How to raise and train a bull to obey. Basic rules and nuances of raising dogs. Proper education of a puppy through contact with the owner

Have you decided to get a dog? This is a great solution. The dog will greet you from work, happily wagging its tail. And forced hiking will improve your health. And let's face it, we all love furries!

However, in reality, it turns out that the decision to get a dog is not so successful. Our beloved Bug destroyed half of the apartment, ate the neighbor's cat, runs away during a walk and does not come to us when we call her.

I often see so-called dog owners on the street who can barely keep up with their dog because it pulls on their leash. In parks you can often hear screams addressed to the furry bastard and see other joys of dog lovers.

For some reason, dog owners rarely think about the fact that a puppy, like a child, needs training. So I decided to talk to a professional trainer and learn first-hand the golden rules for raising dogs.

Malkov Mikhail

Professional trainer, figurative instructor. Has been involved in professional training since 1995. Studied at the Rostov School of Service Dog Breeding of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. Until 2003, he worked as a canine inspector at the Center of the Canine Service of the Ministry of Internal Affairs for the search for explosives and narcotic substances with special-purpose dogs.

Since 2009 - involved instructor (RKF certificate No. 2759). Since 2007, 4-time winner of the Russian Championships among dog handlers of the State Tax Committee, multiple winner in the obedience sections (OBIDIENS 3) and in the protective section of the competition.
The latest result is 2nd place at the Russian Championship in Krasnodar in 2010. The main area of ​​activity is dog education, behavior correction, sports training in the sections of obedience and protection.

First steps

The most common mistakes when choosing a dog

When choosing a dog, it is important to choose a breed that would suit the personal qualities of the handler. If you are extremely calm person, phlegmatic and have chosen a Malinois, of course there will be problems. If you are an athlete and choose a St. Bernard, there will be a problem. It is important that there is a match between the chosen dog and the owner’s lifestyle.

The most common mistakes when raising a dog

Humanizing a dog is a fundamental mistake. Ignorance of physiology, ignorance basic principles education and training. Permissiveness regarding the actions of dogs.

Problems arise from this. A dog can do whatever he wants. The dog can go wherever he wants. The dog can bark at whomever you want. You don't have to execute the commands.
We all love our dogs, but love and permissiveness are two different things.

How to feed your dog correctly

Many owners feed their pet before a walk. However, doing this is wrong and even harms your pet. The dog is a predator. From a physiological point of view, a predator must first receive a load, catch its prey and only then eat it. After eating, predators rest, and the dog should also rest after walking and feeding.

If you feed your dog before a walk, then when it actively moves, plays, runs, the likelihood of intestinal volvulus or gastric volvulus increases.

In addition, if a walk is combined with an activity with a dog, then if food motivation is satisfied, the effectiveness of the activity drops significantly (if the dog demonstrates a desire to do something at all).

An adult dog of medium and large sizes It is enough to feed in the evening, that is, once a day. For small dogs, it is enough to feed them 2 times a day. If a dog is intensively training or training, then the dog is fed based on the level of stress and energy expenditure of the body.

How to train a dog to go to the toilet outside and not in the house

A small puppy will still go to the toilet at home. There is no escape from this. Everyone experienced this. Try to go outside more often. When performing natural necessities on the street, do not forget to praise the dog. At home, never punish, much less enforce physical punishment. You can angrily express your dissatisfaction. Be patient, you will have to clean up after him often and treat these places with some kind of antiseptic.

Do not use diapers. If a puppy is trained to go to the toilet in the same place in the house, we will form a certain pattern of behavior, and then it will be very difficult to train him to go to the toilet outside. A stereotype is developed: a diaper or a corner is a toilet. This behavior is shaped and reinforced by the owner. We praise when the dog went to the diaper, how can we then explain to the dog that it has grown up and does not need to go in the apartment, and the toilet has moved outside. Of course, you can retrain a dog, but we are creating a problem for ourselves that will then need to be solved.

When left alone at home, she starts barking. Barks when he hears someone passing through the door

First, you need to find out the cause of your anxiety. She barks at extraneous sounds, out of sadness or just because.

We need to teach her to stay at home so that she behaves calmly. Reinforce the dog's calm behavior when we leave the dog for a short period of time. You don't need to come in when she's barking. Otherwise, we will reinforce the dog's barking.

Before leaving, increase physical activity and exercise nervous system so that the dog comes home from classes, eats, rests and goes to bed.

Some dogs are afraid of loud noises, such as thunder or firecrackers

There can be many reasons for this behavior. This is a weak nervous system, this is a negative life experience, these are negative associations with loud sounds, painful sensations, which coincided with loud sounds. Mostly, dogs that live in the city have a weak nervous system.

