How to treat a sore throat at home. For general strengthening of the body. Honey, bee products for the treatment of sore throat and pain

Particularly pronounced this symptom in the morning, immediately after waking up. What to do when everything inside is sore and you don’t have enough time to visit a doctor? All you have to do is try to solve the problem yourself. And here the question of how to treat a sore throat at home comes first.

However, it should be remembered that in most cases professional medical care should not be done, since uncontrolled therapy can only aggravate health problems. The question of how to treat a sore throat at home is relevant only in some cases, when you are absolutely sure that the source of the disease is not a bacterial infection.


Of course, discomfort Sore throat in the form of sore throat is most often caused by pathogenic microorganisms.

But often a person begins to think about how to treat a throat at home, even when he does not have a high fever. In this case, of course, there is no serious cause for concern. It is likely that the patient, for example, lost his voice at the stadium, expressing his emotions. It is possible that he sang karaoke songs too long and loudly. It is quite easy to soothe pain in the situations under consideration: you need to drink warm tea with lemon or use special lollipops, which are available in a huge assortment at pharmacy kiosks.

Features of the common cold

Before moving on to a detailed consideration of the question of how to treat a throat at home, let’s determine why exactly colds provoke painful sensations in the larynx.

Most often they arise due to excessive activity of microorganisms living on the mucous membrane of the above organ. Moreover, the mechanism of the disease is triggered by ordinary hypothermia. As a result, a person develops a sore throat, feels uncomfortable swallowing, and has a stuffy nose.

In most cases, if we're talking about O pain in the throat, you can try to solve the problem yourself. But as for severe forms diseases, such as sore throat, when a person’s temperature rises sharply and suddenly appears headache, lymph nodes become inflamed, and all this against the background severe intoxication, without qualified assistance There's no need for a doctor here.

Treatment Options

Today, there is a whole arsenal of methods that effectively cope with the problem of sore throat. When an illness occurs, everyone rushes to the pharmacy for drugs such as Faringosept or Rotokan. However, before purchasing them, consult your doctor.


The easiest way to get rid of the above problem is gargling. Pre-dissolve ½ teaspoon of salt in a glass warm water. As an alternative to sodium chloride, you can recommend iodine (3-4 drops) or soda (¼ teaspoon).

Please note that this treatment option is contraindicated for people suffering from diseases thyroid gland. You need to disinfect your throat at least 5 times a day.

Hot drinks

Moderately hot drinks are effective in relieving pain in the larynx. Make yourself hot tea with lemon, honey or milk as often as possible. You should not drink cold or carbonated liquids. Herbal decoctions also cope well with the above problem.

Many fathers and mothers are interested in how to treat the throat of a child (3 years old). At this age best option- This is gargling with an infusion of chamomile, calendula or eucalyptus.

Young parents are often concerned next question: “How to treat a throat in a 1 year old child?” Of course, rinsing is not suitable for such a baby. In this case, you need to arm yourself with a syringe in order to spray the mucous membrane with it. herbal decoctions. If your baby is not allergic, you can give him some warm milk with honey. In any case, remember that the child must be shown to a doctor, who will accurately determine the cause of the disease.


A huge number of representatives of the fairer sex who are preparing to become mothers are interested in the question of how to treat a sore throat during pregnancy so as not to harm the child. Inhalations will help cope with the problem.

Place a pot of water on the fire, throw in a few potatoes and wait until the water boils. Then go to the source of steam. The duration of the procedure is approximately 5-6 minutes. Please remember that after inhalation you should refrain from eating and drinking for 1 hour.

For some young mothers, the pressing question is how to treat a sore throat. breastfeeding. If such a problem occurs, you should immediately seek medical help. To eliminate the unpleasant symptom, it is recommended to drink hot tea with honey and lemon and rinse the problem area with herbal infusions as often as possible.

Onion juice

Ordinary onion juice will also help in the fight against this problem. The vegetable contains phytoncides in abundance, which have a powerful antibacterial effect. It is enough to drink one teaspoon of onion juice 2-3 times a day, and your throat will stop bothering you.

Foot baths

And, of course, one cannot fail to mention such an effective way to solve the problem as foot baths. First, dilute a little mustard powder in hot water and steam your lower limbs in this mixture.

The duration of the procedure is approximately 20 minutes. After this, dry yourself and put on woolen socks. A similar procedure is usually done before bedtime.


Ointments with a warming effect, for example, the well-known “Star”, will help eliminate sore throats. Rub your back thoroughly with this product, chest and feet. After this, you should immediately dress warmly.


Of course, any treatment will be useless without taking vitamin complex and drugs aimed at overall health promotion. Opt for supplements that contain wide range useful components.

With a sore throat, it is difficult for a person to swallow and even speak. A sore throat can be the result of dehydration, allergies, or muscle strain. The most common cause of a sore throat is a viral or bacterial infection, such as the flu or strep throat. A sore throat usually goes away within a few days, but you can take some steps to speed up the healing process.


