Damiana herb: medicinal properties, methods of use and contraindications for use. Damiana leaves - beneficial properties

Botanical characteristics

Damiana, translated as Turnera aphrodisiaca, this plant is also called drops of love. It is a shrub whose height does not exceed sixty centimeters. The branches are colored red-brown (photo). The leaves are alternate, with small teeth visible along their edges.

Near the leaf blade, namely, at its base, you can find a couple of small tubercles; these formations are nectar glands. The flowers are quite large with five petals and are yellow in color. The fruit of the plant is a small compact capsule in which small seeds with a mesh surface are localized.

The damiana plant exudes a rather unusual aroma, and it also tastes good. Accordingly, the leaves of this representative of the flora are used to flavor teas and are used to improve taste qualities some liqueurs.


This plant is widespread in the Gulf of Mexico, in South Africa, and it also grows in the Caribbean islands. The most extensive damiana cultivation region is considered to be northern Mexico and California, where this herb is harvested using damiana seeds. industrial volumes.

Part used

The aerial part of love drops is used for medicinal purposes, namely, its leaves are harvested, since they are rich in various chemical components. So, damiana contains sugars, arbutin, damianin, resins, tannins, bitterness, chlorophyll, as well as essential oils.

Directly in the leaves of the plant there is essential oil, starch, hard and soft brown resin, tannins. But caffeine was found in the stems. There was also information that damiana contains ephedrine, but it was tested many times chemical analysis proved the absence of this alkaloid.

Collection and procurement of raw materials

The procurement of raw materials is carried out during the flowering period of this aromatic plant, the grass is carefully picked, after which it is sorted, removing diseased and withered specimens. Then they are laid out in a ventilated place and dried for several days until they reach the required condition, but do not forget to turn them daily, thereby preventing them from becoming damp.

Then they are put away for storage, having previously been folded into cloth bags, which must be put away in a ventilated room where there are no foreign odors and there is no dampness.


It is worth saying that the plant prefers to grow in hot climates, it can be grown in the summer months with the help of seedlings. In our country, it is best to plant it in a greenhouse, since there will be optimal temperature regime, which is necessary for this representative of the flora.


This plant has been used since ancient times; there is information that it was used in the Mayan civilization as an aphrodisiac; in addition, the Mayan Indians treated bronchial asthma and other lung diseases with damiana. This herb also helps with dizziness and also keeps the body in good shape.

This herb is used for reproductive dysfunction, it helps to overcome developed depression, relieves neurosis-like conditions and anxiety. It is also effective for sexual dysfunctions, as well as menopause, as it alleviates the symptoms that are characteristic of menopause, in particular, it reduces the frequency of hot flashes.

The alkaloids contained in damiana promote the activation of sex hormones, increase the flow of blood to the pelvic organs, and are also capable of increasing body temperature, as a result of which metabolism accelerates and fat deposits are burned, this moment makes it necessary to use this herb for the purpose of losing weight.

Damiana belongs to the group of herbs that are considered antidepressants, and it also tones the body, has a mild diuretic effect, relieves general weakness and depressed mood.

It is worth noting that when endocrine disorders, in particular, if there is diabetes mellitus, this herb should be used with caution as it may increase blood sugar. If you exceed the dose of a drug prepared from this herb, a state of euphoria may occur.

Also, excessive use of this herb can lead to increased laxative effects, which will ultimately lead to digestive problems and cause diarrhea. Damiana preparations should not be used during pregnancy.


You can prepare a potion from crushed domiana leaves, for this it is simply recommended to grind them in a mortar and take them twice a day in the amount of three grams, and you need to wash them down with boiled water. cool water, in an amount of at least 100 milliliters.

Damiana extract can be used for impotence. You will need to pour 30 grams of damiana leaves into 500 milliliters of liquor, after which the bottle should be tightly closed and infused for five days in a dark place.

And only then you should filter the drug through a strainer or a double layer of gauze. It is recommended to take it 50 milliliters approximately sixty minutes before the desired effect occurs.

You can prepare a decoction from a teaspoon of damiana; to do this, pour 200 milliliters of boiling water over it and place the container on low heat for five minutes, then allow the drug to cool and filter it through a strainer. After which they take it orally, a couple of tablespoons per day.