This can be corrected during classes. It is necessary to instill in the dog positive associations that are associated with loud sounds. This will be like a signal. Firecracker explosion - lots of delicious food. Firecracker Explosion is a great intense and highly anticipated game. Over time, the dog will perceive loud noises as a call to play. It is important to remember here that each fear, like each dog, requires an individual approach.

Behavior on the street

How to train an active breed dog to behave calmly

You have got a dog of an active breed, so you must provide the dog with an adequate load for its temperament. Physical activity and stress on the nervous system, playing sports that are suitable for dogs of this breed. Show the way to satisfy her needs, which are characteristic of the breed.

At the same time, you need to accustom the dog to the crate so that it can calmly remain alone in the crate. Of course, the dog cannot be in it all the time. You can be “locked up” for no more than 4 hours, provided that the dog is provided with activity during the day. The cage should be of such a size that the dog can stand up and turn around freely.

If the dog is in a crate, then you can take two short walks (15-20 minutes a day) and add one intense walk to this.

How to teach a dog to walk calmly next to you without pulling on the leash

Whoever leads whom on a walk leads them. The main thesis should be this: you are going for a walk with me, and not I am going for a walk with you. It is multifaceted to consider the relationship of the dog to the handler and vice versa, i.e. These are, first of all, issues of raising the dog and issues of the dog’s relationship to the person - to the handler.

A tight leash should mean to a dog that he is doing something wrong. At the slightest tension on the leash, it should at least stop. In addition, the dog must react sensitively to each tug of the leash, which corresponds to the level of excitement of the nervous system, the size and breed of the dog. Create discomfort for the dog when the leash is tight, show him the path to a comfortable state. Comfortable - near the guide’s leg, but this is not a “near” command.

The dog runs away and does not respond to its name

If you cannot control your dog with commands, then do not let him off the leash. A dog is always learning. In this case, she learns not to directly listen to the handler and not to respond to his commands. Practice obedience commands on a leash until it becomes automatic.

How to stop a dog from picking up on the street

Firstly, it is important to early age Do not train her to pick her up from the ground. Show her it's bad.

Secondly, time on a walk is the time that we can devote to our dog (exercises with it and communication). There is no need to waste it on the dog learning something bad and dangerous for itself. Walking is the joy of doing something and learning something necessary.

Thirdly, to show that picking up food from the ground has a negative connotation for the dog.

It is necessary to create positive associations with such an element of equipment as a muzzle so that the dog loves this muzzle. Most owners train their dog incorrectly: they put the muzzle on, tighten it, and go outside. The dog, of course, doesn't like it. In addition, the muzzle must be selected correctly. A loose muzzle is needed so that the dog can open its mouth and breathe.
The optimal models are either plastic or metal (rubber-coated).

Eliminating aggression

The dog behaves aggressively towards its owners, towards family members or passers-by, towards other dogs

Basically, a dog behaves aggressively for two reasons. Firstly, aggression could be born of fears. The dog is afraid of passers-by because to it they may look somehow unusual. Accordingly, aggression is defensive reaction: Don't come near me, otherwise I'll bite you.

Secondly, banal self-affirmation, and this is a consequence of the wrong relationship between the owner and the dog.

Aggression towards owners can arise for a variety of reasons. Some dog doesn’t like cutting his nails and snaps because of it. The other dog doesn't like children. The third one prevents me from walking past the bowl when she eats. Accordingly, each of these cases must be dealt with separately. General recommendations can't be here. Needed individual approach in order to find the “source” of this behavior.

As a rule, a dog, anticipating something negative for itself, knows how to avoid it - demonstrate aggression or attack. First of all, questions arise for the owners. What have you done to prevent such problems from arising? Why didn’t you pay attention to this earlier, but now, when the problem has reached such a level?

Aggression towards other dogs is also a separate case. The dog itself can provoke aggression. She does not try to defend herself, but attacks first. This only means that the owner allowed this to happen from the very beginning, incorrectly introducing him to other dogs in childhood or at another age. Failed to correct in a timely manner early manifestation this aggression, taking into account breed and individual characteristics dogs. Accordingly, it is not working on the problem now. Everything suits him.

Depending on the cause of aggression, a behavior correction technique is selected. In any case, fix it yourself aggressive behavior dogs are difficult. If you think that this behavior is incorrigible, then you are mistaken. By and large, with the right approach, aggression is removed quite quickly.

Dog jumps on people when meeting

This kind of behavior occurs quite often when a dog jumps on people when meeting them, regardless of whether they are acquaintances or just passers-by. Even when meeting the owner, the dog strives to rise higher to the owner.

The first thing to do is show the dog that jumping is not beneficial for him. Of course, there is no need to kneel or scold her. The dog jumps because it is such a greeting ritual. The dog is very happy that the owner has come, and the greeting ritual for dogs is to lick the face. Accordingly, you need to jump to do this.

