How to make your eyes brighter at home. How to easily change eye color. How to change eye color


Eye color largely depends on your surroundings, from your clothes, jewelry to the decor of the room. So, for example, gray eyes will look blue if you wear clothes blue flowers. Green and lilac clothing will give dull green eyes the color of bright emerald. But this method can only slightly change the shade, and turning brown eyes into green will not work.

Light intensity can change the color of light eyes, changing their color range from light gray to rich sea blue. This largely depends on the color of the lighting, the walls and the size of the room. So this method can only be used in limited or suitable weather conditions.

A fairly simple way to change the shade of your eyes is through makeup. To do this, you need to use certain shadows and eyeliner to highlight the color. For example, if you are gray, you need to apply makeup in gray shades to make your eyes bluer. If you want to make them gray, you need to use blue cosmetics. Using a brown or green eyeliner pencil, green eyes take on a darker shade.

Eye color changes naturally as a person grows, so you can just wait. Babies are born with dark and rich eye color, and what older man becomes, the lighter the shade becomes. People's eyes become very light, as if fading. If in youth there was a dark brown color, in old age the eyes become honey-colored.

Strong emotions change eye color, but this can hardly be used on an ongoing basis. However, it is worth remembering that any emotional upheaval is reflected in the shade; it is enough to experience fear, anger, love, pain, joy. The eyes react differently to each emotion - they can lighten or darken.

Some diseases can cause changes in the eye, albeit minor. The iris becomes a little lighter or darker, Blue eyes turn gray or take on a green tint. Although the disease has practically no effect on brown eyes - they remain in their color range.

There are inflammatory diseases, which affect only one eye. Such diseases include Fuchs and Posner-Schlossman syndrome. In recovered people, the iris takes on a greenish tint. Although it is unlikely that a person will purposefully look for these diseases in order to change eye color.

For glaucoma, special medications are prescribed to reduce intraocular pressure. eye drops. If you use them for a long time, the eye color becomes darker. Although if a person has brown eyes, it will be invisible. But it is not recommended to use such drops without a doctor’s prescription, and they will not prescribe them just to change eye color. After all, if you use them on healthy eyes, side effects may appear and vision will begin to deteriorate. The desire to make your eyes a little darker is not worth the risk.

Sometimes it is enough to really want to change the color, and the body obediently adapts to the desires. Visualization helps with this - imagining yourself with the desired shade of eyes. To do this, you need to find a quiet place so that no one will disturb you, and turn on calm music. If you understand that you will not be able to concentrate with musical accompaniment, then you can visualize in complete silence.
When everything is ready, you need to take comfortable position, relax completely and close your eyes. Imagine your face in detail, just replace the eye color with the desired one. Look at yourself carefully, enjoy the view and send a request to the universe to send you what you want.
To make the method more effective, you can change the eye color in your photo in Photoshop to make it easier to visualize.
Some visualization options recommend closing your eyes and, instead of darkness before your eyes, imagining the natural color of your eyes, and then gradually changing it to the desired color.

Another cheap and safe method is self-hypnosis. It is very similar to the previous one, but in this version you need to turn not to the universe, but to your body. To do this, you need to constantly repeat certain phrases that instruct your eyes to change color. They can sound differently: “my eyes are (insert desired) color”, “my eyes are (this color)”. Such phrases should be spoken out loud in the morning and evening before bed, when the subconscious is most active.

It is not possible to radically change eye color using these methods, so sometimes it is much more effective to turn to medicine. For these purposes, you can use laser correction, which removes excess pigments in the iris and can turn brown eyes into blue. Although this method has significant drawbacks: the high price of about $5,000 and irreversibility. The technique is fairly new, so little is known about the long-term effects.

In addition to laser correction, you can use other medical service. Dr. Kahn developed the procedure surgical intervention, during which a special implant of the desired color is implanted into the iris of the eye. The big plus is that after a while you can remove it to return to the original color or try something new. However, after such an operation there may appear undesirable consequences, including glaucoma, cataracts, blindness and corneal detachment.

Please note

If you have not yet used these methods, and your eye color has changed in a short period of time, you should consult a doctor. For some eye diseases change in eye color is one of the main symptoms. So you shouldn’t risk your health; it’s better to get checked by an ophthalmologist.

