Symptoms of pneumonia. Features of staphylococcal pneumonia. Based on epidemiological data, pneumonia is distinguished

To quickly cure cough, bronchitis, pneumonia and strengthen the immune system, you just need...

There are quite a few classifications of this disease. Separation depends on the source of infection, microorganisms that cause inflammatory processes, as well as on the localization of lesions and the severity of the disease.

According to the routes of infection, pneumonia is divided into:

  • Community-acquired;
  • Intrahospital.

In the first case, you can “catch” the infection anywhere: at work, at home, in crowded places. Children attending kindergarten or school during influenza or ARVI epidemics are especially at risk. This type of pneumonia is relatively easy to treat and causes complications less frequently than hospital-acquired pneumonia.

The nosocomial form of the disease begins to develop in a hospital setting during any treatment.

There are several factors that make this type of pneumonia especially dangerous:

  • The patient’s body, even without pneumonia, is weakened by the disease;
  • Hospital microorganisms eventually develop immunity to some antibiotics, which makes treatment of the disease long and difficult.

With the causative agents of the disease, everything is simpler:

  • Bacterial;
  • Viral;
  • Fungal.

Moreover, the principles of treatment are the same for all these types - taking antiviral drugs. Only their dosage and frequency of administration may differ depending on the patient’s age and individual characteristics.

Based on the location of the lesion, pneumonia is divided into:

  • Unilateral (only one lung is affected);
  • Bilateral (foci of inflammation are in both lungs);
  • Segmental (entire segments of the lungs are affected, and often the lesions descend from top to bottom during the development of the disease).

note that the hardest. Segmental pneumonia is also difficult to treat, but often difficulties arise with diagnosis, so therapy may be somewhat delayed.

Important! Acute pneumonia is an advanced form of the disease. This is what leads to the majority fatalities ov. This problem occurs when complete absence therapy or when trying to cure an illness using traditional methods.


One of the main signs of the disease is high temperature. In the case of an acute form of the disease, it may not subside for several days, and antipyretic drugs have a weak impact.

Other signs include:

In children, these signs are supplemented by cyanosis - blue discoloration of the nasolabial triangle. Please note that than younger child, the higher the likelihood of such a symptom occurring.

Sometimes during an illness, swelling appears on the patient’s cheeks. bright blush. An ignorant person may think that this is a sign of a gradual weakening of the disease and a speedy recovery. In fact, the situation is different - this is a feverish blush, which indicates the further spread of infection throughout the body.


The first thing the doctor will do if he suspects pneumonia is to order an x-ray. In the case of a susceptible diagnosis, the lesions of the lung tissue will be clearly visible in the image in the form of darkening.

These data are consolidated by collecting information about the patient’s well-being:

  • Average daily temperature;
  • Character of cough;
  • Presence of pain in the chest.

If the diagnosis is confirmed, then the cause should be established. Initially, any physician will be inclined towards the infectious origin of the disease, so further measures will be aimed at identifying the specific pathogen.

This is done using analyses:

  • Blood;
  • Urine;
  • Sputum;
  • Nasal discharge.

After drawing up a diagnostic picture, treatment is prescribed.

If the cause of the disease is non-infectious, then a consultation with other doctors may be prescribed:

  • Surgeon;
  • Toxicologist;
  • Oncologist;
  • Allergist.

The nature of the treatment in this case will be somewhat different, but such cases are quite rare.

Important! One of the signs of pneumonia is fatigue when climbing stairs and simple walks. If this condition is combined with cold symptoms, then at least the patient most likely has bronchitis.


At initial stage The disease can be treated at home, but not with folk remedies.

This does not apply to children under three years of age - such patients are necessarily sent to a hospital pulmonology or infectious diseases department. All groups of patients have the same treatment principle - taking antibiotics and restoratives.

Among antibacterial drugs are particularly effective:

Some experts treat the last group of medications with caution - they doubt their effectiveness. But you shouldn’t refuse them; the doctor knows what he’s prescribing.

In addition, it is necessary to strengthen the immune system and the body as a whole. Suitable for this:

  • Vitamin complexes;
  • Immunomodulators;
  • Costosteroids (relieve inflammation and alleviate general condition);
  • Mucolytics that help remove mucus from their lungs.

After the temperature normalizes and the general condition improves, physiotherapy is prescribed. It includes inhalations, ultraviolet irradiation, electrophoresis, pneumomassage, and strengthening gymnastics.

Important! You should be careful with gymnastics. If a person suddenly feels unwell during the procedure, you should immediately stop exercising and consult your doctor.


In the vast majority of cases, pneumonia is a complication of another colds: ARVI, influenza.

To prevent pneumonia, you should treat it as quickly as possible without violating the regime and following all the doctor’s instructions. Also, during illness, you should minimize contact with other people, and especially avoid staying in crowded places.

Strengthening the immune system and the general condition of the body is a way to reduce the risk of developing pneumonia to a minimum.

To do this you should:

It wouldn't hurt to check your work periodically immune system. If there are any problems with it, then the risk of pneumonia with the first cold increases significantly.

Pneumonia - infectious inflammation lungs, arising against the background of other infectious diseases. The disease can lead to serious consequences, but timely treatment and following the regimen prescribed by the doctor, the risks are significantly reduced.

Therapy for pneumonia involves using antibacterial agents and general strengthening activities. Prevention includes measures to strengthen the immune system and increase the body’s ability to resist infection. Take care of yourself!

Pneumonia, or pneumonia, is dangerous disease, which combines the whole complex pathologies. To avoid dangerous health consequences, it is very important to start therapy in a timely manner. of this disease. So, how does this pathology manifest itself and how is it treated?


Pneumonia is an acute inflammatory reaction in the lungs, accompanied by fever, difficulty breathing, and intense cough. Upon penetration pathogenic microorganisms in the respiratory tract, the immune system immediately begins to destroy the infection, preventing inflammation from developing. But if the immune system is weak, then pathogenic microbes freely penetrate into the lung tissue, provoking an inflammatory process.

Therefore, pneumonia most often occurs in people suffering from immune deficiency.

Pneumonia develops as a result of the following factors:

  • bacteria - streptococci, staphylococci, mycoplasma, chlamydia, hemophilus influenzae;
  • viruses that cause pneumonia after acute respiratory infections;
  • fungi that rarely cause pneumonia, only when the immune system is severely depleted.

Among bacterial microorganisms, pneumococci play a key role. In more in rare cases Mycoplasma and Klebsiella are provoking factors. Chlamydia or Legionella infection may also be the cause.

The development of pneumonia is a consequence of rhinovirus, influenza or adenovirus infection. Fungal inflammation is the result of infection with fungi of the genus Candida.

