Standard fuel supply at boiler houses of the Ministry of Defense. III. Methodology for calculating standards for creating fuel reserves at thermal power plants and boiler houses in the electric power industry

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About the organization in the Ministry of Energy Russian Federation work to approve standards for creating fuel reserves at thermal power plants and boiler houses

In accordance with clause 4.2.3 of the Regulations on the Ministry of Energy of the Russian Federation, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of May 28, 2008 N 400 (Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, 2008, N 22, Art. 2577), I order:

1. Approve the attached work on the organization of work in the Ministry of Energy of Russia to calculate and substantiate the standards for creating fuel reserves at thermal power plants and boiler houses.

2. To recognize as invalid:

Order of the Ministry of Industry and Energy of the Russian Federation dated October 4, 2005 N 269 “On the organization of work in the Ministry of Industry and Energy of the Russian Federation to approve standards for creating fuel reserves at thermal power plants and boiler houses”;

Order of the Ministry of Industry and Energy of the Russian Federation dated July 16, 2007 N 264 “On amending the Regulations on the organization of work in the Ministry of Industry and Energy of the Russian Federation to approve standards for creating fuel reserves at thermal power plants and boiler houses, approved by order of the Ministry of Industry and Energy of Russia dated October 4 2005 N 269".

Minister S.I. Shmatko

8. While maintaining all the initial conditions for the formation of the NNZT for the second and third years of the three-year period, the power plant (boiler house) confirms the volume of the NNZT included in the NNZT of the planned year, without submitting calculations.

9. During a three-year period, the NNZT is subject to adjustment in cases of changes in the composition of the equipment, the structure of the fuel, as well as the load of non-disconnected consumers of electrical and thermal energy that do not have power from other sources.

10. NNZT for power plants of electric power industry organizations is determined in agreement with the relevant subject of operational dispatch control.

11. Calculation of NNZT is carried out for power plants and boiler houses for each type of fuel separately.

12. NNZT for power plants and boiler houses burning coal, fuel oil and diesel fuel ensures the operation of thermal power plants in survival mode for seven days, and for thermal power plants and boiler houses burning gas - three days.

13. NNZT is restored to the approved amount after the cessation of actions to maintain the “survival” mode of power plants and boiler houses of electric power industry organizations, and for heating boiler houses - after eliminating the consequences of unforeseen circumstances.

14. For power plants and boiler houses operating on gas, NNZT is installed for reserve fuel.

15. NERT is necessary for reliable and stable operation power plants and boiler houses and ensures the planned production of electrical and (or) thermal energy.

16. NEZT calculation is carried out annually for each power plant and boiler house that burns or has solid or liquid fuel (coal, fuel oil, peat, diesel fuel) as a backup. Calculations are made as of October 1 of the planned year.

17. Calculations of NNZT and NEZT are made for power plants (boiler houses) of electric power industry organizations and heating (industrial heating) boiler houses of organizations not related to electric power industry organizations, in accordance with this Instruction, respectively. In the calculation results, the standard values ​​are presented in tons of natural solid and liquid fuel and rounded to tenths of the specified unit of measurement.

18. The Ministry of Energy of Russia annually, before June 1, reviews the calculations of standards for creating fuel reserves submitted as of October 1 of the planned year, agreed upon by:

for power plants and boiler houses of the electric power industry organization - by the relevant generating companies;

for organizations operating heating (industrial heating) boiler houses, as well as power plants and boiler houses in industries (except for the organization of electric power industry) - by authorities executive branch Russian Federation and (or) local government bodies.

19. The Ministry of Energy of Russia reviews the submitted materials with calculations of standards for creating fuel reserves, which contain:

1) justification and calculation of NNCT or its confirmation;

2) justification and calculation of NEZT;

3) data on the actual main and reserve fuel, its characteristics and structure as of October 1 of the last reporting year;

4) methods and time of fuel delivery;

5) data on the capacity of warehouses for solid fuels and the volume of tanks for liquid fuels;

6) average daily indicators fuel consumption in the coldest estimated time of year of previous periods;

7) technological scheme and composition of equipment that ensures the operation of power plants (boiler houses) in “survival” mode;

8) a list of non-disconnected external consumers of thermal and electrical energy;

9) the estimated heat load of external consumers (the heat load of power plants and boiler houses is not taken into account, which, according to the conditions of heating networks, can be temporarily transferred to other power plants and boiler houses);

10) calculation of the minimum required heat load for the own needs of power plants (boiler houses), as well as electrical power for the own needs of power plants operating in isolation from the UES of Russia;

11) justification of the accepted coefficients for determining the standards for fuel reserves at power plants (boiler houses);

12) the amount of NVRT, broken down into NNRT and NERT, approved for the year preceding the planned one;

13) actual use of fuel from ONZT with the allocation of NEZT for the last reporting year.

20. Until October 1 of the year preceding the planned one, general fuel reserve standards (FSR) for power plants and boiler houses of electric power industry organizations are approved by order of the Ministry of Energy of Russia.

In exceptional cases, it is possible to adjust fuel reserve standards in the event of significant changes in the program for generating electrical and thermal energy or a change in the type of fuel.