But the lenses of the second type are opaque colored ones contact lenses for those who want a radical eye color. These lenses will completely hide your color and you will be able to enjoy your chosen color without any restrictions. Lenses of the second type are suitable for everyone - both light-eyed and dark-eyed.

So, you are armed with the necessary information, and the next step is to go to the office where the contact lenses are. An ophthalmologist will check the condition of your eyes and advise which lenses may be most comfortable for you.
There you will be offered all kinds of products for lenses. Don't give up on them. After all, a lens is foreign body in your own eye, and you need everything to make your eyes comfortable and comfortable.

Video on the topic

Please note

If you drive a car, then before you get behind the wheel, spend some time wearing new colored lenses, feel how comfortable and comfortable you are in them, especially when moving, for example, from a light room to a dark room, and vice versa.



Nature has given each of us unique appearance. Despite such an “exclusive” gift, any woman wants change. Change your color from blonde to brunette or vice versa, use bright makeup and even resort to plastic surgery. But what about the color?


Eye color is determined by genes. The final color of the eyes is formed only in the 2-3rd year of life, when the body begins to produce the enzyme melanin. The gene for brown eyes is the “strongest”, so the genes responsible for eye color “win”. Nature has endowed you with blue or eye color, but you really want to have brown ones? Of course, you cannot change your eye color forever. You can use color ones, which have both diopters (for those who see poorly) and without them. If eyes light brown, and you really want to make their color close to chocolate, use tinted lenses - they will enhance the natural color of the eyes. Without the need for such lenses, it is better not to walk for a long time, because they dry out very much. eyes and may cause discomfort.

If you have eyes hazel-colored, it’s worth trying to change your eye color with makeup. The colors of eye shadow, eyeliner and mascara, in harmony with the original eye color, will help create the desired effect. Golden and brown shades will emphasize the warm tone in such eyes x, rich dark eyeliner (not black!) will enhance the effect. Also nutty eyes you can shade the shadows. It is more correct to make a smooth transition from light to dark shadow colors so that the look is softer and brown appeared deeper.

If, for exceptional cases, you decide to change your eye color to brown using colored lenses, use our tips to make the wearing process comfortable.1. Always shoot in color before going to bed.
2. Don't use colored lenses longer than the deadline suitability.
3. Use cosmetics for sensitive eyes when wearing such lenses.
4. Use special drops to moisturize the mucous membranes of the eyes.
5. Before purchasing colored lenses, consult your ophthalmologist.

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  • how to change eye color at home in 2018

If earlier color eye was considered something unchangeable and given by nature, today you can at any time not only change color eye, but also to make it absolutely fantasy and unnatural. Change color eye as much as possible long time, and for a specific holiday, party or carnival. Simple and affordable way change color eye- This color contact lenses, a large assortment of which is presented in various optical stores.


You can use lenses as usual eye at color ov, and unusual ones - violet, lilac, bright blue, and even yellow and red. There are also designer lenses that imitate cat eye, rainbow, and fluorescent in the dark. If you have eye oh, pick it up color new lenses, and if eye and light ones - only tinted ones will be used.

Buy only high-quality contact lenses from trusted manufacturers, and wear them for no longer than three months, removing them at night.

Original races color Lens ki can give you a unique trait that changes your entire appearance, so choose your races wisely color ki most carefully, study the palette of races color ok every lens manufacturer.

If you have never worn contact lenses, visit an ophthalmologist so that he can give you advice on the rules for selecting and wearing contact lenses. The lens material should not be felt eye and also cause discomfort.

Buy color You can buy new lenses in any optical store in your city and in the future change your appearance whenever you want.

Video on the topic


  • how to change eye color in Photoshop online in 2018

Women always want to be different and surprise others with experiments with their appearance. For experiments to be successful, there is no need to use heavy artillery. In eye makeup, one or two strokes are enough and your eyes will appear lighter.


If your eyes dark green, blue or gray colors, you can make them lighter using eye shadow. Choose cool colors - light green, pale pink. You can even add a little mother of pearl. It is better to take mascara not black, but brown or blue. This will give the look an alluring depth.

Also do eyes You can go lighter with tanned skin. If your face is chocolate color, your eyes will look radiant and transparent. You can achieve the desired skin tone in winter by using or visiting. Just don’t get carried away, as artificial sun really ages the skin.