Infection usually occurs by airborne droplets- when coughing or sneezing. Pathogens can also penetrate lung tissue from foci of chronic infection in the body. The source may be caries, sore throat, sinusitis.

There are certain factors that significantly increase the risk of developing the disease:

  • chronic diseases respiratory system;
  • hypothermia;
  • age over 65 years;
  • weakening of the immune system;
  • smoking;
  • excessive drinking;
  • systematic inhalation of harmful substances;
  • chronic diseases - kidney damage, diabetes, heart problems;
  • artificial ventilation;
  • work in hazardous breathing conditions without protective equipment.


Pneumonia is understood as a whole complex of pathologies that affect the organs of the respiratory system. Depending on this, some forms of the disease are distinguished:

  1. Acute inflammation. With timely treatment, such pneumonia does not pose a danger to humans. If therapy is not started immediately, there is a risk of complications. This pathology may be independent violation or the result of other lesions of the respiratory system.
  2. Chronic inflammation. This form of the disease is characterized by the constant presence of infection in the lungs and other respiratory organs. When the immune system is weakened or other factors influence, the disease recurs. This form of the disease is quite rare, but poses a serious health hazard.
  3. Acute inflammation affecting a large area of ​​the lung. This form of pathology is also called lobar. She is considered one of the most dangerous varieties pneumonia and needs timely treatment. Most often, the development of lobar inflammation is a consequence of the lack of treatment for an acute or chronic process.
  4. Segmental inflammatory process. This disorder is characterized by damage to certain areas of the lungs and airways. This form The disease is not so dangerous, but requires timely treatment. Otherwise, there is a risk of developing more severe pathologies.

Symptoms of pneumonia

It is not difficult to identify inflammation of the lung tissue based on certain signs. In most cases, the disease is accompanied by the following symptoms.

It should be noted that with legionellosis, also called Legionnaires' disease, Pittsburgh pneumonia, Pontiac fever, there are almost no symptoms. Disease on early stage occurs without fever, fever develops gradually. Infection in the lungs with legionellosis can only be detected using x-rays.

Signs of pathology increase gradually. Therefore, recognizing the disease at the initial stage of its development can be very problematic. More often acute infection begins with a sharp increase in temperature and chills. Sometimes pneumonia is observed without fever - in this case we're talking about about a chronic process.

In other cases, symptoms in adults include manifestations of general intoxication:

  • weakness;
  • reduction or loss of ability to work;
  • deterioration or loss of appetite;
  • increased sweating - most often appears at night;
  • pain in joints and muscles;
  • constant headaches of low intensity.

As the pathology develops, pulmonary symptoms. These include the following:

  • intense cough - at first it is dry, then becomes wet;
  • shortness of breath - at the initial stage it is observed only during physical exertion, then it occurs in a state of complete rest;
  • chest pain - most often observed with damage to the pleura.

In addition to these manifestations, the inflammatory process may have the following symptoms:

  • defeats digestive system in the form of diarrhea, pain in the intestines, nausea and vomiting - such symptoms appear only if the cause of pneumonia is infection with E. coli;
  • herpes - this symptom accompanies viral pneumonia.

Diagnostic methods

Experienced medical specialist can easily detect pneumonia in a patient during examination if the disease is accompanied typical symptoms. It is much more difficult to detect an inflammatory process in the lungs that occurs hidden: without cough, fever, or pain in the chest. Pneumonia without symptoms is diagnosed using laboratory and instrumental studies.

  1. Clinical blood test. The simplest method for detecting an inflammatory response. Indicates the development of inflammation increase in ESR. If the causative agents of pneumonia are bacteria, then the content of leukocytes in the blood increases, if viruses, then lymphocytes.
  2. Biochemical blood test. The presence of an acute inflammatory reaction is indicated by acute phase proteins present in the blood. The disease is also indicated by an increase in the concentration of enzymes AST and ALT, urea, and creatinine.
  3. X-ray. The x-ray image clearly shows foci of inflammation in the lung tissue. The larger and more widespread they are, the more severe the course of the disease. The effectiveness of treatment can be judged by changes in the images. If during therapy the shadowed areas of the lungs on radiographs increase, then the treatment method must be changed.
  4. Bacteriological culture of sputum. Needed to determine the sensitivity of an infection to antibiotics. Mucus collection is carried out before starting the use of antibiotic drugs. This study allows you to select the most effective medicine.
  5. Computed tomography or magnetic resonance imaging. These research methods chest are used when complications develop, as well as if it is difficult to distinguish pneumonia from other diseases with similar symptoms.

Treatment methods

Treatment of simple forms of inflammation can be carried out on an outpatient basis. In difficult cases, the patient is hospitalized.

Treatment of pneumonia in adults is not an easy task. The outcome of treatment depends both on the experience of the doctor and on the diligence and responsibility of the patient. Self-medication is strictly forbidden, even if the symptoms of the disease are mild. Incorrect and illiterate therapy can cause serious complications and delay recovery.

For therapy to be effective, you need to adhere to a number of recommendations:

  • compliance with bed rest;
  • constant ventilation of premises;
  • air humidification;
  • abundant drinking regime.

During treatment, a sick person must comply with the following medical instructions:

  1. drink plenty of fluids to remove toxic substances from the body resulting from the activity of pathogenic bacteria;
  2. eat mainly vegetable dishes and fruits, remove sweets from the menu.

How to treat inflammation of the lung tissue? This is the most main question. The main medications for the treatment of pneumonia are antibiotics. At mild form For diseases, the doctor usually prescribes antibiotic drugs from the group of penicillins, macrolides, and cephalosporins.

In case of a severe illness, the doctor has to prescribe a complex of several medications:

  • fluoroquinolones,
  • cephalosporins,
  • macrolides.

The effectiveness of antibiotic treatment is assessed after 2 to 3 days. If the patient does not feel better, the doctor chooses other medications.

In addition to antibiotics, for pneumonia, immunostimulants and vitamin complexes are taken to strengthen the immune system, and drugs that promote expectoration of sputum during a wet cough. In case of difficulty breathing or blockage of the bronchial branches, it is recommended to do inhalations based on medicinal solutions, dilating the bronchi.

If the causative agents of inflammation of the lung tissue are viruses, then antiviral medications are prescribed, if fungi, then antimycotic drugs.

Features of treatment of different types of pneumonia

The treatment method for pneumonia is selected based on the type of disease. Therapy consists of several stages. After diagnosing the pathology, first the infection is destroyed with the help of antibiotics and the inflammatory reaction is suppressed, and then the remaining manifestations of the disease are eliminated with the help of symptomatic medications. Elderly patients must be treated in a hospital; other people, with the permission of a doctor, can undergo therapy at home. Below are the features of treatment of different types of pneumonia.


