Role-playing game: role and significance in child development. Video: organizing role-playing games in kindergarten at all age levels. Role-playing game "Shop"

Hello blog readers, Tatyana Sukhikh is in touch! I was recently going through my papers for work and came across material on role-playing games . How interesting it is to remember that time in college. There is neither experience nor idea about what and how to organize with children, what goals and objectives we should solve when organizing games for children. This is now just 13 years later, but there were times...

You know, after looking at my notes, I decided to write an article about what I wrote for a test in a plot-based role-playing game. The question sounded like this:

What kind of plot-role-playing games are used in the first and second younger group and what are their goals?

At that time, the Internet was not yet so widespread and I had to run around the city of Tyumen in search of the necessary literature, fortunately there are excellent bookstores and an amazing library in the city center (I apologize to the residents of the city of Tyumen, I don’t remember the name of the library if you walk around the Republic from the Kholodilnaya stop towards the railway, then it is located along right hand from the road.

So, briefly about the main thing, I found everything and this is what I got:

What role-playing games are used in the first and second junior groups and what are their goals?


  • Purpose: To give an idea of ​​the profession of a driver. The driver drives the car, in the car building material. Introduce children to the main parts of a car (cabin, body, steering wheel, wheels). Instill interest and curiosity in the profession of a driver.


  • Purpose: To familiarize children with the names of parts of building materials. Joint interaction, showing the teacher what can be built from building materials (houses, slides, bridges, garages, etc.) Give the concept that builders work together and build beautifully. Develop children's imagination and friendships.


  • Give children an idea of ​​the medical profession. The doctor examines the children, looks at the throat, tongue, and writes a prescription. The nurse sets up a thermometer and gives an injection. Cultivate an interest in the medical profession. help in the distribution of roles.

Daughters and mothers No. 1

  • Develop and enrich the story game. To consolidate children's knowledge that mother is caring, feeds her daughter and son, bathes them, rides them on a sled, mother and children watch fish in the aquarium together. Foster unity of family well-being and friendly relations between children.


  • Introduce children to the builder (builder doll toy) expand vocabulary speaking of his clothes - a work uniform. Fix the names of the building material: cubes, cube, block, plank. Give an idea of ​​what builders build - houses, kindergartens. Build a house with the children and put a doll there and play with it.

Puppet theater

  • Teach children to carefully watch shows of familiar fairy tales. Develop children's creative imagination. Develop listening skills in children. Help children play independently and assign roles.


  • Display in the game a wider range of phenomena of surrounding life. Mom takes care of the children, feeds them, walks with them, shows them books, goes to the store. The children thank their mother. Cultivate love for mom.


  • Expand children's knowledge about the work of a salesperson. A grocery store clerk sells milk, candy, and is polite to customers. Develop creative imagination. Learn to comply ethical standards and rules of conduct.

Daughters and mothers No. 2

  • Arouse interest in the game. Teach politeness to each other. Cultivate a desire to help your mother: go grocery shopping with her, play with your daughter, take a taxi to run errands, go to the movies with her.


  • Introduce children to the work of a teacher. The teacher teaches children to play, works with them educational activities, teaches how to draw, sculpt, and build various buildings. Cultivate respect for the work of a teacher.


Card index of role-playing games for preschoolers

Development of gaming activities.
Main goals and objectives:
Creating conditions for the development of children's play activities. Formation gaming skills, development of cultural forms of play. Comprehensive education and harmonious development of children in play (emotional-moral, mental, physical, artistic-aesthetic and social-communicative). Development of independence, initiative, creativity, self-regulation skills; the formation of a friendly attitude towards peers, the ability to interact, negotiate, and independently resolve conflict situations.

Thematic role-playing game "Shop"

Target: teach children to classify objects according to common features, cultivate a sense of mutual assistance, expand children’s vocabulary: introduce the concepts of “toys”, “furniture”, “food”, “dishes”.
Equipment: all toys depicting goods that can be bought in a store, located on the display window, money.
Age: 3–7 years.
Progress of the game: The teacher invites the children to place a huge supermarket in a convenient place with departments such as vegetable, grocery, dairy, bakery and others where customers will go. Children independently distribute the roles of sellers, cashiers, sales workers in departments, sort goods into departments - food, fish, bakery products,
meat, milk, household chemicals etc. They come to the supermarket to shop with their friends, choose a product, consult with the sellers, and pay at the checkout. During the game, the teacher needs to pay attention to the relationship between sellers and buyers. The older the children, the more departments and products there may be in the supermarket.

