How much will you earn per day test. How to earn more than you deserve

Every professional has his own price. How much do your services cost? And how to increase their value? Answers to

Salary increase

Do you want to know how much your services cost on the labor market today? It's very simple. You just need to remember what salary you are currently working for. This is your price at the moment.

Perhaps this is unpleasant for you. Surely, you have even started to argue mentally now. “Yes, I’m worth a lot more! Employees like me are like gold!” Perhaps this is true. However, it is you who determine your price and the cost of your services. And since you agreed to work for this money, it means that this is how much you valued yourself this time. Of course, your employer offers you a salary. But you decide whether to agree to it or not.

Just look at the fashion industry. Designers such as Marc Jacobs or Christian Louboutin are not shy about asking astronomical money for their clothes, handbags and shoes. Are their things radically different from everyone else? They are not made of gold or diamonds. But, nevertheless, the designers proclaim: our work costs so much and so much. And fashionistas from all over the world are willing to shell out cash.

So you can do the same: just increase your professional price. For starters, at least in your mind. You should not just check, but KNOW that your services cost so much.

For a successful career and good earnings, you need to transform from an employee into a successful seller of your talents, abilities, experience and services. To do this, follow simple commandments.

Salary increase

When applying for a new job, always honestly and calmly talk about your financial expectations during the interview. Once the personnel officer asked “What salary are you expecting?”, it means he is already interested in your candidacy. And when a buyer is interested in a product, it is the seller’s duty to tell him the price without embarrassment or affectation.

If you already work in the corporation of your dreams, remind your boss from time to time that you are ready for a promotion. To “tempt them to fork out money” you can offer new ideas, take on new responsibilities (but only those that are interesting to you), show initiative and in every possible way contribute to the prosperity of the company. But let them know that your services cost money (or what kind). Even if they tell you that a promotion is not possible yet, ask when you can return to this conversation.

In addition, there are a number of factors that can objectively increase your income and raise your professional price in the labor market. What will make you a more valuable personnel and a higher paid employee?

  • The demand for labor depends on productivity. In other words, the higher your efficiency and labor productivity, the greater the demand for you and the higher the salary you can ask for. So if you regularly take work on weekends, work for two people and exceed your standards in every possible way, it’s time to ask for a raise (or look for a place where your performance will be properly assessed).
  • Before agreeing to a particular salary, carefully study the labor market in your field and calculate the arithmetic average. To do this, add up all the salaries and divide them by the number of vacancies (for example, add up 10 offered salaries and divide by 10 viewed vacancies). The resulting figure will become the arithmetic mean, below which you should not lower the bar!
  • If you own one or more foreign languages, add another third to the average salary in your specialty and look for a company where your skills will be in demand and properly valued.
  • If you have a related profession and can perform the duties of several employees at once, your price automatically doubles!
  • If you have valuable connections, have your own creative team or client base that can make your employer rich, immediately state what percentage you want to have from this deal in addition to your salary.

Another useful bonus in your professional value may be the presence of a foreign passport/visa and readiness for long business trips.

Increasing your salary is possible - just start taking action!


Your guides to the world of big earnings will be Elena Shikova (partner of the consulting company PDP, specializing in personnel assessment and development) and Anton Kalabin (trainer-consultant of the School of Charismatic Leaders, who is also the author of the book “How to Sell Yourself... More Expensively”).

First, take a look at the labor market. Although domestic companies pay significantly more than international ones, you can usually qualify for a high salary only after working in a Western company and gaining experience in implementing projects that you want to implement at home Russian company. The most attractive employers, where even secretaries receive $3,000-4,000, as a rule, outbid people from Western companies. There are employers whose employees are always bought willingly and for a lot of money: these are tobacco companies, Mars, Coca-Cola and other companies in the field of FMCG - consumer goods. These companies are implementing best practices existing in the world. If you have serious and long-term plans for your career, it makes sense to first get a job in one of the Western companies.

1st stage
Position yourself as narrow

What is your specialization and longer term work in one field, the higher salary you can count on. If for last year You’ve already been a promotion manager, a sales consultant, and a veterinarian; the employer won’t believe that you’re an amazing logistician. “Now even an Excel specialist can earn several thousand dollars a month,” says Anton Kalabin. “If he knows the program thoroughly, there will be many companies willing to pay for consultation and training.”

