Causes, symptoms, degrees and treatment of staphylococcus. How is it transmitted? Staphylococcus. Symptoms, causes, types, tests and treatment of staphylococcal infection

Staphylococcal infection is a complex pathological process of interaction between staphylococcus and the human body with a wide range of manifestations - from asymptomatic carriage to severe intoxication and the development of purulent-inflammatory foci.

Due to the high resistance of the microbe to antibacterial drugs, diseases of staphylococcal etiology occupy a leading place among all purulent-inflammatory pathologies.

Staphylococcus causes the following diseases:

  • Furunculosis,
  • Pyoderma,
  • Abscesses,
  • Sore throat,
  • Osteomyelitis,
  • Enterocolitis.


The cause of the disease is staphylococci, which are gram-positive cocci belonging to the Micrococcaceae family. These bacteria have a regular spherical shape and are immobile. Staphylococcus in the smear is located in the form of clusters or bunches of grapes.

Staphylococci that cause pathology in humans include only three types:

  1. S. aureus is the most harmful,
  2. S. epidermidis – less dangerous, but also pathogenic,
  3. S. saprophyticus is practically harmless, but can cause disease.

These are opportunistic bacteria that are permanent inhabitants of the human body, without causing any illnesses.

When exposed to unfavorable external or internal factors, the number of microbes increases sharply, they begin to produce pathogenicity factors that lead to the development staphylococcal infection.

Staphylococcus aureus- the main representative of this group, calling serious illnesses in humans. It coagulates blood plasma, has pronounced lecitovetylase activity, ferments anaerobic mannitol, and synthesizes a cream or yellow pigment.

Properties of bacteria:

  • Staphylococci are facultative anaerobes that can live and reproduce both in the presence of oxygen and without it. They obtain energy through oxidative and fermentative pathways.
  • The bacteria are resistant to freezing, heat, sunlight and certain chemicals. Staphylococcal enterotoxin is destroyed by prolonged boiling or exposure to hydrogen peroxide.
  • Microbial resistance to antibacterial drugs is a problem in modern medicine. In medical institutions, new multidrug-resistant strains are constantly being formed. Methicillin-resistant staphylococci are very important epidemiologically.

Pathogenicity factors:

  1. Enzymes – hyaluronidase, fibrinolysin, lecitovitellase;
  2. Toxins – hemolysins, leukocidin, enterotoxins, exfoliatins.

Enzymes break down fats and proteins, destroy body tissues, supply staphylococci with nutrients and ensure their movement deep into the body. Enzymes protect bacteria from the effects of immune mechanisms and contribute to their preservation.

  • Fibrinolysin promotes the penetration of microbes into the blood and the development of sepsis - blood poisoning.
  • Hemolysins suppress the activity of immunocompetent cells and help staphylococci survive in areas of inflammation for a long time. In children and the elderly, due to these factors, the infection acquires a generalized form.
  • Exfoliatin damages skin cells.
  • Leukocidin destroys leukocytes - white blood cells.
  • Enterotoxin– a strong poison produced by staphylococci and causing foodborne illness in humans.


Sources of infection are patients and bacteria carriers. Microbes enter the human body through abrasions and scratches on the skin, as well as the mucous membrane of the respiratory system, genitourinary and digestive system.

The main routes of transmission of the pathogen:

  1. Airborne,
  2. Airborne dust,
  3. Contact-household,
  4. Nutritional.

The airborne route predominates among all others. This is due to constant allocation staphylococci into the air and their long-term preservation in the form of an aerosol.

Staphylococcus is transmitted through contact and household contact in medical institutions through the hands of staff, instruments, medical devices, and patient care items.

In the maternity hospital, newborns become infected with staphylococcus through drinking solutions, breast milk, and infant formula. Nosocomial staphylococcal infection poses a great danger to newborns.

Factors contributing to the development of infection:

  • Weakened immunity,
  • Long-term use of antibiotics, hormones or immunosuppressants,
  • Endocrine pathology,
  • Viral infections
  • Exacerbation chronic diseases,
  • Long-term chemotherapy or radiotherapy,
  • Impact of harmful factors external environment.

Staph infections are usually sporadic, but can occur in small outbreaks. Staphylococcal food intoxications are group diseases that occur when consuming foods contaminated with bacteria.


Microbes enter the human body through the skin, mucous membranes of the mouth, respiratory system, digestion, and eyes. At the site of staphylococcus penetration, purulent-necrotic inflammation develops. Further development of the process can occur according to two scenarios:

  1. Intense specific immunity prevents the development of the disease and contributes to the rapid elimination of the outbreak.
  2. A weakened immune system cannot fight infection. The pathogen and toxins enter the bloodstream, bacteremia and intoxication develop. When the process generalizes, staphylococcus affects internal organs with the development of septicemia and septicopyemia.

Nonspecific changes resulting from impaired metabolic processes in the body and accumulation of microbial decay products contribute to the development of infectious-toxic shock.

Staphylococcal toxins penetrate into the blood from the source of inflammation, which manifests itself as intoxication– vomiting, fever, loss of appetite. Erythrogenic toxin causes scarlet fever syndrome.

The result of the breakdown of microbial cells is an allergic reaction of the body to foreign proteins. This is manifested by fever, lymphadenitis, allergic rash and a number of complications - inflammation of the kidneys, joints and others.

An allergic reaction and a toxic component reduce immunity, increase vascular permeability, lead to the development of a septic process, which is accompanied by the formation of many purulent foci and the formation of sepsis.

Pathomorphological changes


Clinical signs of pathology are determined by the site of introduction of the bacterium, the degree of its pathogenicity and activity immune system person.

  • When the skin is damaged by staphylococcus, pyoderma develops. The pathology is manifested by inflammation of the skin at the roots of the hair or folliculitis - an abscess with hair in the central part. Purulent-necrotic skin diseases of staphylococcal etiology include furuncle and carbuncle, which are acute inflammation of the hair follicle, sebaceous gland, surrounding skin and subcutaneous fat. A particular danger to human health is the location of purulent-inflammatory foci on the face and head. If the course of the pathology is unfavorable, the formation of abscesses in the brain or the development of purulent meningitis is possible.
  • Purulent melting of deep tissues is called. In an abscess, inflammation is limited to the capsule, which prevents the process from spreading to surrounding tissues. Phlegmon is a diffuse purulent inflammation of the subcutaneous fat.

Subcutaneous phlegmon

  • Pneumonia of staphylococcal etiology is a severe but quite rare pathology. Manifestations of pneumonia are intoxication and pain syndromes, respiratory failure with severe shortness of breath. Complications of the pathology are lung abscesses and pleural empyema.
  • Purulent inflammation meninges staphylococcal origin develops through the penetration of microbes through the bloodstream from foci of infection on the face, in the nasal cavity or paranasal sinuses. Patients develop severe neurological symptoms, signs of meningism, seizures, and impaired consciousness.
  • Osteomyelitis is a purulent infectious and inflammatory disease that affects bone tissue, periosteum and bone marrow. Purulent foci located in the bone often break out. Signs of pathology are pain, tissue swelling, formation of purulent fistulas.
  • Staphylococci often affect large joints with the development of purulent arthritis, which is manifested by pain, stiffness and limited movement, joint deformation, and the development of intoxication.
  • Staphylococcal endocarditis - infectious inflammation connective tissue of the heart lining its internal cavities and valves. Symptoms of the disease - fever, pain in muscles and joints, chills, sweating, pale skin, appearance small rash and dark red nodules on the palms and soles. Auscultation reveals a heart murmur. Endocarditis is a severe pathology leading to the development of heart failure and characterized by high mortality.
  • Infectious toxic shockemergency caused by exposure to bacteria and their toxins on the human body. It is manifested by severe intoxication, dyspepsia, confusion, signs of cardiovascular and renal failure, and collapse.
  • Food toxicosis develops as a result of eating food containing staphylococcal toxins and often occurs as acute gastritis. Incubation is fast - 1-2 hours, after which severe intoxication and dyspepsia appear. Vomiting often results in dehydration.

Features of staphylococcal infection in children

Staphylococcal infection in children occurs in the form of epidemics, sporadic, group, and family diseases. Epidemic outbreaks are usually recorded in maternity hospitals or neonatal units. Epidemics can affect schools, kindergartens, camps and other organized children's groups. This is due to children eating food contaminated with bacteria. Food poisoning usually occurs during the warm season.

Newborn children become infected with staphylococcus through contact from the mother or hospital staff. The main route of transmission of infection for infants is nutritional, in which microbes enter the child’s body with the milk of a mother with mastitis.

Preschoolers and schoolchildren become infected by consuming low-quality food. Staphylococcus, multiplying in a living organism, secretes an enterotoxin that causes gastroenterocolitis.

Staphylococcal respiratory diseases occur when infected by airborne droplets. The microbe enters the mucous membrane of the nasopharynx or oropharynx and causes inflammation of these organs.

Factors causing high susceptibility of newborns and infants to staphylococcus:

  1. Insufficiently strong local immunity of the respiratory and digestive organs,
  2. Lack of immunoglobulin A, which is responsible for local protection of the body,
  3. Vulnerability of mucous membranes and skin,
  4. Weak bactericidal effect of saliva,
  5. Associated pathologies - diathesis, malnutrition,
  6. Long-term use of antibiotics and corticosteroids.

Symptoms in children

There are two forms of staphylococcal infection - local and generalized.

Local forms in children include: rhinitis, nasopharyngitis, conjunctivitis. These pathologies are mild and rarely accompanied by intoxication. They usually manifest themselves in infants as loss of appetite and weight loss. In some cases, local forms are manifested by fever, general deterioration and extensive local symptoms.

  • Skin diseases of staphylococcal etiology in children occur in the form of folliculitis, pyoderma, furunculosis, hidradenitis, and phlegmon. They are accompanied by regional lymphadenitis and lymphangitis. Epidemic pemphigus is a pathology of newborns, manifested by symptoms reminiscent of erysipelas: a rash or focal redness of the skin with clear contours. With pemphigus, the skin peels off in entire layers, under which large blisters form.
  • Staphylococcus in the throat can cause acute tonsillitis or pharyngitis in children, often against the background of acute respiratory viral infection. Staphylococcal tonsillitis manifests itself as a sore throat, intoxication, fever and the appearance of a continuous coating on the tonsils, arches and uvula. The plaque is usually yellow or white, loose, purulent, and easily removed. When examining a child, the doctor discovers diffuse hyperemia of the throat mucosa without clear boundaries.

