The use of goose fat in folk medicine. Goose fat medicinal properties and contraindications. Medicinal use

Despite the fact that today you can buy anything at a pharmacy and at any price, we still respect the so-called “ grandma's methods" Let's talk today about... goose fat.

Our ancestors used goose fat to treat the most serious diseases lungs, got rid of joint pain, rheumatism, spinal ailments, protected in severe frosts and treated the skin, keeping it soft.

Read also:

What are beneficial properties, and how to use goose fat Today?

Goose fat: medicinal properties and contraindications

In our diet today, it is essential lacks saturated and polyunsaturated fatty acids.

Due to the lack in our body necessary elements, including omega-3, metabolic processes are disrupted, the skin dries out, hair and nails break, digestion is disrupted, and nerves often fail.

In goose interior fat there is everything necessary for the body fats: omega-3 acid, acids – steoric, oleic, linolenic, myristic, palmitinoleic and many others. A .

Besides everything in useful product contains minerals (magnesium, zinc, sodium, copper, selenium) and vitamins (B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, B12, E, PP, etc.).

Goose fat has a warming property, is able to rid the body of toxins, and also helps in the resorption of tumors and can be used to treat cancer.

There are practically no contraindications to the use of goose fat, because This product is one of the most harmless and safe means for the treatment of diseases among other animal fats.

The only contraindication is personal intolerance to taking this product orally. It should not be taken during pregnancy, breastfeeding mothers, or children under three years of age. Not recommended for people with chronic disease liver. External use is not limited in any way.

The use of goose fat in folk medicine

Cough remedies:

- mix four parts of warm fat with part of melted wax and rub into the chest and back (the procedure is carried out at night);
- Heat a mixture of 0.5 kg of base and 0.1 kg of crushed garlic in a water bath, coat the back and chest with the resulting medicine and, tying the patient with a woolen scarf, leave overnight.

Frostbite. It is enough to lubricate the injured area with the molten product three times a day, and at night apply a compress from it.

Burns. For minor burns, the affected area of ​​skin should be thickly smeared with fat and a bandage applied. The bandage is changed twice a day, each time covering the burn with a new layer of medicinal product.

Psoriasis. Mix 180 ml of base with 60 ml of crushed soapwort root. Regularly lubricate the damaged areas with the resulting medicine. skin.

Eczema. Mix the heated base with fir oil in a ratio of 2:1, respectively. Apply the mixture in a thick layer on sore spot, fix and leave overnight.

Tuberculosis. You need to take one hundred grams of base, aloe juice, cocoa powder and honey. Mix all ingredients. The medicine is taken 60 ml with warm milk three times a day. The treatment takes a long time.

Thrombophlebitis and leg diseases

Leave the mixture of the main product with Kalanchoe juice in a ratio of 2:1 respectively. The medicine should be kept in a dark container and in the refrigerator. Sore spots for a long time lubricate before going to bed.

Gynecology and hemorrhoids

Mix half a glass of base with one big spoon dried calendula flowers, heat the mixture in a water bath for about half an hour and then strain. The remainder is used to moisten gauze swabs. Compresses are applied every day at night.

The course consists of ten procedures, and is repeated two more times with a ten-day interval.


To prepare the mask, you need to mix a quarter cup of the base with a teaspoon camphor oil. Apply the product to your face, after 20 minutes remove excess oil with a soft cloth and wash. The healing product is also used to strengthen and regenerate hair: the molten product is rubbed into the roots. Keep the mask for half an hour and then wash off.

How to melt goose fat

Cut the product into small pieces. To avoid too much splashing and to prevent fat from sticking, place in a well-heated saucepan with a strong bottom. add a pinch of salt. Reduce heat, place the product in a bowl and cover with a lid.

While stirring, melt all the fat. Strain the melted mixture into dark glass containers. To store the cooled medicinal product, place it in the refrigerator.

Goose fat for cough for children

For rubbing or compresses, melted fat is applied to the neck and chest, and the baby is wrapped at night. At severe cough a quarter glass of base is mixed with 60 ml of vodka.

Children do not like the use of goose fat internally to warm up the body. To prevent the child from suffering, you can soften bad taste product lemon decoction, boiling it in water for 10 minutes.

Then the fruit is cleaned, the juice is squeezed out of it into a saucepan with the broth. Now you can add a couple of tablespoons of goose fat. Take a spoonful before meals until the child recovers.

