Who is a copywriter and what does he do? Copywriter: key features of the profession. Types of text works

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Who is a copywriter and what does he do?

The profession of a copywriter is the basis in the field of advertising and content. Let's say you are a wonderful manager, you easily find contact with people, know how to win sympathy and have the skills of a good salesman. But... alas, as soon as a Word page opens in front of you, you fall into a stupor and are not able to correctly connect 2-3 sentences. Or, on the contrary, you write competently, but no one wants to read your opuses. After all, only a talented master of words can attract the reader’s attention with the first lines, and then maintain interest throughout the entire text. In addition, copywriting, like professions in medicine, involves a number of features, which we will discuss in this article.

What is the job of a copywriter?

Each article (sentence, story, poem) has its own author. That is why other people’s texts cannot be used in your publications without the author’s name and his permission. The task of a master copywriter is to create a unique text that will generate income for the customer.
Many Internet users believe that a copywriter works from home, writes articles for content exchanges, and his services are paid depending on the number of characters written. But to say this is to say that the doctor receives payment for the prescription he writes. In fact, the doctor's work is paid for the disease cured. This goal goes much further and is broader than simply writing a prescription. Same thing with copywriting.

First of all, a copywriting specialist is given a specific task: for example, to create informational content on a certain topic. The author gets acquainted with the content of the question, studying at least 3-4 sources, clarifies controversial issues from the customer (who, as a rule, is an expert in this topic) and begins writing. After completion of the work, the material is checked for uniqueness and compliance with the client’s requirements, then the work is transferred to the customer. If necessary, the article is sent for revision.

Many people believe that working with content takes up the lion's share of time. But a competent author works with two directions: information (to solve the problem) and a system (to test the solution and convince it of 100% results). In fact, a specialist spends about 10-15% of his time on writing, which is why self-respecting authors do not work on content exchanges. These sites provide customers with the opportunity to find cheap beginner text writers, the quality of whose materials, in most cases, leaves much to be desired.

Who needs copywriting services?

  • Any sites. Content writing services are necessary for news magazines, blogs, online stores, information web resources, etc.
  • Printed publications. As they say, there are still a lot of journalists working in newspapers and magazines...
  • Advertising agencies. Only a specialist with certain skills can create an advertising brochure or present a service or product in a profitable manner.
  • Marketing and advertising departments of enterprises. The areas of work of these departments include the preparation of commercial proposals, email newsletters, and maintenance of the corporate website.
  • Web studios. These companies are in demand for content to fill and promote websites.

What does a web copywriter do on the Internet, or what types of texts are there?

As we said earlier, the concept of “copywriter” has many meanings: this is the name for both a specialist who creates only selling texts and a specialist who simply writes unique content. Copywriting is currently especially in demand on the Internet, because it is the web sphere that is now “squeezing” print publications, libraries, reference books...

Types of content by area of ​​application

  • Narrow topic. The author is an expert in only one field. For example, it works exclusively with medical articles or only with social networks.
  • Information copywriting. Useful articles of large volume, covering the topic as fully as possible.
  • Scripts. This can be either a quest or a plan for a holiday.
  • SEO and LSI. Texts for websites filled with keywords and their synonyms according to certain search engine rules.
  • News. These materials require the ability to write an attractive headline and a short summary, which encourage the site visitor to open the news and read it to the end.
  • Slogans. In one short sentence, you need to highlight the nuance of the company you are promoting and ensure that people remember it.
  • Social networks. As a rule, social network users are not very fond of reading. Therefore, messages (posts) should be brief, but reveal the essence as fully as possible.
  • Notice boards. An offer to sell something should be small, succinct, and convincing.
  • Selling texts. They are built according to certain rules. First of all, this is an attractive headline, indicating an undoubted benefit for the client, which may be limited in time. The main task is to encourage the reader to buy a product or order a service.
  • Commercial offers. Sometimes they overlap with the previous concept. As a rule, they are created in a registered name (for the director of an enterprise or the head of a department). They should be brief, include a price range, and indicate the buyer’s benefits.
  • Landing Page. This is a one-page site, in the development of which important attention is paid to filling one single page. Its main task is also to encourage site visitors to click the “Order” button or make a call.
  • Infographics. Do you know what comics are? This is a solution for those who do not like to read - pictures with inscriptions. In addition, it has been proven that any picture among letters attracts attention. Also, infographics are one or more pictures that attract attention. Each image can contain an entire paragraph, but only one or two words from a sentence are written.
  • Email newsletters. Good content increases the return on your newsletter. It includes an interesting headline, a couple of sentences that reveal the essence, and an incentive to order. The text should be personalized and specific. Often designed in infographic style.
  • Rewriting. This is one of the branches in the field of content creation. The specialist is provided with one or more source articles, on the basis of which he must create a unique text. For high-quality rewriting, you need to use not one, but several sources.
  • Poems, short stories, novellas - we would not classify the artistic sphere as web copywriting, although orders for writing such works on the Internet exist. Any person who is familiar with the rules of versification can write a “so-so poem.” But only someone with real talent can create a masterpiece.

In addition to the type of use, content can be divided into styles.

Types of content by style solutions

  • Scientific - thoughtful logical statements, standardized speech, complex sentences. use of special terms.
  • Colloquial - the style of everyday colloquial communication.
  • Artistic - conveys the emotions, thoughts and feelings of the author; Stylistic techniques are used that enhance the effects of transmission.
  • Journalistic - these are reports, articles, reviews, interviews.
  • Official business - allows you to create commercial offers, business correspondence, used in management, legal, economic relations, etc.

Several styles can sometimes be combined in one material.

Mandatory Word Master Skills

Not everyone can become a copywriter. Firstly, if you had a solid C in Russian, then you don’t have to think about a career in this field for the near future. Secondly, if you are not ready to learn something new and constantly improve, then perhaps it is better for you to pay attention to another profession.

So, what should a specialist know and what skills should he have?

  • Competent oral and written communication.
  • Broad knowledge in various fields.
  • Ability to work with information.
  • Understanding human psychology.
  • Ability to work correctly with text blocks and headings.
  • Knowledge of advertising and marketing.
  • Analytical skills.
  • Commitment to improvement.

Additional knowledge that is an advantage and increases the value of an Internet professional:

  • SEO and LSI basics;
  • HTML, CSS;
  • graphic editors;
  • foreign languages;
  • working with CMS (content management systems).

The most famous masters of words

If you are a novice author, have all the listed qualities and are good at writing, you can reach the same heights as the most famous text writers on the Runet. Please note that this is not a rating, but a list.

  • Vic Orlov. Original syllable. He can subtly work with the audience (a specialist in psychology and hypnosis), his articles are instantly and long remembered. He has written many books on copywriting and the psychology of influence.
  • Denis Kaplunov. The style is distinguished by lightness, simplicity, its own techniques and features. Author of best-selling books on copywriting.
  • Dmitry Kot. A competent marketer, he knows how to psychologically influence the audience, easily present any information, emphasizing its value. Wrote and published several popular books on copywriting.
  • Pavel Berestnev. Works with infotexts and their selling analogues. Free style of storytelling, originality, consistency.
  • Peter Panda. This is a bright style, easy presentation of material, persuasiveness, lack of “water”. Wrote and published several books.

In general, perhaps the best copywriter was Ostap Bender? If, of course, we manage to imagine him in this role. It was his phrases that firmly entered our lives, and with the help of a plump folder with printed texts, he managed to earn a million...