  • Inflammation of the larynx of staphylococcal origin usually occurs in children 2-3 years old. The pathology develops rapidly and has no specific symptoms. Often combined with inflammation of the bronchi or lungs.
  • Staphylococcal pneumonia is a serious pathology, especially in young children, often complicated by the formation of abscesses. Catarrhal and intoxication signs appear simultaneously in children, while the general condition sharply worsens, signs appear respiratory failure. The child is lethargic, pale, sleepy, refuses to eat, often spits up and even vomits. Pneumonia does not always end in recovery; death is possible. This is due to the formation of bullae in the lungs, in place of which abscesses can form, leading to the development of purulent or.
  • Scarlet fever-like syndrome in children accompanies infection of wounds, burns, the development of lymphadenitis, phlegmon, and osteomyelitis. The manifestation of the disease is a scarlet-like rash that appears on the hyperemic skin of the torso. After the rash disappears, lamellar peeling remains.
  • Symptoms of Staphylococcus aureus in cases of damage to the digestive tract depend on the location of the pathology and the condition of the macroorganism. Gastroenteritis begins acutely with symptoms of intoxication and dyspepsia. Children experience vomiting, usually repeated and uncontrollable, abdominal pain, fever, weakness, and dizziness. With inflammation of the small intestine, diarrhea begins up to 5 times a day.
  • Staphylococcal sepsis usually develops in newborns, often premature children. Infection occurs through the umbilical wound, damaged skin, respiratory organs and even ears. The disease develops rapidly and occurs with severe intoxication, the appearance of rashes on the skin, and the formation of abscesses in the internal organs.

Sick children are hospitalized in a hospital for antibacterial and symptomatic treatment.

Video: about staphylococcus – Doctor Komarovsky

Staphylococcus during pregnancy

During pregnancy, a woman's immunity is weakened and her defenses are reduced. At this time female body most vulnerable and open to various microbes, including staphylococcus.

Every pregnant woman, after registering at the antenatal clinic, must undergo a number of mandatory examinations, including tests for staphylococcus microbiological laboratory. The bacteriologist counts the number of grown colonies that correspond in morphological, cultural and biochemical properties to Staphylococcus aureus. If their number exceeds the norm, then the pregnant woman is prescribed appropriate treatment, which consists of sanitizing the nasopharynx with antiseptics, using immunomodulators, local antibiotics or staphylococcal bacteriophage. Staphylococcus in the nose in pregnant women is treated by instilling antiseptic solutions into the nasal passages. In order to prevent infection of the child, pregnant women are immunized with staphylococcal toxoid.

Preventive measures during pregnancy:

  • Personal hygiene,
  • Regular walks in the fresh air
  • Balanced diet,
  • Ventilation of the room,
  • Gymnastics for pregnant women.

When the first symptoms of staphylococcus appear, you should rinse your nose with a warm water-salt solution every three hours.


Diagnosis of staphylococcal infection is based on epidemiological history, patient complaints, characteristic clinical picture and laboratory test results.

Laboratory diagnostics

Main diagnostic method is a microbiological study of nasopharyngeal discharge. To do this, patients usually take a swab from the throat for staphylococcus. The material for research can be blood, pus, discharge from the ears, nose, wounds, eyes, exudate of the pleural cavity, feces, gastric lavage, vomit, discharge from the cervical canal in women, urine. The purpose of the study is to isolate and fully identify the pathogen to genus and species.

A series of tenfold dilutions are prepared from the test material and the required amount is inoculated onto one of the elective nutrient media - milk-bile-salt or yolk-salt agar. The number of grown colonies is counted and studied.

Significant differential signs of staphylococcus:

  1. Pigment,
  2. Lecitovitellase,
  3. Plasmocoagulase,
  4. Catalase activity
  5. DNAase,
  6. Ability to ferment mannitol under anaerobic conditions.

The number of bacteria less than 10 3 indicates asymptomatic carriage of Staphylococcus aureus. Higher rates indicate the etiological significance of the isolated microbe in the development of the disease.

To determine staphylococcal enterotoxin in the test samples, the method is used enzyme immunoassay or gel precipitation reaction.

Serodiagnosis involves detecting antibodies to staphylococcal antigens in blood serum. To do this, use the hemolysis inhibition reaction, the passive hemagglutination reaction, and ELISA.

Staphylococcal infection should be differentiated from streptococcal infection. Staphylococcus is manifested by inflammation, which tends to suppurate, the formation of thick greenish pus and fibrinous deposits. Staphylococcal infection is characterized by inconsistency of temperature reaction, return of temperature, and low-grade fever. Blood parameters are more constant - neutrophilic leukocytosis and increased erythrocyte sedimentation rate.

Streptococci also cause mucous membranes of the nose, lymph nodes, ears, and lungs. Both infections have similar pathogenesis and pathomorphology. They are characterized by the development of purulent-necrotic inflammation. The clinical picture of diseases caused by staphylococcus and streptococcus includes intoxication, pain and allergic syndromes.

Distinctive signs of streptococcal infection are:

  • Severe hyperemia, swelling and soreness of inflamed mucous membranes,
  • Rapid development of acute inflammation with damage to the tonsils, ears, lymph nodes,
  • Streptococci do not affect the intestinal tract, do not cause diarrhea, boils and carbuncles,
  • Penicillin in moderate doses works well for streptococcal lesions.

Staphylococcal infection is characterized by:

  1. Hyperemia of the mucous membrane with a cyanotic tint,
  2. Inflammation of the nasopharynx is always accompanied by regional lymphadenitis,
  3. Weaker effect from large doses penicillin.


Local forms of staphylococcal infection are treated at home. Hospitalization is indicated in cases of generalization of the process with sepsis, meningitis, endocarditis, or if surgical treatment of purulent-necrotic skin lesions - boils or carbuncles is necessary.

Treatment of Staphylococcus aureus is complex, including antibacterial therapy, the use of immunotherapy drugs and sanitation of purulent foci.

Antibacterial treatment

Antibiotics are prescribed to the patient after receiving the results of a microbiological examination of the discharge from the pharynx or nose. Patients are prescribed:

  • Semi-synthetic penicillins – “Ampioks”, “Oxacillin”;
  • Combined penicillins – “Amoxiclav”;
  • Aminoglycosides – “Gentamicin”;
  • Cephalosporins - Cefepime.

Currently, there are microbes whose enzymes destroy these drugs. They are called MRSA - methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus. Only a few antibiotics will help cope with such strains - Vancomycin, Teicoplanin, Linezolid. "Fuzidin" is often prescribed with "Biseptol".

Antibiotics should be used only as prescribed by a doctor. Antibacterial therapy must be justified and thoughtful.

Irrational use of drugs:

  1. Destroys healthy microflora of the body,
  2. Has a detrimental effect on the functioning of internal organs,
  3. Harmful to health
  4. Provokes the development of dysbacteriosis,
  5. Complicates the course of staphylococcal infection.


Bacteriophages are biological weapons against bacteria. These are viruses that act very specifically, attack harmful elements and do not have a negative effect on the entire body. Bacteriophages multiply inside bacterial cells and lyse them. Having destroyed dangerous bacteria, bacteriophages die themselves.

To destroy Staphylococcus aureus, the bacteriophage is used locally or orally for 10-20 days, depending on the location of the pathology. To treat purulent skin lesions, lotions or irrigations with liquid bacteriophage are used. It is injected into the articular or pleural cavity, vagina, uterus, taken orally, instilled into the nose and ears, and given enemas with it.


  • Autohemotransfusion - intramuscular injection of the patient's own venous blood. This procedure is widely used to treat furunculosis. After intramuscular injection, the blood is destroyed, and the breakdown products stimulate the immune system.
  • Subcutaneous or intramuscular injection of antistaphylococcal antitoxic serum or intravenous administration antistaphylococcal plasma.
  • Herbal immunostimulants – "Schisandra", "Echinacea", "Eleutherococcus", "Ginseng", "Chitosan". These drugs normalize energy and basal metabolism, have an adaptogenic effect - help cope with stress and stress.
  • For patients with severe signs of immune dysfunction, synthetic immunomodulators are indicated - “Polyoxidonium”, “Ismigen”, “Timogen”, “Amiksin”.
  • Vitamin therapy.

Surgical treatment

Surgical treatment is indicated for the formation of infectious foci with purulent melting - carbuncles, abscesses, boils in cases where conservative therapy does not produce results.

Surgical intervention consists of opening abscesses and boils, excision of necrotic tissue, removal of purulent contents and foreign bodies, drainage of lesions to create unimpeded outflow of pus, local administration of antibiotics. Often, surgeons remove the source of infection itself - a catheter, artificial valve or implant.

Traditional medicine

Folk remedies complement the main drug treatment of pathology.

It is strictly forbidden to use any thermal procedures at home to speed up the process of ulcer maturation. Hot baths, steam baths and saunas will only worsen the patient’s condition and lead to further spread of the infection.

Heat treatments can only be used during the recovery period.


Preventive measures aimed at preventing staphylococcal infection:

What is staphylococcus?

Staphylococcus is a bacterium that has a regular spherical or spherical shape, belonging to the group of positive non-motile microorganisms. For humans, staphylococcus in some cases is an opportunistic bacterium, one that always lives on his body. But pathogenic staphylococcus is also isolated, which, once inside the body, will definitely cause disease. In addition, it is widely distributed in nature.

In the presence of certain conditions conducive to this, the bacterium can exhibit pathological activity and cause an inflammatory process in any organ or organ system of a person. This could be the skin, nervous tissue, brain, heart, digestive system, etc.

Staphylococcus has a large number of strains (27), the most common and pathogenic of which are Staphylococcus aureus, epidermal, saprophytic and hemolytic staphylococci. Each of them has varying degrees aggressiveness and pathogenetic activity.

The danger of these microorganisms is that they produce toxins and enzymes that are pathogenic for cells and disrupt their vital functions. Bacteria have a destructive effect on connective tissue, skin and subcutaneous tissue. They cause a number of dangerous diseases, including sepsis, toxic shock, disorders of the central nervous system, pneumonia, purulent skin lesions, and general intoxication of the body. Often complications after various diseases are associated with staphylococcal infection.

Staphylococci are stable in the environment and have a fairly high resistance to antibiotics.

Types of staphylococcus

There are three types of staphylococcus, which are the most common and harmful to the human body:

    Saprophytic staphylococcus most often affects women, causing inflammatory diseases in them bladder(cystitis) and kidneys. Saprophytic staphylococcus bacteria are localized in the layers of genital skin and mucous membrane urethra. Of all the types of staphylococcus, it causes the least damage.

    Staphylococcus epidermidis can live on all mucous membranes and any part of human skin. With normal immunity, the body copes with this bacterium, and it does not cause any damage. But if somehow epidermal staphylococcus gets from the skin into the blood of a person with weak immunity (after surgery), inflammation of the endocardium (the inner lining of the heart) may develop as a result of blood poisoning.

    Staphylococcus aureus is the most common and dangerous species. Adults and children, men and women are equally susceptible to infection. The bacterium can infect any organ, causing inflammatory diseases, the number of which exceeds a hundred. This is an extremely persistent and tenacious microorganism that can withstand very high temperatures, exposure to direct sunlight, 100% ethyl alcohol, hydrogen peroxide and a number of antibiotics. Staphylococcus aureus causes purulent skin lesions (boils, boils, styes, etc.). It also causes a large number of dangerous systemic and general infections: staphylococcal sepsis, pneumonia, toxic shock, the formation of abscesses in the brain, heart, liver and kidneys, osteomyelitis, food poisoning, etc.

Symptoms of staphylococcus

Symptoms of staphylococcus will depend on which organ or system is affected. The degree of their severity is influenced by the aggression of the microorganism and the state of the immune system of a particular person.