Another cough remedy: make a mixture of the main product with honey, cocoa powder, aloe juice and heat over low heat until a smooth mass forms. The finished medicine is taken in a small spoon with a glass of warmed milk.

Treatment of cough and other ailments of the lungs and bronchi should be comprehensive. After all, no magic remedies who give quick recovery. Goose fat for cough is considered an effective remedy that has a complex effect. It will not only help you get rid of colds, but also strengthen your body. It is used by adults and children.


The healing properties of goose fat for coughs are associated with its balanced composition. The product is enriched with the complex fatty acids omega-3 and omega-6. They are necessary for proper operation all organs, and besides, with them you can cure a cough. These complexes have the following effects:

  1. Treatment of inflammation and allergies. This function performed by linolenic and stearic acids. They reduce the severity of symptoms and facilitate the functioning of the respiratory system.
  2. Eliminating harmful bacteria that cause cough. This property is fulfilled by palmitic acid.
  3. The product is considered an antioxidant. The vitamins and beneficial amino acids improve cell function and reduce hypoxic manifestations.
  4. Strengthening the immune system. This function is performed by arachidonic acid. With it, immune reactions are restored, tissues that have been infected or injured heal faster.

The vitamins and other valuable elements contained in the medicine help strengthen blood vessels and maintain the stability of cell membranes. The components are needed for normal immunity, which is so necessary for coughs and other respiratory ailments. The beneficial properties of goose fat for coughing allow you to short time improve the patient's condition.

Where can I get this product?

Goose fat is found in large quantities in subcutaneous layers birds. It is solid when raw, but when evaporated it is liquid and has a similar appearance to olive oil, making it easy to combine with other ingredients.

This one has folk medicine yellow. You can purchase the product at the pharmacy, where it is sold in special containers. When buying such a product, you need to look at the composition and expiration date. Although it is stored for a long time and can withstand different temperatures, you should choose a fresh, unexpired product.

You can also make goose fat yourself to treat a cough. To do this, you need to separate the subcutaneous fat of the goose carcass. cut adipose tissue it is necessary to heat in a water bath for 3-4 hours. Then the melted product is cooled and used in medicinal purposes.

External use

How is goose fat used externally for cough? This is done as follows:

  1. The product is used for rubbing. This great way warming, helping to get rid of wet and dry cough. Rubbing is performed even on infants, since the product is harmless.
  2. For better effect A little vodka is added to the fat, after which the product is rubbed into the chest or back. Then the treated part of the body should be wrapped in a warm product and just lie down for half an hour.
  3. It is recommended to mix goose fat with beeswax for coughs. The finished product is used for rubbing. Fat and wax are mixed in a ratio of 4:1. This results in a homogeneous composition. The fat can be heated a little.

Internal use

Goose fat for cough is also used for internal use. It is combined with other components. The additive is lemon decoction or onions. To prepare the product with onions, you need to mix a little fat and chopped vegetables. There are no clear proportions here; everything is added at your own discretion. Accepted medicine on an empty stomach or within 6 hours after dinner.

To receive useful drug From the lemon decoction you will need ripe fruit, which must be checked for 15 minutes. The volume of water should be such that about 300 ml of decoction comes out. After it is ready, add 3 tbsp. l. fat, after which the components are thoroughly mixed. The medicine is taken 3 times a day, 1 tbsp. l. before eating. But it should not be consumed on an empty stomach, because lemon juice negatively affects the stomach. It is recommended that adults take goose fat for cough.

For children

Goose fat is also useful for coughs for children. Reviews from parents confirm the excellent effectiveness of the product. It is used in the form of compresses and rubbing, as well as an edible product. Melted fat can be used externally. It is applied with rubbing movements to the neck and chest.

It is allowed to use goose fat for coughs with vodka (50 g of fat mixed with 2 tablespoons of vodka) if the cold is severe. After the procedure, the child should be covered with a warm blanket. There are more effective ways- oral administration, but most children refuse them.

Still, you will like the following:

  1. Aloe juice.
  2. Cocoa powder.

All of these components must be mixed in equal quantities and placed on low heat, stirring regularly. The product must be brought to a homogeneous mass. The healing potion (1 tsp) is added to warm milk (1 glass). You need to take it 2 times a day - in the mornings and evenings.

