Mastopexy is one of the methods of surgical breast correction. Mastopexy and its types

Suspender mammary glands called an operation that helps correct the shape of the breast. Women who want to restore youth and firmness to their bust agree to undergo this procedure.

Indications for surgery

How much does a breast lift cost? This is the first question that interests women who are dissatisfied with the shape of their breasts. The cost of such an operation directly depends on the pricing policy of the clinic that provides this service.

This type of operation is mandatory prescribed to women who have mastoptosis. This pathology causes sagging breasts.

The problem may appear due to the following factors:

  1. Pregnancy and breastfeeding;
  2. Rapid weight loss;
  3. Loss of skin elasticity due to age-related changes.

A specialist can sign a patient up for surgery if he sees asymmetry of the mammary glands or a manifestation of chronic dermatitis in the chest area. The last reason is considered the most compelling.

Indeed, due to drooping mammary glands, there is no normal ventilation of the skin in this part of the body.

Pay attention! Absolutely any woman who is dissatisfied with the shape of her own bust can find out how much breast lift surgery costs and sign up for it. The specialist must agree to this procedure if the patient has no contraindications to its implementation.

Photos before and after mastopexy

How is breast lift surgery performed? Stages

Breast lift surgery, like any other similar procedure, takes place in several successive stages. The doctor must inform his patient about each of them in advance. It is worth taking a closer look at each step of the surgical procedure.


To obtain permission for plastic surgery, you must pass a series of mandatory tests. Based on their results, the specialist will understand whether such a procedure is safe.

Before surgery, you should provide your doctor with the results of the following tests:

  1. General and biochemical analysis blood;
  2. Chest X-ray;
  3. Ultrasound of the mammary glands;
  4. Test for HIV, RW, HCV, HbSAg.

You must also provide a certificate from a mammologist. He must give the patient his permission for the operation.

Before surgery

Before the procedure, a woman should be interested in questions not only about how much a breast lift costs, but also about the rules for preparing for it. The doctor is obliged to tell you what exactly the patient needs to do before the operation so that she has positive result.

Read the popular site article:

To begin with, you should prepare a number of necessary documents and things that will be needed in the clinic.

Don't forget about your passport insurance policy And medical card. It is also worth taking personal hygiene products with you. If desired, a woman can bring magazines, books or mobile devices to keep in touch and watch movies.

A couple of weeks before the scheduled surgery you need to:

  1. Eliminate fried and smoked foods from your diet. From too fatty foods It’s also better to refuse;
  2. Get rid of bad habits, especially from smoking. The point is that smoking women are more susceptible to blood clots during surgery;
  3. Stop taking oral contraceptives. This point should be discussed at the stage of consultation with a specialist, when the woman finds out how much a breast lift costs and whether she has a chance to get into this procedure. Discontinuation hormonal drugs will reduce the risk of blood clots;
  4. One week before mastopexy it is advisable to avoid intensive physical activity. It will be possible to resume sports only a couple of months after breast correction.


Many doctors, when answering the question of how much a breast lift costs, cite the amount that already includes the cost of anesthesia. Thanks to this, the clinic’s patient can immediately calculate her costs for correcting a sagging bust.

For such surgical interventions, local anesthesia and general anesthesia are provided. In the first case, using a needle, the doctor introduces a special composition that allows you to numb the area where the operation is planned. At the same time, the woman is conscious. If successful, she can go home the same day.

General anesthesia Doesn't work the same way as local anesthesia.

It is used only if extensive surgery is required. Most patients tolerate anesthesia well. However, many still prefer to choose the first option, since it eliminates high probability appearance side effects and complications.

Important to remember! To avoid unpleasant consequences After administering anesthesia or anesthesia, the doctor must make sure in advance that the patient will respond well to the anesthetic composition.


The duration of surgery directly depends on the choice of operation, which will help correct the shape of sagging mammary glands. On average, this procedure takes from 40 minutes to 3 hours.


After the operation, the doctor should monitor the patient’s condition for some time. To do this, she will have to spend 1-2 days in the hospital. If there are no signs of illness, the patient is sent home.


