Wireless broadband. Broadband mobile internet. Types of broadband Internet connection

Broadband to the Internet provides high-speed data transfer exceeding the maximum possible indicators dial-up connection via modem or regular telephone line. The connection in this case is carried out via fiber optic, wired or wireless Internet backbones of various types.

Benefits of High Speed ​​Connection

The main disadvantage of dial-up access remains limited bandwidth. In addition, with this type of Internet connection, the telephone line is completely occupied. A broadband Internet channel increases the speed of data exchange several times and does not require a monopoly on the telephone line.

Broadband Internet is a so-called two-way communication, thanks to which data can be transmitted and received simultaneously. high speed. Organization of broadband access makes it possible to use digital television services, means of remote storage of large data and sending voice messages (IP telephony) - free of charge or at very low rates.

Subscribers connected to the high-speed network receive a number of important advantages:

  • the ability to connect to a broadband channel at any point where the appropriate technical equipment is available;
  • Comfortable working with multimedia applications due to high bandwidth, which makes it easy to play network video content and use other resources;
  • reducing the cost of web surfing, processing correspondence received by e-mail, as well as the cost of office applications that require a broadband connection;
  • increasing labor productivity when analyzing marketing and other data;
  • new opportunities for business communication with clients, partners and suppliers (unlimited access to instant messaging programs, applications that support the VoIP protocol, etc.).

Connection options

Broadband Internet connection is becoming increasingly popular in the Russian Federation, because the needs of modern users are constantly increasing and lead to the need to gain access to a high-speed network.

Two connection types are possible:

  • Wireless. Does not require laying a cable network. Radio-Ethernet and other technologies are used.
  • Wired (fixed). Traditional wired fiber-optic connection Ethernet and others are used.

Wireless and wired broadband Internet access networks provide much higher data transfer speeds than a conventional dial-up connection. BUSINESS TELECOM subscribers have access to connection options with various technical parameters.

Communication technologies

ADSL is the most popular broadband connection option and is suitable for both home and business commercial use. This is a modern digital connection that allows you to get high-speed access to the Internet without taking up the entire telephone line. ADSL performance reaches 10 Mbit/s or more.

SDSL has a different ratio of the speed of reception and transmission channels: with this standard, sending and downloading data occurs in the same amount of time. Organizations that need increased outgoing channel capacity can connect to a broadband Internet network using SDSL technology.

It is also not uncommon to provide access to the Internet via a cable television line. Now cable TV is available in almost any city, and the payment terms for this service are more than flexible. The average speed of a broadband Internet connection is 5-20 Mbit/s.

Fiber optic connection is a brilliant invention. The main operating principle of this technology is the conversion of electrical signals into light signals with subsequent transmission via fiber optic cable. An important advantage of this technology is the possibility of remote network management and technology modernization in accordance with the increasing requirements of the modern user.

How to connect broadband Internet?

BUSINESS TELECOM specialists provide broadband Internet access services using the most advanced technologies. Depending on the specific location of the facility, we will select the best connection option for you in terms of price and technical characteristics.

To connect to the Internet, you need to leave a request by telephone or online. Then our specialist will arrive at the site you specified to inspect the premises and study connection possibilities. After selecting technological solutions and tariff plan we will install everything necessary equipment and we'll build a network.

We guarantee high quality and prompt service to all clients. For additional information and ordering services from BUSINESS TELECOM, contact our managers by phone or leave a request on the website.

Get information on tariffs

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Broadband or high-speed Internet access - access to the Internet with data transfer speeds exceeding the maximum possible using dial-up access using a modem and telephone network general use. It is carried out using wired, fiber-optic and wireless communication lines of various types.

If dial-up access has a bitrate limit of about 56 kbit/s and completely occupies the telephone line, then broadband technologies provide many times higher data exchange speeds and do not monopolize the telephone line. In addition to high speed, broadband access provides a continuous connection to the Internet (without the need to establish a dial-up connection) and so-called “two-way” communication, that is, the ability to both receive (“download”) and transmit (“upload”) information at high speeds.

