How allergies manifest in infants is a question that worries mothers. Food allergies in infants: signs, causes, how to treat

Most children suffer from birth allergic manifestations. Mom is forced to constantly adhere to a diet, and the period of first feeding becomes a real test. We have to look for products that do not cause reactions. If during the examination an allergy to gluten was discovered in an infant, then the parents must have a list of prohibited foods so as not to aggravate the situation.

Food reactions in most children are diagnosed from birth. The irritant can be one product or several. Most often, an allergic reaction develops to cow's milk. Milk porridges and other products made from this component are prohibited.

Infants have a poorly developed digestive system. Its final formation takes place throughout the first year of life. The mucous surface of the intestine is thin and easily allows incoming allergen into the blood.

The digestive organs do not sufficiently produce enzymes that are capable of breaking down heavy foods. Undigested proteins enter the bloodstream and begin to disturb the immune system.

With age, the immune system strengthens, the digestive organs are finally formed, and the body becomes able to overcome allergies. Therefore, if an allergy has been identified in small child, for example, on products such as rice, zucchini or seeds, this does not mean that it will accompany him all his life.

Signs of the disease

Food allergies can manifest themselves in different ways. Symptoms appear immediately after eating the product or several hours later. The severity depends on the condition internal organs at the time the irritant enters the body, the state of immunity. The duration of manifestations can be from several hours to several days.

When consuming certain foods (zucchini, rice, prunes, seeds), the skin and digestive system. Symptoms of skin damage:

  • redness of various parts of the body;
  • various types of rashes;
  • edema;
  • peeling of the affected area;
  • formation of dry crusts on the head, eyebrows, behind the ears;
  • prickly heat, diaper rash;

If the digestive organs are involved in the allergic process, the symptoms may be as follows:

  • stool disorder (most often diarrhea, less often constipation);
  • vomiting, frequent regurgitation;
  • loss of appetite;
  • bloating, increased gas formation.

IN pathological process organs may be included respiratory system. The symptoms in this case look like this:

  • a runny nose with characteristic watery mucus and nasal congestion appears;
  • frequent sneezing;
  • swelling of the larynx and cough;
  • breathing becomes difficult.

Allergies in a child to foods such as seeds and rice most often manifest as urticaria and angioedema. The first symptoms can be observed immediately after consuming the products. The face and eyes turn red, vomiting and diarrhea appear, and the condition may be accompanied by a cough.

An allergy to prunes manifests itself in the form of redness of certain areas of the skin, nausea or even vomiting, and diarrhea.

A food allergy to zucchini can begin with itching and redness of the skin, vomiting and diarrhea. Body temperature rises. Parts of the respiratory system are less commonly affected.

Milk and dairy products most often provoke digestive disorders in the form of vomiting, frequent regurgitation, diarrhea, flatulence, and skin rashes. Milk porridges should also not be given to a child (corn, rice).

The reaction to butter is manifested by damage to the skin, swelling of the mucous surfaces, disruption of the digestive system, and disruption of the respiratory system.

Treatment, first of all, begins with eliminating the foods that caused the symptoms. In progress additional examination you can set a specific irritant: seeds, zucchini, rice, prunes or other products.

Common allergens

It is possible to determine which irritants cause a reaction in a child using a special procedure in a hospital setting. This will allow you to exclude the product and not provoke unpleasant symptoms.

Food allergies to seeds can occur due to the content of substances such as albumin and globulin.

Allergies are least likely to occur to sunflower and pumpkin seeds. But this is the case if the kernels are raw or well-dried. Pumpkin seeds can cause allergies if the body reacts to the vegetable itself. If a reaction to sunflower seeds develops sharply, then the reason may not be in them. Call unpleasant symptoms Maybe vegetable oil, where the roasting took place.

Most often, a child is allergic to sesame seeds. The seeds contain proteins, which become a source of irritation. The situation is aggravated by various diseases of the liver, pancreas and gall bladder.

Flaxseeds are not used as food, but they are used to make oil. Dishes to which it was added linseed oil, can lead to serious allergic consequences. It should be limited or completely avoided by pregnant and lactating women. And even more so, you can’t add it to your first complementary foods.

Prunes can also cause allergies. Most often this is due to improper processing. Wax, glycerin and other fats are used to give dried fruit presentation. Weakened immunity and individual intolerance body - also common reasons reactions to prunes.

Allergy to prunes occurs rarely and occurs in mild form, for example, cheeks turn red. In this case, you should not add prunes during cooking, or give them raw to your child.

There is a risk of cross allergies to prunes, if there has already been a reaction to plums, cherries, apricots.

If the child is natural feeding, then prunes can be consumed by the mother herself, since the product is useful for intestinal motility.

Zucchini is a hypoallergenic product. This is where the first complementary foods begin. But sometimes there are cases of developing an allergy to zucchini.

There may be several reasons why a reaction to zucchini develops. Important role plays hereditary factor. If at least one of the parents suffers from such a problem, then the situation will repeat with the child. An allergy to zucchini can occur against the background of an infectious disease or diseases of the digestive system. The risk of developing a reaction increases when feeding a child with formula.

The most common first foods are porridge. They can be cooked from various grains. What cereals are recommended as first complementary foods? Doctors recommend corn or rice porridge. There may be several reasons for an allergy to porridge:

  • cow protein or goat milk;
  • gluten content in grains (barley, wheat, oats, rye);
  • adding fruits, dried fruits, vegetables (for example, prunes, dried apricots, zucchini);
  • adding sugar.

