Bad habits and their health consequences. Bad habits and human health

Human life consists of habits, actions that are performed automatically without prior reflection. Habits are divided into useful and harmful. Useful ones are developed gradually, showing persistence and willpower: morning exercises, mandatory hygiene procedures, going to work. Harmful ones are most often vaccinated in adolescence out of imitation of others, the desire to look more mature, successful, similar to people who serve as a kind of example.

Gradually bad habits become an addiction that is quite difficult to get rid of. By becoming a slave to his habit, a person, without noticing, causes significant harm to his health, tramples social laws human society, causes anxiety and trouble to the people around.

Classification of bad habits

Any human habit good or bad, designed to bring pleasure. This is what explains the speed of addiction and the duration of action.

Varieties of the most famous bad habits:

  1. . The drinker believes that taking a break from work in this way is his legal right. And until he understands the harm alcohol causes to his health and wants to completely change his life, all the efforts of relatives and doctors to rid an alcoholic of addiction will not bring success.
  2. A person becomes addicted to drugs to escape pressing problems. Several trials lead to a strong addiction. Stopping treatment is accompanied by pain, which many people cannot resist.
  3. a person usually begins in adolescence, imitating his favorite movie characters, smoking adults, who have unconditional authority from the child. Smoking occupies one of the leading positions in the ranking of the greatest harm to the body.

The effect of alcohol on the body

  • after a month, the morning “smoker’s cough” completely disappears;
  • after 3-4 days the sense of taste of food improves;
  • literally on the third day a person begins to perceive surrounding odors, previously dulled by tobacco smoke;
  • after a week, the nature around becomes brighter in color and richer;
  • after 2-3 months, lung volume increases, shortness of breath disappears when climbing stairs, hiking fast pace;
  • after 1-2 months, complexion noticeably improves, yellowness disappears, and a rejuvenating effect appears.

They say that a person's habit is second nature. Everyone’s task is to make their life interesting, useful for themselves and others, and full of pleasant events. Achieving the goal is facilitated by maintaining healthy image life and

For a healthy lifestyle. Today we'll talk about bad habits and their destructive effect on our health, emotional state. Bad human habits are an automatic action that causes damage to the body and is difficult to control. A person is at the mercy of his harmful desires and, as a rule, denies their negative impact, while other people are completely free from such influence.

5 common bad human habits

To understand the nature of bad habits, understand that any unhealthy action that manifests itself, for example, due to imbalance nervous system, will soon lead to an ingrained bad habit.

What habits are the most common and stand out from the rest?

1) Alcoholism and drug addiction

The worst bad habits. They not only kill health, they destroy personality and lead to self-degradation. Those suffering from such habits are even identified in separate words - alcoholics and drug addicts.

I won’t say how alcohol and drugs poison internal organs, we all know that. But they also affect the brain, anxiety, responsibility, and humanity disappear, giving way to pleasure and fun.

I'll call this habit stupid. What is the pleasure from inhaling butane, cadmium, nicotine? Nowadays, to surprise someone, it’s enough just not to smoke. And only the weak cannot control themselves and quit.

If the desire is really strong, then the person quits not on Monday or the last pack, but right now.

3) Overeating

A complex problem that has two sides: physical - impaired metabolism, inconvenience due to excess weight, stress on the body; psychological – emotional disorders, constant stress (find out), difficulties in following a diet.

This problem requires the help of two doctors at the same time - a nutritionist and a psychologist.

4) Habit of biting nails

Today, sociologists are still figuring out what motivates a person to take such an action. Possible reasons enough to calm down, to concentrate, to think things through better. It's a terrible habit.

Firstly, a huge amount of dirt under the nails is eaten - this is the danger. Secondly, the shape deteriorates nail plate. Chewed nails are always noticed, they look worse and good impression they don’t create anything, and the person is perceived as unbalanced.

5) Clicking joints

It would seem that such an action is harmless; the majority of people tried to do this in childhood. In childhood this is understandable; there is only one excuse – ignorance. But in adulthood, it’s time to know that this kind of habit injures the joints, they lose mobility, so the risk of early onset of joint diseases increases significantly.

Of course there is more big list bad habits, which is constantly growing and surprising. These include such bad human habits as picking your nose, addiction to the Internet and games, using profanity, spitting on the ground, and so on.

Every person has bad habits, which for almost everyone is a problem that plays an important role in his life.

Habit- this is an action, the constant implementation of which has become a need for a person and without which he can no longer do.

These are habits that harm a person’s health and prevent him from achieving his goals and fully using his capabilities throughout life.

The evolution of man has provided his body with inexhaustible reserves of strength and reliability, which are due to the redundancy of the elements of all its systems, their interchangeability, interaction, ability to adapt and compensate. Academician N.M. Amosov claims that the safety margin of a person’s “structure” has a coefficient of about 10, i.e. his organs and systems can carry loads and withstand stresses approximately 10 times greater than those that a person has to face in everyday life.

