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There are arcana in the Tarot deck, the meaning of which is difficult to determine unambiguously. They are multifaceted and ephemeral, but have a strong impact on the layouts. This includes the High Priestess. The meaning of the Tarot, this must always be remembered, is not determined in one plane. Each lasso indicates both the events of the physical world and the subtle, emotional sphere. Based on the last statement, let’s consider how the High Priestess Tarot card is interpreted in layouts, the meaning of which can completely change the meaning of the combination. Let us immediately note that in general it is kind, positive, bright, but has reverse side. And we will analyze all this in detail.

Tarot card The High Priestess: meaning

This map is complex in that its sphere of influence is far from the material world. The High Priestess (Tarot) has an extraordinary meaning, it cannot be felt or touched. The card is often associated with intuition, some incredible feeling of the correctness of a particular thought. This is not entirely correct. It is better to say that the guardian angel is symbolized by the High Priestess. The meaning of the Tarot when deciphering layouts is usually tied to specific situation. This doesn’t work with our lasso. It demonstrates not the events or the attitude of the persons involved towards them, but a certain higher power, which is hidden for the time being. On the one hand, it is a guardian who leads a person by the hand through the vicissitudes real world. On the other hand, it could be an insight, a hint, a word accidentally heard or an event seen that makes you reconsider the basics of your worldview. To understand its meaning, you need to believe in the existence of another space that influences ours. If a person winces at the words God, Angels, providence, and so on, he is unlikely to understand what we are talking about. The High Priestess in Tarot is a way out to the light, accidental discovery, incomprehensible events, surprises of a good kind. She can predict magic or witchcraft (reversed). As a rule, this lasso softens negative cards. It is favorable in a woman's situation. The meaning of the High Priestess card in the Tarot in this case is as follows: the fortuneteller has a very strong patron and protector, and not necessarily a real man. A woman is protected from evil, she rarely falls into difficult situations, and if this happens, he does not suffer the consequences. It should be noted that the High Priestess lasso is also positive for men. IN in a general sense the card speaks of the correctness of the position, outside help (in case of need), and the absence of serious problems.

The meaning of the inverted lasso

Have you ever encountered " dark woman"? This person uses everything to his advantage, seduces, bribes, deceives, pushes friends and relatives against each other, slanders and takes advantage of other people’s experiences in his own interests. This is the High Priestess reversed (Tarot). Its meaning in this case should be considered especially carefully. In the situation under consideration, there is a clash of interests organized by a cunning and insidious enemy. But this is not always a specific person. Probably, negative emotions caused by different positions of the parties. Everyone has their own view, internal beliefs, which are not always conveyed to the other side. Something remains closed, incomprehensible. Because of this, disagreements arise, indicated by our lasso The High Priestess. The meaning of the Tarot is easier to understand if you look away from current events. For example, you ask about your loved one’s attitude towards you. If a reversed High Priestess appears, try to delve deeper into the inner world of this person. Most likely, you were raised in different traditions. What one was taught as a sin in childhood, another considers the norm (in extreme cases). An inverted lasso does not bode well. Rather, he prepares the fortuneteller for the need to take another lesson. How the situation will turn out further depends on the work of his soul. In a more mundane sense, the lasso speaks of the influence of an enemy on events.

Impact on relationships (direct position)

Here, as a rule, the meaning of the lasso is positive. If a person who has a partner makes fortunes, it means that this relationship is blessed by the Lord. They say it's fate. It should be understood that the High Priestess of the Tarot almost always has a positive meaning in relationships. It demonstrates the depth of connection, tenderness, devotion and loyalty. If you get it in a straight position, rejoice. There is no need to doubt either yourself or your partner. Possible problems It’s easy to decide, you just need to talk frankly, open up to your loved one. In addition, a card falling in the “future” position foreshadows a prosperous period in life. This is a time when not a single cloud will appear on the horizon of personal relationships. Feel free to plan your marriage if you have not yet created a family. In any case, be sure that next to you is exactly the person with whom you will live to see the end of your life. gray hair, having support and hope. The High Priestess lasso gives somewhat different advice to lonely people. The meaning of the Tarot in this case should also be perceived as favorable. The fortuneteller is already ready for serious relationship, his soul is illuminated by hope. Loneliness will end someday, but it is advisable to communicate more actively with the opposite sex and take care of your own attractiveness. Our lasso here speaks of the subconscious, which guides the personality. Deep down there is an intention to create a couple. And nothing outside prevents its implementation. Current status loneliness is temporary.