It is better to leave milk porridges for the period when the child turns one year old. For now, all porridge should be cooked in water.

The very first cereal that a baby is introduced to should be buckwheat. It is hypoallergenic as it does not contain gluten. An allergy may occur to buckwheat in an infant due to the content of plant proteins (globulin, albumin). The reaction may develop to buckwheat porridge, which mom ate.

Corn porridge is recommended as first complementary foods, as it does not contain gluten. But it can also cause unpleasant symptoms. If you bought corn porridge in a store, then an allergy may appear to all kinds of additives: sugar, milk, pieces of any fruit. A true allergy to corn porridge occurs if the cereal was prepared at home with water, without adding oil or sugar.

Rice refers to healthy cereals, from which you can prepare delicious dishes, for example rice porridge. It contains many useful substances, including vitamins and microelements. The body is enriched complex carbohydrates, which are quickly absorbed by the body, give energy and strength.

Rice very often causes allergies in children. There are several reasons why this happens.

  1. Adverse reactions to rice often have a hereditary predisposition.
  2. Rashes and other signs may occur due to the fact that rice is too often included in the infant's diet. For example, during the day the child received rice porridge and a mixture of rice flour.
  3. Rice has a fixing effect and constipation develops. As a result, toxins begin to accumulate in the body, which cause various unpleasant symptoms.
  4. Rice is gluten free. But in its grains large number proteins, including pollen proteins.

Butter, which is sometimes added to cereals, also causes unwanted reactions. Butter is made from cow's milk, which contains allergenic proteins (casein, lactoglobulin, lactalbumin). These components do not disappear even during heat treatment.

You cannot add other types of oils to dishes for children under one year old: palm oil, sea buckthorn or sunflower oil.

An allergy that occurs in response to milk in an infant is associated with lactose or protein. Development risk similar problem increases if the mother herself suffers from this type of allergy or has had various pathological conditions during pregnancy ( oxygen starvation fetus, threat of miscarriage, bad habits).

Fermented milk products rarely cause allergies. Bacteria partially process the protein, and it is better absorbed by the child’s body. Fermented milk products are indicated as first complementary foods, but only those that have a short shelf life.

An infant may also develop an allergy to sugar. It most often enters the body through breast milk. The provocative factor is wrong diet nursing mother, reduced immunity, dysbacteriosis.

Therapeutic measures

Treatment can be carried out in three main areas: diet, drug therapy and allergen-specific immunotherapy. The mother should keep a diary in which foods and the child’s body’s reaction to it will be recorded. If the baby is breastfed, then the changes should affect the woman’s menu.

If a child is allergic to cow's milk protein, then it is worth changing the adapted formula used. Treatment in this case is carried out by transferring to a mixture of goat's milk.

Drug treatment is used in in rare cases when the child’s condition affects his development. The doctor may prescribe a complex of medications.

  • treatment begins with taking antihistamines in the form of tablets, drops, syrups, creams, ointments (“Suprastin”, “Fenistil”, “Zirtek”);
  • medications based on hormonal components (“Dexamethasone”);
  • enterosorbents ( activated carbon, "Enterosgel");
  • means that reduce discomfort in the stomach (“Espumizan”, “Plantex”);
  • treatment is accompanied by taking enzyme preparations(“Creon”, “Festal”);
  • sedatives (valerian, motherwort).

Allergies can be cured in a few days. If you follow your doctor's recommendations and adhere to proper nutrition, then the allergy will go away on the 3-4th day.

Often parents have no idea that real reason a child's cough, rash or abdominal pain is an allergy. They blame it on colds, colic, infantile skin rashes (milia, or newborn acne), or simply the child's difficult temperament. Of course, most often the cause of such symptoms (especially if they go away quickly) is infectious diseases. But if symptoms recur again and again, it's time to think about allergies.

Allergies in newborns

The cause of an allergic reaction is the response of the child's immune system. It is programmed to protect the body, but sometimes reacts to a harmless substance (for example, pollen, dust, food) as if it were a threat. For protection purposes, the immune system begins to produce special protein compounds, or antibodies. When they come into contact with a substance that the immune system deems dangerous, antibodies release powerful chemicals called neurotransmitters: histamines, prostaglandins and leukotrienes. And these, in turn, affect the glands, capillaries and smooth muscles of the organs, causing a person to experience allergic symptoms.
Allergies are very common, and the predisposition to their occurrence, according to research, is hereditary. However, sensitivity to a certain substance is not passed on from parents to children.

How allergies manifest themselves in babies and infants

Allergy symptoms often affect different systems organism, and the overall picture may seem contradictory. You can determine whether it is an allergy using the following rules:
Allergic reactions do not depend on the time of year (the exception is hay fever, but, as a rule, infants are not susceptible to it). Allergy symptoms are observed some time (from a couple of minutes to several hours) after the child eats food or some time after he comes into contact with an irritant.

Allergies can affect the following body systems:

Upper respiratory tract. A runny nose coupled with nasal discharge usually indicates a cold. However, constant watery discharge may be a sign of an allergy. Heavy defeat upper respiratory tract after exposure to an allergen, or anaphylactic shock, fortunately, occurs infrequently. In this condition, the child cannot swallow or even breathe. In this case, you should immediately call an ambulance.