The realization of the potential inherent in a person depends on his lifestyle, behavior, the habits he acquires, and the ability to wisely manage the potential capabilities of the body for the benefit of himself, his family and the state in which he lives. However, it should be noted that a number of habits that a person begins to acquire as early as school years and which he cannot get rid of throughout his life, seriously harm his health. They contribute to the rapid consumption of a person’s full potential, premature aging and the acquisition of persistent diseases. These habits primarily include drinking alcohol, drugs and smoking. The German professor Tannenberg has calculated that at present, per million people, one death from an airplane accident occurs once every 50 years; from drinking alcohol - once every 4-5 days, from car accidents - every 2-3 days, and from smoking - every 2-3 hours.

Bad habits have a number of features, among which especially noteworthy:

  • Drinking alcohol, drugs and smoking are harmful both to the health of the person exposed to them and to the health of the people around him.
  • Bad habits ultimately inevitably subjugate all other human actions, all of his activities.
  • A distinctive feature of bad habits is addiction, the inability to live without them.
  • Getting rid of bad habits is extremely difficult.

The most common bad habits are smoking and drinking alcohol and drugs.

Harmful addictions and addiction factors

Harmful addictions (habits) are considered to be those that have negative impact to your health. Painful addictions - special group bad habits - use of alcohol, drugs, toxic and psychotropic substances for entertainment purposes.

Currently, a general concern is the habit of drug use, which has a detrimental effect not only on the subject’s health and social and economic status, but also on his family (and society) as a whole. Frequent use pharmacological drugs for entertainment purposes causes drug addiction, which is especially dangerous for young body. In development young man depending on narcotic drugs important role Factors such as individual characteristics and perception of the sensations of drugs used play a role; the nature of the socio-cultural environment and the mechanism of action of narcotic drugs (quantity, frequency and method of administration orally - through the respiratory tract, subcutaneously or intravenously).

Experts World Organization Health Care (WHO) has created the following classification of addictive substances:

  • substances of the alcohol-barbiturate type (ethyl alcohol, barbiturates, sedatives - meprobromate, chloral hydrate, etc.);
  • amphetamine-type substances (amphetamine, phenmetrazine);
  • substances such as cocaine (cocaine and coca leaves);
  • hallucinogenic type (lysergide - LSD, mescaline);
  • substances of the cat type - Catha ectulis Forsk;
  • opiate-type substances (opiates - morphine, heroin, codeine, methalone);
  • substances such as ether solvents (toluene, acetone and carbon tetrachloride).

Listed medicines used in medicinal purposes, excluding ethereal solvents, and cause dependence - the human body gets used to them. IN lately Artificially created narcotic substances have appeared, the effect of which exceeds the effect of known drugs, they are especially dangerous.

A non-medical drug such as tobacco is also a drug. Tobacco is a substance addictive and capable of causing physical harm to health. Tobacco, a stimulant and depressant, has relatively minor effects on the central nervous system (CNS), causing minor disturbances in perception, mood, motor function and behavior. Under the influence of tobacco, even in large quantities(2-3 packs of cigarettes per day) the psychotoxic effect is incomparable with pharmaceuticals, but an intoxicating effect is observed, especially in young and childhood. Therefore, smoking causes concern not only among doctors, but also among teachers.

Socio-pedagogical prerequisites for acquiring bad habits

The beginning of addiction to bad habits, as a rule, dates back to adolescence. The following groups of main reasons for introducing bad habits among young people can be distinguished:

Lack of internal discipline and sense of responsibility. Because of this, young people often come into conflict with those from whom they are at risk. certain dependence. But at the same time, they have quite high demands, although they themselves are not able to satisfy them, because they do not have the appropriate training, social or material capabilities for this. In this case, bad habits become a kind of rebellion, a protest against the values ​​professed by adults or society.

Lack of clearly defined motivation life goal . Therefore, such people live for today, momentary pleasures and do not care about their future, do not think about the consequences of their unhealthy behavior.

Feelings of dissatisfaction, unhappiness, anxiety and boredom. This reason especially affects insecure people with low self-esteem, to whom life seems hopeless, and those around them do not understand.

Communication difficulties, characteristic of people who do not have strong friendships, find it difficult to enter into close relationships with parents, teachers, and others, and do not easily fall under bad influence. Therefore, if among their peers there are people who use harmful substances, they are more likely to succumb to their pressure (“try it, and don’t pay attention to the fact that it’s bad”). Feeling relaxed and light under the influence of these substances, they try to expand their circle of acquaintances and increase their popularity.

Experimentation. When a person hears from others about the pleasant sensations of using harmful substances, although he knows about their harmful effects on the body, he wants to experience these sensations himself. Fortunately, most people experimenting with harmful substances are limited to this stage. But if a person also has any of the indicated provoking reasons, then this stage becomes the first step towards the formation of bad habits.

