Individual solutions with tsr. Means for the rehabilitation of disabled people. Devices for hearing loss

The majority of citizens who suffer illness or injury are unable to perform any actions without outside help or without the use of technical means of rehabilitation (TSR). Most often this is due to negative changes in the musculoskeletal system. The legislation of the Russian Federation provides. These measures include a number of different benefits, the most important of which are purchase benefits medicines, medical care and provision for disabled people by individual means rehabilitation.

Legislative framework for provision of disabled people

Providing assistance to persons with disabilities regulated by a number of government acts. Most of them were adopted in the 90s, so many articles of these laws have been repeatedly changed and supplemented.


All benefits to which persons with disabilities are entitled are specified in the following documents. This federal law on disabled people No. 181-FZ dated November 15, 1995 latest edition dated 14.12.2015 and the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation on provision of disabled people TSR No. 240 dated 07.04.2008 in the latest edition dated 07.03.2016. Issues about technical means of rehabilitation are discussed in more detail in Order of the Ministry of Labor No. 374 “n” dated July 18, 2016.

It is very important for disabled people to receive technical means of rehabilitation. Such means can be primary or auxiliary. Without basic aids, the patient cannot perform essential basic activities, such as movement and bowel movements. Aids can be used in the process of rehabilitation and preparation of a disabled person for integration into social structures.

If for any reason in the department social protection If a disabled person cannot be provided with the technical equipment he needs, he can purchase it on his own. Its cost will be paid only if the application for the provision of rehabilitation means has been officially registered with the relevant service. If the necessary equipment was purchased before submitting the application, its cost will not be paid.

Technical means of rehabilitation include the following devices:

  • canes, crutches and other support products;
  • wheelchairs manual and electrically driven;
  • various types prostheses;
  • special shoes;
  • devices for grasping and holding objects;
  • armchairs and chairs equipped with sanitary equipment.

One of the ways to rehabilitate people with disabilities is considered innovative developments– prostheses with bionic control. Such devices are still undergoing laboratory tests, but in the near future we can expect them to appear in medical centers.

IN separate group funds allocated for personal hygiene products. These include:

  • urine and feces receivers;
  • absorbent underwear with absorption function;
  • special bedding;
  • diapers.

For disabled people with visual, hearing and speech impairments, electronic technical means are provided:

  • optical correctors for persons with severe violations vision;
  • e-books with voice text synthesizer;
  • “talking” instruments for measuring pressure and temperature;
  • speech synthesizers;
  • vibration and light signaling devices for the deaf;
  • individual hearing aids;
  • TVs equipped with the Teletext function;
  • telephones with information display.

In addition, for the rehabilitation of disabled people, they can be provided with guide dogs with additional equipment. To do this, a citizen who needs such a dog must write an application to the social service. Later certain time he will be provided with a dog from the kennel. The dog’s food and treatment is provided from the funds of the social body.

If a dog is given or purchased, the state does not compensate for the costs of its maintenance.

Previously, technical means included special cars or motorized wheelchairs for disabled people, but since 2005 this benefit has been suspended.

Providing repair work

In accordance with Law No. 30-FZ dated March 7, 2017, changes and additions were introduced to Government Resolution No. 240. All work on the repair of rehabilitation technical equipment is carried out without a queue and free of charge. If technical device cannot be repaired for any reason and must be replaced free of charge. Early replacement of a product may require technical expertise, which is also provided free of charge.

Almost every region has municipal laws on supporting persons with disabilities. They may provide additional benefits to people with disabilities.


For persons with disabilities, medications are provided, including potent ones, which are provided with appropriate discounts or free of charge. This benefit is regulated by the list medicines. This list was determined by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 2782 “r” dated December 30, 2014 and was increased by 25 types of medicines in 2017. This list includes the following groups of drugs:

  • opioid analgesics;
  • non-narcotic painkillers;
  • gout remedies;
  • anti-inflammatory drugs;
  • antiallergenic and anticonvulsant drugs;
  • agents for the treatment of Parkinson's disease;
  • anti-anxiety medications and antidepressants;
  • drugs affecting the central nervous system;
  • antibiotics and synthetic antibacterial agents;
  • antiviral and antifungal drugs.

There are two large groups of funds that affect cardiovascular system And gastrointestinal tract. One of the diseases for which you can receive a disability group is sharp decline insulin levels in the blood, so diabetes treatments are important and free for many people with disabilities.

