OMRON Comp Air NE-C20 (NE-C802-RU) compressor inhaler. Compressor nebulizer (inhaler) Omron NE-C20

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Description of the device

Compressor nebulizer OMRON NE–C20 – new latest generation. This nebulizer model is distinguished by its compactness, lightness and ease of use.

A nebulizer is the only means of delivering the drug directly to the respiratory tract. The medicine penetrates into the source of inflammation in a short period of time and the effect of the procedures is visible immediately. The use of the Omron C20 inhaler does not require special breathing techniques, so it is suitable for both the youngest patients and the elderly. Nebulizers are used to treat ARVI, rhinitis, laryngitis, bronchitis, pneumonia, as well as for the prevention of diseases respiratory tract.

The principle of operation of the nebulizer

The drug is poured into the nebulizer container, which turns into an aerosol cloud in the nebulizer chamber, then enters the respiratory tract when inhaled. The smaller the particles in the aerosol cloud, the deeper they penetrate into the respiratory system. Omron NE-C20 is intended for the treatment of upper and lower sections respiratory system. Fits wide range medicines.

Advantages of the OMRON NE–C20 nebulizer: designed for the treatment of the upper and lower parts of the respiratory system, 2 masks included - adult and child, all parts are made of safe material, compliant European Standard EN 135444 – 1: 2007+ A1: 2009 lightweight (190g) compact (fits in the palm of your hand) low level noise, you can carry out procedures at any angle; works on mains and battery power

The OMRON NE-C20 nebulizer is small, neat, and comfortable to hold in your hand. Provides continuous work within 4 hours. You can take it with you on the road - to the country, on vacation or on a business trip.

The device must be kept clean. After each procedure, all parts must be thoroughly washed. Rinse masks in cool water, shake off and dry on a towel. All other parts can be boiled and disinfected. Then rinse well with running water and dry on a towel.

    Technical characteristics of Omron NE-C20:
  • power supply - 6V – 0.6A
  • noise level less than 45 dB
  • aerosol supply rate – 0.07 ml/min
  • cloud particle size – 3 microns
  • medicine tank volume – max. 10 ml
  • productivity - 0.25 ml/min
  • atmospheric pressure – 700 – 1060 hPa
  • weight 190 g
    Included in delivery nebulizer Omron C20 includes:
  • nebulizer chamber
  • air tube (PVC material) – 100cm
  • mouthpiece
  • nose piece
  • masks for adults and children (PVC material)
  • 5 spare air filters
  • adapter
  • storage bag
  • instructions for use

Nebulizer OMRON NE-C20 is the most effective, safe and comfortable drug for inhalation for the youngest children and for seriously ill people. It is possible to always have it on hand if circumstances arise. Inhalation leads to rapid recovery, it can always be prevented severe consequences, if taken on time preventive measures. Before performing inhalations, read the instructions carefully and consult with your doctor.

Let the procedures performed bring you and your loved ones convenience, comfort and quick recovery. Be healthy!

  • Warranty period 3 years from the date of sale
  • Manufacturer: Omron Healtheare CO.Ltd
  • Country of origin: Japan
  • Country of origin: China

Some children, during the period of developing immunity, too often suffer from various colds and infectious diseases, as a result of which complications can develop. Parents of a frequently ill child may find the Japanese Omron inhaler, instructions for using the device and positive reviews the results of its use indicate the safety of such a procedure for both adults and children. This medical device is easy to use and can be used at home.

What is Omron inhaler

The Omron compressor nebulizer consists of several parts (a compressor for blowing air, a tube, a nebulizer in the form of a plastic cup with a plug and a face mask). Thanks to such a simple package, it is easy to assemble and use. To start the device, you need to draw liquid into a glass, connect the tube and turn on the button. For convenience, the device includes two masks (adult and child), nasal cannulas and a special mouthpiece for inhalation through the mouth (available in the omron c28, c20 models).

The Omron inhaler-nebulizer converts liquid with medicine into an aerosol (particle size up to 3 microns). Thanks to natural respiration, the drug of the required concentration enters the upper respiratory tract and has a gentle effect on the respiratory system:

  • struggling with various diseases upper respiratory tract;
  • helps with dry cough (spasm of the bronchial muscles), makes it productive;
  • has a pronounced mucolytic (expectorant) effect;
  • restores normal activity of the respiratory system.

