Proper nutrition at home menu. PP menu for a week for weight loss (proper nutrition). Diet for weight loss

I think everyone knows that now in Russia and in other countries there are a large number of overweight people. According to Russian Institute nutrition, more than 60% of women and 50% of men after 30 years are overweight. In connection with this problem, there are many diets that shout at every corner: lose 10 kg in a week, etc. Or: buy these pills, eat what you want, and lose weight. And people who don’t know how to lose weight rush to all these calls.

As a result, the sellers of expensive pills became rich, but the excess weight was and remains. If you are reading this article, then it’s time to pull yourself together and apply proper nutrition to lose weight.

Proper nutrition is not a diet, as many people believe. This is not a temporary restriction of yourself, your loved one, in goodies for the purpose of losing weight. Proper nutrition for weight loss is a system and principles by adhering to which you can not only lose weight, but also become more energetic, healthier, and more active. The main conclusion is that you need to stick to proper nutrition not for a week or a month, but for your whole life.

People in many areas acquire various habits that help them live, and sometimes, on the contrary, hinder them. The way you eat today is your habit, perhaps established in childhood. As my mother fed, as she taught, everything continues to this day. And if you have problems with this habit, then you need to urgently get rid of it and change it to a good habit.

You can get used to proper nutrition, which will help you feel good throughout your life and maintain a normal weight, in 3 weeks. This is the minimum time that needs to be allocated to get used to healthy foods, a new diet, and a new lifestyle. The first days you will be “broken”, you will be drawn to familiar foods, but don’t give up.

And after 3 weeks you will easily be able to look at your previously favorite sausage (cakes, chips, hamburgers, soda, fried meat - highlight what is necessary). What is proper nutrition for weight loss?

Proper nutrition for weight loss: basic principles

Well, are you ready to become slim and healthy? Then carefully study the principles of your new diet. Proper nutrition for weight loss requires quite a lot of study.

Water is the source of life

Life without water is unthinkable. You simply owe it to yourself to learn to drink enough water every day. This is the first step you need to take to lose weight and get healthier. An adult should drink 30-40 ml of water per 1 kg of body weight every day.

Example, your weight is 60 kg, multiply by 40, we get 2.4 liters. If the weight is more than 100 kg, then multiply by 30 ml.

Children have different standards. Look at the table with children's standards. As you can see, children need even more water than adults. Therefore, teach your children to drink enough and do not forbid them to drink food if they want.

What do we consider water? Of course, ordinary clean water without gas. This quantity can also include green tea no sugar, herbal infusions/teas. That's all. Soups, milk, juice do not count.

It is important not just to drink water, but to drink it correctly. It is important to drink most of your water in the first half of the day.

When a person wakes up in the morning, he is severely dehydrated, because at night he sweated, breathed, went to the toilet, that is, he lost fluid, but did not replenish it. Feed your cells in the morning - drink one glass of water (250 ml) immediately after waking up in small sips.
Next, you need to drink 1 glass of water 15 minutes before each meal. In this way, the intestines will “wash”, excess mucus will be washed away, and food will be absorbed better.
You should also be sure to drink a small amount of water after each visit to the toilet. That is, the principle applies: lost fluid - replenished. During physical training You also need to drink water in small sips.
Drink the rest of the water in small sips between meals. It is better to always carry a bottle of water with you - this is a very good habit. All my clients (who did not have kidney problems) began their journey to proper nutrition by learning to drink water. At first, some people don’t like it, so they have to force themselves to drink. But over time, you can no longer imagine yourself without water.

Many people also have a question: If I drink a lot, will I constantly run to the toilet? But I can’t afford this with my job... I answer: for the first 7-10 days, trips to the toilet will indeed be more frequent. Next, the body will get used to the water and will not excrete it in such quantities. A healthy person who drinks enough fluids should go to the toilet on average every 2 hours.

If it is not possible to run to the toilet often in the first days, then start drinking not all your quota all at once, but gradually.

Another popular question: If I drink a lot, will I get swelling? I answer: no, if you drink as I described above. On the contrary, if there was swelling, it will go away within the first week. This has been tested on many of my clients who came with excess weight and swelling. When the body does not have enough water, it stores it. If there is enough water, then the excess supplies will go away.

If you still have questions, ask them in the comments!

Eat small and often

Everyone has heard this slogan. But few people do this. Most of the population eats a large dinner at home, and during the day is content with snacks on the go. At best, he has lunch in a cafe or canteen. There is often simply no time for breakfast. This diet is guaranteed to lead to weight gain. Let this happen not at age 20, but a little later.

Breakfast is a very important meal of the day. There is no way to do without it. Now I will not dwell in too much detail on the importance of breakfast; I wrote a separate article about it. Check it out at. For breakfast you need to eat, which will charge you with energy. This is porridge, maybe milk, or porridge with eggs (omelet) or meat.

There should be two snacks a day: morning and afternoon. For a morning snack (between breakfast and lunch) you can eat fruit (complex carbohydrates), fresh vegetables or a vegetable salad with a boiled egg, and a handful of nuts. For the second snack (between lunch and dinner) it is better to give preference (drink a glass of kefir, eat 100 grams of cottage cheese with herbs or cottage cheese casserole).

Lunch is the largest calorie meal. For lunch you can have soup, for the main course - a piece of fish, meat, poultry with vegetables. When losing weight, you can no longer eat any carbohydrates for dinner (that is, you can’t eat porridge, pasta, bread). Dinner consists of two components: protein + vegetables.

There should be a gap of 3-4 hours between meals. Avoiding food for too long can lead to low blood sugar levels and extreme hunger. As a result, you are drawn to, which serve as the fastest source of glucose (sugar). And there is a high probability of overeating.

So, proper nutrition for weight loss should be based on a regimen. Everyone adjusts their time to suit themselves.

Protein product - meat, fish, seafood, lean poultry (chicken or turkey), soybeans, cottage cheese.

Replace bad foods with healthy ones

Everything here is extremely simple. Stop poisoning yourself with all sorts of nasty things with a bunch of chemical elements. Choose alternative natural products. Remember, your body is not a garbage pit into which you can throw whatever your heart desires. Chemistry has the ability to accumulate in cells. This is a ticking time bomb. If you ate chips today and washed them down with cola, then nothing will happen. But after a certain amount of time of regular ingestion of such food, a malfunction will occur at the cellular level.

And some kind of disease will definitely appear. This could be a stomach ulcer, cirrhosis of the liver or cancer. And you will not be able to sue the producers of this so-called food. Have you noticed that diseases are now much younger? Nowadays, young people and children suffer from old age diseases. Why? We are used to shifting all the blame onto the environment. But nutrition is more to blame.

Answer, did our grandfathers and great-grandmothers eat chips, crackers, store-bought mayonnaise, ketchup, sausages, modern confectionery? No. Their food was natural. There is even a saying: cabbage soup and porridge are our food. And before, on such food they grew up healthy and strong. Because the porridge was made from whole grains, and not peeled and polished. Whole grains are a storehouse of all nutrients.

And now with early childhood children eat all this “chemical” industry, which accumulates and accumulates. And if the mother decides to “please” the child with something healthy, she will cook him porridge from white rice (which has nothing healthy, just starch) or pasta from flour premium(same story as with rice - zero benefit). And he will buy “children’s” sausages in the store, which must be pink ( pink in sausages due to sodium nitrite, a cell killer).

We conclude - we read labels in the store and choose healthy products. If these are grain products, they should be minimally purified. Rice - only brown, unpolished rice (it is in the shell that contains the necessary nutrients), pasta - only from durum wheat, and even better, second grade. Flour - only whole grain or buckwheat, oatmeal, corn, rye. Yogurt - only natural, without dyes and sugar (it is better to make it yourself).

Ban on "food waste"

Ban yourself from buying products that can hardly be called food. This is outright garbage. This includes all fast food industrial production, store-bought sauces, smoked meats, soda, sausage. Also remove from your life products made from white flour, purified of all useful substances.

Naturally, proper nutrition for weight loss excludes most sweets and baked goods made from white flour from the diet.