33 min. reading

Updated: 03/05/2019

In this article, we will look at who a copywriter is and what it is like to work as a copywriter. Let's find out what copywriting is, what types exist (rewriting, SEO-copywriting, lsi-copywriting) and how they differ. We will tell you stories and reviews of real copywriters who earn decent money from this. We'll tell you how to become a copywriter and where to look for vacancies in this specialty. We will also give advice that will help you quickly start in the profession and achieve a stable, high income.

Hello friends! I'm proud to call myself a copywriter because it's my dream job. A job that allowed me to move from the cold north to the sea, to be my own boss, not to depend on anyone, to earn decent money, to develop creatively. In this article you will learn about who a copywriter is and what he does, I’ll tell you how I got into profession, I will share the tricks and subtleties of work that will help you get started in this field faster and start earning decent money.

In this article you will encounter the following terms and concepts:

Content- what an article on the Internet consists of: text, pictures, video, audio, graphics, etc.

Content Exchange- a special intermediary site where Customers and Contractors meet. Customers need content, and Contractors are ready to provide this content for certain prices.

Webmaster- creator and owner of the site. On content exchanges he acts as a customer of articles.

Uniqueness of the text(rarity, originality, exclusivity, uniqueness) - a parameter by which the presence or absence of duplicate text on the Internet is determined. It is measured as a percentage. If the written text is not found on the Internet, then its uniqueness is 100%. If the text was compiled based on existing materials on the Internet, that is, copied from other sources, then its uniqueness will be 0%, 30%, 60%, depending on how much content was copied.

Copywriter – who is he and what does he do?

To understand who a Copywriter is and what he does, you need to do small excursion into history, since the meaning that was originally inherent in the word Copywriting in our country now has a different meaning.

Copywriter is not a Russian word and came to us from the West (English copy - manuscript, text material + write - to write). There, copywriters are people who create advertising, political and presentation texts, commercial proposals, advertising scripts, slogans and appeals. The main task of such texts is to persuade and sell.

A copywriter in the West is a person who knows how to sell goods, services, ideas using text.

One of the founders of copywriting is John Caples, who became famous with an advertising booklet distributed by mail in 1927. In this letter, he “sold” the services of the music school and began it with the words:


The text itself begins with a story about a party from a time when there were no DJs, tape recorders, deafening speakers, nightclubs, and people whiled away their evenings at gatherings like those in the picture above.

One of the party participants named Jack was able to captivate the audience with his masterpiece piano playing, although it all did not start out very well for him. Those present had never seen him sit down before. musical instrument. They giggled behind his back, egged him on and waited for this unfortunate man to disgrace himself. But everything changed as soon as he touched the piano keys.

The hero was able to captivate the audience with his performance. Everyone rushed to congratulate him and began to ask where he could learn to play so incomparably. To which he told those present about the “American music school", which deals with accelerated distance learning playing the piano, where everyone can master the instrument and notation in just a few months.

Having written an interesting, breathtaking story, John Caples was able to organically fit the advertiser and his services into it. Those who read this message had an irresistible desire to master the piano in order to become the king of the parties. .

Here are a few examples of selling copywriting from the times of the USSR. Yes, yes, at that time we also already had copywriters, although they called them something else. Click to enlarge the picture.

And here are the “masterpieces” of modern copywriters:

Those copywriters that I described above are now commonly called advertisers and marketers, and the example of John Caples would now be called “selling text.”

In RuNet, the term copywriting has an ambiguous concept. There are also employers and adherents of the old school who mean by copywriters authors who write advertising and selling texts. These, offhand, are no more than 10% percent. In their vacancies, they usually specify that they need “selling” copywriting. By the way, if you want to dive more fully into the topic of “selling” copywriting, I recommend studying the books of John Caples, Joseph Sugarman, David Ogilvy, Robert Cialdini, Dan Kennedy - these are the classics of selling text, the authors of real masterpieces.

Video: TOP 5 books on copywriting

In other cases, in RuNet, copywriters mean authors who will write texts for websites. The concept of texts for websites includes:

  • Information articles for websites, blogs, portals. What you are reading now is just an example of an information article. An informational article answers questions and/or entertains the reader.
  • Descriptions of goods for online stores.
  • Texts for social networks. Similar to an information article, only in a compressed format.
  • Comments on forums and blogs, or posting in a different way.

Copywriting received a modern interpretation thanks to Content Exchanges. These are special service sites, intermediaries between copywriters and site owners. Customers and performers meet there. The exchange, in addition to its pandering function, also plays the role of an arbiter, a judge in cases where problems arise between authors and customers. controversial situations. We'll talk more about Content Exchanges below.

Why did the Exchanges root a different understanding of copywriting in the RuNet? It's simple. They needed to separate the texts into different types so that there was no confusion between authors and customers.

So, in addition to copywriting, concepts such as translation from foreign languages, LSI copywriting, and posting appeared. We will definitely analyze all these concepts a little later, but for now let’s decide that in the rest of the article, when mentioning the term copywriting and analyzing the work of a copywriter, we will start from modern concept this term imposed on us by content exchanges. Why? Because 90% of all work related to texts is now located on content exchanges. And if you want to master the work of a copywriter, then you need to accept the rules and communicate in the language of the platform on which you want to perform as a player.

The work of a copywriter, in the modern sense, is very similar to the work of a journalist. However, an article that is written for a newspaper and an article that is written for a news website are different.

What's in common?

  • Topic of the article. Both in the newspaper and in some blog an article may be written on a specific topic, for example, How to inexpensively renovate an apartment.
  • Event coverage. For example, presidential elections. In both cases it will be approximately the same article.
  • Solving a reader's problem. An article for a newspaper or online magazine can be written with specific purpose- solve some problem of the reader, for example, a description of a new diet, tips and recommendations for self-care, recipes for the New Year's table, etc.
  • Outline of the article. As a rule, an article for a newspaper or any website is written according to the classical canons: Introduction - Main part of the article - Conclusion.

Now let's go over the differences.

  • Article size. The newspaper is limited in size and circulation, so articles for them are written in a certain volume. The site does not have such restrictions. Therefore, the article can be as long as a whole newspaper.
  • Contents of the article. If we are not talking about political materials, then an article for a newspaper is tailored to the reader. That is, it must be interesting and useful to him, otherwise the next time the reader will not buy this newspaper or magazine. An article for a website is tailored for a search engine (Yandex or Google) and only then for the reader. This is what 95% of sites write. Another 4% try to find a middle ground to please both search engines and readers. We include our site in this category. And the remaining 1% of sites are written exclusively for the reader, without reference to search engines. It's about about large, serious publications such as Forbes, Vedomosti or Kommersant. Essentially, these are the same newspapers, but there are websites without printed publications.
  • Errors and punctuation. Sites have fewer requirements, so errors are much more common here.
  • Collection of information. This point could also be attributed to similarities, since often the collection of information for an article is approximately similar in the newspaper and on the website. It is necessary to study the available materials, interview experts, go through some experience in order to write an article based on it. But here I would like to focus on mistakes that can cause harm. This can be clearly seen on medical websites, where articles are not always written by competent doctors and specialists. Advice from such unverified articles can cause real harm to your health. A reputable newspaper will never allow itself to publish unverified information, but on websites this happens all the time.
  • Education. If it is unrealistic to get into a reputable publication without a specialized education, then the doors to the world of copywriting are open today for any person, even for those who write with errors and got a C in Russian at school.

This is not full list similarities and differences, but this list is enough to show you the difference between the work of a copywriter and a journalist.

