Main features of the wire-haired rabbit dachshund. Wirehaired dachshund Dachshund dwarf wirehaired

If you decide to buy a small dog that will be your reliable friend, fearless guard and active companion, then great option- dwarf dachshund. She's always popular.

Dwarf dachshund puppies are no different from regular dachshund puppies

The breed is a hunting breed; it was bred specifically for hunting animals living in burrows (hares, foxes, marmots, etc.). The body of this dog is elongated and muscular, its legs are short but powerful (after all, it is necessary to dig up the ground), and most importantly, its chest is small, which allows the dwarf dachshund to move freely along the narrow passages of burrows. Here brief description breed (size of an adult dog): height at the withers is up to 21 cm, chest girth - from 30 to 35 cm, weight - up to 5 kg. Main color: red, black, brown, marbled, dark with tan. The dwarf dachshund can be smooth-haired, wire-haired or long-haired by type of coat. The pet's character: for loving owners, it is sometimes a jealous, but good-natured, affectionate, playful creature, as well as a brave guard with a huge sense of self-esteem. Life expectancy is up to 15 years.

Dwarf dachshund puppies are no different from regular dachshund puppies. Therefore, dishonest sellers can pass off a regular dachshund puppy as a dwarf baby (since obvious differences in this breed can only be seen when the dog grows up). To avoid being scammed, a puppy should be purchased from specialized nurseries with a reliable reputation. You should know that the miniature dachshund is a special species, and such a baby will only be born from small parents with the appropriate pedigree (dwarf dachshund and rabbit).

Watch your baby carefully. The puppy should be cheerful, energetic, curious and not afraid. Examine the puppy: his ears and eyes should be clean, his belly should not be swollen, and his fur should be free of dandruff and dog odor. Be sure to get information about your puppy's vaccinations (depending on age).

If you decide to buy a small dog that will be a reliable friend, a fearless guard and an active companion, then a dwarf dachshund is an excellent option.

This cheerful and loving creature cannot imagine his life without communication and cannot tolerate prolonged loneliness, and during the first time in a new place he needs increased attention to yourself and affection. The baby needs to arrange a place where he will rest: a mattress, a basket or a house. If you let a puppy sleep on your bed, then this is forever (you most likely will not be able to evict him from there). Of course, the dwarf dachshund requires care and maintenance.

Dachshunds do not complain about their appetite; it is important not to overfeed this dog, as it is prone to obesity, and this is harmful to its health.

You can feed it with ready-made food or prepare it yourself by adding essential vitamins and minerals (you need to calculate energy value and calories). For the first feeding of a puppy, baby meat food is suitable. When your pet is 1.5 months old, boiled lean meat minced through a meat grinder and mixed with broth or porridge (rice or buckwheat) can be introduced into the diet. Dairy products are very healthy stewed vegetables. Raw meat (pork is not allowed) begins to be given when the dog is six months old. Convenience ready-made feed is that its composition and the required feeding rate for your pet are written on the box (you need to choose such food in consultation with a specialist).

After the dog has eaten, the bowl should be washed and left only clean water. Very young puppies are fed 5 times a day, as they grow older they reduce the number of feedings to 4 times, from six months to a year - 3 times, after 1-1.5 years they are transferred to two meals a day. It is worth refraining from snacking between feedings and not pampering your pet with cookies and sweets.

Dwarf dachshund (video)

Gallery: dwarf dachshund (25 photos)

Proper care for your dachshund

Taking care of a mini dachshund is easy. Contain wool in good condition The smooth-haired dachshund has no problem. To do this, it is enough to wipe the dog’s fur with a soft cloth after each walk and comb it 2 times a week. The wirehaired dachshund breed requires a little more attention.: It is necessary to comb it regularly and certain time pluck the wool (as a rule, this is done 2 times a year and by specialists). But the long-haired dachshund also needs daily combing and cleaning, since its fur gets dirty more often.

Some dog breeders put overalls on the animal to protect it from dirt when walking. You should check your pet's ears, eyes and mouth regularly. Bathe when soiled, cut nails and clean ears. You need to walk such a dog every day, and not just so that it goes to the toilet (it can also do this in the litter tray). Although she is a decorative dachshund, she has hunting passion and inexhaustible energy that needs to be released. Therefore, you need to walk such a dog 2 times a day for at least 2 hours so that the animal can run around and play enough (it is better to do this before eating). If this energy is not given an outlet, it will result in trouble for the owner: chewed shoes, torn books, destroyed plants, etc.

