If your cat has blood in her stool. Causes of the symptom. Rectal injury

If you notice blood in your kitten's stool, you need to pay attention to how this sign manifests itself. You should be wary if your pet repeatedly bleeds during a trip to the toilet. An alarming symptom will be the presence of mucus and blood in the stool at the same time. In this case, you should immediately contact your veterinarian.

Causes of blood in stool

Most often, blood in a kitten's stool is the result of constipation due to poor nutrition. Such symptoms can be observed after the animal has eaten dry food or the owner has switched it to a different diet. In this case, there is no need to worry. Simply reviewing your pet’s diet is enough to solve the problem.

Only a veterinarian can tell why a kitten has bloody stool. He will determine the cause of the deviation and prescribe the correct treatment.

What to do if your kitten has blood in his stool

If you find blood in an animal's excrement, first of all pay attention to accompanying symptoms. In many cases, you can identify and eliminate the cause of the failure yourself.

You should contact your veterinarian on the day blood is detected in the stool under such circumstances.:

  • Excessive bleeding.
  • Blood clots appear between trips to the toilet.
  • The kitten screams when it goes to the toilet.
  • There is a loss of body weight.
  • The animal is constantly thirsty.
  • The kitten is vomiting.
  • The pet has loose stools.

Diagnosis of the disease involves the appointment of tests and ultrasound. After receiving the test results, the veterinarian will tell you what to do. Most often, the kitten is prescribed a diet that helps cope with most of the causes of blood in the pet’s stool. In this case, the animal will need a large number of water to restore its balance and maintain body weight.

Coprogram is a laboratory study of feces to determine its physical, chemical and microscopic composition. It is with the help of this analysis that the presence of hidden blood in animal feces. Let’s look at why blood appears in a cat’s stool below.

Signs of bleeding

Sometimes blood in feces can be seen with the naked eye.

Blood in feces can be obvious or hidden. So, it can be seen with the naked eye, which is characterized by scarlet coloring of stool or the presence of bloody impurities and clots. The presence of obvious blood indicates a problem with the colon, rectum, or anus.

But there are cases when the blood in the stool is hidden, and the only suspicion of its presence is the black (tar) color of the stool. It is in these cases that they resort to special methods research to confirm or refute the doubts that have arisen.

Besides obvious signs The presence of blood in the stool may cause other symptoms:

  • apathy;
  • lack of appetite;
  • vomit;
  • temperature increase;
  • diarrhea or constipation;
  • painful stool.

All these additional factors indicate the severity of the pathological process and require immediate assistance from a veterinarian.

Causes of blood in stool

Blood (explicit or hidden) in feces can appear with the following diseases gastrointestinal tract:

  • stomach ulcer;
  • gastroenteritis;
  • enteritis;
  • inflammation of the large intestine;
  • pancreatitis.

In all these cases, blood is released in the form of clots or feces are uniformly colored pink or rusty brown. These diseases can be caused by giving low-quality feed, violating the rules of feeding and keeping, and using bones in the diet that damage the intestinal mucosa as they pass through it.


To identify the cause of the disease, a specialist will conduct an examination and prescribe the necessary examination.

Any appearance of blood in the stool should alert the pet owner, and the pet is taken to a veterinarian to identify the cause.

Also important When making a diagnosis, collect anamnesis data:

  • what does a cat eat?
  • could she have eaten poor quality food or accidentally swallowed something;
  • Is there easy access to household cleaning and disinfectants?
  • were they done preventive vaccinations and when;
  • how often is deworming performed;
  • is there any atypical behavior, for example, the cat crawls on the carpet with its butt too often, which indicates the presence of worms or problems with the anal glands.

How to treat?

It is logical that treatment will depend on the test results and the diagnosis.

In some cases, it will be enough to adjust the diet to restore the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. In the first days of treatment, enveloping cereals (rice, oatmeal) and easily digestible food are prescribed. It is important not to give the animal any smoked meats or sweets, which provoke the development and aggravate the existing inflammation of the intestinal mucosa.

In other situations you will have to resort to surgical intervention and the appointment of a special antiviral or antibacterial treatment, for example, for infections: specific serums, immunomodulators or immunostimulants, etc.

In any case, the animal will have to:

  • do disinfectant enemas;
  • improve digestion by giving enzymes;
  • prescribe antibiotics to suppress the growth and reproduction of pathogenic microflora.