There are mobile broadband access (mobile broadband) and fixed broadband...

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Broadband Internet Connection

Setting up a PPPoE connection in Windows 7

Point-to-point Ethernet is used to create temporary, dynamic broadband connections. If your Internet connection has a dynamic IP address, it means that your ISP assigns you a new IP address each time you connect. The PPPoE protocol makes this connection easy by sending your username and password. Again, only do this if you don't have a router that can do this.

Never use software provided by your Internet provider to connect via PPPoE. Instead, use the procedure described here.

To set up a PPPoE connection, open the Network and Sharing Center window and click on the Setup a connection or network link located below the existing connections. You take Internet Connection...

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The Internet boom of 1998-2001 took investors' money without return, but the optical fiber laid for this money did not go away. The user has experienced fast Internet, and the broadband access market today is growing much faster than other sectors of the telecommunications industry.

Broadband access, also known as broadband access, formally starts at 128 Kbps. It is at this speed, for example, that Russian schools are connected to the Internet. It would not be a big mistake for the sake of simplicity to consider all Internet access, except for a slow dial-up telephone connection, to be broadband. The point, however, is not the data transfer speed as such, but the fact that with it the user has fundamentally new opportunities. Such as digital television over the Internet (IP TV), cheap - even free - and distance-independent voice communications (VoIP), the ability to remotely store large amounts of data, etc. Thanks to broadband networks and the services based on them, a special term has arisen - TMT...

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Types of broadband Internet connection

Nowadays, broadband Internet is a general term used to refer to various high-speed connection types.

The term broadband refers to the bandwidth of an Internet connection. Broadband in literally refers to the wide range of frequencies used to transmit and receive data. Previously, Internet access was very slow due to the use of a dial-up connection. In addition to being slow, a dial-up connection also takes up the entire voice phone line. All these factors led to the fact that Dial-up was almost completely replaced by various broadband connection types.

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The term bandwidth, in the case of computer networks and Internet connections, is typically used to refer to the speed at which data is transmitted. Data transfer speed is usually...

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Fast Internet technologies

Broadband Internet in Ukraine is gaining more and more admirers and users. But what technologies for providing Internet access do Ukrainian providers choose? And which of these technologies is better: xDSL, FTTB, UMTS/HSPDA, CDMA EV-DO, Wi-MAX or others?

German Bogapov, “Mirror of the Week”

The telephone lines, of course, remain; they are gradually being modernized. However, this does not prevent the same Ukrtelecom from connecting more and more new users to the fast Internet using ADSL technology. So much so that in terms of the number of subscribers (842 thousand people at the end of 2009), the national operator has long surpassed all other Internet providers. In second place is the Volya company, which has 380 thousand broadband access (broadband) subscribers. Next comes Golden Telecom, which provides broadband access under the Beeline brand for 122.5 thousand users, and Vega - 121.2 thousand people at the end of 2009 (data from a research company...

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The growth of the subscriber base of Internet providers has stopped, the market has reached saturation - statistics show this. The main players who control the market have been identified. But the competition does not stop; in order to develop dynamically, companies are constantly coming up with new marketing tactics.

Market dynamics

According to a study by iKS-Consulting, the rate of connection of new subscribers decreased to 7.5% in 2013, and in 2014-2015 there was a reduction in the number of subscribers. According to Civil service statistics, due to the occupation of Crimea, Internet providers lost 110.6 thousand broadband Internet subscribers (broadband). Also, judging by the statistics, a significant number of users remained in the temporarily occupied territories of Lugansk and Donetsk regions. As of January 1, 2016, there were 6 million 89.9 thousand subscribers in Ukraine, of which 5 million 625.1 thousand were households.

According to a study conducted by Factum Group Ukraine, the total...