It is recommended to take your baby Dachshund outside as often as possible, provided he is vaccinated (after sleeping, feeding, and when he is looking for a place to go to the toilet). This will quickly accustom him to cleanliness.

Dachshund training

It is imperative to train this breed, especially since it is easy to do. Since these are hunters, they are characterized by stubbornness and obstinacy. If allowed, it will lead to disobedience. An ill-mannered pet most often becomes vindictive and capable of minor mischief.

Elementary training will help eliminate these negative character traits, and if you take it seriously, you can raise an excellent hunter or guard. It is important to know that shouting and using violence in the process of education is under no circumstances allowed. A rude attitude only deteriorates a dog's character.

The best method of punishing disobedience is to ignore the puppy for a while, but not for very long. And success can be rewarded with words of praise and favorite treats, such as bananas and apples, but in moderation.

Caring for a dachshund puppy (video)

Variety of species

Dachshund breeds are differentiated by coat type and size.

By wool:

  • smooth-haired (short and smooth coat);
  • wire-haired (thick, close-lying hair with undercoat; the wire-haired dachshund also has a mustache, eyebrows and a short beard);
  • longhaired (soft, slightly wavy, hanging coat).

By size:

  • standard,
  • dwarf (miniature, or mini),
  • rabbit dachshund.

The Rabbit Dachshund is the smallest of the Dachshund breeds, bred to hunt rabbits. By appearance, character and habits it is similar to dwarf dachshunds. The rabbit dachshund differs from the dwarf dachshund in the size of its chest, which is no more than 30 cm. This is what allows the dog to move quickly and deftly through a narrow hole.

Like all other varieties of the breed, the rabbit dachshund is a source of endless energy and positive emotions. Of course, she is not without character flaws due to her natural independence, but all this can be successfully corrected by training (provided that the owners show love and patience for four-legged friend). This dog is unpretentious, easily adapts to any conditions, has good health and does not require large maintenance costs. She easily gets used to all family members, and becomes an excellent nanny for small children.

This cheerful and loving creature cannot imagine his life without communication and cannot tolerate prolonged loneliness.

Caring for your baby is simple. Feed, but not overfeed, take daily long walks, pay enough attention, love, monitor health and cleanliness. Wire-haired and long-haired dachshund breeds require special coat care twice a year, which can be done by taking the dog to a specialist.

The rabbit dachshund, like other species, can damage the spine when jumping. Therefore, the puppy must be taken outside, held in his arms, so that he does not go down the steps, and should not be allowed to jump from the sofa or other heights. Dachshunds tend to run and dig, but jumping is not for them.

The colors of wool amaze the imagination with their diversity, but among them there are also very rare ones - brindle color. The even distribution of light and dark stripes from the nose to the tip of the tail delights and attracts attention.

Whatever your pet is, taking care of it will pay off in a big way. The main thing is not to let him get bored, and this smart, playful and cheerful creature will bring you a lot of joy and positive emotions, and will also become a reliable friend and protector.

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As a result of crossing a short-haired dachshund, miniature pinscher and some types of terriers in the late 70s of the 19th century, the breed of wire-haired dachshund was obtained.

And at the beginning of the 20th century, a mini size was obtained - dwarf and wire-haired rabbit (weighing up to 3 kg).

The dachshund's small size is not a hindrance, but its main advantage is the ability to hunt in narrow holes.

It should be noted that the wire-haired rabbit dachshund is not classified as separate breed, but they only count.

Let's look at the exterior features of the Wirehaired rabbit dachshund, mannerisms and basic character traits, as well as cute creatures.

At first glance, wirehaired dwarf and rabbit dachshunds resemble a certain brownie.

And she is like a wise old man.

This image is created thanks to the elongated hair on the pet’s face.

In front of a passer-by stands a cute little dachshund - a brownie with thick eyebrows, a mustache and a beard.

In addition, such wool allows you to feel comfortable even when low temperatures, and in wet weather.

During the hunt, the hard coat acts as a kind of protection against the bites of rodents that the dachshund wants to catch in a hole.

Key Features:

  • The head is elongated, tapering towards the nose. The brow ridges are clearly defined. The eyes are small, oval in shape, predominantly brown in color.
  • The ears are set high, slightly moved forward, slightly rounded, and mobile. The neck is not too long, strong, with a slight scruff.
  • The body is oblong, strong and compact. The chest is deep and wide. The back line is smooth and wide. The tummy is perfectly formed.
  • Front and hind legs small (although the front ones are larger), strong, widely set. The tail begins at the level of the back, slightly arched.
  • The hard, thick hair is distributed evenly throughout the dachshund's body. Particularly noteworthy is the muzzle with thick eyebrows and a peculiar beard typical of a dwarf wire-haired dachshund.