Part 1

Diagnosis of a sore throat

    Symptoms of a sore throat. Most main symptom A sore throat is a sore throat that gets worse when a person swallows or talks. Such pain may be accompanied by a sore throat and a hoarse or muffled voice. Some people experience pain due to swollen tonsils. If you have not had your tonsils removed, they may become swollen, red, or covered in white spots or pustules.

    Other symptoms of infection. A sore throat is caused by a viral or bacterial infection. Pay attention to symptoms of infection that may appear along with symptoms of a sore throat. These symptoms are:

    • Chills
    • Cough
    • Runny nose
    • Sneezing
    • Body pain
    • Headache
    • Nausea or vomiting
  1. Seek medical attention. You can cure sore throat on one's own; this will take from several days to a week. But if your throat hurts very badly or for longer than a week, seek medical help. The doctor will examine your throat, listen to your breathing, and take a swab from your throat. Getting a smear is painless procedure, although for some it may cause vomiting reflex. A swab from the throat will be sent to a laboratory, where the cause of the sore throat will be determined. Having determined which virus or bacteria caused your sore throat, the doctor will prescribe a course of treatment for you.

    Part 2

    Caring for a sore throat at home
    1. Drink plenty of water. This will prevent dehydration, moisten the throat and reduce discomfort. For sore throats, it is recommended to drink water at room temperature. But if you feel better when you drink cold or warm water, do just that.

      Humidify the air. If you have a sore throat, dry air will only make your condition worse. To moisturize and soothe your throat, increase the humidity. This is especially important if you live in a hot, dry climate.

      • Buy a humidifier for your home or office.
      • If you don't want to buy a humidifier, place a bowl of water in rooms where you spend a lot of time.
      • If your throat is very sore, take hot shower or a bath.
    2. Drink broths and eat soups. Chicken broth is a proven remedy for colds. Research shows that chicken bouillon slows down the movement of certain types of immunocytes, which increases their effectiveness in fighting infection. Moreover, chicken broth speeds up the movement of tiny hairs in the nose, which prevent infection from entering the body. Also, for a sore throat, it is recommended to eat soft and non-sticky foods.

      • Soft food means applesauce, rice, scrambled eggs, pasta (if you cook them for a long time), oatmeal, cocktails and legume dishes (again, if you cook them for a long time).
      • Do not eat spicy foods, that is, any dishes prepared using hot pepper, ketchup and garlic.
      • Avoid hard or sticky foods that are difficult to swallow. For example, peanut butter, dry bread, toast, crackers, dry cereal, raw vegetables and fruits.
    3. Chew your food thoroughly. Use a knife and fork to cut small pieces and then put them in your mouth. Chew your food thoroughly and only then swallow it. Chewing food for a relatively long time will help moisten it (with saliva) and make it easier to swallow.

      Make a throat spray. You can carry a bottle of this spray with you and use it if necessary. To prepare 60 ml of spray, take a quarter glass of filtered water. Add two drops each of menthol oil (pain reliever), eucalyptus oil and sage oil (antibacterial, antiviral and anti-inflammatory) to the water. Stir well and pour the resulting solution into a container with a spray bottle. If the entire solution does not fit in the container, place the remainder in the refrigerator.

    Part 3

    Treatment of a sore throat with gargles

      Gargle with salt water. In a glass of warm water (250 ml), dissolve 1 teaspoon of table or sea ​​salt. Gargle for 30 seconds; do this once every hour. Salt will reduce swelling by removing water from swollen tissue.

      Use apple cider vinegar. Although there is no scientific evidence for the effectiveness of apple cider vinegar, it is believed to be better at killing bacteria than other types of vinegar. Some people don't like the taste of apple cider vinegar too much, so be prepared to rinse your mouth!

      Alternatively, use baking soda. It is an alkali that helps relieve sore throat. Baking soda also changes the pH balance in the throat, which helps the body fight bacteria. Baking soda is a great alternative for those who don't like the taste of apple cider vinegar.

      • Add half a teaspoon baking soda in one glass of warm water.
      • Add half a teaspoon or tablespoon of sea salt.
      • Gargle with this solution every 2 hours.

    Part 4

    Tea to soothe a sore throat
    1. Make tea from hot (cayenne, chili) peppers. While spicy foods should be avoided if you have a sore throat, cayenne pepper tea can soothe your throat. In this case, hot pepper acts as a second stimulus that counteracts the first stimulus, causing pain in the throat. Hot peppers also help reduce the P-neuropeptide substance associated with inflammation and pain.

      • Stir ⅛-¼ teaspoon ground cayenne pepper into one cup of hot water.
      • Add 1-2 teaspoons of honey (if desired) and drink tea.
      • Stir the drink occasionally to lift the pepper from the bottom.
    2. Make tea from licorice root. Licorice root is not the black or red licorice that is sold as sweets. Licorice root tea is made from an herb called licorice (licorice). Licorice root has antiviral, antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties. This tea is good to drink for sore throats caused by a viral or bacterial infection. Licorice root can be purchased at the store or pharmacy. Use one sachet per glass of boiling water and add honey to taste.

