How to tell when a cat is pregnant. How to understand that a cat is pregnant: the first time is the most difficult. Diagnostic definition of pregnancy

A new addition to the family is always a joy, even if it’s your cat who gives birth. Of course, you should prepare for the reception of babies in advance, as many problems need to be solved. But how can you tell if your cat is pregnant? In any case, certainly not with the help of human tests (yes, the “originals” even recommend this). Since human biochemistry is somewhat different, you won’t learn anything meaningful.

Like any other mammal, feline pregnancy can be divided into several clearly defined periods. Here they are:

  • It all begins with estrus and mating, which can occur every 20 days. Whether the mating ended in pregnancy will be known for certain only after three weeks.
  • First-third week. The color of the nipples changes, and a short period of morning swelling may occur.
  • Fourth to sixth week. The abdomen may become enlarged, and the veterinarian, upon palpation, can already determine the presence of kittens.
  • Seventh to ninth week. The animal's activity sharply decreases, the cat becomes calm and phlegmatic.

Here is the “schedule” by week. We immediately draw your attention to the fact that each cat is required to strictly individual approach. It often happens that owners find out about an animal’s pregnancy only at the end of it, when future mom Sha, mewing heart-rendingly, indicates the beginning of her contractions.

Changes in behavior

If there is something in common between a woman and a cat, it is behavioral “symptoms”. More precisely, their changes during pregnancy. Of course, your pet is unlikely to walk around with a dreamy look and demand watermelons in January, but you can still notice something.

Important! The first two to three weeks of pregnancy can occur in such a smoothed and implicit form that only a very experienced breeder or veterinarian can determine it.

Read also: When can you breed a cat after giving birth: expert opinion

In any case, everything here depends solely on your attentiveness. If your cat had some small but constant habits that she suddenly abandoned, this may well indicate an “interesting situation.”

The best sign is the absence or presence of sexual instinct. Has kitty, who hysterically demanded “male affection” all March, calmed down? Then she probably got pregnant. Has the screaming started again? Alas, the goal was not achieved.

If, after mating, the cat has become somewhat wild, pregnancy can also be suspected. In this case, she can even be aggressive towards any other representatives of the cat tribe. However, in the second month the behavior changes to the exact opposite, when yesterday’s “fury” suddenly calms down and goes into her arms, caresses a lot and even sleeps in an embrace with other cats or even a domestic dog.

In principle, in the second half of pregnancy the animal becomes very apathetic and calm, and the figure gradually acquires a pronounced pear-shaped shape. But this sign is not always at least somewhat pronounced. It happens that a cat “in the early stages” suddenly kittens. This occurs especially often in mature animals that have given birth many times, whose sagging belly suggests a “chronic” pregnancy.

Important! Just before birth (about a week), the animal becomes restless again. The cat scurries around all the dark and hard-to-reach places, looking for the most optimal “den” for the impending birth. There is no point in disturbing her or keeping an eye on her at this moment!!!

The last recommendation is not at all related to “tactfulness”. The point is that when increased attention to her person, the cat will become nervous and irritable. Having given birth, she will constantly drag the kittens from place to place, or even completely abandon them to their fate. Such cases are not uncommon.

Read also: What does a cat's plug look like and its purpose?

However, even if the cat itself begins to clearly demonstrate that it is not averse to lambing right on your bed or in the closet with clothes, you still should not disturb it. Try to remove anything dirty from there, lay down an old sheet or something similar.

To follow or not to follow?

Of course, we have already pointed out the inadmissibility of open interest in cat secrets, but in some cases you will have to imagine yourself for a while as the legendary Stirlitz. It's about about rural conditions.

The expectant mother can be so carried away by ensuring safety that she can easily find a “cozy” place a kilometer and a half from your home. Of course, in most cases, cats tolerate childbirth normally, but there is still a risk. If something goes wrong in such conditions, and you won’t even know about the location “ maternity ward", everything will probably end very badly.

It's better when a cat gives birth at home! It is much easier to provide veterinary control and obstetric care (if necessary).

How to control “unbridled motherhood”?

It is in your best interests to gently “nudge” your pet in the direction the right choice. To do this, place a specially equipped basket in a dark, quiet place and try to get the cat to find it. For example, lure her in with a treat, while you go somewhere else.

Food preferences

Yes, tastes can change too. This is expressed in increased appetite or reluctance to eat previously favorite foods. Of course, cats are not drawn to “salty foods,” but the desire to eat raw cucumbers or something more extravagant may appear.