Reversed position of the lasso in a relationship reading

Spiritual blindness is the meaning that the High Priestess (Tarot) conveys to us. The meaning in a relationship, if the card is reversed, is purely negative. This is a period when a person cannot clearly see events, is blinded by resentment, is manipulated, and the partner’s intentions are unclear. You need to remember your first impressions of this person. As a rule, they turn out to be correct. If you are telling fortunes about your loved one, expect trouble. This person is not worthy of trust. He may be influenced by an envious person or an enemy who seeks to destroy your relationship. The loved one gives in, which is especially bitter. On the other hand, you yourself probably endowed him with virtues that have no relation to reality. You need to take it off and take a closer look at your partner. If a lonely person is doing fortune telling, it is too early for him to create a strong and sincere union. This is the reversed High Priestess (Tarot) meaning. not yet ripe. There are many contradictions in his head that prevent him from generating love. You need to understand your own worldview, get rid of selfishness, and understand that relationships are the ability to give more than you receive. When deciphering the alignment, it is necessary to remember the role of spirituality, which is conveyed by the High Priestess (Tarot) lasso. The meaning of a reversed card in love is: we're talking about about momentary selfish interests, and not about deep feelings.

The influence of the lasso on the business sphere (upright position)

There are people about whom they say: “He is led by Providence.” Exactly similar situation The High Priestess (Tarot) describes it to the fortuneteller. Meaning at work straight lasso: the ability to find the right solutions following the advice of intuition. A person approaches his work like a priest, fully understanding and implementing the established rules. He is above the process, in some ways he manages it. It doesn't matter what position he holds in reality. It is important that his vision is deeper and more holistic than that of his colleagues or management. And this leads to increased authority and professionalism. If we are talking about a specific transaction, it means that it will end successfully. A happy accident brought you together with your partner. Cooperation will be promising and productive. You should not suspect your partner of insincerity or cunning. When cards are asked about money, it is unlikely that they will receive it in the near future. However, the fortuneteller already has enough of everything. He is in good conditions in order to develop your business, hone your skills, and learn. In addition, our lasso foreshadows the emergence of new acquaintances who will help in the implementation of the project and will become reliable partners or followers.

Reversed lasso in a business reading

A person is in a situation where it is impossible to decide anything or make significant statements. The situation is precarious, he does not own complete information about what is happening. Nothing important can be done. Your enemies will immediately take advantage of any mistake you make. Give yourself some wiggle room. A business person is not recommended to sign any papers or take on additional responsibility. You should wait until this period of uncertainty gives way to a full understanding of what is happening. When fortune telling for profit, the answer is completely negative. Hopes will be replaced by disappointment. Probably, the client himself made a lot of mistakes and was unable to correctly build a behavioral strategy. An inverted lasso means a lack of intuition or distrust of the sixth sense, which led to wrong actions. Now we have to answer for them. If the High Priestess appears in this position in the reading, it is recommended to carefully weigh the plans again and return to the very beginning of the project. Errors can be corrected, but they must be discovered. The Arcanum suggests that you need to rely on intuition or consult with a more experienced and wise man. Continuing to move in the already chosen direction is futile and destructive.

The meaning of the plan for health

If the card comes out straight, there is nothing to worry about. The client is not in any danger. At the same time, the lasso recommends paying more attention to the inner world. The state depends on the level of positive thinking physical body. The High Priestess of the Tarot usually has a positive meaning in health. She talks about the ability to navigate circumstances, rest on time, regulate and regulate loads. When a person suffering from a specific illness tells fortunes, the lasso suggests that the root of the trouble lies in thinking. Analyze what you are thinking about. Negative images should be eliminated and thrown out of your head. There is every chance that the disease will leave your body. If the card falls upside down, it means the client is susceptible unreasonable fears. His worry is excessive and does not correspond to the reality of the problem. You need to calm down and get examined if necessary. Card recommendations: take care nervous system. Far-fetched fears are sometimes more dangerous than real germs. They undermine the soul, causing the body to suffer.

Card of the day

It is very good if our lasso appears in fortune telling for a short period. It is especially favorable when the direct High Priestess (Tarot) appears. The meaning of the “card of the day” in this case is interpreted as follows: excellent communication awaits, all problems will be resolved, a happy occasion is likely. In general, the day will be great, it will give the fortuneteller positive mood and satisfaction. Arcana recommendation:

  • Follow your intuition. Today it works especially well, suggesting the right decisions.
  • Don't worry about anything. Bad things won't happen.
  • Try to tackle the solution complex issues. Today is the right time for this.
  • Be kind to your loved ones. They need attention.