In fact, it is possible from good products cook delicious food. For example, I periodically bake pizza for my children, they love it very much. I make the dough without yeast, using kefir and cottage cheese. Instead of white flour, I use whole wheat flour and a little oatmeal. I also add oat or wheat bran to the dough (bran is the best source, which is very necessary for weight loss and a healthy lifestyle). As a filling I use chicken breast (baked or stewed) and cheese. I make the sauce myself from tomatoes or tomato paste.

Thus, almost any recipe can be modified to suit you by replacing harmful products to useful ones.

Proper nutrition for weight loss - weekly menu

Now we get to the most interesting part. I’ll say right away - this is not a diet where you need to eat exactly as it is written. This is simply a guideline for substituting available products. You don't have to cook something new every day. You can cook for 2-3 days at once and eat the same thing for 2 days. The main thing in proper nutrition is to adhere to the principles, choose healthy foods and cook them with minimal or no fat.

In this table I will simply write which ones there are options for breakfast, lunch, dinner and snacks. The menu is designed for approximately 1200-1300 kcal. If you are actively involved in sports, then the portions need to be slightly increased. By clicking on the links highlighted in pink, you will see recipes for cooking dishes.

Take lunch boxes from home to work if there is no café with healthy food nearby.

Breakfast Snack Dinner Snack Dinner Snack
Salad from fresh vegetables 250 gr. (cabbage, beets, carrots, bell pepper, cucumber, tomato, lettuce), seasoned lemon juice and 1 tsp. linseed oil+ stewed skinless chicken breast 100 gr. + buckwheat porridge without oil 2 tbsp. 150 gr. 200 gr. + vegetable salad 250 gr. Boiled egg + 1/2 grapefruit or orange 150 gr. + fresh or baked vegetables 200 gr.
Omelet from 1 egg and 3 egg whites + 200 gr. 10 almonds or 5 walnuts Boiled beans with tomato 100 gr. + 100 gr. + fresh or stewed vegetables 200 gr. Low-fat cottage cheese 50 gr. with apple, pear, peach or orange Kefir 1 tbsp. (if you go to bed late)
Low-fat cottage cheese 150 gr. + 2 kiwis Fresh fruit 200 gr. 200 gr. + vegetables 200 gr. Kefir 1 tbsp. 150 gr. + vegetable salad Kefir 1 tbsp. (if you go to bed late)
Whole grain oatmeal with milk 150 gr. + 50 gr. any berries 1 boiled egg 350 gr. + whole grain bread 100 gr. Steamed or baked chicken cutlet + Kefir 1 tbsp. (if you go to bed late)
Buckwheat porridge with milk 150 gr. + 1/2 grapefruit Boiled squid 50 gr. + fresh vegetables 100 gr. Vegetable soup on the second broth 250 gr. + piece of meat + piece of black bread Milk 250 ml 150 gr. + baked vegetables 200 gr. Kefir 1 tbsp. (if you go to bed late)
Natural yoghurt 200 gr. + 2 fruits Boiled turkey 50 gr. + fresh vegetables 100 gr. Buckwheat porridge 0.5 cups + 100 gr. turkey + 200 gr. vegetable salad Veal 30 gr. + vegetables 100 gr. Stewed or baked fish 150 gr. + vegetable salad 200 gr. Kefir 1 tbsp. (if you go to bed late)
Cheese cheese 50 gr. + 1 tbsp. Ryazhenka + 200 gr. Boiled fish 50 gr. + kiwi 1 pc. 200 gr. + cauliflower boiled 100 gr. + Suluguni cheese 30 gr. + rye bread 2 pcs. Chicken 30 gr. + vegetables 100 gr. Tuna in its own juice 100 gr. + vegetable salad 250 gr. Kefir 1 tbsp. (if you go to bed late)
with millet - 200 gr. Kefir 1% 1 tbsp. 200 gr. + boiled lentils 100 gr. + baked beef cutlet 100 gr. + seasonal vegetables 200 gr. 1 fruit with Fish cutlet 100-120 gr. + fresh vegetables 200 gr. Kefir 1 tbsp. (if you go to bed late)

Proper nutrition for weight loss - special notes: Boiled beets and carrots have , they should not be eaten while losing weight (but should be eaten raw). Potatoes can be eaten in soups. We remove white rice and pasta made from premium flour. We also exclude confectionery and baked goods made from white flour. For the holidays, you can prepare a salad with homemade mayonnaise, but don’t get carried away, as it contains a lot of calories. Add refined olive oil to hot dishes, and unrefined flaxseed or olive oil to salads. More than 2 egg yolks per day is not possible.

Delicious recipes for proper weight loss

First, watch the video, where in just 4 minutes you will see many interesting ideas and recipes for proper nutrition.

Oatmeal pancake with fruit

You don't have to eat oatmeal in the morning. You can also cook buckwheat or brown rice. But from whole grain oat flakes you can prepare different interesting dishes, since they can partially replace flour. I suggest interesting recipe oatcakes, because proper nutrition for weight loss is tasty and varied.


  • oatmeal - 40 gr.
  • chicken egg - 1 pc.
  • fruits or berries according to the season - 150 gr.
  • natural yogurt - 2 tbsp.
  • salt - to taste

If you are tired of porridge in the morning, then you can diversify the menu and make oatmeal pancake This is done very easily. Mix 40 g in a bowl. oatmeal and one egg. Add some salt. Heat a non-stick frying pan well and place the resulting mixture on a dry and hot surface. Using a spoon, smooth the oatmeal over the entire bottom. Fry on both sides until light golden brown.

No need to fry until dark crusts. Eat this pancake with natural sugar-free yogurt, with fresh fruit or berries in season. And don't forget about green tea.

Chicken cutlets with vegetables

In fact, cutlets can be made not only from chicken, but from other lean meats. You can add any vegetables that are in the refrigerator to the minced meat, or you can make the cutlets exclusively with meat. Proper nutrition for weight loss allows for both of these options. But you should adhere to the principle of gentle cooking - do not fry, but stew, bake, steam.


  • zucchini - 1/2 pcs. (in winter you can use cabbage)
  • chicken breast
  • onions - 0.5 pcs.
  • garlic - 1 clove
  • salt, pepper - to taste

Grate the zucchini, onion and garlic on a coarse grater. If you want, you can grind it in a blender bowl. Cut the chicken breast into small cubes. Combine chicken and vegetables, salt and pepper. Form cutlets and steam them. You can also simmer the cutlets in a frying pan with water and soy sauce.

Instead of zucchini, you can take broccoli or cauliflower, which you need to boil a little first.

I most often bake cutlets in the oven. To do this, place the formed cutlets on a baking sheet lined with parchment and cover the baking sheet with foil. Foil will help the cutlets not to dry out, but to be juicy inside. Bake for 20 minutes, then remove the foil and bake for another 7-10 minutes to brown the cutlets.

If you are preparing these cutlets for lunch, then eat them with a side dish (buckwheat, brown rice, black bread, whole grain bread, boiled cauliflower, boiled beans, chickpeas or lentils - your choice) and a salad of fresh vegetables. If you dine with these cutlets, you don’t need a side dish, just fresh vegetables.

Grilled chicken steak

Proper nutrition for weight loss welcomes low-fat sources of protein. And chicken breast is a very good source of protein. Learn to cook it deliciously, it's not difficult.


  • large chicken fillet - 700 gr.
  • olive oil - 3 tbsp.
  • lemon - 1/2 pcs.
  • garlic - 2 cloves
  • paprika - 1 tsp.
  • mustard - 0.5 tbsp.
  • salt, pepper - to taste

Cut chicken fillet into steak pieces. That is, you need to cut the fillet lengthwise into fairly thin slices so that they cook quickly. Now prepare the dressing. Mix olive oil, juice of half a lemon, paprika, mustard, salt, pepper and finely grated garlic (or squeezed through a press) well in a bowl.

Pour the resulting marinade over the chicken steaks and mix with your hands so that the meat is all covered with the sauce. Cover the container with cling film and place the chicken in the refrigerator to marinate. On average this process will take 1 hour.

Heat the grill pan well and fry the marinated chicken steaks without oil on both sides until golden brown. The grill pan allows you to fry meat without oil. If you don’t have such a frying pan, take one with a non-stick coating. These steaks can be eaten either for dinner with vegetables or for lunch with vegetables and a side dish. This amount is enough for 4 times.