Let's consolidate the material with the following wording of copywriting and copywriting:

Copywriter is a specialist involved in collecting and processing information for subsequent publication on various sites for a certain fee.

Copywriting- this is an activity related to the preparation and subsequent publication of information materials on the Internet, in which the customer and the contractor participate.

Who pays a copywriter and how?

The work of copywriters is paid by site owners, they are also called webmasters. This can be either an ordinary individual or individual entrepreneur. IN recent years the sphere of information websites has become widely developed and yesterday’s schoolchildren who made websites at home, what is called “on their knees,” have today turned into large businessmen with a staff of specialists, so it is possible that the situation will be offered to you by a reputable LLC with accountants, an editor-in-chief and a bunch of other workers.

Copywriters are most often paid based on the number of characters.

Here is an approximate gradation of rates:

  • Low prices - from 30 to 50 rubles. for a thousand characters.
  • Average prices - from 50 to 100 rubles. for a thousand characters.
  • High prices - from 100 to 300 rubles. for a thousand characters.
  • TOP - from 300 rub. for a thousand characters.

For example, for an article of 10,000 characters, with a bet of 50 rubles, you can get 500 rubles. Articles are different. Some can be written in a few hours. And some will take several days. Therefore, it is very difficult to say exactly how much you can earn in this business in a month. But in the next section we will show examples of several copywriters who will share their success stories, tell how much they earn, how they got into the profession, and share the tricks and subtleties of the craft.

In the screenshot below you can see how orders are distributed on one of the most popular content exchanges, Advego, depending on the rate:

The lion's share of the work comes from cheap orders with rates ranging from 30 to 100 rubles. for a thousand characters. This is due to the fact that there are a lot of people who want to make money on the Internet. People (webmasters) create websites, but for them to start bringing them money, they need to have a lot of content on them.

And since most novice website builders do not have a large budget for content, the rates they offer are low.

It makes no sense for a beginner to immediately aim for expensive orders unless you have a diploma from the Faculty of Journalism of Moscow State University and many years of experience working in a well-known publishing house. You need to be mentally prepared for the fact that at first you will have to work “for pennies.” Be sure to read the article to the end - more is waiting for you practical advice that will help you increase your income in copywriting.

Now let's see how prices are distributed depending on the type of work. To do this, let's take another popular exchange Etxt:

As can be seen from this graph, the most expensive orders are for copywriting: 126 rubles. per 1000 characters on average over the last 3 months. This means that an article of 10,000 characters of the Copywriting type would bring you 1,260 rubles.

Distribution different types The work can be seen in the following screenshot:

It is worth noting that not all employers on the Internet pay for work based on the number of characters. There are also those who pay a specific figure per article. For example, in Tinkoff Magazine (financial magazine of Tinkoff Bank) they pay 10,000 rubles. for the article. It doesn’t matter how many characters there will be, what matters is what content it will have, which is why only an experienced author who writes interesting and professional materials.

How much do copywriters earn?

Types of text works

All work related to texts can be divided into the following categories:

  • Posting
  • Translation;
  • Rewriting;
  • SEO copywriting;
  • LSi-copywriting;
  • Selling texts.

Let's look at these types of work in more detail.


This is commenting on messages on various forums, blogs and other Internet resources.

To revive newly created projects, their owners need a demonstration of visitation and visitor activity. This role is performed by copywriters who leave comments under the specified topics. This could be a discussion of products, an exchange of opinions about a movie watched, or stories about how much the author earned thanks to cooperation with a brokerage firm. Despite their apparent simplicity, such tasks require creativity; each comment should look natural and, preferably, evoke a desire to continue the conversation.

Sometimes you come across tasks where, in addition to a comment, you need to insert into the text a link to a resource specified by the customer. The difficulty of such work is that the link should not look like an alien advertisement, but form a natural part of the comment. Another problem is that if such a link is recognized as advertising, it will be deleted by the resource moderator and payment for the work will not be received.

Example: to the question “Why do you need a switch?” a response was given that included a link to a switch in an online store selling equipment.

I describe this type of work in such detail because many beginners start with posting, which becomes a good school, after which they can move on to writing articles.


There are webmasters who choose foreign sites as a source of content for their website and give exchanges the task of translating this or that article into Russian. Such work with text will be relevant primarily for people who are fluent in English, since it is the most widely spoken language. However, on exchanges you can find translation tasks from other languages ​​(German, Spanish, French).


The essence of the work is that the author needs to rework an existing text without changing its content and structure. Essentially, this is rewriting other people's articles in your own language. The main requirement of rewriting is the uniqueness of the new text. However, a simple rearrangement of words or replacing them with synonyms is not rewriting, but “synonymizing”; payment for such work may be refused, even if the uniqueness meets the requirements. The easiest way is to read the text and then write what you remember in your own words.

Rewriting tasks can have different types:

  • rewriting from 1st source;
  • rewriting from 3-5 sources;
  • according to a source provided by the customer;
  • with an independent search for a source on the topic specified in the assignment (this costs a little more);
  • rewriting with a decrease or increase in the volume of the source;
  • “deep rewriting”, the purpose of which is to convey the information contained in the source so that the external similarity with the original text is not noticeable.

Example: two texts tell about one event in different words. It is impossible to determine which of the texts was the original source and which was a rewrite.

First text:

Second text:

In both examples, the essence is the same - an experiment on mice and its consequences are described. But the texts are written in different words, which makes each of them unique. We'll talk more about how to check the uniqueness of text a little later.

IMPORTANT! Do not confuse rewriting and synonymizing - rearranging words or replacing them with a synonym.

Original - “American biologists transplanted cells into mice human brain»,

Synonymizing - “Scientists from the USA implanted cells of the human mind into rodents.”

Such work will most likely not be paid. In the process of synonymization, the text turns into an unattractive set of words that can distort the meaning of the originally written text. And rewriting, leaving the same meaning, can be written even more interesting and attractive than the original source.

We have a separate full article about rewriting, in which we give tools and techniques that allow you to achieve excellent results, show more examples, and also give a step-by-step action plan on how to become a rewriter from scratch and start making money from this type of activity:

SEO copywriting

The abbreviation SEO comes from the English “search engine optimization” - search engine optimization. SEO copywriting is the creation of texts that are aimed at promoting a website in search engines.

The difference between this type of copywriting is that the text must contain a certain number of key phrases, be easy to read and, like any other text created by a copywriter, be highly unique.

“Keywords” are phrases by which potential users of a particular resource search for information in search engines. Most often, they are given by the customer and are part of the technical specifications (technical specifications that describe the requirements), but it happens that the customer names a general topic, and suggests that the “keys” be chosen by the author himself.

For this, a special Yandex Wordstat resource is used - wordstat.yandex.ru.

Let’s take for example the key phrase “Who is a copywriter”:

The service shows how much this query was shown in the Yandex search network per month. Please note that the number indicated next to the request is not the number of unique users. This is the total number of requests, which means that a person could type this request several times during the month and it will be counted towards the total.

The service also shows what other queries with the word copywriter were typed by users and in what quantity. Based on this, you can decide how many articles to write and how to distribute the received requests among different articles.

In the table below, queries are grouped in the left column, and in the right column are the topics of the articles into which these queries need to be organically included.

If you do everything correctly and write an interesting, useful article, it will take first place in search engine results, which will bring many visitors to the site, and with them, profit for the site.