21. All results of calculations and justification of accepted coefficients for determining fuel reserve standards at thermal power plants and boiler houses are drawn up in the form of an explanatory note on paper (bookleted in a separate book) and in electronic form.

II. Methodology for calculating standards for creating fuel reserves at thermal power plants and boiler houses of electric power industry organizations

22. NZT based on the operation of the station in survival mode during the day is calculated for all types of fuel using the formula:


Where: IN conventional - consumption of equivalent fuel for the production of electricity and heat in the “survival” mode for 1 day;

N days - the number of days during which thermal power plants and boiler houses operate in “survival” mode. The calculation is taken for thermal power plants burning coal, fuel oil, peat and diesel fuel,N days =7, burning gas -N day =3;

7000 - heat of combustion of standard fuel, kcal/kg;

Heat of combustion natural fuel, kcal/kg;

Consumption of equivalent fuel for the production of electricity and heat ( IN conventional) in “survival” mode for 1 day is determined by the formula:


IN conv (EE) - equivalent fuel consumption for electricity supply in survival mode:


Where b EE - specific consumption of equivalent fuel for electricity supply, g/kWh (determined in accordance with the regulatory and technical documentation for the fuel use of the power plant).

For power plants operating in isolation from the Unified Energy System of Russia, IN conv ( EE) is calculated not for supply, but for the generation of electricity per day (taking into account one’s own needs), necessary to ensure the operation of the power plant in “survival” mode.

E FROM - supply of electricity from the buses per day, necessary to ensure the operation of the power plant in “survival” mode, million kWh:

million kWh, (2.4)

Where E VAL. - electricity generation per day, million kWh;

E SN. - electricity consumption for MV (own needs) per day, million kWh.

IN conv (TE) - equivalent fuel consumption for heat energy supply in survival mode:


Where b TE - specific consumption of equivalent fuel for heat supply, kg/Gcal (determined in accordance with the regulatory and technical documentation for the fuel use of the power plant);

Q FROM - heat supply per day necessary to ensure the operation of the power plant, boiler house in “survival” mode, thousand Gcal.


Supply of thermal electricity to non-disconnected consumers per day, thousand Gcal;

Thermal auxiliary needs of the power plant, boiler house, thousand Gcal.

23. The annual calculation of NEZT is carried out as of the control date of October 1 of the planned year for power plants and boiler houses of the electric power industry. An explanatory note is attached to the results of NEZT calculations.

24. According to the features of the scheme for performing the annual calculation of NEZT, power plants and boiler houses can be divided into:

standard (with the possibility of regular fuel supplies);

with limited (seasonal) periods for fuel delivery.

25. As a basis for calculating NEZT for standard group power plants and boiler houses, the average daily consumption of coal, fuel oil, peat, diesel fuel in January and April of the planned year at power plants or boiler houses necessary to fulfill production program generation of electrical and thermal energy for the planned year.

26. Calculation of NEZT is carried out according to the formula:

thousand tons, (2.7)

Where: IN PR - average daily fuel consumption to implement the production program in January and April of the planned year, thousand tons;

TO R - the coefficient of change in average daily fuel consumption in January and April is determined by the formula:


IN 1 , IN 2 , IN 3 - actual average daily fuel consumption in January and April for the first, second and third years preceding the planned year (in the absence of actual data for the year preceding the planned one, planned values ​​can be accepted).

When calculating standards reserve fuel in cases where one of the values ​​of average daily fuel consumption ( IN PR, IN 1 , IN 2 , IN 3) has a zero or close to zero value in January and April, NEZT on October 1 of the planned year is taken at the level of the highest standard value for the three years preceding the planned year.

Average daily fuel consumption is given in Table 1.

Table 1

Average daily fuel consumption

Planned year

Previous years





B 1

B 2

B 3




fuel oil



TO SR - the coefficient of possible delivery disruption (takes into account the delivery conditions created depending on the situation on the fuel market, relationships with suppliers, transportation conditions and other factors that increase transportation time) is accepted in the range of 1.5-3.5 (the rationale for the accepted value of the coefficient is given) ;

T PER - the weighted average time for transporting fuel from different suppliers (taking into account the time of its unloading at the power plant, boiler house), is determined by the formula:

day, (2.9)

Where: T 1 , T 2 , ..., T n - time of transportation and unloading of fuel from different suppliers (by type of fuel), days;

V 1 , V 2 , ..., V n - estimated volumes of fuel supplies from different suppliers (by type of fuel).

