Dog. Chinese Eastern horoscope. Chinese horoscope dog. full characteristics of the sign. compatibility with other signs

Compatibility horoscope: zodiac sign Cancer year of the dog characteristics - the most full description, only proven theories based on astrological observations of several millennia.

He acts decisively even where it is better to retreat and not be provoked. A rich sensory range contributes to developed imagination. His dreams often have nothing to do with real plans for the future. I'm used to living one day at a time.

Cancer Man – Dog

He loves money and knows how to earn it. In pursuit of prosperity, he is capable of taking unjustified risks. He loves luxury and is ready to work hard for it.

Cancer Woman – Dog

Bright and creative. He always wants to be visible, and therefore prefers to work in large companies. Due to his unconventional approach to solving problems, he easily becomes a leader. Capable of pulling off a large and complex project. Appearance always corresponds to high social status. Prefers catchy crazy things and skillfully combines them.

Cancer-Dog Man

The relationship between a woman and a man is very complex. It is quite difficult for representatives of both sexes to understand each other. Especially if, according to their zodiac signs, they have little compatibility in love. The heart doesn't always tell you what's done right choice. It is better to turn to the horoscope in a difficult situation.

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Characteristics of a Cancer – Dog man

The Cancer Dog man is a fairly flexible nature. Outwardly, everything seems easy for him. It is soft and pliable, i.e. knows how to adapt well to the current situation. However, this is not entirely true. The representative of this zodiac sign only seems so soft-bodied. In fact, he has a solid core of life positions. He never allows him to abandon the work he has begun, bringing a good deed into the world.

Dog Man – Cancer is realistic person. He does not believe in miracles, he never fantasizes. Everything is extremely simple for him. The only thing that matters is what is real, what you can touch and use. These guys never whine about nothing. They don't tend to get depressed. Especially when it comes to thinking about the meaning of existence. They clearly know what a person should do and always follow the required path. It seems that such a person should be too serious, sometimes boring. But the guy himself understands this, so he always resorts to irony and sarcasm to brighten the situation.

The Cancer Dog man always lives in strict order. But he always makes it himself. This is the only way he believes he should live.

The character of the representative of this zodiac sign is ambiguous. On the one hand, he has a very developed intuition, which can help him achieve whatever he wants. But often this guy doesn’t listen to her at all, but goes to his goal with the help of cunning and resourcefulness.

Some representatives of this zodiac sign are interested in occult sciences. They believe in mysticism. But they are exceptions to the rule. The rest of the guys are quite down-to-earth people with ordinary human needs.

Because The Cancer-Dog man has his own clear position in life, he strictly follows it and demands it from others. However, he does not tolerate any objections. Everything should be the way he intended it.

For every situation in life, a guy born in the year of the Dog under the sign of Cancer has his own solution. Such scenarios make his existence easier. People around him think that he bends to the circumstances. But no one assumes that this decision always agrees with the heart, intuition and mind of this guy.

Although the Cancer Dog man has clear, realistic views on life, they do not always extend to his career. For him, a comfortable position is more important than an awkward promotion as a specialist at work. This guy needs a good incentive to move. This is not even a financial reward, but a competitive struggle between employees, a conflict with the boss. Then the Cancer-Dog man does everything to prove that his life position and aspirations are the most correct. No one can simply argue against this. In his opinion, this cannot be done.

If there are no stimulating factors in the life of a representative of this zodiac sign, he will remain on the line of the golden mean. On the one hand, he will not be in poverty, but on the other hand, he will not achieve any success.

Compatibility in love between Cancer and Dog men

Relationships with a woman are important for a representative of this zodiac sign only because their nature requires it. Those. Physical contact for these guys is more significant than a spiritual connection. They are much more comfortable being alone than trying to educate a loved one, convincing them that only his position in life can be correct. Therefore, they need a woman only for physical intimacy.

In their youth they change girls very often. They don't really focus their attention on what kind of girl she is. They don't care about her inner world. The main thing was that it was physically attractive. If a representative of the opposite sex begins to count on a deep relationship, then such a connection is immediately interrupted by the man. It is more convenient for him to remain alone than to endure all the hardships of intersexual relationships.

Outwardly, such a guy often attracts women to him. However, they still do not suspect his true intentions. It’s even hard to think how cruel a representative of this zodiac sign can be in a love relationship. His callousness and insensitivity cannot overcome even a passionate intimate relationship.

In adulthood, a Cancer-Dog man can get married. However, his soulmate will have to accept him completely with a firm position in life without any emotions or experiences. You will rarely hear any words of love from him. He will show his feelings during sexual intercourse. This guy thinks that this is quite enough. Not every woman can accept all this. The most suitable signs for him are Horse, Dog and Tiger. Ladies Dragons, Monkeys and Rats will immediately see through his intentions. They won't be able to connect with these girls. Yes, they don’t particularly strive for this. Often they have neither a wife nor children. Their lives are devoted to completely different realities.

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Horoscope of the Zodiac sign Cancer, born in the year of the Dog

Both the Zodiac sign and the eastern sign of a person’s year of birth have individual properties, qualities and conditions, which are mainly manifested in the character of a person and his relationships in society.

It is important to pay attention to the fact that the Zodiac and the eastern years are formed from twelve parallel vertical levels, on the basis of which people exhibit certain methods of behavior and react to individual conditions in circumstances in the form of the attitude of interacting people towards them.

The Zodiac sign forms tactical abilities in a person’s character and represents one of the twelve levels of behavioral methodology.

The eastern sign of the year of birth shapes for a person the conditions and laws of the external environment, his relationships with people around him, in which he uses his own method of behavior assigned by the Zodiac sign. The year of birth assigns a person one of twelve levels for self-realization. The eastern sign is called a strategy, since it forms a field of activity for a person and on this field the eastern sign manifests the laws and principles of the attitude of people around him to a person.

Cancer is the fourth sign of the Zodiac in the natural hierarchy of society. People of this zodiac sign, by nature of their birth, are consistent and scrupulously attentive to the point of some slowness.

The specialty of the Zodiac sign Cancer is “ accountant" A person of this zodiac sign is able to effectively calculate financial flows, expenses and income, and is able to practically implement assigned tasks. Cancer lives by the principle: “ You are everything" He has the greatest opinion of himself and is infinitely proud to the point of hidden malice. Cancer indirectly affects people in relationships and in work; it defeats competitors by starvation. Cancer tends to deceive people and easily resorts to violence when necessary and possible. At the same time, it significantly forms the image of an honest and trustworthy person.

Eastern sign Year of the Dog – 1910, 1922, 1934,1946,1958, 1970, 1982, 1994, 2006, 2018, 2030, 2042, 2054.