Add to list medical supplies, which a disabled person can receive free of charge, but only by decision of a medical commission, includes a large group of medicines. Some of them are narcotic or expensive foreign-made drugs and can be obtained in pharmacies with a special prescription.

How to get

For free receipt technical means of rehabilitation, a disabled person must prepare certain documents:

  • application for provision of rehabilitation means;
  • identification document;
  • IPRA.

In any country, people with disabilities are a special group of citizens who need benefits and benefits. They also need rehabilitation, or TSR. They are required to ensure a comfortable life for people with disabilities. They are provided by the state. You just need to know how and where you can get them.

For normal recovery, disabled people require many resources. They are selected based on the type of deviation. If there is a hearing impairment, then special devices are required. In other cases, other means are necessary. They must be provided by the state.

Types of collateral

TSR for people with disabilities is available, as well as the necessary activities and services. The issuance of funds implies:

  • provision of technical means;
  • performing product repair and replacement services;
  • providing transportation for the child to the organization’s territory;
  • payment for the child's accommodation;
  • travel

Period of use

There are deadlines for using TSR for people with disabilities. This is approved by law:

  • canes - at least 2 years;
  • handrails - from 7 years;
  • wheelchairs - over 4 years;
  • dentures, depending on the type, - more than 1 year;
  • orthopedic shoes - from 3 months.

For all other devices there are also certain deadlines. During this period, the products will be safe for rehabilitation. If the period of use has passed, it is necessary to change the product.

List of funds

According to the law, technical means include devices that make it possible to compensate for or eliminate a person’s life limitations. The list of TSR for disabled people consists of funds for:

  • self-service;
  • care;
  • orientation;
  • training;
  • movement.

People with disabilities need prosthetic products. They also need special clothing, shoes, and hearing aids. Disabled people need exercise equipment sports equipment, inventory.

The law specifies a list of TSR for people with disabilities. The federal list also contains specific technical means:

  • supports and handrails;
  • wheelchairs;
  • dentures;
  • orthopedic shoes;
  • anti-decubitus mattresses;
  • dressing aids;
  • special clothing;
  • reading devices;
  • guide dogs;
  • thermometers;
  • sound alarms;
  • hearing aids.

Depending on the type of deviation, other remedies are prescribed to the person. The federal list of TSR for disabled people is approved by the state. The funds are provided free of charge and are therefore prohibited from being sold, gifted or transferred to others.

There are regions of the country where supports are understood only as structures for movement. Because of this, difficulties arise in the rehabilitation of a disabled person. If the rights to provide TSR for people with disabilities are violated, then interested parties must defend their interests. Indeed, depending on the limitation, it is necessary special means.

Where to contact?

TSR is issued to disabled people after completing the procedure. You must submit an application to the Fund social insurance Russian Federation at place of residence. Sometimes you need to provide a document to executive body who deals with these issues.

It is important to consider that foreigners and stateless persons who have a residence permit can also apply to the FSS of the Russian Federation. They are required to be given funds for rehabilitation if a disability has been recognized.

Required documents

Receiving TSR by disabled people is possible after submitting an application, as well as several additional documents:

  • birth certificate or passport;
  • representative's passport;
  • rehabilitation program;
  • pension certificate.

Only when the entire list of documents is available will the application be accepted. They are provided in originals.

Application processing

The period for consideration of the application cannot be more than 15 days from the date of its submission. If a positive decision is made, the following is received by mail:

  • notification confirming registration;
  • direction for the creation of a technical product;
  • coupon for a free travel pass.

The forms of all documents are accepted by the Ministry of Health and social development countries. They serve as confirmation that the necessary rehabilitation equipment has been issued.

Payment of compensation

Not only TSR for disabled people can be provided, but also compensation for the purchase of a necessary product. Parents have the right to independently choose the necessary technical equipment for their child. For this purpose, a wheelchair, prosthetic and orthopedic products, printed publications with the required font. Parents have the right to pay for repairs themselves.

If the product was purchased or repaired at personal expense, compensation will be provided. It is paid only when the technical aid is actually required under the rehabilitation program. When disabled people are against providing the necessary product, they must be paid funds in the amount of the cost of the product.

How is the payment amount determined?

The amount of compensation is not taken arbitrarily, but is calculated according to certain rules:

  • size equal to price goods;
  • should not be higher than the cost of the product.

Pay cash is documented. Those who need it are entitled to compensation.

To approve the amount of compensation for TSR for disabled people, a special classification is used. As an example, you can take the purchase of a hearing aid that has additional functions. The payout amount is based on the price of the device. It takes into account additional functions. The amount of payments is determined by:

  • price of technical equipment;
  • documents evidencing expenses for the purchase of the product.