This disease is diagnosed in adults most often and comes in left-sided and right-sided forms. Bilateral pneumonia often develops, in which segments of both lungs are affected. Treatment of this type of inflammation is usually carried out in inpatient conditions. A sick person is prescribed antibiotic drugs, physiotherapeutic procedures, and inhalations. It is advisable for the patient to sit on a bed reclining; in this position, inflamed lungs work better.


A severe form of pneumonia, which is difficult to diagnose, since it manifests itself almost in the same way as tuberculosis and lung oncology. Comprehensive treatment begins immediately after detection of inflammation near the roots of the lungs. First, the patient takes several medications at the same time to quickly improve his health, and then undergoes warming up and physical therapy.


This pneumonia usually develops as a complication of bronchitis. It is considered unpredictable and dangerous; it can provoke inflammation of the pleura, the formation of purulent abscesses, and gangrene. Therefore, only a medical specialist should treat such a pathology. A sick person needs to take antibiotics, immunostimulants, as well as drugs to thin and expectorate sputum.


At the initial stage of the disease, the patient is prescribed antiviral medications: Ingavirin, Arbidol, Cycloferon, Tamiflu for the influenza virus, Acyclovir for the herpes virus type 3, which causes chickenpox. At the late stage of pneumonia, if a bacterial infection joins the viruses, the use of antibiotics is required. Also, a sick person should take antipyretic, antitussive, painkillers and expectorant medications.


This pneumonia is considered the most severe and insidious. It is provoked by rare pathogens and often develops without fever. The danger of the disease lies in its asymptomatic course over a long period. Antibiotic drugs have little effect on atypical infections, so patients are forced to take immunoglobulins. Antipyretics, vitamin complexes, and pumping procedures are also prescribed. excess liquid from lung tissue.


If pneumonia is bacterial or viral-bacterial in nature, antibiotics must be used. Such drugs can only be taken as prescribed by a specialist.

At the initial stage, broad-spectrum medications are prescribed. As a rule, cephalosporins or penicillins with the addition of clavulanic acid are used to combat pneumonia. Most often, injectable forms of drugs are used, which are administered intravenously or intramuscularly:

  1. cefotaxime;
  2. cefazolin;
  3. ceftriaxone.

In mild cases, capsules or tablets can be used for pneumonia. To the most effective means include the following:

  • cefepime;
  • Augmentin.

The basic rule of antibacterial therapy is the regular use of such agents. The course of therapy is usually 7-10 days. Stopping treatment on your own is strictly prohibited. All doctor's recommendations must be followed. If the patient’s condition does not change within 3 days, another antibiotic is selected.

Viral and fungal forms of pathology must be treated exclusively in a hospital setting. For viral inflammation, a combination of antibiotics and antiviral drugs. If the fungal nature of the disease is established, antifungal agents are indicated.

In addition, the following categories of drugs are used to treat pneumonia:

In case of complex inflammation in a hospital setting, it can be used infusion therapy. It helps cope with intoxication in the body.

In addition to medications inhalations are often used. It is best to carry out these procedures using a nebulizer. This device breaks down medications into small particles and facilitates their penetration into the lungs and bronchi.

The following means are usually used for inhalation:

  • anti-inflammatory drugs - pulmicort, dekasan;
  • bronchilitis - ventolin, salbutamol;
  • aminophylline - indicated for shortness of breath;
  • expectorants - ambroxol, lazolvan.

Duration of therapy

Treatment of pneumonia at home usually lasts a week, sometimes 10 days. The recovery period after illness lasts at least a month. The more timely and high-quality the therapy, the faster the recovery.

The duration of treatment greatly depends on the effectiveness of the medicine selected by the doctor. In the hospital, the patient is usually treated for severe pneumonia for 10 days. Treatment for advanced pneumonia takes at least 20 days.


Physiotherapy may be used to alleviate the patient's condition. To cope with shortness of breath, the following procedures are used:

  1. oxygen therapy - in this case with the help special mask the patient is given air with a large amount of oxygen;
  2. artificial ventilation of the lungs - carried out in especially severe cases.

Treatment of pneumonia in adults with folk remedies

Treat pneumonia with remedies traditional medicine is permitted only in conjunction with the use of medications prescribed by a doctor. Below are the best and proven recipes to help get rid of the symptoms of pneumonia:

  1. Raisin decoction. Take half a glass of well-washed dark raisins. The product is ground in a meat grinder, poured with a glass of boiling water, and infused in a closed container for 10 minutes. The resulting medicinal infusion you need to drink a glass daily.
  2. Milk with figs. Take three figs. A liter of milk is poured into a saucepan, and figs are placed in it. The drink is brewed over low heat for about 30 minutes. The finished medicine is drunk two glasses a day to alleviate symptoms.
  3. Nut decoction. Take 50 grams of any nuts: cashews, almonds, pistachios, hazelnuts. The product is filled with 500 ml of dry red wine. The drink is brewed over low heat for about 15 minutes. Take a tablespoon of nut decoction every day before meals.

Nutritional Features

IN acute period pneumonia, it is very important to ensure that the patient’s body receives a large amount of vitamins. Reducing the amount of carbohydrates in the diet helps relieve inflammation. That's why it's prohibited wheat flour, semolina, chocolate. It is also important to limit your salt intake. The following products are strictly prohibited:

  • smoked meats;
  • hot spices;
  • fatty foods;
  • sweets.

During the illness you need to stop smoking and drinking alcohol. To the most useful products the following can be attributed:

  • cottage cheese;
  • fresh fruits and vegetables;
  • kefir;
  • fermented baked milk;
  • cereals - rice, oatmeal, buckwheat;
  • linseed oil;
  • drinks based on cranberries, rose hips, black currants.

In the absence of edema, it is useful to drink plenty of fluids. It is also recommended to include fresh juices in your diet. Meals should be fractional. You need to eat small portions every 3 hours.

Possible complications

With adequate therapy, complete recovery occurs. However, sometimes there is a risk of local pneumosclerosis. In this case it grows connective tissue and a certain part of the lung.

If therapy is not started in time, there is a risk of serious consequences. Pulmonary complications include the following:

  • pleurisy - inflammatory lesion of the pleura;
  • gangrene - severe decay of inflamed lung tissue, which has no tendency to limit the process;
  • pulmonary abscess - the appearance of a limited focus of inflammation, which leads to the formation of a cavity filled with purulent contents;
  • broncho-obstructive syndrome - problems with the passage of air through the bronchi, which leads to shortness of breath, a feeling of lack of air, and breathing problems;
  • acute respiratory failure - disruption of normal gas exchange with the environment.