It should be taken into account that children under 3 years of age are contraindicated to consume goose fat internally. They can be used for compresses and rubbing. For external use, fat is allowed only in pure form. You shouldn’t add alcohol or vodka to it either.

Where is it used?

Goose fat is used in various fields. It is most in demand in cooking and medicine. Therapeutic effect Cosmetologists were also interested in the product. If we consider the medical field, fat is used for:

  1. Colds, coughs, diseases of the lungs and bronchi.
  2. Purulent inflammation of the skin, psoriasis, eczema.
  3. Thrombophlebitis.
  4. Hemorrhoids.
  5. Tuberculosis.
  6. Pneumonia.

Due to its medicinal properties, goose fat is used in the fight against women's diseases(mastitis, infertility), depression, severe irritability. The product is valued in cosmetology as it protects against:

  1. Dry skin.
  2. Hair loss.
  3. Early skin aging.

But when running forms Not only goose fat is used for diseases. It is necessary to undergo an examination and consult with a doctor who will prescribe effective treatment.


The natural product has almost no contraindications and does not have any negative effects. But still, the medicine has some limitations. The product should not be used by those with high cholesterol and there is a tendency to atherosclerosis. Other contraindications include the following:

  1. Overweight people should take the product carefully.
  2. Children under 3 years of age should not be given fat for internal use.
  3. For children over 3 years old, the dosage should be no more than ¼ teaspoon per day.
  4. From 7 years old, use 1 tsp. product in laziness. But it is necessary to take into account the child’s health: if there are problems with the heart and blood vessels, excess weight or high level cholesterol, goose fat should be used only after consulting a doctor on the dosages prescribed by him.

Folk remedies with goose fat are very effective if you prepare them correctly and take them according to the recipe. It is worth remembering that rubbing when coughing is contraindicated when high temperature bodies. In any case, you should not abuse self-medication. You must first consult with a specialist.

Goose fat is considered a universal product. Thanks to its delicate, silky structure, similar to olive oil, and a sweetish taste, it is used to prepare many dishes. Some chefs associate the extraction of fat from a goose carcass with white magic.

What is the value of the product

According to legends, fat was once known as an aphrodisiac. For newlyweds, pies were made from it, which must be eaten within a week.

Store goose fat in the refrigerator in a solid state, in an airtight container, for up to 6 months. At room temperature it has a liquid consistency and a transparent color. When frozen it turns yellowish-white. The melting point of this natural product+25 °C…+37°C.

Goose fat has a low proportion of saturated fatty acids compared to other animal fats (e.g. butter or beef lard). Dishes prepared using this ingredient are very tasty and aromatic.

In Europe, goose fat is traditionally used in cooking. It is especially closely associated with French cuisine. Recent studies show that in those areas of the country where food is cooked primarily with goose fat, the percentage of heart disease is lowest.

Dishes made with goose fat

Many gourmets use rendered goose lard instead of pork lard in the kitchen. The most passionate lovers of goose fat are happy to spread it on hot toast and eat it as a snack. No less pleasant to the taste are goose cracklings, vegetables baked in goose fat, and meat.

IN popular recipes The most common type is potatoes fried in goose fat until golden crisp. Sprigs of rosemary, sage or thyme add piquancy to the dish.

A huge number of chefs consider goose fat to be a real delicacy, especially during the Christmas holidays. They use it to cook scrambled eggs and omelettes, soups, stews, casseroles, and stew cabbage, carrots, and onions. Goose fat is greased with lean pork, veal, quail, and added to minced meat and pate. It is also ideal as an additive to dough.

Buy goose fat for cooking and improving your health in our online store.

Methods of use and recipes based on goose fat.

Goose fat is animal fat obtained by rendering the connective and subcutaneous fat layer of geese. Thanks to high content saturated and unsaturated fatty acids, fat is simply necessary for the treatment of many diseases.

Goose fat: medicinal properties and contraindications for women, men and children

There is no need to talk about the benefits of this product, because our grandmothers also used the product to treat colds and skin ailments.

Medicinal properties of goose fat:

  • Antioxidant
  • Immunomodulator
  • Restores skin
  • Features mild antibacterial properties
  • Improves penetration of medicinal substances into the skin
  • Helps warm the skin
  • Improves metabolism


  • High blood cholesterol
  • External use in hot weather
  • Open wounds with infection
  • Allergic reactions
  • Pregnancy lactation
  • Children under 3 years old

How to properly render internal goose fat for treatment at home?

