How long will it take for bones to heal after a fracture? How and how long does it take for bones to heal after a fracture? How long does it take for a femur fracture to heal?

A person can be seriously injured not only while playing sports or dangerous work, at any moment you can slip, trip, or even get injured due to ordinary carelessness. It is important not to panic in case of fractures and other injuries; try to as soon as possible get to the emergency room or call an ambulance if the fracture is really serious.

If injuries are ignored or even delayed in contacting a specialist, the chances of proper healing are significantly reduced, especially if the injury involves bone displacement. We are often asked the following questions: “A fracture does not heal—what should I do?” - let's take a closer look at it.

Bone fusion is complex process, from which doctors distinguish the following stages:

The complexity of the fractures varies significantly, because small finger injuries can heal completely in one month, when a spinal fracture will not allow you to return to work. normal life about a year (it also depends on the severity of the injury).

What can slow down this process

Although traumatized bones are the most significant factor affecting how long it takes to heal, there are other things that can prolong this time, such as:

  • Age. The fact is that in the process of aging, tissue regeneration begins to occur more and more slowly, and complete renewal of fibers and cells is not always possible. And the body of young children tolerates fractures well, which heal in them with virtually no consequences and in a short time.
  • Features of the bone. For obvious reasons, healing large bones is a much longer process than healing small bones. It is also important to pay attention to the shape of the bone (tortuous tissues will take longer to heal).
  • Timeliness of therapy. As mentioned at the very beginning of this material, the success of fusion of any bones largely depends on the timing of contacting a specialist.
  • Unforeseen violations. The most difficult situations are those in which the fracture is complicated by the penetration of bone fragments between its parts or by severe displacement.
  • First aid. The period of bone healing also depends on how competently first aid was provided. If the spine or ribs are fractured, you should never move the person until the ambulance arrives, as this may complicate the situation. An independent attempt to reduce even a slight fracture will also not lead to anything good; the injury only needs to be recorded.
  • Number of simultaneous fractures. A lot of energy and microelements are spent on healing a fracture, and if there are several similar injuries, then there is no longer enough calcium for their healing.
  • Hormonal problems, impaired metabolism, excess body weight. All violations of this kind also affect the period of fusion.

Ways to speed up bone healing

Here are the main tips from experts regarding accelerating bone fusion:

  1. Under no circumstances should anything in the area be loaded by any means; moving muscles is also prohibited, because this can negatively affect the condition of the tissues;
  2. Be sure to adhere to a special diet, which should always be prescribed on an individual basis; the essence of nutritional adjustments is to increase calcium-containing foods, for example, cottage cheese and milk, but all this should be consumed in moderation;
  3. Vitamins of group D, as well as group B, will help provide bone tissue with all essential microelements for successful fusion;
  4. Experts also recommend eating citrus fruits, which help increase collagen production, adding fresh fruits or juices;
  5. Consume products containing gelatin, which will also have a positive effect;
  6. Do not neglect physical therapy and physiotherapeutic procedures.

Often there are severe cases associated with fractures, when the rehabilitation period is seriously delayed and the bones cannot heal normally. Very often this is associated with serious bad habits, for example, smoking or alcoholism, as they have a detrimental effect on the body, significantly slowing down the production and renewal of cells.

Many more bad habits or even serious illnesses(this includes inflammatory processes, as well as immune or cancer diseases) can reduce the level of magnesium, as well as calcium or potassium, which are essential.

Purpose medications during the healing process, a fracture almost never occurs, the only exception being painkillers needed in the first days after injury.

Physiotherapeutic procedures are extremely effective, and they are used not only while wearing a cast, but also after its removal. UHF irradiation is prescribed 5-6 days after injury; its purpose is to reduce inflammation, as well as relieve residual pain, if present. Other physiotherapeutic procedures may be prescribed less frequently.

Also in an efficient way worthy of mention is the weak transmission method electric current through the tissue in the fracture area, which can significantly speed up the healing process by positive influence charge on cellular potential. Thus, doctors are able to seriously accelerate the formation of cells that underlie all bone tissue.

After the renewal of all bone tissue affected by the fracture, sessions should begin physical therapy. Yes, sometimes you can do without them, but in this case the process of restoring the functions of a certain part of the body will last indefinitely.

