What should I do if I'm in pain? What to do if your soul hurts. In the most difficult situations

  • "joylessness"
  • "feeling of emotional numbness"
  • "feeling of absence of feelings"
  • other sensations, often the most exotic.
  • Definition of Heartache

    What is pain in the soul? Is it a disease or defensive reaction body?

    From a doctor's perspective, it's both.

    The brain, in this way, tries to convey to us, to signal that it is sick and needs help to cope with today's problem. If he is not helped today, then tomorrow this condition may provoke the formation of a more complex mental pathology.

    Mental pain as a defensive reaction

    Any person can experience mental pain, including those who are mentally healthy, for example, those who have experienced a significant loss of someone or something.
    Many conflicts that seem insoluble can cause a feeling of pain in the soul for people with a certain personality type (suspicious, anxious, with increased responsibility, always doubting everything). In these cases, mental pain is regarded as a protective reaction of the psyche to excessive stress.

    Mental pain as a symptom of a disease

    However, it is not uncommon for mental pain to be a manifestation (symptom) mental illness (mental disorder). Should be paid special attention, that the expression itself is “ mental illness", has a direct origin from the words mental pain. The feeling of mental pain is the most common symptom most common mental disorder recent years– depression.


    All reasons for experiencing pain in the soul, as mentioned above, can be divided into two groups:

    • first – diseases (mental disorders and behavioral disorders),
    • the second is psychological (psychogenic), conflicts between “real” and “desired” (true neuroses).

    Help with mental pain

    It is possible and necessary to help a person experiencing mental pain.

    In some cases, help means conversation and support or, conversely, isolation and temporary loneliness.

    In others, neurometabolic therapy using special methods of psychotherapy and medications, constant strict supervision by the attending physician.

    Unfortunately, there is no universal remedy for mental pain. Each case requires an individual solution.


    Is it possible to relieve or relieve mental pain on your own? If possible, how?

    If pain in the soul is not a symptom of a mental disorder, then you can try to treat mental pain yourself with some measures, such as: taking contrast shower, try to give physical activity(squats, running, swimming), try to sleep.

    If mental pain is a manifestation of any illness, then you need the help of a specialist psychotherapist or psychiatrist. The problem is that, as a rule, with mental disorders, a critical attitude towards one’s condition may decrease, and the patient does not seek help or turn to a specialist. A healthy person who, after stress, suffers from pain in the soul, on the contrary, tends to seek support and help from loved ones, tries to find a way to treat mental pain, and turns to a doctor for advice.

    What to do if you or your loved one are gripped by pain in the soul and will not let go? If, in addition, it also intensifies day by day?

    There is only one answer. You need to go to a psychotherapist or psychiatrist.

    Firstly, he knows how to quickly help and relieve this painful feeling.

    Secondly, if mental pain is a manifestation of some mental disorder and treatment is required, then a psychotherapist will be able to select therapy (medication and psychotherapy).

    The Brain Clinic provides adequate assistance to all those who come with different types And to varying degrees expressiveness of pain in the soul.

    Call +7 495 135-44-02

    We will help you or your loved ones get rid of mental pain!

    We help in the most severe cases, even if previous treatment did not help.

    Every person experiences many different emotions every day. And if everything is very clear with positive ones, then sometimes it is very difficult for a person to fight negative ones. That is why in this article I would like to talk about how to cope with heartache.

    What is it

    At the very beginning, it must be said that the very concept of “soul” is very abstract. This is a certain substance that has no color, no smell, no weight. However, it is precisely this that is the entire basis of human life, the engine of the body, its leader. Here it must be said that such concepts as mental health, injury or mental pain are also very abstract. After all, something that does not even have a form cannot hurt. However, probably every person living on planet Earth has experienced such feelings at least once in their life. is a very complex and dangerous thing, because to cope with it in short terms cannot be done using pills or special medication procedures (as is the case with physical pain). It takes time and a certain set of actions.