In addition, pneumonia can lead to extrapulmonary consequences. Such complications include the following:

  • infectious-toxic shock - the most serious consequence, which is characterized by damage to vital organs as a result of the penetration of bacteria and toxins into the systemic bloodstream;
  • endocarditis - damage to the inner lining of the heart;
  • myocarditis - inflammatory damage to the heart muscle;
  • encephalitis - inflammatory damage to brain tissue;
  • mental disorders;
  • meningitis - an inflammatory process in the membranes of the brain;
  • anemia - a decrease in the content of red blood cells and hemoglobin.

Preventive measures

To prevent problems from occurring, you need to prevent pneumonia. It includes the following components:

  • Vaccination - pneumococcal vaccination is used for this, as well as vaccines against influenza and Haemophilus influenzae. It is especially important to vaccinate people who are at risk. Optimal time Vaccination period is from early October to mid-November.
  • Timely treatment of viral pathologies.
  • Elimination of hypothermia.
  • Elimination of chronic foci of infections.
  • harden up, walk in the fresh air;
  • take vitamin complexes, dietary supplements;
  • lead an active lifestyle, engage in physical exercise;
  • no smoking;
  • eat often, but little by little, include fresh plant foods in your diet;
  • Get vaccinated against the flu virus and other infections every year.

Pneumonia is a serious pathology that can lead to dangerous consequences, including death. Therefore, when the first manifestations of the disease appear, you should immediately consult a doctor. The specialist will conduct a detailed diagnosis and select the optimal therapy.

Attention, TODAY only!

Pneumonia(another name is) is an infectious disease in which damage occurs alveoli – bubbles with thin walls that saturate the blood with oxygen. Pneumonia is considered to be one of the most common diseases, because the human lungs and respiratory system are highly vulnerable to infectious diseases.

Types of pneumonia are determined by the area affected. So, focal pneumonia occupies only a small part of the lung, segmental pneumonia affects one or more segments of the lung, lobar pneumonia spreads to a lobe of the lung, with confluent pneumonia, small foci merge into larger ones, total pneumonia affects the lung as a whole.

In acute pneumonia, an inflammatory process occurs in the lung tissue, which, as a rule, is of a bacterial nature. The success of disease therapy, which mandatory should be carried out in a hospital, directly depends on how timely the patient sought help. At lobar inflammation the disease develops suddenly: a person’s body temperature rises sharply, reaching 39-40°C, he feels chest pain, severe chills, a dry cough, which after a certain time turns into a cough with sputum.

Pneumonia in children and adults can also occur with some symptoms erased. So, the patient may assume the presence, but weakness, moderate body temperature, and cough persist for a very long time.

In addition, a distinction is made between unilateral pneumonia (in which one lung is affected) and bilateral (both lungs are affected). Primary pneumonia occurs as an independent disease, and secondary inflammation occurs as an ailment that develops against the background of another disease.

Causes of pneumonia

The most common cause of pneumonia is pneumococcus or hemophilus influenzae . In addition, it can act as a causative agent of pneumonia mycoplasma , legionella , chlamydia etc. Today there are vaccines that prevent the disease or significantly alleviate its symptoms

In the lungs healthy person there are some bacteria. , which get into them, are destroyed by a full-fledged immune system. But if protective functions the body does not work due to certain reasons, the person develops pneumonia. In view of the above, pneumonia most often occurs in patients with weak immunity , in the elderly and children.

The pathogens enter the human lungs through the respiratory tract. For example, mucus from the mouth, which contains bacteria or viruses, can enter the lungs. After all, a number of pathogens that cause pneumonia exist in the nasopharynx of healthy people. Also, the occurrence of this disease is provoked by inhalation of air that contains pathogens. The route of transmission of pneumonia caused by Haemophilus influenzae is airborne.

Development of pneumonia in children early age provoke the following factors: injuries received during childbirth, intrauterine And asphyxia , congenital heart defects And lung , cystic fibrosis , hereditary nature, hypovitaminosis .

In children in school age pneumonia can develop due to the presence chronic foci of infection in the nasopharynx , bronchitis with relapses , cystic fibrosisA , immunodeficiency , acquired heart defectsA .

In adults, pneumonia can be caused by chronic bronchitis and lung diseases, heavy smoking, , immunodeficiency , previous surgical interventions in the chest and abdominal cavity, And addiction .

Signs of pneumonia

In most cases, pneumonia in children, as well as in adults, occurs as a consequence of another disease. A number of symptoms that appear in a patient allow one to suspect pneumonia. You should pay special attention to some signs of pneumonia. So, with pneumonia the most pronounced symptom illness becomes a cough. The situation should be alert if the patient improves after feeling unwell during a cold, or the duration of the cold lasts more than seven days.

There are other signs of pneumonia: coughing when trying to take a deep breath, severe pallor skin, which accompanies the usual symptoms of ARVI, the presence of shortness of breath at a relatively low body temperature. When pneumonia develops, the patient’s body temperature does not decrease after taking antipyretics ( , ).

It should be noted that if you have the above signs of pneumonia, you should immediately seek help from a specialist.

Symptoms of pneumonia

As the disease develops, a person exhibits certain symptoms of pneumonia. Thus, the body temperature rises sharply - it can rise to 39-40 degrees, there is a cough, during which purulent sputum is released. The following symptoms of pneumonia also occur: chest pain , strong , constant weakness . At night, the patient may experience very strong sweating. If you do not start treating the disease on time, pneumonia will progress very quickly, and its result can even be fatal. There are types of this disease in which the symptoms of pneumonia are less pronounced. In this case, the patient may have a feeling of weakness.

Diagnosis of pneumonia

Today, doctors are able to accurately diagnose pneumonia using different methods examinations. After the patient contacts the specialist, first of all, conducts a detailed survey and listens to the patient. In some doubtful cases it is carried out clinical analysis blood, as well as x-ray examination. As additional studies, in some cases, computed tomography of the chest is performed, bronchoscopy followed by , urine analysis and other examinations prescribed by the attending physician.

The results of these studies make it possible to diagnose pneumonia with high accuracy.

Treatment of pneumonia

In the treatment of pneumonia important factor Success becomes the selection, as well as the dosage and methods of getting the drug into the patient’s body. So, antibiotics are administered either by route or taken in the form of tablets or syrups. Medicines are selected depending on the type of pathogen causing pneumonia.

Also in the process of treating pneumonia, a number of medicines, which have bronchodilator properties,. After some improvement in the condition, when the patient’s body temperature normalizes, treatment for pneumonia includes physiotherapy and therapeutic massage. If these methods are used, improvement occurs much faster. After recovery, in some cases the patient is prescribed a repeat x-ray to ensure the success of the treatment.

Upon completion of the main course of treatment for pneumonia, the patient is prescribed additional dose vitamin complex for a month. Indeed, during the course of pneumonia, a large number of beneficial microorganisms that produce B vitamins .