The tasks of SEO copywriting include:

  • Promotion of the page with the article to the top positions of search engines;
  • increase in traffic (number of visits) to the site;
  • increasing conversion (visitor response to the article: channel subscriptions, callbacks, product purchases, service orders, etc.);
  • attracting the target audience (precisely those visitors who are looking for what is written about in the article);
  • increasing the popularity of the site.

This is a general explanation of what SEO copywriting is and how it differs from other tasks. Read more about this in a separate article.


The name is derived from the English “latent semantic indexing”, which translates as “latent semantic indexing”. Essentially, this is a type of SEO copywriting, only more advanced. Its main task is to find and include additional words and phrases in the text of the article that will increase the likelihood of the article getting into the TOP.

The LSI optimization process differs from SEO in several ways:

  • in SEO, keywords must be embedded in certain places (headings, the text itself, meta tags (program codes that show specific text in search engines); in LSI, keys fit only into the body of the article;
  • SEO tracks the percentage of keywords, and LSI tracks the number of words related to the topic in question;
  • in SEO, keys are the main one on which the text is based; in LSI, keys complement the text and reveal it more fully.

The essence of LSI is well demonstrated by the following screenshots:

These phrases usually appear in the search bar when you type the phrase. Yandex itself shows the words that users most often type in.

And if you scroll to the very bottom of the search results page, there will be a block that shows what else users are looking for with this phrase:

From the point of view of LSI, the presence of these phrases in the text of the article, as well as additional articles, such as “Freelancer who is this” or “Rewriting this” maximally covers the entire pool of requests, which makes both a specific article and the entire site most attractive to the user, because it answers all possible questions.

Selling texts

Selling texts are texts whose task is not only to advertise a product, service or other offer, but also to push the reader to take some action: buy a product, call, subscribe to a newsletter, etc. A competent text does not force or “persuad” you to make a purchase, it motivates and encourages you to take action. As noted at the beginning of the article, selling texts are copywriting in its original form.

There are a lot of techniques and tips for creating selling texts. As an example, I will give a few of them:

  • A, attention - attention;
  • I, interest - interest;
  • D desire - desire;
  • A, action - action.

It starts with describing a person’s problem, attracting attention, then arouses interest (usually this is done using a USP - a unique selling proposition), creates a desire to take advantage of the offer, and at the end offers options for action.


  • Pain - pain
  • More Pain - more pain
  • Hope - hope
  • Solution - solution

In this case, it is proposed to find " pain point» reader, identify his problem or desire, strengthen it, then say that the problem can be gotten rid of and suggest specific solution.

On the Internet, selling texts are most often used on one-page sites where it is offered to buy training courses, services or specific products.

Here are some examples where selling texts are used:

Where does a copywriter look for work?

Copywriters use the following sources to find work:

  • Content Exchanges
  • Freelance exchanges
  • Job search sites
  • Direct search for employers

Let's look at each option in more detail:

Copywriting exchanges

Not only copywriters are looking for customers, but customers are also looking for copywriters who can complete their tasks for a certain price. Exchanges are online platforms that act as intermediaries between these two groups. It is on such resources that VMs (webmasters) post tasks, and copywriters have the opportunity to take them into work or propose their candidacy for completion. The exchange receives its percentage from both the former and the latter (sometimes only from one of the parties).

In addition, the administration of the exchange considers disputes arising between authors and customers, monitors cases of fraud (the approach to this determines the reputation of the exchange, so it is almost impossible to suffer from fraudulent activities on such resources), and provides access to the tools necessary for copywriters.

The first thing you need to remember is that you can start working on any exchange without any prepayment! This is exactly what they are looking for in search engines: “”. Any offers to “pay the down payment”, “pay for registration” or similar ones are a scam! The exchange will get its due anyway – after the newly registered author starts working. Moreover, it is beneficial for the exchange to teach beginners for free - the higher the level of specialists working on the site, the higher its reputation, which becomes one of the tools that generate profit.

There are a lot of content exchanges (the same as the copywriting exchange), I will briefly describe some of the most popular ones (the more popular the exchange, the more VMs turn to its services, and, accordingly, the more orders it receives).


Positions itself as “Exchange No. 1”. There are a lot of orders, there are quite simple ones, like work on social networks: “like”, “repost an article”, for posting, and there are also enough complex ones, designed for experienced authors. Much depends on the author’s rating (the higher it is, the larger number orders become visible and accessible to him).

talk about average cost work is equivalent to a story about the average temperature in the hospital, but there is minimum prices, below which the customer cannot pay (from 0.2 USD per 1000 characters). A very convenient platform for novice authors, for whom special topics have been created on the forum to fully understand the operation of the system.

There is an article store (articles can be written not only to order, but also for sale, some authors make money only from this), a forum, and the administration takes an objective position when analyzing disputes. Even in the event of fraud attempts, the exchange bears the costs of eliminating losses.

Example: the author completed the work, the customer, on a formal, but in accordance with the rules, refused to pay. After a while, the article that the VM rejected appears on the Internet (it’s very easy to find your own texts using a program that calculates uniqueness - if the text is indexed, it turns yellow in the verification card and the address of the page on which it is located is given). The author files a complaint about an unlawful refusal to pay, and the exchange automatically withdraws from the account of the unscrupulous customer the amount that was agreed upon in the task. If the VM does not have enough funds at the moment, the exchange pays its money to the author.

SEO text analysis and uniqueness checking programs are available (there are two such services: software for downloading to a computer and online checking - the second is more reliable, but paid).

Withdrawal of funds to WebMoney, QIWI wallets, bank cards, the minimum withdrawal amount is 500 rubles or 5 dollars (the copywriter himself chooses in which currency to receive payment; this does not affect the cost and availability of orders). The withdrawal period depends on the method and ranges from 1 minute (with a payment of 5%) to 16 days. Exchange commission – 10% on both sides (subtracted from the cost of the work performed or article sold in the store).


Job search platforms

We are talking about job sites such as HH.ru, Superjob.ru, Avito, etc. These sites usually publish offline vacancies such as Manager, Driver, etc. But they are also looking for copywriters.

We ourselves periodically post our vacancies there, as we are constantly looking for different candidates. .

Here is a list of our vacancies on the website HH.ru

If you know how to work with texts, you can submit your vacancies for the positions of Journalists, Authors, Editors, Copywriters. These names often mean the same person - a person who knows how to work with texts.

Well, in the vacancy itself, employers usually indicate the essence of the work and the requirements for the authors. Here's what it looks like for us:

If interested customers appear, all communication takes place directly. The advantage is that you don’t have to pay interest on what you earn. The downside is the possibility of encountering a scammer who will receive the finished text and not pay for it. In this case, there is no way to get what you honestly earned.

Here's what vacancies look like on job sites:

Direct search

Direct search for employers means that you yourself will contact the companies, websites, and publishers you need and propose your candidacy. If you use this method skillfully, this will allow you to find interesting employers and work with them directly, which will allow you to save on the commissions that are paid when working on the stock exchange.

Here are some tips:

  • If you are a beginner, then start with exchanges. Learn to write, get better at it, create a portfolio, and then start looking for direct customers.
  • Remember those sites and blogs that you saved in your browser bookmarks. Find the Contact section on these sites and submit a commercial proposal.
  • Browse new sites on topics in which you are strong. If you are well versed in banking services, then ask various queries on this topic, open sites, see what content they have and whether you can write in the same vein. If yes, then feel free to send them your resume and portfolio.
  • Find companies that develop websites and promote them. Send them a letter telling them about yourself and how you can be useful to them. Typically, such companies offer their clients copywriting services as a package.