    Components of mental pain

    I would also like to say that any emotional experience (according to modern psychologists) consists of several simple elements:

    1. Emotions.
    2. Thoughts.
    3. Unpleasant sensations or discomfort in the body.
    4. Visual images (ideas, certain pictures before the eyes).

    If a person’s soul hurts, what should one do? A logical question often arises. After all, no one wants to suffer extra time and spend in difficult thoughts. The first piece of advice is: time heals. And that's true. This truth has been known since time immemorial. The ancient doctors treated all kinds of emotional distress solely with time (and labor). A person needs some time to get enough of his experiences. At this hour it is necessary to think carefully about everything, to relive past events again. You need to feel your pain one more time - the last time. Only then can a feeling of completion emerge. Often after this, people begin to let go of their problem, gradually saying goodbye to it. Time will pass, and not a trace will remain of the worries. This should always be remembered when looking to the future and not to the past.

    However, there is one “but” in this advice. When figuring out how to cope with mental pain, you can’t get too caught up in your problem. After all, she can “drag” you into her network for a long time. If the condition does not improve within a week, then you need to seek outside help. After all, this is how you can gradually drive yourself into long-term depression, which is very, very difficult to cope with.

    My soul hurts! What to do, how to help yourself? Why not seek outside help? In this case, there are several ways to get out of a negative state. The first and probably most important is the help of a psychologist. Based on just a couple of conversations, a specialist will be able to understand his patient’s problem and help him find a way out of the current situation. Attention: you need to remember that no one will solve the problem better than its owner. There is no need to hope that a psychologist will solve all the issues that trouble your soul. Not at all, he will show ways out of the situation. Next, you will have to act independently. The next option for getting out of a difficult mental situation is the help of parents or others. It is worth remembering that no one except the dearest and dearest people can help better. Mom, dad, sister, brother, aunts and uncles - these are the individuals who sincerely worry and will try to do everything to help their relative. You should always seek help from your relatives, because they often give very good advice. And the last way to calm emotional distress and feelings is to turn to friends for help. These are the people who, most likely, will not delve into the past, but will open their eyes to the present (especially if we're talking about about youth). Only good comrades can spin around in the whirlwind of the day without giving their friend a moment's respite. Study, fun, self-discovery, cinema, exhibitions, discos... There is simply no time left for self-flagellation and unnecessary worries. And there time will pass, and everything will gradually calm down and be forgotten.

    A few words about medications

    How else can you help yourself if your soul hurts, what to do in such a situation? So, sometimes you can hear simple advice: you need to take certain medications. These are so-called antidepressants or simply anti-anxiety drugs. But this advice very dangerous. The thing is that prescribing any medications yourself is very, very dangerous. This can have an extremely negative impact on your health. Antidepressants should be prescribed exclusively by the treating doctor after a specific examination and diagnosis of the disease. Here we need to clarify: there are not so many mental problems for which medications help. You need to learn to cope with everything yourself, without the influence of foreign chemicals.

    A few words about relaxers

    Many people can talk about how to get rid of mental pain. After all, the most often used method is to take various relaxing agents. It could be alcohol, soft drugs. Undoubtedly, for a short period they can bring relief by clouding the mind. But this is absolutely not a way out of a difficult situation. After all, the next day the sensations return, and a difficult physical condition is also added to this. So it gets doubly worse. In addition, taking the above-described drugs negatively affects a person, and in some cases leads to addictions, which are oh so difficult to cope with.

    If a person’s soul hurts, what should he do to cope with this condition? So you need to talk about your problem. However, opening up to a person, even a close one, is not always easy or simple. In this case, a journal is perfect. You need to try to pour out all your feelings and experiences on paper. You need to take notes at a time when it is very bad. You will have to write for at least a week. Next, you will need to re-read everything. After reading what is written, a lot can become clearer. Some things will seem funny, but some things will be easy to get rid of. It is worth remembering that by looking at the problem from the outside, you can better understand it and clarify some points for yourself.

    How to calm down negative emotional feelings? You need to try to forget about the problem that worries you. This will require a little work. Namely, get rid of everything that reminds you of your difficult past. For example, if you break up with your loved one, you will have to throw away or give away all the gifts and destroy photos together. There should be nothing left in the environment that can cause pain or memories.