It is necessary to change the greeting ritual to one that suits both the dog and the owner. Do you want me to pay attention to you? Do you want us to talk when I arrive? I'm glad to see you too, come and sit down with me. When the dog has taken the required position, you need to reinforce this behavior. This is how the greeting ritual changes. The dog understands that it is not profitable for it to jump. This does not lead to the result she needs.

How to behave correctly in the event of a dog attack or someone else’s dog showing aggression towards you

It all depends on what kind of dog it is. Pariah dogs that live just next to a person do not attack people.

If these are mongrels, then it is enough to show that we are picking up some kind of stone from the ground. Dogs, having a lot of life experience, run away. You can try telling them in a rude and confident voice to leave.

In case of a dog attack service breed you need to try to give some command out of obedience: “sit”, “lie down”, etc. This must be done in a confident, commanding voice.

Dogs that are professionally trained will not attack people. The guides take great care of them and do not allow such situations. The dogs themselves know that they can only attack a person on command. This category of dogs is the safest.

Large dogs (biting breeds) such as Staffordshire terriers can deliberately attack a person. If I have any object with me - an umbrella, a bag, a box, I put this object in front of me. I will tell the dog to move away from me in a loud commanding voice. Most likely, the aggression will be directed either at the object, or the dog will refuse the attack attempt. If you still couldn’t avoid the attack, then try to hit them with improvised objects. internal organs or eyes.

Attack is different from attack, and if we are talking about my health or the health of a person, then we need to fight for it with all our might.

Choosing a trainer and training a dog

When meeting with a trainer over the phone, find out where the classes are held and make arrangements to attend those classes. See how the classes are going. At this time, talk to the handlers and dog owners who have been attending classes for a long time.

Look at the results they achieved during classes. Find out how long they spent studying with this instructor and try to evaluate the results of their work.

You need to find out from the instructor where he received his education, what results he achieved during the period during which he trained dogs, and how long he worked as an instructor. If possible, ask to see it personal dog. Because if he couldn’t train his dog, then naturally how can he train your dog?

Ask the coach if he has participated in any competitions or tests. As someone, with his own dogs or with dogs prepared by him. What results have you achieved? Find out about his canine training. About work experience. Results for completing courses such as OKD, ZKS, managed city ​​dog(BH) are not trainer achievements - this is just a test training.

When attending a training session with a trainer, you will need to take some things with you. If you come to obedience classes with a small dog or puppy, then you will need: a soft collar, a long leash (5-7 meters), a short leash (2 meters). Under no circumstances should it be a roulette wheel. Belt bag. Food from the dog's diet or treats. Clothing that suits the season is better than sportswear. All this is necessary to make it comfortable to work with the dog.

You can start training your dog when it starts eating on its own and starts running on its own. 3-3.5 months is the optimal age.

Raising a dog begins when you bring the dog home. But even before that, it is better to consult with an instructor so as not to create problems in the future.

Owners small breeds It’s also worth thinking about the coach. Dwarf dachshunds, french bulldogs, fox terriers, jagd terriers and others small dogs. All dogs need training. People need to be taught to behave appropriately in society. Regardless of the size of the dog, we must deal with them and make sure that the dog does not cause problems to the owner either at home or to people on the street.


You can read a lot of tips on raising a dog on the Internet. However, it is worth remembering that, like a child, a dog needs to be raised, and this issue must be approached individually. The requirements for education and training are similar, but the ways to achieve results, like dogs, are different. If you start training on time with a competent and professional trainer and work on the task at home, then many problems will be avoided, and many behavioral deficiencies will not be acquired at all.

Since childhood, Marina dreamed of big dog, with which you can fearlessly walk the streets at any time of the day. After all, a large, formidable dog is a real protector! When the opportunity arose, the girl got a boxer.

But here’s the paradox: Jessie appears to be an angry dog, but as soon as a stranger approaches her (no matter what the person’s intentions are - to stroke or hit), the dog rushes to retreat. At the same time, he drags the poor housewife along with him on a leash.

Marina doesn’t understand why a service-breed pet is madly afraid of people. But breeders and trainers will say right away: Jessie made mistakes. Not only Marina, but also everyone who wants to get a dog or has already done so, it is important to know how to avoid them!

From childhood, the puppy must get used to things, people, sounds, and other animals. If something is not recorded in his memory, this object or individual will continue to seem dangerous to him. Thus, dogs that have grown up exclusively in the company of women begin to be afraid of men, and vice versa.

Improperly raised dogs have different reactions to danger. Some run away, like Jesse, others hide, others seek protection behind the back of the owner, whom they themselves were supposed to shield from the unknown, and still others even experience involuntary urination.