Lower respiratory tract. Cough, wheezing - usual signs viral disease in children. Babies' airways are very sensitive, and when their surface becomes inflamed due to illness, children may begin to cough and wheeze. Sometimes coughing and wheezing are a consequence of asthma.

Children with allergies often catch respiratory viruses and cannot get rid of a cough for a long time. As a result of exposure to allergens or viruses, the inner surface of the child’s respiratory tract becomes inflamed, their walls swell, which leads to a dry, hysterical cough and sometimes difficulty breathing.

The whistling sound made by a child while breathing is danger sign. Parents should examine the child, and if he sucks in air noisily, flares his nostrils, or whistles when inhaling or exhaling, he should immediately show the baby to the doctor.

Eyes. Inflamed red eyes, conjunctivitis, swelling of the eyelids - a condition that is caused by both a virus and an allergy. Children worry, rub their eyes, cry, and have dark circles under their eyes.

Gastrointestinal tract. Viral diseases can cause vomiting, diarrhea in a child (an infant has looser, waterier and larger stools than usual), constipation, dyspepsia, increased formation of gases, poor absorption nutrients (which can lead to weight loss) and colitis. However, such symptoms are also typical for allergies. The allergy itself may not even be food: in children with allergies to substances from environment may develop stomach diseases as a result of their ingestion of sputum, which leads to irritation of the gastric mucosa.

Leather. Allergies in infants include rashes on the cheeks and body, peeling of the skin, diaper rash, and itching. Allergy symptoms should be distinguished from ordinary diaper dermatitis (when the baby's diaper is rarely changed) or skin irritation from inconvenient fasteners, Velcro or unsuitable textile material.

Behavior. The child’s well-being is reflected in his behavior. A child who does not feel well, eats little, sleeps poorly, behaves restlessly due to abdominal pain, itching, and a stuffy nose.

Allergy in an infant on the face during breastfeeding

Allergy-causing substances are eliminated from the body in three ways - through the urinary system, the respiratory system or through the skin. In the latter case, irritating substances can cause an allergic reaction or rash. They are of the following types:

Eczema. Most often occurs in newborns during breastfeeding, if one or both parents suffered from allergies. First, redness of the skin appears on the face, scalp, torso, and in older children it can appear in the folds of the skin, on the bend of the elbow and under the knees. Eczema formations are red, covered with crusts or scales, sometimes weeping.

Allergic dermatitis, urticaria. Classical allergic rash- many small convex formations on the face and body of a person - rarely found in infants. It is usually smaller than in older children or adults. First, the rash in a baby appears on the face, and then it can gradually spread to the neck and body. Rashes, skin rash can be either red (if the irritant enters the body with food, medications, or inhalation) or white (if you are allergic to milk).

Contact dermatitis. This is an allergic rash caused by a reaction to soap, detergent, irritating skin baby's woolen clothes, plants with poisonous juice and other substances that come into contact with the baby's skin.

How to relieve symptoms of non-food allergies

There is no cure for allergies, but you can try to relieve symptoms. If a baby suffers from allergies, the first step is to reduce the child’s contact with the irritant to a minimum. Allergies usually get worse if the body's exposure to allergens remains the same. If parents can protect the child from irritants for at least six months, there is a chance that the baby’s allergies will go away after some time and his body will “forget” about the allergens.

However, determining the cause of an allergy is not so easy. For children older than two months, you can try allergy tests, or skin tests for allergies. However, their results are difficult to interpret correctly because the child's immune system is still immature. In this case, it may help if parents start keeping a diary. There you need to record the time when allergy symptoms appeared in the child, how they are expressed, and what events preceded them. Thus, after some time, the cause of the allergy can be identified - it could be a detergent, a pet, a piece of clothing or furniture, a type of food, a medicine, and so on.

While the exact cause of the allergy is not clear, parents can try taking the following measures precautions:

  • Use dust-proof covers for mattresses and pillows.
  • Try removing your pet from your home for a week.
  • Replace pillows or blankets with materials of animal origin (wool, feathers) with synthetic ones.
  • Switch to hypoallergenic washing powder.
  • Do wet cleaning of the apartment more often.

Medicines for the treatment of allergies

After identifying the cause of the allergy, the doctor may prescribe the following medications to the child:

  • Antihistamines, usually second generation (eg Zyrtec).
  • Non-hormonal medicinal ointments and creams that relieve inflammation and itching and have a healing effect.
  • In more severe cases, the doctor may prescribe an appointment hormonal ointments. After them, you need to lubricate the child’s skin with moisturizer.
  • For moderate skin irritations, ointments, creams and infusions can be used medicinal herbs(for example, chamomile), which have anti-inflammatory and analgesic effects.
  • If an allergic reaction could threaten the child's life, it is necessary to immediately give him an antihistamine (for example, suprastin) and call ambulance.

It is not recommended to treat a child’s rash on your own - for example, lubricate the redness with iodine, brilliant green, etc. medicines that stain the skin. This may make it difficult for your doctor to make a diagnosis. Also, do not squeeze or open pimples and blisters, or wipe the baby’s skin with lotions or alcohol-containing substances.

Food allergies in infants and breastfeeding

Breastfeeding protects against allergies for two reasons. The first and most obvious is that breastfed babies are exposed to fewer food allergens. The diet of infants does not include any cow protein, nor soy products; The fewer of these foods a child consumes, the lower the chances that an allergy to them will subsequently develop. According to research, the earlier a product is introduced into the diet, the more likely it is that it can cause allergies in the future.