Copywriter Tools

Each text must comply with certain rules. One of the indicators that must be taken into account when submitting a prepared article is uniqueness.

What is text uniqueness

Search engines compare each text with those already posted on other sites. This is a complex algorithm that calculates the percentage match individual parts written by you, with existing text content

An overall uniqueness rate close to 100% means that the text is original and not copied from another resource. Both Google and Yandex value such texts, and pages with unique content have a better chance of getting a good position in the search engine results.

If the posted text information has a high percentage of coincidence with what already exists somewhere, it will not only be useless, but will also lead to sanctions from search engines - they will simply ignore such a site and may downgrade it for all key queries.

Uniqueness checking programs

It is impossible to evaluate the uniqueness on your own; for this, there are special services called “anti-plagiarism”. Most exchanges provide this verification for free.

Shows the percentage of uniqueness of the text and the address at which matches were found, conducts SEO analysis.

This exchange offers the “Plagiatus” program, which is downloaded to your computer, and an online verification system. The first is free, the second can be used by registered users. However, there is a limit on the number of characters being checked (the higher the author’s level, the larger texts he can check), additional characters can be paid for.

The text to be checked is inserted into the window that opens and the program “Check” is launched.

On the same page you can download Advego Plagiatus - it does not show many matches, but it is convenient for searching for your own previously written articles. If your work was posted on a website, the text will be completely yellow, and plagiarism will show the address where it was published.

A very convenient tool for creating a portfolio.

There are services that specialize in checking uniqueness, for example, Content-watch.

After the copywriter receives the results of the check, he must correct the passages recognized by the program as non-unique and check the article again.

Another tool that a novice copywriter will need is an SEO analysis system. The principle of SEO was mentioned in the description of the types of copywriting, and you can check the text both on copywriting exchanges and with special services, for example, istio.com, which produces results with highlighted keys and water percentages.

Regardless of which service you use, the process is the same everywhere - insert text and click the appropriate button.

Using SEO analysis services, you can check for text nauseousness, wateriness, and stop words. Read more about all these parameters in the article What is SEO copywriting.

Some tips regarding details that beginners very often do not take into account:

1 Choose the nickname you will work under in advance. At the same time, it is not necessary to strive for originality - you will be remembered not by your pseudonym, but by your work. But choosing an online name for work is a serious matter, because it is work. And your “name” can influence customers’ decisions. Nicknames written in such an ORIGINAL way may catch the eye, but are unlikely to confirm the seriousness of the author as a performer. And the article about the advantages of drilled injection piles may not be given to the author who called himself “SexiGerl”, and it will not be possible to change his nickname.

By the way, don’t think that you will never write an article about these piles. When I first went to the exchange, I saw an assignment that required me to describe the process of producing can lids. Then I thought that, probably, no one could write this, how could it coincide that the manufacturer of these caps also works as a copywriter at the same time? Now I could write such an article in an hour maximum.

2 Add an avatar. An empty space instead of an avatar is associated with a newcomer, whose chances of receiving orders are significantly reduced. It is advisable that this be your personal photograph, and not a table or fun company. You will work, and the avatar, in a sense, will become your “face” in the workplace. The avatar is remembered even faster than the nickname. And your task is to be remembered.

On the advego exchange forum there was a funny character who loved to give everyone advice on something that he did not understand at all. As a result, he disappeared a long time ago, but he is still remembered by his avatar: “The one in the background of the carpet.”

3 Emergencies, failures and other troubles. Emergency is a black list, one of the customers’ tools. An author whom a particular webmaster has included in such a list will not be able to take his order into work, write a comment, or participate in a tender. Usually, novice copywriters who accidentally find out that they are on such a list panic and get upset to such an extent that they try by any means to find out why? Similar topics with accusations or complaints periodically appear on the forum. As a result, such an offended author ends up in a dozen more emergencies of other customers who read a similar complaint.

4 Another trouble that almost every author faces at one time or another is refusal to pay. If you are sure that you did everything correctly, and there were no errors in the text (any!), you can contact the exchange administration (if, of course, you work through the exchange). But if they confirm the legality of the refusal, you can’t give up, you just have to keep working. This happens to everyone.

5 All misunderstandings, everything with which you disagree, should not be brought to the general forum - for this there is an administration, which is obliged to decide similar problems.

Regarding exchange forums, take advantage of the opportunities they provide. The “old guys” are always ready to help and give an answer to what may seem like an insoluble problem to a beginner (we’re talking about questions related to copywriting). The only condition is to formulate your questions correctly, don’t be shy to show that you don’t understand or don’t know something (everyone started with this). It’s not a shame not to know something, it’s a shame to try to tell everyone how wrong they are and how they themselves don’t understand anything.

Activity (appropriate) on the forum has a second advantage - many customers find authors this way, who are included in the BS (BS is a white list, the opposite of the “black” list, those who are included in it can work with orders that no one except those entering in this particular BS, does not see).

6 Revisions - if for some reason the customer is not satisfied with your text, he can send it for revision with comments. You should not be upset or surprised - the customer is thus giving you another chance, and the comments should be taken into account for the future. Don’t think that the customer himself likes this - his goal is not at all to do something unpleasant to you, the customer is more interested in you in getting what he needs as early as possible.

By the way, neither revision nor lengthy verification of the work brings benefits to the webmaster - the funds necessary to pay for the work are reserved in his account from the moment you accepted the order for work.

7 Literacy – prerequisite. Prepare to have to remember school rules and clarify controversial issues. If you don’t know how to spell a particular word, then ask Google about it. Use literacy and spelling check services, such as Gramota.ru or Orfogramka.ru.

Even one extra space or its absence can formally serve as a reason for refusing payment. Quite seriously - there was a customer who became famous for the longest emergency, in which he brought the authors for missing spaces, refusing to pay for the work.

8 Don't be afraid. Don’t be afraid of high prices: “I work for 40, but here it’s 100, I probably can’t do that.” Don't be afraid of detailed, large technical specifications. The customer, who explains in detail what he wants, wants to get a high-quality result, but is also looking for authors who can provide him with this result. Very often, it is precisely this kind of cooperation that becomes permanent.

9 Read the TK - it seems that this is not necessary to advise, but in fact, inattentive reading of the task or misunderstanding of it leads to refusals.

10 Save all your work on your computer or Google Docs. Make a portfolio out of them, in which you divide all the articles into different groups. For example, sort articles on banking into one group, cooking into another, etc.

Always include your portfolio when applying. This is where breaking your work into groups comes in handy. If you apply for an article about phones, then attach a link to a portfolio with this topic. Often authors make a grave mistake and send their portfolio, where all the articles are in a pile and the customer needs to find an article on his topic from all this mass.

If you need more tips that will help make you a professional copywriter and increase your earnings, here you go:

How to become a copywriter from scratch

If you decide to master the profession of a copywriter, then here is an action plan that you can print out and keep before your eyes:

Step #1: Get trained

Training does not have to be paid. Read articles on copywriting, journalism, article writing. Download free books from the Internet. Read, absorb information.

Step #2: Start writing for yourself

There are different ways to write for yourself. You can start personal diary, this could be a physical journal or an online version such as Evernote. You can write to social media. Post a photo and write interesting text underneath it. It could be anything - how you spent your weekend, how you started playing sports, how you went on a diet, how you implement early development techniques in raising your child, how you strengthen yourself, etc. The main thing is to start practicing.