In the first weeks of pregnancy, a cat's appetite decreases. She becomes less active than usual. In addition, the cat completely ceases to show interest in cats. She may also be aggressive towards other pets living in your home.

Due to changes in hormonal levels, the cat may develop toxicosis. However, vomiting will not bother her for long, about 1 week.
The color of the animal's nipples will change to bright coral. Such changes will be especially noticeable in a cat who has become pregnant for the first time.

The animal's belly begins to grow at 5 weeks of pregnancy. In addition, the cat will have increased appetite. During this period, veterinarians recommend giving the animal kitten food. The growth of babies in the mother's womb occurs quite quickly, and already at 6-7 weeks the belly will be very large.

At the 7th week of pregnancy in a cat, you can feel the babies moving if you lightly put your hand on the animal’s abdomen. You should not palpate a cat's belly to try to determine the number of kittens. Such actions can harm both the pregnant cat and her offspring.

2 weeks before giving birth, the animal will begin to look for a secluded corner where the future babies will be comfortable and calm. If you do not want kittens to be born in your closet or on your bed, prepare spacious boxes for your pet in various places in the house. soft cloth. Let the cat choose the box in which she will give birth. Place these houses in secluded places, as your pet will look for a quiet refuge where no one will disturb the newborn kittens.

A few days before giving birth, the animal will literally follow you everywhere and meow loudly. The cat's body temperature will noticeably drop, and milk will be released from the nipples. Try placing your pet in a spacious box. If she resists, give her the right to choose.

Usually cats cope well on their own and do not require outside help during childbirth. If your pet was unwell during pregnancy, it is better to show her to the veterinarian before giving birth. Worry in advance about where the kittens will live later. If you do not have the opportunity to keep them at home, think about who you can give the animals to.

It is difficult for inexperienced cat owners to understand that their pet is pregnant. But it is advisable to find out about this at early stage. This is primarily due to the fact that the pregnancy process in a cat proceeds very quickly and the owners of the animal need to prepare in a timely manner for childbirth in order to get healthy offspring.

Today, there are reliable signs of pregnancy in cats, thanks to which it becomes possible to promptly identify symptoms of a piquant condition in an animal. At the same time, mastering them will require attentive care and understanding of the future cat mother. But the main thing is to know how to determine if a cat is pregnant?

Pregnancy in a cat - timing and symptoms

Like a person, a pet must reach puberty before having offspring. It is for this reason that until the pet reaches six months of age, there is no need to worry about the appearance of cubs. The signal that a cat is ready for pregnancy will be the first heat. In addition, the pet owner should understand other features of pregnancy in cats.

Sterilization of cats possible only after 3-4 heats and, if possible, at least after one birth. In turn, if sterilization is not carried out, then the animal will be capable of reproduction throughout its life, and each time you will have to check again and again whether the cat is pregnant.

Animal mating does not lead to pregnancy in all cases females, so when the heat is over, the pet owner has to figure out how to find out if the cat is pregnant? Moreover, if this early dates, then determining pregnancy is much more difficult than if it is 3 weeks, but some signs still exist.

  1. You need to pay attention to the animal’s habits after mating. If the heat does not stop within the next 24 hours, the cat is not pregnant. If the discharge has stopped, then, most likely, you should expect offspring in the near future.
  2. Almost all cats are pregnant turn into affectionate and tame animals, rubbing against their owners.
  3. When determining the piquant state of an animal, you should not blindly rely on behavior pet. But if they are noticed dramatic changes in the behavior of the animal, then you should think about it and contact a veterinarian.
  4. More precisely, it will be possible to determine a cat’s pregnancy 4 weeks after mating. During this period, you can feel certain lumps in the lower part of the animal’s abdomen. To do this, press on bottom part abdominal area with fingertips. It is important to do this with maximum tenderness to avoid miscarriage.
  5. With the onset of 3 weeks after mating, obvious signs pregnancy: the nipples swell, which acquire a pronounced pink tint; the mammary gland of the animal is also subject to changes.
  6. During the same period of pregnancy eating behavior changes in a pet: in most cases this is manifested by increased appetite. In addition, previously favorite foods will not be accepted by the cat, and those that she did not like will become a treat.
  7. During the 3-5 weeks, the belly begins to quickly increase and become rounded, and the appetite grows literally by the hour.
  8. With the onset of the 6th week of pregnancy, formed kittens will begin to be felt in the abdomen. By placing your palm on the animal’s tummy, you can feel the round lumps located on both sides of the middle of the belly.
  9. By 7-8 weeks, the kittens begin to move inside the mother’s belly. You can also feel the head and body of the cubs and feel the beating of small hearts.
  10. A week before childbirth will occur again dramatic changes in animal behavior. The cat will begin to scour the apartment in search of a secluded place in which to arrange cozy nest. Moreover, if you do not take care of a convenient shelter, your pet will present a surprise in the closet or on the owners’ bed.
  11. 2-3 days before the kittens appear, the cat's nipples sharply increase in size and colostrum begins to be released.
  12. Approximately 10–12 hours before giving birth, the cat will hide in a prepared shelter. At the same time, it is very important that no one disturbs her, since the stage of preparation for the appearance of kittens occurs. In such a situation, even the most inattentive owners will understand that their cat is pregnant.