During rehabilitation, the body of a patient who has undergone breast correction must fully recover. During this period, wounds heal and scars resulting from surgery heal.

Rehabilitation after a breast lift lasts several months. It may take longer if the woman has complications.

On average, after mastopexy, the body fully recovers in one and a half months.

Pay attention! The rehabilitation period will pass quickly and easily only if the patient follows all the doctor’s recommendations regarding her further actions after surgery.

After surgery

The first few days after breast correction, a woman will feel pain. To eliminate them, she will have to take painkillers prescribed by her doctor. You will need to wear special underwear for the next couple of months. It should not be removed even before bed. This underwear helps keep your breasts in the desired position.

At proper care they will disappear 10 months after the plastic procedure.

What determines the cost of a breast lift?

A breast lift costs a lot. A woman can find out how much she needs to pay for such an operation from a plastic surgeon. The final price of the procedure mainly depends on the amount of work and its complexity.

The qualifications and professionalism of the doctor who will perform the mastopexy are also taken into account.

Types of mastopexy surgery techniques and average prices of Moscow clinics

There are several types of surgeries that help correct imperfect breast shape. Many of them are included in the list of services provided by Moscow clinics.

Clinic Technique How much does a breast lift cost?
"MedicCity"Periareolar mastopexy71500 rub.
"SM-Clinic"Vertical mastopexy70,000 rub.
"Miracle Doctor"Anchor or T-shaped mastopexy93500 rub.
"Tsar's Clinic"Endoscopic or L-shaped mastopexy110,000 rub.

To find out the exact cost different types breast lift, you need to call the selected clinic in Moscow. The nurse on duty will definitely answer this question and also make an appointment if such a need arises.

Cost of breast lift surgery in neighboring countries

You can find a lot abroad good clinics, in which mastopexy is performed. Many women, wanting to get the best results from this procedure, go to neighboring countries.

The average cost of a breast lift in neighboring countries is as follows:

  1. Ukraine – 1300 USD;
  2. Belarus – 1800 USD;
  3. Lithuania – 2200 USD;
  4. Georgia – 3300 USD.

These are the average prices for a breast lift. The final cost of the procedure may vary depending on the clinic chosen.

If a woman wants to get a positive result after mastopexy, she should trust a qualified doctor who can boast of a lot of rave reviews addressed to her.

When choosing a clinic and specialist, you should remember the following nuances:

  1. Don’t completely trust the clinic’s advertising.. After all, the information contained in it may not correspond to reality. It is best to ask real patients about the quality of services provided by a medical institution. Such information can be found on various forums where people rate and express their opinions about various clinics;
  2. It wouldn’t hurt to explore the interior of the clinic itself and a chamber in which the woman will have to spend some time. It should not repel or cause negative emotions;
  3. Don't try to save money during the procedure, choosing the cheapest clinic. Too much low cost should scare away potential clients, as it may indicate lack of professionalism plastic surgeons and point out poor living conditions for patients.

You should not make hasty decisions when choosing a suitable clinic. If a woman trusts a bad specialist, she risks losing not only her own beauty, but also her health.

Surgery to correct the shape of the mammary glands and breast lift is very popular in a huge number of women around the world. Many of them are satisfied with the results obtained. By agreeing to mastopexy, you can not only solve the problem of breast prolapse, but also get rid of complexes about your appearance.

Useful video about how much a breast lift costs:


When deciding to have a breast lift, you need to have a clear idea of ​​what it will be like. postoperative period. Let's try to cover this issue in more detail.

Once the anesthesia wears off, the surgical area will be tender and painful for a few hours, but the pain is much less than the pain after breast augmentation. Your movements will be somewhat limited, and the operated areas may swell, and you may experience slight swelling and a feeling of tightness.

Recovery after surgery will take some time: you will be able to go home only after 2-3 days, and you will be able to start work no earlier than a week after the operation. This is due to the fact that postoperative period should flow at rest: You will be advised not to raise your arms high above your head, as this will cause unnecessary tension in the seams. For at least three weeks You will wear special compression garments that support the mammary glands in their new position around the clock.