27. For operating thermal power plants and boiler houses, the NEZT calculation is carried out without taking into account the non-recoverable ("dead") residual fuel oil. For newly commissioned thermal power plants and boiler houses, as well as for additionally organized tanks at existing thermal power plants and boiler houses, the NEZT additionally, based on calculations (expert assessments), includes the volume of fuel that will go into the non-recoverable residue.

thousand tons (2.10)

29. When burned in a power plant or boiler room natural gas, the value of NEZT of reserve fuel (coal or fuel oil) obtained from the calculation results as of October 1 is increased by a volume depending on the magnitude of the possible gas supply limitation due to a sharp decrease in outside air temperature, if this volume does not exceed the working volume of fuel oil storage facilities. The calculation takes into account a 40% reduction in gas supply for 28 days - 14 days each in December and January. The volume of reserve fuel (coal or fuel oil) to replace gas supply restrictions is determined by equivalent coefficients ( TO EKV), taking into account the calorific value of the fuel in relation to the conventionally reduced fuel with a calorific value of 7000 kcal/kg ( NEZT ZAM).

thousand tons (2.11)

30. In cases of separate combustion (in queues or boiler plants) of coals from different deposits or non-interchangeable deposits, NEZT is determined for each deposit. The total NEZT for a power plant or boiler house is determined by summing up coal by deposit.

31. NEZT on October 1 of the planned year for associations of power plants and (or) boiler houses or individual power plants and boiler houses that have limited (seasonal) delivery periods, must ensure their operation for the entire period for which fuel is delivered, with a safety factor ( TO 3) within 1.2, taking into account a possible shift in the start time of fuel supplies to areas with a limited supply period due to objective conditions. The list of such power plants includes power plants that do not have defrosting devices when receiving frozen coal in the winter.

32. NRT is calculated by the sum of NRT and NERT. The results of calculations for power plants and boiler houses of electric power industry organizations are drawn up in accordance with this Instruction.

III. Methodology for calculating standards for creating fuel reserves for heating (industrial heating) boiler houses

33. This section defines the procedure for calculating standards for creating fuel reserves for heating (industrial heating) boiler houses that carry out district heating consumers with the predominant heating and ventilation load and hot water supply load.

34. Standards for creating fuel reserves can be formed:

for the organization as a whole, if it is possible to use fuel reserves regardless of the territorial location of thermal energy sources and fuel storage warehouses;

for individual separate divisions (branches) by type of fuel;

for separate divisions (branches), geographically distant from other divisions of the organization.

35. The standards for creating fuel reserves for organizations and (or) their separate divisions (branches) in areas where the supply of fuel is seasonal are subject to separate calculation and justification.

The standard for creating fuel reserves for these organizations includes fuel that becomes the property of heat supply organization at the time of delivery.

36. The estimated size of the NNZT is determined by the average daily planned fuel consumption of the coldest month heating season and the number of days, determined taking into account the type of fuel and method of its delivery:

thousand tons (3.1)

Where: Q max - average value of heat supply to the heating network (boiler house output) in the coldest month, Gcal/day;

N SR.T - calculation standard specific consumption fuel for the supplied thermal energy for the coldest month, tce/Gcal;

TO- coefficient of conversion of natural fuel into conventional fuel;

T- duration of the period of formation of the volume of irreducible fuel reserve, days.

37. The number of days for which NZT is calculated is determined by the actual time required to deliver fuel from the supplier or base warehouses, and the time required for loading and unloading operations (Table 3.1).

Table 3.1

Fuel type

Fuel delivery method

Fuel reserve volume, days.


railway transport

motor transport


railway transport

motor transport

38. For boiler houses operating on local species fuel, NZT is not installed.

39. To calculate the size of the NEZT, the planned average daily fuel consumption of the three coldest months of the heating period and the number of days are taken:

for solid fuel - 45 days;

for liquid fuel - 30 days.

The calculation is made according to formula 3.2.

thousand tons (3.2)

Where: - average value of heat supply to the heating network (production by boiler houses) during the three coldest months, Gcal/day;

N SR.T - calculated standard for the weighted average specific fuel consumption for supplied thermal energy for the three coldest months, kg equivalent fuel/Gcal;

T- number of days.

40. For organizations operating heating (industrial heating) boiler houses using gas fuel with backup fuel, the NEZT includes the amount of backup fuel required to replace ( IN ZAM) gas fuel during periods of reduction in its supply by gas supply organizations.

Meaning IN ZAM is determined based on data on restrictions on gas supply by gas supply organizations during cold spells, established for the current year.

Taking into account deviations of actual data on restrictions from those reported by gas supply organizations for the current and two previous years, the value IN ZAM can be increased according to their average value, but not more than 25 percent.

thousand tons (3.3)

Where: T ZAM - the number of days during which the gas supply is reduced;

d DEPUTY - share of daily fuel consumption to be replaced;

TO DEPUTY - deviation coefficient of actual gas supply reduction indicators;

TO EKV - ratio calorific value reserve fuel and gas.

41. NEZT for organizations for which fuel is imported seasonally (before the start of the heating season) is determined by the total planned fuel consumption for the entire heating period for its total duration.

The calculation is made according to formula 3.4.

thousand tons (3.4)

where: Q CP - average daily value of thermal energy supply to the heating network during the heating period, Gcal/day;

N SR - weighted average specific fuel consumption standard for the heating period, tce/Gcal;

T- duration of the heating period, days.

NZT for organizations for which fuel is imported seasonally is not calculated.

42. The main initial data and results of calculations of standards for creating fuel reserves are presented in the form and

43. For organizations for which the production and transmission of thermal energy is not the main activity, the structure of the CGT includes:

NNZT, calculated based on the total heat load connected to the source;

NEZT, determined by the connected heat load of external consumers (subscribers, sub-subscribers).