Documents for payments

To receive compensation for the purchase of the desired product, you need to collect important documents. These include:

  • statement;
  • confirmation of expenses;
  • child's birth certificate;
  • representative's passport;
  • individual rehabilitation program;

The compensation period is 1 month from the date of the decision. It is accepted by the FSS of the Russian Federation within 30 days.

What if compensation is not paid?

The right to receive technical means and monetary compensation is regulated by the state. If these rights are violated, then responsibility is provided for this. If the money for the purchase of the product has not been paid, then it is necessary to file a complaint. It is submitted to the Department of Social Protection. Moreover, this can be done in paper and electronic form. If option 1 is selected, then it is necessary to obtain a confirmation of delivery.

The state guarantees not only the provision of TSR for disabled people, but also repairs. Moreover, this service is performed free of charge. Only to carry out repairs is it necessary that the disabled person’s opinion about the need to carry out the work agrees with the opinion of the experts.


An inspection is required to verify the need for repairs. During this procedure, it will be determined whether parts or product elements need to be replaced. For the examination to be carried out, it is necessary:

  • submit an application to the Federal Social Insurance Fund of the Russian Federation;
  • provide technical equipment that requires repair or replacement.

If the remedy cannot be provided, then a decision is made to perform the examination at home. The impossibility of delivering the product is due to the complexity of transportation and the health status of the disabled person.

The examination is carried out within 15 days from the date of receipt of the application. TSR users are informed about the time and place of the event. They can take part. As a result, an application is drawn up, one copy of which is provided to the disabled person. The reasons for the failure of the product are stated there. If restoration cannot be performed, then the need to replace the product is indicated.

Performing repairs and replacements

If the need for repairs is determined, then the FSS must provide:

  • statement;
  • examination document.

The replacement of the product is carried out by decision of the Social Insurance Fund based on the application. This procedure is only possible when the service life has expired or repairs cannot be performed.


Disabled people have the right to free travel, since it is compensated by the FSS body. To do this, a person with disabilities or his representative is given a ticket and directions for all types of transport. This document is provided for no more than 4 trips to the location of the organization to which the referral is provided. 4 free return trips are also provided.

Benefits are provided for such types of transport as:

  • railway;
  • water;
  • automobile;
  • air.

Travel compensation

When traveling for personal funds, compensation is paid. It is provided only if these types of transport were used. To receive compensation, you need the following documents:

  • travel cards;
  • confirmation of the need for travel.

Compensation is paid for no more than 4 round trip trips.

Payment for accommodation

If the technical device is only being manufactured, then compensation for the accommodation of the child and the responsible person is provided. Expenses are paid for the entire trip. The amount of compensation is equal to the amount of funds that are provided in case of business trips.

Reimbursement of expenses is carried out for the actual number of days of stay. In this case, certain conditions must be met:

  • living in an area remote from the organization;
  • The product was made in 1 trip.

Provision for rehabilitation of disabled people is guaranteed by the state. Ensuring their normal recovery occurs through compensation for various expenses.

Among the technical means of rehabilitation, there are various devices that make the daily life of a sick person easier. These are crutches, prostheses, wheelchairs, hearing aids and much more.

Rehabilitation means include mechanisms, products, electronic devices and other devices that make the daily life of the patient, as well as loved ones caring for him, easier. The main purpose of these products is rehabilitation after surgery or ensuring maximum comfortable conditions life for people with poor health.

What are technical means of rehabilitation

For people with disabilities, as well as people with poor health, a number of technical means of rehabilitation (TSR) have been developed to ensure normal image life and meeting basic needs - the ability to fulfill physiological needs, self-care skills, move normally, etc.

The list of technical means of rehabilitation has been compiled in accordance with Federal Law No. 181. Moreover, each patient can count on receiving these funds free of charge in the established amount from social protection authorities, in accordance with the procedure established by the individual rehabilitation program - IRP.

Based on this program, a specific amount is allocated, within which a full set of technical equipment can be obtained from the budget. This list includes devices and devices for the recovery of a patient, for example, from complications of diseases of the musculoskeletal system, and means for bedridden patients. In this case, the patient can purchase additional funds at his own expense, for example, in accordance with the doctor’s recommendations.