As for playing sports, you will be able to return to them only 4 weeks after the operation: at first the loads should be minimal, they should be increased gradually. But in fact, it is advisable not to exercise for 3 months to allow the scar tissue to reach its full strength.

The swelling will finally go away in 1-2 months, the breasts will become symmetrical, and you will be able to evaluate the result!

The main complications during breast lift are: inflammation, bleeding (occur rarely and do not require additional interventions), hematomas (do not affect the result, are treated without surgery). During breast lift surgery, only the skin is removed, so there is a risk of complications postoperative period is reduced to a minimum.

However, after breast lift surgery, breast sensitivity in the nipple area often decreases: when excess skin is excised, some branches of the tactile nerves leading to the nipple are intersected. Sensitivity usually returns within a month or two after a breast lift, and in most patients it is completely restored within six months. In some patients, sensitivity remains reduced. It is impossible to determine in advance whether nipple sensitivity will return to you, so you should think carefully about how much this function is important to you and are you willing to sacrifice it. After breast lift surgery, the mammary glands may be somewhat asymmetrical, but this asymmetry almost completely disappears after 6 months. Only in in rare cases There remains a slight difference in the size and shape of the breasts, because the patient had similar asymmetry before the operation.

Necrosis of the nipple or skin flaps does not occur if the marking and operation were performed by a competently qualified surgeon. As for scars, if the incisions are sutured correctly, the scars will fade over time and merge with the surrounding skin, but do not disappear completely. Breast lift surgery usually does not affect the ability to breastfeed, because modern methods are designed so that the milk ducts are not affected during the operation. Results may be permanent, but sudden weight changes are common, and age-related changes may require revision in 5 to 10 years

What is mastopexy

Mastopexy or breast lift is surgery, the goal of which is to improve the appearance of the breast by lifting it and correcting its shape. It is also possible to reduce the size of the nipple and areola.

The reason for the prolapse of the mammary gland is its weight and the loss of the skin's former elasticity. Pregnancy, significant weight loss, or, conversely, weight gain can lead to changes and worsening of its form. During the operation, the surgeon removes excess skin and moves the breast tissue with the nipple-areolar complex upward.

In general, mastopexy should be done for those with small breasts. This is due to the fact that this operation is most effective for low breast weight. If the breasts are large, the effect will not last long.

Preparing for mastopexy surgery

Preparations for mastopexy should begin with a consultation with a mammologist and surgeon. Specialists should examine the mammary glands and make necessary measurements. Because of not very good condition breast or any diseases, a specialist may prohibit this operation.

If everything is in order, then the specialist should tell the patient in detail about the operation and all its possible consequences. All questions must be asked prior to surgery. In addition, you will need to undergo an examination and take blood, urine, ECG, and sugar tests. The woman will also have to consult with an oncologist and an anesthesiologist.

The operation can only be performed if the patient is completely healthy. It cannot be carried out even during a normal acute respiratory infection.

10 days before surgery, you should stop smoking and stop taking medications that include aspirin, vitamin E and lecithin.

You should take a bath the evening before surgery. Dinner should be light. You must bring a soft bra without a metal base. You cannot use cosmetics and there should be no polish on your nails.

Carrying out mastopexy surgery

Mastopexy is most often performed using general anesthesia. If the incision is very small, sometimes the doctor can only use local anesthesia, combining it with sedatives.

This operation lasts 1.5 - 3 hours. Mastopexy incisions may vary. The incision marks the area from which the skin will be removed. In addition, it defines a new position for the nipple-halo complex. The stitch is placed around the areola and on a vertical line that extends down from the nipple area to the lower crease of the breast. The full result of the operation will not appear immediately, but only after 2 – 3 months.

A woman should know that after such an operation there are always scars at the site of the sutures. The effect of mastopexy does not last forever. Over time, the breasts will return to their previous state. In addition, during the operation it is almost impossible to achieve complete symmetry.