Step #3: Register on content exchanges

Start doing easy tasks like posting. At the first stage, you need to master the competent presentation of your thoughts. At the same time, continue to read books, read interesting blogs in which the articles are written in an interesting and exciting way. Note interesting points, then model your articles based on them.

Step #4: Try submitting articles

At this stage, don't look at the price tag. Be mentally prepared for the fact that you first need to work for the name, and then the name will work for you. And while you work for a name, it is quite possible that it will be free for you.

Step #5: Look for regular customers

Clients are different. With experience, you will develop a “smell” and you will immediately be able to identify a one-time client and a long-term one. Aim for long-term clients, because in the process of work you will be able to tune in with them on the same wavelength and subsequently understand each other perfectly.

This will save you a lot of time, which you can use to create content, which means you can earn more money.

Step #6: Write, Edit, Write, Edit

No matter how trivial it may sound, it is unrealistic to become a pro in 2 months. You need to write a lot. And devote no less time to the process of editing the material. Usually I do this:

  • I'm writing in the first aisle. I’m just writing while I have something to write. I try to get all the available information out of my head.
  • Editing in the first pass. We go through the text as a reader. We look for errors, repetitions, look where “” is missing.
  • We write in the second pass. Essentially these are improvements. But it happens that in the second pass I can write a section of 5-10 thousand characters into the article, which is equivalent to a separate article.
  • Editing again. Editing is a bird's eye view of your article. You need to find the “crooked” places and put them in order. Add facts, examples from life. In general, make the article killer.

Then we put the article aside for a day or two and do other work. After a while, we return to work with a clear head to go through the text again and make it even better. Reboot helps clear your mind and a fresh look allows you to find weak points in the text and make the material even better.

Pros and cons of the profession, its prospects

Copywriters are one of the most in-demand professions on the Internet and will remain so for a very long time. This is due to the fact that all websites are text based. Almost all questions that you type into a search engine are answered in the text.

Even on Youtube, where there are only videos, text is important. Firstly, experienced video bloggers write a script before each release or hire copywriters to write it for them. Secondly, the text is inserted under the video in the description, where they indicate some important information from the video, key thoughts and points, links and descriptions of some services or products discussed in the video.

If you look deeper, the reason for the popularity of text is that the ranking mechanisms of Yandex and Google are based on text processing. Therefore, for a very long time, text will be the main tool for webmasters, with the help of which they will be able to create articles answering user questions, promote their sites on the Internet and thereby earn money.

Therefore, if you intend to make money on the Internet, then copywriting is a profession that will not undergo a trend, the amount of work will not decrease, or any ban will be imposed. This work will always be in demand.

Here are a few more advantages in favor of copywriting:

  • You only need internet access and a computer.
  • Mastering copywriting is much easier and faster than, for example, programming, design or video processing.
  • Work at a convenient time. You may only work in the evenings or on weekends. No one is tying you to a five-day working week from eight to five. This can be done either on a permanent basis or combined with other types of income or permanent work.
  • Mental development. When doing copywriting, you will constantly learn some new information. This will help expand your horizons, increase vocabulary, will make you a more well-read and interesting conversationalist.
  • No connection to the workplace. You can earn this income while traveling. I know authors who move to Thailand or Bali for the winter; the income from copywriting is enough for them to rent a small house there, swim and sunbathe, and eat fruit. The author of these lines has already more than a year lives in Gelendzhik, where he moved with his family from Moscow, where he lived for three years, and before that he lived for another 30 years in Nizhnevartovsk, Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug, where winter is almost 9 months a year. It is worth mentioning that this became possible not thanks to copywriting, but thanks to the opportunity to make money on the Internet in general. I had several online projects, including several online stores. But each project could not be carried out without competent texts, which I mostly wrote myself. So you can’t go anywhere without copywriting.

To be completely honest with the reader, it is necessary to cite the disadvantages, before you make a final decision whether you should engage in this type of activity or not.

  • For most authors, this will be a low-paying job. Due to its accessibility to a wide range of people, copywriting is a low-paying job. The webmaster, by posting his task, will receive big list willing and will choose the cheapest. Everything is in your hands. You are what you think about yourself. If you think like a loser, you will be a loser. If you set ambitious goals for yourself, methodically move towards the goal, have endurance and self-discipline, then everything will work out.
  • Copywriting is not always interesting. Often you come across tedious tasks on some construction topic that you may not understand, but in order to earn at least something you will have to understand.
  • You need discipline and responsibility, which not everyone has. If you are late with any order, you will lose your rating, and with it, access to more expensive orders. You will have to develop a rating from scratch, which is not always fast.
  • Hemorrhoidal customers. You will come across customers who sometimes themselves do not understand what they want and therefore cannot clearly set the task, and then they begin to “trick your brain,” which will irritate and irritate you.
  • Copywriting is sedentary work, which affects your health if you don’t take breaks and exercise. Fortunately, a free work schedule allows this. You can pause work at any time and go for a walk. However, sometimes you get so busy that you simply forget about it. And then you look sadly at the scales, red eyes and hunched back.

As a conclusion

So, friends! Our article is coming to an end. The topic of copywriting is very broad. But we tried to reveal the main points so that every beginner has a clear idea of ​​who a copywriter is and what he does.

If you intend to seriously engage in copywriting and create high-quality texts, then study all the materials on the hashtag. There are a lot of tips there that will help you correctly determine the audience of your future article, prepare a plan (structure) for the article, make an exciting beginning, teach you how to beautifully design articles, find and correctly include examples from life in the article, exclude “water” and add “meat”.

Video for dessert: A clever cat masterfully escaped from the gopnik cats

Do you know why in 10 years good copywriters will receive huge fees? For two reasons.

First: everyone will have to engage in content marketing in conditions of information noise, the amount of which will be prohibitive, and the consequence of this will be only one thing: the audience will ignore average quality content, just as they ignore television advertising today. This content will be equated to information noise. Only exceptional texts will work, which can only be created by copywriters who put the super-correct words in the super-correct order.

Second: there will still be few such copywriters, and the need for them will only grow.

A copywriter is an ordinary person with an unusual ability to work. There is a 10,000-hour rule, which says: to become a professional in some business, you need to devote exactly that number of hours of your life to it. Naturally, if you have potential in this direction (your soul lies, to put it differently), your chances of success increase.

Basically, from childhood I knew that my profession would one way or another be related to writing texts. She started as a journalist for a municipal newspaper, later worked on one of the cable channels as a news editor and announcer, and at the same time was the editor-in-chief of another municipal newspaper. But the moment came when I realized that all this made no sense. The target audience of print publications began to move to the Internet; the topics I had to write about were not interesting to me. This is how I ended up in a company that was engaged in interior design and needed content support for the website. My bosses liked my work, and soon, at their request, I began writing for third-party companies. And then I ended up at Texterra, whose position - to write texts for people, not for search engines - I immediately liked. Perhaps this is exactly what I would like to do.

Our profession is an excellent training for the brain and fine motor skills :) Seriously, I like that within a given topic you have a sufficient amount of freedom, the opportunity to look at the topic from different angles. And the skill of quickly immersing yourself in any topic to an expert level is very useful in life: choosing a camera, providing first aid to an injured person, making repairs in a house...

Perhaps the only difficulty is finding an approach to routine work. When you have to write several texts on the same topic (for example, when filling out product cards), it is important to avoid “clichés” and maintain originality in each of them.

When writing any text, including advertising, the most important thing is to remain honest and objective, not to write about advantages that do not exist, and not to create the illusion of the absence of disadvantages. And, of course, there should not be a single unverified fact in the articles.