Omron from 24

The Omron c24 nebulizer is relatively light in weight and size (portable), making it convenient to use the device while traveling (a bag for transportation is included in the package). The operating time of the Omron compair ne-c24 inhaler is limited to 20 minutes, then it needs time to cool down - 40 minutes. The Omron ne-c24 kids inhaler is intended for small patients, the body of which is made of bright plastic and decorated with a toy; the package includes a small mask for infants. The device has a low noise level, which helps to carry out the procedure for children who are afraid of loud sounds.

How to use the Omron inhaler can be found in the instructions for the device. This nebulizer has its own characteristics, advantages and disadvantages:

  • Name: omron ne-c24.
  • Price: from 3159 to 3690 rubles (Moscow region).
  • Characteristics: operating temperature - 10-40 degrees, noise level - 46 dBA, spray rate - 0.3 ml/min., weight - 270 grams, special hole technology (virtual valves) is included, works from the network, low power consumption, chamber design allows the device to be used by adults and children.
  • Pros: small weight and size, ease of assembly and use of the device, you can use a wide range of medications, simple controls.
  • Cons: limited period of use - 20 minutes, connecting hose is about 1 m, masks and tubes cannot be boiled, it is forbidden to tilt the camera more than 45 degrees.

Omron from 28

The Omron c28 inhaler allows you to quickly help the body with infectious and colds upper and lower respiratory tract. This model is capable of long-term inhalation, because it is equipped with a built-in fan that cools the compressor during operation. Among modern inhalation devices, this one has rightfully received the name professional. You can buy an Omron inhaler at a pharmacy or specialty store medical equipment.

The device of this model big list advantages and features that you need to pay attention to when purchasing:

  • Name: omron c28.
  • Price: from 4498 to 5349 rubles (Moscow, St. Petersburg).
  • Characteristics: noise level - 60 dBA, spray rate - 0.4 ml/min., weight - 1900 grams, powerful compressor, virtual valve technology included, mechanical control, mains powered, chamber design allows the device to be used by adults and children, quickly assembled , easy to manage.
  • Pros: there are no restrictions on the time of the procedure, a high speed of spraying the medicine, when inhaling the drug, a large area is treated, the connecting hose is 2 m, there is a moisture-proof switch.
  • Cons: too noisy and heavy, high price.

Omron from 20

If we compare the Omron compair c 20 with its brothers, the performance of this model is significantly lower. The cost of the model is low. This nebulizer is lightweight and small in size, so it can be easily used while traveling. As a result of the compressor's operation, different particle sizes are obtained (universal spraying), which settle in the nasopharynx and lower respiratory tract (bronchi, lungs).

This model is considered the smallest, lightest and most budget-friendly. Nebulizer Omron C20 has its own features and advantages:

  • Name: omron ne-c20.
  • Price: from 2235 to 2840 rubles.
  • Characteristics: noise level - less than 45 dBA, spray rate - 0.25 ml/min., weight - 190 grams, direct-flow chamber structure, mechanical control, works only from the network, suitable for adults and children, easy to operate.
  • Pros: the nebulizer chamber is easily attached to the body, low noise level, very light and small (size smaller than the palm), high-quality aerosol with different sizes particles.
  • Cons: low power.

Indications for use of the Omron inhaler

Before you buy an Omron nebulizer, you should know for what diseases it may be useful. Procedures with such a device help to cure almost all respiratory ailments of the upper respiratory tract (rhinitis, pharyngitis, tracheitis and others). The inhaler provides therapeutic effect for pneumonia and obstructive bronchitis. Nebulizer therapy is used in the treatment of asthma, recurrent and chronic bronchitis or tuberculosis. Inhalations are used for postoperative therapy, corrective treatment of cystic fibrosis and bronchiectasis.

As with any other medical device, before carrying out the procedure you must familiarize yourself with the contraindications for its use:

What medications can be used with the Omron inhaler?

For home use doctors recommend filling the Omron inhaler with saline solution or mineral water(Borjomi). You should not pour boiled, tap or filtered water, hypo- or hypertonic solution. When choosing medicinal solutions Please note that the manufacturer does not recommend using herbal decoctions homemade and medications for oil based(if oil particles enter the respiratory tract, they can trigger the development of “ oil pneumonia»).

  • mucolytics (Fluimucil, ACC, Ambroxol);
  • bronchodilators (Berodual);
  • antibiotics (Dioxidin, Ceftriaxone);
  • antiseptics (Miramistin, Furacilin, Chlorophyllipt);
  • immunomodulators (Interferon, Derinat);
  • anti-inflammatory drugs;
  • vasoconstrictor medications;
  • antitussives.