    The next tip on how to get rid of mental pain is to do what you love. You need to do everything to simply not remember your problem. Creativity is the best way to do this. Embroidery, drawing, cycling, music - these are the things you simply cannot imagine without. normal life. Taking up your time completely, there is simply not enough time for negative thoughts and despondency.

    If a person is suffering from various mental sufferings, you can try volunteering. In this case, you need to go to the nearest public organization and offer yourself as an assistant at free of charge. In this case, you can talk about the reasons for such an action. In this case, the person may be sent to various meetings where people share their problems. After listening to the stories of others, he can make a simple conclusion that his problem is not so terrible and that it can be dealt with. After all, there are more complex and terrible situations. At the same time, by helping people, you can greatly assert yourself, realizing that you are also very useful to society and other people. And such thoughts have a very beneficial effect on the process of recovery from mental suffering.

    What to do if a person has a strong mental wound? You can try to cope with it in a similar way. For example, if the cause of suffering is a breakup with a loved one, you need to start dating other people. If you were fired from your job or kicked out of college, you can take courses and learn a new profession. We must always remember what does not exist. Fate loves those who are proactive and moderately arrogant, so you should never lose heart or give up. After all, whoever knocks, the door is opened.

    We must remember that there is only one life. You simply won’t be able to live it a second time. Therefore, you need to try to do everything you can at this moment, here and now. As they say, you have to get the most out of life. If you periodically return to the past, you may not be able to keep up with the changes that are happening today. However, saying it is not doing it. Everything is much more complicated here. Simple advice on how not to think about what happened: if such a desire arises and thoughts come back, you just need to force yourself to visualize a different future. This is a great way to speed up mental healing. You need to come up with a picture of a bright future and return to it every time. And if everything is done correctly, the imagined world will soon become reality, and life will again go on an upward trajectory.

    Everyone knows a simple truth: you need to give more than receive. After all, it brings great moral satisfaction. If your soul is bad, you need to try to improve the lives of everyone around you. Can you help mom do general cleaning, give dad a long-awaited spinning rod or take a walk with your sister’s child. Gratitude and encouragement from outside improve your mood and only give positive emotions. And it’s much easier to cope with difficult memories.

    Here we'll talk not about selfishness, but about the fact that you need to give yourself the maximum of what can please you. At this time, you can try to fulfill at least one cherished dream - to jump with a parachute, go to the sea, or just go to an amusement park. Expectation of something wonderful and positive emotions cope well with multiple mental problems.

    Simple conclusions

    And to prevent various mental illnesses and problems from arising, you should always try to think positively. After all, all the trials that fate sends should only make a person stronger. And besides, we must always remember that behind the dark streak of life there will always be a white one. Expecting the beautiful, soon it will be possible to wait for it.

    I can’t live anymore, I don’t see the meaning of life, I have schizophrenia. Nothing helps me, no treatment, everything is against me. and I'm in so much pain that I can't handle it all. psychiatrists can’t help, because any word I say and they immediately put me in a hospital, but I don’t want to go there anymore, I’m stuck. please help, I can’t suffer like this anymore, it hurts me a lot. I don’t know if anyone will hear me, but at least one person will help. tell me what to do. otherwise I will do it, I had attempts, but every time they saved me, now I know how to do it without being saved, please kill me, I can’t suffer anymore, it’s so difficult. I hear voices, I see hallucinations, and no injections help me, everything is hopeless. please help.
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    Angela, age: 19 / 21.06.2016


    Angela, dear, I want to support you. Please live no matter what, in spite of everything. And you don’t have to be afraid of treatment; you need to take your medications constantly. Read the articles and sections on this site, they will be useful to you. I wish you good health! Hold on!

    Irina, age: 28 / 06/21/2016

    Hello Angela!
    I sincerely sympathize with you. But don't give up, this is not an option. Try to get away from it more often bad thoughts. Physical activity will help you relax: a walk, gymnastics or simple work. Communicate more with people, spend time with loved ones and friends. You can't withdraw into yourself. I believe that everything will be wonderful for you!