In addition, the use of hemostatic drugs and vitamins that enhance immunity is indicated. If the presence of worms is proven, deworming will be suggested.

As a preventive measure and treatment for blockage of the intestinal tube by hairballs, medications are prescribed to help dissolve them. Very important for any bleeding in digestive tract, regardless of the reason for their appearance, give water, which not only flushes the intestines, but also helps remove toxins from the body.


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It happens that a cat has bloody stools, or the bowel movement process is disrupted in a different way. In this case, this is a symptom indicating a violation of the animal’s health. First of all, it is worth identifying what caused this phenomenon, as well as in what cases it is necessary to contact specialists.


Blood in the stool is quite common, and if it happens just once, don’t be alarmed.

For example, during constipation, the animal will strain to defecate, which will cause minor bleeding. As soon as the stool returns to normal, the problem will disappear.

If the frequent presence of blood is noticed in the stool, or it is released in large volumes, then this is a sign of a serious illness. Veterinarians identify reasons that can cause blood to appear in a cat’s stool:

In small kittens, with discharge of a bright scarlet color, swallowing may be the cause foreign body .

This is due to the fact that children can play with various sharp objects, including small stones. This element is not digested and comes out with feces.

If there are helminths, the blood in the cat's stool will be in the form of brown clots.

Animals infected with worms may recover with blood mixed in them for several days until they are given appropriate treatment.

Video: the veterinarian will tell you about the reasons

Symptoms, what to look out for?

In some cases, the appearance of blood in the stool may be the only sign indicating the development of a cat's health problems. However, there may be additional symptoms that you need to contact a veterinarian immediately:

  • Frequent urination;
  • Diarrhea;
  • Attacks of vomiting;
  • Lack of appetite;
  • Weight loss sharply;
  • Intense thirst;
  • Loss of interest in what is happening around.


If there is bloody stool, the cat should be taken to veterinary clinic to conduct an examination and diagnose the cause of bleeding.

Typically, rectal examination procedures are used, blood is taken for detailed and chemical analysis, as well as feces and urine.

If necessary, an ultrasound, x-ray, and colonoscopy procedure are performed. In addition to the tests, the doctor asks questions for the pet owner in order to compose, if possible, clinical picture Problems:

  • Could the animal swallow foreign object, eat food that has spoiled, or sharp tubular bones?
  • Has there been a recent change in diet or food change?
  • Does the cat eat food from the owners’ table, what foods does it consume?
  • Has the animal suffered any damage or injury to the anus in the form of an animal bite or blow?
  • Have you ever noticed a cat walking on the carpet on its backside? This may indicate anal sinus problems.

Determining which organ secretes it depends on the state of the blood in the cat’s feces.

Bright red blood indicates problems lower section intestines or rectum, as this is a sign of bleeding from these areas.

In some cases, with such phenomena, the age of cats is taken into account, since in older cats this can occur due to the development cancer, and in young animals as a result of helminthic infestation.

Any doctor’s assumption must be verified using tests. For dark, tarry stools, the location of the problem is upper section intestines.


Treatment is prescribed by a specialist after conducting the necessary examination and receiving the results of all tests. In order to alleviate the cat's condition, certain procedures may be recommended.

Diets help unload the intestines. Additional fluid may also be administered. Plus, the specialist appoints the appropriate medications aimed at treating helminths.

At bacterial infections Antibiotics are prescribed, as well as drugs that slow down the movement of food masses through the cat’s intestines.

Video: help for gastrointestinal diseases

We begin preventive measures

Every time blood appears in the cat's stool, the owner can collect the feces and take them to a veterinary clinic for analysis. This procedure is the simplest of all that can be done in this case. After the examination, the specialist will be able to tell you whether the cat has worms and what medications are best to use to eliminate them.

Whatever the disorder, its treatment is much easier at the very beginning of the problem, therefore, if the cat is straining and cannot go to the toilet, visits the litter box more often than usual, is worried and has changed behavior, you should not expect other symptoms to appear, but immediately go to the veterinary clinic.

The other day my friend Alexandra called me with a question: the cat has blood in his stool.
During the conversation, we found out that the cat eats colored food and his feces are colored. And since the cat relieves itself in a tray with filler, it is difficult to clearly see the feces. So we did in the following way: for the next week the cat was given brown food, without colored inclusions. And the feces turned brown. And when they started giving colored food, it became colored again. So no treatment was needed, because the color of the stool simply depended on the color of the food.