Among the most common signs of infection are:

    Pyoderma. As a result of the introduction of bacteria under the skin, a purulent inflammatory process occurs. In this case, the sebaceous and sweat glands, as well as hair follicles, can become inflamed. Among the most common manifestations of pyoderma are folliculitis (manifested in inflammation of the upper part of the hair follicle), hidradenitis (when the site of infection is the sweat glands), carbuncle (when the skin, skin tissue and a group of hair follicles are inflamed), furuncle (the hair follicle, sebaceous gland is inflamed and connective tissues around). Wherever the inflammatory process is localized, it is always accompanied by the appearance of purulent masses, swelling and hyperemia of the surrounding tissues, and painful sensations of varying intensity. In some cases, there is an increase in temperature, vomiting and nausea may occur (more often with carbuncles and hidradenitis).

    Rhinitis. By causing an inflammatory process in the nasal mucosa, the bacterium leads to copious mucus secretion, which makes nasal breathing difficult. This is where the most common type of bacteria settles - Staphylococcus aureus. In this case, a person can be either a permanent or temporary carrier of it. Most often, the patient complains of the following symptoms: difficulty breathing, impaired sense of smell, increased secretion of mucous secretion, change in voice timbre, mouth breathing. At the beginning, there is little mucus, but as the disease progresses, its amount increases and it becomes purulent.

    Sinusitis. They are characterized by an inflammatory process localized in the paranasal sinuses. The maxillary and frontal areas are most often affected, which leads to the development of diseases such as sinusitis or frontal sinusitis. The disease is very common in the practice of otolaryngologists. Up to 10% of all diseases of the upper respiratory tract In adults, sinusitis accounts for the most. Patients present the following complaints: inability to breathe through the nose, rhinophonia, severe runny nose with yellow-green discharge, general weakness, sleep disturbances, lack of appetite, increased body temperature, sometimes up to high values, pain, localized in the area of ​​the inflamed sinuses. If the infection is acute, then the thermometer shows numbers up to 39 degrees, if it progresses to chronic stage, then no more than 37.5 degrees.

    Pharyngitis. They are characterized by an inflammatory process localized in the mucous membrane lining the pharynx. Often the infection involves nearby tissues of the tonsils. In this case, the disease is called tonsillopharyngitis. Patients experience the following symptoms: redness of the back of the throat, the appearance of viscous mucus on it, a sore throat, dry cough, hoarseness, and pain. All these signs occur against the background general weakness, with elevated body temperature and decreased appetite. According to statistics, pharyngitis caused by staphylococci is diagnosed in adults in no more than 5% of cases.

    Laryngitis. Accompanied by the presence of an inflammatory process in the mucous membrane lining the larynx. The trachea often becomes infected, which is called laryngotracheitis. Distinctive feature Staphylococcal infection is the presence of purulent discharge. In addition, the patient complains of pain in the larynx, dryness and soreness, changes in voice timbre, even loss of voice. In addition, there is a low body temperature, mostly not exceeding 37 degrees.

    Bronchitis. The disease is characterized by inflammation in the bronchi. Most often it begins with the development of a pathological process in the upper respiratory tract with a gradual transition to the larynx, trachea and bronchi. The patient suffers from a cough, which can be either dry or wet with sputum discharge. If the bronchi are damaged by a bacterium, the sputum produced will contain purulent contents. In addition, there is an increase in body temperature, up to 39 degrees, shortness of breath and pain in the chest area.

    Pneumonia. When lung tissue is damaged by staphylococcal infection, it has severe course. Statistics indicate that outside a hospital, a person can get this type of pneumonia in only 1% of cases, but inside a hospital, staphylococcus affects the lungs much more often, on average, in 15% of cases. Among the complex of symptoms there are regular repeated increases in body temperature. That is, it periodically rises and falls, which manifests itself in the form of chills. The patient suffers from severe shortness of breath, muscle weakness, pain when coughing and even when breathing. Place of localization of painful sensations - rib cage, they are associated with stretching of the pleura. The sputum becomes not just mucous, but with purulent impurities. The complexion becomes bluish, which is a consequence of oxygen starvation. Often it is staphylococcal pneumonia lead to the development of lung abscesses and pleural empyema. The most serious complication is sepsis.

    Osteomyelitis. Manifests itself in purulent-necrotic lesions of bone tissue and bone marrow, as well as the soft tissues surrounding them. In adults, the spine is most often affected; the route of infection is hematogenous, that is, the bacterium reaches its destination through the bloodstream. However, the symptoms are not too pronounced. The temperature, as a rule, does not exceed subfebrile levels, while the person experiences pain at the site of inflammation and disorder motor function in the relevant area.

    Food poisoning caused by staphylococcus develops acutely. Often, the first signs of infection are observed within half an hour after eating contaminated products. Among the symptoms, patients note: abdominal pain, frequent vomiting, diarrhea, and nausea.

    These are the most common diseases caused by bacteria.

However, in order for the clinical picture caused by staphylococcus to be complete, it is necessary to present the general symptoms caused by the microorganism:

    Local increase in body temperature. It is the local increase in temperature that is due to the fact that in this way the body is trying to cope with pathogenic bacterium and prevent it from reproducing. This method of protection is called the bacteriostatic effect.

    Hyperemia, which is formed due to a rush of blood to the site of inflammation. In this case, the vessels dilate, and the outflow of venous blood decreases. This is also defensive reaction body for infection. Thus, he tries to increase the flow of oxygen to neutralize the toxic effect.

    Tissue swelling due to increased vascular permeability.

    Painful sensations caused by pinching of nerve endings by swollen tissues. Damage to the vessel may also occur due to excess blood flow, which contributes to pain.

    Impaired functionality of organs and tissues as a result of their damage to cellular level.

It is important not to apply knowledge regarding the symptoms of the disease in adulthood to children. This is because signs of infection will be in different ages slightly different. This is especially true for newborns and children under one year old.

How is staphylococcus transmitted? Causes of infection

All diseases that the bacterium causes can occur as a result of the fact that the infection enters the body through a violation of the integrity of the skin or mucous membranes, because it is a permanent inhabitant of the human skin and mucous membranes. In addition, infection can occur exogenously, that is, ingested through food or through close contact.

At the same time, we should not forget that some people are permanent or temporary carriers of this bacterium, which also has a significant role in the possibility of transmission. At the same time, pathogenic bacteria do not manifest themselves in any way and such people pose a particular danger to those around them.

The following possible routes of transmission of infection are distinguished:

    Contact and household path. When bacteria enter the body through various household items or through direct contact with the skin. Sometimes it is enough to use someone else's towel or bedding for infection to occur. In this case, the bacterium can cause both an inflammatory process and simply exist in the host’s body.

    By airborne droplets. That is, a person inhales air in which bacteria are present. The most common source of infection is sick people who release bacteria when they cough, sneeze, or simply breathe.

    Dust. Bacteria have the property long time exist in the surrounding dust. When it enters the respiratory tract, infection occurs. This path is called air-dust path.

    The fecal-oral route, which is also called the nutritional route. In this case, the bacteria are released when the infected organism vomits or defecates. An uninfected person eats foods that contain staphylococcus and becomes ill. This often happens due to insufficient hygiene, namely through dirty hands.

    Medical instruments. Infection can penetrate into a healthy body through poorly processed medical instruments, which is called an artificial method of infection. This occurs during diagnostic procedures, such as bronchoscopy, and also during surgery. An additional danger is that instruments may be processed in the usual way, but they contain bacteria that have developed resistance to specific methods processing.

Except existing paths infection, there are also reasons that provoke a person to become infected with a bacterium:

    Any disease that causes a decrease in human immune strength. This also includes frequent and severe stress and irregular sleep.

    General hypothermia of the body. This reason plays a leading role in the development of the inflammatory process in the upper respiratory tract. At low body temperatures, the work of the cilia of the ciliated epithelium, which line the nasal mucosa, slows down. Thus, it is much easier for infections to enter the body and provoke an inflammatory process.

    Existing diabetes mellitus and disruption of the endocrine system.

    Bad habits such as smoking and frequent consumption of alcoholic beverages.

    The presence of the immunodeficiency virus or AIDS.

    Chronic diseases.

    Age. According to statistics, newborns, early preschool children and the elderly are most susceptible to infection.

    Viral infections often precede the disease becoming bacterial. In most cases, this is observed with influenza and ARVI, when, against the background of a decline in immunity, the staphylococci existing in the body begin to exhibit pathological activity.

    Prolonged use of vasoconstrictor drops, which disrupt the integrity of the nasal mucosa and promote infection.

    Inhalation of allergens and toxic substances leads to trauma to the bronchi, which can become a provoking factor in the development of bacterial inflammation.

    Insufficient hygiene.

    Eating contaminated foods.

    Violation of the integrity of the mucous membranes or skin.

In medicine, it is customary to distinguish four degrees of staphylococcus. Moreover, each of which is characterized by a certain degree of activity and requires different treatment. It is necessary to distinguish between staphylococci that are definitely pathogenic, which are destructive to blood cells, and opportunistic, which contribute to the development of a minor inflammatory reaction. In addition, there are also saprophytes that cause virtually no damage.

It is knowledge of the degree of infection that helps doctors more accurately select treatment and predict the nature of the disease. Although the division by degree is rather conditional, and the prognosis largely depends on the level of immunity of the infected person, as well as his resistance to the bacterium.

A doctor can determine the degree of activity of staphylococcus by collecting blood or other materials for laboratory testing. He also decides on the need for treatment and the nature of future therapy.

Stage 1 staphylococcus

If the immune system is normal, then this degree of staphylococcus will not be able to cause pathological processes, which means that treatment is not required.

Stage 2 staphylococcus

When staphylococcus is detected in such a low diagnostic titer, doctors most often do not prescribe treatment. However, a comprehensive examination is necessary to identify other infections. This is especially true if there are any complaints about pathological processes occurring in the body.

If it is discovered that a person has a concomitant infection, then staphylococcus must be eliminated from the body using antibacterial therapy. However, the need for treatment is determined by the doctor and depends on each specific case.

Stage 3 staphylococcus

When it is discovered that a person has stage 3 staphylococcus, most doctors agree that it is necessary antibacterial therapy. Although when in good condition Without immune forces, the bacterium will not be able to provoke an infectious process. This degree is considered acceptable, but with any disruption in the body it can lead to serious inflammatory reactions.

First of all, the doctor will prescribe treatment aimed at strengthening the immune system; if it does not give an effect after 2 months, then a further regimen therapeutic effects is developed individually in each specific case.

4 degree staphylococcus

When grade 4 staphylococci are detected, specific treatment is required, although such indicators are considered only potentially dangerous. It is important to prevent bacteria from becoming resistant to the drug, and it is also necessary to determine the sensitivity of a specific bacterium to a specific drug. Only after this can treatment begin, which in the vast majority of cases (if there are no signs of inflammation) boils down to increasing immunity and getting rid of possible dysbacteriosis and vitamin deficiency.

Complications and consequences of staphylococcus - what will happen if left untreated?