      Make clove or ginger tea. Cloves and ginger have antiviral and antibacterial properties. Even if your throat doesn't hurt, just enjoy the aromatic taste of clove or ginger tea.

      • To make clove tea, add a teaspoon of whole clove flower buds or ½ teaspoon of ground cloves to one cup of boiling water.
      • To make ginger tea, add ½ teaspoon ground ginger into hot water. But it is better to use fresh ginger; in this case, add ½ teaspoon of peeled and chopped ginger to a glass of boiling water.
      • Add honey to taste.
    3. Add cinnamon to any tea you drink. Cinnamon contains a large number of antioxidants and has antiviral and antibacterial properties. Place a cinnamon stick in a glass of boiling water to make cinnamon tea, or simply add cinnamon to any tea you brew. This will not only help your body fight infection, but will also give the drink an unusual aroma.

    Part 5

    Treatment of sore throat in children

      Make popsicles. remember, that cold temperature may lead to a worsening of the condition of a child with a sore throat. If the popsicle treatment does not help your child, stop it. Gather the ingredients you need: two cups of Greek yogurt, two to three tablespoons of honey and one teaspoon ground cinnamon. Yogurt contains beneficial bacteria, which strengthen the immune system. Greek yogurt is not very runny, so it doesn't run as the ice cream melts. You can use either regular or fruit yogurt– it depends on your child’s preferences.

      • Mix the ingredients with a mixer or in a food processor until smooth.
      • Pour the mixture into the ice cream mold until there is 1cm left of the rim.
      • Insert the stick into the mold and place it in the freezer for 6-8 hours.
    1. Remove the ice cream from the mold. If you try to remove the ice cream from the mold, you will most likely just pull the stick out. Therefore, before removing the ice cream from the mold, hold it in hot water for five seconds so that the ice cream comes away from the sides of the mold and can be easily removed.

      Make iced tea. You can freeze any tea that is described in this article. To do this, pour hot pepper tea, licorice root tea, clove tea or ginger tea into an ice cream mold and place it in the freezer for 4-6 hours. For children, sweeten iced tea with a mixture of honey and cinnamon.

    2. Make candy canes for children over five years old. Be aware that small children may choke on candy. But in older children and adults they cause profuse salivation, which leads to moistening of the throat. To make lozenges, you can use ingredients that soothe the throat and help the body fight a sore throat. The lozenges can be used for up to six months if stored in a cool, dry place away from light. To make the candies, gather the following ingredients: half a teaspoon of marshmallow root powder, half a cup of slippery elm bark powder, a quarter cup of filtered hot water and two tablespoons of honey.

      • Dissolve marshmallow root powder in hot water.
      • Place two tablespoons of honey in a glass and fill it halfway with water and dissolved marshmallow root powder. Pour the resulting solution into another container; get rid of excess water with marshmallow root.
      • Pour half a cup of slippery elm bark powder into a clean bowl and make a well in the center of the pile of powder.
      • Pour the honey and marshmallow root water solution into the well you made, then stir the ingredients together. From the resulting mass, make several small oblong shapes like grapes.
      • Roll the candies in elm bark powder to reduce stickiness, then place them on a plate and allow them to dry for at least 24 hours.
      • After the specified time has passed, wrap each lollipop in wax or parchment paper - the child will unwrap the lollipop and it will slowly dissolve in his mouth.
    • Severe sore throat or pain that lasts more than a week
    • Any difficulty swallowing
    • Any breathing problems
    • If you have difficulty opening your mouth or have pain in your lower jaw
    • Joint pain, especially new pain
    • Ear pain
    • Any skin rash
    • Temperature above 38.3 C
    • Sputum or blood in saliva
    • Frequently recurring sore throat
    • Bumps or swelling on the neck
    • Hoarse voice for two weeks
  2. Determine whether you are dealing with a viral or bacterial infection. Viral infections throats usually do not require direct medical intervention– they pass within five to seven days. Bacterial infections are easily killed with antibiotics prescribed by a doctor.

    • Analysis of a throat swab done in medical laboratory, will determine whether your infection is viral or bacterial.
  3. When bacterial infection Take antibiotics as prescribed by your doctor. Complete the full course of antibiotics, even if you feel better. If you stop taking your medication early, your symptoms may reappear because some types of bacteria that are resistant to medical drugs, are able to survive an incomplete course of antibiotic treatment. This will increase the population of antibiotic-resistant bacteria in your body, which may lead to complications or recurrence of the infection.