Desire to get away from problems, apparently, the main reason for the use of harmful substances by adolescents. The fact is that all harmful substances cause inhibition in the central nervous system, as a result of which a person “switches off” and, as it were, moves away from the problems he has. But this is not a way out of the current situation - the problems are not resolved, but get worse, and time is running out.

It is necessary to note once again the particular danger of harmful substances affecting adolescents. This is due not only to the processes of growth and development occurring in them, but primarily to the very high content of sex hormones in their body. Just interaction of these hormones with harmful substances and makes the teenager extremely sensitive to their effects. For example, it takes two to five years for an adult to go from beginning to drink alcohol to becoming an alcoholic, but for a teenager it takes only three to six months! Of course, for a 14-15 year old schoolchild who is preparing to enter adolescence, this consequence of using harmful substances is especially dangerous.

All of the above makes clear the crucial importance of working to prevent bad habits in children and adolescents. It is effective if the following conditions are met:

  • healthy life needs should be nurtured and formed, socially significant motivations for behavior should be created;
  • children and parents should be provided with objective information about bad habits, their impact on humans and the consequences of their use;
  • appropriate information must be carried out taking into account age and individual characteristics child;
  • Children’s understanding of the essence of bad habits should go in parallel with the formation of a persistently negative personal attitude towards psychoactive substances and skills interpersonal communication with peers and adults, the ability to cope with conflicts, manage emotions and feelings;
  • Students must gain experience in solving their problems without help. psychoactive substances, learn to deal with these hobbies of loved ones and friends;
  • instill in students healthy lifestyle skills, influence the level of aspirations and self-esteem of children;
  • In the fight against bad habits, the child, parents, and teachers must be united: we must help the child give up (or want to give up) bad habits himself.

Causes of drug and drug addiction

Personality characteristics, temperament, social environment and the psychological atmosphere in which a person lives can have a positive or negative impact on his habits. Experts have identified and formulated following reasons, causing development narcotic and drug addiction, characteristic of young people:

  • manifestation of the hidden emotional disorder, the desire to obtain fleeting pleasure regardless of the consequences and responsibility;
  • criminal or antisocial behavior, when in pursuit of pleasure a person violates social traditions and laws;
  • drug dependence as an attempt at self-medication, which arises as a result of a mental disorder of an inorganic nature (social stress, puberty, disappointment, collapse of life interests, fear and anxiety, the onset of mental illness);
  • when regularly taking medications to relieve physical suffering (hunger, chronic overwork, illness, family breakdown, humiliation in the family) or to prevent some disease, or to enhance sexual potency;
  • abuse of pharmaceuticals in order to create “popularity” in a certain social group - the so-called feeling of expressing social inferiority (“like everyone else, so do I”);
  • serious illness when the use of “rescue doses of the drug” is provoked;
  • social protest, challenge to society;
  • the result of acquired reflexes caused by accepted behavior in certain strata of society;
  • alcohol abuse, smoking at various social and cultural events (discos, presentations, gala concerts, star fever of music, cinema idols, etc.).

But any of the listed factors can cause painful dependence only in those who are dependent by character (cowardly, spineless, easily injured, physically weak, morally unstable, etc.).

Most of these factors, which are the root cause of drug and drug addiction in young people, are determined by human behavior, his perception and ability to imitate. Therefore, provoking factors that contribute to the formation of a future drug addict or substance abuser lie in the family, kindergarten, school, student environment or other social environment. But the main educational factor still belongs to the family. Parents should constantly strive to develop certain positive habits and skills in their children; reasoned educational process should serve the purpose of forming a stable life position. This is a great art and patience, which is acquired in the process of life and polished over the years.

Drinking and alcoholism

"Alcohol" in Arabic means "intoxicating." It belongs to the group of neurodepressants - substances that inhibit the activity of brain centers, reduce the supply of oxygen to the brain, which leads to weakening of brain activity and, in turn, to poor coordination of movements, confused speech, blurred thinking, loss of attention, the ability to think logically and accept right decisions, up to and including insanity. Statistics show that the majority of drowning victims were drunk, one in five road accidents is alcohol-related, drunken quarrels are the most popular cause of murder, and a staggering person is the first to be robbed. In Russia, persons in a state of alcohol intoxication 81% of murders, 87% of severe bodily injuries, 80% of rapes, 85% of robberies, 88% of hooliganism were committed. Sooner or later, a person who drinks constantly will develop heart disease, gastrointestinal tract, liver and other diseases associated with this lifestyle. But they cannot be compared with the disintegration of personality and degradation of a drinking person.

Speaking about the negative role of drinking alcohol in social sphere, it should also be noted the economic damage associated with both the health of drinkers and their behavior.

For example, science has established that even the smallest doses of alcohol reduce performance by 5-10%. Those who drank alcohol on weekends and holidays, performance is 24-30% lower. At the same time, the decrease in performance is especially pronounced among mental workers or when performing delicate and precise operations.