A radical option for changing eye color is contact lenses. Choose them very carefully. Remember that brown eyes never will. The natural color will still be visible from under the lenses, and it will look very unnatural. Choose a shade 2-3 shades lighter than your eye color. See how it looks in street light. If the lenses are on your eyes x do not look painted - feel free to make a purchase.

Using modern cosmetics, you can change to . But don't overdo it with experiments. After all, your loved ones value you for your spiritual qualities, and not for the color of your iris.

Video on the topic

From how beautiful and expressive your eyes depends on how other people perceive your appearance. Exactly eyes enliven the face of any man and any woman and therefore it is important to properly care for them in order eyes did not lose their brightness and shine. You can use simple tips that will help your eyes will always be bright and beautiful, attracting the attention of others.


Learn to use eye makeup correctly to highlight them favorably on your face - tint the inner contour of the eyes with a cosmetic pencil, and lightly shade the inner corners of the eyes with a red pencil to eyes seemed brighter and larger.

The perception of the eyes largely depends on the shape and well-groomed eyebrows. Don't forget to take care of them regularly - comb them and trim too long hairs, and also adjust the shape of your eyebrows using tweezers, removing excess. You can apply a special gel to your eyebrows, as well as to your eyelashes - this will give them shine.

Don't put too much eyeshadow on your eyelids - apply a small amount of eyeshadow so that excess does not accumulate in the creases upper eyelid and don't make your makeup sloppy. As you apply eyeshadow to the brush, shake it lightly to release any excess.

If the transitions between eye shadow and eyeliner are too harsh, smooth them out with a Q-tip. Try to shadow those flowers that harmonize with your eye and skin color - for example, if you have a cold type, use shades of cool shades.

If you have fair skin, do not use too bright cosmetics - it will make your look unnatural. Use pastel colors for your eyes, don't make your eyeliner too bright. Shade the center of the eyelids with pearlescent shadows to create eyes visually brighter and larger.

Video on the topic

To change your eye color in real life, you would need colored contact lenses. It's much easier to change eye color in a photo. To do this, you just need the Photoshop graphics editor and a little patience.

You will need

  • - Photoshop program;
  • - photo for processing.


Load the photo you want to work with into Photoshop using the Open command from the File menu. The same result will be obtained if you press the hot keys Ctrl+O.

Duplicate the photo layer. To do this, right-click on the layer with the image being processed in the layers palette and select the Dublicate Layer option in the context menu.

Highlight the eyes in the photo. This can be done in quick mask mode. Select the Brush tool from the Tools palette. In the tool parameters settings, which can be seen under the main menu, set the brush diameter that will be convenient for you to paint over the eye in the photo. Set the Hardness parameter to fifty percent.
Switch to quick mask mode. To do this, left-click on the right rectangle at the bottom of the tool palette. Paint over the eyes in the photo using a brush.
Exit Quick Mask mode by clicking on the left rectangle at the bottom of the Tools palette.

Hide the part of the image whose color you want to keep unchanged. To do this, invert the selection made in Quick Mask mode. This can be done using the Inverse command from the Select menu.
Create a layer mask by clicking on the Add layer mask button, which is located under the layers palette. The convenience of using a mask is that you can adjust the size of the area with a changed color by changing the mask.

Do you want to radically change something about your appearance? You can start by changing your eye color. How to change eye color at home without harm to your health? There are several affordable and safe ways.

How to safely change eye color at home?

Why do people have different colored eyes?

The natural pigment melanin is involved in the coloring process of the iris. If the iris has low density fibers and a small amount of melanin, you have blue eyes.

If the fibers are of medium density, the eyes take on a gray-blue tint.

People with brown eyes have a high percentage of melanin and dense fibers in the iris.

Various shades, from green to hazel, are achieved by individual variations in melanin levels and fiber density.

Eye color is a genetic phenomenon, but sometimes you really want to argue with nature.

How to change eye color at home

In this article we will not consider dubious medicinal methods, as well as methods of self-hypnosis. Any drops have a long list of side effects and possible complications. Let's focus on real and safe ways.