Another reason is related to the development of the immune system. At birth, the baby's immune system does not function properly full degree. Before birth, the mother transfers her antibodies to the baby, thereby forming a protective system in the child. 1 month after birth, the baby’s body begins to produce its own antibodies. And by six months, the child already has a fully functional, albeit immature, immune system that can act as the first line of defense against enemies.

Therefore, it is recommended to breastfeed your baby for at least six months. When artificial feeding, you can use a hypoallergenic formula for feeding. The protein in such artificial mixtures is so processed that it is practically not recognized by the immune system.

But not everything is so rosy. Sometimes it happens that the food that the mother ate, through breast milk enters the child's body and causes allergies. A mother can determine which foods contribute to an allergic reaction in a baby by keeping a diary. There you can record when the mother ate, what exactly she ate, how the child later reacted to her milk, and whether he began to worry and whine after eating. Usually, it takes from four hours to a day after feeding for the first symptoms of an allergy to appear, but if the allergy is severe, then the reaction occurs literally within a couple of minutes.

When the cause of a child's allergies has been identified, the mother is advised to develop a diet that excludes all suspicious foods. If after the introduction of the regimen the baby feels better, for control test It is recommended to eat some forbidden food after some time and see how the child reacts to it. If the reaction is negative, the product should either be greatly reduced or not consumed at all for a long time. As a rule, babies' condition improves significantly in the first week after the mother stops consuming allergy-causing foods. True, it takes at least two weeks for all symptoms to disappear, and sometimes even more.

Of course, following a diet for a mother is not pleasant, but not everything is so sad. When alternating foods (when a certain amount of time passes between meals to which the baby is allergic), the mother can even eat “forbidden” foods. Over a period of 3 to 7 days, the eaten product is completely eliminated from the mother’s body, which helps prevent the accumulation of allergic symptoms in the child. But the stronger the child’s reaction to the food eaten by the mother, the longer she must wait. It is possible to accurately determine the required period of time only experimentally.

Interestingly, often the food to which the baby reacts negatively also has a bad effect on the mother herself. She may not even be aware of it until during forced diet will not feel a surge of strength. Ironically, foods that form the basis of a family's diet often fall into this category.

According to statistics, 20% of infants exhibit symptoms of food allergies. Artificially-fed babies encounter this disease more often than their breast-fed peers. But allergens easily penetrate into breast milk. Let's figure out which products usually cause a negative reaction and what it looks like. We will also find out how allergies are treated, including considering the recommendations given by Dr. E.O. Komarovsky.

Causes of allergies

Food allergies are an immune response to proteins from certain foods entering the body. Most often, a cascade of reactions starts immediately after contact with the allergen; less often, signs appear two to three hours or days after eating the dish.

The main factor predisposing to allergies is heredity. Besides, increased sensitivity infants to food is associated with some physiological characteristics their body, including:

  • low enzyme activity
  • insufficient level of synthesis of antibodies that protect the mucous membranes of the gastrointestinal tract
  • high tissue permeability

The risk of allergies increases if the baby experienced hypoxia during prenatal development, and also suffered intestinal and respiratory diseases at an early age.

Any product can cause a negative reaction, but there are treats that provoke it most often:

  • red and orange vegetables and fruits – apples, grapes, tomatoes, beets
  • chicken, pork
  • exotic vegetables and fruits – kiwi, orange, persimmon
  • wheat, rye
  • fatty and red fish, as well as caviar
  • fish, meat and mushroom broths
  • seafood
  • nuts
  • mushrooms
  • any products containing dyes, preservatives and other synthetic substances

These treats should not be consumed by a nursing mother, nor should they be offered to a baby under 12 months (if there are allergy sufferers in the family, up to 3 years).

In artificial babies, allergies arise due to the components of the formula - milk, sugar and its substitutes, chemicals.

Dr. Komarovsky believes that in many cases a violent immune reaction does not occur due to specific product, but due to overeating. This conclusion can be drawn if all the above products are excluded from the mother and child’s menu, and allergy symptoms persist.


What does it look like food allergy in infants? The most common signs of dermatitis are:

  • skin rash in the form of pimples or hives
  • areas of redness (usually near the mouth and anus)
  • peeling of the epidermis
  • gneiss - scales on the head and near the eyebrows

In addition, many children experience symptoms of gastrointestinal disorders:

  • loose stools with mucus and foam
  • flatulence
  • constipation
  • profuse regurgitation

In rare cases, consuming allergenic foods causes a reaction from the respiratory system - runny nose and cough.

How long does the allergy last? The rash and digestive problems may disappear 1 day after removing the provoking dish from the menu or persist for 7-10 days. How long it will take for treatment depends on the aggressiveness of the allergen, the amount the child consumed, and the characteristics of his body.

One of the most severe types of allergies is Quincke's edema. It is characterized by swelling of the skin and internal mucous membranes. It may be pointed out hoarse voice baby, dry cough and noisy breathing. A child with these symptoms needs emergency care doctors


Diagnosis of food allergies in infants is carried out by a pediatrician or allergist. The following methods are used:

  1. Anamnesis collection. A survey of parents is conducted regarding the nature of the child’s nutrition. Symptoms from the gastrointestinal tract and respiratory system are established. It is clarified if there are allergies in the family.
  2. Examination of the baby. The doctor determines whether the rash is a manifestation of an allergy or a sign of another disease (chickenpox, seborrhea).
  3. Blood test. General analysis shows an increase in the number of eosinophils. Immunological tests can detect increased levels of immunoglobulin E.
  4. Additional methods are ultrasound of the digestive organs to exclude other pathologies, stool analysis for dysbacteriosis.