It is very easy to render goose lard at home.


  • Wash and dress the bird, trim off any yellow raw fat
  • Cut the raw materials into small cubes and place in a thick-walled pan
  • Place on low heat and simmer for 4 hours
  • Don't forget to stir. After 3 hours, remove the cracklings and keep on fire for another 1 hour.
  • Pour over ready-made product into jars and refrigerate

Recipes for the use of goose fat with milk and honey in folk medicine for colds and coughs in adults and children, during pregnancy

The drug is often used in the treatment of ARVI, cough, runny nose and sore throat in children. In addition, fat is used both internally and externally.

Recipes for using goose lard for colds in children and pregnant women:

  • For coughs for children. Add 12 ml of fat and 10 ml of honey into a glass with warm milk. Stir the substance and give it to your child to drink before bed.
  • Compress for bronchitis. Mix goose lard with grated onion and lubricate the baby's chest and back with the resulting mixture. Wrap your child in a towel and put him to bed.
  • With lemon during pregnancy. This remedy will help get rid of cough during pregnancy, the substance improves immunity. Place lemon in a container of water and cook for 20 minutes. Cut in half and squeeze out the juice. Add 35 ml of goose fat and shake. Drink 30 ml before each meal.
  • With cocoa. Take equal amounts of fat, honey and cocoa powder and average. Place a teaspoon of the resulting mixture in a glass of milk and drink three times a day. The product can also be given to children.

Use for ARVI

Recipes for using goose fat for a runny nose

Ointment with pepper for a runny nose:

  • Melt 50 ml of lard and add a spoonful of ground red pepper
  • Mix everything thoroughly and pour into a clean jar.
  • Store in the refrigerator, and at the first sign of a runny nose, lubricate your heels before going to bed.
  • Don't forget to wear socks on top. This is a warming ointment

Recipes for using goose fat for sore throat

Most often, for sore throat, goose lard is used to warm the throat and promote the removal of mucus from the mucous membrane.


  • Melt 50 ml of goose fat in a water bath and add 10 g of beeswax
  • Stir the paste and simmer until smooth
  • Lubricate the outer surface of the throat with the substance
  • Wrap a towel around your throat. Perform the manipulation before bedtime

use for sore throat

Recipes for using goose fat for pneumonia and bronchitis

Ointment for pneumonia and bronchitis:

  • Immerse 50 ml of goose lard in a container of boiling water and stir until liquid is obtained
  • Add 30 ml of alcohol and average
  • Lubricate your chest and back with the resulting product.
  • Wrap yourself in a warm scarf. Rubbing before bed

use for bronchitis

Goose fat for immunity: recipe

To strengthen the immune system, prepare the paste according to the following recipe:

  • Mix equal parts goose lard, bee nectar, cocoa powder
  • Add 15 g aloe juice
  • Heat the mixture in a water bath
  • Take the substance orally 20 g twice a day, diluting with a small amount of warm milk

application for immunity

Goose fat for lymph nodes

Lymphadenitis - inflammation cervical lymph nodes, which occurs with sore throat and tonsillitis.


  • Mix 110 g honey and 110 g goose fat
  • Enter 90 g cocoa, 15 g aloe juice
  • Mix the paste and transfer to a jar
  • Take 1 tbsp. l. with one glass of hot milk

Goose fat for burns and sunburn

Ointment for burns:

  • Add 30 g of the main product into a saucepan with thick walls
  • Pour in 30 ml of sea buckthorn oil
  • Average everything and simmer for 3 minutes
  • Pour into a jar and lubricate burns 2 times a day

Goose fat and comfrey for thrombophlebitis

Thrombophlebitis paste:

  • 5 parts crushed comfrey root, 1 part chestnut flowers, 1 part white acacia flowers - mix all this
  • moisten with alcohol and leave for 30 minutes in a warm place
  • Add 4 parts goose fat and simmer in the oven for 2-3 hours
  • The ointment should be applied to the sore spot, covered with a linen napkin, and in the summer with burdock, and bandaged

from thrombophlebitis

Goose fat from erosion

The product is widely used in gynecology. Fat helps rapid epithelization of scars and erosions.