2nd stage
Write a resume

In an ideal world, to get a decent position, you would only have to send a letter to the head of the company with the words: “Accept me as your deputy, or something bad will happen to your cat.” But in our world, you will have to send a resume instead of this laconic note. Once upon a time, at the beginning of your career, did you already draw up one resume and now send it out, periodically adding new items to your track record? No wonder you so rarely get an answer. Our consultant Anton Kalabin advises writing a resume tailored to a potential employer.

“Study the work of other companies in the same business sector,” advises Ms. Shikova. - Companies, as a rule, implement projects similar to those used by competitors. It’s your experience in carrying out projects that the employer needs that your resume should focus on.” If, for example, all competitors of a potential employer use direct mailing to attract clients, write a resume stating that you have experience in organizing it. Don't forget to practice on mice before this.

While maintaining the standard form (full name, education, work experience, etc.), place emphasis so that information about you is in harmony with the characteristics and needs of the company. Just studying the company's website will give you many clues to this. Talk more about what might interest the employer.

Feel free to overestimate (but not too much) the salary that the employer promises. This will indicate that although you cost more, you are willing to consider lower compensation for your efforts. If a manager is greedy, he will want to get such a highly paid employee for less money.

Dirty game #1*
Play on the company's urgent need for a specialized specialist needed to implement a specific project. Find out who exactly the company needs and to solve what problems, collect all the information about the organization, try to get insider information. Analyze everything and present yourself as the ideal candidate, which you are unlikely to be. (This technique was also used by Ostap Bender. Do you remember how he got a job as an artist on a ship, having heard out of the corner of his ear that a poster artist was desperately needed on board?) When an employer needs a specialist with some unique skills, you can easily achieve maximum size rates. (Ostap, for example, in addition to payment, demanded a first-class cabin, a free table and a place for a boy assistant.) If this is the position of a top manager, you, even without having the necessary skills, will hold on for six months (this is average term to find out what a specialist is worth in such a position), or even a year.

By the way, the amount you request can be judged on your professionalism. Wage growth resembles an arms race. Most companies try to outbid ready-made specialists from competitors, and such a purchase implies an increase in the base salary by 20-30%. And when moving from a Western company to a not very prestigious Russian company, your salary can double. (“A well-known alcohol company, buying top managers from the best Western companies, raised salaries at least twice. Most of them left the company within a year and a half. Accordingly, the next potential employer will be forced to raise salaries by another 15-20 percent,” - explains Elena). As a result, starting salary often depends on the number of positions an employee has held.

If your resume shows that you worked in each place for no more than a year and a half, this fact is perceived negatively. Therefore, the track record should make clear the logic of movements or reduce a number of points. By doing this, you will at the same time reduce your message - it is advisable that it fits on one sheet of paper. This way you will save the time of the person who will study it. But if you really have something to show off, increasing the volume won't hurt.

To be more credible, your resume should be entirely positive. In the column " Weaknesses“honestly admit to some minor sins: “I’m afraid of mice,” “I snore.”

And remember: the point of a resume is not to get a job, but only to get an invitation to an interview.

*Note by Phacochoerus"a Funtik:
« On these yellow cards we give you tips on how to play dirty for a salary increase. If you implement them, remember: their effectiveness is a short-term phenomenon, but you will ruin your reputation for a long time».

3rd stage
Pass the interview

We won't tell you how to avoid anxiety during an interview. You know very well that the only way to achieve this - drink two hundred grams of vodka, and fill the smell with a head of garlic. So let's move on to more pressing issues.

Dirty game #2
A resume is not official document, therefore you do not bear any responsibility for misrepresentation of facts. Lie recklessly. Think about your previous place of work. Increase your importance by ascribing a high position to yourself (“From 1999 to 2013, he worked as a janitor. In reality, he served as the president of the company.”) Any achievements that yours has achieved former organization, attribute it to yourself.
“In the mid-90s,” recalls Elena Shikova, “when employers even required work experience for the position of a cleaner, many came up with legends for themselves. For example, one graduate of the history department bought a textbook on marketing, read a couple of chapters and, having prepared an appropriate resume, got a job as a marketing manager in a small company. Three years later, he took the position of marketing director of a large construction company, without receiving any special education.”

Find out about local corporate standards in advance appearance. In many offices it is customary to wear such formal suits, in comparison with which the clothes of a person who came to a funeral resemble the stage outfit of Valery Leontyev. “There is another extreme,” Elena notes. - For example, at a well-known beverage company, a person who comes to an interview in a suit and tie is suspicious. The same thing is observed among designers and programmers.”