· Lenses are the most suitable way change both eye color and shade. For owners of brown and dark brown eyes, it is necessary to buy bright lenses that will contrast with their natural color. Light-eyed people can experiment with different tint lenses. In order to choose lenses correctly and safely wear them, you need to consult an ophthalmologist.

· Decorative cosmetics remain in a universal way image changes. Owners of green eyes can experiment with chocolate, copper, and dark purple shadows. Brown-eyed girls should give preference to shades from transparent yellow to emerald, dark green and purple. If you use decorative cosmetics as an eye color corrector, you must take into account the color of your skin and hair. Of course, you won’t radically change the color of your eyes this way, but you will give them a new tone.

· Clothing allows you to direct the necessary color nuance to the face and eyes. Elements of clothing can enhance the shade of your natural color, and smooth it out. In combination with the right makeup, you can change the perception of your natural eye color. In order to choose the necessary colors, you can use multi-colored scarves or scarves.

Can eye color change with age? It turns out yes. Changes in eye color are more common in infants. At birth, almost all children are blue-eyed. By 3-6 months, the iris gradually darkens. By the age of 3-4, the baby develops an eye color that is characteristic of him. These changes are associated with the gradual accumulation of pigment and thickening of the iris.

The reason for changes in eye color in adulthood is often the appearance of eye diseases (pigmentary glaucoma). In old age, the color also changes. In old age, dark-eyed eyes lighten due to a decrease in pigment production. Light eyes, on the contrary, darken. This is due to thickening and hardening of the iris.

Chameleon eyes

In nature, there is such a phenomenon as chameleon eyes. They have the quality of changing their shade. The reasons for this property are not fully understood. Presumably this is due to nervous and humoral regulation. The color of such eyes can transform during the day from blue to brown. This happens depending on the level of illumination, weather conditions and the emotional background of their owner.

Correction methods

Is it possible to change eye color and how to do it? The easiest way is to wear colored contact lenses.

There are also other options:

  • laser correction;
  • implant installation;
  • hormonal drops;
  • nutrition;
  • meditation;
  • changing color perception with the help of cosmetics, clothing and colored glasses.

Let's consider these methods in more detail.

Colored lenses

Contact lenses can mimic the properties of the iris. They can give a new shade or completely modify the color of the eyes. Thanks to this accessory you can emphasize natural beauty, giving the desired shade, but keeping the base eye color the same. Stylists recommend having a set of tinted lenses to match different outfits.

The use of altering lenses need not be advertised, citing a successful combination of cosmetics. Fashionistas usually do this. The modern quality of the material allows you to make the use of lenses invisible to others.

There is also a creative way to dramatically change your appearance - carnival lenses with a pattern. You can safely wear them to a party.

Superiority over other methods - harmlessness if the necessary hygienic requirements are met. You can choose lenses in such a way that, in addition to cosmetic effect they had a corrective effect on vision. This is an affordable method. An undoubted advantage is reversibility: the lenses can always be removed, returning the eyes to their natural color, or exchange them for others.

Laser correction

Laser technology is suitable for those who are thinking about how to change their eye color permanently. First, a computer scan of the iris is performed to determine the points of influence, then a portion of the pigment is removed with a laser. With this procedure you can completely change dark color eye to a lighter one (brown to blue).

The session takes about 30 seconds. After a month, the eyes take on the desired color. The transformation is irreversible, so before performing an intervention you need to carefully weigh the pros and cons. The destruction of melanin leads to excessive light intake. Possible complications in the form of photophobia and diplopia (double vision) (due to impaired outflow of intraocular fluid).


You can change your eye color through surgery by installing a silicone implant through a small incision in the cornea. The method was invented by the American Kenneth Rosenthal. Initially, such an intervention was carried out with the aim of correcting a defect in iris coloring in congenital or acquired eye pathologies: heterochromia - different colors iris, as well as with a lack of melanin, traumatic pathology of the iris, cornea.

The color scheme is chosen at the request of the patient. The duration of the intervention is 30 minutes. It is performed under local anesthesia. Regeneration occurs over several months. It is possible to change the implant again to change the color. The manipulation is performed in the absence of health contraindications. A full examination is carried out before the operation.

The method is unsafe and a number of complications are likely to develop:

  • Inflammatory changes in the cornea.
  • Corneal detachment.
  • Increased ocular tone up to the appearance of glaucoma.
  • Reduced vision to the point of blindness.