Every day, people who have had pneumonia are recommended to take special classes breathing exercises . These are exercises that help increase the mobility of the chest, as well as stretching adhesions that could have formed as a result of the disease. Breathing exercises are especially recommended for elderly patients. Also, after an illness, people should spend more time in the fresh air.

Provided the correct approach to treatment is used, recovery occurs within 3-4 weeks after the onset of the disease.



Prevention of pneumonia

Methods for preventing pneumonia coincide with the prevention of bronchitis and acute respiratory infections. Children need to be gradually and regularly hardened, starting from a very early age. It is also important to strengthen the immune system, as well as prevent factors that provoke a state of immunodeficiency.

A risk factor for acute pneumonia is considered to be a tendency to microthrombosis, which occurs with constant bed rest and taking a number of drugs ( infekundin , bisecurin , ). To warn acute pneumonia in this case, it is recommended to carry out physical therapy, breathing exercises, and massage every day. Special attention should be considered for the prevention of pneumonia in older patients due to a decrease in T and B immunity.

Diet, nutrition for pneumonia

In parallel with the course drug treatment Patients with pneumonia are advised to follow certain principles in nutrition, which allows them to achieve more effective results treatment. Thus, during the period of acute pneumonia, the patient is advised to observe , the energy value of which does not exceed 1600-1800 kcal. To reduce the inflammatory process, you should limit your salt intake (6 g of salt per day is enough for the patient), and also increase the amount of foods with high content vitamins C and P. Especially valuable products black currants, gooseberries, rose hips, herbs, citrus fruits, lemons, raspberries, etc. are considered. Equally important is compliance drinking regime– You need to drink at least two liters of fluid per day. To ensure that the body contains the required amount of calcium, it is worth consuming more dairy products, and at the same time eliminating foods containing oxalic acid from the diet.

You should eat in small portions, six times a day. Vegetables, fruits, berries, cranberry juice, tea with lemon, dairy dishes, eggs, cereals and mucous decoctions of cereals, low-fat broths from meat and fish are considered especially useful dishes and products during the treatment of pneumonia. You should not eat baked goods, fatty, salty and smoked foods, fats, chocolate, and spices.

During the recovery process, the patient’s diet must be made more calorie-rich with additional proteins, and foods that improve the secretion of the stomach and pancreas should also be consumed.

Complications of pneumonia

As complications of pneumonia, patients may experience a number of severe conditions: And lightweightO , pleural empyema , pleurisy , manifestations of acute respiratory failure , pericarditis , sepsis , pulmonary edema . If the treatment regimen was chosen incorrectly, or the patient has severe immunodeficiency, pneumonia can be fatal.

List of sources

  • Respiratory diseases / ed. N.R. Paleeva. M.: Medicine, 2000.
  • Manerov F.K. Diagnosis and therapy of acute pneumonia: abstract. dis. ... doc. honey. Sci. - 1992.
  • Fedorov A.M. Gentle methods of diagnosis and treatment of acute pneumonia: abstract. dis. ... doc. honey. Sci. - M., 1992.
  • Zilber Z. K. Emergency pulmonology. - M.: GEOTAR-Media, 2009.

Pneumonia is an infectious disease of the lungs. It most often occurs in children under 2 years of age, the elderly, and patients who are weakened for various reasons (for example, due to diabetes mellitus) immunity. There are several types of the disease depending on the severity and nature of its occurrence. And knowing what pulmonary pneumonia is, what its symptoms are and how to treat the disease helps to get rid of it more effectively and quickly.

Types of pneumonia

Pneumonia of the lungs can be caused by various factors, depending on which the following types are diagnosed:

  • community-acquired, which is the most common type of disease;
  • hospital-acquired, that is, pneumonia that developed after the patient was in a hospital for more than 3 days, although there were no signs of it upon admission;
  • aspiration, which occurs when foreign objects, water or food enter the respiratory tract;
  • atypical, resulting from damage to the lungs by harmful microflora such as mycoplasma, legionella or chlamydia.

Causes of the disease

The main cause of pneumonia (more than 50% of cases) can be called bacteria such as streptococci (Streptococcus pneumoniae) and other microorganisms. Development bacterial form may be a consequence of an upper respiratory tract illness, such as flu or a cold.

Pneumonia is almost as often caused by viruses. Most often this happens in the cold season. Moreover, the viral form is usually less dangerous than the bacterial form, although it also requires immediate treatment. Sometimes the causative agent of the disease is mycoplasma, which has the properties of both viruses and bacteria.

Symptoms of pneumonia

Signs of the disease may be similar to the main symptoms of the flu or cold. Although most often the manifestations of pneumonia depend on its origin. Moreover, such symptoms can become noticeable almost immediately or gradually.

Bacterial pneumonia is characterized by:

  • trembling;
  • fever;
  • increased heart rate;
  • accelerated breathing;
  • bluish color (cyanotic) of nails and lips;
  • heavy sweating;
  • thick cough with greenish or reddish sputum.

Viral pneumonia is identified by a dry cough, high fever, headaches and muscle pain, severe shortness of breath and weaknesses. And for the form caused by mycoplasmas, symptoms can include all of the above manifestations.

Diagnostic principles

If you suspect pneumonia, you should first consult a doctor. Before this, it is recommended to reduce the temperature with antipyretic drugs and take a cough suppressant. Children, pregnant women, as well as elderly people and chronically ill patients should be hospitalized after being diagnosed with pneumonia.

If certain signs appear, a doctor should be called to your home. These include:

  • the appearance of a strong and almost continuous cough;
  • deterioration of general condition after recovery from flu or cold;
  • chills and difficulty breathing.

To confirm the diagnosis it is necessary to:

  • chest x-ray;
  • special sputum and blood tests.

The doctor should prescribe therapy for pulmonary pneumonia based on the nature of the disease. For a light form it is even possible home treatment appropriate antibiotics. Late stages of inflammation require mandatory hospitalization and the use of bronchodilators and expectorants.

When treating pneumonia, you should drink as much fluid as possible. And also - ventilate the room and constantly carry out wet cleaning in it (in the absence of the patient). This should help avoid too dry air and dust getting into the patient’s lungs.

Consequences of insufficient treatment of pneumonia

Even considering it unlikely that you will develop a disease such as pneumonia, almost everyone should know that this is something. Otherwise, there is a chance that its symptoms will not be recognized and treated in time. But the complications of the disease are very serious - they include, for example, pulmonary edema, pleurisy, lung abscess and very severe violations breathing. In approximately 5% of cases, untreated pneumonia leads to death.

There are also cases when the consequence of pneumonia is infectious-allergic asthma, accompanied by constant shortness of breath and cough. And also chronic bronchitis, which is an inflammation of the bronchi, and pneumotrax, which is also caused by the entry of outside air into the damaged lung.

In adult patients, the consequences of pneumonia can be even more dangerous than in children. These include lung abscess, acute cardiovascular failure, dysbiosis and many other diseases. In addition, older people suffer from impaired gas exchange in the lungs.

Preventive measures

As a preventive measure, vaccination should be used in risk groups, which include people over 65 years of age and some children (for example, those suffering from asthma). Annual flu shots, which can be one of the causes of pneumonia, also help. It is also worth promptly treating all diseases that can develop into pneumonia, and not taking medications during treatment that prevent the release of sputum.

Adults who do not want to get sick should think about quitting smoking, which reduces the resistance of the bronchi to infections. Strengthening the immune system by switching to proper nutrition, regular rest and exercise will serve to approximately the same extent as prevention.

5 symptoms of pneumonia that every adult should know about

Despite modern scientific advances in medicine, pneumonia remains one of the most dangerous diseases. High mortality from this disease is observed in young children - up to two years old and in elderly people - over 65-70 years old. But it is necessary for every person to be able to raise the alarm in time, to know how to identify pneumonia, because the situation from moderate to severe can at any moment go into a critical stage, when the clock counts, and choosing an effective medicine will not be so easy.

What is pneumonia?

Pneumonia, or pneumonia, is an inflammation of the lung tissue as a result of penetration into the cells of the organ pathogenic bacteria, virus strains. Less common are forms caused by protozoal infections - protozoa, mold spores.

The reaction to the penetration of pathogens becomes a symptom complex characteristic of pneumonia. It may be difficult for a person without medical education to distinguish the disease from pleurisy or bronchitis, so the final diagnosis should be made by an experienced specialist.

Causes of pneumonia development

Every child and adult encounters common upper respiratory tract infections, almost every year. However, in the course of common colds there is a risk of complications. Pneumonia can develop for the following reasons.

  1. Complication of acute respiratory viral infections. For some reason, the human immune system is unable to defeat the virus, and it “descends” further down the respiratory tract. Often the “chain” begins with a sore throat or rhinitis, then progresses to pharyngitis, then comes bronchitis, and only after that the lung tissue becomes inflamed.
  2. Infection with characteristic pathogens - most often these are bacteria from the genus Streptococcus pneumoniae. The disease can be transmitted by airborne droplets or household transmission.
  3. Accession bacterial infection against the backdrop of a virus. In this case, pneumonia develops a few days after suffering from acute respiratory viral infection or tonsillitis. Secondary infection is especially dangerous for people with initially weakened immune systems.
  4. Congestive pneumonia. Typical for bedridden patients. A specific risk group is old people who have suffered a hip fracture and other people who are forced to remain in one position for a long time. The lack of proper ventilation in the lungs contributes to the development of pathogenic microflora.
  5. Defeat by hospital infections. This type of pneumonia is recognized as the most dangerous, since the pathogens, as a rule, are superinfections and are difficult to treat with antibiotics.

Classification of pneumonia

The classification of types of disease is used by doctors to determine the source of infection, the pathogen, the method of development and the degree of damage to lung tissue. Important data are the nature of the course and associated complications. The severity of the disease affects the choice of treatment methods and the prognosis for a particular patient.

All together allows doctors to most effectively approach the treatment of each specific case of pneumonia.

Based on epidemiological data

This classification is necessary to determine the source of infection. These data are important from the point of view of possible resistance of the pathogen to medicines. Classification based on epidemiological data indicates the following types of pneumonia.

  1. Community-acquired infections occur outside the hospital. Doctors are usually recognized for relatively “easy” cases.
  2. Nosocomial infections. They are dangerous because the pathogen is almost always a superinfection. Such bacteria are insensitive to conventional antibiotics because the strains develop protection against the main active ingredients. Modern trends in medical science suggest the use of bacteriophages.
  3. Triggered by immunodeficiency conditions. Risk groups for the development of pneumonia in adults include bedridden patients, HIV-infected patients, patients with cancer diagnoses. Pneumonia in an immunodeficient state always implies a cautious prognosis.
  4. Atypical pneumonia. They occur with an altered clinical picture and are provoked by insufficiently studied pathogens.

By pathogen

Identifying the type of pathogen influences the choice of medications. The following types of infections are distinguished:

  • bacterial - the most common type;
  • viral;
  • fungal;
  • protozoan;
  • mixed.

According to the development mechanism

The source of the disease allows you to determine the treatment strategy. The following forms of development are identified:

  • primary - an independent disease;
  • secondary - appear against the background of other diseases;
  • post-traumatic - caused by mechanical damage to the lung tissue and secondary infection;
  • postoperative;
  • pneumonia after a heart attack - develops due to partial obstruction of the pulmonary veins.

According to the degree of lung tissue involvement

The level of tissue damage influences the intervention strategy and prognosis. There are such degrees:

  • unilateral inflammation;
  • bilateral;
  • total lesion - includes basal forms, lobar, segmental.

Symptoms of pneumonia or pneumonia

Pneumonia disease

Pneumonia is inflammation of the lungs, an inflammation of one or both lungs, which is usually caused by bacteria, fungi and viruses. Symptoms of pneumonia are similar to those of the flu or cold, making diagnosis difficult. The disease is characterized high level mortality from it. However, with the discovery of penicillin, the mortality rate was slightly reduced. However, in our country, pneumonia per year in varying degrees more than one million people suffer.

Pneumonia is always provoked by certain factors. In some cases, this disease appears as a result of prolonged bed rest - congestive pneumonia. Pneumonia is a contagious disease because the source of infection is a sick person.

For chronic diseases of the nasopharynx, heart problems, bronchitis and decreased immunity, diagnostics and standard treatment pneumonia may be difficult. Pneumonia in the presence of these diseases is much more complicated and may require the use of additional methods treatment.

Pneumonia can also be provoked by microorganisms located on the surface of the mucous membrane of the nasopharynx, throat or oral cavity– they get deep into the respiratory tract and pneumonia begins. If the body is weakened, then inflammation invades new areas of lung tissue and pneumonia becomes more serious.

Ways of transmission of pneumonia

There are several ways of infection with pneumonia:

  • By airborne droplets, when an infected person sneezes, and his secretions contain bacteria and microorganisms, which, once in the lungs of a healthy person, provoke inflammatory infectious processes.
  • As a result of increased activity of bacteria regularly present in the human nose and throat. With a decrease in immunity, the body is not able to resist these viruses; they quickly multiply, descend into the lungs and provoke inflammation. As a rule, this is caused by hypothermia or viral infections that reduce immunity.

Diagnosis and treatment of pneumonia

Most often, suspicion of a disease arises during an examination by a doctor, who subsequently refers him for additional diagnostic procedures in order to confirm or refute your suspicions.

If the doctor does not consider it necessary to refer you for diagnostics, you have the right to ask him to prescribe you additional examination if you notice any symptoms of pneumonia.

1. The main tool for diagnosing pneumonia is an X-ray machine. With this disease, an inflammatory focus can be traced on an x-ray. This can be either lobar inflammation, which covers only one lobe of the lung, or more extensive process, affecting both pulmonary lobes.

2. In addition to fluoroscopy, the patient is sent for laboratory analysis of the contents of sputum, which is released during coughing. This analysis is useful for determining the nature of the source of inflammation. Thus, the presence of bacteria, viruses and microorganisms indicates an infectious process in the body.

It is very important here that the sputum after coughing is sent to the laboratory for testing as soon as possible so that the laboratory technician can determine the presence of infection.

3. In addition, another diagnostic method is a blood test. Here about bacterial or viral form Pneumonia is indicated by a higher than normal level of white blood cells.

4. Bronchoscopy is a fairly accurate way to diagnose pneumonia, which not only helps make a diagnosis, but also helps to fully examine the bronchi. The process of the procedure itself consists in the fact that through a thin tube, which is passed through the patient’s nose or mouth into the lungs, the doctor examines the bronchi and, if necessary, takes mucous contents from the source of inflammation.

The procedure is very unpleasant for the patient and is performed only in extreme cases.

Treatment of pneumonia

Treatment of pneumonia should be comprehensive and it is better if it is carried out in a hospital. However, with a mild form, it is also possible outpatient treatment. But in this case, in order to prevent complications, such as exacerbation of pneumonia or transition to a chronic form, the patient must strictly follow all the doctor’s recommendations, and first of all follow bed rest throughout the entire period of fever, intoxication, or if other symptoms of pulmonary pneumonia are present.

As for drug treatment, here, of course, antibacterial drugs play a decisive role. In this case, the doctor determines the most effective drug with low toxicity, taking into account individual characteristics sick. In addition, methods of introducing the drug into the patient’s body are determined.

Thus, for mild cases of pneumonia, it is recommended to take the antibiotic orally in the form of tablets or capsules. If the patient has a serious form of the disease, then, as a rule, intramuscular or intravenous injections drug.

In complex therapy, some non-drug methods, such as:

  • mustard wraps;
  • ultraviolet irradiation of the chest;
  • electrophoresis and other methods of physical treatment;
  • breathing exercises;
  • phytotherapeutic recommendations.

So, when coughing, an infusion of marshmallow root helps: pour 3 teaspoons of dry raw material with a glass of boiling water, leave for 20–30 minutes and take a tablespoon every 2 hours throughout the day.

The disease pneumonia also requires adherence to a diet in which a balance of proteins, fats, carbohydrates and vitamins must be maintained. So, a patient with pneumonia is advised to drink as much as possible more water– up to 2.5–3 liters of fluid per day. It is also useful to consume fruit, vegetable, berry juices and vitamin teas, as well as fruit drinks made from cranberries, currants, and gooseberries. For stable intestinal function, it will not hurt the patient to eat prunes, drink rhubarb compotes, eat boiled beets with vegetable oil, and kefir.

Complications during treatment

Currently, a large number of drug-resistant bacteria have appeared, which weakens the effects of most existing antibacterial drugs and, accordingly, makes treatment ineffective.

In this regard, it is necessary to undergo an examination to identify the cause of the disease. Thus, virulent viruses and bacteria can only be overcome by using complex therapy, which includes two or three antibiotics and additional medications depending on the form of inflammation - antifungal, antiviral, etc.

Only a correct and timely diagnosis ensures a speedy recovery and prevents the onset of possible complications after the disease.

Complications may include diseases cardiovascular system, various neurological diseases and diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

Symptoms of pneumonia

As a rule, all patients with pneumonia experience the following first symptoms of pneumonia: weakness, decreased performance, sweating, fatigue. Their appetite decreases and sleep is disturbed. Next, a fever is noted with a rise in temperature to 38-40 C. A cough appears, usually with discharge copious sputum, shortness of breath, both during physical activity and at rest. In some cases, patients feel discomfort or pain in the chest area. In older people, symptoms of general intoxication may predominate.

When listening to a patient with pneumonia, wheezing is heard above the source of the disease. of various nature(usually small bubbles). When tapping the chest, there is a dullness of sound over the source of inflammation.

However, every fifth patient local symptoms pneumonia may not be observed.

Pneumonia is dangerous because it is very difficult to diagnose and the time spent on making a diagnosis may be lost, which can lead to serious consequences. Symptoms of pneumonia tend to be similar to those of a cold or flu.

Depending on the nature of the course and occurrence, the following types of pneumonia are distinguished:

Let's consider more specifically the symptoms pneumonia depending on its type.

Lobar pneumonia

Lobar pneumonia is a type of pneumococcal pneumonia, during which a lobe of the lung may be affected. Symptoms of this type of pneumonia include:

  • chills;
  • rapid increase in temperature up to 40 degrees;
  • lethargic state;
  • weakness and sweating;
  • nausea and vomiting;
  • dyspnea;
  • swelling;
  • chest pain;
  • confusion;
  • headache.

Viral pneumonia

Signs of viral lung damage are:

  • fever;
  • weakness and malaise;
  • nausea and vomiting;
  • aches, pain in joints and muscles;
  • runny nose;
  • dry cough turning into wet;
  • pus in sputum.

Hilar pneumonia

Diagnosing this type of pneumonia is very difficult. This is explained by the fact that the focus of inflammation forms on the root of the lung. As a rule, they carry out x-ray lungs, but in this case there is a possibility of confusing it with tuberculosis or bronchial cancer. This disease is expressed by the following symptoms:

  • increase in temperature;
  • cough;
  • increased level of leukocytes in the blood.

Fungal pneumonia

This type of pneumonia is usually provoked by candidiasis, streptotrichosis or blastomycosis. Infection occurs when inhaling fungal bacterium spores, which can be found on rotten boards, mold, or in damp rooms. Symptoms may vary depending on the type of bacteria causing the disease. However, there are also common signs:

  • cough;
  • elevated temperature;
  • muscle pain.

Chlamydia pneumonia

Also distinguished separate species atypical pneumonia, which is provoked by chlamydia. Symptoms of pneumonia caused by chlamydia are the following:

  • signs of a cold;
  • development into bronchitis;
  • weakness;
  • elevated temperature;
  • intoxication of the body;
  • hoarse voice;
  • increased coughing attacks;
  • wheezing is heard in the lungs.

Signs of latent and chronic forms of the disease

The most dangerous form of the disease is latent pneumonia, which is almost impossible to determine due to the absence elevated temperature the patient has cough and other main symptoms. At the same time, pneumonia without a cough still has its own symptoms, according to which an experienced doctor diagnoses this disease:

  • wheezing, jerky breathing;
  • sweat on the forehead even with little exertion;
  • dyspnea;
  • unhealthy, patchy flush on the cheeks;
  • difficulty trying to take a deep breath;
  • rapid pulse;
  • general weakness of the body;
  • constant feeling of thirst;
  • immobility when inhaling and exhaling one half of the chest;
  • pain when turning the body.