All shades of boar color are preferred, as well as reddish.

In addition, the following variations are distinguished:

  • Monocolor: all the above colors, as well as with the addition of minor black hairs. Small white spots are acceptable.
  • Bicolor: rich brown or black with expressive red tan below the eyes, on the cheekbones and chin, on the paws with inside. A significant area of ​​burning is not recommended.
  • Piebald (spotted): the base color is necessarily dark (boar, black, red), although not too dominant.

The character of the Wirehaired is not fundamentally different from other relatives.

These are mega active, proactive dogs.

Owners should be prepared for the constant loss of slippers, socks, T-shirts and other clothing and accessories.

And even the “stick method” will not help; the dachshunds will still act in their own way.

However, they digest quickly and easily. A few lessons are enough to unquestioningly carry out the required command.

Dachshunds love walks fresh air, cooperative games with the owner.

If the owner cannot give his attention for a small pet, the companion dog will still closely monitor the owner’s every move.

Many dachshunds are quite sensitive and touchy; an owner’s raised tone or a rude word towards themselves will be considered an insult.

If the owner scolds his miniature pet, he will try to hide in a distant corner and will reproachfully look after the offender, who quickly realizes his guilt.

If raised incorrectly, dachshunds grow up to be wayward and selfish.

When purchasing a miniature funny pet for yourself, the owner must remember its maintenance rules:

  • A wise dachshund will quickly learn to “go to the litter box” on its own, but despite this, the owner should not reduce the duration of daily walks in the fresh air.
  • When walking, the dog must be given freedom of movement; conditions similar to the hunting process are perfect.
  • Although wire-haired dachshunds have a thick coat, during the cold season they are still dressed in warm overalls.
  • It is necessary to approach the procedure of feeding your dachshund with the greatest degree of responsibility. The menu should include: lean meat, cereals, cottage cheese.
  • Periodically, pets are given special vitamin complexes. Adult pets are fed a couple of times a day after a walk.
  • The pet has mandatory There should be a bowl of water available around the clock, and it is not recommended to take any snacks.

  • You should not trim your wire-haired rabbit dachshund more than once every six months. Bathe your pet when it gets dirty and comb it with a special comb once a week.
  • Dachshunds' eyes, ears, claws and teeth need careful care. The wire-haired rabbit dachshund should be taught hygiene procedures from an early age.
  • Crusts and mucus in the corners of the eyes are removed with a damp cotton swab. Ear wax is cleaned with ear sticks, after moistening them in peroxide.
  • To prevent the formation of tartar, teeth are brushed with a special toothbrush and toothpaste once a week.

Photo gallery

We looked at another variety of the dachshund breed, namely the wire-haired rabbit. And don’t let the funny appearance of these dogs confuse you, these are fearless hunters, true professionals in their field.

As you know, the first dachshunds appeared in Germany around the 16th century. This is a breed of hunting dog with characteristic anatomical features which allow them to pursue animals in their holes. The dachshund was used to hunt foxes, rabbits and the like. Wire-haired dachshunds are less susceptible to damage from bites and squeezing through thorns and rhizomes. In addition, rough wool provides protection from wind, rain, etc.

The dachshund's body structure is extraordinary - an elongated body, long hanging ears and short legs. However, despite its extravagance, the dachshund is primarily a hunter’s assistant, therefore it has a well-developed muscular system, high agility and tirelessness.

Varieties of dachshunds

A total of nine varieties of dachshund have been bred. They differ in color, size and coat type. Thus, you can see both a standard wire-haired dachshund and a miniature one. The wire-haired dachshund, like other species, can be marbled, black or brown (tan), and beige-red. Distinctive feature This particular type of dachshund has a thick, coarse coat that requires special care.

Wire-haired dachshund. Pictures and photographs:

The type of coat does not depend on whether the dachshund is standard (that is, it belongs to the largest and most common type of dachshund), dwarf (a specially bred variety for penetrating into particularly tight holes) or rabbit. They can all be smooth-haired, long-haired (long-haired dachshunds) or wire-haired. Naturally, caring for the latter requires more thorough combing.