The Year of the Dog forms a natural strategy, a field for relationships at the fourth level of circumstances. People born in the year of the Dog are surrounded by relationships with people who absorb a lot of attention into their ongoing processes of thinking and imagination. Regardless of the Zodiac sign, a person born in the year of the Dog has to participate in work processes in which interacting people are engaged in “ accounting activities " Interacting people show interest in a person born in the year of the Dog, in order to extract something interesting or useful, more related to finances. The people around you, regardless of their zodiac signs and Eastern years in the presence of a person born in the year of the Dog, they exhibit increased intuition and emotional mood. People interacting with a person born in the year of the Dog conduct relationships according to the principle of the Zodiac sign Cancer: “ You are everything ! ».

Horoscope of the Zodiac sign Cancer, born in the year of the Dog.

This combination of signs in a person is manifested by inquisitive behavior in relationships with financially interested people. This person is emotional due to weak internal self-control. Cancer is precise in the words and goals of his plans, he tries to influence the mood of the people around him. Zodiac sign Cancer is prone to secretive leadership in all relationships, regardless of their field of activity. The Year of the Dog, through the capabilities of interacting people, creates the conditions for financial settlements and relationships in society. Zodiac sign Cancer, born in the year of the Dog, is in circumstances in which he has to compete with people of pack instinct. This person overcomes the flattery and deceit of those around him, which he himself displays much more often. At the same time, he involves others in the decision of his and common tasks, trying to be a leader. Interacting people tend to obey to this person without realizing it, since sometimes they can fall under his hypnosis.

You can get much more detailed characteristics by zodiac sign and year of birth in the programs “ Individual scanner" And " Crown of Education" In these programs, the terminology of horoscopes, zodiac or eastern years is excluded. The programs use the terminology of psychology, theology and physics. This combination forms a new scientific approach to the human information structure, which is called “ Psychonomy ».

zodiac sign cancer year of the dog characteristics

Sensitive Dog. Overly vulnerable.

Zodiac horoscope: sign Cancer

Cancer-Dogs often seem cold and indifferent, but in fact they are one of the most sensitive and vulnerable people. They value family very much, but can be possessive towards their loved ones.

The dog in Chinese astrology is considered a sign of compassion and natural loyalty. Cancer-Dog men and women are people who study the benevolent aura around them. These people thrive on fairness and usually treat others the way they would like to be treated.

Cancer-Dog people are very compassionate, loyal and hear not only their own point of view, but also all the reasons for people’s complaints. They hate injustice and will not calmly watch if they are treated unfairly.

When dealing with strangers, they become a little instinctively cautious, which is why they never relax at the beginning of a relationship. They may be a little shy at first and may need some talking to get them to relax, but once they feel comfortable they will begin to act at ease.

They are good listeners, will not judge, will give you impartial and practical advice. Their all-round versatility and ability to do multiple things at once makes these people popular and they never lack friends and allies. These people value friendship and deep loyalty and often look for these very qualities in their partner.

These people have a wonderful character, the only weakness in their personality is that they are stubborn, capricious and demanding at times. However, all these qualities appear only during periods of anxiety and restlessness.

A dog of the Cancer zodiac sign can become a hostage to his passions. She is able to rush anywhere for anything, as long as she likes it. This is her strength and weakness.

Being easy-going, the cancer dog does not sway when it is necessary to make unexpected decisions. At the same time, it simply does not occur to him to understand the recklessness of such situations. I saw it, I wanted it, I did it - and come what may. The Cancer dog is able to grasp the situation on the fly, which allows him to make not only successful, but also fair decisions. Such qualities, of course, are not wasted.

The Cancer dog woman has an idealistic mindset, but is not averse to indulging her weaknesses. The emotional component occupies perhaps the most important place in the lives of such people. Being materialists, they can get carried away by religion, without forgetting about all the existing entertainment.

The ability to captivate others takes the cancer dog so far that they are able to pass off their own fantasies as real views and situations. Attempts to bring them to life create a lot of problems for these dogs, which, however, they know how to ignore. The ups and downs of life interest these people only as something that accompanies their passions, hobbies and inclinations.

Cancer dog men make good writers. Sexually they are at least interesting, but they are hardly created for family life.

Horoscope Cancer-Dog

According to the Cancer-Dog horoscope, only outwardly he looks cold-blooded. In fact, such a person is vulnerable, sensitive and sensitive. His family comes first. Although, he can be a terrible egoist in it.

If a little-known person appears next to a Cancer-Dog, they will become overly cautious. In love relationships, they are modest, indecisive and silent. Once they feel calm, their behavior will instantly change for the better.

Horoscope for combining Cancer with others eastern signs:

Horoscope for combining other zodiac signs with eastern signs:

horoscope for January 2018

Dog - Cancer

Russian naval commander Pavel Nakhimov. Soviet and Russian musician Valery Kipelov. French fashion designer Pierre Cardin. German writer Erich Maria Remarque. Chinese actor Bolo Yeung. Polish painter Jan Matejko. Soviet and Russian director, actor Alexander Shirvindt. French singer Mireille Mathieu. American politician, 43rd President George Bush. German gunsmith Peter Paul Mauser.

Cancer, born in the year of the Dog, becomes decisive in actions, but this determination is rarely beneficial. This person has a good imagination, but his impressionability and emotionality often make the Cancer Dog hover in the clouds for a long time.


Dog-Cancer man is passionate and life-loving. He knows a lot about money and knows how to earn it, but sometimes he is capable of rash steps in pursuit of material well-being. He is burdened by expensive things, luxurious furnishings in the house and beautiful clothes. In his understanding, all these things are the main measure of success. For the sake of these benefits, he is ready to work long and hard. In personal relationships, the Dog-Cancer man is somewhat selfish and unprincipled. He is too immersed in his inner world, in his experiences, not noticing anything and anyone around him. Such a man needs to learn to listen to his soulmate and her emotions.


The Cancer Dog woman is capricious, bright, and active. She loves being around a lot of people and working in large companies. Her active life position and the passion inherent in this combination often lead such a woman to management positions or to large-scale events, where she plays an important role. Such a lady is characterized by extravagance for momentary whims, she loves to “show off”, but she does not “sparkle” in a tasteless way, but by standing out from the rest with ideal expensive things. In relationships with the opposite sex, the Dog-Cancer woman is capricious and not always pliable. She is quite difficult to please; such an extraordinary lady requires a non-standard approach.

The Cancer Dog is a cheerful companion and companion with a good imagination. This person lives here and now, his emotions dictate their own rules of behavior and worldview in general.