Thematic role-playing game "Toys at the doctor"

Target: teach children how to care for the sick and use medical instruments, cultivate attentiveness and sensitivity in children, expand their vocabulary: introduce the concepts of “hospital”, “patient”, “treatment”, “medicines”, “temperature”, “hospital”.
Equipment: dolls, toy animals, medical instruments: thermometer, syringe, pills, spoon, phonendoscope, cotton wool, jars of medicine, bandage, robe and cap for the doctor.
Age: 3–7 years.
Progress of the game: The teacher offers to play, a Doctor and a Nurse are selected, the rest of the children pick up toy animals and dolls and come to the clinic for an appointment. Patients with various diseases: the bear’s teeth hurt because he ate a lot of sweets, the doll Masha pinched her finger in the door, etc. We clarify the actions: The Doctor examines the patient, prescribes treatment for him, and the Nurse follows his instructions. Some patients require inpatient treatment, they are admitted to the hospital. Older children preschool age can choose several different specialists - a therapist, an ophthalmologist, a surgeon and other doctors known to children. When they get to the appointment, the toys tell them why they came to the doctor, the teacher discusses with the children whether this could have been avoided, and says that they need to take more care of their health. During the game, children watch how the doctor treats the sick - makes bandages, measures the temperature. The teacher evaluates how the children communicate with each other and reminds that recovered toys do not forget to thank the doctor for the help provided.

Role-playing game "Pharmacy"

Target: expand knowledge about the professions of pharmacy workers: the pharmacist makes medicines, the cashier sells them, the pharmacy manager orders them necessary herbs and other preparations for making medicines, expand children's vocabulary: " medicines", "pharmacist", "order", "medicinal plants".
Equipment: toy pharmacy equipment.
Age: 5–7 years.
Progress of the game: a conversation is held about what professions people work in the pharmacy and what they do. Let's get acquainted with the new role - Pharmacy Manager. She receives from the population medicinal herbs and transfers them to Pharmacists so that they prepare medications. The manager helps pharmacy employees and visitors understand difficult situations. Medicines are issued
strictly according to recipes. Children assign roles independently, at will.

Role-playing game "Building a house"

Target: introduce children to construction professions, pay attention to the role of technology that facilitates the work of builders, teach children how to build a simple structure, cultivate friendly relationships in a team, expand children’s knowledge about the peculiarities of the work of builders, expand children’s vocabulary: introduce the concepts of “construction”, “bricklayer” ", "crane", "builder", "crane operator", "carpenter", "welder", "building material".
Equipment: large building material, cars, a crane, toys for playing with the building, pictures depicting people in the construction profession: mason, carpenter, crane operator, driver, etc.
Age: 3–7 years.
Progress of the game: The teacher invites the children to guess the riddle: “What kind of turret is there, and is there a light in the window? We live in this tower, and it's called...? (house)". The teacher invites the children to build a large, spacious house where toys can live. Children remember what construction professions there are, what people do at a construction site. They look at pictures of construction workers and talk about their responsibilities. Then the children agree to build a house. Roles are distributed among the children: some are Builders, they build a house; others are Drivers, they transport building materials to the construction site, one of the children is a Crane Operator. During construction, attention should be paid to the relationships between children. The house is ready and new residents can move in. Children play independently.

Role-playing game "Zoo"

Target: expand children's knowledge about wild animals, their habits, lifestyle, nutrition, cultivate love and humane attitude towards animals, expand children's vocabulary.
Equipment: toys wild animals, familiar to children, cages (made of building material), tickets, money, cash register.
Age: 4–5 years.
Progress of the game: The teacher tells the children that a zoo has arrived in town and offers to go there. Children buy tickets at the box office and go to the zoo. There they look at the animals, talk about where they live and what they eat. During the game, children should pay attention to how to treat animals and how to care for them.

Thematic role-playing game "Kindergarten"

Target: to expand children’s knowledge about the purpose of a kindergarten, about the professions of those people who work here - a teacher, a nanny, a cook, a music worker, to instill in children a desire to imitate the actions of adults, and to treat their pupils with care.
Equipment: all toys necessary for playing in kindergarten.
Age: 4–5 years.

Progress of the game: The teacher invites the children to play in kindergarten. If desired, we assign children to the roles of Educator, Nanny, Music Director. Dolls and animals act as pupils. During the game, they monitor relationships with children and help them find a way out of difficult situations.