44. Calculations of the standards for the creation of ONZT heating (industrial heating) boiler houses are drawn up in the form according to Appendix 3 to this Instruction.

Table 3.2

Main initial data and results of calculating the creation of a standard minimum reserve of fuel (MRF)

Fuel type

NZT, thousand tons

Table 3.3

Main initial data and results of calculating the creation of standard operational fuel reserves (NEFR)

Fuel type

Average daily heat production, Gcal/day

Specific fuel consumption standard, here/Gcal

Average daily fuel consumption, t

Conversion factor of natural fuel into fuel equivalent

Number of days for stock calculation

NEZT, thousand tons


" " - for power plants and boiler houses of electric power industry organizations.


"____" _____________200__g.

Minimum standard fuel reserve (MRF) of a power plant (boiler house)_________________________________


for 200__year

1. Coal total

Thousand T

incl. by deposits


2. Fuel oil

Thousand T

Head of the organization

Full name (signature)

Performer: Full name, position,

telephone, address email

Appendix 2

to the Instructions on organization in

fuel reserves for thermal
power plants and boiler houses





Total standard fuel reserve (TSF) as of the target date of the planned year of the power plant (boiler house)_____________________________________________

for 200__year

thousand tons

Fuel type


incl. NEZT

Coal total

incl. by deposits

Fuel oil


Diesel fuel

Head of the organization Full name (signature)

Performer: Full name, position,

phone, email

Appendix 3

to the Instructions on organization in
Ministry of Energy of Russia works on calculation and
substantiation of standards for creating
fuel reserves for thermal
power plants and boiler houses





Total standard fuel reserve (TSF) as of the target date of the planned year of heating (industrial heating) boiler houses ________________________________________________________________
(name of organization)

for 200__year

font size

ORDER of the Ministry of Energy of the Russian Federation dated 04-09-2008 66 ON THE ORGANIZATION IN THE MINISTRY OF ENERGY OF THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION OF WORK FOR APPROVAL... Relevant in 2018

III. Methodology for calculating standards for creating fuel reserves for heating (industrial heating) boiler houses

33. This section defines the procedure for calculating standards for creating fuel reserves for heating (industrial heating) boiler houses that provide centralized heat supply to consumers with the prevailing heating and ventilation load and hot water supply load.

34. Standards for creating fuel reserves can be formed:

For the organization as a whole, if it is possible to use fuel reserves, regardless of the territorial location of thermal energy sources and fuel storage warehouses;

for individual separate divisions (branches) by type of fuel;

For separate divisions (branches), geographically distant from other divisions of the organization.

35. The standards for creating fuel reserves for organizations and (or) their separate divisions (branches) in areas where the supply of fuel is seasonal are subject to separate calculation and justification.

The standard for creating fuel reserves for these organizations includes fuel that becomes the property of the heat supply organization at the time of its delivery.

36. The estimated size of the NNZT is determined by the average daily planned fuel consumption of the coldest month of the heating period and the number of days, determined taking into account the type of fuel and the method of its delivery:


Where: Q_max is the average value of heat supply to the heating network (boiler house output) in the coldest month, Gcal/day;

Н_ср,т - calculated standard specific fuel consumption for supplied thermal energy for the coldest month, tce/Gcal;

K is the coefficient of conversion of natural fuel into conventional fuel;

T - duration of the period of formation of the volume of irreducible fuel reserve, days.

37. The number of days for which NZT is calculated is determined by the actual time required to deliver fuel from the supplier or base warehouses, and the time required for loading and unloading operations (Table 3.1).

Table 3.1

38. For boiler houses operating on local fuels, NNZT is not installed.

39. To calculate the size of the NEZT, the planned average daily fuel consumption of the three coldest months of the heating period and the number of days are taken:

for solid fuel - 45 days;

for liquid fuel - 30 days.

The calculation is made according to formula 3.2.


Where: Q(e)_max is the average value of heat supply to the heating network (production by boiler houses) during the three coldest months, Gcal/day;

N_av.t - calculated standard weighted average specific fuel consumption for supplied thermal energy for the three coldest months, kg standard fuel/Gcal;

T - number of days.

40. For organizations operating heating (industrial heating) boiler houses using gas fuel with reserve fuel, the NEZT includes the amount of reserve fuel necessary to replace (V_replacement) gas fuel during periods of reduction in its supply by gas supply organizations.

The V_zam value is determined based on data on gas supply restrictions by gas supply organizations during cold spells, established for the current year.

Taking into account deviations of actual data on restrictions from those reported by gas supply organizations for the current and two previous years, the value of V_zam can be increased according to their average value, but not more than by 25 percent.


Where: T_deputy - the number of days during which the gas supply is reduced;

d_replacement - the share of daily fuel consumption to be replaced;

K_zam - deviation coefficient of actual gas supply reduction indicators;

K_eq - the ratio of the calorific value of reserve fuel and gas.

41. NEZT for organizations for which fuel is imported seasonally (before the start of the heating season) is determined by the total planned fuel consumption for the entire heating period for its total duration.

The calculation is made according to formula 3.4.