The addition of complications is an indication for immediate removal of the implant and corrective treatment.

Hormonal drops

Hormonal eye drops (Travoprost, Latanoprost, Bimatoprost, Unoprost) contain a substance similar in formula to prostaglandin F 2a. The use of these products changes the color of the iris from light to darker tones (turns gray and blue eyes into brown).

You can determine how much your eye color has changed after 3 weeks. The final effect is usually established after 1-2 months. An additional bonus is the increased growth of eyelashes under the influence of the drops. This property is successfully used by cosmetologists.

Unfortunately, this is an unsafe method, as complications are possible when using it. The purchase of hormonal drops is possible only with a prescription, using the method prescribed by a doctor. Long-term use leads to malnutrition eyeball, decreased vision.


How to change eye color at home? Nothing is impossible: you can change the color of your eyes by turning on daily diet some products. This method is suitable for those who are thinking about how to change their eye color without lenses or surgery. The method is completely safe.

The disadvantage is the need for long-term dieting. If taste preferences coincide with the recommended products, this does not cause serious inconvenience.

Let's look at how to change eye color without lenses by eating certain foods.:

  • Honey adds warmth to the look and makes the eye color softer and lighter.
  • Spinach and ginger make the color more saturated.
  • Eating fish is good for the eyes due to its high content of trace elements; it makes colors brighter.
  • Taking chamomile tea adds warm shades.
  • Olive oil makes the color scheme of the iris softer and more delicate.
  • Almonds and other nuts enhance the intensity of the flowers.

By skillfully using combinations of products, you can achieve a change in shade by 1-2 tones. A complete color transformation cannot be achieved in this way.

Meditation and self-hypnosis

How to change eye color without lenses? You can try to do this through meditation and self-hypnosis. There is no way evidentiary basis, but some people believe in its effectiveness. You can check on your own whether you can change your eye color with this know-how, especially since it is completely harmless and painless.

In a state of complete relaxation, you need to try to imagine the desired shade of the eyes, yourself with new eyes, the expression of newly colored eyes. Such exercises should be performed daily until the desired effect is obtained.

You can also look at objects painted in the color that a person wants to achieve. The effectiveness of these methods is questionable, but given their safety, you can try to achieve the desired result.

Change in the perception of eye color

Is it possible to change eye color without lenses? What really changes is not the color itself, but the idea of ​​it. How can this be achieved? This is achieved by selecting clothes in certain colors, skillfully applying makeup, and wearing glasses with colored lenses. The advantage of these methods is their harmlessness and reversibility.


By applying makeup correctly, you can make dark eyes lighter and vice versa. Shadows, multi-colored mascara and eyeliner will help with this. You can emphasize the blueness of the iris using chocolate and orange shades of shadows.

To create an accent on brown eyes, it is better to use shadows in cool shades (gray, blue, sea green). With coffee shadows, gray eyes will appear bluish. Lilac and cherry shadows will give them an emerald tint.


By choosing your wardrobe, you can change the perception of the iris spectrum. Gray eyes You can convey a bluish tint by using things in blue tones. Emphasize green Green elements in clothing will help your irises. You don't have to radically change your entire wardrobe. It is enough to choose the right accessories according to the color spectrum to change the perception of eye color in a given direction.


Colored glasses will help change your eye color, but not as dramatically as colored contacts. The perception of iris color will depend on the lighting and the color of the glass.

Is it possible to change eye color? Yes, most often colored lenses are used for this. When choosing one or another method of correction, it is necessary to take into account its safety medical indications, affordability and reversibility. To make the right decision, you should consult your doctor.

Useful video about contact lenses

Many people like to experiment with their appearance and create creative images. Some people seek to change the shape of their eyebrows, the type of makeup they wear, their hair color, or the length of their eyelashes. In turn, people seeking dramatic changes are often interested in how they can change their eye color. Let's look at the main ways to transform the iris without contact lenses.

How to change eye color at home?

The iris has a genetically determined color and pattern. This has a direct impact on appearance person. Many people strive to change the natural shade of the iris in order to transform themselves stylishly, create a spectacular image and attract the attention of others. By changing your eye color, you can feel like you're in a new role and get new emotions.