Characteristics of Cancer-Dog Man

People born during this period sometimes make hasty decisions. They act spontaneously, changing their plans depending on the circumstances. Cancer-Dogs are friendly, sociable, and positive. They love to make new acquaintances and are sensitive interlocutors.

Personality Traits of Cancer of the Year of the Dog

Such men strive for wealth, they are very interested in career growth. Cancer-Dogs are always looking for profitable opportunities and, if necessary, are ready to take risks. They are gambling and, to a certain extent, mercantile. Cancer-Dogs are well-versed in business and know how to find business partners. Sometimes they fail to realize their ideas due to haste and carelessness.

Character of the Dog-Man of the Cancer sign

Representatives of this type are positive and usually have many friends and like-minded people. Cancer-Dogs are prone to stress, but try to develop endurance and resilience. They are optimistic about what is happening, counting on success and fame. Such people do not tolerate criticism well and react violently to statements addressed to them. Men belonging to this type are distinguished by determination and perseverance.

Personal life of Cancer-Dog Men

People whose horoscope includes this combination do not attach much importance to formalities. They can live in a civil marriage and not rush into getting married. Cancer-Dogs feel comfortable in the lungs and warm relations, they are looking for an understanding and affectionate partner. Sometimes Cancer-Dog men ignore the advice of loved ones and prefer to be guided by their own opinion in everything.

Dog Cancer characteristics

Sensitive Dog - this is how Cancer men and women born in the corresponding year can be characterized. eastern calendar. A most interesting merger Cancer and Dog gives the world the most devoted and fair people. They are great friends, good spouses and simply magical parents.

A dog born under the constellation Cancer sometimes becomes dependent on his passions. She is capable of rushing to the “end of the world” for something if she so wants. This is her strength and weak side simultaneously. “Easy to climb” - this property ensures quick adoption of unexpected decisions, without prolonged swaying. But this does not take into account the recklessness of such situations. I see, I want, I do - between these stages Cancer-Dogs have no break. “Come what may” - this is the main credo of such people. They manage to correctly and quickly navigate the situation, as a result of which not only quick, but also fair decisions are often made. Therefore, it is these people who are quickly gaining popularity.

Sociability and friendliness allow the Cancer Dog to make many friends. But only those close to him can be sincerely devoted, but only a few can be included in their number. But for them there will never be refusals.

Cancer dog man

Being born in the year of the Dog under the constellation Cancer makes a representative of the stronger sex withdrawn, but at the same time emotional and decisive. The versatility of his nature is manifested in his relationships with others. He is always ready to help, but prefers not to share his own problems.

Among the famous men of this combination of horoscopes there are many talented writers, sophisticated artists, rude politicians, successful businessmen and interesting actors.

Characteristics of a Cancer Dog man looks like this:

An uncompromising defender of his interests;

An unbending fighter for ideals;

Practical but idealist;

The owner of an extraordinary will, which he rarely puts into practice, so as not to offend anyone;

A person prone to sublime feelings, but he himself is deceived and deceives others.

If you touch love relationship, the Cancer Dog man is extremely interesting as a sexual partner, but completely unsuitable for family life. Domostroy is not for him. And he is not going to limit himself to one beloved.

Characteristics of a Cancer Dog woman

The representative of this combination of horoscopes is an elegant, seductive creature. She has an irresistible force of attraction for male attention. No one can resist her magical charm. Shrouded in mystery, she is in a romantic mood.

The unusually beautiful Cancer woman, born in the year of the Dog, has acute intuition bordering on the gift of clairvoyance. She successfully masters knowledge in the field of mysticism that has come to modern reality from ancient times. Scrupulousness in relation to relatives, to the memory of the past of ancestors - characteristic feature Cancer Dog women.

The weakness of such a lady is vulnerability, closedness to people and, as a result, susceptibility to depression. But, despite this, she is friendly and sociable, compassionate and shows compassion to everyone who needs her. Moreover, he not only gives advice, but also, after listening carefully to the person, provides real help. This is how Dog and Cancer influence the formation of personality traits.

But these same signs also endow a woman with negative qualities, such as:

For her husband, the Cancer Dog woman does everything in her power. She knows how to create a cozy atmosphere at home, filled with warmth, maintains impeccable cleanliness and cooks superbly. In addition, her husband will not be left without sympathetic attention and will be raised to a worthy height. Because such a wife knows how to respect her chosen one.

Most of the world lives according to the Eastern Chinese calendar. As you know, there are 12 different animals - symbols of the year. Many people want to know what character traits the year of birth gives them and what fate has in store for them as a person born in the year of the Dog? Every year has a characteristic, and each one has its own. In this article we will look at the personality traits of people who were born in the year of the Dog.

When was and will be the Year of the Dog?

According to chronology, there is a 60-year cycle, divided into 5 parts of 12 years. Each year is assigned one animal in the following order: Rat, Ox, Tiger, Rabbit, Dragon, Snake, Horse, Goat, Monkey, Rooster, Dog and Boar. In addition, each year corresponds to a specific element: Earth, Water, Fire, Wood and Metal, also divided by color: blue, red, yellow, white, black.

As already mentioned, there are 12 varieties of symbolic affiliation of the year, that is, each of them will be repeated again after 12 years. The Year of the Dog was or will only begin in:

  • 1958;
  • 1970;
  • 1982;
  • 1994;
  • 2006;
  • 2018.

As you can see, the calculations are very basic, and determining which animal year you were born in is not difficult.

Born in the year of the Dog: characteristics

The Eastern horoscope characterizes the Dog as the most positive of all characters, but not everything is perfect for her. Let's consider the positive and negative aspects people born in the year of the dog.

Positive traits

The dog is generous, kind, and cares about the well-being of others. When someone needs help, the choice of people becomes obvious - everyone will go to the Dog for advice or support, since those born this year feel others, are capable of empathy and especially feel sorry for those who have been unfairly offended by someone.

Only those born in the year of the Dog react to any injustice as sharply as if it affected them personally. The characteristics of this year's people say that they can be true friends. They will always support you in difficult times, will not remain indifferent to someone else’s misfortune, and will fulfill their promise.

People of the Year of the Dog are, as a rule, highly intelligent, honest and always say what they think. Straightforwardness is their distinguishing feature. If such a person works on something, you can be sure that the work will be completed to the highest standard and on time.

In general, the characteristics of those born in the year are very positive, but dogs also have some behavior.

Negative traits

People of this year are born psychologically old, but become younger over the years. This is not just a bunch of words, but a strange fact: in the youngest years of their lives, Dogs take everything extremely seriously, behaving like old grandmothers: they complain about everyone and everything, but with age, people born in the year of the Dog stop paying such attention to the imperfections of the world . The characteristic of the year makes them great dreamers and idealists.