But it is important to know when to stop, because all physical activity of this kind should be insignificant. initial stages, for example, you can start by raising or lowering the limb if the injury was associated with them. In any case, it is best to go to the nearest clinic; most likely, there is a physical therapy room where similar classes are held (they will show you the most suitable exercises).

But you can’t do the same exercises all the time; the loads need to be increased (this should happen gradually). Both stretching exercises and training muscles that did not experience stress when they were inside are important. plaster cast.

Returning to your normal lifestyle always requires a different amount of time, but with the help of physical therapy you will significantly speed up this process.

Is it permissible to use alternative medicine?

Very often you can hear about the effectiveness of using products alternative medicine at various diseases as part complex therapy in order to reduce symptoms. Fractures and other injuries do not apply to such cases; for them, the use of folk remedies is unacceptable.

The fact is that neglecting plaster for the sake of some kind of bandages and applying clay is not only useless, but also dangerous, since you will not be able to provide sufficient fixation of the limb.

Traumatologists are extremely skeptical about any folk remedies, but some of them are still allowed to be used if they do not interfere with the main treatment.

Prognosis for fractures

As mentioned earlier, most fractures are cured without much difficulty, and there are not even any complications. It is only important to be as careful as possible after removing the cast, as you are susceptible to re-injury within approximately 1-2 years.

The fusion of a limb or any adjacent areas in most cases occurs over several months, and it may also take up to six months to fully restore the functions of an arm or leg.

The most severe fracture is considered to be trauma spinal column, especially if it happens not in a child, but in an adult. The fact is that rehabilitation of such injuries can take several years, and in the most severe cases it can affect bone marrow, which is fraught with disability up to limb failure.

It is important to take care of your health and also pay attention preventive measures, so as not to encounter the need to accelerate the healing process of fractures in the future. If you are elderly, then avoid physical activity, which are unusual for you.

Be sure to do morning exercises; just a few exercises will help you stretch and improve blood circulation throughout the body. Be sure to refuse bad habits negatively affecting the body as a whole.

Don't forget about walking fresh air which need to be done several times a week, because they will help improve general health and strengthen the body. It is also recommended to exercise to maintain muscle tone.

At successful outcome treatment of a fracture, the damaged bone can tolerate the usual loads, actually returning to its original state before the injury - this is ideal option. However, first the bone tissue must undergo certain “tests” - the stages of healing.

Destructive energy: how a fracture occurs

Traumatologists use several classifications of fractures, one of which is based on the force on the bone during injury. Doctors distinguish between low-energy, high-energy and very high-energy fractures.

When the force on the bone is low, the energy is dissipated, and the bone, nearby soft fabrics will have relatively minor damage - a person may even get away with a couple of cracks. But if a powerful mechanical impact “hits” the bone within a very short period of time, it accumulates a huge amount of internal energy, which is suddenly released - this leads to more serious destruction of the bone structure and even damages nearby tissues.

Thus, the energy of a bone fracture ultimately determines the complexity and nature of the injury. For example, a low-energy fracture would be a simple torsional fracture of the ankle, while high-energy fractures occur in road accidents. It is clear that in the first case they will be significantly lower than in the second.

Stages of healing of bone fractures

Fracture healing can be divided into three stages - damage, restoration (regeneration) and remodeling (restructuring) of the bone.

It all starts with damage, of course. In parallel with bone destruction during a fracture immediately after injury, the blood supply to the affected area is disrupted and inflammation develops, tissue necrosis develops. Circulatory disorders are no less significant than bone damage - they can impair healing: blood nourishes all organs and systems of our body, and the skeleton is no exception. If blood circulation is disrupted in the area of ​​the fracture, the healing process slows down. And vice versa: the presence of a full-fledged network in the fracture area blood vessels will have a positive effect on the recovery process.

The next stage - restoration, or bone regeneration, occurs due to the ossification of new cells. With stable osteosynthesis, the dead areas at the ends of the fracture can be replaced by new tissue through remodeling - “restructuring”. This is called contact healing, which depends on the alignment (coincidence) of fragments, stability of fracture fixation and blood supply to the damaged area.