Since this question "blood in cat's stool" frequent, let's figure out in what cases this happens:

1) Option one, the most common: regular feces Brown, normal consistency. And on it is a drop of scarlet blood. At the same time, the animal feels good. In this case we're talking about that this is blood from the rectum - the mucous membrane or fissure of the anus is simply scratched.
If this happens once, you don’t have to do anything.
If this repeats, the reason may be that there is not enough in the diet. fat-soluble vitamins and unsaturated fatty acids.
To heal the mucous membrane, you will have to put candles with sea buckthorn oil in the cat’s butt.
And add vegetable oil to your cat’s food: olive, sunflower, sesame – any will do. Do not overdo the dose, otherwise you will cause diarrhea. Start with a coffee spoon 2 times a day. You can gradually increase the dose to a teaspoon 2 times a day.

If blood in cat stool continues to come out, there is a lot of it - go to the vet. It is necessary to exclude such options as polyps and intestinal tumors, bacterial damage, blood clotting disorders, poisoning with hemolytic poisons, pancreatitis, and helminthiasis. All of the above is not a field for the owner’s initiative. The diagnosis must be made by a competent doctor.

2) diarrhea and drops of scarlet blood: we treat diarrhea, in the butt - suppositories with sea buckthorn oil.

3) Constipation, and during bowel movements blood in cat stool. Relieving constipation. First, try adding oil to your food. If it doesn’t help, let’s talk in more detail.

4) diarrhea alternates with constipation, the cat is hunched over. She may have colitis - go to the vet.

3) feces are dark like tar, and when washed away with water, they wash out like meat slop. This already shows that it is possible stomach bleeding or bleeding from small intestine. This is where you definitely need the advice of an experienced veterinarian.
And if at the same time you know that over the past day or two the cat has eaten tubular chicken bones- run to the vet. This may be evidence of intestinal perforation. When the intestines are perforated, the animal no longer looks happy and relaxed. It may hunch over, not eat, and may vomit.
In this case, go to the vet immediately!

The appearance of mucus in a cat's feces is one of the symptoms of the disease. The reason for this deviation may be the following factors:

The reason for the appearance of adult cat or kitten feces with mucus may become diarrhea caused by errors in the diet pet. If he has eaten stale food, his intestinal lining may become inflamed. Diarrhea with a small amount of mucus can also be observed after the animal has eaten milk or raw liver.

Causes of diarrhea with blood and mucus

The appearance of blood in a cat's stool is caused by for various reasons. For example, this pathology often occurs against the background of such diseases:

As you can see, the reasons for the appearance of blood in the stool domestic cat quite a bit of. This makes it difficult to diagnose the underlying disease. And therefore the cat owner must carefully monitor the appearance of anxiety symptoms and under no circumstances leave them unattended. He must understand that blood with mucus in the feces of cats is a sign of a serious pathology that must be treated by a veterinarian.

The reasons for the appearance of blood in the stool of kittens can be very diverse, most often such a symptom is a consequence of:

  1. Gastric ulcer.
  2. Enterita.
  3. Pancreatitis.
  4. Gastroenteritis.
  5. Inflammation of the colon.

Stool containing blood becomes a uniform pink or rusty-brown color. The above diseases can be caused by low-quality food, bones in the diet, which injure the intestines of a cat or kitten, or non-compliance with the rules of keeping and feeding.

The reasons why a kitten has blood in its stool may include bacterial, viral and helminthic infestations, cracks and erosions in the anus, rectal prolapse, cancer, and polyps. As well as foreign bodies in the gastrointestinal tract, hairballs, insufficient drinking in combination with very dry food, poisoning, volvulus. Often the appearance of blood in a cat's stool can be a consequence of constipation when the homemade diet feeding.

If you happen to notice blood in your cat's stool, this may indicate that he has a serious illness. The best thing to do in this case is to take your pet to a veterinarian. He will hold necessary research and make the correct diagnosis.

As you know, finding blood in a cat’s stool can cause him to have

The presence of blood with mucus in the stool may be accompanied by additional symptoms, such as frequent urination, loss of appetite, vomiting, diarrhea, extreme thirst And sedentary image life.

If these symptoms appear in addition to blood found in the cat's stool, you should immediately visit a veterinary clinic.

Normally, cats' feces are dark brown, shaped like short tubes. Healthy cat goes to the potty “mostly” 1-2 times a day, considers the frequency of bowel movements to be up to 3 times a day normal, provided that there are no other symptoms of the disease. Kittens have light brown feces, often unformed, mushy, this is due to feeding habits - high content mother's milk.