There is also an aggressive form of reaction - the dog is the first to attack something or those it fears. IN best case scenario she barks, at worst she bites before the enemy has time to come to his senses. Moreover, fear is stress, which is known to shorten a pet’s life. And it is already short in animals.

So make every effort to make your pet less afraid. To do this, you need to help the puppy fully understand the world around us. Three initial periods of dog development - your chance to instill in your pet everything necessary qualities and correct negative traits. Don't delay - waste time!

Early childhood

The pet must be with its mother until it reaches 8 weeks of age. During this time, the baby will learn to be a dog and learn the first principles of discipline from his mother. The bitch will growl at the puppy, in whom she recognizes the leader. Will try to suppress his disobedience.

This will have a good effect on the pet’s character in the future: he will learn to recognize the leader – the owner. An important skill that puppies learn during this period is dental control. They bite their relatives, and they reciprocate. This is how kids understand what pain is and learn to regulate the force of their bite, clench their teeth so as not to cause discomfort, or, on the contrary, to really fight.

Communication with the mother dog in the future determines how the pet will behave with individuals of the opposite sex, and who he presents himself as. I wonder what if early childhood The puppy has only been with people, he considers himself a human, and his relationships with other animals will be tense. During this period, a person should often take the baby in his arms and stroke him. Otherwise, the dog will never be able to trust its owner.

The right choice

At this time, you will be able to determine which puppy will succeed without special difficulties educate obedient dog. Make him your pet. Sometimes a mother dog aggressively raises her babies. Some breeders are afraid that she may harm them, so they take them away from their separated mother and raise them separately.

There will be many difficulties in raising such dogs. The pet that was the first to run up to you, pushing its fellows aside, is the leader. This will also be difficult to make obedient. A trembling dog huddling in the corner is too shy and timid. He will never become a real protector for the owner and his family. This will make parenting much more difficult. Opt for the “golden mean” - an inquisitive dog with a balanced character.

Time of learning

Until the puppy reaches 5 months, he should learn and see as much as possible. The most important meeting is with the veterinarian. For the first time, take your pet to the doctor, but do not unpleasant procedures. Let the veterinarian pet the animal and give it treats, routine inspection and will give you advice.

A dog will develop this positive attitude to the clinic. Get vaccinated another time. It is at this stage of development that incubation period vaccinations. The puppy should avoid contact with other animals to avoid getting sick. Many owners, being careful, do not walk the baby during this time. But this is wrong.

This is how your pet appears to be affected by strangers and animals. To prevent this from happening, you can take your dog outside in your arms or in a carrier to places where animals are not walked and there is no risk of encountering them. Such short walks are priceless for a baby!

As soon as the quarantine time has passed, go outside with your pet and spend as much time there as possible. It is very important to communicate with adult dogs that are raised correctly. They are the ones who will teach the pet the “dog code of conduct.” You can take the puppy to the breeder from whom you got it several times. Let him talk to his parents.

The dog must see other animals, people, children, approach them, sniff them. Don't encourage your pet's fear. Don't try to calm him down. If you say, “Don’t be afraid, baby!” and pet him on the head, the dog will think that fear is the right thing to do. After all, she is praised for this. It’s better to ignore your pet’s reaction and show him that things or individuals are not worth being afraid of.

Let's say a baby is scared of a vacuum cleaner. Keep cleaning. You can sit down slightly on the mechanism and call your pet. He will understand that the object is not dangerous and will run up to you. And you will encourage his courage. Give him a treat. Praise your dog for every brave action. At first, always take lots of treats with you on walks.

But remember: for the dog to need your rewards, it must be hungry. At this stage, the owner has a chance to forever earn the authority of the pet. You will be the one who will protect the dog, explain what he shouldn’t be afraid of, and who he can count on in case of real danger.


Don't overdo fearlessness training. Too much stress in one day is dangerous for a dog’s psyche. The period from 6 weeks to 5 months is considered the time when fear is imprinted: if the baby experiences great fear, this experience will haunt him all his life. So protect your dog from severe stress and any possible injuries.

Tatyana, accountant: We picked up Irma on the street. She was about 10 weeks old. The dog was dying of hunger. When she got stronger, she began to eat everything. It didn’t matter whether it was tasty or not, Irma was hungry and full. The veterinarian explained: our pet is simply afraid of one day being left without food again, because she was starving during the period of character development, and “stores” food.

Vasily, veterinarian: A friend of mine's dog fell out of a chair with a backrest when he was a child and injured his paw. Now he is afraid of such chairs and even barks at them. I had to eliminate the source of fear and acquire stools. Transitional age From 6 to 10 months, your puppy will turn into an adult. Be prepared for his behavior to deteriorate noticeably.