I hope that in 10 years, meaningless texts written on a “turnkey” basis will completely disappear from the market. And I would really like to believe that the level of literacy on the Internet will increase: when you see text with tags on the website of a seemingly reputable company, it is terribly annoying.

I liked to write essays at school. Wrote materials for a corporate newspaper and local media while working in the financial sector. In 2009, I realized that copywriting is an opportunity to make my profession an activity that I really like. I believe that I help people receive necessary information, which means I’m doing a good job.

Having to work with technical topics was the biggest challenge for me. I am a humanist, so I was afraid of mistakes when I made materials, for example, about pipeline fittings. I realized that the more time I spend studying a topic, the better the text turns out. Main secret- look at the material through the eyes of the reader while working on it. This helps to create an article specifically for the audience.

Speaking of expectations... Personally, I expect convenient and inexpensive voice input devices to appear. While working, I usually walk around the room, thinking about the material. It's inconvenient to get up and sit down all the time :)

Once upon a time I received a certificate of higher philological education and the official specialty of “Russian language teacher”. And I immediately realized that teaching was not for me. I went into advertising, worked in journalism, and was a full-time copywriter. When I was about to go on maternity leave, my employer offered me to work from home. And I never returned to the office.

For me, working with words is what my soul is about. It's interesting, it poses new problems and allows you to improve by solving them.

When I started my journey in copywriting about three years ago, I could not even imagine that this activity would become my main one, because... The initial goal was to earn a little extra money. I very quickly realized that this profession, like any other, requires a serious approach, so I took several educational courses and trainings, which, in addition to knowledge, gave me self-confidence. Since then, I can’t imagine my life without copywriting, which I no longer associate only with making money: new knowledge, new discoveries, constant movement forward - that’s what attracts me most!

A copywriter has to be a jack of all trades, or rather, a jack of all trades. Texts on various topics require relevant knowledge, and sometimes you need to immerse yourself in a narrowly focused, complex topic. But this is also a huge plus at the same time - a copywriter is improving all the time.

This activity gives space to the creative soul. Therefore, if you like to create something new, and hundreds of ideas are constantly born in your head, perhaps the profession of a copywriter will become your calling.

We must try to write for people, because the easier the text is to understand, the more effort you need to put into writing it. The reward is the feeling of satisfaction from a job well done!

What will happen tomorrow

Currently, the main customers of copywriting services are commercial organizations. Text writing is carried out taking into account the requirements described in the technical specifications, in which the client provides information about how he wants the content to be seen. Today, the material is accepted if the customer is satisfied. Tomorrow, the customer’s opinion will play a significant role, but much more important will be the real facts that are important for marketing: the number of natural links to the page, audience comments, whether the text converts customers. You will understand that content marketing is not a general feeling; success can be measured in numbers. It doesn't matter what the client thinks about the text, what matters is whether the text works. Only super professionals can create such content. Victor Ignatiev, one of our copywriters, suggested that in 10 years the market will be fiercely competitive, in which only competent copywriters with extensive knowledge in marketing and advertising will survive. We are sure that it will be so.


Copywriter(English copy - manuscript, text, write - write) is the author of advertising texts, be it a brand name, a slogan, the advertising text itself and its components, an article, a press release, a script commercial on television, on the Internet or on radio and so on. The profession is suitable for those who are interested in Russian language and literature (see choosing a profession based on interest in school subjects).

Features of the profession

First of all, the scope of a copywriter’s activity includes developing the concept of a brand or advertising campaign, in accordance with the creative task (brief). He works on this assignment together with the art director responsible for the visual part of the project.

The copywriter then puts these ideas and concepts into words. When creating advertising texts, a copywriter takes into account the goals of a specific advertising or branding campaign, the spirit of the brand and its target audience. He receives this and other important information from the brief, which is specially created for the work of the creative team by the strategic planning or marketing department, or the project manager.

The copywriter is responsible for the text part of the project, from the first presentations of ideas to the final version of all materials. His participation in the preparation of presentations may also include preparing logical explanation, that is, a defense, idea or concept.

The copywriter delves into marketing goals clients and the essence of each brand with which it directly works. He is often present at the recording of radio and video clips, supervising the work with the text of the script of actors, pop artists and other characters in the advertising campaign. He is also actively involved in selecting the face of the advertising campaign.

But besides such diverse and creative work, the copywriter also deals with the adaptation of foreign advertising campaigns for the Russian market and the artistic translation of advertising slogans, texts and scripts for television and radio advertising from foreign languages ​​into Russian.

There is also such a type of copywriter as SEO copywriters who develop texts exclusively for the Internet. The prefix SEO stands for Search Engine Optimization, which means “search optimization”. The peculiarity of these copywriters is to work on optimizing text material to increase the popularity of the site, which is achieved required quantity in the text of keywords and phrases that an Internet user sets in search engines.

Copywriter training

The specialty of a copywriter can be acquired at a university that has an advertising department. The Faculty of Philology and the Faculty of Journalism are also suitable. Training courses are possible.

You will be taught (newsletters, blogs, articles, posts) to create unique texts for search engines and evaluate their quality from an SEO point of view. The course is 20% theory and 80% practical. Classes are held 2-3 times a week on weekdays or weekends; missed classes can be attended with another group. Groups of 5-7 people. Based on the results of the exam, a diploma is issued. Possibility of payment in installments. Branches in 33 cities of the Russian Federation. All schools operate on the basis of an educational license.


A copywriter works in advertising, branding and PR agencies, as well as in the marketing or advertising departments of various companies. In large agencies, the copywriter reports to the head of the creative team and creative director, while he himself may be appointed head of the creative group. Works in tandem with the art director, forming a so-called creative couple - an important unit of the agency’s creative department. The creative couple combines the visual and verbal elements of advertising and branding.


Salary as of 03/12/2019

Russia 17241—50000 ₽

Moscow 20000—75000 ₽

Important qualities

A copywriter has creative thinking, breadth of intelligence, inexhaustible curiosity and observation. But the main thing: a love of words, because he sometimes even listens to conversations on the street in order to understand what trends exist in speech today, and he may also have a tendency to look for new meanings and unexpected definitions.

Knowledge and skills

The copywriter knows Russian perfectly and also speaks English. Knows the history of advertising and follows modern trends its development. Explores contemporary culture. Has skills in working with tools for creating advertising texts, and also understands the similarities and differences in techniques for creating advertising texts for various products and services.

The profession of a copywriter has appeared on the domestic labor market quite recently, allowing people to work without leaving home.

So who is a copywriter and what does he do? This is a person who writes texts to order. He can create articles for information resources, various Internet sites, advertising brochures and even newspapers. Work in a cozy environment, unlimited income, the opportunity to learn new interesting information - it seems that one can only dream about this. However, not everything in this profession is so clear...

How to become a copywriter from scratch?