Thematic role-playing game "Barbershop"

Target: introduce children to the profession of a hairdresser, cultivate a culture of communication, and expand children’s vocabulary.
Equipment: robe for the hairdresser, cape for the client, hairdresser's tools - comb, scissors, bottles for cologne, varnish, hair dryer, etc.
Age: 4–5 years.
Progress of the game: knock on the door. The doll Katya comes to visit the children. She meets all the children and notices a mirror in the group. The doll asks the children if they have a comb? Her braid has come undone and she would like to comb her hair. The doll is offered to go to the hairdresser. It is clarified that there are several halls there: women's, men's, manicure, good masters work in them, and they will quickly put Katya's hair in order. We appoint
Hairdressers, they take their jobs. Other children and dolls go into the salon. Katya remains very pleased, she likes her hairstyle. She thanks the children and promises to come to this hairdresser next time. During the game, children learn about the duties of a hairdresser - cutting, shaving, styling hair, manicure.

Thematic role-playing game "In the library"

Target: expand children's horizons, teach children how to properly use library services, apply knowledge literary works previously acquired in classes, consolidate knowledge about the librarian’s profession, instill respect for the work of a librarian and a caring attitude towards books, expand children’s vocabulary: “library”, “profession”, “librarian”, “reading room”.
Equipment: books familiar to children, a box with pictures, a card index, pencils, sets of postcards.
Age: 5–6 years.
Progress of the game: The teacher invites the children to play in the library. Everyone remembers together who works in the library and what they do there. Children themselves choose 2-3 Librarians, each of them has several books. The remaining children are distributed to
several groups. Each group is served by one Librarian. He shows a lot of books, and in order to take the book he likes, the child must name it or briefly talk about what is written in it. You can recite a poem from a book that the child picks up. During the game, they give advice to children who find it difficult to choose a book. The librarian needs to be more attentive to visitors and show illustrations to books they like. Some children want to stay in the reading room to look at sets of pictures and postcards. They share their impressions. At the end of the game, the children tell how they played, what books the Librarian offered them, and what they liked best.

Thematic role-playing game "Cosmonauts"

Target: expand the topic story games, introduce the work of astronauts in space, cultivate courage, endurance, expand children’s vocabulary: “outer space”, “cosmodrome”, “flight”, “outer space”.
Equipment: spaceship and building material, seat belts, tools for working in space, toy cameras.
Age: 5–6 years.
Progress of the game: The teacher asks the children if they would like to go to space? What kind of person do you need to be to fly into space? (Strong, brave, dexterous, smart.) He proposes to go into space to leave a satellite there that will transmit weather signals to Earth. You will also need to take photographs of our planet from space. Everyone remembers together what else they need to take with them so that nothing can happen during the flight. Children play out the situation. They complete the task and return to Earth. The roles of Pilot, Navigator, Radio Operator, Captain are distributed at the request of the children.

Thematic role-playing game "Family"

Target: to form an idea of ​​collective farming, family budget, about family relationships, joint leisure, to cultivate love, a friendly, caring attitude towards family members, interest in their activities.
Equipment: all the toys necessary for family play: dolls, furniture, dishes, things, etc.
Age: 5–6 years.
Progress of the game: The teacher invites the children to “play family.” Roles are assigned as desired. The family is very large, Grandma has a birthday coming up. Everyone is busy about organizing a holiday. Some Family Members buy food, others prepare a festive dinner, set the table, and others prepare an entertainment program. During the game, you need to observe the relationships between Family Members and help them in a timely manner.

Thematic role-playing game "In the cafe"

Target: teach a culture of behavior in public places, be able to perform the duties of a cook and waiter.
Equipment: necessary equipment for cafes, toys-dolls, money.
Age: 5–6 years.
Progress of the game: Buratino comes to visit the children. He met all the children and made friends with other toys. Pinocchio decides to invite his new friends to a cafe to treat them to ice cream. Everyone goes to the cafe. There they are served by waiters. Children learn to place an order correctly and thank you for the service.

Role-playing game "Around the World"

Target: expand children's horizons, consolidate knowledge about parts of the world, different countries, cultivate a desire to travel, friendships, expand children’s vocabulary: “captain”, “travel around the world”, “Asia”, “India”, “Europe”, “Pacific Ocean”.
Equipment: ship made of building material, steering wheel, binoculars, world map.
Age: 6–7 years old.
Progress of the game: The teacher invites the children to go to trip around the world on the ship. If desired, children are chosen for the roles of Captain, Radio Operator, Sailor, Midshipman. We consolidate knowledge about what these people do on the ship - their rights and responsibilities. The ship sails through Africa, India, and other countries and continents. Sailors have to deftly steer the ship so as not to collide with an iceberg and cope with the storm. Only well-coordinated work and friendship help them cope with this test.