    Kirill, age: 25 / 06/21/2016

    Hello Angela. I hear you. And it's not just me, there are a lot of people here good people who have experienced pain and overcome it. Please don't leave. Give us a chance to help you kind words, advice, your personal experience. I have been struggling with schizophrenic tendencies since I was 23 years old. Predisposition on my father's side. I have my own personal specialist who helped me accept my peculiarity and learn to live with it. It turned out to be quite effective in building my life and achieving a lot, giving birth to children, building a business. I learned to control myself. They say that all brilliant people suffer from schizophrenia to one degree or another. Now I’m already 40 years old) I’m preparing to publish a collection of poems, I sing. For example, music plays in my head regularly and poems are spoken) I hear it in whole symphonies, and write down the poems from dictation. I'm already used to it. Apparently with a feature included they give talent! What are you talented at? Give yourself a chance to create. This is an excellent remedy for schizophrenia - creativity. Find your specialist to support you. It was not a psychiatrist who helped me, but a psychologist-therapist with a special vision, simply a magical person. He pulled many out and taught them to live by accepting themselves. The diagnosis has receded. Don’t lose hope, ask God and he will send you a meeting! I will pray for you.

    Nora, age: 40 / 06/21/2016

    I think you just haven’t found the “key” to the disease yet. Try it different ways treatment, one of them will definitely do. I have serious illness, disability. True on the other side. For four years life was terrible, I also had similar thoughts. Constant pain, inability to move, let alone work or study. I tried a lot of things, then the doctors found me a medicine. The quality of life has improved, now I live very well) The main thing is not to give up.

    Natalya, age: 26 / 06/21/2016

    There are institutions at a higher level, for example regional centers or republican ones, if they don’t help on the spot, ask for directions there, everyone does that. Good evening.

    BADman, age: 27 / 06/21/2016

    Angela, stop! Wait, wait, wait! Read this. I UNDERSTAND you very well because I myself have been struggling with mental illness for five years now. I KNOW that this is wild torture, and that it is very painful, I know all this. But you have to understand one thing: you can’t handle this on your own! You must be patient, but undergo treatment! Yes, this treatment seems even worse torture than the disease itself, but it only seems, at first, and then side effects They will pass and you will feel better! Just trust the doctors! It often happens that some medications don’t work, and then you have to try others and others until you find something that works for you. They couldn’t find an adequate drug for me for a year and a half! I really sympathize with you because I believe that mental illness is the most terrible test that a person can go through. And therefore they are given only to the most strong people! But even they can’t cope on their own, they need treatment, and the strength to endure this treatment, and climb, and press on! There are many people in the world who, taking a maintenance dose of the drug every day, live full life With mental illness, including schizophrenia. But this happens only after they are treated to the stage of improvement and balance. You have now acute stage, of course you are admitted to the hospital. You should be admitted to hospital! Be patient, get treatment there, and you will feel better, and you will still laugh, smile and enjoy life.
    I am with you in spirit, I hold your hand tightly and support you, remember! Everything will be VERY GOOD!

    Matilda, age: 26 / 06/21/2016

    Hello Angela. Don't lose heart! The disease will go away. I have paranoid schizophrenia already 7 years.
    I've been taking a lot of pills all these years. Nothing helped... I’ve been feeling good for almost a month now. Look for competent doctors. I know there are few of them. Let them carefully select the drugs. Maybe something should be cancelled. Psychiatrists overload you with medications. But I don’t recommend doing anything on your own. Only on the advice of a doctor. Hang in there. Wish good health!

    Alexey, age: 33 / 07/20/2016

    Angela, honey!
    Please live! Your life is the most valuable gift given to you by God, higher powers. My dear, I am now pregnant, and I live alone difficult period in relation to a man. And the little flower that inside me gives me strength and meaning. Life is such a miracle! This is my first pregnancy, and I am amazed to watch how life is born inside me, this is a piece of jewelry... first an embryo, a heart, a head, arms, legs... And it all started with 300 million sperm... And only one, the best, the strongest... He reached his way to the uterus and was fertilized. You once made this journey, one of 300 million... You were the first, strong, fast... You wanted to live, you ran the fastest! Please live now and always! This makes sense, this is Divine design!

    Alfiya, age: 34 / 10/19/2016

    Angela, live!!! You understand there is only one life and you need to live it happily. If you are not happy today, then tomorrow you will definitely be happy, someday you will be happy. Is what you want to die for more important to you than what you want to die for? do you want to live???

    Vlad, age: 13 / 08/29/2017

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    When a person feels physical pain, it’s quite simple to say that he’s in pain. But when your soul hurts, what to do, how to explain it, and how to cope with it?

    Features of mental pain

    As you know, mental pain cannot be measured by any instruments. Oddly enough, sometimes a person cannot even describe it, but most of us have felt it at least once in our lives. Often, small wounds on the body heal quite quickly, but it may take more than one year to eliminate the pain in the soul.

    The emotional suffering that a person feels at this moment is often incommensurable with anything. The painful sensations that a person experiences at this moment depend on individual characteristics personality and the reason that provoked such a malfunction in the body.

    Causes of mental pain

    If we consider mental pain in a broad concept, then there can be an innumerable number of reasons for its occurrence. Most often similar discomfort appear due to loss loved one. This could be a breakup, a serious quarrel, or death. In all these cases, there is a feeling of emptiness, a lack of this person, which entails the appearance of mental pain.

    When asking the question of why the soul hurts, you can find other answers. Often this happens because the goal was not achieved. For example, a person spent most of his life creating a mind-blowing career, but remained an average worker. Someone focused on family life, but things are heading towards divorce. Moreover, in most of these cases, oppression occurs not because the desired outcome did not work out, but because of the condemnation of those close to them.

    Also with public opinion You can connect situations when a person does not want to do something, but “should”. This very necessity is most often far-fetched. Over time, certain ideals appear in society, and in an effort to achieve them, a person forgets about what he really wants. Without receiving even the slightest pleasure from daily work every day, he cannot achieve a feeling of joy, constant voltage Over time it affects your state of mind.

    How to deal with the problem

    Most people in such a situation are not interested in the reason for such sensations, but in the answer to the question “When the soul hurts, what to do?” You need to understand for yourself how to relate to this pain, what to do in similar situation, and how to react to what happened. All these steps will be part of recovery and relief from painful sensations.

    How to deal with painful sensations

    You should not perceive pain as something negative and destructive. Pain, both mental and physical, gives us a sign that a malfunction has occurred in the body. This condition becomes the first signal that prevents much worse consequences. And you need to direct your internal reserves to eliminate the first urges.

    The constant state of depression, apathy and dissatisfaction only gets worse over time. If you do not take any action, then as a result of a continuous depressed mood, a person morally begins to “corrode” himself from the inside.

    How to react

    It is much easier to cope with torment when you know why your soul hurts. There are several tips that help different situations. After all, a person will cope with a problem differently if there is mental anxiety and when there is a feeling that no one needs him.

    Losing a loved one

    The greatest pain is felt in those moments when you lose a loved one forever, loved one. Even more depressing is the realization that you cannot return those joyful moments that connected you.

    In such a situation, there is no need to keep everything to yourself, especially in the first time after the incident. It’s best to cry, whether to someone or just alone. After you have let go of the most negative emotions, it’s worth taking care of your own recovery. You need to accept the fact that a person has left this life, but you are still alive, don’t give up on yourself. Oddly enough, in this situation, most people who have experienced this support the statement that time heals. No one can tell you how much water needs to flow for you to return to real life, but it will definitely happen.

    Don’t isolate yourself from the help of loved ones, they can distract you a little. When the soul hurts from loss, loneliness is not the best adviser, so to restore vitality and energy, try to get involved in the life of society more often.