Formation of callus is one of the key points healing of fractures. The callus covers the fracture fragments, stabilizes them and subsequently serves as a basis as a biological matrix for successful bone healing and remodeling.

Callus is formed as follows: in the fracture zone, active division of new cells begins and their excess occurs - due to this, a callus is formed. At this stage, it is important for the doctor to determine the degree of rigidity of the immobilization: too rigid will disrupt local blood circulation, too unstable will slow down the healing of the fracture. Then bridges are formed between the bone fragments, the bone callus is rebuilt - the fracture begins to “heal”. Gradually callus transforms into spongy bone, calcium accumulates in it and it becomes stronger.

Speed ​​up fusion? Quite possible!

This complex, and needless to say, lengthy process can be significantly accelerated. For this purpose, French specialists pharmaceutical company Pierre Fabre developed unique drug. Osteogenon is a drug that will help reduce all stages of fracture healing, as well as reduce the risk of formation false joints and the occurrence of recurrent fractures.

The effectiveness of the drug is explained by the fact that its composition is completely identical to the composition of human bone. It contains a mineral component (hydroxyapatite - calcium with phosphorus in a physiological ratio of 2:1), as well as an organic part (ossein). Ossein contains special proteins, growth factors (TGF β, IGF-1, IGF-2), type I collagen; osteocalcin. Osteogenon is not only a building material and replenishes injured bone tissue, but also stimulates the formation of new bone tissue.

Today, this is the only drug containing physiological calcium salt, which ensures the highest bioavailability of calcium, which patients receive with Osteogenon (38%) compared to conventional calcium salts. It is important that the risk of developing undesirable side effects minimal: calcium from hydroxyapatite is released slowly and evenly, therefore it does not create the risk of developing arrhythmias and dangerous drug interactions.

Due to the presence of phosphorus, calcium from Osteogenon is fixed in the bones, and not in the kidneys, and does not provoke the development of exacerbations urolithiasis. Thus, Osteogenon is well tolerated among patients with diseases of the urinary system.

In comparative studies, Osteogenon significantly reduced the healing time of fractures: patients taking Osteogenon stood on their feet 2-3 weeks earlier, compared to the control group of patients. It is also important that the effect of Osteogenon was clearly pronounced regardless of the location of the fracture, as in the case acute injury, and with a slow process of bone fusion. In order to accelerate the healing of fractures, Osteogenon is taken 2 tablets 2-3 times a day. The course of treatment is about 3-6 months, but the duration of therapy is determined by the doctor.

Before using the drug, be sure to consult your doctor and read the instructions carefully.

When it comes time to heal a broken bone, our body usually knows what to do. But in some cases, fractures heal very slowly or show no signs of healing at all for a period of time. However, the process of bone healing after a fracture can be accelerated by following certain recommendations.

The healing process of a broken bone

Stage 1: inflammation

When a bone breaks, the body sends white blood cells to the fracture site to remove foreign substances from the fracture from the blood. This causes inflammation, which stimulates the growth of new blood cells and is the first stage of recovery.

Stage 2: soft callus

The next step is for your body to create a callus around the fracture to cement the broken bone. This callus is just fibrous tissue and gets rougher over time.

Stage 3: hard callus

Gradually, the body replaces the soft callus with a hard one, connecting the bone fragments more firmly. This hard callus, which creates a kind of lump at the site of the fracture, can be seen on x-rays a few weeks after the fracture.

Stage 4: remodeling

The final stage of the bone repair process is remodeling, where the body replaces the callus with new, more compact bone. Remodeling makes bones stronger and improves blood circulation in bone tissue.

When a bone is fractured, doctors take certain actions aimed at achieving the correct and quick recovery damaged tissues:

  • Setting the bone in the correct position and immobilizing the fracture. If necessary, the doctor will move the displaced bone segments back into place, after which the bone will be immobilized using a cast or brace.
  • Operation. In some cases, patients need surgery to replace bone fragments and stabilize the fracture, a process that may use metal plates, screws or nails. If the fracture does not show signs of healing, additional pressure is necessary. Sometimes doctors choose to do additional surgery. With the advent of the Exogen apparatus reoperation An alternative has emerged that allows for faster bone healing even with non-union fractures.
  • Stimulating bone growth. To help the fracture heal, you can use the Exogen device, the only stimulator that uses ultrasound waves to stimulate the body's natural healing processes, activating bone growth.
  • Rehabilitation after a fracture. A fracture involves long-term fixation of the bone in order to allow the tissues to heal properly. Negative effect from long-term immobilization there may be a loss of joint mobility, in other words -. One of the reasons is that injured tissues are restored in a fixed position, which subsequently does not allow the joint to fully bend.