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Broadband Internet Access

Order code IB10045
Updated May 9, 2002

Broadband Internet access:
history and problems

Angela E. Gilroy and Lennard Gee. Kruger,
Department of Resources, Science and Industry


Latest trends

Background and analysis

What is broadband and why is it so popular? great value?

Broadband technologies

Cable communication
Digital Subscriber Line (DSL)
Satellite communications
Other technologies

Status of work on the deployment of broadband access networks

Strategy Issues

Easing Restrictions and Requirements for Backbone Telephone Companies
Open access

Legislative activity of the 107th Congress

House of Representatives Resolution No....

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Benefits of broadband Internet connection

Broadband is access to the Internet at high speed, which is completely different from access via a modem. Broadband Internet is called high-speed Internet due to its ability to transmit data at very high speeds over a regular telephone line. The greatest advantage of broadband is its speed, and also - your stay in the Internet world will last until you turn off your computer and not a minute less.

The benefits of broadband Internet are many. Today it is not difficult to get the full range of cable services, which means 24/7 Internet at the highest speed. But, although the Internet has long become popular, you can still meet people who need education on this subject. And, perhaps, the only thing that can differentiate the Internet is its speed.

In general, there are three types of connections, of which each can...

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Connecting to the Internet in Windows Vista, Part II

Here is the beginning of the article. The main advantage of a dial-up connection is its availability, since this kind of connection can be found in almost all cities. However, this is where the advantages end and continuous disadvantages begin, such as very low speed and connection reliability, busy telephone line, etc. Only a broadband connection will give you all the wonders of the Internet, such as real-time video and audio, not to mention just comfortable work on the Internet, when you don’t have to wait several minutes for the next graphics-heavy Web site to load. The access speed of a broadband connection can be several tens of megabytes, depending on the type of connection and Internet service provider.

Broadband connection

As mentioned earlier, a broadband connection includes several types of connections, such as DSL, cable Internet, home Ethernet networks and...

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Broadband Internet in Ukraine

Broadband Internet access is provided by wired and wireless providers. The speed of broadband (high-speed) Internet access is orders of magnitude higher maximum speed outdated dial-up (modem) Internet. Currently, broadband Internet is provided using the following technologies:


The concept of a broadband Internet connection was most relevant in the days of dial-up access (dial-up - Internet by telephone). Back then, “broadband” meant being able to connect to the Internet and use your phone at the same time.

Since then, many others have appeared, more modern methods connection to the network, but the concept of broadband Internet access remains. Now, when offering such access, providers are “playing with terminology” more, since all the methods and technologies through which an Internet connection is provided are essentially...

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Broadband: obvious advantages


Modem connections have lost their meaning

Economic Impact of Broadband Networks

Developed countries

Countries with economies in transition

Broadband networks accessible to everyone

Urbanization and broadband networks

Key principles for successful broadband deployment

Development of regulations to stimulate investment in new markets

Investments in key infrastructure components and innovative technologies

Allocation of radio frequency spectrum for broadband access networks

Encouraging competition

Development of mutually beneficial cooperation between the public and private sectors of the economy


With the development of the Internet, it is becoming increasingly clear to governments in many countries that positive influence high-speed networks on commercial companies, public organizations and ordinary citizens...

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Broadband Internet access (abbreviated as broadband) is also called high-speed access, which reflects the essence of this term - access to the Network at high speed - from 128 kbit/s and above. Today, when 100 Mbit/s is available to home subscribers, the concept of “high speed” has become subjective, depending on the needs of the user. But the term broadband access was introduced during the widespread use of dial-up access, when a connection to the Internet is established using a modem connected to the public telephone network. This technology supports speeds of about a maximum of 56 kbit/s. Broadband involves the use of other technologies that provide significantly higher speeds. However, a connection, for example, using ADSL technology with a data transfer rate of 128 kbit/s also refers to broadband access.

From the history of broadband technology development

Around the beginning...