Economic damage to production and society as a whole is also caused by the temporary disability of people who drink alcohol, which, taking into account the frequency and duration of illnesses, is 2 times higher than that of non-drinkers. Persons who systematically drink alcoholic beverages and suffer from alcoholism cause particular harm to society. This is due to the fact that in addition to large losses in the field material production, the state is forced to spend significant sums on the treatment of these individuals and payment for their temporary disability.

From a medical point of view, alcoholism is a disease characterized by a pathological (painful) craving for alcohol. Drunkenness leads directly to alcoholism - systematic consumption of alcoholic beverages for a long time or episodic consumption of alcohol, accompanied in all cases by severe intoxication.

TO early symptoms alcoholism include:

  • loss of gag reflex;
  • loss of quantitative control over alcoholic beverages consumed;
  • promiscuity in alcoholic drinks, the desire to drink all the purchased alcohol, etc.

One of the main signs of alcoholism is a “hangover” or “withdrawal” syndrome, which is characterized by physical and mental discomfort and is manifested by various objective and subjective disorders: redness of the face, rapid heartbeat, increased blood pressure, dizziness, headaches, hand tremors, unsteady gait etc. Patients have difficulty falling asleep, their sleep is superficial with frequent awakenings and nightmares. Their mood changes, in which depression, timidity, fear, and suspicion begin to predominate. Patients misinterpret the words and actions of others.

On late stages alcoholism, alcohol degradation appears, the main signs of which include a decrease in ethical behavior, loss of critical functions, and a sharp impairment of memory and intelligence.

Most characteristic diseases with alcoholism are: liver damage, chronic gastritis, peptic ulcer, stomach cancer. Alcohol consumption contributes to the development hypertension, the occurrence of diabetes mellitus, violation fat metabolism, heart failure, atherosclerosis. Alcoholics are 2-2.5 times more likely to have mental disorders, venereal and other diseases.

The endocrine glands, especially the adrenal glands and gonads, undergo significant changes. As a result, male alcoholics develop impotence, which affects about one third of alcohol drinkers. Women, as a rule, experience long-term uterine bleeding, inflammatory diseases internal genital organs and infertility. The toxic effect of alcohol on reproductive cells increases the likelihood of having mentally and physically handicapped children. Thus, even Hippocrates, the founder of ancient medicine, pointed out that the culprits of epilepsy, idiocy and other neuropsychic diseases of children are parents who drank alcohol on the day of conception.

Painful changes in the nervous system that occur in drunkards, various internal organs, metabolic disorders, personality degradation lead to rapid aging and decrepitude. Average duration The lives of alcoholics are 15-20 years shorter than usual.

General mechanism of action of narcotic substances on the body

All drugs have general mechanism influence on the body, as they are poisons. When used systematically (for entertainment), they cause the following phases of changes in the body.

First phase - defensive reaction. When used for the first time, narcotic substances have a toxic (poisonous) effect on the body, and this causes a defensive reaction - nausea, vomiting, dizziness, headache etc. As a rule, there are no pleasant sensations.

The second phase is euphoria. With repeated doses, the protective reaction weakens, and euphoria occurs - an exaggerated sensation wellness. It is achieved by drug stimulation of receptors (sensitive structures) of the brain related to endorphins (natural internal stimulants that cause a feeling of pleasure). The drug at this stage acts like endorphin.

The third phase is mental dependence on drugs. A drug that causes euphoria disrupts the synthesis (production) of endorphins in the body. This leads to a deterioration in a person’s mood, and he begins to seek pleasure from taking drugs (alcohol, drugs, etc.). This further impairs the synthesis of natural “pleasure hormones” and increases the desire to take drugs. A person’s obsessive attraction to drugs gradually develops (this is already a disease), which consists in the fact that he constantly thinks about taking drugs, about the effect they cause, and even at the thought of the upcoming use of a drug, his mood improves.

The idea of ​​a drug and its effect becomes a constant element of a person’s consciousness and the content of his thoughts: no matter what he thinks about, no matter what he does, he does not forget about the drug. He regards situations that facilitate drug production as favorable, and those that hinder this as unfavorable. However, at this stage of the disease, those around him, as a rule, do not yet notice anything special in his behavior.

The fourth phase is physical dependence on drugs. Systematic drug use leads to complete violation system that synthesizes endorphins, and the body stops producing them. Since endorphins have an analgesic effect, the cessation of their synthesis by the body taking drugs causes physical and emotional pain.

To get rid of this pain, a person is forced to take a large dose of a narcotic substance. This is how physical (chemical) dependence on drugs develops. Once a drug addict decides to stop taking drugs, he or she must go through an adjustment period of several days before the brain resumes producing endorphins. This unpleasant period is called the period of abstinence (“withdrawal”). It manifests itself in general malaise, decreased performance, trembling limbs, chills, pain in the various parts bodies. Many painful symptoms clearly visible to others. The most well-known and well-studied withdrawal state, for example, after drinking alcohol, is a hangover.