It is possible to check pregnancy at an early stage only using ultrasound, and even then it will show the result 2 weeks after the conception of the offspring. At the same time, this is the most optimal time a trip to the veterinarian after the first changes in the pet’s behavior were noticed. In addition, a doctor's examination will help determine how many cubs the cat will have. It is very important to understand that if pregnancy proceeds normally, then late stages It is not recommended to contact a veterinarian.

Features of caring for pregnant cats

A pregnant cat, like a person, demands affection And close attention. Therefore, there are several recommendations for caring for an animal in a sensitive position.

Closer to the time of the birth of the offspring, ask for the phone number of the nearest veterinary clinic, whose doctors will be able to arrive in time to help the animal if it is needed.

In the first week, when your beloved pet becomes pregnant, there may not be any significant changes in her habits, but her activity and the animal often goes to sleep. At the same time, the animal eagerly makes contact with its owners, asks to be petted and climbs into their arms. An increase in appetite may be observed - the animal constantly asks for food, and does this with great persistence. At 5–7 weeks, the kittens begin to move imperceptibly in the mother’s womb.

A couple of days before the kittens appear, the animal takes special care and attentiveness, starting to lick the owners or other inhabitants of the apartment in every possible way, showing concern for them. Naturally, such changes are not inherent in all cats, which is primarily due to individual characteristics animal. On the day when childbirth occurs, the pet becomes restless, unable to find a place for itself.


Determine the date and calculate the approximate day. Mating can be repeated within 3-4 days, and this is important to take into account. Pregnancy usually lasts from 58 to 72 days. Its duration may partly depend on the quantity, as well as on the condition. In particular, stress on later may lead to a delay in labor. If your cat has given birth before, consider the length of her previous pregnancy as it may be the same this time.

Pay attention to the cat's belly. Already in the sixth week it becomes quite large, and after another week, if you look closely, you will be able to notice the movement of the kittens. This indicates that they are approaching. As a rule, about a week before the mammary glands significantly increase in size. Monitor these changes to determine your estimated due date.

Observe the cat's behavior. 1-2 weeks before giving birth, the animal usually begins to look for a nest, gets worried, rummages through closets, and tries to get into the most secluded places. The cat lays down in a certain place, but then gets up and starts looking again. 1-3 days before birth, the animal becomes sedentary and sleeps a lot. Some cats begin to cuddle with their owner more often than usual.

Watch closely last week pregnancy. Take her temperature rectally: just a day before giving birth, it will drop to about 37 degrees Celsius. 1-2 days before birth, the mucus plug comes off. This can be difficult to notice, since cats usually hide at such moments. However, you may see the animal become restless and frequently lick its genitals.

A few hours before the kittens are born, the cat may begin to meow loudly and cuddle up to the owner, her breathing will become heavy, and yellowish or red discharge will gradually appear from the genitals. If you notice these signs, know that the cat will have kittens within the next 24 hours.


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  • Pregnancy and childbirth in cats

Many people want to find out that their pet is preparing to become a mother. But this is not always necessary out of curiosity, but in order to properly care for the animal, because the cat needs to be well fed during this period. If you take a close look at the changes in behavior, well-being and belly size, you can accurately assume that the furry one is expecting offspring.


The onset of cancer can be determined no earlier than 20-21 days. Only by this time can they be observed characteristic changes. Around three pregnancy at cats The nipples begin to enlarge, they swell somewhat and turn pink. This change is especially pronounced in firstborns.