Instructions for use of the Omron inhaler

For diseases of the respiratory system, it is recommended to inhale the medicine no more than 3 times a day (1 procedure – 1 chamber volume). It is forbidden to carry out procedures earlier than 60-90 minutes after eating or physical activity. You should also not take expectorants before inhalation. Inhalation and exhalation should be slow and deep, extreme points you need to hold your breath. During the procedure, you need to take 30-second breaks to prevent dizziness. Inhalation lasts about 20 minutes.

For children

Using such a device for children is very convenient, because all models include children’s masks. The virtual valve system was created to save the drug, because the Omron nebulizer for children sprays the drug exclusively during inhalation. Inhalation should be done in the mode calm breathing, if you inhale too much, a coughing attack may begin. Kids love to breathe through the mask, blowing out steam. If necessary, you can choose an inhaler that suits small child(a small mask is included in the package).

For adults

Adults need to monitor their body position when performing inhalation. The solution for compressor type devices must be heated to a temperature of 20 degrees, no higher and no lower. It is necessary to ensure the placement of the device - it should always be in a vertical position. The adult mask and compact size facilitate the use of the device while traveling. After the procedure, you must avoid any physical activity. Do not cover the compressor during operation.


All parents know the feeling when their child gets sick. It feels as if life is stopping. It seems like a simple ARVI, but who hasn’t been sick?! The doctor comes and prescribes at least 3-4 medications. It’s a shame for parents to push them all into their child, but they can’t take on the responsibility of canceling appointments.

We found ourselves in the same situation: runny nose, cough and the risk that the cold would go away. The doctor prescribed a bunch of newfangled medications: tablets, suppositories, syrups. Fortunately I have a sister, very experienced mother. She advised me, instead of the entire list of medications, to buy an inhaler (aka nebulizer), saline solution and one of the syrups (prescribed by the doctor).

Why we chose OMRON NE-20

The picture on the box fully matches the contents.

This is exactly what our OMRON NE-C20 inhaler looks like when assembled with a nozzle for mouth administration of medication.

Since my sister had been using such a device for a long time, she advised what you should pay attention to when choosing and what indicators you should not rely on.

  1. Nozzles Do not think that inhalers with a large number better nozzles. Us For treatment, only a children's mask was needed. Although it is worth noting that The kit also includes a mask for adults, a mouthpiece and a nose piece. There are also 5 spare air filters.
  2. Noisy. Our inhaler is enough works silently at least the child was not at all afraid of him. I heard that there are models that hum like vacuum cleaners.
  3. Price. The price-quality ratio is quite good. We looked at the assortment of many pharmacies (with the exception of the Internet, since we needed it urgently), and consulted with pharmacists. As a result, we chose our inhaler, which turned out to be quite practical and inexpensive, compared to others.

Our experience using the OMRON NE-20 inhaler

We had no problems using it. When our dad brought home the purchase, the child immediately became interested in the brand new box. When we unpacked it, we tried the mask on for our daughter, we laughed, and she didn’t want to take it off.

We breathed twice a day with the medicine. The rest of the time I simply filled it with saline solution and breathed for several minutes to moisturize the airways. During the procedure we watched cartoons, since the low noise of the device allows you to do this without interference.

Enclosed with the device is sufficient detailed instructions on its use:

  • how to collect;
  • how much and what to fill;
  • time of use;
  • terms of use of its individual elements;
  • precautions;
  • methods of disinfection.

Before use, it is advisable to read the instructions, as there are contraindications to using the device.

Inhaler small in size, does not take up much space.

Here is the entire device assembled, plus two more soft masks and a power supply in the box. It even fits in a small first aid kit for travel.

The masks are soft (silicone), they fix the direction of steam flow well, which contributes to the highest therapeutic effect. They are attached with a regular elastic band (like carnival masks), the length of which can be adjusted.

These are masks: on the left is for children, on the right is for adults.

The compressor itself does not start working immediately after being plugged in; there is a switch on the side.

The switch button is located on the side, so the child does not immediately detect it.

All spare parts are washed and sterilized quite easily. There were no difficulties with disassembling, washing and using.

A fairly long tube that connects the mask and the compressor itself allows you to keep the device itself far from the child during the procedure. This aspect was very important for me. Otherwise, while we were breathing the medicine, the child could pull out the plugs, tubes, turn off the power with a button on his own, we really like to do all this.

Silicone tube for connecting the compressor and the medicine container. The bag contains spare air filters.