    • If antibiotic-resistant bacteria remain in your body, you will most likely get the infection again, but this time you will need more strong antibiotics to destroy such bacteria.
  4. Most people soothe a sore throat with hot drinks, but this is not an unwritten rule. If warm or cool drinks help you, drink them. Cool drinks are especially helpful when a person has a fever.
  5. Warnings

  • Do not give honey to children under 2 years of age as it may cause infant botulism. Although this disease is quite rare, keep in mind that in some cases honey may contain bacterial spores that the undeveloped the immune system baby.
  • Consult a doctor if self-medication does not improve your health within 2-3 days.

How to treat a throat - ways. As you know, non-drug medicine is capable of a lot. Especially when it comes to treating a sore throat. Throat hurts when infectious mononucleosis, measles, scarlet fever, pharyngitis, laryngitis and other diseases. Often when improper treatment throats develop severe complications. Therefore, it is so important not to leave the process of treating a sore throat to chance, but to help your throat with everyone possible ways. Acute inflammation The throat causes hoarseness and a sharp unpleasant sensation when swallowing. In some cases, a sore throat precedes other symptoms of a viral or bacterial infection of the upper respiratory tract.

The tonsils act as sentinels to prevent bacteria and viruses from entering the throat. In this case, only mild irritation of the tonsils occurs. If, however, the tonsils cannot resist bacteria, inflammation of both the laryngeal and palatine tonsils occurs, which become very swollen and painful. This is already a sore throat. Signs of the disease are the same as for a cold or flu: elevated temperature, fever, headaches, in addition, difficulty swallowing and coating on the tongue. Sometimes ulcers form on the tonsils, and bacteria can enter the bloodstream, causing inflammation (for example, of the heart muscle, kidneys, or internal heart septum) and damage to the joints. This can also occur with frequently recurring inflammation of the tonsils, turning into chronic inflammation. There are a huge number of throat diseases. These include infectious, occupational, oncological and many others.


A healthy lifestyle enhances protective properties body and helps prevent sore throat. Removing tonsils is not very desirable; the tendency to inflammation of the tonsils can be overcome with proper lifestyle hygiene.

Do not smoke: Smoking damages the mucous membrane of the larynx.


At the first signs of infection, immediately begin using self-medication measures, especially heat, to prevent the occurrence of sore throat. Lying in bed.

Warm/hot compresses of sage tea, vinegar around the throat, chest wrap with eucalyptus or lavender oil, warm foot baths.

Boil the potatoes in their skins, mash them, put them in wool sock and wrap it around your neck. Wrap a warm shawl around it and leave it overnight if possible.

Rinse the tonsils with a decoction of chamomile, peppermint and sage, or simply with salt water.

Teas: sage, hibiscus, mallow, horsetail - have an anti-inflammatory effect and disinfect.

Essential oils: massage your neck with eucalyptus oil.

Drink plenty of fluids.

Sucking lozenges support saliva production.

Well-known remedies for treating throat diseases include hot drinking, warm rinsing, and inhalation. For severe sore throat, treatment with systemic analgesics (NSAIDs) is often ineffective and is used only as an antipyretic. But there is a method that has been proven over the years - treating the throat folk remedies at home. Folk recipes There are quite a few ways to treat a throat, here are some of them:

ONION, GARLIC, HONEY - against sore throat

  • One Walnut You need to evenly divide it into 2 parts, select the nut itself, and press the crushed garlic into the shell. After this, place the shells with garlic on your palms. thumb(after the lower phalanx) and secure with a bandage for several hours.
  • Cut 8-10 onions into small pieces and boil in 1 liter of milk until the onion becomes soft, add 1 glass of honey. Take 1 tbsp. spoon per hour during the day.
  • Fresh Juice take 1 teaspoon of onion 3-4 times a day.
  • Take a large onion, cut it into two parts and immediately grate it. Place this mass in a glass, cover it by making a funnel, and breathe through this funnel. From the time of grinding the onion to the time of inhalation, no more than 2 minutes should pass, since the onion very quickly loses its medicinal properties. Attention! This remedy is contraindicated for patients suffering from bronchospasms!
  • Cut 1 head of garlic, put it in a saucepan, pour 1 liter of water into it, and as soon as the water begins to boil, add 1 teaspoon of baking soda and inhale - breathe over the saucepan 3 times a day. Usually, after a couple of days, the sore throat goes away.
  • Take 100 g of peeled and chopped garlic, pour 100 ml of boiled water at room temperature, close the vessel tightly and leave for 5-6 hours, then strain. Gargle several times a day. Grind 8 large cloves of garlic until smooth, then add 8 teaspoons of wine vinegar, mix thoroughly and leave in the refrigerator overnight. The next day, add 2 tbsp to this mixture. spoons of warmed dark honey and mix again. Keep 2 teaspoons of the mixture in your mouth for as long as possible until completely dissolved, then swallow slowly in small sips.
  • Place in liter jar Fill 50 g of chopped garlic almost to the top with a mixture of apple cider vinegar and melt water, taken in equal parts. Leave in a dark, warm place in a tightly sealed container for 4 days, shaking the contents occasionally. Then pour in 100 ml of glycerin and leave again for 1 day, shaking well several times a day. Strain the infusion through multilayer gauze, add 100 g of honey and stir everything thoroughly. Take 1 tbsp. spoon 3 times a day with meals.
  • Chop 10 cloves of garlic, add 2 tbsp. spoons of dried crushed black elderberry flowers and 3 tbsp. spoons of honey, pour 3 cups of boiling water, leave, covered, for 1 hour, then strain. Drink a quarter glass every hour.
  • Mix 1 tbsp. spoon instant coffee and yogurt or sour milk, then add 4-5 cloves of garlic, crushed into a paste, 2-3 tbsp. spoons of honey and corn flour to make a thick cream. Lubricate your neck with this cream regularly.
  • Mix the onion, mashed into a paste, in a 1:1 ratio with honey. Take 1 teaspoon of onion-honey mixture 3-4 times a day 15-20 minutes before meals. The mixture will be more effective if you use onion juice.