If previously the cat suddenly suddenly became passive and vomits, it is possible that she is preparing to become a mother. This behavior of the animal is observed approximately 3-4 weeks after conception. The explanation for everything is quite simple - the animal has hormonal change in organism. After about three days, everything returns to normal, the pussy begins to feel better, and the vomiting stops.

In the seventh week, if you place your palm on your stomach cats, then you will feel the movement of the kittens. If you gently probe with your fingertips, you can even feel the babies’ heads, but it’s better not to do this. If you want to know the exact number of kittens that will be born very soon, it is better to consult a veterinarian. The doctor can reveal cats palpation already on the 20th day after its start, and at a later date the number of babies will not be difficult for a professional.

All 7th and 8th week pregnancy the cat behaves inappropriately, rushes around the rooms and does not know where to lie down. But at week 9, the expectant mother calms down and spends more time lying down. Some cats they look thoughtfully and do not notice their owner - this is how they prepare for childbirth. The nipples become very large at this stage. The belly becomes rounded and may make it difficult for the kitty to walk. And a few days before, the cat becomes active and begins to look for a place where it will be more convenient for her to give birth to babies.

If you take a closer look at the behavior of the animal, you will not only be able to detect pregnancy, but also determine approximate period. The average gestation time is 9 weeks or 65 days. But babies can be born 2-4 days earlier or later - this is not considered a deviation.

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When cat grows up, the time of puberty comes, and she begins to ask for a cat. Many owners arrange matings for cats so that their pet can bear offspring. At the same time, the very fact of mating does not guarantee anything. A cat can become pregnant during estrus, which happens about once every month and a half in animals, and less often in street cats.


Around the fifth week, the cat begins to noticeably gain weight. From the sixth week, her body begins to produce milk, so the nipples enlarge and become very visible.

Cats that are able to go outside stop doing so almost completely. During pregnancy, they try to spend as much time as possible at home, in a calm, quiet and cozy place.

Video on the topic


If the cat’s appetite suddenly disappears, the pregnant woman has not eaten for more than 24 hours, has become lethargic and apathetic, has a fever and the vagina smells unpleasant - this is bad signs. Contact your veterinarian immediately.

Helpful advice

If you realize that your cat is pregnant, find out the phone number veterinarian, who, if necessary, can go to your home at any time of the day. Most likely you won't need this, but you should have this information just in case. Read about how a cat's pregnancy goes and how to deliver a baby so you can tell if something goes wrong.


  • Cat pregnancy / Cats
  • how to know when you're pregnant

Many are ready to mate as early as 7 or 9 months of age. During heat, they begin to demand a lot of attention, caress, rub against furniture, and emit heartbreaking screams. However, it is not recommended to take a cat to a boyfriend at this age. It is still quite small and not fully formed. Pregnancy can deform her spine, and also negatively affect general condition health. But what to do if you still haven’t kept track of your pet? How to determine if a cat is pregnant?

You will need

  • You will need a little patience. Watch the cat. Their pregnancy lasts only 9 weeks.


So, if yours, then she will prefer to spend more time in a relaxed state for the first three weeks. With a decrease in activity, the animal may lose its appetite. Pet your cat and turn her over onto her stomach. If her nipples have become saturated pink color, this is a sure sign of pregnancy. Sometimes during the third week of pregnancy a cat may vomit. This is due to the fact that her body is being rebuilt hormonal background.

After the sixth week, the stomach becomes very bloated. It’s impossible to confuse anything here anymore. If you look closely at the stomach, you can even see how it moves. After the seventh week, the cat becomes extremely agitated, she constantly crawls into dark corners, looking for future offspring.


Sometimes pregnant cats go into heat. There's nothing wrong with that. In practice, there have been more than once cases when a pregnant cat was once again fertilized.

Helpful advice

If you can't wait to find out whether your cat is pregnant or not, you can seek help from a veterinarian. Already on the twentieth day after mating, with the help of an examination, he will definitely be able to answer your question.

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Symptoms of cat pregnancy


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There are no express tests for determining the pregnancy of cats - whether your pet is expecting kittens can only be determined by her behavior and external signs. Owners should know by what symptoms one might suspect that a cat is pregnant in order to provide her proper care during the waiting period and have time to prepare for the birth of offspring.

First signs

You can suspect what awaits the kittens if the next period of estrus has arrived, and the animal behaves calmly, does not meow or roll on the floor.