Doctors recommend actively developing the joint after removing the plaster or fixing orthosis using special exercises or devices or devices that independently bend the joint and gradually stretch the soft tissue. If the joint was in a fixed position long time(more than 1-2 months), mechanotherapy is supplemented with manual or hardware techniques aimed at increased flexion of the joint, accompanied by micro-tears of tissue. In the future, it is important that tissues that have undergone micro-tears are restored through movement.

In addition to developing joint mobility, it is important to restore muscle tone using special exercises or myostimulation.

Recommendations for patients who want to speed up bone healing and recovery of the body after a fracture:

  • Avoid smoking and consuming tobacco products, which slow down bone healing
  • Your diet should be balanced and contain essential nutrients such as protein, vitamins and microelements. This will give the body energy and building material to restore damaged bone
  • Food contain large number calcium, necessary for the construction of bone tissue.
  • Painkillers should only be taken as prescribed by a doctor, as some anti-inflammatory drugs can inhibit the process of bone healing.
  • For successful recovery, you need to get a lot of rest, since the body spends a lot of energy on recovery and must recover

The article is intended solely to inform about the disease and the tactics of its treatment and rehabilitation. Be sure to consult with your doctor regarding treatment and rehabilitation methods that apply to your situation.

Bone consolidation is a long-term process. IN childhood fusion occurs faster. At a more mature age, consolidation is more difficult; it may slow down if there is chronic diseases, circulatory disorders. Considering this fact, it is impossible to accurately answer the question of how long it will take for a bone fracture to heal; everything is very individual. Nevertheless, there are approximate standards for the fusion of bones of a certain location. Let's take a closer look at the entire consolidation process, and also find out how to improve and speed it up.

Fusion of previously damaged bone structures is a very complex process. It occurs in several stages.

  1. Stage one. During this period, clots form. When a bone is fractured, adjacent soft tissues are also damaged, even if the injury is minor. As a result, blood vessels are damaged and blood leaks out. It envelops bone fragments and blood clots form. It is thanks to them that the growth of new bone structures subsequently occurs. This period lasts several days.
  2. Stage two. The clots are filled with osteoblasts and osteoclasts. Thanks to these cells, bone fusion can be accelerated, and all because they are active participants in the process of tissue regeneration. They penetrate into the formed blood clot. Osteoclasts help reabsorb damaged areas of bone. They smooth out sharp edges, leveling existing debris. After this, a granulation bridge is built between the injured parts..html» target=»_blank» rel=»noopener noreferrer»>bone displacements. Osteoblasts contribute to the production of new bone tissue to replace the destroyed one.
  3. Stage three. During this period, the process of bone callus growth begins inside. After the bridge “matures”, and this requires from 14 to 21 days, it begins to transform into bone tissue, which is quite fragile in its structure, which is why it differs from ordinary bones. This fragment is usually called callus. During the formation of a callus, you should be very careful, because it can be easily damaged, so the limb is immobilized.
  4. Stage four. Completion of the process and complete fusion. 4-10 weeks after the injury, depending on the degree of complexity and location of the fracture, healing occurs. For full recovery bone strength takes from several months to a year.

How long a fracture heals depends on the severity of the injury, the patient’s age and compliance with all medical instructions during the recovery period.

In elderly people, the period of fusion of bone tissue is much longer due to insufficient quantity calcium in the body and age-related changes, which delay the recovery process of the entire body.

How long it takes for a fracture to heal depends on the presence or absence of complications in the form of displacement of bone fragments and their number. Open type injuries with a large number bone parts grow together much longer.

In the absence of displacements or in their presence, but with timely provision medical care healing of damaged bone tissue occurs immediately after the wound has been treated (in the case of open fracture), and the bones are stacked in the correct position when displaced.