To begin with, the dog will try to establish a hierarchy in your “pack” - family. Naturally, he wants to become a leader. Therefore, during this period, you should be more active in training in order to show your pet every day who is boss in the house. If you can’t show your character on your own, this one will show you how to behave with your dog.

IN adolescence The dog exhibits the so-called “flight instinct.” Stop letting your pet off the leash. Replace the strict leash with a more maneuverable tape measure. This way the dog will have the necessary freedom, which you, however, will be able to control.

Communication with the fugitive

The dog will continue to run away if you scold him when he returns. During the escape, he will have a good time, and then he will receive a serious beating from you. Of course, the dog will conclude: being free is better than being with an angry owner, so he needs to escape again and, perhaps, forever.

Therefore, as soon as you find the dog, praise him for returning, feed him tastier than usual, play with him. Warm welcome will show the fugitive that he is loved more at home than on the street, where it is also full of dangers.

Consequences of errors

What to do with dogs like Jessie, whose character is already formed, but not in the way it should be? Trainers assure that the consequences of improper socialization can be corrected.

  1. First, find out exactly what your pet is afraid of. Stranger men? Children under 5 years old? Other dogs or cats? Start working on overcoming your fear.
  2. Praise and encouragement are the most effective techniques in this case.
  3. Take control of the situation. Create a barrier between the dog and the source of its fear - stand between them so that the animal understands that as long as it is near you, nothing threatens it.
  4. But do not scold or punish your dog for being timid. After all, then you will get a cowardly and embittered pet, which will be even more difficult to socialize. It is in your power to raise yourself a friend in life, not a problem!

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Finally you have acquired your dream, now you are its owner. Of course, a place has been prepared for the puppy, everyone in the household is waiting for him, and he is a welcome member of the family.

But emotions will subside, and everyday life, although brighter and more intense now, will require thinking not only about timely and balanced diet, regular marathons with a leash in hand and vaccinations, but also about education.

The concepts of “training” and “raising a puppy” are often confused. And this is no wonder. These concepts are interrelated and similar in one thing: the dog must understand in the process what is “dos and don’ts.” And all this is achieved through repeated repetitions with the use of punishments (not necessarily physical, by the way) and treats (and sometimes just vocal encouragement) .

Most dog handlers recommend starting professional training after six months, and ZKS (let’s call it security) no earlier than a year.

Professional training consists of a series of courses, the beginning of which is obedience (obedience course, UGS, GS). This is comparable to learning the alphabet. Here the dog masters the most basic commands: “place”, “impossible”, “come to me”, “give”, nearby”, etc. Moreover, both the dog and the handler are trained at the same time (we are talking about the skills of mastering gestures and voice).

And only after successfully completing this course can you begin next step. Here the specifics are already taken into account (the so-called profile): hunting dogs For example, they undergo so-called training, while service personnel undergo guard duty. It all depends on the purpose of the dog.

But raising a puppy begins from the moment it appears in your home. Precisely from the moment, and not from three, four or even six months.

Raising a puppy is a complex concept. This may well include getting used to the intonation of your voice, and the first “no” words you said automatically, intuitively. Having felt the difference between a gentle and dissatisfied voice, the baby is already trying to please, wagging his tail and looking devotedly into his eyes. This, by the way, is what all training is based on: a dog that works “under pressure”, under the pressure of fear, is not very reliable and is capable of disobeying and even running away at any moment.

Therefore, raising a puppy should always be based on positive emotions, also supported by treats. Don't forget: this is a child!

Home education usually begins with the commands “place” and “come.” In the future, these commands are polished in special courses, but at the initial stage, when calling the baby, they show a bowl of food (or just a tasty piece) and affectionately repeat: “Come to me!”

With the “place” command, persistence is required: after taking the puppy to his mat, lay him down and, stroking him, repeat: “Place!” The baby will definitely try to get up. Hold it, repeating the command, and stroke it again.

Punishing a dog is undesirable, especially during puppyhood. Use a voice, the shades of intonation of which your student subtly catches, and, of course, “sweets”: pieces of cookies - for right action. Just don't overdo it: the pieces should be small. Your task is to interest, not feed.

Raising a puppy also includes toilet training, a calm attitude towards a leash with a muzzle, and adequacy in relation to others. This is the second step following the mastery of the first commands.

Collar training begins with choosing the collar itself. While the baby is still clumsy and literally feels every gram, stop choosing the lightest, nylon collars. This also applies to leashes. Dog equipment should not cause discomfort to the puppy at first.