The fastest and most effective way to transform the eyes is contact lenses, which contain a special coloring pigment. They allow you to partially or completely change the natural shade and even the pattern of the iris. However, not all people can wear optical products comfortably. This is especially true for patients with high sensitivity eyes, as well as a tendency to the appearance allergic reaction. In addition, some people experience discomfort when putting on contact correction products, so they are interested in how to change eye color without lenses.

There are several ways to adjust the shade of the iris at home, which anyone can use. However, you should not expect a radical transformation, as is the case with lenses. The result will largely depend on individual characteristics Your visual system.

Features of home methods for changing eye color without lenses:

  • No guaranteed result. It should be noted that it is not possible to completely change the tone of the iris; only a small correction is possible;
  • No immediate effect. Some methods require enough large quantity time;
  • Quite simple and harmless (anyone can try them without adverse consequences).

Is it possible to change eye color without lenses at home?

One of the simplest and effective ways Transformation of eye color is the regular consumption of certain foods that affect the amount of melanin and the density of iris pigment. This method is suitable for people with light eyes (gray, blue) who want to slightly darken the shade. Of course, it will not be possible to achieve a radical change to dark brown, but adding new tones to the iris is still possible.

What foods should be included in the diet to change color without lenses:

It should be remembered that this method does not provide quick results.

You can visually transform the shade of your eyes by choosing the right clothes, accessories and decorative cosmetics. For example, to brighten a green iris, just wear a brown or burgundy dress, and also use the same palette when applying makeup. Yellow-gold shades are ideal for girls with brown eyes. They will make your look more expressive and attractive. To make gray eyes acquire a blue or turquoise tint, it is recommended to add a little blue, as well as metallic or steel color, to cosmetics and clothes. For those who want to visually darken a light blue iris, makeup artists advise using black-violet and dark gray tones. Thus, women can easily change the color of their eyes at home without lenses.

Oddly enough, scientists have proven that a person’s emotional background can influence the color of the iris. In a fit of anger, it often takes on a darker shade. And vice versa, when a person experiences a feeling of joy, his eyes “glow with happiness” - they become a little brighter and lighter. Thus, the surrounding environment and mood can partially affect the shade of the iris. Another simple and effective method, which changes the usual eye color without optical products, is a change in the level of lighting in the room. Dimmed light in the room visually makes the iris darker and the eyes more expressive.

How to change the color of your iris at home?

  • Regular consumption of certain foods that affect the amount of melanin;
  • Correct selection of clothing, accessories and decorative cosmetics;
  • Changes in emotional background (joy, anger, etc.);
  • Changing the level of artificial lighting in the room.

Now you know how you can change your eye color without lenses. However, it should be taken into account that all the described methods act as “weakly working”. At the same time, they are safe for health, including the organs of vision.

How else does eye color change without lenses?

Changes in iris hue may be caused by age characteristics. Thus, newborns often have blue eyes, but as they grow older, a natural change in the shade of the iris occurs: to brown, gray, green or any other. Older people often experience lightening of the iris. For example, if a young man has eyes brown color, then with age they can acquire a honey tint. The shade may involuntarily change due to various diseases of the organs of vision, including inflammatory in nature. It happens that after past illness a person's eyes become lighter or darker. In some situations, there is a change in color in only one eye, resulting in heterochromia. For example, with Posner-Schlossmann syndrome or Fuchs syndrome, the iris may become greenish.

Speaking about how eye color can change without lenses, it should be noted the effect of medications, namely hormonal eye drops. They are often used by people who suffer from glaucoma. Long term use These drugs cause the iris to become darker in color. Such drops are made on the basis of prostaglandin, a synthesized human hormone. Most of them are available only by prescription because they are potent drugs that reduce intraocular pressure.

What are the dangers of using hormonal drops?

  • They quickly reduce IOP (intraocular pressure), which can lead to poor blood and oxygen supply to the eyeball;
  • There is a risk of developing serious eye diseases such as cataracts;
  • As a result of the use of such drugs, heterochrony may develop (when the iris of one eye is different in color from the iris of the other).

How to change eye color permanently?

Some people want to radically transform themselves without thinking about using contact lenses and without resorting to ineffective methods for correcting iris shade at home. They are often interested in how to change eye color permanently, so as not to return to this issue again. Obviously, you won’t be able to do this on your own. This will require surgery.