Diarrhea (diarrhea) is said to occur when a cat goes potty too often while eating stool. These signs should not be confused with a situation where the cat also goes to the potty often, but without stool (this is constipation). With diarrhea, stool is usually semi-liquid or liquid and may contain foreign inclusions (mucus, helminths, blood).

Diarrhea with blood occurs if pathological process connects thick section intestines. If blood comes out thin section(for example, with an ulcer), the stool will be black in color, since the blood has time to coagulate and be partially digested. But blood can come out of both sections, in which case the stool will be dark with blood admixtures.

Preventing the development of diarrhea in cats

It is necessary to maintain the hygiene of the animal, sanitize its habitat, especially the cat litter tray, food and water bowls. You should not let your animal eat expired food; monitor the quality of the food, which should be well washed and boiled. It is advisable not to give raw water and unboiled milk from domestic animals, in which bacteria multiply rapidly.

Follow your pet's diet. Feeding should be done at the same time. Do not leave chemical cleaning agents within reach of your pet. If there are poisonous plants in the house, you will have to choose between them and the health of your pet, since cats love to eat grass.

Symptoms of pathology

Some causes of blood in a cat's stool require medical intervention. For example, if an animal has swallowed a foreign object, it needs urgent surgery(otherwise the cat will die). If the owner notices bloody feces in a cat, he and his pet should immediately visit a veterinarian. Compliance with this requirement is especially important if the animal develops the following alarming symptoms:

  • painful sensations during bowel movements;
  • stomach ache;
  • vomit;
  • decreased appetite;
  • weakness;
  • blood and mucus in the cat’s stool;
  • heat;
  • presence of blood or blood clots around the cat's anus.

The cat's body is exposed to great stress when bleeding and damage occurs in the intestines. To prevent the animal from experiencing unbearable pain, the owner must promptly pay attention to the pet’s health problems, provide first aid and conduct a thorough diagnosis in a veterinary clinic.

Diagnostic methods

To find out why a cat has blood in its stool, a veterinarian performs a diagnosis. The procedure involves using different methods, but first of all, blood is drawn for a detailed analysis. It is also necessary to submit your pet's stool to be examined for protozoan microorganisms and helminths, as well as to detect internal bleeding.

It is highly informative at the stage of diagnosing diseases in a cat. laboratory method which is called a coprogram. With its help, you can find out what microscopic composition the blood in cat feces has, as well as identify hidden bleeding. Additional tests carried out when blood is detected in a cat’s stool:

  • Analysis of urine;
  • Ultrasound of the abdominal organs;
  • X-ray of the abdominal organs;
  • colonoscopy examination.

Complex diagnostic procedures allows the veterinarian to make a correct diagnosis and create effective scheme treatment.

If there is a lot of blood or it appears in the stool not for the first time, then you should immediately show the kitten to a veterinarian. It is especially important to do this if the pet looks sick, has difficulty defecating, has difficulty passing feces, is vomiting, or has loose stools.

The veterinarian will take blood, feces and urine for analysis, carefully examine the rectum and pet, and ask you to talk about the animal’s diet and care measures, and changes in behavior. Based on the results of the examination, appointments will be made medicines. Will quickly allow you to put accurate diagnosis feces taken by the owner of the animal. In the vast majority of cases, treatment for illnesses associated with blood in kittens’ stool is simple and the baby will be healthy within a few days.

Diagnostic methods are required to identify the cause of the appearance of blood in a cat’s stool; without them, an accurate diagnosis cannot be made.

It will be useful to know what diagnostic methods veterinarians use in their work:

  • First, conducting a detailed analysis of blood, urine and feces.
  • Secondly, conducting an analysis for the presence of allergens in the cat’s body.
  • Thirdly, the animal's intestines are carefully examined.
  • Fourthly, an ultrasound of the abdominal organs is performed.


Treatment for a cat is prescribed by a veterinarian after identifying the exact reasons for the appearance of blood in his stool. The therapeutic course for such a pathology may consist of the following points:

  • injections of antibiotics (such drugs reduce inflammation in the animal’s intestines);
  • replacing the diet plan (a balanced diet is selected for the pet) medicinal food, which will not cause allergies or intolerances);
  • performing surgical procedures to remove tumor formations and polyps;
  • use of anthelmintics;
  • elimination of inflammation in the paraanal glands (the cavity is treated with a medicinal solution or drainage is done);
  • taking laxative medications that thin the stool and facilitate the passage of stool through the intestines;
  • installation of an enema to flush the intestines from feces;
  • installation of IVs to maintain the cat’s vital functions (the method is used if the pet does not eat, is vomiting, and there is a risk of dehydration).