If the lasso falls out in an inverted position, then you need to be wary. There is deception ahead. The card's recommendations are:

  • Don’t make any decisions, reduce business activity.
  • Keep quiet in public. Any words can be perceived inadequately and cause a negative reaction.
  • Don't trust first impressions. On this day you are in the grip of deception and are unable to perceive reality clearly and distinctly.
  • Try to communicate less. Better check it out inner world. Dream alone about something good that will help you overcome the negativity of the lasso.

The High Priestess Tarot, Rider White meaning

Each school interprets the arcana in its own way. Rider White connects the Popess (High Priestess) with the depths of the subconscious. It symbolizes wisdom, the ability to silently and persistently understand the world, and broadcast kindness outward. The card says the man is trying to find the hidden deep meaning in what is happening. He is guided by internal convictions embedded in him by the traditions of his family. It is difficult to lead him astray from his chosen path, he cannot be manipulated. Most often, this person listens to the advice of intuition and considers himself the supreme arbiter of his own destiny. In an inverted position, the lasso speaks of a person’s frivolity and immaturity. He is subject to base passions, he is attracted to carnal pleasures that are far from sublime. In addition, it can denote destructive arrogance. In the upright position, the card indicates that a person feels confident in his calling. He not only goes in the right direction himself, but also leads others with him. In a sense, this is a map of conscience. It predicts an understanding of the foundations of the world. A person lives in accordance with the divine commandments, which others pay attention to. They are drawn to the one whom the Pope designates and want to imitate him. If the fortuneteller is thinking about spiritual growth, then the lasso shows the way. Follow the promptings of your conscience and get what you want. The Pope teaches that the essence of understanding things is in the soul. This is where the truth should be sought. In a more mundane sense, the lasso speaks of the healing abilities that the fortuneteller has. They should be applied in life. Spiritual growth is impossible without helping those in need. You need to try to give more than you take from others, teach them and lead them, giving your correct understanding of the essence of things.

When laying out the cards, we wait for a hint or advice from them. In this sense, the High Priestess (Tarot) has a special meaning and interpretation. It is associated with the intangible sphere of life, which radically influences events. The recommendations for the straight lasso are:

  • Seek your divine purpose.
  • Make decisions based on intuition.
  • Try to see the clues of fate in everything.
  • Give up illusory ideas about life.
  • Everyone is the judge of their own actions. Exclude destructive people from communication, do not rely on their opinions.
  • Mysticism guides what is happening. Don't try to escape what is destined for you. Do not abandon the principles instilled by the older generation. Remember your responsibility to your family.
  • Rethink your intentions, they are based on illusory ideas about events or persons.
  • Look for wisdom in yourself and those around you, rely on traditional ideas.
  • Avoid important decisions until you have a clear picture of what's going on around you.
  • Observe events and people, trying to notice little things. Be guided by your conscience when you plan to do something.

You should know that the High Priestess is a guardian angel card. In any case, it says that the fortuneteller is led through life. It depends only on him how he will use the help given from above. Nobody cancels freedom of choice. However, it is recommended to consult with the subconscious and learn to understand its signs. Then the person’s fate will turn out well. The card is good in a woman's scenario. This is a sign of her maturity and worldly wisdom. Men are drawn to such beauties and idolize them.


The High Priestess card is one of the most difficult to understand in the Tarot deck. Nevertheless, it almost always has a positive effect on the situation. In order to interpret it correctly, it is necessary to analyze the inner world of the fortuneteller’s personality. This is what the Pope reveals. The person in whose chart it appears has been given a lot. And whether he will be able to take advantage of these gifts depends only on him. It is advisable to save the layout for some time in order to return to its analysis. At first glance it is quite difficult to understand what exactly the Tarot is saying. Good luck!

Do you want to learn all the secrets of Tarot cards and correctly interpret the values ​​that fall out during fortune telling on the selected deck? In this article we will talk about the meaning and interpretation of Arcana 2 of the Thoth Tarot, the High Priestess (Papess). Enjoy reading.

General description of the High Priestess card

The Second Major Arcana looks like in the following way: A middle-aged woman sits on a throne located between white and black columns. Each of the columns has its own symbolic meaning- white represents the Sun, and black the Moon.

Note. In some interpretations of the Tarot deck, the columns are marked with the Hebrew letters Beit and Yod. These symbols indicate the unity of two opposites. Example - man and woman, black and white, day and night

After the sixteenth century, when the papal tiara was removed from the image of the Major Arcana, the card was no longer considered the personification of Prudence.