Currently, there are several methods that allow you to permanently correct the color of the iris. The first is to perform an operation to implant a silicone implant of the required tone. The second method is based on laser correction, during which the upper layer of the iris pigment is destroyed. Using the second method, you can radically change the color from blue or blue to dark brown. However, it should be noted that this process is irreversible. And the cost of such an operation is about 5,000 US dollars, so not every patient can afford it. Therefore, most people prefer temporary eye color correction using contact lenses.

How to permanently change your eye color:

  • Implantation of a silicone implant of the desired tone;
  • Destruction of the top layer of iris pigment using laser correction.

Colored lenses - quick and effective change of eye color

Colored contact lenses are optimal choice for those who want to transform their appearance in an original way. The structure of these optical products contains a coloring pigment that allows you to change the color of your eyes. People with blue and gray irises will benefit from tint or beauty lenses. They will emphasize natural beauty iris and give it an extraordinary shine. For a radical transformation dark eyes colored lenses have been created that have a more saturated pigment. Modern manufacturers offer a wide selection of contact correction products of this type. Models with diopters are designed for people who want not only to create an original image, but also to improve the clarity of their vision. Lenses without optical power are used exclusively for decorative purposes.

Scientists have proven that under the influence of a number of factors, the eyes can become a little darker, lighter, or take on a certain shade. If we're talking about about a radical change of color (for example, from brown to blue), then such an effect can only be achieved by modern ophthalmological operations, such as laser color correction or iris prosthetics. This poses a huge risk to eye health. Relatively safe method To make the tone different at home, use colored lenses. If you want to change only the shade, add brightness, emphasize beauty, then just resort to some tricks.

What causes eye color

The color of the eyes is determined by the characteristics of the iris. The iris has a complex layered structure and different localization densities of pigment cells in the layers. Its shade depends on the amount of melanin and the surface pattern, which is created by radially and circularly located vessels and fibers connective tissue. The pattern on the iris is as unique as fingerprints.

The iris consists of 5 layers, but the most great content pigment observed:

  • In the outer boundary layer, consisting of fibroblasts, fibers and pigmentocytes. The structure of this layer determines the color of the eyes.
  • In the posterior pigment epithelium, which has an almost black color due to the content of a huge amount of melanin, regardless of the shade of the eyes. Thanks to this layer, the iris is lightproof; rays pass only through the pupil.

The main pigment of the iris is melanin. It gives fabrics a black-brown tone. There is no blue or green pigment in the iris.

These colors are formed due to the following factors:

  • different melanin content in the anterior boundary layer;
  • different density of connective tissue fibers;
  • the ability of light rays to be reflected and absorbed by the layers of the iris.

With high looseness of fibers and a small amount of pigment, part of the spectrum of light rays is scattered, and rays with a wavelength of a certain range are reflected, which results in blue or light blue eye color. With dense stroma of the iris and high concentration Melanin absorbs a significant portion of the rays, resulting in a brown color. Only 2% of people in the iris, in addition to melanin, contain the yellow pigment lipofuscin, which overlaps the blue spectrum and gives the eyes a green color.

Eye color may change with age. Most newborns have blue eyes, which is due to low content pigment. In older people, the eyes become lighter due to degenerative processes in the iris. Also, the reason for the color change may be various ophthalmological diseases, metabolic disorders and pathologies of other organs.

If the shade of your eyes has changed over a short period due to unexplained reasons If spots of a different color or various inclusions appear on the surface of the iris, you should consult a doctor.

How to change eye color without surgery and without lenses

The color and pattern of the iris are genetically determined. You won't be able to completely change your tone. Only a slight correction is possible. Moreover, it is easier to change the shade of light eyes, brown eyed color characterized by stability.