The choice of treatment for a pathology in which blood is found in a cat’s feces depends on the final diagnosis. The owner of the cat must remember that self-therapy is unacceptable, as it can lead to dire consequences and a serious deterioration in the pet’s condition. For example, if upon detection of a foreign body in the intestine or helminthic infestations give the cat a laxative, the prognosis for recovery worsens.

What kind of therapy will depend on the diagnosis. Sometimes it is enough to slightly change the animal’s diet and the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract will be restored and the problem will be solved. At first, the cat needs to be fed mucous rice or oatmeal, which has enveloping properties, provide easily digestible food. Smoked meats and sweets are strictly prohibited, as they irritate the intestines.

The pet will have to do:

  • enemas with a disinfecting effect;
  • give enzymes to improve digestion;
  • suppress reproduction and destroy pathogenic microorganisms antibiotics;
  • give vitamins, hemostatic drugs and immunomodulators.

If worms are found in the body, it is necessary to perform deworming. Medications may be prescribed to dissolve hairballs stuck in the intestines. In case of bleeding, regardless of its cause, you will need to give the adult animal or kitten plenty of water. It helps remove toxins from the body and promotes intestinal lavage.

Veterinarians say that a kitten may poop with blood most often due to improper feeding and violation of the maintenance regime. Very in rare cases similar problem is a symptom indeed serious illness and requires lengthy and complex treatment.

Now there are many medications that can help an animal in a week. But you cannot use them without a veterinarian's prescription. He will be able to make a diagnosis after conducting a series of studies and prescribe treatment. First aid should be provided to the animal if signs of poisoning are observed. In this case, you can use enterosorbent. After which you need to take the cat to the veterinary clinic as quickly as possible.

Most often, antiviral, painkillers and anti-inflammatory drugs are used to treat cats with diarrhea with mucus. The choice of drug depends on the specific case of the disease. It is necessary to ensure that it is in the public domain pure water. A diet prescribed by a veterinarian helps the animal’s intestines quickly restore functionality.

At the first signs of diarrhea, the cat should be limited in its diet; the animal should not be allowed to eat for at least a day. Food is replaced drinking plenty of fluids to prevent dehydration. The animal should be given water frequently and in small portions. Ordinary activated carbon is used as first aid for overeating or poisoning.

To do this, half the tablet is dissolved in water and the animal is given water. The second part of the tablet is administered after six hours. Treatment is also carried out with the drug Smecta, which is diluted in accordance with the children's dosage. From folk remedies suitable oak bark, which has excellent astringent properties. If there is no improvement in the condition after a day, you should immediately contact a veterinarian.

  1. Special hyperimmune serums to combat viral infections.
  2. Antibiotics to prevent the development of bacteria on the intestinal mucosa damaged by frequent bowel movements.
  3. Prebiotics are required to restore intestinal microflora after taking antibiotics.
  4. Medicines against worms.
  5. To remove intestinal cramps use Papaverine or No-shpu.
  6. Atoxil is prescribed to remove toxins. One sachet of medicine is dissolved in one hundred milliliters of water. The kitten is given a teaspoon every two hours.
  7. To restore and maintain water balance, use Regidron saline solution - half a teaspoon every hour.

As your condition improves, you can gradually introduce rice broth into your diet, which will also soften the irritated walls of the intestines and stomach, and lightly sweetened water, a few drops every hour. If the kitten refuses to eat and drink on its own, resort to droppers or injections.

When a cat is constipated and rarely defecates, and there is blood and mucus in the feces, you can try giving him Smecta for a week. If Smecta did not help, the veterinarian may prescribe homeopathic medicines Liarsin or Elvestin. After a week, the functioning of the digestive organs will normalize and the cat will feel better.

It happens that the veterinarian recommends injection ( infusion therapy). The cat owner should definitely agree to this, because with the help of injection, the cat’s exhausted body will receive all the vitamins and nutrients it needs to maintain it.