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Mobile broadband technology, also known as wireless technology global network(WWAN), provides high-speed wireless Internet access using portable devices. Windows supports this technology. With a mobile broadband connection, you can connect to the Internet from any location where GSM or CDMA mobile Internet services are available. With a mobile connection, you can keep your computer connected to the Internet even while moving from place to place.

Mobile broadband terminology

Mobile broadband technology has its own specific terminology.

A data card is a small card or device that provides mobile broadband Internet access. The removable data card can be in the format of PC cards, USB cards, keys or ExpressCards. Data cards can also be built-in modules.

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Currently, the main networks for Internet access are broadband or . They replaced dial-up telephone lines, when the connection was made using a modem, which provided a maximum data transfer speed of only 56 kbits per second, and even then only under the condition of high quality wired connections to the PBX.
Today, providers providing broadband Internet access services most often use the following technologies: ADSL, Ethernet and FTTx.

The very first technology for high-speed Internet access, which became quite widespread, was ADSL, or in translation from English - asymmetric digital subscriber line. It arose on the basis of DSL technology, which was intended for transmitting video over telephone networks, but was not properly developed. The difference between ADSL was the presence of asymmetry of the communication channel - the speed of receiving information on the client side was significantly higher.
Ordinary wired telephone lines were used as a communication line; a modem was connected on the user’s side, which worked with the equipment installed on the PBX. The operation of ADSL equipment in the frequency range significantly higher than the speech one ensured normal work classical telephone communication. The absence of costs for laying and installing connecting lines resulted in relative low cost this method high-speed Internet access at that time.

ADSL technology provided maximum speed incoming traffic up to 24 Mbit/s, the information upload speed was significantly lower - up to 1.5 Mbit/s. The actual numbers were often significantly lower, as they were determined by the parameters of the connecting line.

Currently, the priority direction for organizing broadband access to the Internet is the use of twisted pair cables (Ethernet technology) and fiber optic communication lines (FTTx technology).
Twisted pair is a cable with wires twisted in pairs in an insulating, usually plastic, sheath. Depending on the operating frequency, the cable is divided into several categories.
For networks of 100...1000 Mbit/s, twisted pair cable of the CAT5e category is most often used.

The advantages of twisted pair networks are their low cost and ease of installation.

  1. Due to losses in copper conductors, the cable has a limited installation length.
  2. Exposure to weathering.
  3. The need for lightning protection.
  4. If it is necessary to increase network speed, it is necessary to replace the entire backbone with a cable of a higher category

Broadband access networks built on fiber-optic communication lines do not have all these disadvantages. Currently, this type of wired network construction is the most promising. There are two types of networking on fiber-optic communication lines.

The first one is called Fiber To The Home or FTTH. In this option, the fiber optic line reaches the apartment or house, where the switching equipment is directly installed. This type of connection is capable of providing the highest speed of access to an external network (1 Gbit/s and higher), but is also more expensive.
FTTH is reasonable to use in villages or small towns with low-rise buildings located at a considerable distance from each other.

The second type of organization of fiber-optic communication lines is called Fiber To The Building or abbreviated FTTB. The idea behind this fiber optic technology is that the fiber optic backbone only goes to the building, usually with a large number apartments or offices, the network wiring of which is carried out using twisted pair cables. The load on one fiber optic line, as a rule, is 150...250 subscribers, for each of which the data exchange rate is 100 Mbit/s.
This technology of broadband Internet access in terms of monetary costs for installation and subsequent operation is by far the most the best option provision of high-speed communication services.

IN lately Wireless technologies have begun to actively develop, which can easily compete with wired Internet access speeds. It's about about 4G networks. Currently, high-speed networks WiMAX (802.16 standard) and LTE are actively used.

For example, the so-called “fixed” WiMAX, based on the 802.16d standard, provides network throughput of up to 75 Mbit/s and a signal coverage range of up to 100 km.
These technologies will be in demand primarily in areas where installation of wired networks is impossible for one reason or another, as well as for providing mobile broadband access to the Internet.