Where: Q_av - average daily value of heat energy supplied to the heating network during the heating period, Gcal/day;

Н_ср - weighted average specific fuel consumption standard for the heating period, tce/Gcal;

T - duration of the heating period, days.

NZT for organizations for which fuel is imported seasonally is not calculated.

42. The main initial data and results of calculations of standards for creating fuel reserves are presented in the form of tables 3.2 and 3.3.

43. For organizations for which the production and transmission of thermal energy is not the main activity, the structure of the CGT includes:

NNZT, calculated based on the total heat load connected to the source;

NEZT, determined by the connected heat load of external consumers (subscribers, sub-subscribers).

44. Calculations of the standards for the creation of ONZT heating (industrial heating) boiler houses are drawn up in the form according to Appendix 3 to this Instruction.

Table 3.2

Main initial data and results of calculating the creation of a standard minimum reserve of fuel (MRF)

Fuel typeNZT, thousand tons
1 2 3 4 5 6 7

Table 3.3

Main initial data and results of calculating the creation of standard operational fuel reserves (NEFR)

Fuel typeAverage daily heat production, Gcal/dayStandard specific fuel consumption, here/GcalAverage daily fuel consumption, tConversion factor of natural fuel into fuel equivalentNumber of days for stock calculationNEZT, thousand tons
1 2 3 4 5 6 7

Order of the Ministry of Energy of the Russian Federation dated August 10, 2012 N 377
"On the procedure for determining standards for technological losses during the transfer of thermal energy, coolant, standards for specific fuel consumption in the production of thermal energy, standards for fuel reserves at thermal energy sources (except for thermal energy sources operating in the mode of combined generation of electrical and thermal energy), including number for purposes government regulation prices (tariffs) in the field of heat supply"

With changes and additions from:

Table 1

Fuel type

Fuel delivery method

Fuel reserve volume, days.

railway transport

motor transport

railway transport

motor transport

21. To calculate the size of the NEZT, the planned average daily fuel consumption of the three coldest months of the heating period and the number of days are taken:

for solid fuel - 45 days;

for liquid fuel - 30 days.

The calculation is made according to formula 2.2.

(thousand tons), (2.2)

where is the average value of thermal energy supplied to the heating network (production by boiler houses) during the three coldest months, Gcal/day;

Calculated standard weighted average specific fuel consumption for supplied thermal energy for the three coldest months, t.e./Gcal;

T - number of days, days.

22. For organizations operating heating (industrial heating) boiler houses using gas fuel with reserve fuel, the NEZT additionally includes the amount of reserve fuel necessary to replace gas fuel during periods of reduction in its supply by gas supply organizations.

The value is determined based on data on restrictions on gas supply by gas supply organizations during cold spells, established for the current year.

Taking into account deviations in actual data on restrictions from those reported by gas supply organizations for the current and two previous years, the value can be increased according to their average value, but not more than by 25%.

(thousand tons), (2.3)

where is the number of days during which the gas supply is reduced;

Proportion of daily fuel consumption to be replaced;

Deviation coefficient of actual gas supply reduction indicators;

The ratio of the calorific value of reserve fuel and gas.

23. NEZT for organizations for which fuel is imported seasonally (before the start of the heating season) is determined by the total planned fuel consumption for the entire heating period for its total duration.

The calculation is made according to formula 2.4.

(thousand tons), (2.4)

where is the average daily value of heat energy supplied to the heating network during the heating period, Gcal/day;

Weighted average specific fuel consumption standard for the heating period, t.e.f./Gcal;

T - duration of the heating period, days.

NZT for organizations for which fuel is imported seasonally is not calculated.

24. It is recommended to draw up the main initial data and results of calculations of standards for creating fuel reserves in accordance with Appendix No. 1 to this Procedure.

25. For organizations for which the production and transmission of thermal energy is not the main activity, the structure of the CGT includes:

NNZT, calculated based on the total heat load connected to the source;

NEZT, determined by the connected heat load of external consumers of thermal energy.

26. It is recommended that calculations of standards for the creation of OHZT of heating (industrial heating) boiler houses be drawn up in the form in accordance with Appendix No. 2 to this Procedure.

replace the word “Instruction” in the appropriate case with the word “order” in the appropriate case;

in paragraph 3, after the words “per one gigacalorie (kg equivalent/Gcal)”, add the words “differentiated by month”;

e) in Appendices No. 1-14 to the Instructions:

in the numbered headings of the word "to the Instructions for organizing in the Ministry of Energy of Russia work on the calculation and justification of specific fuel consumption standards for supplied electrical and thermal energy from thermal and power stations and boiler houses" shall be replaced with the words "to the procedure for determining specific fuel consumption standards in the production of electrical and thermal energy";


"The procedure for determining standards for technological losses during the transfer of thermal energy and coolant";

Paragraphs one and two of paragraph 1 should be stated as follows:

"1. Standards for technological losses during the transfer of thermal energy and coolant (hereinafter referred to as standards for technological losses) are determined for each organization operating heating networks for the transfer of thermal energy and coolant to consumers (hereinafter referred to as the heating network organization). The determination of process loss standards is carried out by calculating the standards for the heating network of each heat supply system, regardless of the estimated hourly heat load connected to it.