Rules for caring for a wire-haired dachshund

In general, the rules for caring for them are as follows:

  • In addition to brushing, dachshunds with coarse hair need to visit salons and carry out specific trimming procedures at least every six months. - This hygiene procedure when the hairs are plucked. It is important to know that it is not recommended to cut wire-haired dachshunds, because the hair can then become softer, losing its original structure. In this regard, trimming the wire-haired dachshund becomes necessary element care
  • Owners should take into account that the wire-haired dachshund's withers become bald. This happens over time and is a normal natural process, so there is no need to worry if your wire-haired dachshund suddenly has hair coming out on its withers.
  • Nail trimming should be done 2 times a month using special tools.
  • The wire-haired dachshund needs to be washed and bathed regularly, at least 3 times a month, or as the coat gets dirty. The wire-haired mini dachshund is especially susceptible to contamination - this is due to the fact that it is smaller standard view and its life activity is carried out even closer to the ground - the source of dirt.
  • Ear cleaning is done by specific means, which contain antibacterial components (by the way, according to the standard, a dachshund’s ears should reach its cheekbones).
  • The animal's eyes should be regularly examined for tearing, redness, etc. If these symptoms are detected, it is recommended to seek veterinary help.
  • To prevent tooth decay, they need to be brushed at least weekly, but preferably more often. Some owners brush their pets' teeth every 3 to 5 days.

Upbringing decorative dogs, which includes the wire-haired dachshund, should be based on affectionate and delicate treatment. You cannot use rough training methods, shout at the dog, etc. As punishment, it is enough to use the technique when the animal is left without attention. The wire-haired dachshund, like all varieties of this breed, is distinguished by its friendliness and peculiar extroversion - they love communication with people and do not like to be ignored.

This character of the wire-haired dachshund is an additional advantage if there are children in the family where it is located. They will definitely love this dog. Adults will also like it, because it can be used for active games and walks over long distances, which helps relieve stress and fatigue. If you ask the owners of wire-haired dachshunds themselves, the reviews, as a rule, will be more than positive.

The wire-haired dachshund is especially active, you can verify this by watching any video - a wire-haired dachshund on the hunt, for example.

In general, hunting instincts manifest themselves most of all in her, so when walking she is often poorly controlled and strives to look into everything that seems like a hole to her. On initial stage recommended this type dogs should be taken outside on a leash. While the puppies have not yet formed their backbone, they should not be allowed to walk on stairs or climb anything on their own. This can cause deformation of the spine and limbs.

With proper care and nutrition, dogs of this breed can live up to old age, which is approximately 15 years.

Subtleties of feeding the wire-haired dachshund

Dachshunds are a breed prone to obesity. Overfeeding leads to weight gain excess weight, as a result of which it becomes more difficult for the animal to move, and the load on the heart increases. This can significantly shorten the life of a pet and this should be remembered by loving owners who are not averse to pampering their pet.

Proper organization of feeding involves 2 - 3 meals a day without additional techniques food outside the regime. It is up to the owners to decide what is best to feed - dry food or natural products, but it should be remembered that dry food must be of proper quality, and the diet from natural products should be varied and rich in vitamins.

How to buy a wirehaired dachshund puppy

Positive reviews from owners of wire-haired dachshunds, especially if they are people they know well, make them want to buy such a dog. Before purchasing, you should learn more about this breed, and also look at photographs or videos on this topic. The wire-haired dachshund, although quite rare, is relatively common in the Russian Federation, so you can buy it without much difficulty.

A good option for purchasing a wire-haired dachshund is a kennel. For example, in Moscow there is a place where titled dogs are bred - the “Iz Novo-Peredelkino” kennel. Wire-haired dachshunds from there become champions and prize-winners of various competitions. In general, if you search the Internet, you can find specialized sites where wire-haired dachshunds are kind hands will give it away for free. To do this, just register on one of them and submit an ad like this: “I’ll take a wire-haired dachshund as a gift.” Or, on the contrary, find an advertisement that a wire-haired dachshund is being given as a gift.

Thus, finding and purchasing this breed of dog will not be difficult, and the joy and energy they bring will be in the house for many years.

In this article I will talk about such a breed of our pets as the wire-haired dachshund. We will consider a description of the breed, rules for keeping and caring for wire-haired dachshunds. I will also tell you about diseases typical for this breed of dog, and about kennels where you can buy a puppy.