Nowadays, broadband Internet is a general term used to refer to various high-speed connection types.

The term broadband refers to the bandwidth of an Internet connection. Wideband literally means a wide range of frequencies used to transmit and receive data. Previously, Internet access was very slow due to the use of a dial-up connection. In addition to being slow, a dial-up connection also takes up the entire voice phone line. All these factors led to the fact that Dial-up was almost completely replaced by various broadband connection types.

In such a situation, everyone will win, win. This incentive may be based on the example of operators receiving the concession. We all have access to the Internet anyway, and that's probably good idea. An increase in the number of clients means an increase in revenue.

Real speeds are several times lower. That's why dialogue between us and businesses is so important,” he says. To keep up with the times, the ministry encourages not only the expansion of the existing network, but also the use of alternative routes: wireless and satellite Internet. All to fulfill the commitments listed in the European Digital Agenda next year.

The term bandwidth, in the case of computer networks and Internet connections, is typically used to refer to the speed at which data is transmitted. Data transfer speed is usually measured in bits per second (bits). In a broadband connection, compared to a dial-up connection, the data transfer speed is very high. There are various types broadband connections that vary in cost, speed and availability.

The aim is to support the National Broadband Plan, which is currently undergoing public consultation and is due to be adopted by the Government early next year. We are the first in Europe, but this also means that it is an incredible task,” explains Małgorzata Olszewska.

We provide services in the field of sale of broadband Internet access in the Paichnen region. This ensures that our customers are connected to the world using the latest technology, which is very popular among the residents of Pazna and the surrounding area due to fast transmission, very attractive prices and the highest quality of services.

ADSL (Asymmetric Digital Subscriber Line)

ADSL is the most commonly used broadband connection. Widely used for home users and commercial purposes. ADSL is a digital line that can be used to access the Internet without having to take up an entire telephone line. ADSL operates at speeds of 512 kbps or higher. In the case of ADSL, the incoming channel has a higher speed than the outgoing channel, which is why the term “asymmetric” arose.

What sets us apart from the competition is our constant desire to provide our customers with highest quality service. To this end, we invest in experienced personnel and proprietary software development solutions, such as network infrastructure management solutions. Because already at the design stage these systems were created for our company and precisely meet the needs of our customers. Thanks to this, we provide not only efficient and fast service, but also immediate resolution of any problems faced by our subscribers.

SDSL (Symmetric Digital Subscriber Line)

SDSL is similar to ADSL and differs from it in only one aspect, the ratio speed indicators incoming and outgoing lines. SDSL is characterized by the same speed when downloading and sending data. Home users generally do not need this. But some organizations require a high-bandwidth outgoing channel. This type of connection is more expensive than regular ADSL, but in case of commercial use, these costs are worth it.

The constant provision of 24-hour Internet access is ensured by an automated monitoring system that informs the Administrator of any malfunctions of our equipment. This allows us to minimize the response time of our service teams and resolve the issue immediately.

The satisfaction of subscribers using our services is always our top priority. Therefore, systematically, on average 2 times a year, we increase the throughput of our links. We also invest in modern data transmission technology - everything to provide you with the highest quality.

Broadband Wireless

Wireless Internet connection is commonplace today. Laptops, PDAs and mobile phones all require a wireless connection. Download speed provided various types Wireless broadband Internet access typically ranges from 128 Kbps to 2 Mbps.

Technical support for the network infrastructure is provided by several service teams that ensure continuity of service delivery, both in terms of transmitters and relays, as well as devices installed at the service of our customers every day. In addition to proper operation all services supported automated system monitoring, which constantly monitors working condition several hundred devices belonging to the network infrastructure.

You may be familiar with the Terms of Service for Internet access. Broadband Internet access gives you a better ability to surf the web and check email. It is also convenient to use a number of digital services: Internet telephony, digital television, e-government and e-education. For businesses, fast Internet means the ability to launch and grow a business and thereby create new jobs.