Lemon against pain and inflammation in the throat

  • You will need 3 lemons large sizes. You will need to make juice from each lemon, you can use a juicer, just don’t forget to remove the seeds. Drink the juice of the first lemon in the morning or evening. The second - in the evening or the next day. Then - juice of the third lemon. Attention! For stomach ulcers or gastritis with increased acidity This remedy is contraindicated!
  • When a sore throat begins, it is very useful to slowly chew half a lemon along with the zest. You must not eat anything for an hour after this to allow essential oils and work with citric acid. Repeat the procedure after 2 hours.
  • You can take 2-3 slices of lemon, peel them and hold them in your mouth one at a time, trying to keep the slice close to your throat. You should suck on these slices and then swallow the juice. Repeat the procedure hourly. Fresh lemon can be replaced with a 30% solution citric acid and gargle with it every hour during the day. Attention! If you have a stomach ulcer or gastritis with high acidity, this remedy is contraindicated!

Milk heals throat

  • Drink warm milk with alkaline mineral water(Narzan, Borjomi, etc.).
  • Pour oats or barley into the pan 2/3 full, add milk to a level 2 fingers lower top edge pan, cover with a lid and place in the oven over low heat. Add milk as it boils until the oats are cooked through. Drink 2-3 tbsp. spoons 3 times a day.

Aerosols for sore throat

Complications with sore throat occur quite often, and the only way To avoid trouble - start treatment as early as possible. The use of local antibiotics, which destroy the source of infection in the area, helps to solve the problem. oral cavity without allowing pathogenic bacteria multiply. Good effect provide aerosols with an antibacterial composition for use.

For example, Bioparox aerosol containing fusafungin, a natural antibiotic. This universal remedy treatment of infectious and inflammatory diseases of the upper respiratory tract. The drug inhibits the activity of most of the potential dangerous bacteria and has a pronounced anti-inflammatory effect.

HONEY, BEE PRODUCTS for the treatment of sore throat and pain

  • You need to chew a little propolis after eating, about 2 g each. You get about 5-6 g per day.
  • First, gargle with a solution of hydrogen peroxide (sold in a pharmacy) with water, in a ratio of 1:3, in order to remove purulent plaque and remove purulent plugs(if any); then an alcohol solution of propolis diluted in warm water (1 teaspoon per 2/3 cup of warm water). Alcohol solution It’s better to make propolis yourself, and the higher the concentration, the better. Buy propolis and dilute it in alcohol above 70°, otherwise it will not dissolve.
  • Pour 100 g of honey and 1 tbsp into an enamel bowl. spoon raspberry jam, put on fire and bring to a boil, stirring constantly. Cool slightly and drink all the contents hot at once. After this, go to bed and wrap yourself warmly. One dose of medicine is enough to cure.

VEGETABLES are effective in treating sore throat

  • Make a paste from ordinary red beets using a grater, then pour boiling water over it in a 1:1 ratio. Cover tightly with a lid and leave for 6 hours. Gargle with this infusion every 2 hours. To enhance the effect, you can add 1 tbsp. a spoonful of 6% apple cider vinegar.
  • Grate the beets on a fine grater. Squeeze out a glass of juice. Pour 1 tbsp into it. a spoonful of vinegar. Gargle 5-6 times a day, taking 1 sip at a time. Attention! If you have a stomach ulcer or gastritis with high acidity, swallowing is contraindicated!
  • Fill medium-sized beets with water and cook until soft. Cool the resulting broth, strain and use for gargling and mouthwash.
  • Apply a new one every 2 hours cabbage leaf to the throat and bronchi, wrapping it in a woolen scarf.
  • Place the potatoes wrapped in cloth on your throat. Wrap your neck well with a woolen scarf or handkerchief.
  • Grate the horseradish on a fine grater, squeeze out the juice, mix half and half with water, let sit and strain. Gargle with juice diluted with water.
  • Mix carrot juice, diluted half and half with water, with 1 tbsp. spoon of honey. Gargle.
  • Add water to 120 g of fresh chopped leaves of any vegetables. There should be twice as much water as leaves. Gargle with this mixture and drink the rest. The dose is designed for 2 procedures, which need to be done 2 times a day - morning and evening. After taking the chlorophyll mixture, you should not eat or drink for 40 minutes.