Exercises, visual hygiene

Simply following the rules of visual hygiene and doing exercises will help give your eyes richness and a healthy shine. The most simple tips and techniques that do not require much time and effort:

  • Rinse your eyes more often cold water(after waking up and before going to bed), apply anti-edema patches - this will relieve the redness of the sclera.
  • Develop the habit of blinking more often, giving your eyes a rest during long and intense work, and not allowing the cornea to dry out - this will relieve your eyes from dullness.
  • Exposure to the sun stimulates skin pigmentation and can give the eyes a darker hue. In addition, the color and relief depend on the tone of the iris muscles, which dilate and constrict the pupil in different lighting conditions.
  • It is necessary to do special exercises, because it increases blood flow in the extraocular muscles, improves metabolic processes, supports the function of the ciliary muscle - this will not only make your eyes beautiful, but will also be an excellent prevention of vision problems.


Scientists and doctors have concluded that regular consumption of certain foods can affect melanin synthesis. By including foods with high content tyrosine, tryptophan, beta-carotene, vitamin A, E, selenium, you can make your eyes darker. Conversely, many products reduce pigmentation:

  • Meat, liver, seafood, dates, brown rice, beans, carrots, spinach, mushrooms, ginger, olive oil, onions, etc. stimulate melanin synthesis.
  • Honey, nuts, chamomile tea, chocolate, coffee, cocoa, corn, parsley, beer, wine, citrus fruits, etc. suppress melanin synthesis.

To change the shade, you need to be on such a diet for at least 2 months. Brown-eyed people should not expect drastic changes.

Clothes, makeup

The most accessible and easiest way to play up your eye color is to choose the right clothes and makeup:

Eye color Color combination in clothes Makeup palette
BlueDark gray and black-violet tones emphasize the brightnessMake the shade brighter - light beige, light golden, peach. Give a light green tone - cool colors
GrayTo make the shade bluer - blue, rich green, violet color

Ideal gray - silver shadows with a metallic sheen or dark blue tones. Make the shade brighter - golden, bronze, sand and caramel shades. Get a bluer tone - blue, green, turquoise, pink, violet

GreensBrown and burgundy shades will add brightnessMake eyes greener - brown, gray shadows Make the shade blue-green - light bluish shadows. Enhance the warmth of tones - golden, light brown
BrownAny colors. Light-colored clothing with lots of sequins and sparkles gives a lighter shadeMake the tone darker - brown, light chocolate, dark sand, grass and dark green, silver gray and plum. Get a brighter tone - pale pink, chocolate, lilac. Make the shade golden - gold, dark green, purple

When choosing a shadow palette, you can use the spectral circle. If the palette is selected to match the iris, you should choose the tone located in the opposite circle.


The psycho-emotional state can affect the shade of the eyes. This is due to the fact that melanogenesis is regulated by the nervous system and endocrine glands.

In an excited state, the sympathetic system is activated nervous system, the production of hormones from the pituitary gland, adrenal glands and sex hormones increases - all this stimulates the synthesis of melanin and makes the eyes darker. In a peaceful apathetic state The influence of the parasympathetic nervous system predominates, inhibiting pigment formation - the eye color becomes lighter. The result is subtle and short-lived.

Meditation and hypnosis are methods that do not have a quick and lasting effect. They can only be used by people who are susceptible to suggestion and who are impressionable.

Need to practice long months, but the probability positive result extremely small. You must repeat affirmations out loud (for example: “My eyes are a beautiful, bright blue.”), say this in the morning, before going to bed, and at any free time. Before drinking a glass of tea or water, you should whisper a prepared phrase over it. During meditation, you can imagine how the required shade appears on the iris. The effect of these methods is due more to general calm during meditation, a positive attitude, self-acceptance or self-hypnosis.


Special medicinal drops There is no way to change eye colors. However there are many medications having side effect in the form of darkening of the iris. These are mainly drugs for glaucoma - high eye pressure. They contain a substance that affects melanocytes - prostaglandin F2a. Using these drops for other purposes than intended can lead to serious consequences:

  • by reducing intraocular pressure, they increase the risk of ocular ischemia;
  • a possible reaction to the drug in the form of swelling and erosion of the cornea;
  • can lead to cataracts, iritis, uveitis;
  • cause heterogeneous darkening of the cornea, irreversible heterochromia may occur;
  • there is a change in the color, length and thickness of the eyelashes, a change in the direction of their growth, an increase in the number of vellus hairs, darkening of the skin of the eyelids;
  • provide systemic action- cause exacerbation of bronchial asthma.

These drugs can only be prescribed by an ophthalmologist. Independent use taking medications without first consulting a specialist is highly undesirable.