Cable broadband internet

The Internet can be accessed through a cable television line. Cable television is currently very popular and is available in almost all major cities. Cable broadband Internet typically provides speeds from 2 Mbps to 8 Mbps. In terms of popularity, cable Internet successfully competes with ADSL.

By creating a broadband network, we are creating best conditions for the economic and social development of our region,” says Jacek Protas, Marshal of Warmia and the Province of Masuria. Currently, access to high-speed Internet in the region is mainly limited to residents over major cities. In other areas, mainly rural areas, it is limited for technical and financial reasons. As a result, more than half of the population has no chance to use the Internet.

Meanwhile, we live in a world without the Internet. It has become an element of the life of every Pole. Its window to the world, communication with loved ones, a source of knowledge and entertainment, cheaper purchases, and often income - as a tool for work or business. We know the benefits our country and its people have benefited from developing the motorway network for several years now. This not only improves travel comfort, but above all, it gives a boost to the economy - they create new business ventures and jobs.

Satellite Internet

All forms of broadband connections described above are locally limited, meaning they can only be used in a very limited area. Satellite communication is the solution to this problem. Satellite Internet can be either one-way or two-way. On satellite Internet, depending on the tariff and type of connection, speeds from 256 Kbit/sec. to 2 Mbit/sec are offered. This type of broadband Internet provides lower speeds than other types of broadband connections. In addition, the weather has a significant impact on the quality of the received signal.

Broadband is an Internet network that allows large amounts of data to be transferred quickly and therefore a modern and convenient way to Europe. and peace. The Eastern Poland Broadband Network project employs almost 10,500 people in five voivodeships. km of modern telecommunications infrastructure, that is, such a high-speed highway on the Internet. The total investment value over several years amounts to almost PLN 1.5 billion, 85% of which is financed jointly by the European Regional Development Fund within the framework of the Eastern Poland Operational Program Development Programme.

Fiber Optic Internet

Fiber optic technology is a relatively new technology that converts electrical signals into light. The signal is then transmitted via fiber optic cable.

To build optical access networks, special devices are used, for example, stm 4 multiplexers, which can operate over 2 single-mode optical fibers. Support remote network management and upgrades.

Creating a broadband network means that you can connect almost any home, school, office or business to this online network. This will be provided by companies providing Internet access services to residents who will build local networks.

But the most important thing here is the ability to connect to the Internet. The most important thing is its “broadband”. Broadband Internet access is a service that connects to the network through high-speed high-speed communication channels. This allows you not only to browse the web and check email, but also to conveniently use a number of additional services: Internet telephony, digital television, video on demand, monitoring.

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Fast Internet also makes it possible to realize virtually unlimited use of publicly available electronic services, including e-government, e-education and medical services. It also enables efficient data exchange between administrative offices, educational institutions, doctors, business education.

In the near future, broadband will mean not only fast and cheap Internet, but above all the possibility of access - without leaving home - for all types of services - from administration, information, education to medical services. For entrepreneurs, this will be an opportunity for unlimited network bandwidth, doing business all over the world, even for small enterprises. V small towns. According to the voivodeship of self-government, the slogan for the development of the region, it will be possible to combine “ healthy image life" with "net profit".

With the development of IT technologies, access to the Internet began to be used by everyone in great demand Thus, the need arose for new connection methods, which became broadband Internet access. With the advent of high-speed Internet, users have more opportunities at minimal cost.

What is broadband internet access?

Many network users, of course, needed high-speed and high-quality communications, and best of all, unlimited ones. Every avid Internet visitor dreams of unlimited traffic and the opportunity to receive the necessary information for a small fee.

For local authorities, this is not only an opportunity to replace " the best documents» electronic system patient services. This is primarily money for the development of local communities, even from larger ones tax revenue associated with economic development and new jobs. It is also possible to raise funds from several other major EU projects that are related to high-speed Internet access.