Standards for technological losses during the transfer of thermal energy and coolant through heat networks of organizations for which the transfer of heat energy is not the main activity (hereinafter referred to as enterprises) providing services for the transfer of heat energy to third-party consumers connected to the heat networks of the enterprise are approved in the part related to to third party consumers. At the same time, technological losses during the transfer of thermal energy for the enterprise’s own consumption are excluded from the specified standards.”;

Order of the Ministry of Industry and Energy of the Russian Federation
dated October 4, 2005 No. 269
"On the organization of work in the Ministry of Industry and Energy of the Russian Federation
on approval of standards for creating fuel reserves at thermal power plants and boiler houses"

In order to implement the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of June 16, 2004 No. 284 “On approval of the Regulations on the Ministry of Industry and Energy of the Russian Federation” (Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, 2004, No. 25, Art. 2566; No. 38, Art. 3803; 2005 , No. 5, Art. 390) I order:

1. The clause was declared invalid according to the order of the Ministry of Industry and Energy of the Russian Federation dated November 1, 2007 N 473

2. Approve the attached Procedure for calculating and justifying standards for creating fuel reserves at thermal power plants and boiler houses.

3. I reserve control over the execution of this order.

Acting Minister

Registration No. 7121


The procedure for calculating and justifying standards for creating fuel reserves

I. The procedure for forming technological fuel reserves at power plants and boiler houses of the electric power industry

1. The procedure for calculating and justifying the standards for creating fuel reserves at thermal power plants and boiler houses establishes the basic requirements for the standardization of technological fuel reserves (coal, fuel oil, peat, diesel fuel) in the production of electrical and thermal energy.

2. The standard for creating technological fuel reserves at thermal power plants and boiler houses is the general standard fuel reserve (hereinafter - OGST) and is determined by the sum of the volumes of the irreducible standard fuel stock (hereinafter - NNST) and the standard operational reserve of main or reserve fuels (hereinafter - NEZT) .

3. NNZT ensures the operation of the power plant and boiler house in “survival” mode with a minimum design electrical and thermal load under the conditions of the coldest month of the year and a composition of equipment that allows maintaining positive temperatures in the main building, auxiliary buildings and structures.

4. NEZT is necessary for reliable and stable operation of power plants and boiler houses and ensures the planned production of electrical and thermal energy.

5. Regulation of actions with NZT at thermal power plants and boiler houses is necessary in order to prevent the consequences of a complete shutdown of power plants or boiler houses and associated long-term restrictions and disconnections of consumers.

6. Regulation of NEZT at power plants and boiler houses, in addition to ensuring reliable and stable operation, is also necessary in order to control the creation of fuel reserves when preparing power plants and boiler houses of all purposes for operation in the autumn-winter period (hereinafter referred to as the AWP).

7. At power plants operating in a unified power system, the NNZT takes into account the need to supply power to non-disconnected consumers powered by power plant feeders and without backup power from the unified power system.

8. Electricity consumption for the power plant’s own needs, as well as for power supply to consumers, with the exception of those that cannot be switched off, is not taken into account in the NNCT calculation, since power in this case for the period the power plant reaches NNCT can be provided from a unified power system.

9. NNZT for power plants operating in isolation from the unified energy system includes a reserve of fuel for electrical and thermal own needs, as well as for heat and electricity supply to non-disconnected consumers.

10. NNZT is established for a period of 3 years and is subject to adjustment in cases of changes in the composition of equipment, fuel structure, as well as the load of non-disconnected consumers of electrical and thermal energy that do not have power from other sources.

11. NNZT for electric power plants is determined in agreement with the organization performing dispatch functions.

12. Calculation of NNZT is carried out for each type of fuel separately.

13. NNZT for power plants and boiler houses burning coal and fuel oil must ensure the operation of thermal power plants (hereinafter - TPP) in survival mode for seven days, and for TPPs burning gas - three days.

14. The fuel included in the NEZT, accumulated by October 1 - the beginning of the winter period, is included in the consumption for the generation of electrical and thermal energy during the winter period in accordance with the energy-fuel balances for each power plant and boiler house.

15. The annual NEZT calculation is made for each power plant and boiler house that burns or has solid or liquid fuel (coal, fuel oil, peat, diesel fuel) as a backup. Calculations are made on the target date - October 1 of the planned year, characterizing preparation for work in the occupational labor market from October 1 to April 1 next year.

16. Calculations of NNZT and NEZT are made in accordance with this Procedure.

17. NNZT and NEZT for associations of power plants and boiler houses are determined as the total volumes, respectively, for all power plants and boiler houses included in the association.

18. Calculations of standards for creating fuel reserves for the target date (October 1 of the planned year) before their submission to the Ministry of Industry and Energy of Russia, as a rule, are considered:

For power plants and boiler houses of the electric power industry by the relevant associations of power plants and (or) boiler houses;

For organizations of housing and communal services (hereinafter - housing and communal services) relevant structural divisions executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation.