Start your meeting with the employer by telling about yourself. Skip the first years of life. The speech should last 4-6 minutes. (“In less time, you are unlikely to begin to feel comfortable in each other’s company, and in more time, you can get bored,” notes Anton.) Tell us about projects in which you are proud to participate, and also give a compliment to the hiring company. Don't be afraid, you won't be perceived as a flatterer. For the employer, you are a stranger, and your opinion will sound independent.

Among other things, you will definitely be asked: a) the reason for leaving previous places; b) about what you do for your professional growth; c) why do you want to work here. Prepare your answers ahead of time. To answer the first one, don't criticize your former boss. “People who express resentment towards a leader are perceived as immature and lacking independence,” says Elena. Come up with a more beautiful explanation for leaving: “I was invited to work there just for one project.” Or, something more realistic: “I found out that our office was built on the site of an old gypsy cemetery.” Answer questions in which you feel your position is shaky, right away in your resume. Then, most likely, they will not be asked. Leave topics you are confident in for the interview. Ms. Shikova says real case: “In starting positions they often write an age limit of up to 30 years. A 33-year-old applicant was interviewed for the position of a representative in a Western company. In the first questionnaire, he wrote that he was 28. Having gone through all the stages of the interview, he indicated his real age, which after the director’s visa no longer mattered.”

Dirty game #3
If you do not count on a long-term relationship with your employer, you don’t have to stand on ceremony with him. Once you are confident in the reliability of the position you occupy and feel that your candidacy suits the employer, set the bar as high as possible (in this case, it is better not to indicate any wishes regarding salary in your resume). The ideal situation is when the interview takes place in several stages and is carried out different people. When you move on to bidding, say that you named this exact amount from the very beginning.

Having information about the company, you can always come up with questions that are pleasant to answer. Alternating these pleasant questions (about the company’s achievements) and necessary ones (about your future work), you will gradually come to the main thing for you - bargaining about your salary. “Bargaining is the shortest part of negotiations. The longer it lasts, the worse the employer will treat you,” emphasizes Anton Kalabin. After listening to the employer’s offer, name an amount that exceeds it by 15-30% (but not higher than the one you indicated in your resume). Anton advises to support your counter-offer with a phrase, the meaning of which lies in your belief that you are worth more (“If I agree to a lower amount, it will turn out that I underestimate myself as a specialist”).

If you receive a refusal, immediately decide whether to agree or leave, slamming the elevator doors. Continuing to bargain further is, firstly, not solid, and secondly, useless. However, even if the bargaining was unsuccessful, but you decided to accept the offer, make a reserve for the future. Express your confidence that after you prove yourself in business, the salary issue will be reconsidered. By this you will once again emphasize that you value yourself more highly, but, as a reasonable person, you agree to wait. The employer will be convinced that you are primarily interested in working for this company.

4th stage
Strengthening positions

So, you're accepted. A week later, after asking leading questions in the smoking room, find out the name of your position. If you have been mistakenly appointed as an “honorary vice-director”, you can relax and concentrate on solving Sudoku. When occupying a position where you need to work hard, start implementing a small but bright project that everyone will remember. “This could be transferring all employees’ mobile phones to a cheap corporate tariff or organizing lunch delivery,” suggests Elena. It is difficult to fail such a project, and your arrival at the company will be noticed.

Don't let yourself be forgotten. Every year you must carry out three exciting projects. After completing each one, you should report on achievements achieved to the head of the company and thank (in writing, or even with the organization of a banquet) everyone who took part in it. Although you will emphasize that the result obtained is the merit of the entire team, the project will be associated with you.

Your career also depends on your colleagues who are equal in rank to you. Friendly relations with them are the key to your future well-being. And not only because any organization is constantly in motion and the person who occupied the next table can become the boss and force you to drag this table to your new office.

Dirty game #4
If you take a position that exceeds your competence, you will probably make a lot of mistakes. If your predecessor did not move to a higher position in the company, but left it, at first you can blame everything on him, citing the fact that the transfer of affairs was carried out poorly. In the case where your “forerunner” remains in the same company, extend the acceptance of cases for as long as possible. By this way, you will let your superiors know how important and difficult your position is.

Praise addressed to you by a colleague will distinguish you from the general environment much better than a report on your successes, which you present to your boss yourself. “People are more likely to trust information received from an independent source,” says Anton.