When implementing this project, good cooperation with municipal and district authorities is of great importance to us. For residents and the entire community, access to high-speed Internet is no less important than new roads, sewers or medical institutions, said Marshal Jacek Protas.

Broadband access will help satisfy all the needs of Internet users; it is designed to organize access to the network and is actively used by service providers, IP telephony operators, mobile communications and other organizations.

Broadband Internet access implies the ability not only to access the network at high speed, but also to transfer data from a computer. This is a fundamental difference from the Internet using a modem. The latter operates on the subscriber line principle and is limited to 56 kbit/s transmission. Broadband access is 40 times more efficient - up to 2 Mbit/s.

The analysis presents the latest data on the broadband access market, the share of operators in this market and Internet access technologies in Poland. The development of the information society and knowledge-based economy is seen as key factor in increasing the competitiveness of the economy of each country. The development of the information society is critical to eliminating differences in the level of socio-economic development between individual countries European Union, as well as between regions of these countries.

Also in Poland, the development of broadband Internet infrastructure and services is the focus of government attention as an integral element of building an information society and a knowledge-based economy, as well as a factor contributing to economic development and improving the quality of life of the population. Main task government agencies, including the Office of Electronic Communications, is to support any initiative that can contribute to increasing the saturation of the broadband Internet market in Poland.

Benefits of broadband access

More recently, dial-up access using a modem and telephone line was the main one. But modem access is already outdated because it blocks the telephone line, and this is not always convenient. High-speed Internet does not have this drawback, since it does not affect the line.

The main advantage of broadband access, in addition to high-speed data transmission, is a stable connection to the network and the possibility of “two-way communication”, which allows you to receive and send data at high speed in both directions.

When it comes to the development of broadband infrastructure, Poland, and especially the voivodeship of Eastern Poland, ranks one of the last in Europe. A. recorded a decrease in the market share of broadband access by more than 5 percentage points, mobile operators received 1.5 percentage points. The following analysis presents the latest broadband market data, operator market share and Internet access technologies in Poland. The analysis also examines the shares of individual Internet access technologies.

This summary covers all telecom operators providing broadband Internet access in specific technologies. The information presented is divided into 3 thematic blocks. Broadband market in Poland: fixed broadband, wireless broadband provided by mobile operators. The full analysis is available in the document attached at the bottom of this page.

Providers may also offer DSL as broadband access using digital telephone communication. Although this method can improve Internet speed, it is based on the use of the same telephone lines with copper wires. Its advantage lies only in the parallel operation of telephone communications and the Internet.

Apart from the ongoing trend of broadband market penetration, the broadband market is also another trend. All of these organizations are offering more and more services, including related services - offering voice or television services, for example.

However, thanks to increased consumer interest in new services and the bundling of services by their providers with packages that reduce the cost of living, the level of saturation of the broadband market in Poland is constantly increasing. Below are the main penetration indicators for Internet access.

Broadband Internet access technologies are based on the use of satellite communications, which performs a huge number of other functions. At the moment this is the most promising and reliable way data transfer.

Convenience of high-speed Internet

The ability of an Internet user to receive and transmit data of various contents at high speed makes life much more convenient. It is impossible to list all the possibilities of broadband access; the main ones are online shopping, applications, ticket booking, online maps and much more.

Broadband access services include digital television services, voice data transmission, and remote data storage.

Broadband access, without a doubt, can transform the entire Internet. The applications of this access that will help unlock its full potential remain to be explored.

Types of broadband access connection

  • Wired access - based on wired access technologies such as Ethernet.
  • Wireless broadband access is based on wireless technology like Radio-Ethernet.

Types of broadband Internet access

1. Broadband Internet connection via VSAT.

This is an access method in which user equipment is connected to a small satellite earth station, which is connected to high-speed channels, through which data is exchanged with the satellite on

In hard-to-reach places, this type of Internet is almost the only way to communicate with the world.