This federal law provides for the provision of disabled people with technical means of rehabilitation of the following types:

  • assistive devices for self-care, meeting basic needs (for example, a toilet chair)
  • care products;
  • auxiliary mechanisms for training, the ability to fully perform work activities;
  • means to help navigate in space, including specially trained guide dogs;
  • prosthetic products, including eye prostheses, hearing aids, etc.;
  • sports equipment;
  • mechanisms for movement.

All these devices can only be issued by social security authorities based on the relevant medical reports, orders and other regulations.

The right to use arises for a temporary period, for example, a year before the next medical examination, or indefinitely, for example, for disabled children who received a group from childhood.

Classification of product types

A complete list of technical means for the rehabilitation of disabled people can be found in regulatory documents, for example, in the “Classification”, which is approved by Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development No. 214n. The document contains a list of names (nomenclature) of various medical products and devices. Their classification is based on different indicators, but mainly different types are grouped depending on the group of disabilities and specific diseases - hearing impairment, visual impairment, etc.

Self-care facilities

First of all, technical means of rehabilitation (tcp) are allocated for human self-care. They allow you to normally satisfy natural physiological needs, and this can be done independently or with minimal help from outsiders.

A brief list of these funds can be classified as follows:

  1. Diapers, which are used as a rehabilitation aid for bedridden patients, for example, after a stroke or diseases associated with cardiology.

Note! Along with diapers for children, there are special products for adults.

  1. Toilet chairs. Disabled wheelchair users who are not paralyzed, but at the same time experience significant problems when moving, use toilet chairs. They can be placed next to the bed.

  1. Devices for grasping objects are rehabilitation tools that are suitable not only for the disabled, but also for people suffering from diseases of the musculoskeletal system. With the help of such simple devices you can reach a fallen object, as well as something that is located unattainably high.

  1. Similarly, such patients need to use devices for putting on clothes or putting on slippers, boots, and other types of footwear independently. Especially for them, frames are provided for tightening, putting on socks/stockings, fastening buttons, holding hats, etc.

Devices and mechanisms for movement

These devices allow a person to move comfortably and safely. The patient can move independently; he can also be seated and, less often, placed in a chair to move with the help of stranger. The most common devices are:

  1. , as well as . Indicated at the first stage of rehabilitation after fractures, dislocations and other leg injuries.
  2. – for the movement of a patient with poor health: elderly people, people with impaired body coordination, neurological patients, completely or partially paralyzed. There are mechanical and electrical devices, the latter allow you to move completely autonomously, without the help of another person.
  3. serve as a reliable support for moving around the room or outside. They can be equipped with wheels (so-called rollators) for more comfortable movement.

Pay attention! Each technical means of rehabilitation of disabled people has its own indications for use, as well as instructions and methodological recommendations, presentations describing the features of use. The brochure should be read first, even if the instructions for use are intuitive.

Devices for hearing loss

The main mechanism in this case is hearing aid. This is an electronic, fully automated device that significantly enhances sound wave, due to which the patient with severe violation hearing can recognize human speech and other sounds.

Devices and means for visual impairment

There are several remedies for blind people technical rehabilitation– the current list for disabled people is as follows:

  1. , which allow you to determine by touch the nature of the surface, nearby objects, and also attract the attention of other passers-by (due to red transverse stripes).

  1. Guide dogs undergo special training, after which they accompany a blind owner for several years.


In general, a prosthesis is a means of rehabilitation for disabled people or people with health problems, which partially or completely replaces the function of a certain part of the body, a limb: arms, legs (for example, hip joint with a fracture of the femoral neck). To date, much has been developed large number all kinds of prostheses, for example:

  • shoulder;
  • finger;
  • forearms;
  • hips;
  • feet
  • sky;
  • ear prosthesis;
  • nasal prosthesis and many others.

The main task of these products is to adequately replace the corresponding part of the body, unload the body, and the ability to maintain the ability to move (for example, a knee joint prosthesis).

Cost of various rehabilitation means

Technical means rehabilitation for the disabled and other patients with poor health can be purchased in pharmacies, specialized orthopedic stores, as well as on Internet sites. The price depends on several factors - manufacturer, warranty, material of manufacture, etc. As a rule, delivery is paid separately.

It is carried out throughout the country - as in major cities(Moscow, St. Petersburg, Krasnodar), and in small ones (Irkutsk, Novokuznetsk). Delivery is also possible to small settlements, for example, in the Krasnodar Territory, Omsk Region and all other regions. Also, goods are delivered to other countries - for example, to Ukraine, China. Under certain conditions (for example, purchases over 5,000 rubles) delivery is free.

Table 1. Overview of rehabilitation means

Model name Description Price, rub.