Scientists have established the age of the oldest remains of dachshund dogs found during archaeological excavations in Egypt - they are more than 4 thousand years old. But most of the remains were discovered in Germany, which is why this country is considered the birthplace of wire-haired dachshunds. Those ancient ancestors of modern dachshunds were descended from hound dogs.

Later, in the Middle Ages, dachshunds were used as hunting dogs for burrowing wild animals. Modern look Wire-haired dachshunds began to emerge in the 16th century and were fully formed by the 18th century.

In Russia, dachshunds were not used for hunting; in our country they have always been exclusively pets. After the Great Patriotic War There were only 11 dachshunds left in the USSR; the population in the country was on the verge of extinction.

The breed received international recognition in 1915, at the same time a breed standard was approved, which includes the following parameters:

  • country of origin– Germany;
  • average height– 35 cm;
  • weight– no more than 9 kg;
  • wool hard and thick, with undercoat;
  • color– marble, black, gray, red, black-red, gray-black, gray-red;
  • muzzle elongated and narrow with pronounced eyebrows, mustache and beard;
  • torso squat and elongated;
  • paws short and powerful with strong joints;
  • eyes oval regular almond-shaped in different shades brown, blue eyes are allowed for merle coloring;
  • tail smooth, tapered at the end, crescent-shaped;

Rules of maintenance and care

Caring for it is somewhat more difficult than for its fellow short-haired dachshund. For example, it includes such aspects and subtleties as:

  • after a pet's meal you need to wash your face or at least wipe your beard, since food particles stuck in the hairs will become a beneficial environment for the appearance and development of various bacteria;
  • To participate in the exhibition, the animal will have to trim its mustache, eyebrows and beard;
  • must be used for swimming special shampoos for wire-haired breeds dogs;

Wire-haired dachshunds are heat-loving animals, so living in the yard in the fresh air is not suitable for them even in the warm season. In addition, in winter they need additional insulation; drafts and hypothermia of the animal are not allowed.

The animal's diet should be as balanced as possible and include cereals, lean meat, boiled fish without bones fermented milk products, vegetables and fruits. The puppy eats 4 times a day, adult dog– 2 times a day.

It is also necessary to provide the animal with free access to water. It is strictly forbidden to feed your pet tubular bones, raw pork, sweets, salty, baked goods.

Dachshunds need long walks every day. physical activity, since by nature they have activity and energy.

Care also includes the following subtleties:

  1. once every 3 weeks you need to cut your nails;
  2. You can bathe the animal quite often, but use detergents no more than once every 3 months;
  3. It is necessary to regularly inspect the ears and eyes for damage and infections and clean them;
  4. Once a week you need to brush your pet's teeth.


The wire-haired dachshund is a faithful and devoted animal.

This is a faithful and devoted animal. The greatest happiness for her is life in a big and friendly family, where she will get along with all its members, from young to old. At the same time, he is a brave dog who, without hesitation, will rush to protect his owner from danger.

In addition, such a pet will become a wonderful playmate with children.

But you cannot show indifference or cruelty to the dog, otherwise it will become angry and aggressive. Dachshunds are obstinate and stubborn animals, prone to escape.

These features will cause a lot of inconvenience to the owner. But such qualities of their character as intelligence and ingenuity, coupled with agility and agility, more than compensate for their waywardness.


There is some willfulness in the character of dachshunds, so when training an animal you cannot be soft and make concessions.

The owner will have to be persistent and patient.

For correct execution and the obedience of the puppy must be treated with a treat. But cruelty in education and training, apart from distrust of the owner and resentment towards him, will not bear any fruit.

They have long been recognized as one of the smartest breeds dogs, so they easily and quickly remember commands and also carry them out.


In general, experts consider dachshunds to be animals with good health. But it happens that they are unable to avoid some diseases characteristic of their breed. This includes obesity, dysplasia, spinal problems, and thyroid dysfunction.

When purchasing a puppy, you need to pay attention to its condition and appearance.

The puppy must be well-groomed, active, playful and have good appetite. After purchasing an animal, you should not forget about regular preventive visits to the veterinarian and timely vaccination against viral and infectious diseases.

The first vaccination is given to the puppy at the age of two months; after a few weeks, as prescribed by the doctor, revaccination is carried out. Further vaccinations are given once a year.

Nurseries and price

In our country, standard wire-haired dachshunds are quite rare. The cost of a show-class puppy with a pure pedigree and titled parents is 25-35 thousand rubles, sometimes more. A puppy with documents will cost 15-20 thousand rubles; without documents, it will be even cheaper.