Pizza without dough

Proper nutrition for weight loss can delight you with various delicacies, for example, you can even treat yourself to pizza, which will only contain 110 kcal per 100 grams. You can eat this pizza for both dinner and lunch, adding fresh vegetables to it. The cake will be made from minced chicken, without using a test. It is very tasty, appetizing and healthy.


  • chicken fillet - 400 gr.
  • onions - 1 pc.
  • garlic - 3 cloves
  • tomato - 1 pc.
  • champignons - 2 pcs.
  • low-fat cheese - 50 gr.
  • tomato paste - 2 tsp.
  • spices to taste (no monosodium glutamate)

First, make minced chicken fillet with onions and garlic. To do this, you can take a meat grinder or chopper. Salt the minced meat to taste. Take a baking dish and place the resulting minced meat on it, turning it into a thin pancake with your hands. Make it the same thickness.

Preheat the oven to 180 degrees and bake this chicken pizza crust for 20 minutes. Meanwhile, chop the ingredients for the filling. Cut the champignons into thin slices, the tomatoes into slices, and grate the cheese on a coarse grater.

Take out the crust, brush it with tomato paste, add mushrooms and tomatoes. Sprinkle everything with cheese and spices. Different herbs will give a good aroma. It could be oregano, basil or rosemary. Bake the pizza for another 15 minutes to melt the cheese.

Oatmeal baskets with yogurt

This is a healthy breakfast for those who are already tired of oatmeal in the morning and want variety. It is not difficult to prepare such baskets. Make them for several days at once and then in the morning it will take only a couple of minutes to prepare breakfast.


  • banana - 1 pc.
  • honey - 1 tbsp.
  • oat flakes - 100 gr.
  • flax seeds - 1 tsp.
  • cinnamon - 1/2 tsp.
  • natural yogurt and berries for filling

Place one peeled banana and honey into the blender chopper. Blend it into a smooth puree. In a separate container, mix the dry ingredients: oatmeal, cinnamon and flax seeds. Pour banana puree into this mixture and stir thoroughly. You will get a thick mass.

Take muffin or cupcake tins and grease them lightly with olive oil. Place 1 tbsp in each ramekin. oat mass. Using your hands, shape the dough into little baskets. Do this carefully so that there are no holes in the baskets.

Place the baskets in an oven preheated to 180 degrees to bake for 15 minutes. Remove the baskets from the molds and fill them with yogurt and seasonal berries/fruits. It turns out to be a very tasty breakfast. You will get energy, protein, and microelements.

Proper nutrition for weight loss and more is actually a very broad topic. And I cannot cover all the nuances in one article. Previously, we organized a three-month nutrition school, where we told people what to eat, why and why. Therefore, I assume that you may still have questions. Be sure to ask them in the comments, I will answer. And remember that your health and beauty are in your hands!

A proper nutrition menu for normalizing metabolism and losing weight, compiled for a week, helps get rid of extra pounds and improve your well-being in the shortest possible time. A healthy lifestyle is gaining fans, but the controversy around PP (proper nutrition) and its features does not subside.

The PP menu for a week for weight loss is the main assistant in the fight against excess weight. Firstly, the loss of kilograms occurs due to the fact that fast carbohydrates, such as cakes and sweet buns, are completely removed from the diet. They are called fast because they are absorbed in short term, at the same time they do not provide useful substances, but immediately go into fat deposits.

Excluding such carbohydrates from the menu gives the body the opportunity to process existing fats rather than accumulate new ones.

Secondly, nutrition occurs in small portions, at short intervals. Thanks to this eating schedule, you always feel full, and, therefore, the body does not need to accumulate reserves in case of a hunger strike.

The PP menu, developed for the day and week, for high-quality weight loss includes certain products, which should be consumed at certain times of the day. For example, citrus fruits should not be eaten for breakfast, since the acid they contain irritates the mucous membranes, but it is not recommended to eat them for dinner because of the sugar.

The best time to eat an orange is lunch or dinner. The same goes for other products. Carbohydrates should be eaten in the first half of the day, while vegetables are much healthier for dinner. Fish is well digested in the evening, and you can eat meat for lunch. Thanks to this nutritional pattern, the body can get the maximum benefit from the food it receives.

As a result, all of the above actions accelerate metabolism, due to which the process of losing weight occurs. Proper nutrition is the basis of a beautiful figure

How much weight can you lose with proper nutrition?

Having developed a PP menu for a week for weight loss, you should not expect instant results. It takes time for your metabolism to accelerate. Kilograms lost in the first week - water. Puffiness goes away and proper metabolism is restored. The result also depends on physical activity, the more of it, the goes faster weight loss process.

Sudden weight loss is very harmful to health, and the goal of proper nutrition is to bring internal processes back to normal. Therefore, weight loss will be smooth, namely approximately 3-4 kg per month with average physical activity. This activity includes cardio training 3-4 times a week, daily walks lasting 20 minutes or more.

You can increase your weight loss through more physical activity. For example, making a full strength training 6 times a week, weight loss can increase by another 2 kg.

It is very important to remember that losing weight is an individual process. The number of kilograms lost depends on the initial excess weight. The larger it is, the faster the weight loss.

And, with each kilogram lost, it becomes more and more difficult for the body to part with its reserves, therefore, the longer you stay on PP, the slower the weight loss process will be.

But this does not mean that healthy eating has stopped working, it means that the body begins to process the last reserves “for a rainy day.” During this period, it is better to put the scales aside and start measuring body volumes, the changes in which can be monitored more clearly.

There are several principles of proper nutrition, so when creating a weekly diet plan for weight loss, you need to take them all into account:

What to avoid while eating healthy

The PP menu for a week for weight loss will be easier to follow if you avoid situations that provoke breakdowns:

What foods can and cannot be eaten when eating properly for weight loss


Possible in very small quantities:

  • vegetables containing starch;
  • cheese (fat content up to 30%);
  • fruits in small quantities;
  • curd cheese.

It is forbidden:

  • alcohol;
  • corn;
  • bakery;
  • sugar.

How to make a menu correctly

Before you create a weight loss menu for a week or a month, you need to:

  1. Assess your level of physical activity.
  2. Calculate the kcal norm for the day.

The level of physical activity can be:

Once the level of physical activity is determined, you can calculate the kcal norm using the formula:

(9.99 * weight in kg) + (6.25 * height in cm) - (4.92 * age in years) -161 * coefficient. physical activity

Sample menu for a week with a daily calorie content of 800 calories

When eating 800 kcal per day, 3 meals a day are provided, no snacks. Cook vegetables and meat without oil. You can stew, steam and bake. Dairy products are low-fat or low-fat.

The PP menu for weight loss for a week at 800 kcal per day is suitable for those who lead a sedentary lifestyle or cannot have a snack every 2-3 hours.

Monday Morning 249 kcal 101 g cottage cheese
Day 299 kcal 201 g vegetables + 2 eggs + drink
Evening 249 kcal 299 g vegetables + 1 egg + glass of kefir
Tuesday Morning 249 kcal 149 g cereal with milk
Day 299 kcal 249 ml soup + unsweetened coffee with milk
Evening 260 kcal 305 g vegetables +99 g red meat + glass of milk
Wednesday Morning 249 kcal 125 g salad
Day 299 kcal 203 g stew + 154 g chicken meat
Evening 259 kcal 148 g fish, stewed with vegetables
Thursday Morning 249 kcal Repeat menu from Monday
Day 299 kcal 230 g salad + 2 boiled eggs
Evening 239 kcal 208 g stew + 154 g boiled meat
Friday Morning 249 kcal 106 g cottage cheese with sour cream (20%)
Day 299 kcal 204 g green borscht
Evening 244 kcal 154 g cottage cheese + 1 glass kefir with ½ tbsp. l. Sahara
Saturday Morning 249 kcal Repeat Tuesday breakfast
Day 299 kcal 249 g borscht according to PP + 3 rye bread with curd cheese, tomato and herbs 70 g
Evening 248 kcal 205 g turkey and buckwheat hedgehogs + a glass of kefir
Sunday Morning 249 kcal 215 g omelet with cheese, tomato and herbs
Day 299 kcal 230 g stew without potatoes + 143 g chicken fillet + unsweetened coffee
Evening 240 kcal 152 g meat + 201 g vegetables + glass of milk.