The scroll, located in the hands of the High Priestess, symbolizes the search, knowledge of the True Path. Another interpretation of the Book of Knowledge is the spiritual principle in pure form hidden in a person’s subconscious. The sensuality of the feminine principle is symbolized by pomegranates cut into several parts. Water and the moon, located in the lower part of the picture, indicate the masculine magical principle.

The name Papessa arose as a result of an incorrect translation from in English. The word the Pope symbolizes a priest of any religion, regardless of gender.

The meaning of Tarot card 2 in the layout indicates the following - the fortuneteller is able to use his intuition for further spiritual self-realization. Another interpretation of Arkan is an unpleasant aftertaste from conflicts and troubles occurring in the past.

To know detailed interpretation The High Priestess, you can get more information about this card in the courses of the Russian Tarot School or by reading the book “Evening tea by candlelight and Tarot cards” by Sergei Savchenko.

Key words, ideas of the Pope in the layout

To make it easier to understand the meaning of the second Major Arcana, the key ideas below will help.

  • Virgin daughter
  • Ability to control your inner world
  • Spiritual development
  • Having secrets
  • Platonic love
  • Enlightenment in solving lingering problems
  • Following moral principles
  • Trusting your inner voice
  • Good job intuition
  • Hidden problems
  • Memories from an early age
  • Occult wisdom, penchant for knowledge of esotericism
  • Prophetic dreams
  • Meditative practices, the desire to know the unknown, unsolved secrets
  • Awakening sexuality
  • Possibility of obtaining hidden knowledge

Meaning of the card in the upright position

Consider the meaning of the High Priestess Tarot card in the upright position. The card indicates the fortuneteller's penchant for deep subconscious forces - good intuition, inner voice, a tendency to predict future events. Patience, prudence, wisdom, composure are the main characteristics of this card. It is not recommended to force events; you should wait for the right moment for decisive action, setting your goals and priorities correctly.

Meaning of the High Priestess in Reversed Position

The meaning of the reversed High Priestess in the Tarot indicates ignorance of one's own inner world. This approach will lead the fortuneteller to failures and problems. Do not exaggerate the degree of trouble that has arisen, get rid of material attachments. Review your social circle, cut off people with emotional instability, try not to fall under their influence.

Video: Tarot card meaning - The High Priestess

The meaning of the Second Arcana in love relationships

The meaning of the High Priestess (Popesses) of the Tarot in love and relationships depends on the position in the reading. The card rarely indicates the everyday level of love, but symbolizes the deep, sublime feelings of a man/woman. Mutual understanding, respect for a partner, unity of the inner world are only part of the theses that characterize these relationships.

The inverted position of the Arcana indicates the problems of the union, its hackneyed nature, and the lack of a comfortable stay with the other half. Lack of mutual understanding, etiology existing problems complicate relationships. There are two ways out - separation or regular constructive dialogues with your partner.

The meaning of the card in health layouts

Want to know if you have health problems? If the Priestess fell in a straight position, this may indicate the following points.

  • Presence of unmanifested/latent disease
  • Error in medical diagnosis
  • Magic diagnostics completed successfully

The reverse position of the Arcana symbolizes depressed state, the onset of a short-term crisis. Possibility of illness - negative consequence from targeted magical influence.

The High Priestess in readings for personality analysis, psychological state

The Second Major Arcana reflects the period during which it is necessary to pay attention to the development of the subconscious. Unleash your potential, lift the veil of the Ancient Truth. Listen to your own intuition more often, learn to separate Good from Evil - and your life will improve. Don't give in to despondency - yours a strong character, excellent subconscious abilities will soon bear fruit.

Card in layouts for finances and work

The meaning of the High Priestess Tarot in the work depends on the position of the card itself.

The direct position is the presence of hidden factors influencing consciousness. There is a certain duality in the conduct of business. To solve the problem, several options should be considered separately. This approach will help eradicate troubles at the very beginning.

Inverted position. Problems arose due to a reluctance to “turn on” intuition and listen to the voice of the subconscious. Advice - double-check the information provided to you, the decision is yours.

The meaning of the Priestess in combination with the Major Arcana

Let's consider the combination of Priestess - Priest (Hierophant), as well as the combination with other Tarot cards.