It is worth advertising yourself not only within the company, but also outside it. Much easier to get good offer when it’s not you who is interested in the job, but the employer who wants to buy you. To do this, they must know about your existence. “Having made a high-profile project, do not forget to announce it on the market in the form of an article or participation in a conference,” recommends Elena. - In one of the domestic banks, it is customary to change the main composition every two years. Bank managers who attended conferences and published articles about the projects in which they took part had no difficulty getting jobs elsewhere.”

5th stage
All higher

Dirty game #5
The fastest career growth is possible if you start moving very quickly from one company to another, each time getting a higher and higher position. There is no need to be especially stressed at work. The main thing is to take new position, receive a salary for a while, and then quit before they decide to douse you with fuel oil, roll you in scraps of paper from a shredder, and in this form carry you through the corridors on a chair with wheels before kicking you out. Every dismissal should be quiet. Leaving with a scandal is fraught with the fact that people will find out about your real (zero) work results large number people.

Sooner or later you will reach your salary cap. It’s good if this happens a week before retirement. What if not? Always keep in mind that the next assignment from your superiors can become a new step in your career. Having correctly assessed the situation, it is easy to understand how important the completion of this task is for the manager. The more urgent it is, the more he depends on you, and thanks to this you can use soft blackmail. No, you shouldn't demand money! Ask for new authority, explaining that once you receive it, you will be able to complete the task more efficiently. Even if the task is not solved, the authority will remain with you.

At the same time, it is important to emphasize that it would be good to combine the expansion of your powers with the assignment of a new, louder “title” to you. Your functions will remain the same, but instead of “sales specialist,” you should now be called “lead sales specialist” or “governor general of sales.” (It’s rare that a boss will refuse such a small thing. The status of a manager is made up of the statuses of his subordinates. By increasing your importance, he increases his own.) Next, according to Mr. Kalabin, the “law of correspondence” begins to operate. After some time, the people on whom your salary depends will definitely reconsider it. You may be doing the same thing as your colleagues, but your status is higher! So why in this case do you receive the same salary as them?

Dirty game #6
It will be impossible to sit you down if the bosses begin to believe that you are the only worthwhile employee. Blame your subordinates for any of your failures. This must be done wisely. You must find excuses for their miscalculations, otherwise you may be accused of inability to set tasks. And they will be right: after all, you will specifically entrust tasks to those subordinates who with most likely they will be overwhelmed.

The second way out of the salary impasse is to have a successor. If you are so good that even two adults cannot replace you and strong men, it is unlikely that your boss will decide on your further promotion. After all, then the front of work for which you were responsible is at risk. Find a suitable employee, bring him up to date with your affairs and often let your manager know that new talent is growing under your wing.

If you have outgrown your company, the only thing you can do is leave it for a more promising company. Downtime and routine will result in degradation for you as a specialist. Now you have to go through the entire path we described from the first stage again, but in the next round and in a more expensive suit.

Each of us dreams of a job that brings pleasure and a comfortable level of income. But as soon as it comes to wages, most begin to be tormented by doubts, trying to find an answer to eternal question: “How much am I worth on the labor market?”

This is really difficult question, because you have noticed more than once that the salary level for the same position in different companies can vary up to 30-40%.

Let's figure out what this depends on and how not to make a mistake when voicing the coveted number at an interview. And the head of the selection department at, Irina Pevnaya, will help us with this.

The first and easiest way is to contact ready-made research labor market. The leaders in this direction are large job sites - and superjob.

Analytics results are published on their official websites and often include not only intermediate level wages for a specific position, but also level of competition in each functional area.

For example, you can see how many people are applying for one job in logistics, marketing, finance, or any other function of your choice.

In addition, you can find out how salaries for your position differ in Moscow and the regions of Russia, find out what skills are most in demand among employers at this point in time, in what area the greatest number vacancies.

Tip 2. If you want to be a leader, immediately study agency reviews

If your position is classified as managerial, then in addition to recruiting sites, it would be useful to turn to reviews published by large Russian and international executive search agencies. They reflect exclusively management positions and provide an overview of both compensation levels and structure social package, bonus component.

In a joint study with in 2016, Antal analyzed the average minimum and maximum salaries for various management positions and found that the gap could reach up to 200%. So, the minimum salary in Russia is 300 thousand rubles, and the maximum is 800 thousand rubles per month.

Much can be learned from such studies. useful information, and we strongly advise you to familiarize yourself with their results.

You can conduct your own analytics using the resume database of large job sites. For this take advantage resume search function and see what numbers are indicated in the resumes of applicants with similar experience and professional skills with you.