Approximate menu for a week containing 1000 calories per day

PP menu for a week for weight loss with daily calorie content 1000 kcal is recommended for sedentary life, as well as those with a slow metabolism.

This meal plan includes 5 meals.

Vegetables can be steamed, baked and stewed. Adding oil should be avoided.

Dairy products are either low-fat or low-fat.

Monday Morning 249 kcal 150 g cottage cheese with raisins
Lunch 99 kcal 99 g fruits or berries
Day 299 kcal 99 g chicken + 99 g buckwheat without salt
Afternoon snack 99 kcal 1 boiled corn
Evening 247 kcal 204 g seasonal vegetable salad
Tuesday Morning 249 kcal 1 egg + 1 slice of bread
Lunch 99 kcal 1 cup skim or coconut milk and kiwi smoothie
Day 289 kcal 201 g diet ratatouille
Snack 79 kcal 30 g cheese (up to 30% fat)
Evening 301 kcal 80 g chicken breast
Wednesday Morning 249 kcal 1 piece of black bread with cheese (curd)
Lunch 99 kcal 143 g Grapes
Day 269 kcal 201 g chopped vegetables
Afternoon snack 90 kcal Walnut 2 pcs.
Evening 305 kcal 1 boiled egg
Thursday Morning 249 kcal 145 g cottage cheese
Lunch 99 kcal 70 g of any berries
Day 309 kcal 201 g vegetable soup
1 glass skim milk
Evening 279 kcal 146 g salad of stewed zucchini, carrots and sweet peppers
Friday Morning 249 kcal 154 g oatmeal with skim milk
Lunch 99 kcal 1 piece granola bar
Day 319 kcal 99 g chicken breast + 99 g any permitted side dish
Afternoon snack 97 kcal 1 piece of rye bread with thin layer curd cheese
Evening 249 kcal 130 g seafood salad
Saturday Morning 249 kcal 149 g eggs and tomato
Lunch 99 kcal 1 orange
Day 279 kcal 201 g green borscht PP
Afternoon snack 100 kcal 99 g low-fat yoghurt
Evening 249 kcal 99 g boiled beef
Sunday Morning 249 kcal 149 g cheesecakes PP
Lunch 99 kcal 1 apple
Day 305 kcal 99 g fish + 99 g vegetables
Afternoon snack 102 kcal 1 glass of kefir
Evening 249 kcal 99 g chopped fruit

Approximate menu for a week containing 1200 calories per day

The PP menu with a daily calorie content of 1200 kcal is suitable for people with average physical activity. With this diet, it is recommended to increase daily exercise, as well as conduct full training 3 times a week.

There are 3 main meals and 2 snacks. There are no special recommendations, the main thing is to maintain the general principles of proper nutrition.

Monday Morning 270 kcal 249 g omelette with tomato
Lunch 139 kcal ½ grapefruit
Day 280 kcal 143 g fish + 150 g carrot and cabbage salad
Afternoon snack 150 kcal several dried fruits
Evening 287 kcal 249 g seasonal vegetable salad
Tuesday Morning 284 kcal 249 g oatmeal with berries
Lunch 149 kcal 1 glass of smoothie from low-fat cottage cheese with coconut milk and currants
Day 286 kcal 99 g boiled chicken + 157 g vegetables
Afternoon snack 140 kcal 1 cup yogurt
Evening 305 kcal 201 g baked fish + 141 g any salad
Wednesday Morning 298 kcal 1 hot Greek sandwich
Lunch 156 kcal 1 apple
Day 288 kcal 201 g chicken soup + 153 g cucumber and tomato salad
Snack 309 kcal 99 g cottage cheese casserole
Evening 283 kcal 150 g breast (turkey or chicken)
Thursday Morning 279 kcal 1 oat pancake
Lunch 149 kcal 1 glass of kefir
Day 300 kcal 201 g pilaf PP
Afternoon snack 139 kcal 99 g beetroot and carrot salad
Evening 306 kcal 99 g beef liver + 99 g any side dish of cereals
Friday Morning 301 kcal 249 g oatmeal with coconut milk
Lunch 149 kcal 99 g Rafaello PP
Day 310 kcal 201 g seafood salad + 1 slice of rye bread
Second snack 144 kcal 99 g Chinese cabbage and cucumber salad
Evening 305 kcal 201 g chicken casserole with vegetables
Saturday Morning 290 kcal 99 g wheat porridge on water + boiled egg
Lunch 149 kcal 99 g fresh berries
Day 298 kcal 201 g borscht PP + 1 toast of black bread
Afternoon snack 160 kcal 99 g low-fat cottage cheese
Evening 295 kcal 2 eggs + 149 g fresh vegetable salad
Sunday Morning 294 kcal 1 Oat pancake stuffed with 1 tomato
Lunch 149 kcal 1 granola bar
Day 289 kcal 201 g chicken liver with vegetables
Afternoon snack 139 kcal 99 g fresh vegetables
Evening 279 kcal 201 g chicken casserole with vegetables

Sample menu for a week with a daily calorie content of 1500 calories

For the most active, a menu of 1500 kcal is suitable. To lose weight with this diet, you need daily exercise. The menu is also suitable for those whose work involves heavy physical activity.

Sample PP menu for 1500 kcal per week for weight loss

The diet remains the same as with the 1200 kcal menu.

Monday Morning 351 kcal 2 boiled eggs + 1 cucumber + 1 rye bread toast with cream cheese
Lunch 249 kcal 1 glass banana smoothie with cottage cheese
Day 351 kcal 2 chicken cutlets PP + 149 g brown rice + 149 g fresh vegetables
10 pcs. walnuts
Evening 351 kcal 249 g vegetable salad + 149 g baked fish
Tuesday Morning 351 kcal 249 g omelet with herbs and tomatoes
Lunch 249 kcal 1 piece of black bread with cheese (fat content up to 30%)
Day 351 kcal 149 g durum pasta + 149 g vegetable salad + 99 g beef goulash
Afternoon snack 249 kcal 1 cup kefir with cinnamon
Evening 351 kcal 249 g fish and vegetable casserole
Wednesday Morning 351 kcal Repeat Monday breakfast
Lunch 249 kcal 149 g cottage cheese + ½ banana
Day 351 kcal 201 g chicken soup + 1 toast of whole grain bread
Afternoon snack 249 kcal 10 cashews
Evening 351 kcal 149 g turkey + 249 g vegetable salad
Thursday Morning 351 kcal 249 g porridge on water + 1 boiled egg
Lunch 249 kcal 149 g cottage cheese casserole with fruit
Day 351 kcal 249 g ratatouille in the oven with lean meat + 50 g feta cheese
Afternoon snack 249 kcal 8 dried fruits
Evening 351 kcal 149 g steamed fish + 249 g cucumber and tomato salad
Friday Morning 351 kcal 201 g buckwheat, boiled in water + 1 boiled egg
Lunch 249 kcal 149 g Chinese cabbage roll with cottage cheese
Day 351 kcal 99 g chicken goulash + 149 g Chinese cabbage salad + 149 g buckwheat porridge
Afternoon snack 249 kcal 99 g cottage cheese with 1 tbsp. l. jam
Evening 351 kcal 249 g chicken broth+ 2 pieces of black bread
Saturday Morning 351 kcal 99 g brown rice, boiled in water + 149 g fresh vegetables
Lunch 249 kcal 99 g low-fat yogurt + 1 pear
Day 351 kcal 277 g okroshka PP + 1 toast of rye bread
Afternoon snack 249 kcal 149 g cheesecakes, baked in the oven
Evening 351 kcal 249 g Greek salad + oven-baked meat
Sunday Morning 351 kcal 249 g oatmeal with water and dried fruits
Lunch 248 kcal 1 boiled egg + 99 g beet salad
Day 351 kcal 99 g of porridge from permitted cereals + 99 g of boiled chicken meat + 1 cucumber
Afternoon snack 259 kcal 1 glass of freshly squeezed juice + 2 oatmeal cookies PP
Evening 351 kcal 149 g beef + 149 g tomato salad

Recipes for first courses with proper nutrition for weight loss

Green borscht

  1. Chop the meat into cubes and cook until fully cooked.
  2. Add seasonings to the broth.
  3. Add potatoes to broth and cook until tender.
  4. Sauté the onion until golden brown.
  5. Boil the eggs, cool, peel and finely chop.
  6. Wash the sorrel and chop it.
  7. Add sorrel, onion, and eggs to the broth.
  8. Boil for another 5 minutes. with the lid closed.
  9. Let the borscht brew for 15-20 minutes.