It sprays very well, a vaporous stream of moist air with medicine comes out of the mask. The steam seems cool, although it seemed to me that warm air should be coming from there. This alarmed me, I consulted with a doctor, he said that this is how it should be.

I can say that treatment with it is more effective than simply taking syrups. Also, when the period of taking medications through the inhaler has already ended, it is better to breathe a little more with saline solution to prevent relapse of the disease.

Maybe inhalers are more high cost have something more good qualities. But I think that compressor inhaler OMRON NE-20 is enough effective in the treatment and prevention of colds. We were pleased with the purchase. From my own experience, I can say that it is good to have such an inhaler at home, especially when there are small children.

Marusya, 29 years old, Kazan,
mother of two-year-old Darfa

The Omron CompAir NE C-20 compressor nebulizer is a compact model that is convenient to use not only at home, but also to take with you on trips. The device features compact design(weight 190 g) and silent operation. It fits in the palm of your hand! This is the smallest device in the entire line of Omron compressor nebulizers. We recommend it to those customers who are planning a trip and would like to take a nebulizer with them, as well as those who value minimalism in design.


Compressor block
Nebulizer chamber
Nose attachment
Air tube (1m)
Masks for children and adults
5 spare air filters
AC adapter
Storage bag


When creating the Omron CompAir NE C-20 nebulizer, manufacturers did everything possible to make it easier to use. In order to start inhalation, you need to go through a few simple steps:

  1. Pour the dose of medicine prescribed by your doctor into the nebulizer chamber. This model designed to work with liquid volumes from 2 to 10 ml.
  2. Install the bump stop. Close the chamber cover until it clicks and attach the air tube.
  3. Attach a mouthpiece, nose piece, or mask to the camera. The set includes 2 masks, which is very convenient if there are two sick people in the family. You can carry out 2 inhalations in a row without disinfecting the masks.
  4. Connect the nebulizer to the outlet and press “on”.
Despite the fact that this nebulizer is very tiny, it has everything you need to carry out procedures with maximum convenience. There is a special holder on the compressor housing in which the chamber is secured in a vertical position. This is convenient because... Once you have poured the medicine into the chamber, it should not be tilted more than 45 degrees.
The Omron C-20 nebulizer operates silently. Its compressor may not be as powerful as in the C28 model, but even kids will not be afraid of the quiet rumbling of the compressor. After you press the power button, the compressor will begin pumping compressed air. The drug is mixed with compressed air and turns into an aerosol. When inhaled, its small particles enter the nasopharynx and lungs.
This model is equipped with a nebulizer chamber with a direct-flow system. This means that the aerosol flow is supplied at a constant speed (0.25 ml/min) and does not change during inhalation and exhalation. At the same time, you don’t have to be afraid of getting burned by the resulting cloud, because... its temperature does not exceed room temperature.
We recommend using the medicine prescribed by the doctor or still mineral water for treatment. The compressor nebulizer works with any medications, incl. antibiotics and suspensions.
The usual duration of the procedure is 10-15 minutes. Remember that when long work The compressor may become hot and your assistant may need a rest. We recommend resting the nebulizer for 30-40 minutes after a 20-minute inhalation.

Features and Benefits

We like the Omron CompAir NE C-20 compressor nebulizer, primarily for its compact size and light weight. The kit includes a bag in which you can put all the parts of the device and take it with you on a trip. And storing the device in a bag is much more convenient. If any of the parts are lost, our store sells spare parts for Omron nebulizers, and you can always purchase them.
Nebulizer S-20 copes with a variety of diseases of the upper, middle and lower respiratory tract. Sprayed aerosol particles do not exceed 3 microns. As we said above, the compressor operates with a quiet hum and even the smallest children agree to sit in the mask without tears. And the procedure can be combined with watching cartoons.
In our opinion, there is only one inconvenience associated with the operation of the Omron C-20 nebulizer. Minimum volume medicine is 2 ml, i.e. it turns out that after each procedure these 2 ml remain in the chamber and will have to be poured out.

To ensure that your little helper in the fight against disease serves you faithfully for as long as possible, do not forget to take care of it. Disinfection is carried out upon first use and after a break. And all parts must be washed after each procedure.
The nebulizer chamber with all its contents, air tube, mask, mouthpiece or nozzle are washed under running water warm water With detergent. Then you need to dry them thoroughly.
All parts except the mask are disinfected by boiling. The mask (like other elements) can be processed disinfectant solution, which is sold in our store. Disinfection by boiling is carried out for 15-20 minutes.
Remember to change your air filters every 2 months or after they change color.