When antibacterial therapy is not started in a timely manner, this can lead to serious complications:

    Endocarditis. In this case, the heart valve and the inner layers of the heart are affected. In this case, the patient experiences joint pain, increased heart rate, decreased performance, and sometimes body temperature rises. This pathology, in turn, is accompanied by no less serious diseases, including heart failure, meningitis, etc.

    Meningitis caused by staphylococcus is characterized by purulent inflammation of the membranes of the brain, accompanied by high body temperature, nausea and vomiting, convulsions, and severe headache. Moreover, even timely initiation of therapy does not guarantee that the patient will avoid death. Mortality with adequate treatment is up to 30%.

    Toxic shock syndrome is often considered a symptom of a staph infection, however, it is a complication of the disease. It consists of a shock reaction of the body in response to infection. At the same time drug therapy difficult. The patient suffers from elevated body temperature, up to 40 degrees, repeated vomiting and diarrhea. Blood pressure falls, there is a high probability of death.

    Blood poisoning is another serious complication of an untreated infection. Happens in that case. When a bacterium enters the bloodstream and begins to poison the body with the toxins it produces. It is sepsis caused by staphylococcus that is the most common blood infection and also the most dangerous. In addition to extremely high body temperature, it is accompanied by severe headaches, nausea and vomiting, damage to the liver, intestines, lungs, and brain. At the same time, antibacterial therapy without a preliminary antibiogram often leads to high mortality among patients.

Treatment of staphylococcus

In order to get rid of bacteria, a competent selection of antibacterial therapy is necessary.

The most commonly used treatments are the following:

    Amoxicillin, which is able to suppress the reproduction and growth of pathogenic bacteria and promote their destruction. It has a fairly wide spectrum of action and blocks the production of peptidoglycan. Use regardless of meals, no more than 1 g three times a day.

    Vancomycin helps block a component that is part of the bacterial cell membrane, changes the degree of permeability of its wall, which leads to the death of staphylococcus. It is given intravenously, either every 6 or every 12 hours. The dosage is determined by the doctor.

    Cloxacillin. Helps block membranes that are at the stage of bacterial division. It is necessary to take the drug every 6 hours at a dosage of 500 mg.

    Cefazolin. It has a wide spectrum of action and prevents the production of bacterial cell wall components. Can be used both intravenously and intramuscularly, up to 4 times a day.

    Oxacillin. Has a detrimental effect on late stages development of bacteria and promotes their destruction. Used intravenously, intramuscularly and orally.

    Cephalexin. The drug prevents the synthesis of components that make up the bacterial cell wall. Must be taken before meals, every 6 hours.

    Cephalothin, which disrupts the ability of bacteria to divide normally and also has a destructive effect on the membrane of staphylococci. Used both intravenously and intramuscularly.

    Cefotaxime. The drug is aimed at suppressing the growth of bacteria and preventing them from multiplying. Used both intravenously and intramuscularly. The dosage is selected individually.

    Claritomycin, which prevents bacteria from producing their own proteins. It is most often used in tablet form, although it may be given intravenously for severe infections.

    Erythromycin also interferes with protein production and must be used every 6 hours.

    Clindamycin is also aimed at eliminating the ability of bacteria to produce a certain protein, which leads to its death.

Before you start using this or that drug, it is necessary to conduct an antibiogram. This will help identify the sensitivity of staphylococcus to the drug. Conducting such a study is important for the patient’s health, which will guarantee that the bacteria will not develop resistance.

Treatment of staphylococcal infection requires strict adherence to the frequency of administration, time of use of the drug and its dosage. It is important to take the prescribed remedy not until the first symptoms disappear, but for at least 5 days. If it is necessary to extend the course, the doctor will inform you about this. In addition, treatment cannot be stopped; therapy must be continuous.

Prevention in the fight against infection is a necessary measure that doctors around the world insist on. Firstly, this is due to the fact that every year the bacterium becomes more and more resistant to antibacterial agents designed to eliminate it. This makes fighting infection especially difficult. Secondly, staphylococcus can cause serious harm the human body, so it is easier to prevent the development of inflammation than to fight it later. And thirdly, treatment with antibacterial agents always involves certain health risks in the form of various side effects.

Therefore, compliance with the following preventive measures will help maintain health:

    Timely elimination of possible foci of infection. Dental caries can serve as sources, constantly sore tonsils, enlarged adenoids, conjunctivitis, unremoved tooth roots, boils, barley, inflammatory diseases of the genital area and urinary tract. Any outbreak is a source of increased danger that should be eliminated immediately. Moreover, harm can be caused not only to one’s own health, but also to the health of others.

    Prevention of ARVI and seasonal influenza epidemics. Regarding the latter, it is advisable to undergo vaccination.

    Cleanliness of the workplace, home and clothing, ventilation of the room, especially when there are a large number of people. It is no secret that not only clothes, but also dust are often contaminated with staphylococcus. In addition, it is unacceptable to use other people’s items for personal hygiene.

    Playing sports, eating healthy, giving up bad habits, leading an active lifestyle. All this will strengthen the body’s immune forces and help it resist possible infection.

    Compliance with personal hygiene rules. In terms of preventing staph infections, it is most advisable to talk about regular hand washing.

    Eating clean, preferably heat-treated foods that have not expired. Often the source of infection is confectionery products, canned foods, poorly processed fruits and vegetables, as well as meat and milk from cows with mastitis.

    Timely treatment of wounds with antiseptic and, if necessary, antibacterial agents.

    Visit a doctor if you notice the first symptoms of the disease or if you suspect a possible carrier of the infection.

    Careful processing of tools from the outside medical personnel. Avoidance of negligence regarding sanitary standards.

    Refusal to go to dubious tattoo parlors, manicure salons, solariums and other establishments of this kind.

Bacteria play an important role in the development and functioning of the human body. This domain of living organisms was one of the first to appear on Earth, and played a key role in the evolutionary development of all creatures. Most prokaryotic microorganisms are protectors of people, participating in the development of immunity and digestion processes, but there are also dangerous species that pose a threat to life. Staphylococci belong to both groups simultaneously.

General concept of staphylococcus

The number of bacterial cells in the human body significantly exceeds the number of cells in the body itself. Colonies of single-celled microbes inhabit the gastric tract, skin, mucous membranes and are necessary for many processes (digestion, formation of the immune system, etc.). Total in human body There are several thousand species of bacteria, some of which play an important role in biological processes, while others cause a large number of diseases.

Staphylococcus (Staphylococcus) is a member of the genus of bacteria Micrococcaceae, family Staphylococcaceae. These immobile microorganisms have a spherical (spherical) structure and are located on nutrient media in groups in the form of grape bunches. Staphylococci, like all microorganisms, are divided into opportunistic, pathogenic and saprophytic. The pathogenic properties of representatives of this genus are manifested in toxin formation (the ability of bacteria to produce exo-endotoxins and aggressive enzymes).

As representatives normal microflora In humans, staphylococci in relation to the human body are opportunistic in nature and under certain conditions become hazardous to health. Characteristic microbiological features of this genus are:

  • facultative anaerobic type of respiration (can develop both in the presence and absence of oxygen);
  • antigenic structure;
  • absence of flagella, protective capsules;
  • gram-positive (preservation of color when washed using the Gram method);
  • good tolerance to various temperature conditions, high resistance in the external environment, rapid adaptability to antibiotics (the optimal temperature for growth is 37 degrees, but in frozen conditions bacteria can live for several years, they do not tolerate direct sunlight, heating above 70 degrees and the action of chemicals);
  • ability to produce endotoxins.

Pathogenicity factors

For the development of an infectious disease, it is necessary to penetrate into the body an infectious agent that is pathogenic (and all pathogens have their own range of organisms susceptible to their action). The virulence of staphylococci (the degree of pathogenicity characterizes the ability of the pathogen to have a destructive effect on the cells of a living organism) is associated with two groups of factors - invasiveness and toxigenicity.

Invasiveness characterizes the ability of microorganisms to overcome protective immunological barriers, penetrate organs and tissues, multiply there and resist the immunity of macroorganisms. This ability is ensured by the production of enzymes (hyaluronidase, fibrinolysin, collagenase, etc.), the presence of a capsule and mucous substance (protecting bacterial cells from phagocytosis), and flagella that promote attachment to cells.

The toxigenicity of staphylococci determines their ability to produce toxic substances that have a detrimental effect on the macroorganism by changing its metabolism and inhibiting the activity of immune cells. Toxic substances secreted by pathogenic strains of microorganisms include:

  • leukocidins are membrane-damaging toxins that have a detrimental effect on human leukocytes;
  • enterotoxins – cause food poisoning, allergic reactions, are resistant to digestive enzymes and formaldehyde;
  • plasmacoagulase – provoke clotting of blood plasma;
  • hyaluronidase - breaks down the main element of connective tissue ( hyaluronic acid);
  • fibrinolysin - dissolves fibrin protein;
  • phosphatase - breaks off salts phosphoric acids from nucleotides, proteins and alkaloids.

Types of staphylococcus

During bacteriological research About 27 species of microorganisms belonging to the genus Micrococcaceae were discovered. Most of them do not have a genetic factor of pathogenicity, and they do not pose a danger to human health, but there are 3 types of pathogenic staphylococci that cause the development of dangerous staphylococcal infections.

To determine whether bacteria belong to a specific species, specific determinants are used, of which the Bergi classifier has been generally accepted since 1974. According to this determinant, microorganisms belonging to the staphylococcal family are differentiated into 3 types depending on their pathogenic properties:

Pathogenicity factors

Staphylococcus aureus

Staphylococcus epidermidis

Staphylococcus saprophyticus

Plasma coagulation

Deoxyribonuclease production

Production of lecithovitellase

Phosphatase release

Capacity for anaerobic fermentation of glucose

Due to the presence of all pathogenicity factors, Staphylococcus aureus (Staphylococcus aureus) poses the greatest danger to the body of people of all age categories. The high virulence of the microorganism and its wide distribution in the environment determine the fact that this pathogen causes the development of more than 100 diseases. Staphylococcus aureus has several varieties that cause certain diseases. To determine the bacterial culture, phage typing is used, which helps to identify the infectious source.

The other two species do not possess all the significant pathogenicity factors, therefore they are less likely to cause infection and primarily affect certain groups of people and areas of the body. Thus, epidermal staphylococcus (staphylococcus epidermidis) poses an increased danger to premature or weakened newborns, patients with an immunodeficiency state or cancer. This type of bacteria is localized on the skin and mucous membranes, rarely spreading to internal organs.

Saprophytic staphylococcus (staphylococcus saprophyticus) lives in the leathery layers of the external genitalia, the urethra (in the mucous membranes) and is less virulent compared to other members of the family. Women are at risk of infection with this type of microorganism (manifestation – acute cystitis, inflammation of the kidneys), in men, diseases caused by saprophytes are rarely diagnosed (mainly acute urethritis).

In modern microbiology, another new type of pathogenic microbes of the genus Micrococcaceae is identified - hemolytic (haemolyticus). This type of bacteria has a high ability for hemolysis (destruction of red blood cells). By their nature, hemolytic microorganisms are opportunistic, but when favorable conditions are created, they acquire a pathogenic character and can lead to the development of inflammatory processes with the formation of abscesses on internal organs, skin and mucous membranes.

Routes of transmission of staphylococcus

Bacteria are an integral part of the human microflora, constantly present in the body and on the surface of the skin. Mucous membranes and skin perform protective functions, preventing the penetration of potentially dangerous agents into the internal microenvironment. When the integrity of the protective shells is violated, microbes enter the body and (in the presence of favorable conditions for development) exhibit their pathogenic properties.

Staphylococcal infection is transmitted to humans in several ways, both exogenous and endogenous. The main methods of transmission of an infectious agent are:

  • airborne – the transmission mechanism is realized through air environment, where bacteria located on the mucous membrane of the respiratory tract enter during sneezing or coughing, introduction into the body occurs when inhaling contaminated air;
  • airborne dust – the source of infection is dried microbes (due to the ability of staphylococci to remain viable for a long time when drying), which, together with dust particles, enter the body during inhalation;
  • contact-household - infection occurs through direct contact with a carrier (direct route) or with household items contaminated with infectious pathogens (indirect route);
  • nutritional (fecal-oral) - while in the intestines of an infected person, bacteria are excreted through feces, after which they enter the water and spread by water, infection occurs when ingesting contaminated water, eating raw vegetables or fruits washed under contaminated water, after which the microbe is localized in the digestive tract of the new macroorganism;
  • blood-contact – pathogenic microorganisms are transmitted during medical procedures, injections (including narcotic substances).

Factors that increase the risk of infection

The penetration of pathogenic bacteria into the body does not mean that this will cause the development of an infectious disease. The immune system of a healthy person is highly resistant to the action of staphylococci, even those with high virulence. In the protective mechanism, the main role is played by the barrier properties of the epidermis, phagocytosis (the process of capturing and digesting pathogenic agents), and the presence of specific antibodies.

When exposed to certain factors, the defenses weaken, immunity decreases, and it becomes easier for pathogenic microorganisms to penetrate and gain a foothold in the body. Due to a weakened immune system, staphylococcus very often develops in a child (due to an unformed immune system) and in an elderly person (due to natural processes of suppression of immune cells).

After suffering a staphylococcal infection, specific immunity is acquired, caused by a humoral factor - the production of anti-staphylococcal antibodies. The acquired protective mechanism is not stable and durable, so diseases caused by this type of pathogen often recur. Factors that contribute to weakening of the immune system and facilitating the penetration of pathogenic bacteria into the body are:

  • pathological processes occurring in a chronic or acute form - against their background, the risk of secondary diseases increases, the most dangerous are conditions such as influenza, sore throat, tracheitis, laryngitis, bronchitis, pneumonia, colds, tuberculosis;
  • autoimmune disorders, pathologies of the endocrine system, malignant neoplasms - with disorders caused by diseases such as diabetes mellitus, hyperthyroidism, human immunodeficiency virus, irreversible changes occur in immune cells;
  • commitment bad habits(smoking tobacco, drugs, alcohol abuse, psychotropic substances, drug use) – the use of harmful substances has a detrimental effect on the body, inhibiting its resistance to infectious agents;
  • physical inactivity – sedentary lifestyle life negatively affects the functioning of all body systems, leading to a decrease in the production of necessary hormones and enzymes;
  • hypovitaminosis – deficiency of vitamins leads to disruption of the functioning of internal organs, incl. glands responsible for the production of lymphocytes;
  • unbalanced diet - the lack of all necessary nutrients in the daily menu contributes to the development of hypovitaminosis;
  • prolonged emotional stress, disruption of sleep and wakefulness - a high level of stress disrupts the functioning of the nervous system, provoking the development psychosomatic diseases;
  • uncontrolled use of medications - antibacterial drugs have a systemic effect on the body, inhibiting the activity of the immune response, vasoconstrictor medications can disrupt the integrity of the mucous membranes, which will reduce their protective properties;
  • damage to the skin and mucous membranes - in most cases, the cause of staphylococcal infection is a violation of the integrity of the epidermis or mucous membrane;
  • high concentration carbon dioxide in places of frequent stay - the result of rare ventilation of premises is the accumulation of exhaled carbon dioxide, which has a poisonous effect on the body;
  • being in conditions of increased air pollution without using special means protection;
  • eating foods without proper processing.

At-risk groups

The establishment of bacteria and the beginning of their active reproduction becomes possible when favorable conditions are created, which include a general suppression of the activity of immune cells and an increase in body temperature to the optimum for development (37 degrees). To the zone increased risk includes people whose professional activities involve being in public places (medics, service workers, etc.). Factors contributing to the onset of the pathological process appear at certain stages of a person’s life, such as:

  • pregnancy - 6-8 and 20-28 weeks are considered particularly dangerous periods for the development of diseases, during this time the embryo is actively developing and takes a lot of strength from the pregnant woman, which leads to the development of hypovitaminosis and decreased immunity;
  • old age - the natural processes of aging of the body contribute to a decrease in the activity of the production of hormones, enzymes, and the production of antibodies; the risk of diseases is especially high in persons with diseases such as diabetes, rheumatism, and oncological pathologies;
  • the first year of life - the immune system of newborns is not yet fully formed, which makes them vulnerable to viruses and infectious agents.

What diseases does staphylococcus cause?

Infection with bacteria leads to the development of more than 100 diseases - from acne and boils to diseases with a high degree of mortality (sepsis, peritonitis, endocarditis), most of which are provoked by Staphylococcus aureus. Pathogenic staphylococcus has many mechanisms of spread and development, ranking second after Pseudomonas aeruginosa in the frequency of cases of the disease. The most frequently reported diseases caused by streptococcal infection are:

  • rhinitis is one of the most common diseases, inflammation of the nasal mucosa;
  • sinusitis – inflammation of the maxillary and frontal sinuses;
  • meningitis is a disease inflammatory in nature affecting the spinal cord or brain;
  • septic arthritis (in children) – inflammation of the joints with a high risk of irreversible loss of function;
  • pharyngitis is an inflammatory process localized in the pharyngeal mucosa;
  • pneumonia (pneumonia) – damage to the lung tissue;
  • bronchitis – infection of the larynx, trachea, bronchi;
  • laryngitis - pathology of the larynx in combination with inflammation of the trachea;
  • osteomyelitis – bacterial infection of the bones and bone marrow of a purulent-necrotic nature;
  • food poisoning – characterized by rapid onset (may occur 30 minutes after consuming contaminated products);
  • scalded skin syndrome - acute epidermolysis, characterized by the appearance of blisters and eroded ulcers on the skin;
  • pyoderma – skin disease, provoked by the introduction of purulent cocci into the epidermis.

Symptoms of staphylococcus

In clinical medicine, the term “streptococcal infection” means all ailments that develop as a result of infection of the body by bacteria of the Staphylococcaceae family. Symptoms of infectious diseases are especially pronounced in newborns. Signs of staphylococcus have many manifestations, which depend on the type of microbe, its location and the general state of the patient’s immunity. Common characteristic symptoms of the disease include:

  • increased body temperature;
  • the appearance on the body of areas of increased sensitivity to touch, characterized by swelling and hypermia;
  • the appearance of a rash containing pus (on the face, body, ears, mouth);
  • symptoms of general intoxication are observed (nausea, lethargy, loss of strength, decreased psycho-emotional background, lack of appetite);
  • impaired sense of smell;
  • frequent inflammation of the hair follicles of the eyelashes (styre).

Signs of skin lesions

The severity of symptoms of skin infection depends on the degree of bacterial prevalence. Staphylococcus on the skin with a limited spread of the inflammatory process manifests itself in local symptoms (can be observed on the skin, glands, follicles of hair or ciliary follicles or subcutaneous fat), with extensive - in systemic (general):

Local signs


General signs



Blood elements responsible for relieving inflammation leave the bloodstream and are directed to the lesion, which causes tissue swelling

Temperature rise

A protective mechanism that prevents the proliferation of microorganisms by improving cellular metabolism and removing microbes and their toxins from the body

Hyperemia of certain areas of the skin

At the site of inflammation, modifications in the blood supply occur (outflow of venous blood and inflow of arterial blood), which leads to redness

Feeling worse

The inflammatory process leads to changes at the cellular level, which manifests itself in the loss of some functions of cells and malfunctions of all systems


Swelling provokes compression of the nerve endings leading to the vessels adjacent to the site of inflammation - this causes painful sensations

Dyspeptic disorders

Caused by the entry of toxic waste products of microorganisms into the bloodstream and intestines

Purulent discharge

Cells of leukocytes, erythrocytes, and platelets that die in the process of performing their functions are excreted from the body in the form of pus

For diseases of the upper respiratory tract

A sign that distinguishes staphylococcal infection of the upper respiratory tract from other types of diseases is the presence of serous-purulent discharge. Recognition of bacterial colonization of the nasal cavity, upper nasopharynx or oropharynx is based on the following specific symptoms:

  • change in voice - manifested in distortion of timbre, strength, pitch, increased fatigue during a conversation, complete loss of voice may occur;
  • the appearance of pain in the throat when swallowing, difficulty breathing through the nose;
  • sleep disturbance;
  • the appearance of signs of sinusitis - frequent headaches, discharge of copious purulent discharge from the nasal sinuses, low-grade fever;
  • decreased sense of smell, change taste sensations;
  • difficulty swallowing food associated with sore throat;
  • the appearance of cough, sore throat;
  • increase in the size of lymph nodes.

For lower respiratory tract infection

When a virus or infection enters the epithelial cells of the mucous membrane of the lower respiratory tract, they are destroyed, which contributes to the rapid colonization of tissues by cocci bacteria. By joining the viral infection, pathogenic staphylococci interfere with regenerative processes, and the disease becomes chronic. The presence of coccal pathogens in the bronchial tree and lung tissues is indicated by the following signs:

  • cough with discharge of purulent substances;
  • discharge of sputum mixed with blood (hemoptysis);
  • severe pain (difficult to breathe deeply);
  • increase in body temperature to subfebrile;
  • sharp deterioration well-being.

For food intoxication

The basis of the changes that occur during food intoxication, provoked by cocci, is the effect of enterotoxins on the intestines of an infected person. Excessive production of interleukin-2 (a protein involved in inflammatory reactions) leads to increased stimulation of smooth tissue muscle cells, which manifests itself in the following symptoms:

  • stomach ache;
  • watery diarrhea;
  • nausea;
  • retching, vomiting;
  • change in stool;
  • insignificant increase in temperature.

Signs of food poisoning of an infectious nature are difficult to identify due to their low specificity. A characteristic feature can only be called the speed of their manifestation after eating contaminated food (usually confectionery products with creamy filling, canned foods, store-bought meat salads). The manifestation of intoxication is observed after 30-60 minutes. and is protracted.

Diagnosis of staphylococcus

Determination of the type of pathogen of infectious diseases and its phage typing is carried out using microscopic and cultural studies. Due to the ability of a pathogenic microorganism to affect many organs and tissues, the material for diagnosis is samples of blood, purulent discharge, sputum, nasal swabs, vomit, feces, urine, smears of genitourinary system secretions.