Children over 3 years of age are prescribed skin allergy tests: a small amount of allergen is applied to the skin, after which the doctor checks the reaction. IN infancy such testing is considered uninformative.

Based on the examination, the doctor prescribes treatment, which includes several important points: removing the allergen from the menu, drug therapy and child care. Dr. Komarovsky believes that this last aspect is of great importance.

Menu correction

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It is impossible to cure an allergy without eliminating the product that caused it from the diet. The difficulty is that it is not always easy to identify. If the baby is breastfed, then the mother’s diet needs to be adjusted.

First of all, you need to remove the highly allergenic dishes listed above from the menu.

The mother's diet should consist of:

  • low-fat fermented milk products
  • gluten-free cereals
  • white and green vegetables and fruits
  • lean meat and fish
  • bread made from second grade flour and so on

Sugar and whole milk may not be excluded, but should be limited. The diet should be as varied as possible. It is better to boil, bake and steam dishes. Before cooking, it is advisable to soak vegetables, cereals and meat for several hours.

Allergy treatment involves keeping a food diary. It requires recording not only the mother’s menu, but also the condition of the child’s skin on different days. This will allow you to track the reaction.

In most cases, if the mother follows a low-allergen diet, the unpleasant symptoms disappear within 5-14 days. But in some cases, standard diet adjustments do not help. It is necessary to continue searching for the allergen. Sometimes it turns out to be very unexpected, for example, buckwheat or zucchini.

Establish the cause food intolerance It is possible only experimentally - by removing foods from the diet. A forum where mothers of children with allergies exchange information will help you create a list of possible provocateurs.

After determining the culprit of the allergy, the mother’s diet can be expanded. It is important to remember that the reaction does not always appear immediately. You should not introduce more than one new dish to the menu every 5-7 days. Keeping a diary should continue.

The cause of allergies in “artificial” people is. Most often, problems arise from cow's milk protein. This condition must be treated by replacing the diet. Alternative options:

  • soy protein based nutrition
  • hydrolyzed mixtures (the protein in them is broken down to the level of amino acids)
  • products with goat milk protein (it is easier for children to digest)

You must select the mixture together with your doctor.

Prevention of overeating

Dr. Komarovsky believes: in many cases, allergies are caused by the fact that children receive too much food, and it simply does not have time to be digested. Signs of overfeeding are excess weight, regurgitation, colic, bowel dysfunction. How to solve this problem?

If the baby is feeding mother's milk, necessary:

  • maintain intervals between meals (at least 2 hours)
  • do not hold the baby at the breast for more than 15 minutes
  • try to reduce the fat content of milk - mother should refuse butter, condensed milk, nuts, fatty fermented milk products
  • offer your baby water, not just milk, especially in hot weather

When artificial feeding, Komarovsky advises:

  • make the mixture less concentrated while maintaining its volume
  • feed as many times as required according to age standards
  • make sure that the hole in the nipple is not too large

Medication assistance

Allergies can be treated with medications only with the support of a doctor. IN global network it is easy to find a forum containing a lot of information about drugs and folk recipes that help with rashes. But this information should not be taken as a guide, because each child’s body has its own characteristics.

The following groups of drugs are usually used:

  1. Antihistamines systemic action in the form of drops and syrups - “Fenistil”, “Zirtek”, “Zodak”, “Diazolin”, “Loratadine”. They block the mechanism of allergy development, eliminate external manifestations and itching.
  2. Antihistamine gels and creams – “Fenistil”, “Psilobalm”. Their purpose is to quickly relieve itching and reduce redness.
  3. Sorbents – “ White coal", "Smecta", "Enterosgel". They help remove allergens and toxins from the body.
  4. Enzymes (Creon) and probiotics (Bifiform, Linex) that improve digestion.
  5. Hormonal creams and ointments - “Elokom”, “Flucinar” and others. They are prescribed in severe cases allergic dermatitis and allow you to quickly normalize your skin condition.

Komarovsky believes that treatment can be limited:

  • diet
  • sorbents
  • Calcium supplements – if there is a lack of calcium, the allergy is aggravated
  • laxatives - lactulose syrup or glycerin suppositories if constipation occurs

The doctor advises not to be afraid to apply hormonal creams to areas with rashes and redness, but as the situation improves, their dose should be reduced. Moreover, he insists on creating the right conditions child's life.

Baby care

Komarovsky draws the attention of parents to the fact that manifestations of food allergies are always intensified under the influence of external negative factors - hot dry air and skin contact with chemicals. Without eliminating them drug treatment will not give results.