Story-based role-playing game "On the roads of the city"

Target: consolidate children's knowledge of the rules traffic, introduce them to the new role of a traffic controller, cultivate self-control, patience, and attention on the road.
Equipment: toy cars, flags for traffic controllers - red and green.
Age: 5–7 years.
Progress of the game: children are offered to build a beautiful building - a theater. We choose a place to build. But first you need to transport the building material to right place. Car drivers can easily cope with this. Children take cars and go to get building materials. But here’s the bad luck – the traffic lights don’t work on the main roads. To avoid an accident on the road, it is necessary for the traffic of cars to be controlled by a traffic controller. Select a Regulator. He forms a circle. He holds red and green flags in his hands. A red flag means “stop”, a green flag means “go”. Everything will be alright now. The traffic controller controls the traffic.

Thematic role-playing game "Rules of Movement"

Target: continue to teach children how to navigate by road signs and follow traffic rules. To develop the ability to be polite, attentive to each other, to be able to navigate a traffic situation, to expand children’s vocabulary: “traffic police post”, “traffic light”, “traffic violation”, “exceeding speed”, “fine”.
Equipment: toy cars, road signs, traffic light; for a traffic police officer - a police cap, a wand, a radar gun; driver's licenses, technical tickets.
Age: 6–7 years old.
Progress of the game: children are asked to choose traffic police officers to keep order on the city roads. The rest of the children are motorists. If desired, children distribute the roles of gas station workers among themselves. During the game, children try not to break traffic rules.

Thematic role-playing game "We are athletes"

Target: give children knowledge about the need to play sports, improve sports skills - walking, running, throwing, climbing. Develop physical qualities: speed, dexterity, coordination of movements, eye, orientation in space.
Equipment: medals for the winners, a billboard to demonstrate the number of points earned, sports equipment - balls, jump ropes, skittles, rope, ladders, benches, etc.
Age: 6–7 years old.
Progress of the game: The teacher invites the children to hold a competition in different types sports Judges and competition organizers are chosen at the request of the children. The rest of the children are athletes. Everyone independently chooses the sport in which they will compete with their opponents. Judges award points for completing the task. The game ends with the winners being awarded.

Thematic role-playing game "At the station maintenance cars"

Target: expand the theme of construction games, develop constructive skills, show creativity, find a good place to play, introduce a new role - a car repairman.
Equipment: building material for building a garage, mechanic tools for car repair, equipment for washing and painting cars.
Age: 6–7 years old.
Progress of the game: inform the children that there are a lot of cars on the city roads and these cars break down very often, so we need to open a car service station. Children are offered to build a large garage, equip a place for car washing, and choose employees and maintenance personnel. They are introduced to a new working specialty - a mechanic who repairs cars (engine, steering, brakes, etc.).

Thematic role-playing game "Border Guards"

Target: continue to introduce children to military professions, clarify the daily routine of military personnel, what their service consists of, cultivate courage, dexterity, the ability to clearly follow the orders of the commander, expand the vocabulary of children: “border”, “post”, “security”, “violation”, “alarm signal”, “border guard”, “dog breeder”.
Equipment: border, border post, machine gun, border dog, military caps.
Age: 6–7 years old.
Progress of the game: The teacher invites the children to visit state border our Motherland. A conversation is held about who guards the border, for what purpose, how the border guard’s service is carried out, what is the daily routine of a military man. Children on their own
distribute the roles of Military Commander, Head of the Border Outpost, Border Guards, Dog Breeders. In the game, children apply the knowledge and skills acquired in previous lessons. It is necessary to draw children's attention to support and friendly mutual assistance.

Thematic role-playing game "School"

Target: clarify children’s knowledge about what they do at school, what lessons there are, what the teacher teaches, cultivate a desire to study at school, respect for work, children’s vocabulary: “ school supplies", "briefcase", "pencil case", "students", etc.
Equipment: pens, notebooks, children's books, alphabet, numbers, blackboard, chalk, pointer.
Age: 6–7 years old.
Progress of the game: The teacher invites the children to play school. A conversation is held about why the school is needed, who works there, what the students do. At the request of the children, a Teacher is selected. The rest of the children are Students. The teacher assigns tasks to the students, and they complete them independently and diligently. In another lesson there is a different Teacher. Children are engaged in mathematics lessons, native language, physical education, singing, etc.