Before using damiana, you should consult your doctor.

Originally from Mexico, Damiana ( Turnera diffusa And Turnera aphrodisiaca) is an aromatic flowering plant from the Turner family, endowed with aphrodisiac properties. Grows on rocky slopes in southern Texas, California and Central America. Used for medicinal and culinary purposes.

Nutritional supplements to improve the sexual health of women and men are available in the form of capsules, tablets, liquid extract or herbal tea. In addition, damiana leaves make an excellent seasoning, especially popular in Mexico, where they are widely used to flavor tea and liqueur.

The chemical composition is quite complex, and not all compounds could be identified. From what scientists know: 0.5-1% volatile oils, flavonoids, gonzalitosin, arbutin, tannins and damianin (bitter substance brown). In addition, the leaves contain essential oils (cineole, cymene, pinene), cyanogenic glycosides, thymol and traces of phosphorus.


Like an aphrodisiac

Centuries ago, the Mayan Indians used damiana leaves as an aphrodisiac, affecting both men and women equally. This herb not only increases libido, but also enhances the pleasure of intimacy. Listed properties were confirmed by Mexican scientists from the National Institute of Psychiatry in 2009.

The medicinal effect of damiana leaves is explained by the action of flavonoids and indicates the possibility of using of this product in the treatment of sexual dysfunction. Damiana-based remedies (for example, Damiana Forte) are prescribed for men to treat impotence.

Herbal extract helps relieve symptoms associated erectile dysfunction, increases blood flow to the genitals and promotes erection. Damiana leaves treat frigidity in young women and women on the verge of menopause. Taking this herb promotes the production of testosterone, increases attraction to the opposite sex, and restores desire.

For the mood

The leaves can also be used as a mild sedative that improves mood, reduces anxiety, and fights anxiety attacks. This Mexican plant is not as powerful an adaptogen as, for example, schizandra (), but it can also contribute its two cents to your well-being.

Sometimes used for treatment affective disorders, including neurosis, hypochondria, obsessive-compulsive disorder and paranoid states.

Normalizes blood sugar levels

Animal studies confirm another beneficial property of damiana leaves. They regulate blood sugar and have great potential for treating diabetics.

However herbal treatment should not be combined with medications similar action. This can cause your sugar levels to drop dangerously.

For headaches

IN folk medicine Damiana leaf tea has been used for centuries to treat headaches. This drink is very popular in the Caribbean. For maximum effect, before drinking, it is recommended to actively inhale the steam emanating from hot tea for several minutes.

The plant has several more healing properties, which have not yet been confirmed by official medicine. Hereditary herbalists know recipes for constipation, asthma, menstrual irregularities, bedwetting and sexually transmitted diseases.

Damiana extract wholesale

Botanical name: Turnera diffusa.

Ratio: 0.6% arbutin.

Feedstock: sheet.

Solvents used: water and ethanol.

Package: barrel 25kg

Description: Turnera spreading or Damiana is a shrub from the genus Turner of the Turneraceae family, common in Mexico, Central and South America, and the Caribbean Islands. Even in ancient times, the Indians South America, used damiana as an aphrodisiac, which has an effective effect on both women and men, helping to increase libido, energy and maintaining the overall tone of the body, having a beneficial effect on reproductive function. It was also taken for treatment bronchial asthma and lung diseases. Damiana is psychoactive and causes euphoria in large doses. The shamans took advantage of this property; before starting pagan dances, they smoked the leaves of the plant and, bringing themselves into ecstasy through the beating of drums, communicated with the spirits for several hours. After such “conferences” with the other world, the Indians made very important decisions for their community, up to the need for urgent relocation from long-lived places to unknown distances. Nowadays, in countries where this plant blooms, it is used as a spice, a flavoring agent, added to teas, juices, coffee, as an energy drink and a means of inciting love passion.

Damiana leaves contain hydroquinone arbutin and damianin - substances that have a stimulating effect on the functions of reproductive system, intestinal motility and the functioning of the genitourinary tract. Resins, chlorophyll, tannins, bitterness, and essential oils were found in the plant. Alkaloids, also present in the leaves, increase blood flow to the genitals and promote fat burning. Damiana extract wholesale, during menopause, reduces the frequency and intensity of hot flashes. Tea from this plant is drunk as a normalizing menstrual cycle remedy and also as a diuretic. In men, it increases sperm production, potency, and eliminates the symptoms of prostate adenoma. Helps normalize work gastrointestinal tract, removing toxins from the body, can be used for constipation. Athletes take this plant to increase physical performance and energy. Buy damiana extract is considered good antidepressant, it is recommended as a mild sedative for depression, neuroses, anxiety, and nervous exhaustion.

Method of preparation and administration: Drop 750 mg of extract (3 level scoops) or 1/3 teaspoon into 1/2 cup clean water, coffee, tea, cocoa, add sugar to taste, stir and drink. Take 1-2 times a day. A bottle for 10-20 days, a package for 1.5-3 months, depending on the frequency of administration.

Possible reaction in case of overdose: feeling of euphoria, laxative effect.

Contraindications: diabetes, hypoglycemia, pregnancy, lactation.

Turnera spreading, also known as Damiana, is a plant with a psychoactive effect and a fairly strong aphrodisiac. It was also used by the Aztecs to restore and improve sexual function. IN official medicine Turner is not used in Russia.

Description and chemical composition of Turnera spreading

Damiana is a perennial shrub from 50 to 60 cm high from the Turner family. Characterized by erect stems and alternately placed leaf blades. The edges of Turnera leaves are jagged along the edges and pointed at the end. At the base of the leaves there are nectar glands that look like 2 small tubercles.

The flowering period of turnera occurs in early spring. damiana flowers yellow, consist of 5 petals, which are twisted into a spiral before blooming. The fruits of this shrub are presented in small boxes with rather small seeds. The fruits and flowers of the plant have a characteristic pleasant aroma. Turnera can be grown as an indoor crop.

IN natural form Damiana grows in Central and South America, the Caribbean Islands, and Mexico. There it is found in the form of dense thickets on rocky slopes.

Turners contain the following chemical compounds:

  1. Essential oils.
  2. Tannins.
  3. Alkaloids.
  4. Resins.
  5. Proteins.
  6. Fixed oils.

It contains phosphorus, glycosides and a specific bitterness - Daminian - in small quantities. The plant stems also contain caffeine.

Collection and preparation of damiana

For preparing various medicines Turnera leaves and stems are used. They are collected from the beginning of flowering until fruiting, that is, almost the entire period of active growth. The prepared raw materials of this plant have an aroma similar to that of chamomile.

To collect grass, choose a dry and sunny day. After harvesting and removing the roots, it is dried in the shade of canopies. Dried herbs can be stored in a cool, dry place for 2 years. Most often, harvested ternera leaves are used to prepare essential oil. To obtain a dry extract, the raw material is subjected to water-alcohol extraction, after which it is concentrated and dried in special dryers.

Methods for preparing medicinal herbs (video)

The benefits of damiana for the reproductive system of men and women

The benefits of damiana for the reproductive system of men and women were noticed by the ancient Aztecs. They widely used it as an aphrodisiac and to restore sexual activity. To do this, they prepared a special drink from its leaves.

A special combination of chemical components in Damiana effectively restores libido lost due to a psycho-emotional state. Also it is quite effective in treating the most various diseases female reproductive system, during recovery from illness and promotes general strengthening reproductive system. Also, turner's grass has the ability to alleviate the condition during menopause, reduce and smooth out the frequency of hot flashes.

The alkaloids and others included in its composition are biologically active ingredients promote blood flow to the pelvic organs, stimulate activity spinal cord and release sex hormones, which have a stimulating effect.

The effect of Turnera procumbens on the endocrine system

Damiana herb is also beneficial for the endocrine system. It helps to strengthen and maintain it healthy condition. The biologically active compounds contained in damiana also have the ability to increase body temperature and significantly enhance metabolic processes.

Damiana is also useful in the treatment of diabetes. Mexican experts even conducted studies that found that when consuming this plant, there is a significant decrease in blood sugar levels. That is why Turnera can be used in the treatment of both type 2 and type 3 diabetes.

Treatment of Turnera Digestive System

Damianin and arbutin hydroquinone, which are part of turner leaves, have the ability to improve intestinal motility. Also, the antibacterial properties of this plant make it possible to use turnera for various infections of the gastrointestinal tract. Has damiana and cleansing properties, it effectively removes various toxins from the intestines and normalizes its functioning. In addition, this herb can significantly reduce appetite, which makes it possible to use it for weight loss.

Damiana leaves can be used to treat and prevent constipation, as well as therapeutically for irritable bowel syndrome. They are also effective in eliminating dyspepsia. When using turnera, there is a significant decrease in the secretion of gastric enzymes.

Where and how to collect medicinal herbs (video)

Effects of damiana on the urinary system

Thanks to the diuretic effect of Damiana, it perfectly flushes out various substances from the urinary system. pathogenic bacteria and toxins. This property allows turner to be used for the treatment and prevention of urinary tract infections, as well as for removing kidney stones.

Damiana's diuretic effect also helps lower blood pressure. And the combination of all the above beneficial properties makes it useful in the treatment of urethritis and cystitis. Arbutin contained in this herb, when it enters the urinary system, is converted into another biologically active compound - hydroquinone. This explains its strong disinfecting effect.

Contraindications and possible harm

Like any other medicinal plant Damiana has contraindications for use. Most often they are associated with individual intolerance its individual components, which can lead to the emergence allergic reactions varying degrees gravity. Also, you should not use Turnera during pregnancy and breastfeeding. Also This herb is contraindicated in the treatment of children.

It is used with great caution, and if possible after consultation with a specialist, for diabetes and hypoglycemia. This is due to its very strong effect on blood glucose levels. Also Among the contraindications to the use of turners, the following should be noted:

  • Chronic and acute diseases liver;
  • Renal pathologies of various origins;
  • Urinary tract diseases;
  • Atherosclerosis;
  • Hypertension;
  • Gastric ulcer.

The main symptoms that occur with an overdose of damiana are as follows:

  • Diarrhea;
  • Vomit;
  • Excessive urination.

When consuming Turnera herb, be sure to take into account the fact that it can enhance the effect of various antidiabetic drugs. Also, when taking it, the absorption of iron and a number of other substances is significantly reduced. minerals. Too much large doses This herb can cause headaches, insomnia, and in some cases even seizures.

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Damiana, also known as Turnera (or Turnera) spreading, is a plant of the Turneraceae family. Official name Damiana was given in honor of the famous alchemist Turner, who lived in the 16th century: he studied its properties for many years. This plant grows in the Western Hemisphere, in America - from Mexico in the north to Argentina in the south.

Damiana, also known as Turnera (or Turnera) spreading, is a plant of the Turneraceae family.

Spreading turnera is no more than 60 cm in height, but it is not a grass, but a small shrub. The above-ground parts of the plant live 5-12 years, and the rhizome – several times longer.

Pharmacological properties

Tourneura gained fame due to its psychoactive properties. It contains essential oils, resins, arbutin, damaianin. Caffeine was also found in it. The presence of ephedrine, which was suspected due to the effects of this plant on the psyche, has not been confirmed. Official science cannot accurately explain why the totality of all mentioned psychoactive substances influences a person in this way.

Tourneura gained fame due to its psychoactive properties

Tourneura in any form (decoction, extract, smoking mixtures, etc.) has a general stimulating effect, and is also traditionally - since the times of the Mayans and Aztecs - used as a powerful aphrodisiac. Hence the second Latin name Turners – Turnera aphrodisiaca. In addition, the Indians used damiana leaves for asthma, others pulmonary diseases, and also as a general tonic. Tourneura has properties that are beneficial for men: its use increases tone genitourinary system, which helps improve erection. However, Damiana also has a stimulating effect on women (it is even called female Viagra). Science cannot yet accurately establish the mechanism of action, but the effectiveness of damiana in this regard is indisputable.

Traditionally, tournae, whose range includes the islands of the Caribbean, was used in voodoo magic (and related Afro-Caribbean cults) also as an aphrodizing agent.

Gallery: Damiana grass (25 photos)

Amazing properties of herbs (video)

Use in cooking

Tourneura has been used traditionally in Mexican pharmaceuticals since the times of the Aztecs, in European pharmaceuticals since late XIX century. It also finds application in cooking.