Chicken noodle soup

  1. Boil the meat in one piece until cooked.
  2. Remove meat from broth.
  3. Add seasonings to the broth.
  4. Add vegetables to the broth and bring it to a boil. Then put the noodles in there and cook for 5-7 minutes.
  5. Cut the chicken meat into cubes and add to the finished dish.

Second courses

Baked salmon with vegetables

  1. Remove bones from fish, rinse and dry with paper towel. Place in a convenient container and sprinkle with lemon juice and soy sauce. Leave to marinate in the refrigerator for 30 minutes.
  2. Separate the broccoli florets and open them.
  3. Place marinated fish and broccoli on a baking sheet.
  4. Bake in the oven at 201° for 25 minutes.

Meatballs with sour cream sauce

  • Minced meat (chicken or turkey) – 399 g;
  • ground ginger– 21 g;
  • onion (chopped) – 201 g;
  • carrots (chopped) – 99 g;
  • garlic puree – 10 g;
  • sour cream – 99 g.
  1. Add salt, spices, ginger and garlic to the minced meat. Mix thoroughly. Make small balls from the mixture.
  2. Lightly fry the meat balls in a dry frying pan.
  3. Fry the vegetables until golden brown. Add sour cream and a little water. Simmer a little more.
  4. Place the meatballs in a baking dish and pour sour cream sauce. Bake at 180° for 25 minutes.


Bean and pepper salad

  1. Pour boiling water over the frozen beans and bring to a boil again.
  2. Chop the pepper.
  3. Mash the garlic in a press.
  4. Mix all ingredients and season.

Seafood salad

  • Sea cocktail (frozen mixture) – 499 g;
  • cucumber – 1 pc.;
  • lettuce leaves – 51 g;
  • olive oil – 2 tbsp. l.;
  • tomato (vegetable) – 1 pc.;
  • soy sauce – 2 tbsp. l.
  1. Boil sea ​​cocktail and let it cool.
  2. Mix butter and sauce.
  3. Place lettuce leaves on the bottom of the salad bowl.
  4. Cut the tomato and cucumber into strips and place on top of the lettuce leaves. Drizzle a little dressing.
  5. Place seafood cocktail on top of the vegetables, add salt and season with the remaining mixture of butter and sauce.


Curd casserole in the microwave

  1. Beat eggs and cottage cheese.
  2. Add sweetener to the resulting mass.
  3. Cut the fruit into cubes and add to the curd mixture.
  4. Place the dish in the microwave for 3 minutes. With a power of 750 watts.

Banana and pear can be replaced with other fruits and vegetables. If the microwave power is less than 750 watts, the cooking time can be extended.

Raffaello PP

  • grapes - 15 berries;
  • soft cottage cheese – 99 g;
  • protein – 51 g;
  • ground cashew nut – 70 g.
  1. Mix cottage cheese and protein. But not in a blender. The mixture should be slightly liquid.
  2. Dip each grape into the curd mixture.
  3. Roll the resulting balls in ground cashews.
  4. Let the candies sit in the refrigerator for 20 minutes.

The PP menu compiled for a week for weight loss can be varied and useful. Any recipe can be suitable if you replace prohibited products with permitted ones.

The main thing to remember is that losing weight is an individual process, and PP is not just a diet, but a new way of life.

Article format: Mila Friedan

Video about Proper Nutrition (PP)

Principles of proper nutrition:

Beautiful harmonious body, smooth silky skin, thick hair And strong teeth- this is, first of all, an indicator of health, and only then the fruit of the efforts of cosmetologists and other representatives of the beauty industry. And health, in turn, is in most cases the result of how and with what each individual lives.

Of course, we can talk for a long time about heredity and influence external factors usually negative. The general principle remains unchanged: responsibility for one’s own health lies with each person. People make their own choices every day, throughout their lives. It’s great if it turns out to benefit health!

It's no secret how important the role of well-chosen food is, so proper nutrition every day is an integral part of a healthy lifestyle.

General rules

Before we begin a detailed consideration of nutrition for every day, I would like to remember what is equally important in any diet.

  • Diet. The body is able to function correctly only if it receives everything it needs regularly and at certain times. A slight fluctuation of up to half an hour is allowed. Disorderly food consumption usually leads to overeating, and ultimately to excess weight gain. There is no need to talk about good health in such cases.
  • Diversity of food not only in composition, but also in structure. You cannot eat only soft or liquid food, just as it is impossible to have a healthy digestive system by eating only solid and rough foods. For the full functioning of each organ of the gastrointestinal tract, it is necessary to consume dishes that are different in structure.
  • Separate nutrition involves alternating carbohydrates and proteins. Mixing different products puts the body in a difficult position, since the digestion of each of them requires the release of different enzymes. If you learn to separate dishes that are foreign in composition, then the food will be absorbed to the maximum, which means that the feeling of fullness will last for several hours, as it should be. Otherwise, even after eating a hearty meal, you may soon begin to feel hungry again.
  • By chewing your food thoroughly and slowly, you can not only feel full faster, but also significantly improve the digestion process. By pre-grinding the food in a bowl, this effect will not be achieved.

These theses are fundamental for proper nutrition of any person, and subject to proper, balanced diet such eating behavior will definitely bring positive results. Among them:

  • strengthening the immune system;
  • regular and timely replenishment of energy and vitamin reserves body;
  • disease prevention digestive system;
  • healthy metabolism;
  • excellent health and high performance;
  • maintaining normal weight.

A proper diet can significantly improve the general condition of the body, but also cause pleasant changes in appearance. Skin problems such as acne will disappear, the condition of hair and nails will significantly improve, and your figure will be toned.

How to choose a menu?

Eating healthy every day is a task that may seem quite difficult at first, because not everyone has a clear idea of ​​what they eat and why it is necessary. To understand what, in essence, all the food entering it is for the body, you can divide it into its main components and immediately determine required quantity each component that makes up a healthy diet.

  • Proteins (proteins) should occupy at least one third of the total daily food volume. The body really needs them, since they provide the opportunity to build new tissues, maintain restoration processes and gain muscle mass. Calculate required quantity Protein is not difficult: you need to eat so that for every kilogram of body weight there are about two grams of protein per day.
  • Carbohydrates. About half or a little more healthy diet They are the source of energy for the body. Active brain activity, physical labor and sports are impossible without a sufficient amount of carbohydrate food. In turn, these substances can be classified as complex and simple. The former provide a person with energy for a long time, since their absorption requires a fairly large amount of time, while the blood sugar level does not make sharp jumps. The second group is practically of no benefit, since simple carbohydrates are broken down and absorbed into the blood simply with lightning speed. The feeling of hunger sets in just as quickly. The table shows which products belong to which category.

Using this small list as an example, you can understand how to distinguish between “slow” and “fast” carbohydrates.

  • Fats. A daily diet of proper nutrition contains no more than one tenth of fat. This amount is quite capable of ensuring healthy metabolism and normal functioning of all body systems.
  • There's another one necessary element- fiber. It represents indigestible dietary fiber and promotes timely cleansing of the body from harmful decay products. Vegetables such as cabbage and celery are richest sources of this component. By eating them regularly, you can solve such problems of the digestive system as frequent constipation. Pectin is also a fiber found in apples, plums and other fruits. Performs a similar function.

Calorie content

No matter how well balanced the daily diet is in terms of the ratio of proteins, fats and carbohydrates, it is necessary to monitor the portion size. Total quantity calories entering the body with food should not be normal weight person to fall below the minimum value of 1500 kcal.

For physical activity, the optimal figure is 2000 kcal. To calculate this figure, you need to carefully study the labels of products lying on store shelves before making a choice. Based on the calorie content, the optimal serving size is determined.

The meaning of breakfast

Many are accustomed to neglecting breakfast, rushing to work, or simply consider this meal unnecessary. This common mistake leads to the fact that the body begins its day with forced fasting, and by lunchtime it simply wakes up. beastly appetite. It’s good if someone manages to combine a work schedule with a healthy, full-fledged lunch, but not everyone can afford such a luxury.