  • Jester: All secrets will be revealed
  • Magician: Dishonest treatment on the part of another person
  • Empress: Conception, bearing a child
  • Emperor: Wise, fair, reliable leader
  • (Priest): Opportunity to gain knowledge
  • Lovers: Temptation, temptation, reluctance to give in
  • Chariot: "Let it be as it is"
  • Strength: You should not gossip or tell something to your friends
  • : They will tell you a secret
  • Wheel of Fortune: Passivity, melancholic attitude towards life
  • : Timely inclusion of logic will help you learn some secrets
  • The Hanged Man: Untrue Information
  • Death: You should not trust your problems to strangers
  • Moderation: Chameleon mode will help you get away with it
  • Devil: False information, practical use black magic
  • Tower: Premature birth, miscarriages, abortions
  • Star: Clairvoyance, extrasensory perception
  • Moon: Lover/mistress, white lie
  • The Sun: Revealing the Truth
  • Court: Success in business
  • World: Have offspring

The meaning of the Popess in combination with the Minor Arcana

Let's consider the meaning of the Second Major Arcana with Minor Arcana. Details below.

With the suit of Wands

  • : Clarification of unclear points, opening the veil of secrecy
  • : Visualization of the desired result
  • Troika: Concealing the plan “until better times”
  • Four: Secrets from the “skeleton in the closet” series
  • Five: Truth is born in dispute
  • Six: Knowledge is the power that leads to the goal
  • Seven: The ability to take advantage of the weaknesses of others, the threat of blackmail
  • Eight: Information that must be made public
  • Nine: Knowledge viewed with distrust
  • Ten: Reasoned criticism forces you to accept defeat
  • Page: Investigation of circumstances
  • Knight: Lack of resistance to circumstances
  • : Secrets of professional activity
  • King: The opportunity to see the future fruits of your labors

With the suit of Cups

  • : Feelings and emotions should be kept under control
  • : Engagement hidden from strangers and friends
  • Troika: Society of drug and alcohol addicts. A secret society of a different kind
  • Four: Ignoring signs, unwillingness to listen to the subconscious, intuition
  • Five: Bad news
  • Six: Secrets from childhood
  • Seven: Indecision, increasing doubts
  • Eight: Non-disclosure of real motives
  • Nine: Keeping traditions, recipes, etc.
  • Ten: Achieve a state of happiness, success in some endeavor
  • Page: A pleasant surprise
  • : Secret knowledge, mission
  • Queen: Hiding true feelings and thoughts from public influence
  • King: Practice working with the depths of the subconscious

With the suit of Swords

  • Ace: Failure of other people's plans, revealing secrets
  • Two: Passive attitude towards problems, one’s own life
  • Troika: Unpleasant information that brings negative emotions
  • Four: The data received must be carefully digested
  • Five: Revealing an insidious plan
  • Six: Necessary information which will be useful in the future
  • : Insidious, intricate plan
  • Eight: Information that is difficult to rethink
  • Nine: Problem that deprives you of peace
  • Ten: Finding purpose, the meaning of life
  • : Excessive caution when choosing a solution, desire to know the truth
  • Knight: Refusal of request for clarity
  • Queen: The Mistress Who Destroyed Family Ties
  • King: Dictatorship, tyranny, total control of the situation

With the suit of Pentacles

  • Ace: Hidden income
  • Deuce: Financial Fraud
  • Troika: The Mystery of the Investment Made
  • Four: Cover-up true size income
  • : Hiding shame
  • Six. Secret patron, well-wisher
  • Seven: Fear of the future (“tomorrow”)
  • Eight: Master skills, secret knowledge
  • Nine: Attention to detail, the nuances of a problem
  • Ten: Reveal the secrets of the origin of the family - construction family tree, announcement of the will, etc.
  • Page: “Everything has its time”
  • Knight: Hide from everyone.
  • : Having hidden abilities
  • King: Existing knowledge is the key to prosperity

Get rid of secrets. Start realizing your hidden potential. Determine your abilities and talents. Listen to your intuition and inner voice more often. Think, meditate, concentrate, look for answers within your own “I”. You should develop a craving for occult knowledge, predictions, psychology, and mysticism.

What does the card warn about?

When choosing the right solution to a problem, you should not rush. You should study the situation in advance, protecting yourself from possible intrigues, hidden dangers, and problems. Haste is good for catching fleas.

What questions can the Pope answer?

Check out a number of questions that the meaning of the High Priestess can answer

  • Why have you become emotionless? What was the reason?
  • Do you trust your own intuition?
  • Can you be trusted with any secrets?
  • Do you like to delve into your subconscious?

Let the above information help you learn more deeply the meaning of the Second Major Arcana. Stay tuned for updates and all the best!