  • maintain the room temperature no higher than 20 °C and humidity no lower than 50%, remove all dust accumulations, regularly ventilate and clean
  • bathe the baby in non-hot water, having previously cleared it of chlorine using filters and boiling
  • use a minimum of household chemicals, rinse children's clothes thoroughly
  • use only hypoallergenic cosmetics and detergents designed specifically for babies
  • put on the child things made from natural fabrics of dull color, the same applies to bedding
  • buy quality toys, since inexpensive materials are often very toxic
  • if the baby is sick, treat him with products without dyes and sweeteners
  • When purchasing products, analyze the conditions in which they were grown or produced
  • Avoid buying pets until your child’s allergies go away

Food allergies in infants are not a lifelong death sentence. In 98% of children it goes away with age. If you study the thematic forum, you can conclude that many parents notice an improvement in symptoms by 3-5 years. The reason for this is ripening enzyme systems, liver and intestinal microflora, as well as strengthening the barrier functions of the skin. But this condition must be treated with diet and proper child care. Allergies that are left unattended are dangerous because they can develop into atopic dermatitis or bronchial asthma.

Food allergies in infants are a problem that causes a lot of trouble for mother and baby. Even with natural feeding, the baby sometimes experiences negative skin reactions and their health worsens. In artificially raised children, diseases of an allergic nature are diagnosed even more often.

The reasons for the body's acute response are some components that enter the baby's body through breast milk and various types complementary foods Information about dangerous types of food, main mistakes when introducing new foods to a baby’s diet, symptoms and treatment methods for food allergies will be useful to parents.


Increased sensitization of the body develops against the background of several factors:

  • genetic predisposition;
  • unfavorable environmental situation in the region;
  • decreased immunity due to the baby’s illness;
  • poor nutrition, lack of vitamins;
  • consumption of highly allergenic foods by a pregnant woman;
  • diseases suffered by the expectant mother;
  • chronic pathologies in a pregnant woman;
  • dysbacteriosis in an infant, intestinal infections;
  • hypoxia (oxygen starvation) of the fetus.

Food allergies in breastfed babies most often develop due to the fault of the mother: the woman eats foods that are dangerous for the child. Components that cause allergic reactions penetrate into breast milk and then into the baby’s body. If a baby shows signs of a food allergy, the nursing mother’s diet needs to be urgently reviewed and hazardous foods excluded.

Potential allergens:

  • chocolate;
  • strawberry;
  • citrus;
  • seafood;
  • peanuts, other types of nuts;
  • cocoa;
  • raspberry;
  • tomatoes;
  • carrot;
  • bananas;
  • cereals that contain gluten: wheat, oats, barley, rye;
  • red apples;
  • apricots;
  • melons;
  • fish caviar;
  • eggs;
  • fatty dairy products;
  • concentrates, semi-finished products, canned food and drinks with flavors, dyes, emulsifiers;
  • sea ​​fish.

Artificial babies have an acute response in the form skin reactions appears in the following cases:

  • low-quality (cheap) nutritional mixture;
  • hereditary tendency to sensitize the body;
  • congenital intolerance to certain substances, for example lactose;
  • excess daily norm(you can’t give much more mixture than you should).

Note to parents! In children under one year of age, allergic reactions often occur with the early introduction of complementary foods. Do not rush into new types of food or miss deadlines: the tiny intestines and stomach are not able to digest some foods, there is a high load on digestive tract provokes dysbacteriosis, colic, and reduces immunity. With weak defenses and problems with the gastrointestinal tract, allergic reactions occur several times more often than in healthy children.

Characteristic signs and symptoms

How do food allergies manifest? Signs of a negative response to certain foods are clearly visible:

  • small red rash;
  • dryness of the epidermis, cracking of the skin, peeling;
  • severe itching;
  • crusts due to scratching, weeping, secondary infection;
  • swelling of the eyelids, hands, lips, feet;
  • diarrhea, colic, active release of gases, increased salivation;
  • restless sleep, deterioration in general health.

In severe forms of allergies develops dangerous reaction- . The face, palate, lips, eyelids, neck swell, the body becomes covered with red blisters large size. If you have a giant one, you need to call an ambulance and take fast-acting antiallergic medications. Delay in starting treatment is dangerous for the baby’s life.

Dermatological disease and negative reaction to food: what is the difference

Many parents ask: “How to distinguish allergies in infants from prickly heat?” Often the use of wound-healing, emollient creams and ointments does not give positive result: itching, weeping or dry skin, blisters, redness do not disappear.

In many ways manifestations dermatological disease and acute immune reactions are similar:

  • rashes, redness of the epidermis, crusts;
  • localization area skin signs- cheeks, elbows, chin, skin folds;
  • the baby is restless, capricious;
  • Itching in the rash areas causes discomfort and disrupts sleep.


  • prickly heat goes away quite quickly with more careful care of the baby’s skin, avoiding overheating, performing air baths, using powders and herbal decoctions;
  • for cupping allergic symptoms the listed measures are not enough: the signs will disappear only when added to complex therapy antihistamines, excluding foods that cause a negative response from the body from the diet of mother and baby.

Diagnosis and treatment rules

It is important to identify the allergen that provokes acute reactions in an infant. If it turns out that the baby does not have heat rash, but a negative reaction of the immune system, you will need to consult an allergist. The first stage is a visit to the pediatrician, a conversation with the doctor, finding out the names that the nursing mother used, the baby ate when bottle-fed or receiving complementary foods. After passing and clarifying the diagnosis, the doctor will prescribe treatment.

The doctor will tell parents how to keep a food diary. The more accurate the recordings, the easier it is to identify the irritant. Based on the diary data, parents are required to exclude the inappropriate product from the menu.