Story-based role-playing game "Space Adventure"

Target: teach them to apply their knowledge and skills in practice, create a friendly atmosphere between children, develop their responsibility and interest, expand their vocabulary - “space”, “planet”, “Mars”, “outer space”, “weightlessness”, “cosmodrome” .
Equipment: spaceship, medical instruments for a doctor, posters of views of our planet from space.
Age: 6–7 years old.
Progress of the game: The guys are told that the spaceship will take off in a few minutes. Those who wish can become space tourists. But in order to fly into space, you need to think about what qualities you need to have? (Be smart, brave, strong, kind, cheerful.) And you also need to be healthy. Anyone who decides to go into space must undergo a medical examination. The doctor examines tourists and issues a permit. Children choose a Pilot, a Doctor on a ship, a Navigator. Everyone is ready to fly. The dispatcher announces the start. Passengers fasten their seat belts. From a height, children look (pictures) at the view of the planet Earth, talk about why it is called the blue planet (most of it is covered with water). Children tell what oceans, seas, and mountains they know. Spacecraft makes a stop on the planet Mars. Tourists go out, examine the planet, and draw conclusions about the existence of life on this planet. The ship flies on. Next stop is Jupiter. Tourists are once again exploring the planet, sharing their knowledge and impressions. The ship returns to Earth.

Story-based role-playing game "We are military intelligence officers"

Target: develop the theme of paramilitary games, teach children to carry out tasks accurately, be attentive, careful, instill respect for military professions, a desire to serve in the army, expand children's vocabulary - “reconnaissance”, “scouts”, “sentry”, “security”, “ soldiers."
Equipment: elements of military clothing for children, weapons.
Age: 6–7 years old.
Progress of the game: The teacher offers to remember films, stories about the life of military intelligence officers, invites children to play them. Children distribute among themselves the roles of Scouts, Sentinels, Commanders, Security Soldiers, determine goals and objectives, and monitor their implementation.

Role-playing games are needed primarily to satisfy children’s needs for interesting leisure time.

Moreover, such leisure can become useful and contribute to individual development and achieving socially significant goals, but this largely depends on the position of the creator (or creators) of the game. Through the game, a teacher can achieve educational or training goals, but only when he himself takes part in the creation of role-playing games. It is the Goal that is the starting point from which the creation of the game begins.

The purpose of role-playing games for children under 6 years of age is to overcome fears, self-identification, develop basic adaptive skills, master the objective world, establish connections with other people, and prepare for school life.

The goal of any game lies outside the game situation, but in order to achieve the goal it is necessary to properly organize the interaction of children. Before starting the game, the teacher must clearly and briefly explain the rules of the game, tell the name of the game, talk about its content, and the children must choose roles. It must be remembered that there should be no negative roles in games, because children tend to tolerate game situation V real life and attitude towards peers in the group.

Objectives of the role-playing game:

  • 1. Develops interest and respect for different professions.
  • 2. Helps children establish interactions in joint play.
  • 3. Enriches vocabulary and develops children's speech.
  • 4. Develops communication skills.
  • 5. Teaches the basics of adaptation.
  • 6. Introduces you to the adult world.
  • 7. Conveys specific knowledge.
  • 8. Systematically enriches life experience.
  • 9. Gives children gaming experience and gaming skills.
  • 10. Helps explore the gaming environment through enriching life experiences
  • 11. Activates communication between adults and children during their play.

To study the more precise goals and objectives of a role-playing game, I took a specific game “Shop”. At first glance, nothing can be said about it except that the “shop” is a primitive role-playing game for children. Role-playing games that follow a “shop” type scenario are extremely important for developing communication skills in young children. The progress of the game promotes learning the skills of reasoned argument, logical justification of one’s choice, and a conscious approach to choosing a model of behavior. When one child persistently offers another to buy something, and the other finds a way to refuse, rest assured that the latter will certainly not be lost in life.

Goals of the role-playing game "Shop":

  • 1. Develop skills of behavior in public places;
  • 2. Teach how to handle when buying and selling goods;
  • 3. Reinforce words of gratitude and respect (please be kind, thank you, thank you, etc.);
  • 4. Learn to describe the desired product, noting its characteristic features;
  • 5. Develop the ability to cooperate with each other, distributing roles and performing game responsibilities;
  • 6. Enrich children's vocabulary: cash register, money, display case, packaging, cargo, cashier, salesman, etc.
  • 7. Practice counting

I believe that a necessary and obligatory element in the upbringing and education of preschool children is role-playing play. It helps the child acquire most of the qualities that subsequently contribute to his successful growth. Cooperative play gives children great pleasure, this is where the first shoots of friendship appear, the first experiences begin. As a result, play becomes an integral part of children’s lives and activities; children develop such qualities as activity, self-confidence, the ability to unite in small groups and, most importantly, make friends. In preschool childhood, play is the most important independent activity of the child and has great value for his physical and mental development, the formation of individuality and the formation of a children's team.

