The meaning of the name Adeline for a girl born in summer. Adelina: the meaning and secret of the name

When choosing a name for a girl, you should remember that it leaves an imprint on character and destiny. This sound wave, which contains certain information. Each letter carries with it meaning and meaning.

The name Adeline is international. It is found in China and Japan, Sweden and England, France and Arab countries. This name sounds beautiful. Adeline seems to be an exotic flower. The meaning of the name and historical roots have different versions of origin.

Origin of the name

In one version, the name Adeline has ancient Germanic roots. Its meaning is “fragrant”, “noble”.

In another version, this name is a derivative of Adelaide. What does “magnificent”, “coming from a noble family” mean?

Crimean Tatars consider this name to be theirs. Their Adelina is endowed with national flavor. The meaning of the name in the Tatar version is “decent”.

It sounds different in every country. For example, in France - Adele, in the Czech Republic and Poland - Adeline. The name came to Russia with the fashion for everything exotic and rare.

Characteristics of the name by letter

The name carries with it not only a certain sound, emotional coloring. The essence lies in its writing. This also applies to the nickname Adeline. The meaning of the name and character are distributed in each letter:

  • A- symbol of initial energy. Realization of ideas, dreams. Creating a harmonious atmosphere in the spiritual and physical aspects.
  • D- the mystical ability to foresee, have a presentiment. Thinking, creating a plan to make your dreams come true. Focus on family, help in business.
  • E- diplomatic abilities. The ability to exchange information and clearly express your individuality. Developed intuition, tendency to over-communicate.
  • L- presence of creativity. The desire to prove oneself in the field of art, to find one’s purpose. Understanding physical and spiritual beauty. The ability to transfer this knowledge to a partner.
  • AND- practicality covering the romanticism of the soul. Patience and kindness to others. Desire to avoid conflict situations. Philosophical perception of life.
  • N- a symbol of denial, protest. Ability to work for results and achieve goals. Availability of will, fortitude. Ability to criticize and analyze. Attention to healthy image life.

Girl's character

Balance and determination are inherent in the child’s character from childhood. The meaning of the name Adeline plays a large role in the development of personality. It is common for a girl to be drawn to the spiritual and beautiful from a very young age. She loves to do handicrafts and takes care of her dolls. Helps mother with household chores.

She is modest and shy, does not like to attract attention increased attention. The support of her family and friends is important to Adeline. She needs to be praised and encouraged. It is important to notice in time a child’s inclination towards any activity, to discover talent and ability as early as possible.

The meaning of the name Adeline for a girl also carries with it the ability to be creative: the desire to sing or play musical instruments, dance or draw. Often girls with this name achieve success in sports - tennis, swimming, athletics.

Character of a woman

Having grown older, Adeline still remains calm and modest. The meaning of the name, its secret will help to reveal the deep, gentle character. Creativity and self-realization are the fundamental principles of Adeline.

Light irony and narcissism do not prevent her from being strong-willed and purposeful. Being a responsible executive, Adeline can achieve career heights. A leadership position will add to this gentle woman the ability to react quickly and make the right decisions.

In marriage, Adeline will become a faithful wife. It will be strong union based on mutual respect and understanding. With the advent of children, Adeline will become more confident. Responsibility for the kids and caring for them will make her an ardent mother. She will not let her children be harmed.

Sexuality of the name

Adeline is a soft, gentle, sexy partner. She pays great attention to sincere feelings. Therefore, she can fully open up only when she is confident in her partner and his love. Daydreaming and fantasies can lead to some frivolity in relationships with men. Her capriciousness can always be overcome with compliments and praise.

She is ready for experiments, goes along with the wishes of her man. Emotional contact with her partner is important to her. Adeline pays great attention to sensual love. The meaning of the estate plays a big role in sexuality.

Her elegant grace and femininity attract the attention of the opposite sex and create an aura of mystery. But Adeline will choose a worthy, noble man as her permanent companion, with whom she can be frank in the emotional and sexual spheres. Patience and endurance will help her companion overcome innate modesty and shyness.

In religion and numerology

Abbess Adeline lived in the 12th century. She was known for her piety and kindness. She was subsequently canonized. Adeline's name symbolizes peacefulness. IN catholic church her day is October 20th.

IN modern life this name carries the same emotional connotation: gentle, reliable, sophisticated Adeline. The meaning of the name in Orthodoxy is the same as in Catholicism. But it is celebrated on the calendar on November 23.

In numerology, Adeline's number is six. It symbolizes honesty, hard work, tact, and a tendency to compromise. Such people prefer calm and stability. They consider the most important thing in life to be a small social circle - family and friends.

Name by seasons

What other secrets does the meaning of the name Adeline hold? Born in winter, she is an excellent housewife. Her house is always in perfect order. She radiates kindness and calmness. Prefers to be friends with men.

Adeline, born in spring, emotional and vulnerable. She is easily angered, she is insecure and full of complexes. Her craving for beauty will awaken her creative talents. Innate artistry, the desire to sing and dance is a wonderful path for self-development.

Summer Adeline is overly soft, emotionally unstable. She is often offended and experiences misunderstandings from other people for a long time. Therefore, it is difficult for her to communicate and find new friends. She is affectionate and in disputes gives way to her interlocutor.

Born in autumn, Adeline is practical and calculating. She will achieve a lot in life and career thanks to her strong-willed qualities. Doesn't know how to compromise and lose. With age comes rigidity of character, which can interfere with a happy marriage.

Often, parents, in an effort to distinguish their child from their peers, give the most unimaginable names, forgetting that each of them has its own mystery and secret meaning, which can play a significant role in the future. The first thing to do is to understand all the features, and only after that make a choice that determines the fate of their child. What do adults who like the rather exotic name Adeline need to know? The meaning of the name, character and fate for girls can have completely unexpected details.

The meaning of the name Adeline for a girl is brief

A tiny crying little bundle, which only a few days ago appeared in the family, is not only a reason for great joy, but also a considerable responsibility that appears on the part of parents. It depends on them how happy the child will grow up, what character traits he will show, and how lucky he will be in the future. Few adults know that everything can depend to a large extent on the name they chose at baptism.

Adeline, the meaning of the name, character and fate - if you like this melodious name, you should definitely carefully read the features provided by ancient sources. It is in them that you can find a lot of information that will not just explain some unexpected discoveries, waiting for adults, but also character traits, even important events.

The meaning of the name Adeline for a girl is briefly “fragrant”, “noble”. The first memories of him can be found in ancient Germanic literature. Not so long ago, only noble families allowed themselves to call their daughters this way; the poor were forbidden to do this. This name is quite common in Germany, but it is quite difficult to find it in other countries.

What does the name Adeline mean for a girl according to the church calendar?

The most reliable and detailed source that can easily tell parents about the secret meaning embedded in each name thousands of years ago is the church calendar. Only in it can one find details that are inaccessible to study in other ancient books. For the same purpose, you can review the calendar - often they also provide interesting features, which may be important for adults choosing a name for their offspring.

Adeline, the meaning of the name, character and fate - it is this combination that often becomes the most important for parents. All the details associated with the meaning simply need to be studied in advance, because this may turn out to be too important in the fate of the baby.

What does the name Adeline mean for a girl? church calendar? Parents, unfortunately, will not be able to glean the information of interest here - there are no saints with that name in Orthodoxy. True, this is not a reason for grief - if you ask well and turn to God with a request for protection, he will certainly respond to prayers and take the child under his reliable wing.

The secret of the name Adeline - what ancient horoscopes say

Even if Orthodox literature cannot tell you anything about the meaning of this name and what is the secret of the name Adeline, you should not be upset in advance - parents can learn a lot useful information in ancient horoscopes. They can tell in no less detail some of the features inherent in this name. Adults definitely need to familiarize themselves with these details - often they are enough to correct some mistakes or prevent danger looming over their baby.

The zodiac sign that has a beneficial effect on a girl is Pisces. If she was born under this sign, then adults can be calm about the fate of the baby - she will certainly be happy. Parents should know that their daughter, even in adulthood, should make all important decisions under the auspices of Pisces - this will ensure undoubted success and good luck.

A stone that can become reliable and powerful amulet Pearls are considered to be able to ward off trouble. You definitely need to give your girl jewelry with this talisman - it will protect her from all the troubles of life.

Origin of the name Adeline and its meaning for children

The country from which this name spread is Ancient Germany. Should we pay attention to the origin of the name Adeline and its meaning for children? This is a question that may arise even among non-superstitious parents. As evidenced by ancient sources, which tell in detail about the meanings of names, this has no meaning and no impact on the future. Parents should not pay attention to which ancient country the roots of the name stretch out - the main thing here is to find out what meaning it has.

The meaning of a name is the only thing that can explain most of the features and details that may be associated with it. Often, just by the name, you can predict what kind of character a child will have, which is what you need to pay attention to initially when raising him. It happens that timely response helps to cope with negative qualities even in childhood, which makes the baby’s life much easier later.

Character of a girl named Adeline

How can the character of a girl named Adeline please her parents? Adults and friends will certainly be delighted with positive qualities girls, including:

  1. desire for knowledge;
  2. good manners;
  3. bravery;
  4. attentiveness to others;
  5. dedication;
  6. kindness;
  7. caring for loved ones;
  8. high intelligence;
  9. well-developed intuition.

Of the girl’s shortcomings, pride will come first. She reacts quite painfully to criticism and may become offended, although not for long. Friends and relatives are well aware of this unpleasant quality and, if possible, try not to hurt her pride, although this does not always work.

Adeline can be touchy, although she shows this quite rarely, trying to conceal her grievances within herself. He will not take revenge on his offender, he will not even talk about it, although he may worry about this for quite a long time.

The fate of a girl named Adeline

To what extent can the fate of a girl named Adeline be full of surprises or even troubles? According to various sources that describe in detail the details associated with this name, the girl’s life will not be burdened with any problems. She will choose a specialty in accordance with her capabilities and talents. Adeline often chooses the following professions:

  1. teacher;
  2. accountant;
  3. public figure;
  4. musician;
  5. artist;
  6. choreographer;
  7. secretary.

Quite often it happens that Adeline chooses the profession of a journalist. Here she is invariably successful, her works are popular, since a talented girl is able to turn the most ordinary event into a real sensation. Such talent will certainly be noticed, and she will be able to quickly climb the career ladder. Be sure to be careful when doing this - there are many envious people who will certainly try to prevent this.

Adeline is a name whose meaning has Greek roots. It is translated as “noble”. Adeline is reasonable, calm and modest. She is very affectionate, but at the same time vulnerable. From an early age he shows independence. She decides for herself where to go and what to do. at the moment study. If parents try to control Adeline, it begins to irritate her. She becomes secretive. Adeline is the best assistant. She will be happy to help her mother look after her younger sisters or brothers. Loves to read and do handicrafts.

Adeline is a name whose meaning speaks of the high intelligence and curiosity of its bearer. Adeline is a good student, although some tightness prevents her from opening up fully. The girl has excellent qualities and can achieve great success in this direction. As she grows up, shy Adeline will stay away from crowded and noisy companies. She will become strong mentally, but her childish sensitivity will remain. Adeline is an optimist. She has a ringing laugh and prefers unusual styles of clothing. She has great taste. She loves to travel.

The meaning of the name Adeline suggests that she is absolutely not vain. In her work she is distinguished by such qualities as punctuality, responsibility and accuracy. She will never let her colleagues down. That is why they trust her and always ask for her advice.

Adeline is a name whose meaning indicates that she excellent worker and the person you can rely on. She is respected for this. It cannot be said that career advancement has meaning for her. great value. The name can influence her fate. Adeline can make a good tennis player, gymnast, or swimmer. Parents should help the girl develop fighting qualities. Adeline can gather herself, concentrate and calmly make the right decision. She practically does not make mistakes. She can be firm and persistent if she is confident that she is right.

Good luck awaits Adeline in her personal life. She is very good friend, and her friendship with the opposite sex turns into love. She will get married unnoticed by the people around her. If her lover can win her trust, she will reveal herself as a wonderful wife and caring mother. Adeline loves to receive guests and treat them to home-prepared dishes. She will always support her husband in difficult times. If she needs to protect her children, she will turn from a meek lamb into a lioness. In marriage, Adeline is hardy and patient. She herself is not prone to cheating, so she values ​​fidelity very much. She is very devoted to her close people. Most of all she enjoys spending time at home. She loves to create warmth and comfort. She has few friends, only one or two, but the most reliable ones. IN intimate relationships she is compliant, gentle. She fulfills all her husband’s wishes, but time must pass for this to happen. Adeline loves animals, especially cats and dogs.

Adeline is a name whose meaning determines that her stone is lapis lazuli and the color that suits her is purple.

Forms of the name Adelina

Common name variations: Edela, Edel, Edell, Edelia, Adeline, Adele, Adela, Adele, Adelis, Adelin, Andelin, Edelin, Adela, .
Short form names: Adelya, Adelka, Adele, Delya, Ada, Adya, Adulya, Adusya, Adusha, Adyusha, Adyunya, Lina, Alina, Adelita.

Name Adeline in different languages

The name Adelinana is Chinese. 阿杰莉娜 (Adelicia).

The name Adelinana is Japanese. 復活美 (Kayamoto – fragrant).

The name Adelina is in Latin. Adelina.

The name Adeline in Arabic. الينا (Adeline).

The name Adeline in French. D"adeline.

Origin of the name Adeline

Sexuality: in an effort to live an active sex life, they are capable of careless acts. Such women are very feminine, responsive and sexy - they simply break the hearts of men!

Field of activity: they can’t sit still, they need grandiose undertakings! A developed imagination, extraordinary charm and exceptional memory help them get out of any unpleasant situations. They become flight attendants, fashion models, and collect antiques.

Sociability: love to receive guests. They dress with impeccable taste.

Additionally: These women love risk.

The influence of the name Adeline on fate

The sound of the name is very soft, which forces its owner from childhood to show diplomacy, tact, and a desire to smooth out sharp corners. But with all this, Adeline can hardly be persuaded to act dishonestly. The noble meaning of the name obliges Adeline to behave with dignity and observe the rules of decency. At the same time, feeling like a heroine of medieval novels, Adeline can allow herself to be capricious, slightly arrogant and flirtatious. She seems to be realizing her acting abilities, performing in life, as on stage, in the character Beautiful lady. Perhaps, excessive imagination will prevent Adeline from seeing the real picture of the world, its difference from knightly ballads, so for her happiness she needs to remember that real people can be more interesting than the ideal images of old tales.

The key to communicating with Adeline

Want to impress Adeline? Praise her cozy home, but be sure to sincerely and from the heart - she will appreciate it. But don’t try to dodge and flatter - Adeline feels lies perfectly well.

Great and famous Adelines

Adelina Patti ((1843 - 1919) Italian opera singer (coloratura soprano), favorite vocalist of Giuseppe Verdi)
Adeline Gousseau ((born 1936) French politician)
Adelina Adalis ((1900 - 1969) real name and surname - Adelina Efron, Russian poetess, writer, translator)
Adeline Jury ((1872 - 1963) ballerina, teacher-choreographer)
Adelina Sotnikova ((born 1996) Russian figure skater, performing in women's single skating, world champion among juniors in 2011, two-time champion of Russia (2009, 2011). Master of Sports of Russia. Sotnikova is called a “prodigy” in figure skating, due to the fact that already at the age of 13 she performed two extremely difficult cascades in one program: triple Lutz - triple loop and triple Salchow - triple loop.)
Adeline Souluk ((1795 - 1867) before marriage - Leveque; wife of the President of Haiti Faustin-Elie Souluk. From 1849 to 1859 - during the reign of Souluk as Emperor of Haiti - Empress of Haiti.)
Adeline (Adelaide) Jury ((1872 - 1963) ballerina, teacher-choreographer, Honored Artist of the RSFSR (1945))

Adelina celebrates Catholic name day

Compatibility of the name Adeline

Incompatibility of the name Adeline

A name is a kind of code that determines the main points of a person’s destiny. What does the name Adeline mean? What is the origin and history of the name Adeline?

The meaning of the name Adeline

Adeline is noble. The name was given to girls from noble families. It was distributed in ancient Greece, which is where it came from. The zodiac sign that protects Adeline is Pisces. This makes the girl sentimental and tender.

The planet that controls Adeline’s destiny is Venus. This planet of love, family, femininity. Therefore, Adeline grows up as a little princess, the favorite girl in the family. The color that suits her more than others is purple.

The tree from which you can make a talisman for Adeline is willow. You can use it to make an amulet, a piece of jewelry that will restore the strength spent during the day and restore health.

The flower that patronizes her is the lily. He is as gentle and feminine as the girl herself. The patroness of the animal world is horse mackerel. The stone that will become a talisman for a girl is pearls.

Origin and history of the name Adeline

The name has ancient Greek roots and was one of the most popular in the upper castes of Greek society. The meaning of the name is noble, and it also determined the attitude of those around the child. They tried to give the baby only the best.

The girl's abbreviated names were Delya, Ida, Adele. In the Christian tradition there was no saint of the same name, so Adeline does not celebrate her name day. Today the name is not as popular as in ancient times.

The character and fate of Adeline

Adeline is diligent and persistent in studying and learning new things from the very beginning early childhood. Adeline has been distinguished by her quick wit and lively mind since birth. She is superior to her peers in many ways. Parents are incredibly proud of their erudite and flexible girl. It is worth highlighting Adeline’s positive character traits:



Thirst for knowledge;



Flexibility of mind.

Positive traits Adeline’s character can be listed endlessly, but parents should not unnecessarily overload the girl at an early age. Sometimes, out of excessive pride, parents begin to give Adelina incredible tasks and set unrealistic expectations. She tries her best, but at the same time, she loses important moments of her childhood.

Adeline has a unique memory and developed intuition. This allows her to find a compromise in communicating with any person. She tries to win everyone over and she succeeds quite easily. Adeline does not grow up as a spoiled girl, she rather grows up as a favorite child. What causes envy among peers.

They always buy her the best toys, the biggest and most beautiful books. They take you to the most incredible places. Adeline is grateful to her parents for their attention to her; she is affectionate and flexible. At the same time, she has her own opinion and early age she is already able to conduct a dialogue with adults.

If the girl wise parents who want only the best for her - they will learn to understand their child almost instantly. Therefore, there will never be conflicts or complaints in the house. Adeline loves when people listen to her advice. That is why it is always difficult for her to make friends with her peers. It’s easier for her to find someone to talk to in the company of older people. Adeline is modest and at the same time self-confident.

In addition to unique intellectual abilities, the girl also has a memorable, expressive appearance. She attracts men to her like a magnet and at the same time, she does not like excessive attention to her person.

If a girl is excessively spoiled in childhood, she grows up to be a rather capricious child who does not obey anyone. She is capricious even at an older age. Therefore, parents should balance between demandingness and love for the child.

Otherwise, Adeline will get excited about a new business and abruptly abandon it, since a new idea. She will not grow up vulnerable, but she will always love to admire herself. She will like bright clothes and loud music. This is a worthy rest after difficult everyday life with colleagues.

Work as a journalist, lawyer, physician, and creative hobbies are suitable for her. Adeline can prove herself in any profession, but she is closer to the work through which she can help children and people who need her.

Adeline works a lot, and at the same time gets great pleasure from it. In business, she also has no equal, since she can quickly calculate all the moves and tricks of her competitors. But at the same time, she tries to avoid conflicts and she does it remarkably well.

Adeline's Love

Character and fate also determine a girl’s preferences among men. She often chooses successful and quite sociable men. If in her youth she prefers frivolous handsome men, then in adulthood Adeline gives greater importance to a man’s desire to earn significant capital.

She can help her chosen one achieve enormous heights, but she herself will never take enormous responsibility for his fate. Adeline easily breaks off relationships, so she may be married several times. Her chosen ones often suffer from a lack of attention and affection, since the girl works a lot and takes care of herself.

She will feel comfortable building a relationship with a self-sufficient man who will not claim her personal space. For him, Adeline will be ready to turn every day into a holiday. Her children appear late. Because the girl strives to realize herself. She really wants huge attention and recognition. If she just begins to notice that a man is not paying enough attention to her, she does not hesitate to look for herself in a new relationship.

Therefore, there is a huge risk for Adeline to live out her life alone. But the girl does not lose heart. She has a huge number of friends and suitors who, at the beginning of the relationship, are ready to fulfill any of her whims. And she's happy about it.