How to treat food allergies in infants? Basic rules:

  • increased attention to the selection of foods for complementary feeding, regular consultations with a pediatrician on nutritional issues for the baby;
  • mandatory removal of all highly allergenic types of food from the diet of a nursing mother;
  • introduction of complementary foods in due time. When identifying increased sensitization new foods are given to the body a month or two later than for completely healthy babies;
  • compliance with portion sizes for a certain age. If you are prone to allergies, you should not overfeed your child: stagnant food releases toxins, negative processes develop in the intestines, the general condition worsens, and problems with the gastrointestinal tract appear;
  • selection of high-quality infant formulas. They are quite expensive, but continued feeding with cheap formulas increases negative symptoms and provokes complications. To reduce the risk of allergies, it is important to give the “artificial” only high-quality mixtures, despite their high cost. Inexpensive formulations with palm oil and large amounts of sugar are more likely to cause allergies in children;
  • careful baby skin care, regular hygiene procedures, air baths. Good effect gives the use of Bepanten cream, Psilo-balm.

Drug therapy

In children under one year of age it is difficult to treat any types of allergies: to eliminate negative symptoms A limited list of drugs is suitable. Quitting use dangerous species food prevents the appearance of new signs, but without it it is impossible to completely rid the baby of painful symptoms.

To treat food allergies, children are prescribed:

  • - at 1 month, in severe cases - for newborns.
  • Fenistil-gel - from 1 month.

After 1 year, antiallergic drugs are allowed:

  • -syrup.

Parents often give their children allergy syrups that are not suitable for such early age. This approach to the treatment of food allergies can cause complications in the baby. Liquid form popular antihistamines, allowed only from 2 years. The use of antiallergic syrups should be under the supervision of a pediatrician and allergist.

Folk remedies and recipes

At acute reaction on certain products The baby is worried about dry skin. When scratching the affected areas, wounds, ulcers, crusts form, and often penetrate into erosion zones. pathogenic bacteria, fungi.

Relieves symptoms of lung and severe forms skin reactions medicinal baths. Parents must cook healing infusion: for a liter of boiling water, doctors recommend taking 2 tbsp. l. medicinal herbs. Leave the anti-inflammatory, wound-healing, antipruritic agent for 40 minutes, strain, and pour into the bath. Bath the baby for 10-15 minutes (the water is warm, the liquid should not be heated too much).

Baths based on plants are useful for relieving itching, swelling, and healing wounds:

  • chamomile;
  • sage;
  • calendula;
  • yarrow;
  • oak bark;
  • mint;
  • burdock root and elecampane.

Hypoallergenic diet

Mandatory element of treatment for negative reaction on food - in case of food allergies. Without changing the diet of the mother (if breastfeeding) or the baby (the little allergy sufferer receives nutritional formulas), it is impossible to eliminate negative symptoms.

Allowed products for nursing mothers:

  • fermented milk products with low fat content;
  • gluten-free cereals (rice, pearl barley, buckwheat);
  • vegetables and fruits of a light or greenish hue (red and orange flesh are prohibited). Zucchini, lettuce, cucumber, lettuce, and cauliflower are healthy. It is advisable to soak thinly sliced, peeled potato tubers in cold water for a couple of hours;
  • lean beef, turkey, lamb, rabbit;
  • vegetable oil;
  • light vegetable soups;
  • crackers, yeast-free bread, biscuits.

Prohibited products:

  • fish, seafood;
  • chocolate, coffee, cocoa, chocolate candies;
  • all varieties of nuts (peanuts often exhibit highly allergenic properties);
  • strong meat broths;
  • exotic fruits, citrus fruits;
  • tomatoes, strawberries, carrots, red salad peppers;
  • apples with bright skin, black currant, beets, raspberries;
  • cookies, desserts, baked goods, pastries, cakes;
  • spices, vinegar, spices;
  • all beekeeping products: honey, propolis, pollen;
  • mayonnaise in original packaging;
  • semi-finished products, concentrates, ready-made sauces;
  • packaged juices, soda;
  • butter;
  • fast food;
  • fatty meat, offal;
  • pickled and canned food, pickles;
  • cheeses (processed, semi-hard and hard varieties).

Children under one year of age often experience allergic reactions to food. Successful treatment largely depends on the parents, compliance with nutritional recommendations for the baby and the nursing mother. Parents should always keep age-appropriate antiallergic compounds in their medicine cabinet. Food allergy (ICD 10 code - T78.1) in infants - dangerous condition, if ignored, the disease may progress to chronic form, development of complications.

Why do food allergies occur in infants? How to relieve heat rash from allergies? How to properly treat the disease? Watch the following video and find out the answers to all your questions:

Allergies in newborns and infants are quite common, but, nevertheless, an annoying and problematic thing that occurs suddenly. In the first days of a child’s life, the skin is very sensitive to various allergens, since it does not yet produce enough substances to strengthen the epidermis. To the question “ What does an allergy look like in infants?"The answer is simple. Redness and flaking of the skin, itching and rash, difficulty breathing, vomiting and diarrhea - all of these are most often signs of an allergic reaction. Allergies in newborns are almost no different from allergies in infants.

It is impossible to diagnose an allergen at such a young age, this creates main problem. But don't give up! Usually the cause of an allergic reaction is the food the child eats. Since the diet of babies is limited and narrow, it is possible to identify the pest without much difficulty and quickly wean the child from it. At a minimum, for this you need to find out the symptoms, and then deal with the problem in more detail, and from a doctor.