After the operation, the woman will be able to return home in a couple of days, and go to work only after a week. For a month after mastopexy, it is not recommended to lift weights above chest level. Although surgery does not increase the risk of developing oncological diseases breast, but a year after it will be necessary to undergo a mammogram.

Types of mastopexy

Today there are several standard types mastopexy.

Full mastopexy. This operation necessary for women with noticeable changes in the shape of the mammary glands. It involves making an anchor-shaped incision. The incision goes from the base of the areola to the bottom of the breast. After this, the surgeon cuts out a small area of ​​skin above the junction of the chest and rib cartilage. This area is shaped like a crescent. In this case, the nipple is cut off and sewn to a new place higher. After this type of operation, noticeable scars remain. Over time they decrease.

At crescent breast lift the doctor cuts out a crescent-shaped piece of skin above the areola. The nipple is not cut off, but only pulled higher. This type is suitable for women with a slight degree of breast prolapse.

Benelli breast lift differs in an even lesser degree of invasiveness. In this type of mastopexy, the surgeon cuts out a donut-shaped area of ​​skin around the areola. He sews the remaining tissue to the areola, around which a small scar then remains. Sometimes the doctor cuts out a flap of skin a little more large size. This makes it possible to increase the effectiveness of the tightening.

Benelli-Lollipop mastopexy is a combination of the Benelli technique with a direct incision. This incision is made from under the areola and goes to the inframammary fold. This operation gives best results in those patients for whom Benelli mastopexy is not enough, but complete mastopexy is also not required.

Side effects of mastopexy

All side effects Mastopexies can be divided into temporary and permanent. Temporary ones include: painful sensations and discomfort when performing certain movements; decreased sensitivity; swelling of the mammary glands. Permanent: scars after stitches; reduction in the size of the nipples and areola; increased or decreased sensitivity of the nipples.

As for such serious complications As for bleeding and infection, they are very rare. Post-operative scars are usually quite extensive. They can often long time remain rough and reddish. But then they take on the appearance of thin white lines. They will be easy to hide even when wearing low-cut clothing.

Mastopexy: postoperative period

After surgery, the sutures are covered with a special sterile film. The wounds will hurt for a while and the breasts will be swollen. Then it will pass.

Typically, a woman will need to wear a surgical bra along with the surgical dressing. It is worn for 21 days, after which the remaining skin sutures are removed.

Breast augmentation and mastopexy

Every woman who is thinking about breast augmentation hopes and expects that implants will not only enlarge them, but also eliminate sagging and improve their shape. However, this is not true. We'll tell you why.

Firstly, by placing into breast tissue, e.g. silicone implant(or saline - there is no difference), the chest is already becoming heavier than it was before. That is, a factor is added here that influences breast sagging. Further, increasing the drooping breast will cause the nipple to remain in its original place. That is, it will appear higher relative to the level of the body, but relative to, for example, the level of the inframammary fold, it will remain at the same level as it was before the operation.

Breast augmentation without mastopexy

Since breast enlargement itself does not lead to an increase in the level of the nipples, that is, it does not “lift” the breasts, women undergoing breast enlargement surgery should take this into account and be prepared for the result.

Mastopexy leads to scarring on the breast itself, which may be unacceptable for some women. Therefore, they may choose breast augmentation surgery without a lift. In addition, in women with slight sagging breasts, after the installation of implants, the latter gradually go down a little, which leads to a slight rise in the level of the nipples.

Breast augmentation in cases of moderate to severe sagging

In these cases, breast augmentation surgery alone will not work, as the results will be unsatisfactory. Installing implants in such a breast leads to the fact that it will serve as a “bag” for them, and such breasts will look unnatural. This causes a protrusion to form in the upper part of the chest. If the implants are lowered in this case to avoid the formation of a protrusion in the upper part of the breast, it may occur in the lower part. This results in a so-called double protrusion.

What to do? The formation of a protrusion in the upper part of the breast or a double protrusion in the lower part of the breast can occur after breast augmentation surgery with moderate drooping, but is more typical for severe drooping breasts. However, despite this, many women may choose breast augmentation without a lift. If after this they have these changes breast shape, then you can’t do without mastopexy.