This method will allow you to develop a general understanding and come up with an average figure, even though many candidates choose not to specify their financial expectations. In addition, you will be able to evaluate how other applicants write in their resumes and get ideas for improving your own.

Method 4. Study how much your competitors are worth

Be sure to carefully analyze what salary level employers offer for most of the vacancies that interest you, but do not forget that your experience must fully meet the stated requirements.

Often, employers do not indicate the exact “salary range”, but write the amount in the format “UP TO 120,000” or “FROM 70,000”. In practice, this figure can either increase or decrease depending on the candidate’s experience, but usually varies between 10-20%.

No less useful will be the experience of communicating with representatives of HR services of companies in your industry. Who else but them should know how much candidates of your level are now paid on average in competing companies.

You can go further and post your resume on a job site. If in at the moment you work and don’t want your employer to catch you being disloyal, opt for anonymity. Change your full name, contact phone number, email and hide the names of the companies you worked for.

If these conditions are met, it will be quite difficult to identify you, and you can listen without risk to what vacancies are offered by recruiters and recruiting agency consultants, because not all vacancies are posted by them in the public domain.

Perhaps in the process of communication you will understand that your current income is significantly below the market. Or, on the contrary, it turns out that there are no interesting offers at all, and it makes no sense to exchange an awl for soap.

When choosing this method, it is important to consider two factors:

  • Firstly, if you are hiding the names of companies, be sure to indicate at least the basic characteristics of the business so that the recruiter understands the scale of which companies you are dealing with. Otherwise, the resume will turn out to be completely “blind”, and this will lead to a large number of irrelevant calls.
  • Secondly, before asking a question about the salary level, be sure to delve into the job description, clarify the questions you are interested in, understand the specifics and scope of the tasks facing the new employee. Only in this case will you be able to form an objective picture, because the level of payment in most cases directly depends on the complexity of the functionality.

It wouldn't hurt to go for interviews with companies that are potentially interesting to you, because any interview is... That great way stay in shape, develop self-presentation skills. It’s not for nothing that they say that there are candidates who know how to “sell” themselves, and this requires practice.

The main thing here is not to overdo it with their number, as this may negatively affect your reputation and rumors about your disloyalty will reach your current employer, which can sometimes lead to dismissal.

Several interviews a year are enough to maintain confidence in one’s own demand in the labor market.

Don’t miss the opportunity to meet consultants from large agencies; they often have a large number of interesting vacancies accumulated in their hands, and if you build your communication correctly and make friends for the future, you will provide yourself with offers for several years to come.

Be sure to use social and professional networks to obtain useful information about the job market. The optimal choice would be Facebook and LinkedIn. Although the latter is blocked in Russia, I assure you that they continue to use it, especially when selecting middle and senior managers.

Join professional groups or HR communities, see what vacancies are published there, who HR specialists are most often looking for.

If you are faced with problems finding a job, then you can discuss issues that concern you by opening a discussion on Facebook. Very often, HR specialists themselves join in the “hot” discussions, ready to help with advice or even offer to consider a vacancy in their company.

Every year more and more vacancies are published not on job sites, but in social networksthis allows the employer to save budget and reach a wider audience of professionals.

And it is on social networks that job seekers are increasingly publishing their stories about unsuccessful interviews and dishonest employers, and this information is now worth its weight in gold, because there are no fewer companies that do not comply with the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

Among the most popular job search groups on Facebook, we would highlight:

“Money doesn’t buy happiness,” it says folk wisdom. In the modern edition, it may well have a continuation: “... and in work that brings money and gives pleasure.” But for this pleasure to be as complete as possible, the salary must, at a minimum, correspond to the market level. How to calculate the salary level you can qualify for?

Recommendations will help you correctly assess your market value.

What are the dangers of large requests?
Already at the first interview, the recruiter, as a rule, is interested in what salary you are expecting. It is customary to indicate the approximate amount of remuneration in the resume. At the same time, each applicant is faced with the question: what salary should be negotiated in order to ensure financial interest and at the same time not scare off the employer with a high price? It is worth saying that recruiters are put off by both too low and too low high level requests: in the first case, they are afraid of insufficient work experience and lack of professionalism, in the second - of excessive ambition and inflated self-esteem of the candidate.

In other words, for successful employment you need to calculate in advance an adequate level of earnings that is suitable for you as a specialist with certain experience and skills.

Where and who gets paid more?
The starting point for calculations is determined by your specialty. It is well known that in the labor market some professions are valued higher than others: the general market law of supply and demand applies. So, if there are not enough competent IT specialists today, then their work will be better paid. On the contrary, if there are much more resumes for a journalist position than there are vacancies, the sharks of the pen, especially beginners, cannot count on a high salary.