Causes of allergies in infants

The most common sign by which you can understand that something is wrong with a newborn baby is rash covering all or part of the face. But this is far from the only sign by which an allergy can be identified. The types of allergic reactions themselves can be divided into several points:

Breathing disorders

Copious nasal discharge talk about swelling of the upper respiratory tract. Because of this problem, it is difficult for the baby to breathe both in the morning and at night. He may also snore while sleeping. Prolonged delay in visiting a doctor can be extremely dangerous. Leads this to sharp narrowing bronchi (bronchospasm) and subsequent resulting problems.

Skin damage

Redness and peeling of facial skin are also a wake-up call. The head may be covered with scales (gneisses), which are dead particles of the epidermis and secretions sebaceous glands. Does not depend on hygiene and diaper rash that forms in the area skin folds. They become inflamed due to the profuse sweating characteristic of infants.

If you notice similar symptoms in your child, do not rush to conclusions. You can observe the consequences of completely different diseases that are not allergies.

Touch your child's face only with clean hands, do not squeeze out blackheads, this is dangerous. It's best to consult a pediatrician.

Digestive dysfunction

How do food allergies manifest? Food allergies in infants may occur due to one or more of the following list and be a serious problem.

The newborn's digestive system is still in its developing stages. Sensitive children's intestines very susceptible to allergens, especially food ones. Diseases further aggravate the influence of food irritants on the baby’s body.

The hallmark symptoms of food allergies are frequent "unreasonable" crying, which depends on the pain the child experiences during a malfunction gastrointestinal tract. It is not always possible to identify the cause by the crying of a baby, but in the case of food allergies there are other signs that determine it. For example, stools of green color or shade, liquid consistency, with the presence of mucus. Vomiting and nausea are common. In rare cases, it can even develop into Quincke's edema.

Overfeeding- this is a seemingly harmless thing, which, however, can cause great harm.

In the case of infants, things are even more serious. The reaction can be not only to various additives, but also to banal, as it seemed at first glance, products. This makes the situation more complicated. Parents often find it unclear why it could be bad if everything is natural, and besides, the child is only breastfed, without formula.

But even here everything is not so simple. If you feed him every time the baby cries, this can lead to negative consequences, which parents will have to deal with. Overfeeding can cause vomiting and indigestion in general. Remember, the most important thing for a baby is to eat systematically, regularly, within normal limits.

The mixtures are prepared on the basis of animal milk, which is one of the most common allergens among children. To avoid an allergic reaction, use a hypoallergenic mixture.

Prepared food for your baby should be selected carefully and wisely. Before giving the formula to your child, make sure its composition is safe.

A child’s body needs a long time to get used to switching from one diet to another. If this condition is not met, the child begins to have health problems, in particular, with the absorption of food.

Mother's diet. Allergies can arise not only due to environmental factors and external irritants, but also due to what the child’s mother eats during the period breastfeeding. Highly allergenic products are considered:


The tendency to react to an allergen is transmitted genetically. If both parents are allergic, the likelihood of transmitting the disease is very high.

Reaction to drugs

It often happens allergic reaction to various medications. Often, allergens are antibiotics and medications for gastrointestinal disorders:

  • "Plantex" - a solution based on fennel, has a beneficial effect and works carefully. But it can also cause a rash;
  • "Bobotik" - drops against bloating. This medication may cause allergy symptoms in nursing infants due to fragrances;
  • "Espumizan" is a solution that relieves a child from increased gas formation and colic. Common allergic reactions to this drug include diarrhea, vomiting, rash, and breathing problems.

Allergies infant occurs on one of the elements of the drug composition. Please note: feeling unwell a baby may depend not on an allergy, but on an overdose or side effects drug. In any case, you must call an ambulance. Be sure to read the instructions.

Animal fur

Allergies can also occur due to close contact with cats and dogs, or things made of natural wool. The fur itself is not to blame for the symptoms; the problem lies in the proteins of the animal’s sebaceous glands. This disease is spread by rodents, birds and cockroaches. Replace the blanket or use a specialized pet shampoo. Consult your veterinarian and pediatrician. Remember that there are no hypoallergenic animals.

Household chemicals

Symptoms of an allergy to household chemicals are quite simple and pass fairly quickly. Redness appears on the baby's skin, quickly developing into itching, rashes, and blisters. Getting rid of such an allergen is also very simple:

  • do not use powder and rinse aid to wash your baby’s clothes, wash clothes by hand and with soap;
  • wash soft toys, treat plastic ones with miramistin or any other disinfectant;
  • Do not use air fresheners/perfume/nail polish or other similar items in the room where the child is.

Dust and dust mites

Typically, allergies do not manifest themselves to simple dust, but to saprophytic dust mites. Allergic reaction dust may be due to the presence of pollen, mold, fluff and other similar allergens in the dirt.

So How do allergies manifest in babies?? Everything is quite simple. Symptoms are immediately visible to an unobjective eye. The reaction of the skin, digestion, increased sensitivity and emotionality of the newborn immediately signals that something is wrong. You should definitely listen to such signs and visit a pediatrician as soon as possible. These signs may not mean an allergy, but completely different diseases, so a visit to a specialist is necessary.


If you do not respond to the first and subsequent symptoms of a child, you can start the disease and eventually get severe complications, affecting the further development and, accordingly, the future of the baby. Diseases caused by complications: