Treating a wound with brilliant green - basic rules. Diamond brilliant green - useful properties, composition, indications, instructions for use, analogues, contraindications. How often and for a long time to apply brilliant green to pimples with chickenpox, a stitch after a Caesarean section, a newborn’s navel

There is hardly a person who has never had “green stuff” in their home medicine cabinet. In Russia, this antiseptic is widespread like no other. As soon as a child gets scratched or injured, we immediately grab the “green paint,” not to mention chicken pox, in which children are still painted with this corrosive green liquid. However, in the West, “green stuff” is not available in any pharmacy. Why?

Where do the diamonds in green come from?

First, let's figure out what this tool is. This drug is really very, very old, invented almost two centuries ago. The invention of a substance similar to brilliant green is attributed to British chemist William Perkin. He tried to find a cure for malaria, experimented with coal tar - dripped acid on it, distilled it, etc. And one day I received a beautiful substance of bright purple color that was impossible to wash off. It was useless against malaria. But the durability was amazing. And an enterprising experimenter opened a plant for the production of resin (aniline) dyes. Around the same years, similar dyes of other colors were synthesized, including bright green. In industry, these new means began to dye fabrics and paper. And they still do this. Doctors found their use for them - they began to add dyes to preparations with microorganisms so that they could better examine the microbes under a microscope. And they discovered that they were dying en masse from them. Since that time, the use of such dyes as antimicrobial agents began.

Everything is clear with green. But where did such a beautiful and unusual name— brilliant green? Of course, there are no diamonds in the “green” and there never were. It's all about the translator's mistake. The fact is that in dry form, brilliant green is shiny golden-green lumps, in Latin - viridis nitentis, which means “brilliant green”. When the name was translated into French, it began to sound like brilliant vert (brilliant in French). And then in Russia, a half-educated translator translated it literally, as one hears, “diamond.”

Green pox does not cure chickenpox!

Is it worth using this drug today? The opinions of doctors and pharmacists were divided.

In particular, Chairman of the Moscow City Scientific Society of Therapists Professor Pavel Vorobyov believes that this drug has long outlived its usefulness and has no place in modern practice when she appeared evidence-based medicine: “Firstly, there is no evidence that “green stuff” is a method of disinfection. As well as the fact that it has carcinogenic properties. And, secondly, the wound is easiest to clean warm water with soap. In the West it is not used at all. And we specifically wrote in the standard for the treatment of bedsores: the use of “green stuff” is a negative technology. It should not be used. But it is impossible to convince people. Just as they use “green stuff,” they still use jars and mustard plasters, and in all Russian hospitals they use a mercury thermometer. Although it is officially prohibited for use. It's high time to switch to electronic thermometers.

Why they smear green pimples on pimples with chickenpox - I don’t know at all. You can just as easily smear anything you want. What's the point? Besides, what to disinfect for chickenpox? Chickenpox is caused by the herpes virus. “Zelyonka” has absolutely nothing to do with reducing itching and the spread of the virus. In addition, the alcohol in the green stuff dries out the skin. If you rub “green” on pimples, redness, and papules, the situation will only get worse. And it will be difficult for a doctor to figure out what’s under the green stuff.”

Executive Director of the Pharmacy Guild, pharmacist Elena Nevolina believes that it’s not worth writing off the “green stuff” completely: “There are different approach to antiseptic therapy. We love green stuff. And in the West, chickenpox is treated with antiherpetic ointments, such as Zovirax. What is logical - to use against the virus antiviral agent. However, “green stuff” has an antiseptic effect. Moreover, it is accessible and cheap. If it is canceled now, people will simply be shocked: they were treated for so many years and it helped, and now suddenly it doesn’t. In addition, all other antiseptics, more modern, are an order of magnitude more expensive. There is one more advantage of the “green stuff”. After treating the wound with it, you can see if you “hit it” correctly if everything around it turns green. And if you take the same chlorhesidine, it’s a clear, colorless liquid; if you pour it in, it’s not clear whether it’s in the right place or not. Therefore, I believe that as long as there is demand, this drug should be available.”

Practicing clinicians believe that whether or not to use “green stuff” is a matter of everyone’s choice.

"How antiseptic- why not? - speaks Professor of the Department of Hospital Therapy First Moscow State Medical University them. Sechenova, Doctor of Medical Sciences Sergey Yakovlev. — Let’s say that iodine also still retains its importance as an antiseptic. Of course, there are more modern and more effective drugs. But they are more expensive. For example, povidone iodine, chlorhexidine and various means based on them. They are included in international recommendations on the treatment of wounds and wound surfaces and the prevention of infection. It is clear that the “green” has several negative aspects. It dries out your skin and stains your clothes. The same povidone-iodine leaves no traces. In hospitals, some doctors use “green stuff”, others no longer. Personally, if I were given a choice, I would go for more modern means. “Diamond Green” has not been used abroad for many years. Although I do not exclude that in some poorer countries, it is probably also used.

And chickenpox does not need to be treated with anything at all. It goes by quite quickly. And “green stuff” has no effect on the duration of the disease.

By the way, microbes develop resistance to many antiseptics over time. There is no such data regarding the “green stuff”, no one has checked it and it is unlikely that anyone will ever do so. The drug is too ancient and also cheap. It's not worth it. So in everyday life it is quite possible to use “green stuff”, but in medical institutions It’s still worth using more modern means.”

Price issue

By the way, if you study the prices in pharmacies, then by and large the difference in price between a bottle of “green stuff” and chlorhexidine is small. “Zelyonka” can be found in pharmacies, starting from 7 rubles. per bottle of 10 ml. Chlorhexidine solution 0.05% - from 30-40 rubles. for a 100 ml bottle, more concentrated - from 150 rubles. However, chlorhexidine is also sold in the form of bactericidal dressings, which can be convenient. An ordinary bottle of iodine costs 20-60 rubles. Povidone-iodine - from 400 rubles for a half-liter bottle, antiseptic dressings with it - from 90 rubles for a pack of 10 pieces. Another antiseptic that is often used is miramistin. The price for a 50 ml bottle is 250-350 rubles.

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Brilliant green is widely known for its antiseptic effect; it is used for disinfection of skin lesions and diseases. The properties of the drug became known in the twentieth century, when, when staining a nutrient medium for histological and bacteriological samples, it was discovered that the dye destroys microorganisms.

Long shelf life and cheap production ensured the spread of brilliant green in the USSR. Except Russian Federation and some countries of the former Soviet Union It is not used anywhere else for medical purposes, although it is approved for use in Western countries. The aesthetic side and change are taken into account appearance person.

Is it possible to smear brilliant green on an open wound?

Many adults ask the following questions: which is better to treat a wound with brilliant green or iodine? Is it possible to treat a wound with brilliant green and is it possible to apply it to open injury. Brilliant green antiseptic acts quickly and effectively against gram-positive bacteria, some pathogenic fungi, especially sensitive to green fungi Staphylococcus aureus and diphtheria bacillus.

The industry produces:

Zelenka is part of some antiseptics:

  • Novikov liquid – contains brilliant green, tannin, castor oil, ethanol, collodion;
  • Callus fluid - consists of salicylic acid, collodion, brilliant green;
  • Germicidal adhesive plaster.

The fungicidal effect of the drug is manifested when applied externally. It is applied to skin lesions, slightly capturing healthy areas with furunculosis, carbunculosis, pyoderma, skin staphylococcal infection, with some other purulent-inflammatory processes and fungal lesions on the skin.

The use of brilliant green is indicated for treating seams after surgical operations, umbilical injuries of newborns, post-traumatic scars, cuts, scratches, abrasions, and other skin injuries.

To treat open wounds, brilliant green is used only in emergency cases, when there are no other disinfectants at hand. More often, for gaping wounds, antiseptics are used for rinsing, for example 3% hydrogen peroxide.

Brilliant green can only be used to treat the skin in a circle around the wound surface, since the cauterizing properties of the drug stop the process of tissue granulation. Next, you will learn how to treat a wound with brilliant green to get the most effective result.

How to properly treat a wound with brilliant green

Wounds must be treated to prevent infection of the affected area. With proper medical care, the antiseptic is selected depending on the nature of the injury.

At serious damage skin and mucous membranes leading to critical blood loss, or for dermatological problems is required qualified assistance medical personnel.

For shallow and non-extensive injuries, the wound can be treated independently, using general rules processing:

  • The first step is to stop the bleeding;
  • All manipulations must be performed with clean hands, preferably using medical gloves;
  • Free the wound from loose foreign bodies, except for penetrating objects and stuck clothing;
  • In order not to increase bleeding, it is forbidden to remove the application tool from the wound or to reset prolapsed organs yourself;
  • If the wound is located on the head, remove hair around the damaged area;
  • Treat the skin around the wound surface with an antiseptic solution;
  • Then apply a sterile bandage.

During initial treatment, the wound itself must not be treated with alcohol solutions or rinsed tap water, apply ointments and powders, as these actions increase the healing time and cause purulent processes.

The wound must be treated to prevent microorganisms from entering the affected area.

Immediately after treatment, the wound should be covered sterile material. If this does not happen, sterility is achieved by ironing with a hot iron. At heavy bleeding, which threaten the patient’s life, the sterility of the material can be neglected.

Even with a small affected area, various microorganisms easily enter the blood. If the injury occurs while working with a knife, you should not wash the cut with running water, it contains a lot of bacteria. Treatment with brilliant green is carried out using a sterile bandage, a cotton swab, or a medical pencil with brilliant green.

Dogs of any breed most often behave very active image life, in which scratches, cuts, and sometimes serious injuries cannot be avoided.

Many owners are concerned with the question of how to treat scratches and wounds; the most often asked question is whether brilliant green can be used for treatment.

Most people who get scratched or cut resort to treating the wound with a solution of brilliant green. Dog owners have the same thoughts.

Veterinarians confirm that it is possible to treat your pet’s damaged skin with brilliant green. However, as is the case with humans, animal injuries should only be treated along the edge of the wound.

This use is explained by the fact that brilliant green is alcohol solution, which can cause burns and irritation in the wound. So that the animal does not suffer from severe pain In case of incorrect treatment with brilliant green, only the edges of the damage should be lubricated with this product.


A dog's licking of green stuff from a damaged skin surface will negate all attempts to treat the animal. To prevent this from happening, owners of four-legged friends have to resort to various tricks.

Some owners treat the dog’s wounds just before feeding or after treatment treat him with his favorite treat. In this case, the pet becomes distracted by the tasty food and forgets that there is a foreign substance on its skin.

If you can’t change your dog’s attention to food or other activities, you can resort to other methods. For example, cover the treated surface with a sterile bandage, carefully securing it, or put an Elizabethan collar on the animal.

What to do if you lick it?

If the dog does lick off the green stuff, there is no need to panic. Not a large number The dog won't be poisoned by the green stuff, it may just cause indigestion. To avoid all sorts of problems, you should dilute potassium permanganate in water and pour it down the animal’s throat. In the absence of potassium permanganate, the pet should be given large number warm water.

How to wash it from wool?

Washing brilliant green solution from animal fur is not so easy. Veterinarians and experienced dog breeders It is recommended to wait until the green paint washes off on its own over time or a new coat grows.

You can try washing your pet with dog shampoo and conditioner, or using a special cleansing paste made for dogs. It needs to be rubbed into dry hair, wait about 10 minutes and rinse with warm water.

If you get it in the eye

If, while treating wounds in dogs, brilliant green gets into the animal's eyes, you should immediately rinse the eyes with a large amount of cold water and wipe your eyes with a cotton pad soaked in strong black tea. If there is no improvement, you should immediately contact a veterinarian.

Pregnant, lactating and puppies

Treating wounds to a special group of dogs - puppies, pregnant and lactating females - can be done with some caution. It should be remembered that the body of such animals is weakened and more vulnerable to the effects of any medical supplies, including greens.

If it becomes necessary to lubricate damaged skin of small puppies, whelping dogs, or pregnant dogs, you need to make sure that the brilliant green does not get inside during licking. Treatment of the skin surface will not harm this group of animals.

Special aerosols

There are a large number of special sprays available for treating wounds in dogs. Pet owners can choose suitable remedy based on own desires or drug characteristics.


This drug is an antibiotic. Has green and is used in the treatment and prevention of skin diseases, for the treatment of traumatic, surgical wounds, abrasions, scratches.

The effect of the spray lasts for a week. It has no side effects unless you exceed the recommended dose. Contraindicated in case of increased individual sensitivity to any component of the spray. When using, avoid contact of the substance with the mucous membranes of the eyes.