It becomes quite clear why pessimism can be traced in the character of Dogs. The dog will give up and lose self-control when he decides that it is not in his power to change the situation. The desire for perfectionism in everything sometimes makes her life more difficult; she worries not only about present, but also about future problems that await not only her, but also those close to her. It is imperative for the Dog to get rid of any excessive worry about the future in order to learn to live calmly and rejoice.

This is an unusual characteristic for those born in the year of the Dog. This year's woman is devoted to her family and husband. Any betrayal hurts her painfully and can even seriously affect her health. Being infinitely faithful to her partner, she quite reasonably has the right to demand the same from him in relation to herself. Dog women need to develop restraint and the ability to make compromise decisions - this will save nerves and strength for future new victories.

Compatibility of the dog with representatives of other symbols of the year

Only the Tiger, Horse and Rabbit will be able to withstand the strict level of the Dog. Only such people will not cause the Dog frustration and disappointment, and will help her reconcile with the world around her.

Believe it or not the characteristic of the year

To believe depending on the year of birth or not is everyone’s business. In general, astrology is an interesting science (for some, it is not a science at all, but a pseudo-scientific discipline or simply a heresy). However, studying the description of the symbol of your year of birth will be a very exciting and interesting activity, allowing you to broaden your horizons and take your mind off everyday affairs.

Some will find multiple similarities in the description with themselves personally, while others will not notice anything like that. After all, in the end, the year a person was born is only a small grain of what influences his worldview and character. A person’s personality is influenced by too many factors that often cannot be assessed and analyzed, so there is no need to rely only on the characteristics of the year of birth in drawing up an idea of ​​oneself and others.

years of birth: 1910 1922 1934 1946 1958 1970 1982 1994 2006 2018

The dog belongs to the Yin group of animals. This is the 11th sign of the Chinese horoscope. He operates from 19:00 to 21:00. The season that brings good luck is autumn, and the peak period is September. According to the European Zodiac, it corresponds to the sign of Libra. Fixed element - Metal. The colors that bring happiness and prosperity are black and dark blue. Flowers and plants that bring good luck - wild poppy, orange blossom, water lily. The most favorable countries for dogs to live are Luxembourg, Malta, Korea, Costa Rica, Angola, Guinea, Guiana.

As all peoples know, the Dog is true friend person. She is always loved. Often we cannot imagine our life without a Dog. They evoke constant sympathy. Unlike a cat, which is busy with itself, the Dog gives itself completely to its owner. Chinese sages believe that Dogs are born pessimists and are constantly in anxiety. They don't know why they suffer. This is probably due to the fact that such animals are accustomed to constantly serving, and therefore cannot understand their deep essence. For them, life is just a moment that serves as a short bridge to another world.

A dog is happy if it is born during the day. Dogs born at night will be on guard all their lives, like sentries. It is very difficult for them to relax and free themselves from their worries. Often the Dog's life is unstable, except for childhood, when his parents protect him.

Youth, as a rule, is overshadowed by unhappy love, and mature years are colored by fear of losses. Old age is full of regrets about the life lived, about unfulfilled projects. And yet there are means to make their lives happy. From childhood, they need to be forced to live in the present and enjoy every moment they live.


Outwardly, Dogs do not look like other people, but they are united by one quality - they are terribly restless. They always develop vigorous activity and try to solve all pressing problems. They are always in a hurry to get somewhere, often suffer from insomnia and this upsets their nerves. These people try to work without a break and therefore turn into real tyrants. They are always concerned because they know that they are on earth temporarily. Dogs work selflessly, but, nevertheless, they are always skeptical.

Dogs are born with their own philosophy. They come burdened with unsatisfied desires and feelings of guilt. They bravely walk along their life path, looking for moments for success. To fully understand them, you need to look deeper into their subconscious. They constantly ask themselves - what is my purpose?

Dogs are not very sociable, but they are warm-hearted and interesting when not at the table. Even the most talkative and well-adjusted Dogs are not able to withstand the cynical criticism characteristic of a tipsy company. They're always watching to the world with a sober look, aware of your weaknesses. Therefore, their humor usually seems dark, and they are harsh with those whom they consider careerists and upstarts.

Dogs are trusted, and rightly so. You can always come to them with your problems, because no one can understand the essence of the Matter better than them. They are able to put themselves in the place of another and will never refuse help. At the same time, they do not expect rewards - this is their inner calling. Dogs are generous and for the most part selfless. These people are able to give everything to people, even sacrifice themselves. All fighters for justice were born in the year of the Dog. Any untruth outrages them. They are doing everything they can to destroy it. They are loyal and noble, so they are often incompatible with this cruel world. Dogs rarely tolerate cruelty and refuse to live by wolf laws. Therefore, they are valued and respected everywhere. But suspicion forces them to check all new acquaintances. At first glance, they may even seem cowardly.

Dogs can always be trusted, but their constant pessimism causes suspicion. These restless people They cannot stand surprises and impromptu, which is why they hold on to their past so tightly, greeting all undertakings with skepticism. They rarely express their feelings, and if they do something, it is only when they consider it absolutely necessary. They are exceptionally persistent and always know what they want. Often Dogs love to tease and are avoided because of their sharp tongue.

This sign has an amazing character. Sometimes it seems that they consistently look for flaws in everything they do. In essence, Dogs are great pessimists who do not expect anything good from life. They are always the first to criticize injustice, even in circumstances when no one else can open their mouth. Possessing a critical mind, a natural sense of humor and greatness of soul, Dogs cannot be accused of mediocrity.

Deep down, Dogs are antisocial because they don't love large cluster people and hate meetings. Emotionally, they leave the impression of cold-blooded people, but this is only an appearance. They just tend to doubt both their own feelings and the feelings of others. Despite these shortcomings, it is in Dogs that the nobility of human nature is hidden.


It cannot be said that Dogs are intended for financial affairs and various types of speculation, but they are surprisingly clever in choosing their companions and advisers. They are very generous and selfless, but not selfish enough. To succeed in business, they need to acquire some cynicism. If they have this quality, then it is rather philosophical in nature. They cannot ruin their opponent and often forgive those who have offended them. These people are the embodiment of honesty and loyalty to their word. They absolutely do not know how to pretend and take advantage of the misfortune of others.

If they have the means, they behave wastefully and spare nothing for their neighbors. Dogs try to decorate and improve their home. But having become impoverished, they tend to aggravate the situation, considering themselves completely ruined, although they are very far from debtor’s prison. It’s just that next to Dogs there must be realistic partners who can correctly assess the situation. Usually Dogs do not want financial responsibility.