  • Melt some product in a water bath
  • Dip a cotton swab into warm liquid
  • Tampons are kept in place all night
  • In the morning, remove the tampon, repeat for 10 days

from erosion

Goose fat for hemorrhoids


  • Melt 3 parts of the substance in a saucepan with boiling water
  • Add 1.5 parts of Kalanchoe juice. Pour into a jar
  • Lubricate the anal area morning and evening

Ointment based on goose fat and camphor oil: a folk recipe for joints

Instructions for preparing the product:

  • Melt 50 g of product in a container with boiling water
  • Add 10 drops of camphor oil to the liquid
  • Rub the mixture onto sore joints

folk recipe for joints

Goose fat for atopic dermatitis

For treatment atopic dermatitis A medicinal ointment is being prepared.


  • Pour 100 g of lard into a metal bowl and let melt
  • Add 15 ml of sea buckthorn oil
  • Lubricate the affected areas

for atopic dermatitis

Goose fat for oncology

A study by American scientists found that duck fat is the strongest food biostimulant. He brings everything to life immune system, especially in moments asthenic conditions, overwork, spring avitaminosis, prevention of seasonal influenza epidemics.

Instructions for use:

  • Take 10 ml of fat orally in the morning and evening
  • You can dissolve the product in a glass of warm milk
  • Enter some honey

for oncology

Goose fat for psoriasis

This serious illness, which can be cured with goose fat.


  • Treat all wounds and peelings with a weak solution of potassium permanganate
  • Brush these areas with melted fat.
  • Wrap with cloth and leave overnight

for psoriasis

Goose fat for the face and skin around the eyes against wrinkles

In cosmetology, the product is used in the preparation of creams and masks.

Instructions for preparing the mask:

  • Combine 1 fresh egg yolk with fat (1 tsp)
  • Add melted honey (1 tsp)
  • Apply the resulting mixture under the eyes.
  • After 30 minutes, wash everything off warm water and wipe with chamomile decoction

for the face and skin around the eyes against wrinkles

How to make cream with goose fat and propolis for the face?

It's simple and accessible remedy. It can be used to moisturize dry dermis.


  • Mix 20 ml of lard and propolis in a saucepan
  • To ensure propolis rubs well, freeze it
  • Add 50 ml of base oil. It's better to take almond
  • Pour into a jar and store in the cold
  • Use as usual cream

propolis cream for face

Goose fat for acne

This remedy is not used in the treatment of acne and pimples. Most often, acne appears due to increased sebum production. By using lard, we further increase the oiliness of the skin.

Masks with goose fat for hair loss


  • Warm up some lard in a water bath
  • Dip your fingers into the warm liquid and rub the product into the roots
  • The procedure is carried out on dirty hair 1 hour before washing.

for face for acne

Goose fat for heels

The product can be used to treat cracked heels.


  • Melt a little product in a water bath
  • Steam lower limbs in hot water
  • Wipe with a cloth and apply the product to the cracks.

for heels

Goose fat for impregnating shoes

This product helps improve the condition of leather shoes and soften them.


  • Wash your shoes and dry them
  • Rub with product and let absorb
  • This treatment will prevent your shoes from getting wet.

for impregnating shoes

How to store goose fat?

To ensure only benefit from using the product, it should be stored correctly. All animal fats go rotten. Store the product in a tightly closed jar in the refrigerator. Select required quantity using a dry and clean spoon.

store goose fat

As you can see, goose fat - useful remedy for the treatment of diseases internal organs. This product will help improve your skin condition.

VIDEO: Using goose lard

Doctors and nutritionists have always advised us to avoid foods with increased content fat, but to function properly, the human body must receive certain substances from foods, including fat. Some vitamins and microelements can only be absorbed if there are healthy fats in the body. Therefore in lately various fat supplements are gaining popularity:, and even goose. It can be used not only in culinary recipes, but also used as an excellent remedy for beauty and health. Why is goose fat so beneficial?

Useful and healing properties

Thanks to his useful composition Goose fat is successfully used V folk medicine in the treatment of various diseases. He provides beneficial influence on the human body during illness. If there is a lack of vitamins and during depression, it is recommended to use goose remedy, as it is a natural antidepressant. This natural product normalizes sleep, excellently relieves chronic fatigue and improves mood. Providing a rejuvenating effect on the body, it removes toxins and radionuclides, improves immunity, stimulates metabolic processes and gives longevity. With him you it will be easier to carry:

  • colds;
  • bronchitis;
  • pneumonia;
  • mastitis;
  • eczema;
  • psoriasis;
  • tuberculosis;
  • burns;
  • frostbite;
  • haemorrhoids;
  • thrombophlebitis;
  • atherosclerosis.