A quick snack at the nearest fast food cafe is a calorie bomb that enters the stomach in the form of completely “dead” food, creating only the illusion of satiety and reinforcement.

In fact, there is only an additional load on the heart, liver and kidneys, because such food is stuffed with fats, simple carbohydrates and artificial food additives.

It is not surprising that at dinner a person is no longer able to control himself, because he is really terribly hungry, and the refrigerator is emptied indiscriminately. Going to bed with a stomach full to capacity – what kind of rest is that? And in the morning everything starts all over again.

Every product has its time

With proper nutrition, it is recommended to structure the menu for each day as follows.

  • Breakfast is, first of all, porridge, that is, complex carbohydrates. A plate of oatmeal or buckwheat, wheat or pearl barley porridge will give a good boost of energy for several hours. The brain will not lack nutrition, and the working day will begin fruitfully. Another great option for breakfast - fresh fruit without additives.
  • Lunch may well consist of vegetables. Soup or stew plus a salad of fresh greens - these dishes do not burden the body with useless work, but are well digested and give strength. Fiber stimulates the activity of the gastrointestinal tract, a person does not feel heaviness in the stomach, nor attacks of drowsiness and lethargy.
  • For dinner it is good to eat a portion of protein food. These could be mushrooms or dishes made from legumes: soybeans, beans, and so on. The protein will be processed by the body overnight and will be put to use. From 23:00 to 1:00 am, while a person is sleeping, growth hormones are activated, which are responsible for the restoration of damaged tissues and the construction of new cells. Protein takes part in all these processes. Therefore, you should not include carbohydrate foods in dinner; it is better to consume them in the first half of the day.


Many people believe that you shouldn’t eat anything else between meals, but this erroneous opinion. It's all about what the snack will consist of. For example, a chocolate bar is not an option for healthy eating, and fruits, nuts or a small piece of whole grain bread with a drop of honey will not only satisfy your hunger, but also saturate the body with vitamins and other useful substances.

Tea and coffee should be replaced herbal infusions or rosehip decoction, fruit drink made from natural berries. Such drinks are wonderfully invigorating and bring nothing but benefits to your health.

Nutritional supplements

It is better to completely exclude sugar and salt from the menu. They do not have any positive effect on the body, and the harm of these taste enhancers has long been proven. Salts are contained in sufficient quantities in natural products, and sugar in pure form- These are simple carbohydrates that lead to excess weight gain. Honey and dried fruits in small quantities are an excellent substitute for other sweets, while possessing a rich vitamin composition.


Pure still water is necessary to maintain wellness throughout the day. Participating in all metabolic processes, it removes toxins, waste and other harmful substances from cells human body. Every adult needs between one and a half to two liters of water to stay in good health. physical fitness and feel great.

Proper nutrition requires a thoughtful and serious approach, and you can create a menu for the day yourself, taking into account this information and listening to the signals own body. Perhaps this task will take more than one day, but the result is vigor and feeling great will be worth all the effort!

Is illness a problem? Absolutely yes. Why do we get sick? People rarely think about the nature of this phenomenon, often “attributing” all their diseases to genetic predisposition, bad environmental situation, artificiality of products, and simply bad luck. However, the reason for the appearance of illnesses is sometimes much simpler - the lack of nutritional culture, namely: overeating, starvation, unbalanced diet, consumption junk food and so on. You will be surprised, but proper nutrition is a “medicine” that is included in the course of treatment for many diseases, as well as a kind of “vaccination” against all sorts of ailments. How to create a healthy nutrition menu and understand food culture?

Step No. 1 – learn to recognize the feeling of hunger

Oddly enough, many people sometimes cannot explain why they want to eat. “How is this possible?” – you will be surprised, and completely in vain. Remember how often it happens that you overeat, succumbing to the general mood that reigns during a feast, or the frustration that gnaws at you in the evenings because of unfulfilled desires, or the fear that you won’t cope with something at work? Even when your refrigerator contains food for proper nutrition, you are still looking for something special - tasty, in order to calm your appetite.

You are crazy about fast food and sweets, and your menu sometimes consists of hamburgers, pizza, Coca-Cola, chocolates and cookies. Have you noticed such “sins”? Means, proper diet nutrition is unfamiliar to you, most likely for the reason that you do not know how to recognize hunger. How to learn this?

  • The feeling of hunger and appetite are different demands of the body.

Many people confuse these concepts and therefore overeat. Hunger is an “SOS” signal sent by the human brain when your body needs to “refuel” – replenish with nutrients. Appetite is a kind of whim, your hidden desire to pamper yourself somehow. To understand the differences between these two sensations, it is better to consider an example.

So, evening. You feel like you want to eat. We cooked buckwheat porridge, grilled fish and ate. This, by the way, was an example of proper nutrition in the evening. We washed down our dinner with herbal tea and went to read before bed. This means that you were hungry because you were satisfied with the healthy foods prepared in the right way. Second situation. You come home in the evening, look in the refrigerator, you see buckwheat there, steam cutlets, vegetables, fruits, but you don’t want to eat it all.

Serve you pizza, Pepsi-Cola, a hefty piece of cake with buttercream, and then another pack of chips while watching a TV series and a pack of ice cream in bed while surfing the Internet. This is a vivid example of satisfying your appetite according to the principle of “tasty and plenty.” Conclusion: if the proper nutrition menu does not satisfy you, it means that you are not hungry, but are following your whims.

Often (about half the time) people confuse these two sensations. How to learn to distinguish them? It's simple: every time you want to eat, drink a glass of water, if after 20 minutes you are still hungry, then you can sit down at the table. “Why drink so much?” – you ask. Don't worry, on the day for normal operation The body requires at least 8 glasses of water, but, agree, you don’t adhere to this norm?!

Worth paying attention! Did you know that a lack of water prevents the body from burning fat, slowing down metabolic processes? If you want to lose weight, you don’t need a strict diet, proper nutrition, the menu of which includes one and a half liters clean water- Here best recipe for figure correction.

  • Hunger is like a lack of nutrients.

When you are hungry or your diet is not balanced correctly, the body begins to send “SOS” signals, but in a very original way - in “your language”. How does this happen? For example, you really want chocolate.
What does this indicate? Your body lacks magnesium. “But why is he asking for chocolate?” - you are curious.

It's simple: the body tries to get the desired element with the product it is used to. After all, you spoil him much less often with dishes with beans, fruits or hazelnuts, which are also rich in magnesium? So why be surprised if the body finds vital important elements is present in your diet?! How to teach a “naughty little girl” to get nutrients from the right food?

Focus on such signals - if you want:

  1. baking means there is a lack of nitrogen, which you can find in meat, fish and nuts;
  2. smoked meats, which indicates that you have a lack of cholesterol, so it’s time to add avocados, olives and red fish to your menu;
  3. fatty foods, due to a lack of calcium, so you should pay attention to cheese, broccoli, legumes and sesame;
  4. sour, which indicates a deficiency of vitamin C, the deficiency of which you can compensate for with lemon, rose hips, cranberries, strawberries and kiwi;
  5. sweets, because the body needs glucose, which you will find in fruits/berries and honey, and not in candies, cakes and bars, as you might think.
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Step No. 2 - change the diet

Before you know the proper diet for the week, you need to accustom yourself to the optimal eating regimen. A healthy person needs to eat 4-5 times a day, taking three-hour breaks between meals. The most proper nutrition: breakfast, lunch, dinner, plus 2 snacks.

Skipping meals is prohibited, but if this does happen, you should not make up for lost time during the next meal by eating a double portion. The only exception is dinner. If you didn’t have time to eat in the evening and came home at midnight, then head not to the refrigerator, but towards the bed. Better in the morning eat well rather than load your stomach before bed. Moreover, a hearty breakfast welcomes proper nutrition, because it is a kind of “alarm clock” for the body, triggering metabolism.

The optimal time for a morning meal is 30-90 minutes after waking up. Around noon (depend on the situation), you should definitely have a snack, ideally fruit. Lunch should take place between 13.00 and 15.00. After a couple of hours, you can treat yourself to tea. As for dinner, the debate on this topic does not subside, since many nutritionists advise stopping eating in the evening from 19.00, but what about those who are on the way home from work at this time? It’s okay if you eat later, the main thing is that the meal takes place at least 2 hours before going to bed.