Staphylococcus in the blood is detected by examining a coagulase test and examining Gram-stained material. To establish the pathogenicity of the detected bacteria, they are isolated by plating on a nutrient medium (meat peptor agar, blood agar, saline broth). After identifying signs of pathogenicity, the test material is placed in test tubes with mannitol to determine the degree of fermentation.

If cultures during diagnosis showed the ability to coagulate plasma and ferment mannitol in the absence of oxygen, they are classified as pathogenic. Further research is aimed at determining the sensitivity of the detected bacteria to antibacterial agents, for which a biochemical blood test is used in the laboratory.

Treatment of staphylococcus

To prevent complications (many of which are life-threatening) that can develop against the background of an infectious coccus infection, it is necessary to take action as soon as possible after the first signs appear. curative measures. The basis of treatment is drug therapy using antibiotics and antimicrobials. If indicated, immunomodulatory and hormonal medications may be prescribed along with antibacterial agents.

Treatment of diseases caused by staphylococcal infection is carried out at home; the need for hospitalization occurs in case of systemic damage to the body (sepsis, toxic shock, meningitis, endocarditis). Surgical intervention is indicated for purulent-necrotic lesions of the skin, the formation of boils and carbuncles.

Antibiotic therapy

Conservative treatment of staphylococcus is based on the use of antibacterial agents active against a specific type of pathogen. The choice of drugs is based on the sensitivity of the detected bacterial culture to the active substances of the drugs, determined using an antibiogram. Antibiotics of the β-lactam series (penicillins, cephalosporins, etc.) are of greatest importance for therapy; macrolides (Erythromycin, Clarithromycin) and lincosamides (Clindamycin) are less commonly prescribed.

The most commonly prescribed drugs for diseases caused by cocci are beta-lactam antibiotics, such as:


Mechanism of action

Method of administration (with a minimum course of treatment of 5 days)


Disruption of cell membrane synthesis processes of dividing microbes

Orally, 4 times a day, 500 mg with an interval of 6 hours.


Suppressing the development of bacteria and provoking their destruction by blocking the production of peptidoglycans (one of the main elements of the bacterial cell wall)

Orally, 1 tablet containing 0.5 g active substance, three times a day before or after meals


By blocking the production of one of the elements of the cellular structure of microbes, the permeability of the cell walls is changed, which leads to its destruction

Intravenously (drip infusions for at least 1 hour), dosage is 0.5 g 2 or 4 times a day (with a break of 6 or 12 hours)


Leads to the death of microorganisms due to the destruction of their cell walls (by desynthesis of peptidoglycan at the very last stages of cell division)

Orally - daily dosage is 3 g, single dose – 1 g (take one hour before meals or 3 hours after), intramuscular – from 2 to 4 g per day


A drug with a wide spectrum of activity, promotes cell destruction, disrupting the production of components of its wall

Intramuscularly, 1-4 g per day (the dose is divided into 3 or 4 times)


By disrupting the production of wall elements of pathogenic microorganisms, it leads to their death

Orally, 4 times a day, 250-500 mg one hour before meals


Disturbs the processes of growth and reproduction of cocci, leading to destruction of the cell wall

Intramuscularly, intravenously, the dosage is determined individually, but should not exceed 12 g per day


Prevents the division of microbes, has a destructive effect on cells

Intravenously, single dose no more than 2 g, administration interval – 5-6 hours.

Other treatments

Along with mandatory antibiotic therapy, a number of therapeutic measures, aimed at eliminating pathological processes caused by the activity of pathogenic bacteria and restoring the body's defenses. Additional methods of treating staphylococcus include:

  • surgical intervention - carried out to remove purulent exudate from places of accumulation, carried out by draining and washing the opened ulcers with solutions containing antibiotics;
  • the use of bacteriophages (viruses that have selective activity against bacterial cells) - for treatment, external agents based on antibacterial components are used, penetrating into the cocci cells, the phages cause their dissolution (lysis);
  • therapy using immunomodulators - taking drugs containing natural or synthetic substances that have an immunostimulating effect (thymus preparations, interleukins, interferons) by stimulating the activity of immunocompetent cells;
  • taking vitamin-mineral complexes - if the cause of a decrease in general immunity is a deficiency of vitamins, this method of treatment shows high effectiveness; in other cases, additional intake of vitamins serves as a catalyst for restoration processes in the body;
  • traditional medicine - homeopathic methods It is permissible to use only as an auxiliary; the most popular means include rinsing oral cavity chlorophyllipt solution, compresses from apple cider vinegar, eating fresh currants, apricots, treating skin lesions copper sulfate, taking decoctions of burdock and comfrey.

Prevention of staphylococcus

Due to the widespread prevalence of bacteria of the Staphylococcaceae family, their resistance to environmental influences and the increased susceptibility of people with reduced immunity to them, a set of preventive measures should be carried out in several directions. Basic measures to prevent staphylococcal infection include the following steps:

  1. Impact on the source - isolation of carriers of pathogenic strains from healthy individuals, sanitation of infectious patients and personnel medical institutions.
  2. Reducing the routes of infection - compliance with sanitary and hygienic standards, rules of asepsis and antisepsis when in contact with infected persons, careful processing of products before consumption, timely antibacterial treatment of wounds and cuts.
  3. Strengthening the body's immune defense - maintaining a balanced diet, taking general restoratives of plant origin, specific medications (immunomodulators), vitamin and mineral complexes.


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All about staphylococcus

The study of staphylococcal microorganisms began in the 19th century by the outstanding French biologist Louis Pasteur. In his works, he revealed a clear connection between the presence of coccal bacteria and the onset of a purulent inflammatory process. Since then, scientists have conducted many microbiological studies of such flora, during which more than twenty strains of staphylococci were discovered.


When infected with staphylococcus, a person can experience more than a hundred different diseases. This happens due to:

  • very wide distribution of bacteria in the environment and on the surface of the human body;
  • the high pathogenicity of some strains of microorganisms, which even in low concentrations can cause a pyogenic process;
  • significant resistance to environmental factors.

Characteristics of staphylococcus:

Infectious lesions develop in patients with defects in the immune system and with sufficient contamination with staphylococci. A major role is played by pathogenic factors of microorganisms, the presence of which increases the risk of infection. These include:

  • The ability to securely attach staphylococcus to the surface of the skin or mucous membranes.
  • The release of chemicals that inhibit the activity of human immunocompetent cells and cause allergic reactions.
  • Production of toxins.

Most pathogenic strains of coccal microorganisms possess such factors.

Staphylococcus is transmitted in different ways

  • Contact– in direct contact with a sick person or contaminated household items.
  • Airborne– characteristic of the development of hospital-acquired pneumonia.
  • Food– relevant for the hot season, when the pathogen can multiply in food products.


The classification of staphylococcus occurs according to the genetic characteristics of the species, of which 27 have been identified at this stage of studying the bacterium. The most significant for the threat to human health are:

  • Staphylococcus aureus or Staphylococcus aureus. It got its name because of its ability to produce pigment of the corresponding color. Staphylococcus aureus is dangerous because one of its pathogenicity factors is the ability to clot blood plasma, releasing a special toxin. This feature is used for differential diagnosis pathogen in laboratory conditions. The bacterium is the cause of many diseases that occur with purulent inflammation. Previously, the question arose: where does it come from? Modern research show that about 40 percent of the world's inhabitants are carriers of Staphylococcus aureus, hence the high incidence recorded recently.
  • Staphylococcus epidermidis or Staphylococcus epidermidis. As the name suggests, this bacterium is most often found on the surface of the skin and mucous membranes. However, in a weakened body with defects in the immune system, it can cause purulent processes and in internal organs, affecting the urinary tract, the inner lining of the heart, etc.
  • Saprophytic staphylococcus or Staphylococcus saprophyticus. It plays a role in the development of severe infections of the genitourinary system.
  • Hemolytic staphylococcus or Staphylococcus haemolyticus. Due to the toxins released by the bacterium, red blood cells are destroyed, the so-called. hemolysis. In addition to its effect on red blood cells, it is capable of causing purulent inflammatory processes in various internal organs and on the surface of the skin and mucous membranes.


Staphylococcal diseases have a varied clinical picture, which depends on the location of the pathological process.

Skin damage

A limited inflammatory process is accompanied only by local symptoms; when widespread, symptoms appear. general signs diseases.

Local symptoms:

  • swelling and hyperemia of the skin;
  • purulent discharge from the affected area;
  • pain syndrome of varying intensity.

General symptoms:

  • temperature rise to febrile levels;
  • violation of the patient’s general condition;
  • the appearance of vomiting and other dyspeptic phenomena.

The following may be involved in the pathological process:

  • the actual layers of skin;
  • secretory glands;
  • hair follicles;
  • subcutaneous fatty tissue.

Upper respiratory tract diseases

In the nose, staphylococcus can cause inflammation of the mucous membrane. This shows up:

  • deterioration of nasal breathing due to swelling and large amounts of serous-purulent discharge;
  • impaired odor recognition;
  • increased body temperature;
  • change in voice timbre;
  • decreased sleep quality.

When the inflammatory process moves to the mucous membrane of the sinuses, sinusitis develops. They are characterized by:

  • increase in body temperature;
  • the appearance of a feeling of fullness in the projection of the sinuses;
  • copious purulent discharge;
  • disturbance of general well-being;
  • headache.

Most often, otolaryngologists are consulted for inflammation of the maxillary and frontal sinuses.

If the larynx or pharynx is affected, the patient presents the following complaints:

  • sore throat;
  • difficulty passing food when swallowing;
  • enlargement of regional lymph nodes;
  • cough;
  • increased body temperature;
  • violation of the general condition.

Lower respiratory tract diseases

Involvement of the bronchial tree and lung tissue in the purulent inflammatory process is accompanied by:

  • cough, which produces purulent sputum;
  • dysfunction of external respiration;
  • pain syndrome;
  • significant deterioration in general condition;
  • febrile fever.

Food poisoning

The intestinal infection that occurs with staphylococcus does not have characteristic clinical features. The patient is concerned about:

  • bowel dysfunction;
  • nausea, vomiting;
  • increased body temperature;
  • pain along the intestines.


In order to determine that it is staphylococcus, it is necessary to carry out laboratory and microbiological studies:

  • determination of the titer of specific antibodies;
  • test for coagulase, which is secreted only by Staphylococcus aureus;
  • inoculation of biological material on nutrient media with subsequent determination of the sensitivity of microorganisms to antibiotics.


The basis for the treatment of diseases caused by staphylococcus is use of antibacterial drugs, capable of suppressing the reproduction of the pathogen. Medical tactics for skin lesions are somewhat different. In this case, it is worth remembering that it must be treated with surgical correction followed by antiseptic treatment.


Modern research shows that staphylococcus is a microorganism that, despite treatment, can cause complications. The most dangerous are:


The development of preventive measures was carried out taking into account the fact that staphylococcus can be transmitted both by contact and by airborne droplets. In addition to improving protective properties body, it is proposed:

  • sanitize foci of chronic infection;
  • carry out the necessary antiseptic measures in medical institutions;
  • consult a specialist if you suspect an infectious pathology.