The second important factor for calculating an adequate salary is the city or town in which you are looking for work. About what is in the capital and major cities pay more than in small populated areas, everyone knows, but how to calculate an acceptable salary level in your region? You can do it yourself: look at job advertisements and resumes of fellow competitors in your specialty in your city. The second way is to familiarize yourself with the website on the portal and calculate a certain average level.

Adjusted for experience
So, the average level of wages in your specialty and in your city has been determined. However, do not rush to write the resulting figure on your resume - this is just “the average temperature in the hospital.” Adjust the resulting average value taking into account your experience: lower the bar if you are a beginner, and, on the contrary, raise it if you have already become a pro. There is no single methodology here - the calculation highly depends on the specific specialty, so we recommend that you rely on common sense and the results of relevant research on the site.

For example, according to our data, in Moscow it is 60,000 rubles. At the same time, the salary of a beginning specialist in this field with 1 year of experience will start at 40,000 rubles, and the maximum income of a professional with 5 years of experience can reach 130,000 rubles.

Experience in a specific industry or with specific issues is also important for calculating salary levels. For example, a PR manager with experience in the construction industry who is employed in construction company, will cost significantly more than its competitor, who previously worked in show business.

Does a second degree affect salary?
What else is important when calculating the salary level that is adequate for you? Education influences to a certain extent: according to Research Center portal website, prestigious university specialty or MBA for executives (especially in foreign companies), although they are not decisive in finding a job, they can still add some points to you when calculating your salary.

However, it is worth considering that the employer pays for the work, and not for “Courtes” and diplomas. When working as an accountant, be prepared for the fact that a second higher education in psychology will not affect your income in any way. It is unlikely that your salary and academic degree will increase if you do not work in the field of science or higher education.

Certificates, certificates, diplomas...
Paradoxical as it may seem, a much greater impact on your salary can be had not by a labor-intensive and expensive second higher education, but by completing short-term courses in the most topical issues your specialty - topics that are not yet in the university curriculum.

Thus, for a marketing manager today, a certificate of participation in a seminar on promoting goods and services on social networks can be extremely useful (and significant in terms of salary calculation). For an engineer - a certificate of completion of training in design in modern automated systems. For a specialist personnel records management– Diploma of participation in a seminar on innovations in labor legislation.

How much does it cost to know English?
According to generally accepted opinion, it increases wages and... However, this is not entirely true: an employer will pay extra for excellent language skills only when it is really necessary in daily work, for example, in a foreign company.

What else has a positive effect on salary? Knowledge of special computer programs, availability of relevant information for work, knowledge of related fields and much more. Having assessed your place in the existing coordinate system, determine the final level of your aspirations.

Please note that in the process of negotiations with the employer, you may have to show loyalty and somewhat reduce your demands. That is why some applicants indicate in their resume a figure that is 5-10% higher than what they expect to receive. Whether to use this experience is up to you, taking into account all the circumstances of your employment.

Money is a vital category, including: success, recognition, fear, rejection. An indispensable component of one person's life is the eternal fear of prison and scrip. For another type, earning money is a competition with fate. A financial maturity test will tell you what salary you deserve.

What influences wealth?

The attitude towards money does not depend on the way you earn money or the size of your bank account. I can name many people who eke out a miserable existence as entrepreneurs. Patch experts earn enough income to satisfy their whims. A wish thrown after him: “May you live on one salary!” will touch the nerve of a low-skilled worker.

Attitude to money is the ability to earn and spend wisely. Cash in circulation is a chance to earn income, but the amount of winnings is inversely proportional to the risk. No amount of income will satisfy the unbridled desire for pleasure.

Find out the real reason your financial dissatisfaction. Choose a topic, take the tests, check the answers. This is the only way you can find out what to claim in the future.

Believe in your strength, don't get stuck on worries. The salary text will determine your ability to avoid repeating your parents' plight. Take the quiz on the topic cash to identify potential in the financial field.

The restless soul of one person knows no peace. With the same income, a colleague lives for his own pleasure. A salary test will help you understand your level of anxiety and confidence in your abilities. The money quiz will determine the true value of money in your life.

Living in abundance is every person’s dream, but not everyone can achieve it. Take the salary test - a push to think: Who am I and what are my talents? A test on the topic of money will determine the ability to engage in entrepreneurship.