    IN certain moment In life, most people feel abandoned and useless. If your soul hurts from loneliness, the main thing is not to close yourself off. The more you focus on yourself, the more consuming this state becomes. The soul may feel heavy from loneliness after a breakup, or such pain may arise as a result of the feeling that no one needs it.

    Getting out of the daily routine, meeting new people, traveling and even art will help you cope with loneliness. In a great way Handicrafts will become a way to recover from a failed relationship. Choose for yourself what you like, be it painting huge oil paintings or assembling matchstick houses, the main thing is that this activity completely absorbs and captivates you.

    If you broke up, but still work at the same job or are in the same group of friends, then the best option there will be a change of scenery. You don't have to go to the other side of the Earth to get distracted. Camping with tents in a nearby forest will have exactly the same effect.

    There is also one popular and quite effective way when your heart is heavy. Workaholics in this case are completely saved by work. This is a fairly effective method, but it is not worth using it as a long-term treatment, because you can lose contact with all your family and friends. Therefore, it is better to perceive this method as temporary therapy.


    The concept of grief is quite broad; it can include both mental and physical losses. When your soul hurts from grief, you need to realize and accept what happened, and then begin to move on. Everything passes and changes, medicine allows us to treat most diseases, and financial losses can always be restored. Time heals, and after a while you yourself will begin to forget about what happened.


    Quite a common condition human body when the soul hurts from insults. Injustices in this life lie in wait for us at every corner, and no matter how hard we try, it is impossible to cope with them all. If the feeling of resentment arose as a result of a situation that you can influence, then it is best to act and strive to restore justice. If the situation is obviously a win-win situation, it is better to let it go and forget it as quickly as possible. Resistance will take away much more vitality from you than ignoring what happened. If a feeling of resentment arose after something a loved one said to you, it is better not to eat yourself up about this, but to talk openly with him. A fairly common situation is when a person screws himself up and comes up with the development of the plot in one phrase. A constructive conversation will help you figure out the essence of the problem and understand for yourself, first of all, whether there is a reason to be offended.

    First aid at home

    Most often, the most ordinary things can restore a positive attitude and pull a person out of a depressed state. Therefore, you need to remember some tips that will answer the question “My soul hurts, what should I do?” Easy techniques to eliminate psychological trauma:

    In the most difficult situations

    When your soul hurts, what should you do when not a single method helps, and you yourself feel that you are becoming more and more drawn into this state? There remains one more proven method of dealing with mental pain and depression - going to a psychologist. Some people are extremely negative about this, believing that it is a waste of money and time. Actually this is not true.

    A long-term state of mental pain, which is intertwined with chronic depression, is no longer regarded simply as a malfunction in the body, but as a disease. And who can best help you cope with the disease if not a doctor?

    Do not underestimate mental pain; disorders develop against the background of this problem physical condition person, health problems appear. The patient becomes distracted, which negatively affects work and study, and will subsequently give an additional impetus to worsening depression.

    A visit to a psychologist will allow you to find out what the situation looks like from the outside. Positive feature is that a person can look at what happened impartially. Also, the psychologist will probably offer you several options for getting out of this state; you can choose the most effective and least painful one for you. Human psyche has many features that only an experienced psychologist understands, so his help most often becomes the most effective among all options for getting rid of depression.

    Don't isolate yourself

    If you feel that for some reason you have broken down internally and you cannot cope on your own, you should not close yourself off from everyone. This condition can be compared to a disease that you don’t tell anyone about, but at this time it gets worse and causes more and more harm.

    Talk to a loved one; if this is psychologically difficult, tell a stranger about your experiences. By constantly holding negative thoughts within ourselves, we poison our essence.

    Recovery or worsening

    Some people confuse relief from heartache with temporary relief. When choosing alcohol or drugs as an ally, a person must understand that they will not help in any way to cope with the problem. The intoxication passes, but the pain does not disappear. Similar methods treatment is akin to self-deception; we forget about the problem for a while, but it doesn’t go away.

    To get rid of mental pain, you need to understand what its root cause is, get rid of it, accept it or forget it. You should not run away from the decision; the faster and more radically you begin to fight mental pain, the better the result will be.