Staphylococcus in children causes more severe purulent lesions, and therefore their prognosis is less favorable. However, timely initiation of etiotropic treatment allows us to hope for a complete recovery.

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Staphylococcus aureus (lat. Staphylococcus aureus) is the most dangerous and pathogenic microorganism among the staphylococcus family, capable of existing in oxygen.

IMPORTANT. The information on the site is provided for informational purposes only. Do not self-medicate. At the first signs of illness, consult a doctor.


Staphylococcus - what is it, types, symptoms and treatment for staphylococcal infection in adults

Staphylococcus is a bacterium that has a regular spherical shape and belongs to the group of gram-positive non-motile cocci. Most often, under a microscope, you can see a cluster of such bacteria, which in appearance resemble a bunch of grapes.

Due to the high resistance of the microbe to antibacterial drugs, diseases of staphylococcal etiology occupy a leading place among all purulent-inflammatory pathologies. It is important for everyone to know about staphylococcus: what kind of disease it is in adults, its symptoms and treatment in order to prevent irreversible health consequences.

Staphylococcus: what is it?

Staphylococcus is a non-motile, spherical bacterium belonging to the Staphylococcus family (Staphylococcaceae). This is a large group of bacteria, numbering 27 species, 14 of which are found on human skin and mucous membranes. Moreover, only 3 species are capable of causing diseases, and therefore belong to opportunistic microflora. At favorable conditions it actively multiplies, causing various purulent processes in the human body.

Considering the fact that staphylococcal infections are extremely resistant to antibiotic therapy applied to them, among purulent-inflammatory diseases staphylococcus, the symptoms of which may indicate an inflammatory process in any organ, takes first place.

Staphylococcus is well tolerated high temperature, as well as drying. These bacteria die at a temperature of 70 - 80ºС for 20 - 30 minutes, and at a temperature of 150ºС - almost instantly.

The most common toxic staphylococcal disease is food poisoning. Almost 50% of all Staphylococcus aureus secrete enterotoxin - a poison that causes severe diarrhea, vomiting, and abdominal pain.

Staphylococci reproduce well in many foods; they are especially fond of butter creams, vegetable and meat salads, and canned food. During the process of reproduction, a toxin accumulates in food, and it is the toxin, and not the microbe itself, that causes the symptoms of the disease in a careless eater.

All types of this microorganism are classified as opportunistic microflora. This means that healthy person They are not dangerous, but under unfavorable conditions they can cause illness.

There are three types of staphylococcus, which are the most common and harmful to the human body:

  • Saprophytic staphylococcus most often affects women, causing them inflammatory diseases of the bladder (cystitis) and kidneys. Saprophytic staphylococcus bacteria are localized in the layers of the skin of the genitals and the mucous membrane of the urethra. Of all the types of staphylococcus, it causes the least damage;
  • Staphylococcus epidermidis. Most dangerous in premature, weakened children and in patients with immunodeficiencies, oncological diseases. The habitat of this pest is the mucous membrane and skin.
  • Staphylococcus aureus. This is the most dangerous type of microbe, which is especially common in the environment. Organisms of all age categories are susceptible to infection.

Each type of staphylococcus has many strains (varieties), differing from each other in the degree of aggressiveness and pathogenicity

Causes of staphylococcal infection

The cause of the development of almost all staphylococcal diseases is a violation of the integrity of the skin or mucous membranes, as well as the consumption of contaminated food. The level of harm also depends on the strain of the bacterium, as well as the functioning of the immune system. The stronger the immune system, the less harm staphylococci can cause to human health.

The source of spread of this infection can be either a sick person or a carrier of the infection (asymptomatic), and according to certain data, about more than 40% of completely healthy people are such carriers. They can act as carriers of any strain of staphylococcus.

Thus, we can conclude that in most cases, staphylococcal disease requires a combination of 2 factors:

  • infection getting inside;
  • disruption of the normal functioning of the immune system.

Particularly important factors in the development of infections are:

  • decreased immunity,
  • use of strong medications, immunosuppressants,
  • chronic pathologies,
  • thyroid problems,
  • stress, environmental influence.

Staphylococcal infections are especially severe in children early age and in older people.

Diseases caused by staphylococci

Staphylococcus aureus is capable of infecting most tissues of the human body. In total, there are more than a hundred diseases that are caused by staphylococcal infection. Staphylococcal infection is characterized by the presence of many various mechanisms, transmission routes and factors.

Staphylococcus in adults can cause the following diseases:

  • Lesions of the skin and mucous membranes - boils, carbuncles, purulent wounds.
  • Food poisoning.
  • Inflammation of the lungs of a bacterial nature.
  • Bronchitis.
  • Endocarditis.
  • Osteomyelitis.
  • Meningitis.
  • Blood poisoning.

Particularly dangerous in this regard is Staphylococcus aureus, which can penetrate anywhere in the body and cause a generalized infection.

Who is susceptible to infection

  • Pregnant women who can be immunized with toxoid at 32-36 weeks.
  • Elderly people are also predisposed to infection, especially those with diseases such as rheumatism, diabetes, eczema, and cancer.
  • Any people, both adults and children, whose immunity is reduced.
  • Medical workers, catering workers, by virtue of their profession.

The infection enters the active reproduction phase at the following moments:

  • hypothermia of the body;
  • during acute respiratory infections and acute respiratory viral infections;
  • in case of endocrine system failures;
  • at inflammatory diseases internal organs and systems.

How is staphylococcus transmitted to humans?

All diseases caused by bacteria can occur as a result of the fact that the infection enters the body due to a violation of the integrity of the skin or mucous membranes, because it is a permanent inhabitant of the human microflora. In addition, infection can occur exogenously, that is, through food or through close contact.

The main routes of transmission of the pathogen:

  • Airborne. The transmission mechanism is based on inhalation of air containing microorganisms. This transmission mechanism becomes possible if bacteria are released into the environment along with exhaled air (in case of disease of the respiratory system: bronchitis or pneumonia).
  • Medical instruments. In the absence of aseptic rules, you can become infected in the same district clinic during a routine examination by a therapist.
  • Contact-household: in direct contact with a sick person or contaminated household items.
  • Foodborne – infection is possible by eating contaminated foods.
  • Fecal-oral. Directly related to non-compliance with hygiene standards. Staphylococcus is present in the stool and vomit of an infected person. It is transmitted through dirty hands, poorly washed vegetables, berries and fruits, and poorly washed dishes.

Once in the body, staphylococcus begins to multiply intensively and produce toxins that negatively affect health, leading to certain pathologies.

Infection with staphylococcus is ensured if the immune system is weakened and the person has been in contact with a carrier of this microbe.

Symptoms of staphylococcus

The clinical picture (symptoms) of staphylococcus can be very diverse, which depends on the organ affected, the strain of the bacterium, the age of the person, and the functionality (health) of the immune system of the potential patient.

All staphylococcal infections have in common the following symptoms:

  • Increase in temperature, local (at the site of infection) or general fever.
  • The presence of purulent processes.
  • Intoxication – general deterioration conditions, loss of appetite, drowsiness, joint pain.

The following symptoms are also typical:

  • Ulcers on the skin of different sizes: boils, pyoderma, abscesses, etc.
  • Cough and rhinitis with purulent yellowish-green discharge.
  • Mucus in the stool, stool upset, nausea.
  • Pain at the site of infection. For example, with staphylococcal osteomyelitis, bones begin to ache, endocarditis may be accompanied by heart pain.

Staphylococcus can affect almost all systems, tissues and organs, giving the clinic staphylococcal local or common diseases. The skin, subcutaneous tissue, nervous system, kidneys, liver, lungs, urinary system, bone tissue and general infection of the body (sepsis) occurs.

Important! After illness, immunity to these microorganisms is unstable. You can become infected with these infections several times during your life. There are no special measures to immunize people against this type of bacteria.


If a person knows what staphylococcus is, he also knows how dangerous the active phase of this pathogenic microorganism is.

  • Exacerbation of existing chronic diseases of the respiratory system, digestive tract, diabetes, rheumatoid arthritis.
  • Entry into the body of other pathogenic microbes (streptococci, pneumococci, etc.).
  • Development of septicemia (blood poisoning).

Staphylococcal infection leads not only to a number of serious illnesses, but can also be complicated by life-threatening conditions. Pathogenic staphylococcus, entering the bloodstream, is able to penetrate the heart, the brain, and in some cases spread to many organs, causing sepsis.


If there is a suspicion of staphylococcus, what it is will be explained and diagnosed by the attending physician. The diagnosis is made after a cultural examination of samples of the pathogen taken from foci of infection (any areas of suppuration, blisters, dried crusts, etc.).

Diagnostic methods depend on which part is affected by the infection.

  • When it comes to pneumonia caused by staphylococcal infection, it is enough to collect sputum after coughing.
  • If the genitourinary system is infected, you will have to collect a urine test.
  • For superficial lesions - scrapings from the skin and sampling from the mucous membranes.

For diagnosis the following is prescribed:

  • biochemical blood test;
  • examination of stool and urine;
  • saliva swab;
  • skin smear.

During the tests, it is also important to identify how sensitive the bacterium is to the effects of antibiotics, which will make it possible to determine the most effective drug for subsequent treatment.

Treatment of staphylococcus in adults

Local forms of staphylococcal infection are treated at home. Hospitalization is indicated in cases of generalization of the process with sepsis, meningitis, endocarditis, or if surgical treatment of purulent-necrotic skin lesions - boils or carbuncles is necessary.

The modern approach to the treatment of staphylococcal infections includes the following areas of treatment:

  • Use of modern antimicrobial drugs and antibiotics;
  • Surgical methods of treatment;
  • Immunomodulation methods;
  • Normalization of the hormonal status and metabolic process of the body with the help of food additives(chitosan, cordyceps), mineral preparations, vitamins.


Bacterioscopic seeding determines the presence of pathogenic flora and its type. Only after this are antibiotics prescribed in tablets and injections that can kill harmful flora.

It is impossible to say for sure which antibiotic kills staphylococcus, because each strain of the bacterium is sensitive to a specific drug. The most commonly used drugs include the following groups of antibiotics:

Treatment of staphylococcal infection requires strict adherence frequency of administration, time of use of the drug and its dosage. It is important to take the prescribed antibiotic not until the first symptoms disappear, but for at least 5 days. If it is necessary to extend the course, the doctor will inform you about this. In addition, treatment cannot be stopped; therapy must be continuous.

Surgical methods

The purpose of surgery for staphylococcal infection is to open the abscess and ensure a good outflow of purulent-inflammatory exudate. Opened abscesses are washed with antibiotic solutions and drained. Proteases are widely used - enzymes that are capable of breaking down peptide bonds in proteins and decay products, thereby accelerating the cleansing of purulent wounds.

Bacteriophages for staphylococcal infection

To combat staphylococcus, bacteriophages can be used - viruses with a selective ability to attack staphylococcus. For external treatment, ointments containing antibacterial components that have an antiseptic and restorative effect are used.


To stimulate the immune system in children and adults, the use of herbal preparations is indicated - echinacea (Immunal), ginseng (ginseng tincture, preparations in the form of tablets and capsules) and Schisandra chinensis.