Pedigree cats that have blood in their stool may be prescribed a ten-day course of Contrikal in the form of drip infusions to support their intestines. For infusions, you will need to dilute 1 ml of the contents of the bottle in 20 ml of saline solution. Normal work liver will be provided by taking Essentiale Forte. It is only important that the treatment is carried out under the constant supervision of a veterinarian. Under no circumstances should you self-medicate.

As for injections, the veterinarian himself must give them to the cat at the time appointed by him. Some cats cannot tolerate injections at all, so before subjecting the animal to them, it is necessary to carry out all laboratory research, and make sure that you can’t do without injections.

Many owners refuse injections for their pets; in this case, you can add Essentiale capsule to food daily. Within a week there will be a noticeable improvement. And together with Essentiale you need to mix and choleretic tablets Hofitol.

First aid

First aid can be provided to the animal if the cat’s condition is not so bad and a trip to the veterinarian can be postponed until the next day. Or vice versa, when the cat’s condition is critical and it is simply possible not to finish the animal, this option usually occurs in case of poisoning.

A drug Dosage Well
Cats Kittens
Painkillers (both drugs are best given together)
Analgin 0.5 ml/kg Not recommended One-time
Diphenhydramine 0.1 ml/kg Not recommended One-time
In case of poisoning with rat poison
Aminocaproic acid 5 grams dissolved in 10 ml at 0.85% saline solution, administered subcutaneously 0.5-1 grams dissolved in 1-2 ml in 0.85% saline solution, administered subcutaneously Contains vitamin K (blocks the action of the poison) the injection will give you time to visit the veterinarian
For diarrhea
Loperamide 1/2 tablet 1/4 or 1/8 tablet Until the diarrhea stops
To cleanse the stomach and intestines
Activated carbon 0.5-1 tablets 1/4-1/8 tablets 2-3 times, interval 12 hours
Enterosgel Half a tablespoon ½-¼ teaspoon

Among other things, treatment is supplemented with diet:

  • For an adult cat, go on a hunger strike for 24 hours;
  • then, exclude fatty, spicy, fried foods;
  • exclude dry food;
  • you can feed rice porridge, boiled chicken;
  • drinking plenty of water.

You can use special dietary foods for diarrhea from Purina, Hills, Eukanuba. If diarrhea persists, or if the cat refuses to eat, Ringer-Locke solution should be injected subcutaneously. For adult animals – 20-50 ml, for kittens – 5-10 ml.


A drug Dosage A course of treatment
Cats Kittens
Antibacterial drugs
Furazolidone 1/4 tablet 2 times a day 1/6 tablet 1 time per day 5-7 days
Phthalazole 1/4 tablet 2-3 times a day 1/8 tablet once a day 5-7 days
Enterofuril suspension 2.5 ml 2-3 times a day 0.5-1 ml 2-3 times a day 7-10 days
Prasitel (for round and tapeworms) 1 tablet From 1/4 to 1 tablet The first time - once in the morning on an empty stomach
Second time – after 10-15 days
Dirofen (against everyone) 1 tablet From 1/4 to 1 tablet
Polyverkan (from everyone) 0.5 briquettes 0.25 briquettes

Preventing blood from appearing in a cat's stool

To prevent the cat from experiencing discomfort, and the current situation did not result in the emergence serious complications, the owner will have to comply simple rules and carry out the following preventive measures:

If blood clots (extravasate) are found in a cat's stool, they should be taken to a veterinary clinic for examination.

No one knows their loved one as well as a cat owner. fluffy pet, and only the owner can notice the slightest changes in his behavior. The appearance of blood in a cat's stool indicates a disorder in the cat's body. Finding out the cause of the disorder and saving the cat thanks to a correctly prescribed course of treatment should be entrusted to veterinarian, and under no circumstances self-medicate. In response to this, the recovered pet will certainly give its owner his affection and love.

The main preventive actions are aimed at preventing the cat from eating inedible objects or infected animals (birds, rats, insects).

What to do:

  • you can't feed the cat raw meat, fish;
  • you should not be allowed to walk in places where poison is scattered (near farms, food warehouses);
  • should not be allowed to walk near garbage dumps;
  • Do not leave medications or chemicals on the floor or table;
  • Do not give your cat inedible solid objects (buttons, needles, coins);
  • it is advisable to feed with special animal feed;
  • it is advisable to comply certain time feeding and diet, do not change it suddenly;
  • give your cat vitamins so that she doesn’t get licks – pathological condition with vitamin deficiency, when the animal tastes non-edible objects.