Designed for the movement of a disabled child, as well as children with cerebral palsy; movement is possible both at home and outdoors (but only on a hard surface) 13 900

Convenient and inexpensive model on wheels, made of durable metal alloy. It is possible to adjust the height, as well as sit on the soft seat 4 400

Made from durable aluminum alloy, height adjustable 2 300

Thanks to its two-level design, this inexpensive model makes it not only easy to move around, but also easy to get out of bed 2 300

Equipped with underarm supports and 2 brakes; support patient weight up to 100 kg 7 500

The functional chair with sanitary container is made of durable plastic; warranty period 1 year 3 300

A convenient folding chair model with a sanitary container takes up little space, so it can be placed even in a small room next to the patient’s bed 2 300

Manufacturer: Germany, new model as it has hardly been used 12 500

Durable body, stroller suitable for walking around the house and outside, manufacturer Germany 9 000

Reliable crutch, equipped with an anti-slip system 690 per piece

Small crutches, designed for patients with average height (150–160 cm), USA manufacturer, service life 7 years 1 300

Pay attention! When selecting a specific mechanism or device, you need to make sure that it is in good technical condition (especially if we're talking about about used goods). It is best to choose products no earlier than 2013 (preferably no earlier than 2015-2016).

You can get acquainted with the latest technical means of rehabilitation in the video:

Each remedy, to one degree or another, makes the patient’s life more comfortable. For correct use it is necessary to carefully select the most suitable model, if necessary, consult a doctor before purchasing.

After the disability group has been established, some patients require technical means of rehabilitation (TSR). These, in particular, include: breast prosthesis, canes, anti-bedsore mattresses and pillows, absorbent underwear, diapers, etc.

The breast prosthesis consists of a set: the eco-breast prosthesis itself and two bodices.

The basis for issuing a prosthesis is free of charge is an individual rehabilitation program for a disabled person (hereinafter referred to as IRP), developed by the federal government agency medical and social examination, where a record is made of the need for a set of breast prosthesis or other TSD.

To receive a prosthesis under the IRP, a disabled person must register with the regional branch of the social insurance fund (FSS) or the regional branch of social protection of the population at the place of residence (USZN). Next is the authorized body. The authorized body providing TSR is indicated in the IPR.

At this authority, the disabled person will be asked to fill out an application form, submit a passport, IPR, ITU certificate. Copies of these documents will need to be submitted for registration
to the authorized body, which within 15 days from the date of filing the application makes a decision on registering a disabled person to ensure TSR.

After this the following is sent by mail:

1) notification on registration for ensuring TSR and

2) direction to receive the specified funds, and if it is necessary to travel to the location of the organization to which the referral was issued, a special coupon is simultaneously issued or sent for the right to receive travel documents free of charge.

The disabled person must be notified by the authorized body that it is their turn to receive TSR. You need to find out from them where you can come to pick up your rehabilitation equipment.

For all technical means of rehabilitation, a similar procedure for free receipt has been established. For example, a disabled person may need absorbent underwear and diapers (diapers), which are classified as TSR and are provided free of charge.

How can a cancer patient receive TSR (for example, a breast prosthesis, diapers, sheets) if he has a disability group for another disease that was previously established.

If a woman with breast cancer after a mastectomy (breast removal surgery) has a disability due to another disease (not cancer), then she will not be able to receive a prosthesis free of charge according to the IRP previously issued to her. However, she can receive a free breast prosthesis kit at new program IPR, for which she needs to contact the chairman of the VC with a request to issue a referral to the ITU specifically for the development of IPR for the purpose of providing TSR (breast prosthesis), as indicated in the delivery slip, and not re-examination.

Experts ITU Bureau, will consider the question of whether she has signs of disability due to oncological pathology, and if, in their opinion, there are such signs, then the need for a prosthesis will be entered into the IPR, and in this case she will receive it free of charge in the manner indicated above.

Diapers for a bedridden patient

Usually, a disabled person does not need diapers and sheets at the time of drawing up the IPR, but later he may need them. The fact that a patient with limited mobility or a bedridden patient needs diapers and absorbent sheets is decided by the attending physician of a medical institution, who should be called to the home to assess the patient’s condition. Then a message sheet is drawn up for the development of a new IPR specifically for obtaining the above-mentioned technical means of rehabilitation, which the doctor indicates in the message sheet. To avoid problems with receipt, the names of the TSR in the parcel sheet and in the IPR must be indicated in accordance with the classification contained in the Order e Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of the Russian Federation dated May 24, 2013 N 214n “On approval of the classification of technical means of rehabilitation (products) within the framework of federal list rehabilitation measures, technical means of rehabilitation and services provided to the disabled. (see Government order Russian Federation dated December 30, 2005 N 2347-r).