The first signs of pregnancy are swelling and discoloration of the nipples. Swelling of the nipples is more pronounced if it is the first pregnancy. Usually this symptom appears after two to three weeks. The animal may develop toxicosis, manifested by morning weakness, vomiting, and mild malaise. If you suspect pregnancy, you should stop taking anthelmintics and flea medications so as not to harm future offspring.

By four, the cat has gained significant weight, and her belly becomes noticeable. A pregnant cat often eats a lot - in the first days the appetite may decrease slightly, but the closer the due date, the more food the expectant mother needs.

Most often, during pregnancy, cats become more affectionate, calm, require a lot of attention and... You should pick it up very carefully; you should not allow it to climb onto high surfaces - due to increased clumsiness, the animal may fall and receive serious injuries.

A veterinarian's examination is needed when the first signs of pregnancy appear and shortly before birth. On the first visit, the doctor will make sure that the suspicions are not in vain, and if necessary, determine whether the pregnancy is false, prescribe an ultrasound scan or X-ray examination.

Childbirth coming soon

In late pregnancy, the cat’s belly noticeably increases in size, and you can even see the kittens moving. By palpation, the veterinarian can determine the approximate number of kittens. Only a doctor should feel the abdomen - it is better for the owners not to do this, so as not to damage the placenta with a careless movement and cause a miscarriage.

If at the beginning of pregnancy a cat is usually friendly towards other animals in the house, then later she may begin to behave aggressively - hiss at others, chase them away and even bite.

By the eighth week of pregnancy, milk begins to be released from the nipples. The nipples swell even more.

At the end of pregnancy, the cat sleeps or lies down almost all the time. If the expectant mother begins to be active, eats less, worries, tries to hide in a secluded place - most likely, childbirth is already close, and it’s time to equip her pet with a comfortable nest where she could feel safe. It's best if it's big cardboard box in a quiet place where the cat and its offspring will not be disturbed. The bottom of the box can be covered with old towels or a small blanket.

Make sure that the cat cannot climb into cabinets and cabinets, otherwise she may make a nest for herself on a stack of laundry.

The reproductive instinct is inherent in pets by nature. Males and cats determine their readiness to mate based on the season and climatic conditions. They select the most suitable time for bearing offspring.

Cats living at home live their own lives. Sexual activity can occur at any time of the year. 10 months after birth, cats become sexually mature. They are starting. There are a number of signs by which you can recognize such desires in a cat: frequent urination, slight enlargement of the external genitalia, colorless discharge. Cats, unlike cats, are always ready to mate, all year round.

The beginning of sexual heat in a cat

During the period of sexual activity, animals lose their appetite, they ask to go outside, literally break free. Cats are aggressive during this period; they can attack their owners or others and cats. The unpleasant aspect is the marks all over, which smell very unpleasant, and getting rid of this “aroma” is quite difficult.

Medicines for cats

Owners can use the natural instincts of their pets to give them something to drink. medicines. There are a great many of them on sale. It is advisable to consult a veterinarian before use. The easiest way to give a cat is drops that suppress sexual hunting. The tablets can be crushed and added to food. There is no clear answer to the question: do medications affect the health of pets? All of them are aimed at regulating hormones in animals. It is not recommended to give drugs frequently, it is better as needed. Many tablets are made based on natural ingredients, add mint, which makes feeding the cat these easier.
Castration should be carried out if there are no plans to have offspring in the future.

To castrate or not

Owners must understand that life is very different from natural environment a habitat. Therefore, you must be prepared for all the hardships that your pet will bring with you. A cat must mate with a cat at least 9 times a year, while hormones can “play” at any time, and the cat will mark the territory. This method protection from opponents in natural environment It won’t bother anyone, but there will be a persistent smell of urine in the apartment. It is necessary to think in advance about how life with a pet might turn out and make a decision about it.


If someone lives in your house healthy cat, then sooner or later she is going to give you her numerous offspring. So what to do? You can't go against nature. Only extraordinary circumstances can keep a pussy from a selfless search for a partner and an equally selfless act of love, such as being in a locked iron cage, cast iron chains with which it is chained to a radiator, or a sudden decision by the owners to sterilize their pet.

However, only sterilization gives a 100% result. And even if your cat does not have the opportunity to contact individuals of the opposite sex, then sooner or later she will still run away from the house (it is possible that irrevocably), or this same individual will secretly and insidiously penetrate into your house, attracted by the inviting meow of your cat. recluses. So, no matter how you guard, you will still keep watch and you will rack your brains: is the suffering woman pregnant, or has God had mercy?

