A tooth does not grow after falling out. A child’s baby tooth has fallen out, but a new one is not growing: what to do?

When a child reaches a certain age, usually 5-7 years, his baby teeth fall out. In their place new ones grow that will last him a lifetime. In most cases, immediately after the first baby teeth fall out, a new molar grows in place of the resulting hole. But there are times when growth, for some reason, occurs very slowly or does not begin at all.

Dentist consultation

In order to find out the cause of the current situation, you cannot do without consulting a specialist. Therefore, if your child has already lost his first baby teeth, but new molars are still not growing, then you should definitely visit the dentist’s office. The dentist, using a visual examination and, if necessary, an x-ray examination, will determine the exact reason for the absence of molars.

Causes of pathology

There are two main situations when such a symptom occurs. This:

  • physiological characteristics;
  • edentia (absence of molar rudiments).

Also, similar pathologies occur as a result of receiving mechanical injuries jaw, deficiency of useful microelements in the child’s body, as well as premature removal of a baby tooth.

Based on the data obtained during the examination, dentists decide on the need for therapeutic and preventive measures. Most often, additional measures are not required; molars appear on their own, but a little later than expected.

Genetic predisposition may also affect the rate of eruption permanent teeth. In this case, there is no need for prevention or treatment. Lack of sufficient amounts of fluoride and calcium in the body can cause objective reason to slow down tooth growth. As a preventive measure, doctors recommend enriching the diet with foods that contain the missing microelements. Children's menus must include cottage cheese and other dairy products.

Mechanical damage to the jaw can affect the eruption of permanent teeth. Under such circumstances, there are two ways to resolve the problem. One of them is prosthetics. Such a measure is necessary only in the most extreme measures, when there is simply no chance of the tooth growing on its own. In other cases, doctors recommend waiting, perhaps over time the problem will resolve itself. The diagnosis is based on information obtained from an x-ray examination.


A symptom such as adentia is very rare. Once this diagnosis has been established, the problem can only be solved with the help of prosthetics. Children suffering from this pathology do not have the rudiments of permanent teeth. This syndrome begins in the womb. But, there are cases when the disease develops as a result of previous inflammatory processes oral cavity.


Prosthetics are often indicated for older children whose jaw is almost fully formed. This is done so that there is no need to repeat the procedure. If adentia is fixed on one tooth, then it is not at all necessary that the situation will repeat with other teeth.. Therefore, you should not panic if you happen to experience such a diagnosis. Modern medicine has ways to eliminate pathology without harmful consequences for health. Prosthetics will allow a child, and later an adult, to lead an absolutely normal life.

A timely visit to a specialist will help parents dispel worries about the long absence of permanent teeth in place of those that have already fallen out. Most often, solving the problem will only take time, and in more cases difficult situations, the dentist will provide qualified medical care. Compliance with oral hygiene standards, proper diet nutrition will help avoid unwanted dental diseases.

Therefore, if your baby’s baby teeth have already fallen out, but the molars are not yet growing, do not panic. Everything has its time.

At the age of about 6 years, a child begins to naturally replace milk teeth with permanent molars. This most often passes painlessly, and children, after shedding tears over the first lost tooth, then part with them without regret. But the process of replacing teeth does not always go smoothly. Sometimes it happens that new tooth grows under the still unfallen milk. In this case, you need to visit a dentist who will help remove the old tooth to make room for the new one. And sometimes it happens that baby tooth fell out a long time ago, but the new one still doesn’t want to please the owner with its appearance. And if the germination of a new tooth takes too long ( longer than six months), then it's time to see an orthodontist.

A baby tooth has fallen out, but a new one is not growing.

You've probably already heard that there are people whose so-called “wisdom teeth” do not grow? But it turns out that the same phenomenon can also be observed in preschool and younger children. school age. Most often, the upper lateral incisors (“twos”) and the lower second premolars (“fives”) do not want to show. And parents usually do not pay attention to this problem, because it does not create any discomfort for the child.

Pattern of growth of baby teeth in a child

Experts say that the cause of this problem is the absence of a permanent tooth germ. And, unfortunately, this problem is not that big of a deal. rare occurrence. Why is this happening? There is still no clear answer to this question. Most likely, some kind of failure occurred during the formation of teeth. Some say it's due to genetics or evolution.

Why can't the problem be ignored?

If parents do not pay attention to this problem in their child in time, this is fraught with displacement of the dentition and malocclusion, since adjacent teeth will begin to shift towards the empty space.

What to do if the tooth has no germ?

It is possible to detect that there is no germ in the place of the fallen tooth using an X-ray image taken by an orthodontist. Only after this the specialist selects the one suitable for little patient problem fix form. Tactics most often depend on the child’s bite. For example, a doctor may recommend placing braces in place of missing teeth (at 11-12 years old), and then implantation of missing teeth in adulthood (at 18-21 years old).

Most children begin to erupt their first baby teeth at 5-7 months. IN in rare cases this process is delayed until 8-9 months. The slow growth of teeth is primarily influenced by the nutrition of both the baby and his mother. With a lack of vitamins and nutrients in food and the body there is a significant slowdown in the appearance of the first incisors.

Experts note that slow teething can be caused by genetic characteristics and can be inherited. In any case, there is no need to panic ahead of time. The cause for concern is complete absence baby teeth at 10 months. The child should definitely be shown to a specialist.

Try to evaluate objectively general condition baby. The fact is that many infectious diseases may negatively affect tooth growth. If a child is often sick, then most likely his teeth will grow more slowly than those of his peers. If the mother suffered from some illnesses during pregnancy, this also affects the health of the child after birth.

Problems when changing teeth

The process of replacing baby teeth with permanent ones can be very lengthy. First permanent teeth Appear in children, as a rule, closer to 6 years. They change gradually. Some teeth are in no hurry to appear for quite a long time.

There may be several reasons for this condition. Firstly, poor nutrition. Secondly, weakened immunity. Thirdly, heredity or the presence of deviations. If a child’s teeth do not grow within 6 months after the baby teeth fall out, then you should definitely consult a doctor.

The fact is that there are gum diseases in which the baby tooth falls out, but the molar does not appear in its place. Only a doctor can correct such a defect and prescribe a course of treatment. The diagnosis is made only on the basis of an x-ray image.

How to speed up teeth growth

You can help your teeth grow strong and healthy with calcium-rich food supplements and special vitamins. The child's nutrition should be complete and balanced. In addition, special attention should be paid general strengthening immunity.

If you see that the child’s gums are swollen, the baby feels discomfort, and the teeth are in no hurry to erupt, then help light massage. Gently massage the swollen area with a clean teaspoon or finger. Be sure to wash your hands well before the procedure.
To facilitate the process of cutting baby teeth, infants buy special teethers in the form of rings or toys. At the same time, the gums are massaged and softened, making it easier for teeth to grow.