At first, the collar is put on for a few minutes. Then - for an hour, for two. Take the leash only for walks - the puppy should rejoice at the appearance of the leash in your hands, associating it with pleasant emotions, in this particular case, with a long-awaited walk. Violence is also unacceptable here: the puppy does not want to walk on a leash - distract him, play, pet him.

It is easy to toilet train a baby only with constant supervision: when he wakes up, we take him out for a walk, when he eats, we take him out for a walk again. If you take a walk at home, we scold you; on the street, you always praise him.

The breed is not important here, the regime and attitude are important. Raising a Labrador puppy, for example, in this regard is no different from raising a puppy of another breed. The main thing is consistency. If you took your puppy to a warm bed today, don’t scold him when he decides to jump under your blanket on his own. A taboo should always remain a taboo, and what is once allowed should always be allowed, and compliance with the rules applies to everyone in your household. If you think that a dog should only sleep in its own place, then others should not allow it to sleep in the bed.

Sometimes inexperienced owners Having heard that training begins at six months, they believe that it begins precisely at six months. This position is fundamentally wrong. Permissiveness in the first months is corrected later by hard work, and the psyche of both the owner and the dog itself is often traumatized. Raising like a Rottweiler, Doberman and others service dogs, also begin with the appearance of the baby in the house. But when he gets stronger, you can begin professional training. Who knows, maybe today’s kid will become a champion in a year or two, having won in trials or competitions?

The puppy is everyone’s favorite in the house, so everyone present wants to cuddle, stroke it or give it a treat. Over time, such treatment can lead to some spoiling and disobedience in a small dog. Therefore, in order to make her obedient and well-mannered, the owners themselves should teach important rules handling of four-legged household members.

Owners of a puppy must take into account that this animal is a pack animal, and in every such society there is a leader. Therefore, from a young age, the owner needs to be shown that he is the leader. If you care for your dog excessively, fulfilling all the requirements, he will stop obeying. The leader must be not only strict, but also loving. Having understood this, the baby will learn to fulfill human demands. Education should begin as early as possible.

Where to start?

You need to start raising a dog by protecting him from unwanted contacts with strangers. They do not know how to properly raise a puppy and may unknowingly harm it. And by protecting him, you will be able to achieve two goals at once: control the amount of “pampering” and wean him off trusting everyone, because a dog should obey only its owners.

One more important factor Success is to provide your pet with all the necessary attributes:

  • own place
  • adequate nutrition according to the regime,
  • walks and games.

A satisfied dog, feeling that he is loved, will be calm and will be able to easily understand what his owner wants from him. Regularity in active spending time, feeding and rest will make him confident and prevent attempts to whine, begging for food or games.


Knowing how to raise a puppy, the owner must apply several rules that will let the dog know who is in charge:

  • A person should always eat food first. This is what leaders do, according to the hierarchy of the pack. By feeding after the owner, the animal will tune in to submission in all other respects.
  • If you need to get past a narrow passage, the leader always will pass first. You should not allow the dog to go through the door before the “boss”, pushing him, skipping past him or tangling him in the leash.
  • When an owner plays with a pet, he should always win. Even if he is tired, does not want or cannot pull the bone or catch up, he must use the commands “To the leg!” or “Aport!” (“Give it back!”), thus calming the dog.
  • You need to teach her to always follow commands the first time.

How to influence a puppy correctly?

The best way is a system of prohibitions and rewards. As soon as the baby correctly performs any action, he is entitled to a treat, and if he is stubborn and shows hostility, he must be punished. There is no need to hit the dog or deprive it of food, this will only cause hostility and hysteria in it. In an effective way There will be a severe reprimand or a light spanking. The encouragement should not be large - it is not feeding, but a gift.

Before taking punitive measures, you need to find out what the reason for this behavior is. If your pet whines at night, chews shoes, and behaves noisily in the absence of people, then punishment will not help. But a special toy that can be bitten, thrown on the floor and destroyed in every possible way will come in handy. An artificial bone or ball will keep the dog occupied while there is no one to play with him, and at the same time will help sharpen his growing teeth.

You should not punish your child for making piles or puddles on the floor. Having matured, he, in the process of regular walks, will begin to endure it until he goes outside. And with small breeds of dogs it’s even easier - they’re short time You can train him to use a litter box in the house by showing him several times how to do it correctly. Having noticed that the puppy begins to worry, look for a place and “settle in,” you need to quickly take him to the prepared “toilet” and put him there, and if he did everything correctly, reward him with a small piece of a tasty product.

The skill of communicating with other pets is also instilled in the same way. A dog should not be encouraged to attack other residents, even as a joke. She will take the command seriously and will try to destroy the “enemy” - if not now, then later.

How to handle a very small animal?