This is important to know! What caloric distribution implies proper nutrition for every day? Breakfast should be 25% of the total food consumed per day, snacks – 10%, lunch – 30%, dinner – 25%.

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Step No. 3 – learning to eat again

Why do some people, having learned the proper nutrition menu for a month, quickly “go away”? Because learning the list of allowed foods is not enough; you also need to modify the process of eating. So, what basics do you need to learn?

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Step No. 4 – create a menu


  • breakfast - oatmeal, tea;
  • snack - fruit;
  • lunch - cabbage soup with a piece of black bread, a portion of baked meat;
  • afternoon snack – cottage cheese casserole, tea with rosehip;
  • dinner – buckwheat and grilled fish, salad.
  • breakfast - omelet, crackers, coffee;
  • snack - berries;
  • lunch – borscht, cutlets;
  • afternoon snack - yogurt;
  • dinner - vegetable casserole, turkey.
  • breakfast – oatmeal, coffee (possibly with cream);
  • snack – cottage cheese casserole;
  • lunch – pea soup with crackers, hard-boiled eggs;
  • afternoon snack – a handful of nuts, kefir;
  • dinner - pilaf, salad.
  • breakfast – millet porridge, herbal tea;
  • snack - fruit;
  • lunch - soup with chicken and noodles, bread;
  • afternoon snack – cottage cheese soufflé with berries;
  • dinner - beans with meat.
  • morning – scrambled eggs with a slice of ham, coffee;
  • snack - fruit jelly;
  • lunch - broth with pies;
  • afternoon snack - yogurt;
  • dinner – turkey with fresh vegetables.


  • breakfast - oatmeal, tea;
  • snack - a handful of nuts, berries;
  • lunch - soup of your choice, black bread, broccoli casserole;
  • afternoon snack – curd pudding, coffee;
  • dinner – rice with meatballs, salad.

Now you know what proper nutrition should be for a week. It is important to hold out for this period, then it will become easier for you, since your stomach will decrease in volume and you will get used to the new diet. Based on the example given for a week, you can already imagine what proper nutrition will be like for a month. The main thing is not to include harmful foods in the menu and follow all the above recommendations.

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Step No. 5 – joining secret knowledge

Modern nutritionists not only develop menus, but also share secrets with their patients on how to reduce appetite and not “go astray” - healthy eating. So, what secret knowledge can be useful to you in your quest to maintain health, slimness and beauty?

Eating healthy isn't as difficult as you might think, is it?! As a reward for your patience and consciousness, you will receive excellent health and a perfect body.

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Video consultation with a professional nutritionist: how to eat healthy

In secret

Have you ever tried to get rid of excess weight? Judging by the fact that you are reading these lines, victory was not on your side.

All those who have ever thought about losing weight have been faced with the painful choice of those “right” foods. The market is flooded with tons of weight loss products, supplements, and weight loss products that promise amazing results in just one day. What actually helps: therapeutic fasting, separate or balanced meals, a “half” diet or a diet a la Atkins, where only the number of carbohydrates is limited? Proper nutrition for weight loss, what should it be?

All of these diets have one thing in common: they offer a specific nutrition plan, following which you will lose the promised number of kilograms. You've seen the labels on these drugs and fat burners, which usually show a thin and asexual person, and next to him are the number of calories and how much it will take you to lose them without doing anything. Sounds tempting?! Unfortunately, most of these plans for “proper” nutrition are associated not only with prohibitions, but also, often, with health risks. Therefore, it is not surprising that the effect of such diets does not last long and the boomerang principle often works.

With such an overabundance of all kinds of nutrition plans and diets that unanimously promise quick weight loss, it can be very difficult to form a clear picture and understanding of all the intricacies of the weight loss process and its effect on the human body. Are carbohydrates bad? Avoid fat completely? Are sweets generally prohibited? These are just a few questions that can help you choose the diet plan that's right for you.

Video - How to eat to lose weight, remove belly and sides? Beautiful figure without any disruptions.

Make healthy nutritional choices for long-term weight loss

Anyone who wants to maintain weight and the effect of losing weight for a long time must change their daily ration nutrition forever (or at least for as long as you are going to be at your desired weight). Although with the help of some radical diet you can lose 5 kg in 14 days, after a while you will start eating as usual again, and all the lost kilograms will return to their favorite places: thighs, stomach, buttocks. These quick diets only know two words: “reduce” and “eliminate”, and this is an incorrect and unacceptable approach for the normal functioning of the human body. This leads to symptoms such as fatigue, headaches and bad mood.

In addition, with rapid weight loss, you lose Mostly liquid, but not fat at all. If the body is limited in protein intake, the situation will worsen even more, as it will quickly react to this decrease and begin to pump it out of valuable muscle mass for energy production. And muscle mass is autogenic fat burning ovens, who should not suffer in the process of losing weight. Even at rest, they themselves consume energy. Therefore, less muscle mass - decreased basal metabolic rate. When, after finishing the diet, you return to your usual diet, weight gain cannot be avoided so choose healthy food for weight loss.

Conclusion: Anyone who does not give their body time to gradually lose excess weight will gain it back relatively quickly and do the wrong thing. Instead of relying on the promise of miracle cures and weight loss diets, it is worth creating a long-term diet plan whose initial goal is to support your body while losing weight, and then maintain the weight you achieve.

Tips for Choosing a Meal Plan for Weight Loss

Anyone trying to lose weight should burn more calories than they consume. This rule sounds so simple because, in fact, it is. Theoretically, all these endless restrictive diets are not needed at all. Most likely this is the reason that no NO DIET, which is guaranteed to work. You can eat whatever you like, just remember that if you consume more calories than you burn, weight gain will begin.

There is no ready-made and universal nutrition plan for weight loss, and this, in my opinion, is great. After all, each of us has different taste preferences in food. But in order to lose weight, the nutrition plan must ultimately have negative calorie balance.

When looking for the right meal plan, your goal should be long term diet, because only those who manage to get used to a new diet will be able to control their weight on an ongoing basis. Otherwise, expect a see-saw effect.

The diet plan is extremely useful especially at the beginning of the diet, because you don’t have to wonder what to cook today, and the weight loss menu options are very varied. The likelihood that your usual or junk food will be included in your diet for weight loss is extremely low. Ideally, you should make a plan over the weekend. for the whole next week.

Another advantage of the meal plan is that throughout the day and strictly at certain hours the body receives all the necessary nutrients that he needs. At the initial stages of addiction, I recommend creating a schedule of proper nutrition for weight loss, which will stimulate you and do everything on time. Thus, you can prevent the appearance of symptoms of exhaustion and ravenous appetite. During meals, you need to eat as much as you need to feel full, otherwise undereating can lead to you eventually relapse, as the cravings for food will be overwhelming.

Many people are mistaken when they think that the less they eat, the better the result will be. However, the truth looks very different; when a person gets few calories from food, his body reduces its metabolic rate to save energy. In the first days of the diet, you will lose several kilograms due to water and muscle mass, but not due to fat. In order to break down fats, the body needs enormous amounts of energy, the only source of which is enough food. Eating healthy for weight loss should be your first choice.

Meals and times

How to start eating right and how to lose weight with proper nutrition? The beginning is always difficult. Changes in diet are always associated with changes in your taste preferences. Food on a quick fix During your lunch break, snacking on chips and sweet snacks in front of the TV makes it even more difficult to lose weight.

The nutrition plan is also designed to make the adjustment phase as comfortable as possible for you, since the first days and weeks are the most difficult. The good news is that the body quickly gets used to the new diet, and the process of losing weight is much easier.

How many times a day to eat while changing your diet is up to you. This could be three large meals or five small ones. I personally recommend three big meals, because to achieve the desired weight, you need to eat nutritiously. The more often you eat, the smaller your portions should be so as not to exceed the recommended daily number of calories. This is the main disadvantage of frequent meals. It is also important to eat well so that you don’t get hungry between meals. You can eat low-calorie bars.

Another benefit of eating three meals a day is that the body has enough time to metabolize and digest. Between meals atinsulin and blood sugar levels decrease and the fat burning process starts.