Second skin

Used at a distance of 15-20 cm for 2-3 seconds. The duration of the course is no more than two weeks. It is a low-hazard substance if you do not exceed the recommended dose. Contraindicated in individual intolerance component side effect manifests itself as skin irritation.

Chemi spray

It is a solution, available in vials with a spray nozzle. Has anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial effects. Among the disadvantages - it has pungent odor. The duration of the course of use is no more than 10 days.


A universal remedy. They can treat any wounds. Has a healing and antimicrobial effect. Spray on an open wound or under a bandage. The duration of the course of use is until the wound heals.


This product can treat any type of wound. Has an antiseptic and enveloping effect. Directions for use: Apply to damaged skin once a day. The course of treatment is 10 days.


Renders antibacterial effect, fights any pathogenic microflora, promotes the regeneration of damaged tissues. After treatment with this product, pus and inflammation do not form in the wound.

What to replace it with?

Instead of brilliant green, you can treat your pet’s wounds with the above-mentioned sprays or other means.

The following drugs are suitable for this purpose:

  • Furacilin;
  • Amoxicillin;
  • Ampicillin;
  • Cephalen;
  • Levomekol;
  • Chlorhexidine;
  • Vishnevsky ointment;
  • hydrogen peroxide.


It is quite possible to treat wounds on dogs with green paint. The main thing to remember is that it is not the wound itself that needs to be lubricated, but its edges. There are also a huge number of products that can be used to replace brilliant green. However, in any case, you should not rely only on brilliant green or a special spray; in case of severe injuries, the animal must be shown to a veterinarian.

Anyone can suffer a banal defeat skin. Small, overly active children, of course, suffer more than others from scratches and injuries. They are in constant motion; play, pampering, and constant turmoil do not always allow them to keep everything under control. The result of the slightest mistake can be unpleasant situations, in which a child can get abrasions, purulent inflammations and even serious wounds. How to properly treat wounds with brilliant green, read further in the article.

Why is it important to know how to properly treat wounds with brilliant green?

Every parent of a small child should know and be able to provide first medical care. No matter how loud it may sound, however, even brilliant green and iodine must be applied correctly. It is important psychological factor, because dads and moms should maintain composure and balance while torturing their little blood with medical manipulations.

Of course, every baby will be capricious and cry, so before treating the wound, you should calm him down and only then start bandaging it. For these cases, you should always have a minimum set of supplies in your first aid kit.

How to properly treat open wounds with brilliant green?

Open wound is called a gaping violation of the integrity of the skin and mucous membranes of the body. This type of damage is dangerous possible complications, for example, bleeding with the subsequent development of acute anemia, shock, which is accompanied by the development of infections and dysfunction of vital organs.

Most often, the well-known brilliant green is used to treat serious wounds.

Brilliant green solution or simply brilliant green is the most irreplaceable component of any home first aid kit. It is on a shelf in every home or in a medicine cabinet. But not every one of us knows how to properly treat wounds with brilliant green and in what specific cases this can and should be used medicinal product.

How to properly treat a child’s wounds with green stuff?

First of all, the child should stop bleeding from the wound using a compressive bandage. At first. Wash the wound with a solution of hydrogen peroxide (this should be done to wash out elements of infection from hard-to-reach areas).

Then apply a solution of 1-2% brilliant green to the wound. Apply a dry sterile bandage on top. It is not recommended to re-treat the wound with brilliant green in less than 24 hours.

Do not apply several layers of brilliant green to the wound at once: since the solution of this antiseptic is alcoholic, its excessive use can cause irritation and even a slight burn of the skin. Brilliant green is usually available in 2 possible concentrations: as a 1% and 2% solution. If you are treating a child's abrasions, be sure to use a 1% solution.

Treat with brilliant green only those wounds that may be susceptible to purulent inflammation. If the wound is simple, you don’t even need to take brilliant green, but use iodine. If you have sutured a wound, then to treat it in equally You can use one or the other drug. However, in this case, a doctor must apply for the prescription of the drug.

Be very careful and careful when treating wounds with green stuff from the mucous membranes of the body - this should be done under medical supervision to avoid burns to the mucous membrane.

Instead of brilliant green, you can apply a bactericidal patch to the wound, which is also saturated with brilliant green, but with a significantly lower degree of concentration.

Zelenka is also ideal for treating purulent rashes caused by wound infection, since, unlike iodine, it dries the skin less.