When raising a puppy, you need to adhere to the same principles that apply when treating a child. At all at a young age(1-3 months) it is very important to establish a warm, close relationship with him - pet him often, call him by name and even talk to him. With the help of the game, the dog can quickly learn commands, but you just need to do this often and regularly. The earlier the pet's upbringing began, the easier this process will be.

As soon as the baby gets stronger, you can begin to teach him simple orders. It’s good if the same person is involved in this task - this way it will be easier for the animal to tune in, and any command will be mastered very quickly. These skills will make life much easier for both the owner and the puppy himself. Almost from the first day, he needs to be given an understanding of how to go to the toilet, behave at home, on the street, with loved ones or strangers, and with other pets.

The baby is now very afraid to be left alone, so he can cause inconvenience to both owners and neighbors - whining or causing damage to objects and himself. To prevent a tragedy, it is necessary to remove all dangerous things - needles, caustic chemicals or electrical wires. Only his numerous toys should remain on the floor, with which he can do whatever he wants.

Puppies are little bundles of joy that require close attention to yourself and proper care. Your puppy is only a month old - does it need to be raised at such an early age, and how to do it correctly?

Despite the rather young age of your pet, right now you should start actively working with him in order to raise a healthy, smart and loyal friend for you and your family in the near future.

Raising and health of a one-month-old puppy

First of all, if you have set yourself the goal of raising your puppy correctly, you need to show him to the veterinarian. The doctor assesses the baby's health and weighs him. After a veterinarian's evaluation, your puppy can receive his first vaccine, but his immune system still remains fragile.

It is necessary to monitor his weight daily, especially during the weaning process, to understand how complete and well his body is digesting solid food. At the age of 1 month there should not be immediate weaning mother's milk, the transition to other foods must be done gradually to avoid health problems. Contact us immediately for medical care if the puppy appears anemic, has stopped eating and/or is experiencing persistent diarrhea or vomiting.

An important part of puppy care is protection from worms and fleas. It is necessary to follow a certain schedule for both procedures. So, about a week before deworming, you need to rid your pet of fleas. It is worth mentioning the preparation for vaccinations: one and a half to two weeks before vaccination, it is necessary to deworm the puppy. The procedure must be carried out so that the baby’s body is not weakened by worms and is ready to fight the infection. The timing of deworming is determined by the veterinarian. Typically, the first preventive procedure takes place at the age of 2-3 weeks, then it is repeated at 4, 8, 12 weeks. Your veterinarian will advise you on the next preventative schedule.

Good nutrition is the basis for proper puppy education

When a puppy is only one month old, a wrong and cruel decision when raising a baby would be to abruptly wean it from its mother’s breast. In the fourth week, the puppies begin to develop milk teeth, and the mother gradually begins to wean them.

If the pet cannot receive sufficient milk from its mother or is orphaned, it is necessary to introduce complementary feeding with a special mixture from a bottle or a very liquid porridge from dry puppy food soaked in milk. When introducing food, carefully follow the instructions on the food label. correct calculation quantities necessary for the pet stern. Gradually, over several weeks, the milk should be replaced with water, and then the volume of water in the porridge should be reduced so that by 2 months the puppy switches to eating dry food. Babies up to one year old are fed 4-6 times a day, but as they get closer to one year, the number of feedings is increased to 1-2 times a day.

During the next bottle feeding, you can try to interest the puppy in solid food by diluting a piece of food with water until soft. Invite your puppy to lick the food off your finger. At first, let him play with his food more than eat, make sure he actually eats the food. As soon as he begins to eat solid food, bottle feeding should be stopped.

Environmental conditions when raising and caring for a one-month-old puppy

If your puppy is only a month old and has already been weaned from its mother, but you want to raise your pet with love and care, you need to provide it with its own place. Buy a sleep and rest box that can accommodate adult dog. Place rolled towels along all its walls so that your baby has enough space to lie down and turn around. Place this crate in a place where your puppy will be close to you or other members of your family, with a soft blanket and a few chew toys. Keep your puppy in a crate at night and during times when you cannot control his movements.

Try to keep your baby clean by drying him with warm wet wipes or brushing him gently. You can begin introducing regular baths as long as the room is warm and you dry your puppy completely after bathing.

Socialization as the most important part of raising a puppy at 1 month

It is worth mentioning once again that one month is too much for any puppy. early date for separation from mother, brothers and sisters. If he is weaned this early, there is a chance of facing further problems with both health and behavior. Health problems, as mentioned above, can arise due to the lack of mother's milk, which gave necessary set vitamins and microelements for development young body. Behavioral problems arise from a lack of basic social skills that come with interacting with other dogs, as well as a lack of a basic sense of security, like a child who did not grow up with his parents in a stable family environment.