Therefore, it is often mastopexy carried out together with breast enlargement. Mastopexy with implant installation is sometimes the only option possible method full recovery breast shape and volume.

Breast lift with implants can be performed on women who naturally have small breasts lost her aesthetic appearance after childbirth, due to natural aging processes or due to sudden weight loss.

Breast augmentation can also be performed on women who have always dreamed of larger breasts and, having decided to mastopexy, came to the conclusion that breast augmentation was necessary. In a word, the reasons may be completely different, but the main thing is that at the modern level plastic surgery can be picked up best solution specifically your problem.

Vertical mastopexy is a breast lift surgery. The main goal of this type of surgery is to change the shape of the breast without the use of implants. Today, vertical mastopexy is becoming increasingly popular, as many women, after breastfeeding or other changes, want to return their breasts to their previous shape and firmness.

Mastopexy as a type of surgical intervention has deep roots. If you trust ancient sources, then for the first time such procedures to change the size and parameters of the breast were carried out during the existence of the Roman Empire. However, mastopexy finally took shape as a plastic surgery only closer to the 21st century and became available to the majority of the fair sex. Today, vertical mastopexy with endoprosthetics is increasingly being performed, as most women pursue the goal of increasing breast volume.

Due to various factors a woman gradually develops mastoptosis - a phenomenon in which there is a severe loss of elasticity skin tissue in the chest area. Due to stretching of the skin, the breast begins to change shape, and the mammary gland becomes flatter. Under the influence of these processes, the nipple and areola gradually fall down, due to which the breast as a whole takes on a not very beautiful appearance.

There are the following types of ptosis:

  1. True mastoptosis, which consists of downward displacement of soft tissue, as well as the nipple and areola.
  2. False. With such ptosis, the nipple does not change its position. Due to stretching skin and sagging breasts, the mammary gland becomes flatter, and the part of the breast located under the nipple becomes larger.

In addition, mastoptosis is also classified according to the severity of the disease:

  • Minimal ptosis. In this case, the displacement of the nipple is observed over a short distance; it is located approximately at the level of the fold of skin located under the breast.
  • Moderate ptosis. This phenomenon is observed when the displacement of the nipple occurs below the specified fold.
  • Severe ptosis. In this situation, the nipple is moved significantly below the fold of skin under the breast and is placed on the lower pole of the breast. This form is the most complex, with the nipple pointing downwards.

Mastopexy with a vertical scar is especially effective for stage 3 ptosis, when nipple elevation is required by more than two centimeters.

What can a facelift surgery do?

In addition to a woman’s satisfaction with her own figure, mastopexy allows her to achieve other significant results, namely, to eliminate the following problems:

  1. Asymmetrical arrangement of the mammary glands.
  2. Location of the nipple and halos in the lower part of the breast.
  3. Pronounced stretch marks left after feeding or losing weight.
  4. Small gland volume and large number skin around it.
  5. Sprain in the chest area during lactation.
  6. Filling the space allocated for glandular tissue, fat cells, which makes the breasts less firm.

Almost every woman faces these problems, especially after giving birth and breastfeeding. Besides, similar problems women who have lost a large amount may suffer overweight. For this reason, breast lift surgeries are in great demand today.

Indications for surgery

Elimination of ptosis of the mammary glands can be caused solely by the woman’s own initiative, however, there are also objective indications for such an operation:

  • Loss of the former firmness and elasticity of the breasts after lactation. While feeding the baby, the breast size becomes significantly larger, which leads to stretching of the skin. At the end of the lactation period, if the skin has lost its former elasticity, the breasts will not be able to return to their previous shape and become as elastic as they were. In this case, the chest sags, taking on a shape that is most often called “spaniel ears.”
  • Change in shape after large volume loss excess weight. This problem It occurs especially often in women who have repeatedly gained a lot of weight and then quickly lost weight. The skin in the chest area becomes completely inelastic, and therefore the shape of the breast changes.
  • Sagging breasts due to age-related changes. With age, the skin loses its former elasticity, which, of course, affects the shape of the breast.