SEA SALT for sore throat

  • Brew strong tea, not in bags. Cool to a temperature that can be tolerated. Add 1 tbsp there. spoon of sea salt (for 1 glass of tea), stir. Gargle several times a day.
  • Pour 1/2 teaspoon of baking soda and sea salt into a glass of warm boiled water and add a few drops of iodine. Gargle with this solution several times a day.
  • Pour 0.7-0.8 liters of water (38-39 °C) into a large mug and dissolve 1 teaspoon of sea salt in it. Then begin treatment: gargle with a solution of baking soda (a teaspoon in a glass of warm water), then immediately gargle with a solution of furacillin (sold in pharmacies) and, finally, complete the procedure by gargling and rinsing your nose sea ​​water. Repeat this medical complex every 2 hours, and literally the next day you will be completely healthy!

CLAY, KEROSENE treat throat

  • Pour in 1 tbsp. spoon of kerosene into a glass of warm water and gargle. Gargle 4-5 times a day.
  • Dilute 1 teaspoon of clay well in a glass of melt water. Gargle with this solution.
  • For diseases of the oral cavity, you need to brush your teeth with clay and rinse your mouth with clay water.
  • Gargle with a clay solution (for 1 glass of water - 1 teaspoon of clay) for a sore throat, and also take the solution internally. You can dissolve a piece of clay in your mouth, alternating with a piece of lemon. At the same time, clay lotions should be placed on the lower abdomen and throat.

Treatment of a goal with OIL

  • Apply clean fir oil on the tonsils using a pipette, a cotton swab, or irrigate them with a syringe. Repeat 2 to 5 times a day with an interval of 4-6 hours. chronic sore throat In addition to lubricating the tonsils, place 1-2 drops of oil into your nose. This will cause burning, lacrimation, and mucus discharge from the nose. After 15-20 minutes, these unpleasant sensations will pass.
  • It is recommended for sore throats to wear an aroma medallion with eucalyptus, fir, tea tree (1:1:2).
  • Inhale the aroma of any of these oils from a leather plate 21 times, after warming it in your palms.
  • Lubricate sore tonsils a mixture of eucalyptus, fir and tea tree oils (1:1:2).
  • Take 3 drops of fir oil orally at a time (daily).
  • Gargle every 3 hours with warm (+40 °C) water with 3 drops of tea tree.
  • Take hot inhalations with tea tree oil before bed.

WATER for treating sore throat

  • First, boil 1 liter of water, then place the metal container in which you boiled the water in a plate with cold water, and cover the top with a lid. For quick cooling, use a stream of water on the plate cold water. When the former boiling water becomes warm, healing water ready! You need to gargle with this water 3-4 times a day and drink what’s left. The course of treatment is 10 days. After a break of 5-7 days, you can repeat the course of treatment for sore throat to consolidate the effect and for prevention.
  • Gargle for 3-5 minutes with warm vinegar water of regular concentration (1 teaspoon of 6% apple cider vinegar per glass of water). Perform the procedure 5-6 times a day and even more often. The course of treatment is 3-5 days.
  • A compress on the neck soaked in vinegar water of normal concentration will also help with a sore throat.
  • At the same time (to prevent bacteria from entering the nasopharynx), rinse your nose with vinegar water. To do this, pour warm vinegar water into a shallow saucer and sniff the water with your nose. The procedure should take 3-4 minutes. After washing and rinsing, drink melt water.
  • Immediately, as soon as you feel a sore throat, heat vinegar water of normal concentration and gargle with it every 1.5-2 hours. Half an hour after gargling, drink 1 tbsp. a spoonful of melt water. With this treatment, the disease can be reversed, and it will disappear by evening.
  • If you have a sore throat, we recommend that you drink a few sips of melt water every hour.
  • Apply lotions with melt water to the lower abdomen and throat.


  • Wrap the end of a spoon with cotton, soak it in iodine or iodine and anoint your tonsils. It is quite possible that once will be enough!

BREAD for a sore throat

  • Pour boiling water over a handful of bread crumbs. When they are saturated with water, drain the water and quickly transfer the crackers to a cotton stocking or sock. After that, just apply it to your throat and after 2-3 such procedures you will feel better.
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It is hardly possible to find a person who has never experienced a sore throat. Many are bothered by a slight soreness, while others constantly suffer from noticeable discomfort and difficulty swallowing.

Causes of problems

The intensity and nature of the pain often depends on what disease it is caused by. Before you figure out how to quickly cure your throat, you need to figure out what caused the discomfort.