Dogs are very hardworking. They have all the prerequisites to be successful in the service. They really believe in what they do, therefore they bring extraordinary benefits to humanity. If they don't have faith, they simply won't budge. At such moments they fall into melancholy. They have a natural talent for organizing, but often lack independence and aggressiveness. To. to be more productive, they need to gain confidence. All their complexes originate in adolescence, because parents are trying to impose their opinion on them. They waste a lot of time on useless studies and acquiring a specialty that is uninteresting to them. Dogs choose their own profession. Only in this case they become brilliant workers.

They are obsessed with their work and are used to seeing everything through to the end. Colleagues are treated correctly and fairly. When they are at the head of an enterprise, they know how to make people appreciate their efforts. Dogs always act simply, naturally and are accessible in communication with everyone. They never lose authority. Dogs are always restless, and if something doesn’t suit them, they can ruin the atmosphere without realizing it in time. They do not pay too much attention to their career, and if they take steps in this direction, it is for the common good. Very kind and generous. But be careful because dishonesty makes them angry. Dogs always fight for justice.

They are discerning and judge with understanding. They quickly navigate the situation, details rarely escape them. True, such qualities can turn into a disadvantage - sometimes they love to immerse themselves too much in particular. These people are suitable for a scientific profession and various types of research. They operate very successfully with money, but still it is better for them not to devote themselves entirely to the material sphere. Having money, they spend it easily. Convenience and luxury are not the goal of their life; they can live without them. Even if they are rich, they live modestly. These are real philosophers - moralists, people of left-wing convictions.

They make good workers, craftsmen, party functionaries, critics, teachers, priests, writers, philosophers, thinkers, moralists, judges, doctors, objective politicians, secret agents, business directors.


In love, Dogs are too straightforward and because of this they can have problems throughout their lives. But these problems will be their own fault. Dogs love fleeting adventures and long-lasting connections. But they make contact only if the person instills a sense of reliability. Of course, they can be playful, but this is only an external mask associated with the need to find a soul mate. When they find their loved one, they will breathe a sigh of relief. Dogs are very loving, gentle and sensitive. When they tie the knot, they are full of responsibility and absolutely do not give in to temptations. They can resist other people's aggression and will take all measures to preserve the family hearth. For them there is nothing more important in life.

Despite these qualities, they are not always happy in love. Jealous people are often restless because they are not sure of their partner’s feelings. Their pessimism often leads to disaster. Their solidity and high morality are the key to stability, but Dogs do not know how to suppress their mood swings; they are highly dependent on the ambition and behavior of others. Dogs are incredibly emotional and intuitive, which is why they instantly sense the mood of others. This contributes to a bad mood in their soul.

Dogs need long periods of time to rest and relax. They look closely at people for a long time. Sometimes it takes a lifetime. If this fails, they become completely indifferent to their loved ones, and then all sorts of excesses are possible. They may become lonely. They need marriage like air in order not to fall into temptation. In their marriage, they will be faithful companions and will always help in difficult times.


In their family life they are simply ideal - exceptional family men and wonderful parents. When they have a child, they become restless. Dogs always vigilantly guard their family hearth, like faithful guardians. They take theirs very seriously parental responsibilities, are present on all parent meetings and keep a vigilant eye on their offspring. They are upset by any misbehavior of children. Children are their purpose and final goal life. Dogs sometimes attach exorbitant importance to them, which is why they often become their victims.

Parents - Dogs quickly find a common language with Tiger children, whom they will teach to be careful. For Horse children, they are able to weaken their selfishness. But with children - Rats, Hares, Dogs, they will have to spoil their nerves. The Snake is also capable of disturbing the active Dog, and the too dreamy Sheep will not be able to find a common language with its parents, the Dogs. The sensible Pig himself can teach his Dog parents how to live. Under no circumstances should Dogs give birth to children in the year of Ox - there will be a complete misunderstanding. Dragon children are too touchy, and Roosters' parents - Dogs - can cause a lot of emotional trauma. The Monkey is too different from the Dog, so it can go into open conflict with its parents.


For Dogs, sex is an obsession. For them, the opposite sex exists as an object of satisfaction of passions. They do not look at the individuality and intellectual abilities of their partner. Not everyone likes this attitude. In sex they are a little primitive, but their potency is surprisingly great. They are very cute and attractive. They are attracted to everything beautiful. For saws, a partner is what increases their tone. Dogs are considered the epitome of charm, but there is no denying their tendency to be fickle. They try to take possession of any attractive partner, and then direct their efforts to conquering the next object. In some cases, their illegibility is simply amazing.

Dogs are very skilled at sex, but most importantly, they want to be adored, and therefore they need a partner who will devote their attention only to him. Dogs do not need to be forced to rush, they expect perfection and can criticize mistakes that prevent them from achieving this. When they are embarrassed by something, they are indecisive, act passively and wait for someone who will help them get out of this state.

They carefully select the place and time for their sexual activities. They love to observe the reaction of their lovers, and after that they want to know about the depth of their experiences. They don't like to rush in bed. They represent a kind of fortress that must be taken by storm.


When Dogs are twenty years old, they use all their charm and make every effort to seduce the person they like. They tend to go to extremes and find it very difficult to control themselves. But everything they do is sincere and, as a rule, their tactics work. You can trust dogs because they speak with their hearts. Such people simply deserve respect.

At thirty, they show excessive persistence, constantly caring for their partner. The Dog Woman prefers to portray inconstancy, and this lures men into a trap.

When meeting them, it is necessary to show a passionate temperament and give the Dogs the opportunity to collect their thoughts. They expect tact and boundless devotion from their partner. After all, they so need care and a family environment! If they like someone, they will make every effort to keep their partner. Of course, these people can cheat, but only if their patience has come to an end, since betrayal and deception of a partner is simply a disaster for them. In the event of a breakup, the Dogs leave very awkwardly. They often blame their partner and want to remain good friends with their former lovers.

If there is a need to give them a gift, then it is better to choose a souvenir, a cute little thing or an amulet. If you need to attract the attention of a Dog, it is better to immediately confess your love to her or invite her to visit an interesting person. But if there is nothing left to talk about and the time has come to part, the easiest way is to hint to them that they are absolute losers.


Dogs are natural homebodies and therefore are very attached to the place where they were born. They adore old houses, where the smell of dust is so pleasant and every corner is full of memories. Of course, in this regard they are very conservative. They do not like to change the situation and prefer to leave everything in its place. They often watch their usual programs and endless series that smell of mothballs. They prefer to spend their holidays in a villa or in a village house where they spent their childhood. They are very careful about their surroundings and are reluctant to purchase new furniture. But this does not mean at all that they have no taste.