In the opposite situation, some cat owners also puzzle over this issue, eagerly awaiting the birth of offspring of aristocratic feline blood. That is, they seemed to have chosen a purebred groom, and everything turned out just right for them, but doubts are tormenting him. And I really want to figure out what to spend the money on from the sold thoroughbred aristocrats. Well, if it is vital for you to resolve doubts about your cat’s pregnancy, then let’s figure out how to find out whether she is pregnant or not.

The first (implicit) signs of pregnancy

Let’s immediately make a reservation that in the first three weeks you will not be able to get a definite answer to the question about your cat’s pregnancy. Even in veterinary clinic They won’t help you in any way: an ultrasound won’t show anything, the doctor won’t probe anything. However, if your pussy walks on its own, then be sure that the period of the next heat ended happily (for her) or, rather, fruitfully. There’s no point in guessing whether there are any signs or not, and in nine weeks your house will be filled with the sound of newborn kittens squeaking.

And it often happens that the owners are simply not sure that the act of love took place at all. This especially often applies to those moments when the cat is specially taken to the cat for these purposes. However, experienced breeders (people engaged in professional breeding purebred cats) noticed the following features.

  • If, immediately after a visit to the groom, the cat returned home resumes its love songs (asks to return to the cat), then, most likely, the wedding night took place, and you can hope for kittens.
  • If the cat’s inviting cries resumed a week after returning from the groom, then nothing worked, and the cat, realizing that she never became pregnant, requires a second visit.
  • If a cat's heat quickly stops after communicating with a partner, then a large share chances are you can expect offspring.
  • If, after a love rendezvous, the cat has stopped giving any signs of its desire to become a mommy, then most likely the goal has been achieved.
But this is all, of course, just the overall experience of cat owners and conclusions drawn from observations. In fact, this behavior of a cat may not indicate anything other than its bad character. And yet, sometimes (and often!) these signs turn out to be true.

And one more phenomenal observation. If you (the owner) resist with every fiber of your soul the replenishment of your cat family, then rest assured that after the first mating your kitty will become pregnant. If, on the contrary, you sleep and see your cat pregnant, then your dreams will remain dreams for a very long time. Are they doing everything to spite us on purpose?

Clear signs of pregnancy

It is possible to determine the obvious pregnancy of a cat only three weeks after conception. The very first, most obvious and most textbook sign is a change in the color and size of the nipples. The cat's nipples swell slightly and turn pink. This happens towards the end of the first trimester of pregnancy, when the embryos already reach a size of one or two centimeters.

During this same period, an experienced one will be able to palpate and determine not only the presence of kittens, but even their number. By the third week of pregnancy, a cat’s tummy also increases slightly, but it is almost impossible to notice. The hormonal levels are already noticeably changing (for a cat), so the pussy may suffer from morning sickness.

A sharp change in behavior also indicates an interesting situation for your pet. An ultrasound performed at this particular stage will help you find out for sure that your cat is pregnant.

Only from the second half of pregnancy signs interesting situation your cat become visible to the naked eye. From the fourth week, kittens begin to develop and grow intensively, so the belly of a pregnant cat grows noticeably and quickly. You can already feel the movement of kittens with your palm, and if there are a lot of them, then you can see it. True, in cats that bear only one or two cubs, the belly does not increase much.

Pregnancy also affects the behavior of the animal. Many cats become calmer and more indifferent to current events. They sleep a lot and for a long time (longer than usual), constantly and persistently demanding attention and affection. In general, pregnant cats become more tender not only towards people, but also towards other animals living in the same house with them. Towards the end of pregnancy, the cat's nipples begin to droop, the belly becomes noticeably larger, and the cat itself tries to find a place for the upcoming birth.

To be fair, it is worth noting that some cats do not change their constitution throughout pregnancy. And in some long-haired breeds it is difficult to see not only changes in the color and size of the nipples, but the nipples themselves are problematic to find. Therefore, sometimes it can be quite difficult to distinguish a pregnant kitty from a non-pregnant one. And here only ultrasonography will help you dot all the i's.

It is worth noting

  • Human pregnancy tests don't work on animals! So don't try to determine if your cat is pregnant with this test.
  • You can reliably and 100% know about pregnancy or its absence only with the help of an ultrasound examination.
  • False pregnancy in cats is very rare, and in veterinary medicine it is classified as a neuropsychiatric disease.