Use of vitamin and mineral preparations

One of the reasons for decreased immunity and frequent recurrence of infections (including Staphylococcus aureus infection) is a lack of vitamins and minerals in the body. Therefore, vitamin and mineral preparations are successfully used in the treatment and prevention of these infections.

The most justified use of these drugs is in the presence of other signs of vitamin deficiency or during the off-season.

Before starting to use vitamin preparations or nutritional supplements, we recommend that you consult with your doctor and discuss the advisability of such treatment, as well as the associated risks and consequences.

How to treat with folk remedies

Before using any folk remedies for staphylococcus, we recommend consulting with your doctor.

  1. Apricot. For inflammatory processes on the skin due to staphylococcal infection, apricot pulp has proven itself well, and should be applied to areas of inflammation. To treat an internal infection, you need to eat apricot puree 2 times a day - morning and evening, on an empty stomach.
  2. Skin staph infections are also well treated with garlic. 50 g of garlic is crushed and crushed and mixed with 150 ml of water. After straining the resulting infusion, moisten a bandage and apply it to sore spots on the skin. It is recommended to carry out the procedure twice a day for 10 days.
  3. Dry St. John's wort. Brew 2 tsp with a glass of boiling water. herbs, cover with a cloth and let steep for 30 minutes. Take on an empty stomach before breakfast and dinner.
  4. Chamomile decoction is also recommended for use. 2 tsp Boil chamomile in a glass of water for about five minutes. Then the broth is filtered and cooled. It is used as a means for rinsing, washing and wiping.
  5. A good method of treating staphylococcus is black currant. Blackcurrant contains greatest number vitamin C, which strengthens the immune system and promotes speedy recovery. Black currant will also be effective in the treatment of streptococcus.

It is strictly forbidden to use any thermal procedures at home to accelerate the maturation of ulcers. Hot baths, steam baths and saunas will only worsen the patient’s condition and lead to further spread of the infection.


Understanding how difficult it is to treat staphylococcus, most doctors pay attention to preventing the development of infection. Get rid of it completely different types this microorganism is simply impossible. Therefore, the key task is not to eliminate the bacteria, but to prevent the development of the infectious process.

It is important to carry out regular disease prevention without waiting for infection to appear. The following methods are used as preventative measures:

  • maintaining hygiene;
  • prevention of vitamin deficiency;
  • treating wounds and cuts with antibacterial agents;
  • injury prevention;
  • prevention of sweating;
  • thorough processing of vegetables and fruits before eating,
  • exclusion from the diet of products with damaged packaging integrity.

Staphylococcal infections are extremely dangerous to human health because they can cause serious complications. Treatment of infections of this type must be carried out under the supervision of a specialist.

It is impossible to completely get rid of the presence of staphylococci in the body. They are part of the opportunistic human microflora. Small amounts of them do not cause any harm.

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In living nature there are a large number of harmful microorganisms that are a potential threat human health. Among these are Staphylococcus Aureus, which are a group of gram-positive bacteria that are nonmotile in nature.

What is staphylococcus

Such pests can come into contact with humans without causing a relapse. Danger appears when a microbe enters the body, enters the systemic bloodstream and spreads the infection to internal organs and systems. If a person knows what staphylococcus is, he also knows how dangerous the active phase of this pathogenic microorganism is.

The threat to the body is that staphylococcus is a toxic microorganism capable of producing toxic enzymes. These products of microbial activity have a destructive effect on cells, disrupt the integrity of subcutaneous tissue and connective tissue, and contribute to the formation of foci of necrosis at the cellular level. This is especially dangerous for the state of the nervous system, skin, and other internal systems of the body.

Types of staphylococcus

There are 27 known strains, including saprophytic, golden, hemolytic and epidermal. Each microorganism is a dangerous pest in relation to the human body, the differences lie in the areas of exposure, the duration of the incubation period, and the degree of intoxication of the body. Studying the forms of staphylococcus, it becomes obvious that it is especially important to destroy the pathogenic flora in a timely manner. Otherwise, its spread leads to irreversible consequences for the patient’s body.

Staphylococcus aureus

This is the most dangerous type of microbe, which is especially common in the environment. Organisms of all age categories are susceptible to infection. Staphylococcus aureus spares neither children, nor women, nor pensioners. It affects almost all internal systems and organs, while responding slowly to antibiotics. Intensive therapy is long and not always successful, especially if the patient’s body is weakened. Potential diseases that can be caused by Staphylococcus aureus are presented below:

  • pneumonia;
  • staphylococcal sepsis;
  • intoxication of the body;
  • osteomyelitis;
  • staphylococcal sepsis;
  • toxic shock;
  • purulent lesion of the skin.

Staphylococcus epidermidis

If such a pathogenic infection manifests itself in the body, the clinical outcome is not the most favorable. The habitat of this pest is the mucous membrane and skin. Staphylococcus epidermidis behaves passively for a long time and does not harm the human body. If the state of the immune system leaves much to be desired, infection occurs with subsequent penetration of the microbe into the blood. When the systemic bloodstream becomes infected, an inflammatory process of the endocardium develops. When there is no treatment, the patient's body suffers death.

This is another species of Staphylococcus spp. The microbe lives on the body mainly of women in the area of ​​primary sexual characteristics, the area of ​​the urethra (urethra). At the time of infection with saprophytic staphylococcus, the genitourinary system of the body comes under attack, and the development of cystitis, urethritis and other infectious diseases is possible. The lesions are not so extensive; antibiotic treatment provides stable therapeutic effect.

Staphylococcal infection

When pathogenic flora penetrates, a long incubation period does not allow one to detect the disease in one’s own body. Time passes, and staphylococcus has an impact on all internal organs and body systems, causing a complete imbalance in the body. Staphylococcal infection can progress in the throat, causing sore throats; or predominate on the mucous membrane of the eyes, becoming main reason progressive degree of myopia. The earlier the disease is treated, the greater the chances of avoiding dangerous consequences for the body.

How is staphylococcus transmitted?

Before treating an increasing disease, it is important to find out the route of infection to prevent re-infection. Since the microbe predominates on the upper layer of the epidermis, its injury and loss of integrity can become the main reason for the penetration of pathogenic flora into the body. Infection with staphylococcus is ensured if the immune system is weakened and the person has been in contact with a carrier of this microbe. The routes of transmission of infection into the body are as follows:

  1. Medical instruments. In the absence of aseptic rules, you can become infected in the same district clinic during a routine examination by a therapist.
  2. Fecal-oral route. Failure to comply with personal hygiene rules, contact with the feces of sick animals, consumption of contaminated products, and infection with staphylococcus are guaranteed.
  3. Household way. We are talking about non-compliance with sanitary standards in your own home, when you have to share an area with a large layer of dust.
  4. Contact and household path. This is the most common way of infecting the body, when the patient uses someone else’s personal hygiene products and comes into contact with a carrier of the microbe.
  5. Airborne path. Staphylococcus enters the body through the air, for example, when the carrier of the infection coughs or sneezes.

Staphylococcus - symptoms

At first, the pathogenic flora does not manifest itself in any way; the incubation period lasts up to 14 days. The lesions become " weak points» the body, for example, the mucous membrane of the throat or intestines, injured skin. The answer to the question of how staphylococcus manifests itself cannot be unambiguous, since the intensity of the symptoms completely depends on the actual state of the patient’s immunity. In general, the body experiences the following changes in general well-being:

  • hyperemia and itching of the skin against the background of a progressive inflammatory process, pyoderma;
  • rhinitis, cough, sputum production, change in tongue color and other signs of a cold with a wide area of ​​the nasopharynx and larynx;
  • increased swelling of the skin due to excessive permeability of the vascular walls;
  • bacteriostatic effect with sharp increase temperature conditions, fever in the body;
  • classic signs of intoxication of the body, mainly food poisoning, characteristic of adults and children;
  • damage to the throat, pharynx and ears in infancy with visible swelling and redness of characteristic areas;
  • pneumonia, bronchitis due to large-scale infection of the lung tissue, disruption of natural ventilation of the lungs.

Staphylococcus in children

The disease also appears in childhood, and it is difficult to remove and neutralize pathogenic flora. After completion of the incubation period little patient faces acute attacks of colds, complains of symptoms of food poisoning. The child's body is not able to cope with the increased load, so the signs of staphylococcus in an infant are identical to recurrent bronchitis and pneumonia. In addition, doctors do not rule out skin rash and other manifestations of an acute allergic reaction in the patient. infant.

Staphylococcus in women

Such an infectious disease occurs in gynecology when, after an instrumental examination and bacteriological studies, a doctor discovers this harmful microorganism in a smear for flora. Symptoms of the pathology are much more likely to worsen during pregnancy, since the woman’s body is weakened “ interesting situation" Talking about treatment is problematic, there are risks intrauterine infection. If staphylococcus predominates in women, the signs of the disease are similar to thrush, another infectious process. This:

  • itching and swelling of the labia;
  • hyperemia of the upper layer of the epidermis;
  • vaginal discharge;
  • increased nervousness of the patient;
  • ulcers in the area of ​​primary sexual characteristics.

Staphylococcus in men

Dangerous infection can rapidly produce male body, however, there are much fewer such cases in extensive medical practice. Staphylococcus in adult men manifests itself as progressive urethritis, prostatitis, prostate adenoma, pneumonia and bronchitis. The course of the pathological process can begin with a barely noticeable sore throat and end acute attack with the need for further hospitalization.

Staphylococcus - treatment

A pathogenic infection can be determined by a set of blood and urine tests performed, which are recommended by the doctor. Otherwise, treating staphylococcus is ineffective. If you determine what could cause the infection and what type of microbe it produces, there will be no problems with choosing an intensive care method. The treatment regimen depends on age category patient, since both an infant and an adult can get sick equally. Requires the use of antibiotics.

Antibiotics for staphylococcus

If there is a suspicion of staphylococcus, what it is will be explained and diagnosed by the attending physician. Bacterioscopic seeding determines the presence of pathogenic flora and its type. Only after this are antibiotics prescribed in tablets and injections that can kill harmful flora. For any degree of myopia, it is important to take a responsible approach to the choice of medications and eliminate potential complications. Below are the most effective drugs of this pharmacological group, which cause a stable and long-lasting effect. This:

  • Clindamycin;
  • Oxacillin;
  • Cephalexin;
  • Amoxicillin;
  • Vancomycin;
  • Erythromycin;
  • Cefazolin;
  • Cephalothin;
  • Cloxacillin.

At increased activity harmful fungus, such antibiotics provide a negative effect. In other clinical situations, they can be safely given for staphylococcus, preferably not on an empty stomach and with a sufficient volume of liquid. The course of intensive therapy is no more than 10-12 days, otherwise the microbe will experience an “addictive effect” to the medicine.

Vaccination against staphylococcus

It is advisable to discuss this important issue individually with a local pediatrician or therapist, depending on the patient’s age. Preventive vaccination against staphylococcus and bacteriophage form stable immunity to such pathogenic flora. Whether to do it or not is decided by the patient or his parents (while protecting the child’s body). The staphylococcal vaccine is especially in demand for the body.

Video: how to treat staphylococcus