On the contrary, Dogs are extravagant and very demanding. They love a lot of air, high ceilings and large rooms. They do everything wisely and never make mistakes in choosing the color and range of the interior. When purchasing, they exercise extreme caution, checking absolutely all product samples. They don't consider the cost if they like something. Dogs choose the most expensive fabrics, shoes and everything else. Once they have arranged their home, they do not like to leave the house. They happily wander around the house, which resembles a museum, and sort through their toys.


Jean Anouilh, Jean-Louis Barrault, Brigitte Bardot, Peter Brook, Kate Bush, Carl Gustav XVI, Michael Jackson, Stephen King, Golda Meyer, Liza Minnelli, Elvis Presley, Sylvester Stallone, Robert Louis, Mother Teresa, Marie Francois Voltaire, Socrates , Bertolt Brecht, Grigory Rasputin, Yuri Gagarin, Guy de Maupassant, Georges Bizet, Claude Debussy, George Gershwin, Nikolai Basov, Olga Berggolts, Yuri. German, Nikolai l Dubov, Akira Kurosawa, Sophia Loren, Tamara Milashkina, Nikolai Ozerov, Anatoly Papanov, Lyudmila Pakhomova, Patriarch Pimen, Stanislav Rostotsky, Tatyana Samoilova, Vladimir Serov, Alexander Tvardovsky, Gerhard Blucher, Aristide Briand, Rene Clair, Jacques Yves Cousteau, Dalida, Alexandre Dumas the father, Benjamin Franklin, Ernest Hemingway, Victor Hugo, Madame de Lafayette, Gottfried Leibniz, Lope de Vega, Louis XVI, Alphonse Lamartine, Saint Louis, Robert Stevenson.


Dog and Dog

These types are similar in many ways, they love children, the family hearth and always come to its defense; They need love. Even if they try to behave casually and casually, you don’t need to believe it - this is their way of defense. In fact, they value each other very much and are always bored without a partner. Such people are upset by quarrels and misunderstandings, but, as a rule, this does not happen between them.

They have a solid financial situation, beautiful children, understanding and peace reign in the family. True, their rosy coexistence can be overshadowed by an invasion from the outside, then they become nervous and lose sleep. Fortunately, they are able to eliminate all doubts and establish a pleasant microclimate in the house. Intuition will help them with this. They will make a qualitative leap forward that will destroy all barriers.

Dog and Rat

The Rat knows how to understand the nature of the Dog’s anxiety. After all, the Dog is vigilantly accustomed to guarding its territory, which is why it is somewhat afraid of the mysterious Rat. In general, they tolerate each other, these are two modest accomplices who go out only at night and do not like to engage in conversation with the first person they meet. This union exists due to its secrecy and confidence in the future. After some acquaintance, they trust each other - after all, the Dog is very faithful, and for the Rat this is the most important thing. In case of trouble, both know how to stand up for themselves. This union is good for both love and business.

Dog and Ox

It is better if in this union the Dog is a man and the Ox is a woman. The dog will find the desired balance, which will be given to it by a calm and respectable woman - Ox. Only in this case will the Dog sleep peacefully at night and not run around the fence in search of the enemy. In business they also suit each other, because the Dog is an excellent administrator, and the Ox is a wonderful financier. In this duet they will never suffer defeat. If a Woman is born in the year of the Dog, everything is different. Dogs are very vain and cannot live without entertainment, and Ox is not able to wait forever. But. in any case, these partners value each other. The Ox likes the deep intelligence of the Dog, and the Dog is fascinated by the poise of the Ox. Their union is happy and not without prospects.

Dog and Tiger

Both are incorrigible idealists. Therefore, there are many misunderstandings in their union. The Dog always tries to get ahead, and the Tiger strives to maintain a dominant position. But in their need to fight, they will find a common language. To do this, they need a target, which they quickly find. Together they will fight to the end, despite the obstacles, with endless enthusiasm. The Tiger's eternal activity makes the Dog smile. But the Dog can find arguments in time to save him from a wrong step. This union can be very happy. His only enemy is everyday life. This is not without difficulties, because the Dog needs constant reassurance of his affection for her, and the Tiger is not very used to showing signs of attention. For a long-lasting union, they need to think about their own behavior, find common goals, only in this case can they achieve harmony.

Dog and Hare

This union can become happy and permanent. Only these people should be helped by chance. According to classical traditions, such a union is considered impossible. But from the point of view of astrology and psychology, they have a lot in common. They love security, both are deeply decent, jealously protect their property and are endowed with many virtues. They understand each other and can support each other in difficult times. Their life flows monotonously, without much shock. In the event of a misunderstanding, the Dog can overcome fear and sacrifice its own ambition, because it is reasonable and knows how to see in a partner what it itself lacks. In turn, the Hare hates trouble and will prefer to follow this decisive partner.

Dog and Dragon

This is an unfavorable union. These signs do not have common goals, they do not understand each other. The Dog is the only sign that is not delighted by the brilliance of the Dragon. The dog looks at life realistically and cannot stand artificial shine. Of course, the Dog will fall in love with the Dragon, but it will only suffer from this, since it will not be able to be gentle. Deep down, she will laugh at her partner, and the Dragon, in turn, will suffer from the lack of her attention. Such a person must be loved with all his shortcomings and admired. This is very difficult for a Dog. Unwittingly, she may underestimate him. All this leads to the emergence of new complexes, and there are already enough of them.

Dog and Snake

Dogs very quickly become attached to Snakes because they are fascinated by the Snake's wisdom and depth of mind. They don’t even want to notice their shortcomings and patiently tolerate their careerism. Dogs idealize Snakes and try to protect them from all troubles. The Snake, in turn, also admires the Dog’s honesty. In their union everything goes well, because the Snake loves to be adored. Of course, it is not without difficulties. One partner is not enough for the snake, and it will want to find someone on the side. True, there is one thing - she can do this only if she completely paralyzes the will of the Dog; This will not upset the dog very much, because he likes to work quietly alone. The snake will regularly return home and keep it in its power. In this case, they can live a long time life together. And even happily.

Dog and Horse

At first glance, two absolutely different people They find in their partner those traits that they would like to see in themselves. The Dog is very skeptical and generous, while the Horse is a little selfish, trusting and enterprising. But this does not create mistrust between them. Their friendship gradually turns into a strong union in which they do not question their partner’s feelings. They do not try to dominate and do not criticize each other, unless the Horse makes a mistake first.

In this union everyone lives own life and no one bothers each other. The idealistic Dog pays a lot of attention to her friends, so she does not have enough time to follow the actions of the Horse, and the Horse is quite happy with this. And both are happy. The Horse should not suspect the Dog of infidelity. If something hurts her, there is no need to bring the matter to tragedy.