19. All results of calculations and justification of accepted coefficients for determining fuel reserve standards at thermal power plants and boiler houses are presented in the form of an explanatory note on paper (bookleted in a separate book) and in electronic form: explanatory note - in Word format, calculations and necessary for calculations initial information is in Excel format.

II. Features of the procedure for calculating standards for heat sources of municipalities

20. The annual requirement of NEZT for each heat source is determined by type of fuel in accordance with the existing regulatory characteristics of the equipment.

22. NEZT and AZT are determined by the sum of the values ​​of all heating (industrial heating) boiler houses included in the municipality.

23. ONZT and its components (excluding the state reserve) for each heat source or groups of heat sources of municipalities are determined by (for fuel consumption up to 150 t/h) and (for fuel consumption over 150 t/h). Daily fuel consumption is determined for the coldest month.

24. Standards for groups of heat sources in municipalities are determined taking into account the availability of basic fuel storage warehouses.

25. The minimum fuel reserves in the warehouses of heat supply organizations of housing and communal services are: coal - 45, fuel oil - 30-day requirement.

26. The development of standards is carried out taking into account schedules, routes, methods of fuel delivery and its storage at heat source warehouses or base warehouses in the amount of standard fuel reserves before the start of the heating season.

Table 1

Volume of CVD for fuel consumption up to 150 t/h

Fuel type

Fuel capacity

Solid fuel:

when delivered by road

For 7-day consumption

For 14-day consumption

Liquid fuel main and backup:

when delivered by road

For 5-day consumption

when delivered by rail

For 10-day consumption

Emergency liquid fuel for gas-fired boiler houses, delivered by land transport

For 3-day consumption

Liquid fuel delivered through pipelines

For 2-day consumption

Liquid starting fuel for boiler houses with capacity:

up to 100 Gcal/h inclusive

two tanks of 100 t each

more than 100 Gcal/h

two tanks of 200 t each

Table 2

Volume of fuel consumption for fuel consumption over 150 t/h

Fuel type

Fuel capacity

Solid fuel when the power plant is located at a distance from the fuel production area:

For 7-day consumption

from 41 to 100 km

For 15-day consumption

over 100 km

For 30-day consumption

Liquid fuel is the main one for power plants running on fuel oil:

when delivered by rail

For 15-day consumption

when supplied through pipelines

For 3-day consumption

Liquid reserve fuel for gas-fired power plants*

For 10-day consumption

Emergency liquid fuel for gas-fired power plants*

For 5-day consumption

Liquid fuel for peak water boilers

For 10-day consumption

* for power plants that do not have a second independent source of gas supply.

III. Methodology for calculating standards for creating fuel reserves
at thermal power plants and boiler houses of the electric power industry

27. Calculation of NNZT is carried out for power plants and boiler houses on the basis of regulatory and technical documents on fuel use.

28. Calculation of NNZT for power plants and boiler houses is drawn up in the form of an explanatory note. The calculation results are drawn up separately, signed by the heads of these power plants or boiler houses (to this Procedure) and agreed upon by the head of the association that includes these power plants or boiler houses.

29. Explanatory note the calculation of NNZT includes the following sections:

1). List of non-switchable external consumers of thermal and electrical energy and data on minimum permissible loads. The thermal load of power plants and boiler houses is not taken into account, which, according to the conditions of heating networks, can be temporarily transferred to other power plants and boiler houses;

2). Rationale technological scheme and the composition of equipment that ensures the operation of power plants and boiler houses in “survival” mode;

3). Calculation of the minimum required thermal power for the own needs of power plants and boiler houses, as well as electric power for the own needs of power plants operating in isolation from the UES of Russia.

30. The annual calculation of NEZT for the planned year (from January 1 of the planned year to January 1 of the next year) is carried out as of the control date of October 1 for individual power plants and boiler houses. The results of NEZT calculations are drawn up together with the results of the ONZT calculation according to the sample in accordance with this Procedure. An explanatory note is attached to the results of NEZT calculations.

31. According to the features of the scheme for performing the annual calculation of NEZT, power plants and boiler houses are divided into three categories:

Standard (standard calculation scheme);

With limited (seasonal) periods for fuel delivery;

Those who had a critical level of fuel reserves in the previous year (less than 60% of the total fuel reserves as of October 1).

32. The calculation basis for a standard group of power plants and boiler houses is taken as the average daily consumption of coal, fuel oil, peat, diesel fuel at power plants or boiler houses in January and April of the planned year, necessary to fulfill the production program for the generation of electrical and thermal energy of the planned year, taking into account the average increase coefficient average daily fuel consumption in January and April for the last three years before the planned one. The calculation is performed using the formula:

NEZT = V pr × K r × T trans × K avg, thousand tons,

where Vpr is the average daily fuel consumption to implement the production program in January and similarly in April of the planned year, thousand tons;

K p - the coefficient of change in the average daily fuel consumption in January and similarly in April for the three years preceding the planned year, is determined by the formula:

B 1, B 2, B 3 - actual average daily fuel consumption in January and similarly in April for the first, second and third years preceding the planned year;

Кср - coefficient of possible delivery disruption (takes into account the delivery conditions created depending on the situation on the fuel market, relationships with suppliers, transportation conditions and other factors that increase transportation time), is accepted in the range of 1.5 - 2.5;

T per - weighted average time for transporting fuel from different suppliers, determined by the formula:

where T per1, T per2, ..., T pern - time of transportation of fuel from different suppliers, days;

In month1, In month2, ..., In monthn - the estimated volumes of fuel supplies from various suppliers for January and April of the planned year.