Adult diapers and absorbent sheets have a daily use period of no more than 8 hours (for polyuria syndrome, no more than 5 hours). According to the individual rehabilitation program (IRP), a disabled person is entitled to 3 items of TSR per day to choose from: either all diapers, or all sheets, or a combination of both.

Cash compensation paid to disabled people who purchased TMR at their own expense.

If a tender for the purchase of a specific TSR (for example, an eco-breast prosthesis or diapers) has not taken place in the region, and therefore the period for providing them to a disabled person is delayed, the disabled person can purchase the technical means of rehabilitation specified in the IPR at his own expense, and he is paid monetary compensation.

But its size is limited. The cost of the purchased product (service) is compensated, but not more than the price of a similar product (service) provided free of charge. Find out about the cost of government. procurement of a specific TSR and the amount of compensation can be obtained from the authorized body.

As a rule, compensation is equal to the cost of TSR, determined based on the results of the last public placement. order (competition, auction, request for quotations) carried out by the regional authorized body before the day the decision was made on payment of compensation for independently purchased goods and services. If it was not carried out or did not take place, information about the last similar order in another region (within the same federal district, and in their absence - within the country).

To receive compensation, a disabled person submits an application to the authorized body at the place of residence, attaching a copy of the passport, a copy of the IPR, a sales and cash receipt, a copy of the pension insurance certificate, a copy of the TSR certificate, and a copy of the passbook.

The decision to pay compensation for independently purchased technical means of rehabilitation must be made by authorized bodies in month period from the date of filing an application for reimbursement of expenses for the acquisition of technical means of rehabilitation by a disabled person. Compensation is transferred to the savings book. Unfortunately, deadlines are often not met.

When purchasing a prosthesis and bodices, you need to ensure that sales receipt the name of the breast prosthesis and bodices coincided with their name indicated in the IPR, otherwise compensation will not be provided or the purchase document will have to be reissued.

The documents for the prosthesis must indicate its service life.

Please note that you can purchase a breast prosthesis at your own expense only if a disabled person has applied to the authorized body and has been registered in accordance with the specified Procedure. If disabled will acquire TSR, and then submits documents to the authorized body for registration, compensation will not be provided. In this connection, before purchasing TSR with subsequent compensation for its cost, you must first consult with the authorized body.

Is it possible to get TSR if the cancer patient does not have a disability group?

A breast prosthesis and some other TSR can be obtained from the regional budget only if the average per capita family income does not exceed the subsistence level established in the region per capita. In the regions, for this purpose, appropriate Laws and Regulations, which indicate which TSR can be obtained in this case.

For information of interest, you must contact the territorial office of the Department of Social Protection of the Population in your area of ​​residence.

Regulatory sources:

1. Order of the Government of the Russian Federation of December 30, 2005 No. 2347-r “Federal list of rehabilitation measures, technical means of rehabilitation and services provided to disabled people.”

2. The rules for providing disabled people with technical means of rehabilitation and certain categories of citizens from among veterans with prostheses (except dentures), prosthetic and orthopedic products were approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of April 7, 2008 N 240).

3.Order of the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of the Russian Federation dated May 24, 2013 N 214n “On approval of the classification of technical means of rehabilitation (products) within the framework of the federal list of rehabilitation measures, technical means of rehabilitation and services provided to a disabled person, approved by order of the Government of the Russian Federation dated 30 December 2005 N 2347-r".

4. Administrative regulations for the provision of FSS of the Russian Federation public services to provide disabled people with technical means of rehabilitation and (or) services and certain categories of citizens from among veterans with prostheses (except dentures), prosthetic and orthopedic products, as well as to pay compensation for technical means of rehabilitation independently acquired by disabled people (prostheses (except dentures) by veterans) , prosthetic and orthopedic products) and (or) paid services and annual monetary compensation for the expenses of disabled people for the maintenance and veterinary care of guide dogs (approved by order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation of September 14, 2011 N 1041n).

5. The procedure for receiving compensation is specified in Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation dated January 31, 2011 N 57n “On approval of the Procedure for paying compensation for a technical means of rehabilitation and (or) service rendered by a disabled person independently acquired, including the procedure for determining its amount and the procedure for informing citizens about the amount of said compensation" .