There are no difficulties or peculiarities in breeding dogs; it is enough to follow the rules of keeping and caring for animals.

Wire-haired dachshunds are very rare representatives of the breed, so by purchasing a puppy of this breed, you will find not only a devoted friend, but also a truly unique pet.

Synonyms. German Dachshund, German Basset, Daxhund, Tekel, Dakel.

Country of origin. Germany.

General view. This is a small, short-legged hunting dog, working both in a hole and on the ground, with strong, powerful bones, with strong prominent muscles, especially in the front. shoulder girdle; squat, with a body close to the ground, elongated, noble and strong, in a stance reminiscent of a cobra before throwing, with a sense of self-esteem and independence; with an intelligent, alert, fearless and attentive expression.

Breed standard for dachshund

Sexual type. Well expressed, males are more massive and courageous, females are lighter and of lighter build.

Flaws. Minor deviations from the sexual type; females in male type.

Vices. Sharp deviations from the sexual type; males in bitch type.

Features of behavior and character. Dogs are brave, dexterous, agile, very hardy, strong, fearless, aggressive towards animals, distrustful of strangers, independent, but loyal to their owner.

Flaws. Lethargy, nervousness.

Vices. Cowardice, malice, aggression towards humans, lack of malice towards animals.

Constitution type. Strong, with massive bones and strong and strong muscles, especially the anterior shoulder girdle. The skin is elastic and dense.

Flaws. Slight lightness or roughness of build; underdeveloped muscles.

Vices. Roughness, looseness, ease of folding; tall legs, excessive stockiness, emaciation, obesity.

Height and weight.


standard fee: weight- 7-9 kg, ideal - 6.5-7 kg; average height at withers: for males - 22-27 cm, for females - 20-25 cm; chest circumference more than 35 cm;

miniature dachshund: weight- 4-7 kg; height at withers: for males - 16-21 cm, for females - 14-19 cm; chest circumference 30-35 cm;

rabbit dachshund weight - up to 3.5 kg; height at withers: Kobe's lei - 12-15 cm, in bitches - 10-13 cm; chest circumference up to 30 cm.

The height at the croup should not exceed the height at the withers.

Flaws. U standard taxes exceeding the upper limit by 1 - 1.5 cm, in rabbits - a decrease in height to 1 cm.

Vices. In standard dachshunds, the upper limit is exceeded by 2 cm, in rabbit dachshunds - a decrease in height of more than 1 cm; overweight or underweight.

Format. Stretched. Format index - 175-200.

Flaws. Deviations in the format index up to 170 or up to 205.

Vices. Format index less than 170 or more than 205.

Coat. According to the type of coat, dogs are divided into short-haired, wire-haired and long-haired.

Short haired dachshund

The coat is short (1-2 cm on the back), straight, shiny, thick, without undercoat, harsh to the touch, but not rough.

Flaws. Elongated (more than 2 cm on the back and withers), shortened (less than 1 cm), dull, soft or rough, sparse, wavy, hairless ends of the ears, receding hairline.

Vices. Excessively wavy coat, brushed tail or rat tail.

1 . Plain. Red (from dark yellow to mahogany) - deer, reddish, sable. The nose, rims of the lips and eyelids are black.

Flaws. White star on chest; red claws. Vices. Incomplete pigmentation of the nose, eyelids, lips or their color other than black; big white spot on the chest.

2. Two-color. Black, brown (coffee), boar,
gray (blue) or isabella with yellow or tan markings. Burn marks are located on the muzzle, lips, cheeks kah, under the throat with two triangles on the chest, on the front and hind limbs With inner surface, around the anus and on the lower surface of the tail up to a third or half of its length. The color of the nose, eyelids, and lips is the same color as the main color.

Flaws. Smeared scorch marks, not sharply defined and irregular in pattern, weakened in color; blackened tan marks on the face (mask); the area fell more than 10%; a small white spot or narrow stripe on the chest; Gray and white dogs have a meat-colored nose.

Vices. Almost complete absence tan, white spot on chest, white spots on one or all paws; light tan marks, incomplete pigmentation of the nose, eyelids, lips.

3. Merle (marbled). Small spots on the main background irregular shape, specks or streaks (picture):

A)blue merle - a black or dark gray pattern on a grayish-blue background;

b)dpl (Reddapp1e)- on a grayish-blue background, a brown (coffee), deer-colored pattern (the colors are pure, the richer the better; the eyes are dark or blue (one or both) or interspersed with blue; the nose is black or gray);

V)double deple (Doubledarre) - spots of the listed colors on a white background;

G)tiger drawing - black or dark stripes on a yellowish-brown background in places of tan. The nose is colored like that of one- and two-color dogs.