It is worth noting that mastopexy is performed in any of the three cases, but only on the condition that the ability of the skin to stretch is reduced, but still preserved, and the loss of volume of the mammary glands has occurred insignificant or moderate. If the breast volume is very small, then the installation of a prosthesis will be additionally required. If, on the contrary, the volume of the breast is large, and it is impossible to lift and correct its shape, then reduction mammoplasty is performed. This operation involves reducing the volume of the breast.

Contraindications for lifting

Despite the apparent harmlessness of lifting, it is still this procedure belongs to the category of plastic surgeries, which means it may have serious consequences for health. For this reason, there are some contraindications to the operation:

  • End of period breastfeeding less than a year ago.
  • Planning pregnancy and breastfeeding. After the lactation period, a change in shape may occur again, after which surgery will be required again.
  • Diseases that affect the functioning of the entire body. These include infectious diseases, heart and vascular diseases, the development of cancer, as well as other diseases of internal organs.
  • Changing body weight. If there is no stability in weight, the operation cannot be performed, since mastoptosis may reoccur in the future under the influence of changes in body volume. In this case, another operation will be required.
  • Presence of a tendency to poor healing of sutures. As a rule, after vertical mastopexy small vertical scars remain on the chest. If the body also has a tendency to form them, the result of the tightening may not be particularly pleasing.
  • Fibrous changes, occurring in the area of ​​the mammary glands. It is contraindicated to perform surgery if there are cysts in the breast, especially if there are several of them and they require monitoring.
  • Blood diseases, as well as blood clotting disorders.
  • Presence of scars in the chest area.
  • Diabetes mellitus decompensated type.
  • Diseases endocrine system, leading to hormonal imbalances.

It’s not in vain that before any plastic surgery The patient must undergo a full examination. This type of operation, despite its apparent simplicity, is also surgical intervention, so you need to take contraindications seriously.

Preparatory activities before surgery

Preparation for vertical lift surgery involves first of all undergoing full examination in order to identify contraindications, if any. List of required diagnostic measures includes the following procedures:

  • General blood and urine tests.
  • Examination and consultation with an anesthesiologist.
  • Blood biochemistry to determine functional abnormalities in the body. Of particular importance in this case is the diagnosis of kidney and liver function.
  • Ultrasound examination mammary glands, as well as mammography.
  • Blood testing for infectious and viral diseases.
  • Examination by a therapist.
  • Electrocardiogram.
  • Fluorography.

After all the examinations have been completed and the test results have been received, if there are no contraindications to the operation, the doctor sets a specific date. At the same time, some additional recommendations are given. For example, the doctor will definitely give you a list of medications that can affect blood clotting. Their use will need to be stopped ten days before the date of the operation. In addition, in most cases, surgeons prescribe the use of antibacterial and antiviral agents in order to eliminate the possibility of purulent complications. The day before surgery, you will only need to eat something light for breakfast. Immediately on the day of surgery, you should not eat or drink at all.

Vertical mastopexy is carried out using general anesthesia. As for the duration, on average a lift takes from 1.5 to 3 hours. The operation itself is quite simple, but it requires considerable experience to ensure that everything is done as accurately as possible, because discrepancies of one millimeter can lead to an asymmetrical arrangement of the mammary glands.

For a lift, the surgeon makes one incision from the nipple to the lower fold of skin, which is located under the mammary gland. An incision is also made around the nipple, after which the halo is raised up as far as necessary to create beautiful shape. Next, the area of ​​skin under the nipple is removed, for which another incision is made, and the edges of the tissue are sewn together. As a result, the breast rises, as does the nipple.

Immediately after the operation, the woman puts on compression garments, which will need to be worn for a month. If the operation was successful and no complications were observed the next day, the patient was discharged home a day later. For rehabilitation period a woman is prohibited from lifting weights; she should also completely avoid physical activity and visiting baths and saunas.