Natalya Aleksandrovna Potapova
Role-playing game: role and significance in child development

« Story-based role-playing game, role and significance in child development»

In life baby preschool age game occupies one of the leading places. Game for him - the main type of activity, a form of organization of life, a means of comprehensive development.

For most children, the kindergarten group is the first children's society where they acquire initial skills in collective relationships. We need to teach baby live by common interests, obey the demands of the majority, and show kindness to peers.

Role-playing game is that game, which helps to cultivate these qualities in children. Role-playing game is closely connected not only with separate functions(perception, memory, thinking, imagination, but also with the personality as a whole.

The pedagogical value of the game lies in the fact that during the game, in addition to the relationships dictated plot taken upon himself role or rules, a different kind of relationship arises - no longer conditional, but real, valid, regulating real relationships between children. In the game it turns out: how does it relate child to the successes or failures of game partners, whether he enters into conflicts with other participants in the game, whether he is ready to help a friend, whether he is attentive to other participants in the game, how accurate he is in fulfilling his role. Role-playing activities They captivate children so much that they sometimes perceive them as real actions. The game helps the child overcome one’s weakness, manage oneself, creates conditions for practicing work skills and moral behavior skills.

During the game child independently establishes relationships with the team, and develops collectivist character traits. Subject to reasonable organization the game is a school of life, school of work and communication with people. The playful communication between the teacher and the children allows him to direct the course of the game and manage the relationship between them. Every kindergarten teacher is faced with the task of creating a friendly, organized team, teaching children play.

Joint play activity helps children develop organization and responsibility, the ability to control their actions and coordinate them with other children. In progress child game plot development acquires activity planning skills, develops creative imagination necessary in other activities. Skill playing is crucial to develop activity, initiative, determination and other qualities that are then necessary for successful schooling and future work.

Role teacher in conducting role-playing game

There are various role-playing game plots, which in kindergarten educators can spend with children, or in which children can play by yourself.

Games can be purely improvised or have a pre-planned script. In the second case, the game is led by a teacher who will assign roles, explain the rules, and show how the players interact with each other. However, psychologists say that this is far from best option For development of preschool children.

Main goal plot-wise– role play in kindergarten - development creative and communication skills baby who should teach him to make decisions, make and justify his choices. When children are plot-wise– role play is carried out only by the instructions of the teacher, game turns into a workout that does not promote either memorization of information, or communication, or child's entertainment, A Means, are of no use. "Family", "Shop", "Hospital", "Pharmacy", "Salon", "Crossroads", – the list of games for children is quite large. Role The teacher should limit herself to pushing children to choose games that would be interesting to everyone, and not impose on them any scenarios or strict limits of behavior. It is important to supervise that children played by the rules.

The main goals and tasks that the teacher performs when conducting plot-role-playing games: teach child play, promote the unification of children in play; tactfully guide the choice of games, teach children to follow the rules during the game, and cultivate a sense of goodwill. In order to the game evolved it is necessary to give children knowledge about the environment, to promote development of imagination.

In the group for plot-wise-role-playing games should be created objectively- development environment, which is filled with all the necessary toys and attributes. However for development The game is not enough just to equip the group well with game material. It is also necessary to have a variety of knowledge and impressions about the surrounding reality, which children reflect in their play. Enrichment of gaming stories promote excursions and targeted walks, thematic conversations, stories about professions, display of illustrations, didactic and theatrical games. All these forms of interaction between the teacher and child become the content of preliminary work that prepares child to play. The teacher’s task is to direct children to enrich play activities, to development of the game plot.

Let's consider the algorithm for playing games using the example of the game "Daughters - Mothers".

Stage one. Preparation.

"Daughters - Mothers" this is a very conventional name for a game in which we're talking about about the family, its life and relationships. Play Dad and son can do it too. We don't need such careful planning here. The essence of the relationship between parents and children the child sees every day. And there is no need to specifically specify the rules here, nor do you need to plan the game in advance. You can roughly specify plot, for example, let it be a day in the life at the dacha. Remember how you spend such days, discuss roles, perhaps your the child will want to play at all himself with the help of two or those dolls.