Also it with success apply at:

  • sexual male impotence;
  • vitamin deficiency;
  • insomnia and blues;
  • stress;
  • to relieve fatigue;
  • restoration of immunity;
  • in gynecology.

Composition of goose fat

The fats of other birds contain palmitic and stearic acids, which supply carcinogens to our body. Goose fat contains many useful substances, necessary to the human body. It contains only useful polyunsaturated acids (oleic and linoleic), vitamins group B, high percentage of vitamin E, PP. Minerals represented by sodium (545 mg), magnesium, selenium, zinc, copper. Calorie content 898 Kcal.

The compound of oleic and linoleic acid belongs to polyunsaturated fats, which help strengthen weakened immunity, accelerate metabolic processes, and are responsible for tissue regeneration. Although this fat is of animal origin, its action is similar to that of fat, so it is well absorbed. It can be easily mixed with other components and used for internal and external use.

Nutritional value per 100 g

How to use it for weight loss

For diet fat doesn't quite fit, since it has large number calories, so it is better to eat only goose meat. And the fat itself can be used in the form of a general strengthening medicine in small quantities without harm to the waist. Mix goose fat, aloe juice and in equal proportions. 1 tsp. heated mixture is diluted in a glass warm milk and take twice a day.

The use of goose fat in cooking and nutrition

Goose remedy effective for colds, it can be taken internally and externally. It is applied for warming, rubbing into the area of ​​the shoulder blades and bronchi, without affecting the area above the heart. Compresses on the ankles also help. The smeared areas should be carefully wrapped and warmed under a blanket.

Tincture with goose fat and its use for coughs and other diseases

Bronchopulmonary diseases with cough resolve successfully if used special tincture. For it you need 100 g of fat, honey and vodka. Mix all the ingredients and let the mixture brew for 1 week in a cool, dark place. Then take 1 tsp. daily.

An effective and simple recipe for pneumonia and tuberculosis: mix fat, honey and aloe in equal proportions. Store the mixture in a glass container. Take at night with milk.

For frostbite and burns, healing is accelerated by rubbing fat on the damaged areas twice a day. In case of a burn, the sore spot should be rubbed no earlier than after 2 days to reduce the pain reaction.

Goose fat in cosmetology

Natural effective remedy perfectly moisturizes and nourishes the skin, whitens it, promotes elasticity and is used for prevention age-related changes skin. In the fight against premature skin aging, cosmetologists successfully use goose fat to eliminate fine wrinkles, and also use it in various recipes for dry hair care.

Eating fat inside(no more than 1 teaspoon per day) can significantly improve the condition of hair and nails. If you cannot find cosmetics containing fat, then you can simply add it to your face or hand cream and protect your delicate skin from the effects of wind and frost.

How to choose a good product

You can buy high-quality goose fat of a yellowish-golden color in a pharmacy, at the market, in a store, or you can make it yourself. If the product contains cracklings or brown specks, this indicates that the product is expired or burnt.

Product storage features

Goose fat can be stored in the refrigerator for a long time without spoiling or being lost healing properties. First, it is better to heat it in the oven for 3-4 hours, strain while hot through cheesecloth and pour into a glass container. The lid of the jar or container must be tight, as fat easily absorbs foreign odors in the refrigerator.

The raw material can not be reheated, but stored in the freezer, where it will retain its beneficial properties. 3-4 months. Once melted, you can leave it in the refrigerator for 6-8 months, and in the freezer 1 year. The product does not lose its useful qualities during heating, and at the end of the process the concentration valuable substances will only increase.

Harm and contraindications

In addition to its benefits, goose fat can also cause harm. It should not be taken:
  • people with increased level cholesterol;
  • overweight;
  • with an allergic reaction;
  • pregnant women;
  • children under 3 years old.

For small children goose fat is not very good delicious medicine. In addition, it can cause allergies, so the most the best option there will be rubbing chest Apply a small amount of the product to the child, then cover him warmly before going to bed.

Proper use of this natural product with a rich composition will help you get rid of many diseases and problems. Have you ever used goose fat for medicinal purposes? Share your tips with us, and maybe your recipe will help someone cure their disease!