Vices. Large colored spots, up to 60% of one color, merging spots, large white spot on the chest; partially pigmented or pink nose.

Wirehaired dachshund

The coat is somewhat long (about 3 cm on the back), hard, straight. The muzzle has a mustache and beard, and above the eyes there are bushy eyebrows that are wiry to the touch. The shirt fits tightly to the body (closed), with a thick undercoat. The hair on the head and ears is short. The tail is densely and evenly covered with adjacent hair.

Flaws. Soft hair on the body, elongated on the limbs and muzzle up to 4 cm; wavy, not hard enough on the body, lack of undercoat.

Vices. Long (more than 4 cm), soft on the body, sparse, shaggy; “open shirt”, presence of fringes, forelock or tuft on the head; curly or curly coat.

Color. The colors are duller than those of shorthairs. In addition to the above colors, there are mixed (zone) colors: “pepper and salt”, hare, boar, brown-gray, dark boar and tan. Red in color, as opposed to short-haired, ranges from light orange to light fawn.

Longhaired dachshund

The coat is long, thick, silky, smooth, and close-lying. On the ears, on the sides of the chest and on the lower surface of the body, on the back surface of the limbs (up to the paws) - longer, forming fringes. On the tail - in the form of a fringe. The undercoat is well developed, thick and soft.

Flaws. Wavy fur, flippers on paws.

Vices. Uniformly long, excessively wavy or curly, shaggy or fluffy coat; lack of decorative wool or undercoat.

Color. The final color is established in the second year of life. Red (mostly mahogany, from golden chestnut and orange to light tan), black and tan, coffee; moire - light golden, covered with a coating, like a cape, that is, the base of the hair is golden in color, the ends of the hair are sparsely black, and separately scattered golden and black hairs. The color is darker on the ears, neck, withers, body and sides. The bottom of the body, as well as the location of the tan, are red.

Flaws. A small white spot or narrow stripe on the chest, the predominance of some color in motley dogs.

Vices. Large white spots on the chest or legs, up to 60% of one of the colors in a variegated coat; incomplete pigmentation of the nose, eyelids, lips, brown nose or claws (except brown and fawn colors).

Head. Dry, elongated, long, tapering towards the nose. The skull is moderately wide, long, slightly convex. The forehead is almost flat or slightly convex, smoothly turning into an elongated, long, dry and narrow muzzle. The brow ridges are moderately pronounced. The bridge of the nose is slightly convex (with a hump). The muzzle is voluminous, strong, strong, pointed, well filled under the eyes. The lines of the skull and muzzle are parallel. The nose is large, the nostrils are well opened. Lips are dry, tight-fitting, and close well lower jaw, forming a slightly pronounced fold in the corner of the mouth. The jaws are long, strong and strong.

Flaws. Rough or light head; prominent forehead, broad forehead; moderate cheekbones or cheekiness; insufficiently smooth transition from forehead to muzzle; thin, sharp, slightly lowered muzzle; damp lips.

Vices. Massive, heavy or light, damp head; domed skull; pronounced transition from forehead to muzzle; Roman nose or excessively drooping muzzle; hairiness.

Ears. Hanging, set relatively high and far back, tightly fitting to the cheeks, wide and long (not reaching the tip of the nose a little), beautifully rounded at the ends, mobile, flat, thin and soft to the touch.

Flaws. Ears that are too large or small, folded, set low, hanging on cartilage.

Vices. Small, low-set, coarse, curled (folded into a tube), pointed, narrow ears that do not lie close to the head.

Eyes. Medium in size, oval, obliquely set, dark (with merle color, mixed eyes, blue eyes and variegated eyes are allowed). The expression is lively, intelligent, energetic.

Flaws. Smallish, round, lightish eyes (yellowish).

Vices. Large, small, round, protruding or excessively deep-set, straight-set, light (amber or French mustard-colored) eyes; expression angry or absent; difference of eyes (except for dogs with merle color).

Teeth. White, large, complete, the incisors are located strictly in a line. Scissor bite.

Flaws. Small yellow plaque, the presence of extra incisors or their irregular placement, the presence of broken teeth, if this does not interfere correct definition bite

Vices. Direct bite, caries, missing teeth.