NEZT Oct. = NEZT Jan. + (NEZT Jan. - NEZT Apr.), (thousand tons)

34. In cases of separate combustion (in queues or boiler plants) of coal from different deposits or non-interchangeable deposits, NEZT is determined for each deposit. The total NEZT for a power plant or boiler house is determined by summation.

35. NEZT as of October 1 for associations of power plants and (or) boiler houses or individual power plants and boiler houses with limited delivery periods must ensure their operation from the end of one delivery period to the beginning of the next similar period with a safety factor Kz = 1.2, taking into account possible under realistic conditions, a shift in the start time of fuel supplies to areas with limited supply times.

36. NEZT for combining power plants and (or) boiler houses or individual power plants and boiler houses that had a critical level of fuel reserves on October 1 in the previous operational period is increased by an accident rate coefficient (Kav) equal to 1.2 of the calculated values.

37. NRT is calculated by the sum of NRT and NERT. The calculation results are drawn up separately according to the sample in accordance with these Regulations, signed by the heads of power plants and boiler houses and agreed upon by the head of the association that includes these power plants and (or) boiler houses.

38. In exceptional cases, it is possible to adjust fuel reserve standards in the event of significant changes in the program for generating electrical and thermal energy or a change in the type of fuel. The procedure for changing standards is similar to the initial approval under these Regulations.

Appendix No. 1

at thermal power plants and boiler houses


Agreed *:

Agreed **:

Head of the association

Head of the organization,

power plants and (or) boiler houses


dispatch functions


initials, surname

initials, surname

"___"____________________ 200 g.

"___"______________ 200 g.

Irreducible standard fuel reserve (MRF)

power plant (boiler house) _______________________


1. Coal, total ________________________________________________ thousand tons

incl. by deposits*** _________________________________

2. Fuel oil _____________________________________________ thousand tons

Power plant manager

(boiler room)

Full name (signature)

Performer: Full name, position, department name,

tel. city, local, E-mail


*Agreed upon the entry of a power plant or boiler house into the association.

** To be agreed upon for power plants.

*** For separate combustion.

Appendix No. 2

to the Procedure for calculation and justification
standards for creating fuel reserves
at thermal power plants and boiler houses

incl. by deposits



Head of the association

power plants and (or) boiler houses


initials, surname

Diesel fuel

Fuel reserves

Now humanity uses as much fuel per year as has been stored on the planet for millions of years.

The level of fuel consumption can be used to judge the level of well-being of a country. On average, one person on Earth spends about 5 kg standard fuel (ce) per day, in industrial developed countries– about 30 kg u.t. per day. Total fuel consumption in the world is about 12 billion tons of fuel equivalent (tce) per year.

According to the latest data from the World Energy Council (WEC), fossil fuel reserves in the world amount to 1220 billion tons of fuel equivalent, and the total recoverable fuel reserves are 4...5 times more, i.e. sufficient for global demand for many decades (up to 500 years).

Consumption and proven reserves of fuel in the world are given in table. 1.1.

Table 1.1 – Fuel consumption and reserves

Expert, optimistic assessment possible quantity fuels in the bowels of the Earth according to the data are given in table. 1.2.

Table 1.2 – Estimation of the amount of fuel in the bowels of the Earth and the reserve at current consumption

The most important problem for each country is its energy supply.

In table 1.3 presents data on Ukraine's provision with its own energy resources according to the data.

Table 1.2 – Ukraine’s provision with its own energy resources

Ukraine belongs to the countries with a deficit of its own natural hydrocarbon resources. Ukraine produces about 94 million tons of fuel equivalent. per year, and the need for in good condition economy is about 300 million tons of fuel equivalent. per year. The import requirement is about 206 million tons of equivalent fuel, including natural gas - 138 million tons of equivalent fuel. (120 billion m3), oil - 68 million tons of fuel equivalent. (50 million tons).

In Ukraine, the structure of consumption of primary energy resources looked like recent years something like this:

Natural gas – 43%;

Oil – 18%; (gas + oil – 61%);

Coal – 23%;

Atomic energy – 16 %.

Coal deposits in Ukraine:

Donetsk coal basin of Lugansk region (coal of all grades).

Lviv-Volyn coal basin (grade G coal).

Natural gas fields: Dashavskoye, Shebelinskoye, gas field in Gogolevo.

It is planned to increase oil and gas production on the shelf of the Black and Azov Seas.

Taking into account the best international experience, the following is important and promising for Ukraine:

Increasing coal production to replace oil and natural gas;

Use of energy-saving industries and technologies;

Safety of existing nuclear units and obtaining our own nuclear fuel, analysis of the possibility of constructing new nuclear power plant units;

Search and production of new types of fuel from plant materials, technical alcohols, etc.