To become a copywriter, you don’t need absolutely anything: no education in your specialty, no courses, no material expenses. That's why remote work available to students, young mothers, pensioners and everyone

  • Find out about the profession from free sources - study specialized sites, visit forums to imagine what kind of work you will have to do;
  • Register on several copywriting exchanges that offer writing texts from home. Be prepared to complete several simple test tasks, write a short essay and pass the exam;
  • Study the functionality of the exchange and its rules - you should not start working without this point. Fill out your profile, indicating what topics you are willing to write about, what interests you, and what knowledge you have;
  • Complete a few simple orders - you don’t have to chase topics that seem incomprehensible to you just because of the high price. At first, it’s better to write about what seems most familiar to you. The main thing is to avoid mistakes and deliver the work within the deadline strictly specified by the customer;
  • Create a portfolio - add here the articles that you have already written so that the customer can evaluate your style and ability to work;
  • Increase your rating - it’s not difficult to do, you just need to write well and competently. Over time, you will have regular customers, and your reputation will allow you to take any orders that you can fulfill. Authors from the top of the exchange can become a reference point - study it to know what you are aiming for;
  • Don’t stop there – master new resources, write tests for sale, look for direct vacancies. Broaden your horizons, increase the number of topics for work, improve your literacy, choose the highest paying orders. In addition, you can create your own blog - how additional source earnings.

A responsible approach to work and the ability to write competently will do their job - you can turn copywriting into a source of stable income.

How much can you earn doing copywriting?

A copywriter’s income consists of how much time a specialist spends on work, as well as the average cost of a thousand written characters. The type of texts a person writes also influences, since the level of payment for informational and selling articles can differ tens of times. To calculate how much the author will receive, you need to consider:

  • Prices on exchanges - often customers offer payment of 40-80 rubles / thousand characters without spaces. Although the price level is unlimited;
  • The speed at which a person works. At first, authors will spend more time writing texts, but once they get used to the exchange, time costs will be reduced. On average, it takes one hour to write a text of 3-5 thousand characters if the topic is familiar, about two if you are mastering a new direction;
  • The time you are willing to devote to work. Accordingly, if you just want to get a small increase in your salary, you can spend a couple of hours every day, but if you plan to have a stable income, you will have to work 8 hours.

Simple mathematics allows us to calculate that an ordinary copywriter receives 150-400 rubles per hour, while the income of professionals is higher. What your earnings will be depends on your desire, so you can write a couple of texts a month to pay for the Internet and telephone, or work daily and receive several thousand a day– the level of income is practically unlimited. On average, a full-time author earns 20 thousand rubles a month.

Advantages and disadvantages of working as a copywriter

Copywriting is not a dream, not easy work and, of course, not the opportunity to get big money, doing nothing .

Although this profession has a lot of advantages:

  • Flexible schedule – you can work at night, late in the evening, on weekends, in general, whenever it’s convenient. You will also be able to easily plan your vacation, work not every day, but, for example, on certain days;
  • Working in a comfortable atmosphere - however, only if there is a separate room or household members will not interfere;
  • Saving time - you don’t have to get ready for work in the morning, you don’t have to travel across the city. Just turn on your computer and start writing text;
  • There is no need to pay taxes - regulatory authorities will not be interested in you, even if you receive a stable and high income;
  • The ability to independently regulate your earnings. For example, if you need to pay rent in the coming days or need money for treatment, you can work more actively, receiving more funds, and if no expenses are planned, you will be able to relax a little, working in a gentle manner;
  • You will expand your horizons - you will be able to show off your knowledge in the company of friends, you will always be aware of the latest events, and learn to write beautifully and competently. For a student copywriter, writing a term paper or thesis- no big deal.

However, there is a few disadvantages Things to consider before becoming a copywriter:

  • You work unofficially - most likely, you will not be able to get a loan, since there will be no proof of income, and difficulties may arise when you retire;
  • You will communicate less with other people, since meetings between colleagues in copywriting are rather an exception;
  • No one is pushing you, so it is extremely difficult for a lazy person to organize his work day, which affects his income level.

As for the competition in this area, it is really high, but if a copywriter does a high-quality job, writes interesting articles, he will soon have a lot of regular customers, and the problem of finding a job will be solved - they will start contacting you personal offers.

Types of copywriting

Working as a copywriter includes writing articles of various types. The author can independently choose what kind of work to do from the proposed list of types of copywriting:

  • Rewriting– creating a text based on one or more articles from the Internet, that is, you read the source and write the text, preserving the meaning and sometimes the structure. However, you should not confuse rewriting with replacing words of a synonym - in the latter case, sooner or later you will be blocked and you will not be able to work;
  • Copywriting– the author writes a unique text not only based on articles from the Internet, he analyzes his own experience, expresses a personal opinion, makes the article different from other materials from the Internet;
  • SEO copywriting– writing text using keywords, that is, you need to beautifully enter into the article the phrases that the customer provided you.

You can also distinguish another classification depending on what kind of text you are creating:

  • Informational articles - you write about a given topic with the sole purpose of informing the future reader interesting information, reveal the topic, express your point of view;
  • Advertising texts– they are created in order to interest the consumer in goods or services, the level of payment here is higher;
  • Optimized texts - accordingly, in the body of the article you will need to enter certain words and phrases that will allow robots to index the text faster.

It is better for the author to start his work with rewriting and information articles, and take advertising orders after he has acquired skills in this area. Otherwise, you risk letting the customer down and receiving negative feedback about your work.

What copywriting exchanges are there?

There are a lot of platforms where the future author will start working. To begin with, it is better to choose open exchanges, where you do not need to take an exam and pass tests - here you can get your hands on and gain invaluable experience. Some of the most worthy exchanges include:

  • Etxt – here authors do not need to pass an exam, there is always a large selection of orders, although competition is high, the level of payment is relatively low;
  • Advego - there are no tests here, but there are always a lot of orders, there is work to write comments, the pay is low, there are a lot of competitors. But it has its own exchange for selling articles. You can write on any topic - articles that sell here sell well;
  • Text.ru is another open exchange where there are not very many orders, prices are average, but you can still find decent options for earning money. There is competition here too, but not as high as on the two previous resources;
  • Turbotext – to get here, you will have to pass tests and write a short article. There are always a lot of orders here, you can immediately take them to work without waiting for the customer’s decision. The pay level is average;
  • ContentMonster – first, you will be asked to take tests, and then write an article. There are a lot of orders here, competition is low, prices are above average, however, high-quality work is required from authors - your articles will be regularly checked by moderators;
  • Monika is a fairly young exchange where there are always orders, however, the choice of topics is organic, the work is checked by an editor, and the level of payment is low.

Also, do not forget about other exchanges, for example, TextSale, where you can successfully sell articles, CopyLancer - a resource with low competition, Miratext - there is a strict selection for authors, but the prices here are above average.

  • Be careful when filling out your profile - having a portfolio and information about you will allow customers to make a choice in your favor;
  • Do not take on orders that you cannot complete efficiently - evaluate them adequately own strength;
  • Don't write for nothing, even if you're a beginner. Suggestions from experienced customers who want you to write for 5 rubles should be ignored. The minimum you can start with is 25-40 rubles;
  • Improve your literacy - visit all kinds of resources and forums dedicated to the rules of the Russian language, try to read more;
  • Plan your personal time carefully - delays are the main mistake of beginning professionals, which can put an end to your career;
  • Always strictly fulfill the customer’s requirements, respond adequately to criticism, remember that you have room to grow, so you can always write texts even better;
  • If for some reason it is impossible to fulfill the order, or you do not meet the deadline, warn the customer, most people will meet you halfway, however, you should not abuse this.

If any controversial issues arise, you can always turn to the exchange administration for help. The resource is interested not only in customers, but also in competent authors, which generate income for site owners, so your problem will be solved in as soon as possible.


Working as a copywriter involves writing articles that will later be posted on the Internet. As in any profession, there are advantages and disadvantages, but if you want to earn an income that depends only on you, you know how to write beautifully and competently, you are diligent and organized, this type of work suits you. Choose an exchange and start your journey - believe me, you can master copywriting too.