Gradually, the patient’s attraction to the drug becomes uncontrollable, he has a desire to immediately, as soon as possible, at all costs, despite any obstacles, get and take the drug. This desire suppresses all needs and completely subjugates human behavior. He is ready to take off his clothes and sell them, take everything out of the house, etc. It is in this state that patients engage in any antisocial actions, including crimes.

At this stage of the disease, a person requires significantly more high doses narcotic substance than at the beginning of the disease, because with systematic use of it, the body becomes resistant to the poison (tolerance develops).

The fifth phase is psychosocial personality degradation. It occurs with systematic and long-term use of narcotic substances and includes emotional, volitional and intellectual degradation.

Emotional degradation consists in the weakening and then complete disappearance of the most complex and subtle emotions, in emotional instability, manifested in sharp and causeless mood swings, and at the same time in the increase in dysphoria - persistent mood disorders. These include constant embitterment, depression, depression. Volitional degradation manifests itself in the inability to make an effort on oneself, to complete the work begun, in the rapid depletion of intentions and motives. For these patients, everything is fleeting, and you cannot trust their promises and oaths (they will definitely let you down). They are able to show persistence only in their desire to obtain a narcotic substance. This condition is obsessive in nature. Intellectual degradation manifests itself in a decrease in intelligence, inability to concentrate, to highlight the main and significant things in a conversation, in forgetfulness, in repeating the same banal or stupid thoughts, the desire to tell vulgar jokes, etc.

Fighting bad habits

The best tactic for breaking bad habits is to stay away from people who suffer from them. If you are offered to try cigarettes, alcoholic drinks, drugs, try to evade under any pretext. Options may vary:

  • No, I don’t want to and I don’t advise you to.
  • No, it interferes with my training.
  • No, I have to go - I have work to do.
  • No, it's bad for me.
  • No, I know I might like it, and I don't want to become addicted.

In your individual situation, you can come up with your own option. If the offer comes from a close friend who is just starting to try nicotine, alcohol or drugs, then you can make an attempt to explain to him the harm and danger of this activity. But if he doesn’t want to listen, then it’s better to leave him; it’s useless to argue with him. You can help him only if he himself wants to quit these harmful activities.

Remember that there are those who benefit from your bad habits. These are people for whom tobacco, alcohol, and drugs are a means of enrichment.

A person who plans to try a cigarette, wine, or drug should be considered as one of his own. worst enemy, even if until now it was yours best friend because he is offering you something that will ruin your life.

Your basic premise in life should be the principle of a healthy lifestyle, which excludes the acquisition of bad habits. However, if you realize that you are acquiring one of the bad habits, then try to get rid of it as quickly as possible. Below are some tips on how to break bad habits.

First of all, tell about your decision to a person whose opinion is important to you, ask him for advice. At the same time, contact a specialist in combating bad habits - a psychotherapist, a narcologist. It is very important to leave a company where they abuse bad habits and not return to it, maybe even change your place of residence. Look for a new circle of acquaintances who do not abuse bad habits or struggle with your illness in the same way as you. Don't allow yourself a moment of unoccupied time. Take on additional responsibilities at home, school, and college. Spend more time physical exercise. Choose one of the sports for yourself and constantly improve in it. Make a written program of your actions to get rid of bad habits and immediately begin to implement it, each time taking into account what has been done and what has not been done, and what prevented it. Constantly learn how to fight your illness, strengthen your will and convince yourself that you are able to get rid of a bad habit.

What to do if close person suffers from bad habits?

Don't panic! Let him know your concerns without trying to yell at him or blame him for anything. Don't read morals and don't start with threats. Try to explain to him the dangers of this activity.

The sooner your loved one realizes the need to stop, the greater the chance of achieving a positive result.

Convince him to seek help from specialists, help him make life interesting and fulfilling without bad habits, and discover meaning and purpose in it.

It is important to interest a person in self-development so that he learns to relax and enjoy himself without cigarettes, wine or drugs. Well, for those who themselves suffer from bad habits, we once again advise you to do everything as soon as possible to stop this deadly activity.

The causes of bad habits are quite varied. These are psychological trauma or nerve disorder, laziness, our environment, financial problems or troubles at work and in the family. Do not forget about such reasons as disappointment with previous experiences, unfulfilled hopes, a fast pace of life and stressful situations.

Psychology of bad habits

Global causes of bad habits - economic development countries, mentality characteristics, climatic factors. Moreover, all the consequences of the emergence of harmful addictions are not an excuse for the addicted person. This speaks of his weakness, laziness, lack of desire to develop and move on. Having identified the source of this condition, it is important to choose the appropriate treatment.

What are bad habits?