2. Broadband Internet access using 3G/4G technology.

4G Internet is cheaper than the previous connection, so it is more logical to choose it, if, of course, such a choice is available. If there is either the first option or the second, then you need to be content with the access that is available.

It is irrational to install networks with 3G/4G access at a distance of more than 20-30 km from residential areas, so areas that are sparsely populated are forced to make do with VSAT.

3. High-speed Internet with access via fiber-optic communication lines.

Access through a fiber-optic communication line uses e/m radiation of the optical range as a signal carrier, and optically transparent fiber as guide systems.

The main advantage of fiber-optic communication lines is that the lines are not subject to electronic interference and are inaccessible for unauthorized use.

Prospects for broadband access

Broadband Internet access certainly has exciting prospects because Internet users are increasingly in need of high-speed access. Cable and telephone networks are used for this purpose. On the market of the Russian Federation, the most common and promising method of broadband access is ADSL technology, for which telephone networks are used. By turning to this technology, the user can use the Internet while having an unoccupied telephone line.

However, the largest share of the high-speed access market is occupied by ETTH home networks. A fiber-optic backbone is supplied to the user, and Ethernet switches are installed. Compared to ADSL, this method requires more time and money to install indoors, but it provides users with the highest speed.

Broadband access as a corporate connection

Why is broadband access essential for solving business problems? Because it provides guaranteed high speed, which saves time. And this is a very important moment in the modern world.

Not only speed is an indicator for which you should choose broadband access. It is very important to pay attention to quality. Broadband access is not subject to absolutely any connection interruptions, and other problems that users of other types of network connections had to face are also eliminated. This also preserves nerve cells.

High-speed Internet is indispensable in the work of companies; it will help organize uninterrupted work not only for each individual employee, but also for the company as a whole, and this is a really important plus.

Broadband is access to the Internet at high speed, which is completely different from access via a modem. Broadband Internet is called high-speed Internet due to its ability to transmit data at very high speeds over a regular telephone line. The greatest advantage of broadband is its speed, and also - your stay in the Internet world will last until you turn off your computer and not a minute less.

The benefits of broadband Internet are many. Today it is not difficult to get the full range of cable services, which means 24/7 Internet at the highest speed. But, although the Internet has long become popular, you can still meet people who need education on this subject. And, perhaps, the only thing that can differentiate the Internet is its speed.

In general, there are three types of connections, from which everyone can choose the one that suits them, depending on how much time they want to spend online and how much they are willing to pay for it.

There are people who spend most of their time in the cyber world, and there are those who go there much less often:
- The first type of communication is called dial up (using a modem connected to an analog subscriber line of the public telephone network). This is the oldest and slowest way to connect to the Internet that exists. Currently it is practically not used.
- The second is DSL (Digital Subscriber Line), which is in many ways better than the previous type of communication. In addition, Internet access is possible 24 hours a day.
- The last type is broadband, which is the best and most popular of all existing today.

Broadband is the general name for a group of high-speed Internet connections that are available at almost any time, just like your home's electricity and water supplies are always at your service. Almost all organizations and individuals are switching from using a dial up connection to broadband because it allows the user to operate up to 40 times faster than with other types of communication.

Broadband is the future of telecommunications; Until now she has helped people in many areas such as e-mail, video conferences between companies remote from each other, Internet business. The fact that this type of connection is 40 times faster than all others played an important role in its further business development, given its low cost and the ability to send huge amounts of information, pictures and videos at the same time. The impetus for broadband connectivity becoming more prominent is further exploration of its potential by both organizations and individuals. individuals.

Other advantages of broadband Internet communications are the ability for employees to use the telephone and the Internet at the same time, reduce paperwork, order tickets online, and realize the most efficient opportunities at work and in environment. Along with all the above-mentioned benefits, broadband still leaves us with a lot of choice in our lives.