Dog and Sheep

The Sheep is worried about her current life, and the Dog is overcome by doubts about the future. Both are very suspicious; for each, loyalty and the truth of the partner’s feelings are very important. These different personalities are endowed with incredible pessimism, but in different aspects. Frankly, we can say that these people are not suitable for each other. They will only fuel doubts about their partner and ruin their nerves. The Dog is too much of a realist to understand the Sheep’s fantasies. The dog is serious and very responsible. Such people don't understand jokes. The slight irony of the Sheep offends the Dog.

This union can survive without even realizing it. As a rule, the Rooster shows criticism in those moments when the Dog begins to get nervous, but at the same time tries not to offend his toothy partner. The Dog absolutely cannot stand the Rooster’s bragging and carelessness; she spends a lot of time raising him. But no matter how hard the Dog tries, she still will not be able to change her original partner. Their relationship could turn into Battle of Borodino. As a result, both will suffer, because they are too sensitive. But if they behave more restrained in their mutual life, then their union can last a very long time.

Dog and Boar

Complete mutual understanding immediately arises between these people. Both benefit from this union. The Pig will be able to teach the Dog his carelessness and reward her with the optimism that she so lacks. Both are generous and honest, they know how to sympathize and respect each other. They know how to maintain a good microclimate in the family and constantly strengthen their union. They know what true love and a good life are, the rest doesn't matter.

A peaceful Dog will be happy and calm. She is interested in listening to Pig and listening to him useful tips. She is absolutely not embarrassed by the Pig’s awkwardness and clumsiness, although sometimes the Dog shows excessive suspicion. But at the right moments, she will boldly rush to the defense of her loved one. True, sometimes Pig is annoyed by the excessive caring of a restless friend. But with the Pig, the Dog will not be lonely and will finally be able to relax.

Reference service dog: without work, he withers and dries up, loses his fur and the meaning of life. As is typical, he won’t do his own work: maybe he’ll bring slippers, but with this circus of yours, go, you know, to the poodles. This is not why outstanding breeders bred their berries! So living with a shepherd means living in constant work: training, training and more training. Where did you go? Stop, she said! To the leg! Throw the stick, quickly! On the other hand, it is, of course, very disciplined. Much like life with a Capricorn young lady. The whole difference is that the German Shepherd will retire one day, and the Capricorn is nothing to you.

Aquarius - Jack Russell Terrier

If a Jack Russell catches you red-handed (you’re reading the newspaper here when the dog hasn’t been playing for five minutes!), you won’t be able to get away. You'll have to throw the ball again - and throw the ball again. Ball. Ball. Ball. Ball. There is, of course, another option - you can abandon the Jack Russell, in the sense of being left to the mercy of fate: let him entertain himself, since he is such a funny fellow! But it should be remembered that the Jack Russell Terrier is not just a merry fellow, but a hunting dog, ready to dive into a hole with anyone and take a fight there. So if your Jack Russell begins to entertain himself, there is a chance that you will not be very happy with the result. I mean, you'll be tortured to hide the corpses. So you better throw him the ball. And go to the skating rink with Aquarius. Otherwise it will be worse.


Pisces - Afghan Hound

She is very beautiful. No, not like that: she is Very Beautiful. The Afghan Hound is perfection; there are no more beautiful dogs. And even the fact that maintaining this beauty requires a huge amount of time and money does not stop anyone. For this reason, you can be patient! True, Afghan hounds regularly take second place on the list of stupidest dog breeds. Which, of course, is not true and an evil slander; the greyhound simply didn’t care about the people, including the owners: bring me my bowl, slave, and disappear! Greyhounds are simply not designed to work with humans; they have other tasks. And the Afghan hound has long since had no work tasks at all, except for one: to decorate the world with itself. They are such cats. Well, or Pisces.

Aries - Alabai

A true comrade in arms: he will not let the enemy near, and will hide behind his partner only to right moment suddenly jump out and bite everyone. A dog full of strength, courage and self-esteem. And truly asinine stubbornness: if an alabai decides something, then so be it. Those who want to argue must first move seventy kilograms of Alabai flesh, from the tip of the fang to the tip of the tail, created specifically to crush ferocious wolves. So you're saying there are no takers? Hm. Alabai thought so. The Aries young lady too.

Taurus - Basset Hound

An honorable first place in the list of the stupidest dogs in the world! And also the most unfortunate dogs, the most clumsy dogs and the most useless dogs. Bassets are almost unteachable. Bassets always look as if they were told that the end of the world will come in a minute - in their eyes is all the sorrow of innocent humanity. Bassets don’t want to do anything, they want to lie on their butt in a warm chair (yes, it’s impossible to drive a Basset out of there - it’s heavy and pretends to be deaf). But in fact, the Basset is not a stupid dog at all. He's just a hound. His head is so empty so that the Trace can fit there. If a Basset takes a scent, he will not abandon it until the end. And he’ll have to follow him along this trail to the final point, because he doesn’t care about everything else now. Taurus, by the way, too. It is impossible to lead them astray; they don’t care where to go. Amen.

Gemini - Siberian Husky

Terrible creature! Incredibly beautiful and incredibly friendly. The combination of these delightful qualities makes everyone around them fall in love with the husky at first sight and forever. Haha, bought it, bought it! Husky is not a dog at all. Husky is an infernal joke of nature, a cross between a raccoon and D’Artagnan. Let's have fun, thousand devils! Let's chase cats, challenge dogs to a duel, steal a pot of borscht from the stove and troll the owner. And now - the song! For-you-wai! In general, all this can be tolerated for only one reason, but we still don’t know it. But someone gets a husky and lives with a Gemini, right?

Cancer - collie

Multifunctional dog: can herd, can serve. Not to shepherd and not to serve, which is typical, can never happen at all, even in a dream or near death. The collie's main task is to gather the entire herd together and tell it to move in the right direction. Naturally, no one asks the herd itself whether it wants to move in this very direction: bovid dissidents, rebels and other renegades simply learn from their own fillets how sharp the teeth of their shepherd are. On the other hand, if the shepherd is a collie, that is, a Cancer lady, you can relax and just chew: she will take care of everything else. But chew more carefully!

Leo - Yorkshire Terrier

Glamorous dog: a regular at fashion shows and stylish parties, always perfectly cut and styled, the handbag in which she travels sometimes costs more than the dog itself. But the main thing, however, is different: the main thing is that everyone considers Yorkies to be the most charming little dogs in the world - they are not just very beautiful, but also very brave. Ah, little brave heart! I just want to carry them in my arms and kiss them all the time. This is roughly how the young Lionesses live, and no one will ever know about their path from rags to riches. As almost no one knows about the dark past of Yorkies, who were bred to work in the trash heap: Yorkies are natural rat catchers, and that’s where the majority of rats are found.