When you mention the phrase types of bad habits, smoking, alcoholism and drug addiction immediately come to mind. These are the most common and at the same time terrible diseases. No matter what types we list, any of them can negatively affect the health and quality of life of a person and his family. Someone biting their nails or a pen, using foul language or not picking up trash after themselves - all this is a weakness.

Listing the types of harmful addictions, we can highlight bondage from the computer and computer games, or, for example, from coffee or sweet food. Such addictions, unfortunately, occur in modern world quite often. The consequences from them can be no less dangerous than from alcohol or cigarettes, so it is extremely important to be aware of the possible results.

Bad habits - smoking

The influence of bad habits on the cardiovascular system is great, especially if it is smoking. Smoking constricts blood vessels, which can slow down metabolism and reduce oxygen levels in the blood. This can lead to bleeding disorders and the formation of blood clots, provoke myocardial infarction, or ischemic disease hearts.

In order to completely eliminate bad habits and their impact on health, you need to give up cigarettes and replace smoking breaks with exercise or a walk. If cessation is not possible, you can try to reduce the risk of exposure by reducing the number of cigarettes you smoke. We must not forget that this is not a panacea, and in order to maintain healthy well-being, vigor, it is necessary to exclude dependence on any factors.

Bad habits - alcohol

Is alcoholism a disease or a bad habit? Many people, faced with this problem, ask this question. The causes of alcoholism are comparable to the causes of any other addiction - dissatisfaction with life, financial problems and lack of work, idleness or reluctance to learn and develop. It doesn’t matter at all what type of phenomenon this is, the consequences can still be dire.

It should be noted that human health is primarily affected, and the changes can sometimes be irreversible. A person who is on a drinking binge is sometimes insane and can pose a threat to society. In this case, it doesn’t matter whether alcoholism is a disease or a bad habit. A person dependent on alcoholic beverages requires immediate treatment.

Bad habits - drugs

The influence of bad habits on the human body is very significant. If we talk about drug addiction, then in this case it will be not just significant, but huge. When using drugs, a considerable dose enters the human body toxic substances, which leaves its irreversible mark. In most cases, the result of such addiction can be fatal, so complete cessation of the source of addiction is required. Much attention should be paid to the prevention and prevention of drug addiction. Only in this case there is a place for a healthy society.

Bad habit - overeating

Overeating, as a bad habit, began to appear quite recently. This is due to an oversupply of food. That is why this problem is not relevant throughout the world, but only in developed countries with a sufficient level of economy. The most common causes of food addiction are psychological factors, stress, nervous system disorder. Overeating has its consequences. The primary result is overweight, therefore, the development of complexes. Eating too much food can lead to dangerous health problems. Hypertension, liver disease, hormonal disorders, joint problems, so this phenomenon requires mandatory treatment.

The bad habit of biting your nails

Under the nails there is dirt and bacteria that enter the human body and affect biological system person. Chewed nails don't look aesthetically pleasing at all. Plus, this addiction can cause diseases of the nervous system. It is not always possible to explain the harmfulness of bad habits to a child, but this simply must be done, including if your child bites his nails, in order to avoid unpleasant consequences.

Bad habit - coffee addiction

The concepts of bad habits and human health are not compatible. Many people forget about this when they drink several cups of coffee a day. This invigorating drink affects the cardiovascular system and flushes out of the body useful substances, causes nervous system disorders. It is necessary to eliminate harmful addictions, and a person’s health will gradually be restored. This formula also works for coffee lovers. When treating this addiction, you can completely give up the drink, or you can reduce its consumption. Whether to agree with the prescribed treatment or not is everyone’s business.

Bad habit - gambling addiction

A person’s bad habits are very dangerous both for himself and for society, and gambling addiction is no exception. Dependent person capable of developing mental and nervous system disorders, completely disconnecting from the outside world and living in virtual reality, is able to transfer the actions of the game into his life. Often in computer games there are elements of violence or cruelty. Therefore, the patient has to be isolated from society during treatment. It's even worse when we're talking about about gambling.

Bad habits - internet addiction

With the advent of the Internet, bad habits and their consequences have become increasingly common. We cannot imagine our life without news in social networks. Books used to be looked for in libraries, but now on popular websites. The spelling and meaning of words is no longer looked for in dictionaries, but searched for on the Internet. All this leads to population degradation.

The presence of gadgets and Internet addiction have replaced children's football fields, hockey rinks, theaters, dance clubs, and games on playgrounds. Unfortunately, this problem has no age limits. By traveling, playing sports, and being creative, such bad habits can be eradicated, and their impact on health will be negligible for us.

What are the consequences of bad habits?

The influence of bad habits on the human body is so great that even modern medicine not always able to find a way out of the current situation. Psychological dependence on any factors cannot be controlled surgical intervention or medications. We need the work of a competent psychologist who can distract a person from his problem.

Harmful weakness can be direct - for example, when alcohol or coffee enters the human body. Or the impact will be indirect, when a person develops a mental disorder due to Internet addiction. The patient cannot live a minute without mobile device and reacts to any extraneous noise, similar to vibration or a phone ringing.