Stage two. Game.

Unleash your imagination baby. Join the game at any time if child plays by himself. Many parents, watching such a game from the outside, see what a relationship with child, because in such a game, child loses exactly what he sees every day. You can take over role of daughter or son, giving child's role as mom or dad. See how the character you play behaves child playing? Don't you recognize anyone? Take a closer look, this character looks like you.

Stage three. Discussion of the game.

After game over, discuss whether everything was logical, whether it turned out that the characters first had dinner, then went swimming and only after that had breakfast. If yes, discuss why this happened, what was illogical. You can be right on your heels replay an illogical fragment, discuss what could be different and plan what you want to add to the plot in the next game.

Positive results in work can be achieved by working in close contact with parents, enriching them with knowledge about the features of gaming activities baby. In order to choose the right direction in working with parents, you can carry out a series of consultations: « Child and his toys» , « Play with your children» , « Role modern toys in children's lives". All this work contributed development parents have an interest in their children’s play activities.

Methodological literature:

Boychenko N. A. et al. « Plot-wise- role-playing games for preschoolers".

N. V. Krasnoshchekova « Plot-wise– role-playing games for preschool children".

Children's growing up goes through numerous stages, and at each of them children are accompanied by role-playing games. The baby plays with toys unconsciously, first by himself, and then with his peers. Since his entire perception of the world around him occurs in the game process, this type of activity is very important for harmonious development.

Characteristics of role-playing game

The way children perceive the surrounding reality forms the basis of any role-playing game. They try on the role of adults, based on their own experience, that is, on how they see it. Even at the age of 2-3 years, children begin to get interested in toys, and this is the very first manifestation of the need for this type of activity. The older he gets, the more serious the actions become.

The importance of role-playing games in the life of a preschooler cannot be underestimated. Everyone needs it, because through it the mental, personal and intellectual development small personality. With the help of games, children can independently cope with various phobias (fear of the dark, dogs, doctors, communication with peers) without the intervention of a psychologist.

Similar game forms perfectly adapt the little man to new conditions for him - moving to another place of residence, entering school. The purpose of the role-playing game is to help the little one get comfortable in the world of adults. He is still far from reaching this age, but this is an advantage - over the years of such activities, children have time to learn how adults should behave in a given situation, and this will help them in the future. The structure of a role-playing game consists of a role, content and plot. Each of the components has a specific role, and they are all significant:

  1. The plot is that area human activity, which is played out during the game. It could be a family, a school, the police, a kindergarten - everything is like in real life.
  2. At first, the child chooses roles for himself. Afterwards, they are distributed among the participants, and everyone wants to perform the one they like best.
  3. The content depends both on the age of the players and on their life experience. Role-playing games are conscious actions that are performed in a certain order by agreement of the participants.

Types of role-playing games for preschoolers

Adults are mostly just observers and do not interfere in the course of action. What role-playing games for children to choose are decided by the participants themselves. They are divided into five main varieties, but can also be mixed:

  1. Staged games. In them, the toddler himself is the director of his actions. He speaks on his own behalf, or on behalf of the toy, according to the scenario he himself invented.
  2. Social games will be complete when toys for role-playing games for children are available. To play out the plot on the theme “hospital”, “transport”, and others, you will need appropriate props.
  3. There are less common games with a patriotic or heroic theme. In them, children can be brave soldiers, famous astronauts.
  4. Story-based role-playing game can display cartoons or fairy tales with the participation of characters from them - Mickey Mouse, the Evil Wizard - it is called fairy-tale.
  5. Household themes one of the children’s favorites is “home” or “family”, which demonstrate the true relationships in the child’s family.

Role-playing game "Shop"

Someday the time will come when a child will go to the nearest store for the first time to buy bread. Preparation for this important task begins in advance. For this purpose, similar role-playing games for preschoolers are used:

  1. Inventory. To play you will need vegetables and fruits, scales, money, and an apron for the seller.
  2. Target. The role-playing game “Shop” is needed in order to improve children’s knowledge of the names of vegetables and fruits, and to help them learn about the intricacies of the seller’s profession.
  3. Move. The seller puts on an apron and cap and weighs the fruit that the buyer has asked for. He pays the money and puts the purchases in his bag.