Virgo - Giant Schnauzer

Seeing a Giant Schnauzer in a dark alley at night is very bad news. True, the Giant Schnauzer is quite difficult to see, because it is strong, fast and devilishly cunning. And extremely ferocious. True, few people guess about this, because the Giant Schnauzer has no muzzle: a beard on the bottom, bangs on top, no eyes visible, no facial expressions, and what this black ghost with the mouth of a crocodile is thinking about is unknown to anyone at all. Including the owner. But it is easy for the owner to train his dog, because Risen are smart and love rules. Actually, that’s the only reason they haven’t killed us all yet. Maybe. May be. Who knows what is on their minds - they are like Virgos: they also sit silently with an absent expression on their faces. And then the defendant falls and shouts: “Take your cannibal off me!”

Libra - Chihuahua

Next to a Chihuahua, anyone feels like a magnificent hero: she is so small, so fragile, such a defenseless little dog! In any incomprehensible situation, you need to take her in your arms and kiss the top of her head, otherwise she will begin to tremble and look at you pitifully and pitifully. This is not a dog at all, it looks like a fairy. A fragile fairy who is threatened by the whole world: dirty big dogs, disgustingly clumsy children with shoulder blades, treacherous crows and wild cats, more like serial maniacs. And that's why the little Chuhuahua wants to kill them all. Slow and painful. Actually, this is the only reason why they are not allowed to get away with it - just like the Libra young ladies. Yes, it's really not much of a dog. That's one and a half kilograms of rage.

Scorpio - Doberman

Demon dog. Infernally beautiful and completely crazy. She will go to the desired goal over the bodies of defeated enemies, and for those who did not die of horror at the sight of her charming smile, she will bite off the head without slowing down the trot. Life credo: “Dominate and humiliate.” True, all this concerns exclusively outsiders. With loved ones, Dobermans, like Scorpio ladies, allow themselves to be themselves: standard choleric people of the hysteroid type. But incredibly charming!

Sagittarius - Staffordshire Terrier

The world's best companion! A terrible reputation does not prevent Staffordshires from outshining Labradors in the matter of loving their neighbor: these same neighbors regularly straighten their noses, which could not stand the meeting with the cast-iron forehead of a loving little dog. Stafford is always happy: going for a walk? Hooray! Swim? Yes, yes, yes, I'm coming! To the mountains? Yoo-hoo! Carrying a tire? Give me two! More than anything else, Stafford loves people - any people: foolish babies, evil grandmothers and strange-smelling aquavita slaves. Stafford is all kindness, all sweetness and all positivity. He just wants to kill all the other little dogs. Everyone, you know, has their own shortcomings. However, if you don’t approach Stafford, like Sagittarius, with obsessive offers of love and friendship, then maybe it will work out.

In China, the Dog is a symbol of loyalty and devotion. Prosperity, deliverance from evil spirits, and abundance are associated with the Dog.

And some peoples of China generally consider the Dog to be their ancestor. True, sometimes the Dog changes: it becomes evil and dangerous, and even approaches in characteristics the evil forces from which it protects in normal times. People born in the year of the Dog have the same dual nature. Sometimes, behind their ideal character, something nasty is visible in them, and sometimes a person from whom no one expected anything good suddenly performs miracles of heroism and self-sacrifice. Years corresponding to the Year of the Dog in the Eastern horoscope: 1910, 1922, 1934, 1946, 1958, 1970, 1982, 1994, 2006, 2018, 2030.

Character of people born in the year of the Dog

A dog spends its entire life searching for itself. She is not confident in the correctness of the chosen path. Despite the fact that she makes detailed and realistic plans and then sticks to them, she is constantly tormented by questions: “Did I choose the right profession?”, “Did I choose the right partner?”, “Did I...?”. Uncertainty about the chosen path in life makes the Dog rush around and worry. She often suffers because of the past, which cannot be changed - it seems to her that she made the wrong choice. But in the future - the Dog thinks - I won’t make such mistakes. She sets a goal and does not give up on it, even if it threatens with serious losses. The Dog's character is pedantic, corrosive and quarrelsome. In relationships with people, her dual nature is most clearly visible. Strict, principled, sometimes sanctimonious correct Dog in difficult times, she is ready to take on other people’s problems and support those in need in every possible way. The dog is not self-confident, but appears very demanding and unshakable. In life, she is helped by firmness, loyalty to principles and honesty. And such a trait as reluctance to burden anyone and hope only for own strength, both helps and hinders her: the ability to cope with difficulties alone gives strength, but does not make life easier.

People born in the year of the Dog: compatibility in love

The Dog is careful in love. She begins to trust not immediately. If the partner does not have enough courage and pressure to pull her out of her shell, then the relationship may not take place. If you are lucky and managed to win the Dog, the alliance with it will be reliable, but not easy. She is faithful and honest, does not deceive or manipulate, does not cheat or throw tantrums. But she is very demanding and expects ideal behavior from her partner. She criticizes her partner, believing that this helps him become better. But she will not abandon him, seeing his imperfection, but will raise him for years. The only thing the Dog will not forgive is betrayal. It's hard for the Dog in the family. She was too used to relying only on herself. She will take care of and raise her partner and children, but will not be able to relax and trust them, or shift some of her problems onto them. From time to time she will be visited by thoughts about whether she has chosen the right life partner, but due to her innate loyalty and decency she will not leave the family because of these thoughts.

AND Boar.

People born in the year of the Dog: compatibility in friendship

A dog is a good friend. She is reliable and honest. You can trust her with secrets, she is not talkative. Does not like large companies, preferring to have a few close friends. She does not trust immediately, takes a long time to look closely at a person, and sometimes time plays a big role in friendship: those whom she has known for a long time have a greater chance of becoming her friends. The dog cares about his friends, is ready to support them, but still it is not easy to be with him. Her integrity makes her good friend only for honest and serious people. Others will miss her gentleness and ability to empathize. A principled Dog will never call black white even for the sake of a friend. This is very inconvenient if a person is counting on her to cover up his absence from work or sympathize with him in an affair on the side of his spouse. No, in these cases the Dog will call a spade a spade and try to guide his friend on the true path. Therefore, if a person has minor sins and weaknesses, he will not become a friend to the Dog. The dog is compatible in friendship with, Boar and another Dog.

People born in the year of the Dog: compatibility at work

At work, the Dog is patient, careful and responsible. She lacks the passion to achieve high ranks, but nevertheless, many representatives of this sign go into politics or civil service because they dream of defending justice. There are many mediocre officials among the Dogs. They are patient with visitors, focused and honest.