Without timely medical intervention, the consequences of any addiction can be dire:

  • sleep disturbance;
  • appetite;
  • slowdown mental activity;
  • lack of adaptation in society;
  • problems in the family and at work;
  • irreversible changes in the human body.

Bad habits and how to combat them

Methods of dealing with bad habits are quite radical: complete rejection of psychological dependence. It requires a person's willpower and professional approach doctor As a rule, loved ones play a big role in giving up addictions. They know the patient and can provide alternative activities and interests. Methods for dealing with addiction will vary depending on the problem and its severity.

Some measures need to be implemented immediately, while others need to be introduced gradually into the patient's regimen. The most popular methods are psychological trainings, change of sphere of activity, place of residence or environment, as a last resort, medical intervention. You need to eliminate bad habits from your life, and their impact on health will be reduced to zero.

How often do we rush in the morning to take our children to kindergarten or school, then to work, where we need to prepare a report by a certain time, run to the store, call mom, pick up the children, check homework, cook dinner, etc. Do we notice how many cups of coffee we drank today, how many cigarettes we smoked and how many cookies we ate while sitting in front of the computer.

In the endless bustle of life, we don’t even have time to notice how our habits appear and become the norm of life.

So, what are habits, and what are they? In general, a habit is an automated action, the implementation of which under certain conditions is set by a need. Habits can also be useful, such as washing your hands before eating, waking up at the same time, doing exercises, or always cleaning up after yourself.

What can be called bad habits?

A bad habit is distinguished by its harmful nature for the person himself or those around him. If an automatically repeated action causes harm to business or society, the health of a person and the people around him, then we can call such an action a bad habit. Since this action is automatic, it turns out that we do not control the habit and often do not think about the consequences at all.

How many bad habits do people have? Incredible variety! They can be divided into chemical and non-chemical.

Chemical habits include:

· Drug addiction- a disease expressed in a person’s physical and/or mental dependence on drugs, which gradually leads to the destruction of the body. According to Federal Service estimates, there are currently up to 2.5 million drug addicts in Russia. The vast majority of them, about 90%, are heroin addicts.

· Alcoholism- painful addiction to alcohol with mental and physical dependence. Negative consequences can be expressed both by mental and physical disorders, and by disturbances in relationships.

According to research, only 10-11% of people who consume alcoholic beverages did not have significant liver disorders.

· Substance abuse- attraction and addiction to taking medicines and other substances not classified as narcotic. Characterized by chronic intoxication, the presence of mental and/or physical dependence syndromes.

· Tobacco smoking- This chronic intoxication body. Nicotine belongs to a class of narcotic compounds. It does not cause a state of euphoria, but its ability to cause physical and mental addiction is the same as that of other drugs. Russia ranks seventh in the world in terms of the number of cigarettes smoked per year on average per capita. Greece is the leader in this indicator (more than 3,000 cigarettes per person per year). We include the following among non-chemical habits:

· Bulimia- ravenous hunger, a sharp increase in appetite, usually occurring in the form of an attack and accompanied by a feeling of painful hunger, general weakness, pain in the epigastric region. Bulimia occurs in certain diseases of the central nervous system, endocrine system, and mental illnesses.

· Gaming addiction or gambling addiction is a pathological tendency to gambling. Games begin to dominate a person’s life and lead to a decrease in social, professional, material and family values: such a person does not pay due attention to his responsibilities in these areas.

About 7 years ago, while conducting research on the topic of gambling, I observed players in a slot machine hall. And I really remember one case: there was a regular player there, let’s call him Alexey. So, Alexey was about 35 years old, he had a wife and a son, about 10 years old. Alexey received vacation pay, was going to go to the store after work and buy his son a birthday present, but on the way to the store he went “briefly” to the slot machines. Alexey didn’t have time to notice how he lost all his vacation money. He left the slot machine hall depressed, with tears in his eyes, because he had nothing left to buy a birthday present for his child. And, unfortunately, there were quite a few cases like this.

· Shopping mania (shopaholism)- “obsessive shopping addiction” or oniomania - an irresistible desire to buy something, not paying attention to the necessity and consequences. Shopping becomes relaxation, entertainment, and meaning in itself. Unfortunately, every year more and more more people, especially women, fall into this addiction. And in the end they find themselves overwhelmed unnecessary things and everyone is in debt.

· TV addiction- with TV addiction everything free time a person spends time in front of the TV (turns it on as soon as he comes home). I think many people recognize their friends or themselves in this addiction. How often TV accompanies all aspects of life: when we have dinner, we watch TV, when we play with a child, we watch TV, when we do household chores or work, we watch TV, etc.

· Internet addiction- another common addiction modern man. This is an unreasonably long, possibly pathological stay on the Internet. Signs of impending Internet addiction include: anticipation of the upcoming online session, an obsessive desire to constantly check email, an increase in time spent online, an increase in the amount of money spent on Internet services.