Role-playing game "Hospital"

Many preschool children are afraid to go to the doctor. Imitation can help you overcome fear. various situations, occurring at a doctor’s appointment, in a manipulation room, at a dentist:

  1. Inventory. You will need the appropriate attributes - a doctor's cap, a phonendoscope, a spatula, an ENT mirror, a hammer for a neurologist, a plastic syringe and cotton wool.
  2. Target. The role-playing game "Hospital", the purpose of which is to introduce the purpose of the doctor's instruments, can help children learn to act according to storyline. On a positive note there will be a decrease in fear of the doctor.
  3. Move. Using such components of a role-playing game as plot, roles and content, the teacher invites the children to divide into doctors and patients. The first ones arm themselves with instruments, after which they receive patients.

Role-playing game "Family"

Girls and boys love to copy the relationship between mom and dad. The plot-role-playing game “Family”, the goal of which is to correct distribution roles, helps to understand your role in society:

  1. Inventory. This game doesn’t require much; a doll as a baby, a toy stroller and utensils – dishes, a broom, a dustpan – will be enough.
  2. Target. The main task is to reveal inner world preschooler, teaching interaction between family members.
  3. Move. Children themselves regulate the scenario, according to their ideas about behavior within the family.

Role-playing game "Barbershop"

Little girls want to be like their beauty-conscious mothers. This desire needs to be developed. The role-playing game “Barbershop,” the goal of which is to develop knowledge about the profession, will also interest boys:

  1. Inventory. Bottles of shampoo, hairspray, combs and hairpins.
  2. Target. During the game, children learn many new terms, such as “curlers”, “styling” and this expands their vocabulary. They are also taught how to behave in public places.
  3. Move. A client comes to the hairdresser and gets his hair done using a comb and pins.


Preparation for school life should begin long before first grade. Playing out the lesson process will help with this, when the future student has the opportunity to feel like both a student and a teacher:

  1. Inventory. The attributes for the role-playing game “School” are simple. You will need a board, a pointer, glasses and a bell. “Schoolchildren” need books, notebooks, a backpack and pens.
  2. Target. Classes help make children’s concept of school more concrete, rather than abstract, and overcome fear.
  3. Move. The teacher invites students to class by ringing the bell. Children sit quietly, raise their hands, and don’t play around.

Role-playing game "Atelier"

The girls enjoy practicing cutting and sewing using a small children's sewing machine. Boys can act as models. This non-standard play activity, like others, contributes to the socialization of the child:

  1. Inventory. The necessary attributes for the role-playing game “Atelier” are available in every kindergarten. These are irons, ironing boards, dolls and clothes for them. Additionally, you can purchase a measuring meter, paper and scissors for patterns.
  2. Target. Children are helped to establish relationships with each other and are introduced to the basics of cutting and sewing - what the studio workers do.
  3. Move. The kids come up with a pattern, cut it out and pretend to sew a dress for the doll.

Role-playing game "Cafe"

The ability to behave in public places will be useful for a future adult. The role-playing game “Cafe” will help him with this, the attributes of which will be found in every kindergarten group:

  1. Inventory. You will need: a tray, a tea set, toy cakes, fruit, a toy menu, and overalls.
  2. Target. In the process, children learn to serve carefully and treat each other with respect.
  3. Move. The participants in the action are the waiter, visitors, and cook. Everyone is busy with their own business ultimate goal which is quality service to the population.


You need to learn proper behavior on the road from early age. For this purpose, various events are held, including the role-playing game “Road Rules”:

  1. Inventory. You will need a drawn or drawn zebra crossing, a traffic light, and a traffic controller's stick.
  2. Target. During the game, children learn how to behave correctly on the street, where to cross the road, and become familiar with traffic lights.
  3. Move. Children are divided into pedestrians, drivers, and traffic controllers. The teacher tells the rules, and boys and girls play out imaginary situations.

Analysis of role-playing games

The main indicator of the development of role-playing games is its sequential action, which is regulated by the children themselves. That is, the process begins, then its main part occurs, and then it logically ends. Children may have some difficulties and the teacher’s task is to eliminate misunderstandings. Observing the children from the outside and intervening if necessary, the teacher analyzes the behavior of the participants.

Diagnosis of role-playing play reveals difficulties in relationships between children - whether they are friendly with each other, whether they know how to act together and help each other. Observing children helps to understand whether they have problems in relationships with adults. Based on the knowledge gained, teachers should correct behavioral inconsistencies at an early age.

Not only teachers, but also parents can successfully use this method of communication with their child as a method to diversify leisure time. So, you can unexpectedly learn a lot of new things and even see yourself from the outside in the actions, actions and owls of toy cats or dolls. It is especially useful to spend time in this way for those who, for some reason, do not attend kindergarten and rarely communicate with peers.