When a fracture occurs, the bone heals in 4 stages:

1 2 3 4
formation of blood clots at the ends of the broken bone;

formation of blood clots fibrous fabric, on the basis of which new bone tissue begins to grow

formation in blood clots and fibers of special substances - osteoblasts and osteoclasts. Osteoclasts are structures that smooth out the sharp edges of broken bone, osteoblasts are substances that fill the fibers, compacting the material for future full-fledged bone tissue, a tight ligament of both ends of the bone occurs osteoblasts and osteoclasts become coarser, bone tissue begins to regenerate on their basis, and the formation of a so-called bone callus occurs. In 10-14 days, bone forms at the site of the callus. the formation of blood vessels on the new bone tissue, which begin to supply the “bone bridge” between two parts of the bone nutrients, essential mineral elements, in particular calcium. Calcium strengthens new bone tissue; bone fusion at this stage is called ossification. Once dense new tissue connects the ends of the broken bone, the fracture can be considered healed.

Bone fusion at the third stage is the most vulnerable; callus is not as hard as bone tissue, so any movement injured limb, or minor mechanical stress can lead to new injury.

How a fracture heals in terms of speed depends on many factors, in particular, individual characteristics body, therefore it is extremely important to wear a cast for as long as determined by the doctor. It is necessary to wear a cast from several weeks to six months, depending on the type of bone whose integrity has been compromised. After the plaster cast is removed, it will take at least 9-12 months for the bone to completely strengthen.

What influences recovery?

The intensity of bone fusion is influenced by many factors. An important role is played by the age group of the patient, as well as how timely and correctly first aid was provided in case of injury.

In older people, bone will take much longer to regenerate than in average people. age group. How quickly the bone heals depends on the following factors:

  1. Type of bone and its size. The larger the area of ​​bone tissue that has been damaged, the more difficult the process of its regeneration occurs.
  2. Type of injury. Closed fractures without displacement, they quickly grow together, but if the injury was of an open type, there is displacement or there is a large number of small fragments, the intensity of healing occurs much more slowly.
  3. Is there any ligament damage? muscle tissue and tendons. If such complications occur, recovery from injury will take a very long time. long period time, a rehabilitation program is required.
  4. Multiple or single fractures. If one bone was broken, its recovery will take a standard period of 3-5 weeks; with multiple injuries, it is very difficult for the body to recover; the rehabilitation period in such cases can take 1 year or more.
  5. Correct fixation of displacement using suction devices.
  6. Presence or absence concomitant diseases flowing in chronic stage, and also inflammatory processes. Any pathological processes in the body, the recovery period after a fracture is significantly delayed.
  7. Availability overweight body negatively affects the healing process of bone tissue.
  8. Metabolic disorder.
  9. Failure to comply with the terms of wearing a plaster cast. Many cases of too long fusion of bone tissue are associated with the fact that a person does not want to walk in a cast for a long time and removes it ahead of schedule, prescribed by a doctor. The fused area of ​​the bone is under pressure and displacement occurs.

How quickly bones heal depends on factors such as the need to install an implant. This occurs in cases where there are too many bone fragments, they are very small, and it is not possible to reassemble them. When installing implants, there is always a risk that the material will not take root, rejection will occur, and repeated surgery will be required.

Is there a way to speed up recovery?

It is important to remember that a fracture that has healed incorrectly is a complication in which surgery is performed to recombine bone fragments. To prevent pathology, it is necessary to follow all doctor’s instructions during the recovery period.

The process of bone healing after a fracture depends, not least of all, on the amount of calcium in the body (a “building” mineral element for bone tissue). To increase concentration of this element in the body the patient is prescribed special medical supplies. IN mandatory nutrition is adjusted; the basis of the diet should be dairy products.

In the case of pathological fractures that occur due to the presence of chronic diseases affecting the bone structure, appropriate therapy is carried out to normalize the state of health. In addition to calcium, they are prescribed vitamin complexes which restore the body as a whole.

One of the conditions for the fastest fusion of bones is completing a course of physiotherapy and performing physical therapy exercises after removing the plaster. The latter are aimed at restoration motor function injured limbs.