Home breakfast- the basis of all meals, it plays a decisive role. In the morning, the body needs enough energy to start the day successfully. Carbohydrates, such as muesli, bread, buns and fruit, warm up the metabolism and give the body the necessary boost of energy.

Balanced meal for lunch. It's just that the lunch break is usually not the time to think about food properly. Many people eat in a cafe, restaurant or take something to go. Instead of ordering something richer, like French fries and curried sausage, for example, opt for healthy alternatives like potatoes with scrambled eggs, rice with chicken breast, or tuna salad with bread. You might even treat yourself to a sweet dessert, but then you'll have to cut down on carbs during your main meal.

In the evenings
food must be rich in protein, which will allow the body to effectively break down fat at night. Carbohydrates such as bread, pasta, rice, potatoes, sugar, and fruits should be avoided in the evening. Instead, your menu can include lean meats, fish, cheese, cottage cheese, tofu, as well as salad and vegetables.

The less the product has been subjected to any processing, or rather, the less more natural food the better it is for weight loss. Thus, you will rid yourself of hidden calories and sugar, harmful additives and fat.

Those who eat well during main meals feel confident between them. From constant desire You should avoid chewing or snacking anything. This also applies to high-calorie drinks. Instead of cola, lemonade, dairy drinks, high-calorie coffee and sweet juices, choose water, unsweetened tea and black coffee, thereby saving yourself from excess calories and speeding up your weight loss process! Below we have compiled an approximate menu of proper nutrition for a week for weight loss, which you can take as a basis.

Healthy eating plan for weight loss: sample menu for 1 week

Below is rough plan nutrition for weight loss for a week. This is just an example because individual plan nutrition always depends on personal calorie needs and health status, the presence of diseases.

Monday - Thursday

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday
  • 100 g. Muesli
  • (no sugar) 2 tsp. wheat bran
  • 1 apple
  • 1 banana
  • 250 ml soy milk

(810 kcal)

  • 2 slices whole grain bread. flour
  • 1 spelled bun
  • 25 g drain. oil
  • 20 g jam
  • 1 apple

(706 kcal)

(544 kcal)

  • 4 slices crunch. bread
  • 1 bun
  • 25 g drain. Oils
  • 2 tsp nuts nougat
  • 2 tsp jam
  • 75 grapes

(680 kcal)

Salad with omelet and herbs

Salad ingredients:

  • 150 g of lettuce,
  • 1 tomato
  • 1 pepper,
  • 1 carrot,
  • Vinegar and Oil Salad Dressing

For the omelet:

  • 1 egg,
  • 1 tbsp. cottage cheese,
  • green

(388 kcal)

Turkey breast sandwich
  • 1 bun,
  • 1 tsp margarine medium bold,
  • lettuce leaves,
  • 50 g. kopch. turkey breasts,
  • 1 hard-boiled egg, cut into slices
  • 1 tomato


  • 150 g chocolate pudding

(461 kcal)

Ribbon noodles with spinach
  • 200 g spinach leaves (can be frozen),
  • 125 g noodles,
  • 1 onion,
  • 1 clove of garlic,
  • 2 peppers: yellow and red,
  • 50 g young cheese (20% fat)
  • 40 g goat cheese,
  • salt,
  • pepper

(715 kcal)

Jacket potatoes with cottage cheese
  • 300 g potatoes (preferably not boiled),
  • 200 g low-fat cottage cheese,
  • 1/2 bunch of chives,
  • 1 tsp Cumin seeds,
  • 3 tsp mineral water with gas,
  • salt,
  • pepper

(367 kcal)

Fish with curri and vegetables
  • 150 g fish fillet,
  • 200 g eggplant,
  • 2 tomatoes
  • 1 small onion
  • 1 clove of garlic,
  • 1 tsp oils,
  • 1 tsp curri powder,
  • 1 tsp parsley, salt, pepper

(393 kcal)

Cauliflower salad with salmon:
  • 250 g salmon fillet,
  • 1/2 cauliflower,
  • 1 tsp vegetable broth cube,
  • 2 tsp wine vinegar,
  • basil leaves,
  • 2 tsp oils,
  • salt,
  • pepper

(403 kcal)

Chicken breasts with paprika:
  • 2 chicken breasts,
  • 2 red peppers,
  • 2 small onions,
  • 2 cloves of garlic,
  • 150 ml. chicken broth,
  • 1 sprig of rosemary,
  • 1 tsp olive oil,
  • 1/2 tsp. hot red pepper,
  • salt,
  • pepper

(368 kcal)

Pork medallions withred beets
  • 200 pork fillets,
  • 1 shallot,
  • 200 g boiled beets,
  • 100 ml milk of magnesia (7% fat),
  • 1 tsp oils,
  • salt,
  • pepper

(462 kcal)

Friday - Sunday

Fried rice:
  • 60 g jasmine rice
  • 100 g chicken breast
  • 100 g green peas (frozen)
  • 3 shrimp
  • 1 tsp Oils
  • 1/2 tsp. turmeric powder
  • 1 clove of garlic
  • 1 tsp soy sauce
  • 1/2 tsp. turmeric powder
  • 1/2 tsp. sambla
  • a little lime
  • 40 g mung beans

(709 kcal)

Soup with carrots and potatoes:
  • 50 g hunting sausages
  • 1 onion
  • 200 g potatoes
  • 200 g carrots
  • 1 tsp butter
  • 350 ml. vegetable broth
  • ground nutmeg
  • pepper
  • fresh parsley leaves

(471 kcal)

Pizza on lavash:
  • 1/2 lavash
  • 1 tsp tomato paste
  • 50 g dried tomatoes
  • 1 clove of garlic
  • 2 tomatoes
  • 1 pepper
  • 2 mashed juniper berries
  • 100 g mozzarella
  • 2 tomatoes
  • 1 tsp olive oil
  • salt, pepper
  • basil leaves

(722 kcal)

Scrambled eggs with mushrooms:
  • 3 eggs
  • 2 tsp low-fat milk (1.5%)
  • 1 tsp oils
  • fresh parsley
  • 100 g lettuce
  • 1 tsp balsamic vinegar
  • 1/2 tsp. Mustards
  • pepper

(393 kcal)

Steak with cucumber salsa:
  • 150 g beef fillet
  • 1 pickled cucumber
  • 1 spicy cucumber
  • 1 gherkin
  • some watercress
  • 1 tsp oils
  • pepper

(482 kcal)

Baked cheese
  • 180 g of cheese (9% fat)
  • 150 g cherry tomatoes
  • 3 green olives (pitted)
  • 1 tsp capers
  • 1 tsp Harissa seasonings
  • 1 clove of garlic
  • 1/2 lemon
  • 1 sprig rosemary
  • 1 tsp olive oil
  • salt, pepper

(352 kcal)

Let's take a closer look at this menu for every day for weight loss. Most calories come from breakfast and lunch, since the body needs energy in the morning and at lunch for heat supply and good performance. It is not recommended to eat animal proteins for breakfast. In the morning the body is not ready to work at full speed, so the combination of carbohydrates and proteins can lead to increase insulin production. At lunchtime, eating a balanced meal does not pose any problem, since hormones responsible for energy and performance are quickly released during daily activity. Through this, the absorbed nutrients quickly enter directly into the blood.

Dinner Unlike lunch and breakfast, it is rich in proteins and contains a small amount of carbohydrates. Total number calories in sample menu per day for weight loss varies 1500 to 1700 calories, which can seem like a lot compared to most diets.

The goal of long-term dietary change is slow but constant weight loss, rather than slowing down your metabolism. Not a single dish in the above menu of proper nutrition for weight loss is complex; recipes for them step-by-step preparation, you can easily find it on the Internet. There you can also find other recipes for weight loss and recipes for every day, which will undoubtedly appeal to you. In order to speed up the weight loss process, you need to rely not only on proper nutrition for weight loss, but also on physical activity.

We combine a healthy diet for weight loss with exercise

The transition to a new diet should be inextricably linked with exercise. This doesn't mean you have to run until you're exhausted or spend all your time free time V gym, just try move more throughout the day. Start simple: a bike instead of a car, stairs instead of an elevator, or a walk instead of watching TV, this will burn even more calories. Try to include sports in your weekly nutrition plan for weight loss.