The first question many veterinarians ask when they see a dog with strange behavioral problems is: “When was the dog weaned?” And most often they hear in response: “Too early.” In many European countries it is illegal to sell a puppy under 8 weeks of age, and many responsible breeders keep puppies for even longer, especially if they are sent to new home without other dogs.

By the fourth week, and for the next 10 weeks, your puppy's experiences with the outside world will play a big role in his future development. Puppies that do not live with their siblings and mother until 8 weeks of age can face some pretty big problems in the future. One of these problems, for example, is the habit of biting, common among abandoned pets, even during play.

How can you help your puppy socialize and survive separation from the family in the least painful way? Try to find an adult nursing dog who will allow the puppy to be with her between feedings. Many bitches who have a puppy will be happy to play with someone else's puppy, they will lick it, raise it and teach it basic skills, just like its natural mother would. It's also worth finding other puppies that your pet can spend plenty of time with. After all, it is precisely when interacting with other dogs that he will receive maximum quantity communication skills, so necessary for his successful socialization. There is no other way you can replace or make up for the lack of communication, and in the future you and your dog will live with negative consequences this all my life.

Since at the age of 1 month the puppy has not yet received all vaccinations necessary vaccines, during the process of socialization and training, keep your pet away from sick or strange-looking dogs. At the same time, try not to stop his communication with people, including children. The puppy should associate the image of a person with affection and play. He is still too small to walk on a leash, so hold him in your arms during walks, giving him the opportunity to get acquainted with new sounds of cars, sirens, barking dogs and other loud sounds.

How to properly develop and raise a puppy

A healthy 1 month old puppy should be able to eliminate waste and try to clean itself. He can now drink water from a stable shallow bowl and is ready to begin the transition to solid foods. By one month, puppies have fully developed vision and become increasingly energetic and curious. Your puppy is eager to explore his immediate environment, which means he will walk, dig, roll and play. He can safely be left alone for short periods of time, confined to the safety of his crate.

You should start training your puppy with the rules and habits necessary in everyday life:

Where are his food and water dishes located;

What time of day will he eat?

Where is his place to sleep and rest;

What time does he go to bed?

What time does he get up?

Where is the bathroom?

Where are his toys kept?

When training, a positive emotional attitude is important, which strengthens the dog’s nervous system. And here the correctly chosen gentle and calm intonations of the owner’s voice play an important role.

With a patient and consistent approach to raising a puppy between 1 and 3 months of age, the following skills can be taught:

Don't jump on people;

Follow the owner's feet while outside;

Sit patiently and wait for food to be served;

Do not bite people's hands, feet or clothes;

Know the commands “fu”, “sit”, “come”.

Puppies between 1 and 3 months of age should be raised using exclusively positive methods based on affection, games and treats. It is important to know how and when to use treats or treats while training your pet. Veterinarians advise when training correct behavior to encourage your pet to carry a treat with him, for example, pieces of hard cheese or sausages. Moreover, the size of one piece should be approximately the size of a pea. This treat is convenient to use when teaching your puppy various tricks. But you should not use treats as a method of teaching any command. Situations may arise when you suddenly find yourself in trouble or want to stop your pet while he is performing some action. With constant use this method with a treat, your puppy will decide that he can only follow your commands if he is hungry enough to do so.

Why is it so important to choose the right method of training and raising your pet? If you use the wrong training method, your puppy will decide on his own what role you play in his life. This will lead to conflicts and behavior problems in the future. If you are using correct method training, your puppy will be happy to let you set the rules for what he can and cannot do in your family.

It is important to teach your puppy to respect you as the leader in your home. Without respect, your puppy may learn words and commands, but he won't follow them. You probably know dog owners who say that their dog “understands” but doesn’t do what they say. But this is not intelligence - this is disrespect. And such behavior may be associated with an incorrect educational position from the very moment when the puppy was first brought home. Respect for you cannot be shown in the dog's behavior "almost" correctly. You must get it completely and completely, consistently - the way dogs understand it.

Dogs are capable of learning many words, and no the best way making your dog understand your wishes is better than teaching him carefully chosen vocabulary words. First of all, the puppy should be accustomed to its name. This process works best during feeding time, when you take out a bowl of food and call your pet affectionately, repeating his name many times. In addition, for example, you can teach the puppy the word “good”. This simple word will henceforth be an excellent replacement treats when teaching the puppy new commands.

Tactile contact with the puppy is also important; learn to stroke your baby correctly so that he enjoys your affection.

It is also necessary to know what you can or cannot punish a pet for at the age of 1 month in the process of raising it. Most veterinarians believe that punishment should be avoided at this age. Whatever your puppy does, try to remain calm and patient, treat this still small and defenseless creature with understanding. After all, now he is completely dependent on you, and it is within your power to devote enough time and effort to your pet to raise a wonderful assistant and companion.