Neck. Moderately long, dry, muscular, with a beautiful nape line, set high, thanks to which the dog holds his head proudly and independently.

Flaws. Neck set low, short or too long.

Vices. Short, loaded, raw, pendulous neck,

sheep or swan.

Breast. The chest flap is powerful and projects well forward beyond the line of the shoulder joints, forming a characteristic keel with recesses on the sides. Rib cage moderately long, oval in cross-section, elastic ribs, rather convex and inclined posteriorly. The chest is voluminous, deep (drops to the middle of the forearm), moderately wide, tapering posteriorly.

Flaws. Narrow, small chest.

Vices. Narrow, short, flat, barrel-shaped, hen-shaped or sunken chest.

Stomach. Moderately tucked, short crotch, slightly tucked in.

Flaws. Straight or tucked belly.

Vices. Dropped or tucked belly, long convex groin.

Withers. High, long, protruding above the line of the back. The shoulder blades are long, set obliquely and pressed to the back.

Flaws. Weakly defined withers.

Vices. Lack of withers; loose, steep or sharp blades.

Back. Straight, strong and robust, muscular, broad and moderately long.

Flaws. Soft, arched or narrow back.

Vices. Short, narrow, weak, sagging or hunchbacked back.

Small of the back. Short, wide, muscular, slightly convex.

Flaws. Elongated, straight lower back.

Vices. Long, narrow, weak, sagging or hunched lower back.

Croup Long, strong, wide and muscular, rounded, moderately sloping.

Flaws. Short, narrow, straight or sloping croup.

Vices. Short, sharply sloping or horizontal croup.

Tail. Set not high, being a continuation of the line of the back, thick and strong at the base, tapering towards the end, slightly saber, long (reaches the end of the metatarsus), evenly covered with thick, close-lying hair, rougher on the lower surface. Normally carried slightly above the line of the back, when excited it is carried almost vertically.

Flaws. Rough, thin, set high, sickle-shaped tail.

Vices. Rat tail (very thin and hairless), set low, thrown over the back with a hook or ring.

Forelegs. Short, thick, dry, strong, with strong bones. The front is well developed, with dense, strong, prominent muscles, moderately wide and deep. Humerus equal in length to the shoulder blade and makes an angle of 90° with it. The elbows are short, thick, directed posteriorly and close together below. The forearms are short, straight, slightly inclined towards each other (inward), equal in height from the ground to the sternum (or a third of the height of the dog at the withers). The wrists are closer together than the elbows. The pasterns are short, strong, almost parallel in front, slightly inclined from the side (at an angle of 10-20°).

Flaws. The front is weak, slight deviations from the indicated position and slightly turned elbows, straight forearms, rather weak pasterns.

Vices. Light bones and weak muscles, high legs, straight shoulders, loose elbows, very close wrists, weak pasterns, kozinets.

Hind limbs. Straight and parallel, set wide apart, look somewhat weaker than the front ones. The thighs are strong, strong, with powerful, prominent muscles, long, set to the croup at an angle of 90°. The knee joints are well defined and rounded. The lower leg is short, set at an angle of 90° to the thigh, "muscular. The hock joints are dry, well defined, low dropped. The heel bone is long, directed strictly back. The metatarsals are long, massive, vertically set, parallel or slightly inclined inward when viewed from behind.

Flaws. Slight deviations from the specified position, insufficiently developed muscles on the thighs.

Vices. Insufficiently expressed hock angles, straightened or excessively sharp corners knee joints; hocks close together, knees turned out; straight back, saber, barrel-shaped, narrow set of limbs.

Paws. The front ones are wide, the rear ones are smaller and narrower. In a ball, arched, with dense pads and strong, short claws. The dog stands firmly on the pillows, resting his claws.

Flaws. Weak paws, marks.

Vices. Clubfoot, flat, splayed paws.

Movements. Free, sweeping, easy linear step. Movement in the knee and hock joints is free.

Flaws. Deviations from linear motion; several related movements.

Vices. Bound, heavy movements.

Disqualifying faults. Unilateral or bilateral cryptorchidism; discrepancy in height and weight; atypical color, predominance of the main color in bicolor, variegated and merle colors (more than 60%), large, merging spots in merle color, large white spots in bicolor and merle colors; depigmented nose, eyelids, lips; snack, undershot; tail like a rod, a piece of wood, short, broken, deformed; small breasts; loaded shoulder girdle.

© Dubrov M.Z. Dog breed standards. – “Tsentrpoligraf”, 2000

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