· Habit of biting nails- a disease with an irresistible desire to bite nails and hangnails is called onychophagia. Often, nail biting also damages the nail socket and the skin on the fingertips. As a last resort, a person bites his nails until blood appears on his fingers. Very often, children aged 4-5 years bite their nails; the problem worsens when they begin to attend school. Often this bad habit occurs in adolescents during puberty and persists into adulthood.

· Skin picking- the bad habit of picking your skin has been known to science for a long time. Picking the skin of the face, skin of the legs, head, skin of the toes, skin of the wrists and other parts of the body. Sometimes such picking is in the nature of attempts to get rid of imperfections on the face and body. We can often see this in teenagers when the face becomes covered with acne. Often, picking is accompanied by even greater irritation, as well as a deterioration in mood, the formation of cracks, large bleeding wounds, including the risk of infection.

· Clicking your knuckles- sometimes there are amateurs who deliberately play “music” on their fingers. This “hobby” usually begins in childhood, it is done again and again to the delight of the amazed public, and as a result, the habit of “crackling fingers” remains for life. In this case, the joints are constantly injured and lose mobility. At the same time, the risk of early arthrosis increases.

· Technomania- the desire to constantly update existing phones, computers, televisions and household appliances, to buy newer and more improved models. The constant need to purchase new phone models is not uncommon. Typically, this is justified by several new features, updated menu design, etc. The same applies to other technology. This addiction has also become a disease that leads to depression, nervous disorders in the event that there is no financial or any other opportunity to purchase the desired item.

· Habit of chewing a pencil or pen- whoever chews on any objects, first of all, brings additional microbes into his mouth. This may lead to various diseases(pharyngitis, tonsillitis, tonsillitis, inflammatory diseases of the stomach, intestines), which could have been avoided. Also, a person chewing pens and pencils damages the enamel of teeth. This habit may be a consequence of nervous tension.

· Whining or tantrums in children when something is not given. On the one hand, such behavior in children often occurs during periods of crisis (especially at 1.5 and 3 years). In this case, it is not yet a bad habit. But if every time a child gets hysterical he achieves what he wants, then he quickly begins to understand what needs to be done so that his mother buys another toy anyway. And then, parents, hold on, this will happen again every time!

At first, any, even harmful actions, such as drinking, interest in gambling, addiction to eating a lot and deliciously in front of the TV, do not bring us any special problems, but until this habit increases its scope and becomes a need. Each person, remembering his habits, can divide them into 3 groups:

· 1. Secret passion (an unnoticeable habit that is usually indulged in alone. Picking at rashes or wounds on the skin, for example, or instead of shaving, removing hair for a long time with tweezers.)

· 2. Habitual autopilot (unconscious actions that we perform automatically: biting our nails, constantly being late, etc.)

· 3. Bad, bad habits (they can irritate others, and are not good for your own health: addiction to tobacco, alcohol, drugs, overeating, computer addiction, etc. Some of these bad habits can worsen so much that they turn into final stage- addiction.)

How can our habits move from one category to another? Let's look at the example of the invented hero Vasya, who loved beer. At first, everything was harmless at the level of a “secret passion”; sometimes Vasya, very tired at work, would go into the store and buy himself a bottle of beer, which he drank with pleasure at home or on the way. Vasya relaxed after drinking and fell asleep better, so without noticing it, she began to drink a bottle of beer every evening. And this is the next stage. After which the dose of alcohol often began to increase, and beer was often replaced by stronger drinks. Vasya could no longer live without alcohol and developed an alcohol addiction.

Using a simple example, we were once again convinced that we ourselves form our own habits and addictions. After all, we all know the proverb from childhood

“If you sow an action, you will reap a habit; if you sow a habit, you will reap a character; if you sow a character, you will reap a destiny!”

Where does such a misfortune as bad habits come from?

Many bad habits come from childhood in our family. For example, if we spend every evening in front of the TV, then watching us, children begin to do the same. If alcohol is abused in the family, this becomes the norm for the child and most likely he will drink quite often. Other causes of bad habits, such as biting nails, chewing lips, pens or pencils, include a person’s internal conflicts and general nervousness.

If our habit poisons our life, interferes with our everyday life, then you need to somehow get rid of it. But before you get rid of a habit, you need to understand where it came from and whether it has become an addiction.

If the habit is behavioral in nature, that is, we are simply accustomed to acting in a certain way, then it is enough to begin to control our behavior. If the habit is associated with our internal conflicts and nervousness, then you can contact a psychologist or psychotherapist. It would be great to find something relaxing and calming to do on your own. For some it is yoga, meditation and relaxation music, for others it is a massage or a sauna. There can be many ways. It is very important, at the same time, to direct your energy and strength not to fight a bad habit, but to form another one - good habit, if it still brings you joy and pleasure, then success is guaranteed!