Pain can be caused by the following reasons:


Allergic reactions;

Injury to the pharynx or foreign body entry.

With pharyngitis, as a rule, patients complain of a feeling of dryness and soreness. Usually the pain is moderate, it may intensify slightly when swallowing. With angina, discomfort is usually observed even at rest. But it noticeably intensifies when swallowing. How to treat this condition must be decided with your doctor. If, as a result of the examination, it is determined that the cause of the pain was purulent sore throat, then an antibiotic will most likely be needed.

Swelling of the tonsils and accompanying pain may occur when allergic reaction. But at the same time, the patient also has other symptoms - redness of the mucous membranes, swelling of the face, itching, and skin rash.

Action tactics

Having felt discomfort in the throat area, not everyone rushes to the local physician. Many people prefer to self-medicate. Of course, in most cases you can get rid of discomfort with the help traditional methods or available pharmaceutical products.

You can relieve unpleasant symptoms with the help of antipyretic and painkillers. Adults can take a tablet acetylsalicylic acid or paracetamol. Children are given special medications, such as "Bofen", "Nurofen".

Also, when figuring out how to treat a throat quickly and effectively, do not forget about local remedies. Doctors recommend various lozenges.

Selection of local drugs

You can often find a drug such as Miramistin in doctors' prescriptions. It is used in cases where a patient is diagnosed with tonsillitis. How to treat a throat, of course, needs to be found out after full examination, But this drug has both antibacterial and immunostimulating effects. A solution is prepared from it for gargling, nasal instillation, and inhalation.

For fast healing and eliminating the manifestations of infectious and inflammatory processes in the throat are recommended pharmaceutical product"Lugol". has a local distributing, softening, antiseptic, bactericidal effect. It comes in the form of a spray or solution that needs to be lubricated inflamed tonsils using cotton wool.

Sprays and aerosols

In pharmacies you can find many products designed to eliminate discomfort. Any pharmacist can tell you how to quickly cure a throat, but this does not mean that you should not go to the doctor. For example, if pain is accompanied high temperature, then perhaps you have a purulent sore throat. With this disease local remedies are only an addition to the main treatment with antibacterial drugs.

Many people recommend a product such as Bioparox. This is local antibacterial drug, produced in aerosol form. It is recommended in cases where the patient is interested in how to treat the throat quickly and effectively. It is prescribed for rhinitis, pharyngitis, sinusitis, tonsillitis, tracheitis, laryngitis. It is used in postoperative period when removing tonsils.

Patients of any age can be prescribed the drug "Tantum Verde". It comes in the form of a spray, rinse and tablets. The product has a pronounced antimicrobial, analgesic and anti-inflammatory effect.

Algesic sprays

The drug "Cameton" refers to drugs that help eliminate sore throat when swallowing. How to treat the resulting discomfort is not difficult to find out. For example, the specified drug "Cameton" is not only anti-inflammatory, antiseptic, but also anesthetic. The menthol contained in its composition helps reduce discomfort.

No less popular is the drug "Oracept". The pain subsides within a minute after spraying the medication in the mouth. It is also an antiseptic, with which you can calm the inflammatory process.

A pronounced analgesic effect is observed when using TeraFlular spray. It contains lidocaine, which helps to temporarily relieve even severe pain. It is intended to eliminate the manifestations of pharyngitis and sore throat.


But not only sprays and aerosols are used for quick removal unpleasant symptoms. If you ask how to treat the throat of an adult or a grown-up child, you will most likely be advised to use special lozenges.

The product “Grammidin Neo with anesthetic” has proven itself well. This combination drug, which contains antimicrobial, antiseptic and analgesic components. The products “Grammidin” and “Grammidin neo” are no less effective.

When figuring out how to quickly cure a throat, you can pay attention to the tablets “Anti-Angin Formula”, “Septolete Plus”, “Hexoral Tabs”, “Strepsils Plus”. Each of them contains an antiseptic and an anesthetic.

To enhance the effect antibacterial agents You can use the drug "Lizobact". It contains a special substance that can destroy viruses, fungi and bacteria. In addition, it is able to regulate local immunity.

People often complain about dry throat and cough. How to treat a cold that has started - you can consult a therapist. In these cases, many people recommend Laripront. This is a combined drug that has antimicrobial, antifungal, antiviral and mucolytic effects.

Solutions for rinsing and inhalation

You can relieve discomfort by moisturizing your throat. Can be used special solutions for rinsing, for example, “Tantum Verde”.

An available option is Chlorhexidine. Your throat doctor may recommend using this drug in the following way: first you need to rinse your mouth and throat area with regular boiled water. After this, you can begin treatment: gargle with a tablespoon of Chlorhexidine for 30 seconds. After this, it is advisable not to drink or eat for at least an hour. The procedure can be repeated three times a day.

For inhalation, a solution of Miramistin is often used. The procedure must be done using special devices that guarantee proper spraying of medications.

Folk remedies

The most popular way to help relieve pain is gargling. For these purposes, it is necessary to prepare a solution: dissolve a teaspoon of salt, soda and a couple of drops of iodine in a glass of warm water. You can repeat the procedure more than 10 times a day.

Also among the folk ways to quickly cure a throat is gargling with herbal infusions. You can brew sage, chamomile, calendula, eucalyptus, oak bark, oregano. You can make collections from them in any combination. For cooking healing infusion You need to pour a spoonful of crushed herbs into a glass of boiling water and let it brew for at least 20 minutes.

For rinsing, you can use a mixture of honey, grated ginger and lemon juice. All these components must be diluted in hot water. Once the liquid has cooled, you can begin

Warming wraps have a good effect. The simplest option is vodka compress. For these purposes, the fabric is soaked in heated vodka and then wrung out well. They wrap the throat area, put polyethylene and insulation on top (for example, a layer of cotton wool secured with a scarf, or a woolen scarf).

Principles of treatment

To alleviate the condition and speed up recovery, you need to drink plenty of fluids. This could be tea with lemon, herbal teas with mint, coltsfoot, sage, chamomile. Many people advise drinking milk with honey.

You can relieve pain if you prevent possible irritation of the mucous membranes of the throat by following a diet. If possible, it is necessary to exclude solid and tough foods from the diet. You should also avoid fried, smoked, salted, peppered, and sour foods. It is also necessary to monitor the temperature of the liquid and food consumed. They should be warm. Hot drinks and foods are just as harmful as cold ones.

I will say right away that a sore throat occurs with many diseases. It's not just a sore throat or chronic tonsillitis. for infectious mononucleosis, measles, scarlet fever, pharyngitis, laryngitis and other diseases. Often, if the throat is treated incorrectly, severe complications develop in the heart, kidneys, and joints. Therefore, to cure a sore throat, you should always consult a doctor. And at home you can significantly improve your health condition, relieve available means.

For pharyngitis, rinsing with a solution that can be quickly prepared for anyone helps a lot. To do this, you need to take 2 teaspoons of salt, 1 teaspoon of soda and three drops of iodine and mix in 1 glass of warm water. At fungal infection pharynx is useful rinsing with a solution of apple cider vinegar and complete refusal sweet food.

For laryngitis, the first thing you need is vocal rest, avoidance of spicy and hot foods, warm drinks and inhalations. Only a doctor should treat laryngitis in children, it is so serious. Parents should not rush to extremes, panic or completely ignore the help of doctors.

For sore throat, you need to exclude spicy, irritating foods, sweet, hot and cold dishes, lubricate the tonsils with Lugol's solution, remove purulent deposits and plugs from the tonsils with tampons, gargle with solutions of chamomile, sage herbs, and do inhalations with eucalyptus.

Gargling and inhalation provide significant relief to a sore throat. You can cure your throat fairly quickly at home if you constantly alternate gargling with solutions of soda, salt and 9% vinegar throughout the day. To do this, you need to take 1 teaspoon per 1 glass of water of each of them in turn. You need to gargle every half hour in the first half of the day and every hour in the second half of the day.

There are several ways to quickly cure the throat of young children that really give good results. For this you need sea ​​buckthorn oil mix with sunflower oil and drop it into your nose until a slight burning sensation appears in your throat. You just need to do this on the first day of the disease. At normal temperature It is useful to steam the child’s legs, do it on the calves. Constantly give warm drinks, milk with honey and soda. Alkaline environment has a detrimental effect on viruses, and honey stimulates the immune system.

Children can be given delicious medicine: chew honeycombs with honey, suck honey with lemon juice from a spoon, drip fir oil onto the sugar.

For adults most in an effective way How to quickly cure a throat is to gargle with a propolis solution, when you take 3 drops of propolis tincture in a glass of warm water. Or they dissolve a small piece of propolis for several hours in a row during the day.

Traditional methods treatments include herbal medicine, gargling, aromatherapy with eucalyptus and cypress, inhalations with chamomile, sage or mint, and warm compresses on the throat. All these procedures alleviate the condition, relieve pain, but do not eliminate the cause of the disease.

One of the most effective means is ginger, which can be used by gargling, inhaling, drinking as a tea, or simply sucking in the mouth, constantly swallowing saliva. Ginger perfectly warms, disinfects and tones the body. If you constantly use dry ginger and fresh root from the first days of the disease, the question of how to quickly cure a throat will simply not arise.

When a sore throat occurs, it is useful to eat cloves of garlic with honey, chew pine or spruce resin, collected in the forest in May and preserved in a jar at home for medicinal purposes. An excellent healing and tasty medicine is obtained from pine cones.

Some relief is obtained after using pharyngosept and ingalipt, which relieve sore throat, but do not cure the disease. Only a doctor can know how to quickly cure a sore throat and really prevent serious complications.