If acute pneumonia is not diagnosed in time and treated, the disease can become chronic. It can also be caused by complications of lung destruction after acute form diseases. Symptoms of chronic pneumonia are:

  • breathing hardness;
  • rapid heartbeat;
  • symptoms of intoxication;
  • changes in blood composition;
  • dyspnea;
  • chest deformation;
  • wet cough with purulent discharge odorless;
  • inflammation of the nasopharynx and oral cavity;
  • difficulty breathing;
  • polyhypovitaminosis;
  • hypoproteinemia.

Pneumonia or pneumonia is a very common and dangerous disease that can be fatal. Therefore, you should not neglect the appearance of symptoms of this disease. It is very important to immediately begin treatment when they occur. And for this, it will not be superfluous to study all the symptoms listed above.

Good day, dear readers!

Today we will look at such an unpleasant and quite dangerous disease as pneumonia, or as it is often called popularly – pneumonia.

Pneumonia (lung inflammation)- a group of diseases characterized by inflammatory processes in the lungs. The cause of inflammation is infection - viruses, microbes, fungi, protozoa, due to which pneumonia belongs to the group of infectious diseases.

Pneumonia. ICD

ICD-10: J12, J13, J14, J15, J16, J17, J18, P23
ICD-9: 480-486, 770.0

Pneumonia is one of the most dangerous diseases in the world, even though there is a cure for it. According to statistics, every year from 1 to 9% of all people suffering from this disease die from pneumonia. In Russia, at least 1 million people a year suffer from pneumonia, in the USA 3 million, and these are only official statistics. The situation is aggravated by the fact that pneumonia can occur covertly, without obvious symptoms, such as what prevents a person from seeing a doctor in time, and with insufficient attention and certain factors, the course of the disease can be fatal.

Like many other infectious diseases, pathological processes pneumonia begins with a weakened human immune system, which, as you and I know, dear readers, is a guardian or barrier between the aggressive external environment and the body. After infection enters the human body, at the beginning - in top part respiratory organs, a person may begin to sneeze, a slight cough, which begins to intensify after a few hours. If the first signs of pneumonia, similar to symptoms, appeared in the morning, then by the evening the patient’s temperature may rise, up to 40°C, with.

The cough begins to be accompanied by sputum, which over time consists of purulent secretion, possibly even streaked with blood. The infection spreads further into the trachea and moves towards the lungs. A person feels a certain pain in the throat, trachea, and bronchi. Breathing becomes difficult. This can all happen in a day, depending on others negative factors, aggravating the situation, which is why it is necessary to consult a doctor at the first signs of pneumonia.

Factors that increase the risk of developing pneumonia

Form of pneumonia by severity

  • light;
  • average;
  • heavy;
  • extremely heavy.

Form of pneumonia, type of development

Primary pneumonia: acts as an independent disease;

Secondary pneumonia: develops against the background of other diseases, for example.

Type of pneumonia by pathogen

Bacterial pneumonia. The main causative agents of the disease are pneumococci, staphylococci, chlamydia, mycoplasma pneumoniae, Haemophilus influenzae, and pertussis (as a complication).

In turn, depending on the type of bacteria, the disease can be pneumococcal pneumonia, staphylococcal, streptococcal, chlamydial, hemophilic, etc.

Viral pneumonia. The causative agents of the disease are mainly influenza viruses, parainfluenza, adenoviruses, rhinoviruses, respiratory syncytial viruses, measles, rubella, Epstein-Barr virus, cytomegalovirus infection etc.

Fungal pneumonia. The causative agents of the disease are fungi of the genus Candida (Candida albicans), Aspergillus (Aspergillus), Pneumocystis (Pneumocystis jiroveci).

In this regard, pneumonia can be candida pneumonia, etc.

Pneumonia caused by protozoa.

Pneumonia caused by helminths.

Mixed pneumonia. The cause of pneumonia is the simultaneous influence of various microorganisms on the body. Thus, the doctor often establishes in the diagnosis - bacterial-viral pneumonia, etc.

Type of pneumonia by location

  • left-handed;
  • right-sided;
  • unilateral: one lung is affected;
  • bilateral: both lungs are affected;
  • focal: inflammation affects a small focus of the lung, for example - bronchopneumonia;
  • confluent: combining small foci of inflammation into large ones;
  • lobar: inflammation within one lobe (part) of the lung;
  • segmental, polysegmental: inflammation within one or several segments;
  • total, subtotal: inflammation covers the entire lung.

According to clinical signs

Typical pneumonia. It is characterized by a cough, copious sputum with pus, a sharp rise in body temperature, and pain in the lungs. During diagnosis, increased bronchophony, wheezing, hard breathing, darkening on the radiograph.

The cause of typical pneumonia is most often the following pathogens: pneumococcus (Streptococcus pneumoniae), Escherichia coli, Haemophilus influenzae, Klebsiella pneumoniae.

Atypical pneumonia. Develops slowly, symptoms are mild. The patient has: a slight cough, soreness and slight myalgia, mild malaise, mild signs of pneumonia on an x-ray.

The cause of typical pneumonia is most often the following pathogens: chlamydia, mycoplasma, pneumocystis, legionella, etc.

Lobar pneumonia (pleuropneumonia). A severe form of pneumonia, which requires contacting a doctor at the first symptoms of the disease. Pathogen lobar pneumonia is pneumococcus, which, when it enters the body, is immediately marked by a sharp rise in body temperature to 39-40°C and shortness of breath. In this case, from one lobe to the entire lung, or even two at the same time, is affected, on which the severity of the disease depends. Accompanies the patient severe pain in the area of ​​the affected lung, but if one lobe of the lung is affected, the pain may not appear, or may be mild. On day 2, the sputum takes on a greenish tint, on days 3-4 – orange, possibly with bloody discharge.

When examined by a doctor, at the 1st stage of development of the disease, following signs inflammation: respiratory noise (crepitus), preservation of vesicular breathing, dull tympanic percussion sound. If the disease has progressed to the second stage, the following are observed: bronchial breathing, dull percussion sound. At the third stage, the same signs are observed as at the first.

All symptoms of lobar pneumonia can accompany the patient for 10 days. If during this time you do not provide the due medical care, inflammation can cause complications of pneumonia - lung abscess, cardiopulmonary failure etc.

Treatment of pneumonia is prescribed in the form of antibiotic therapy, depending on the pathogen. That is why, before treatment, it is very important to conduct a thorough diagnosis of the disease, which increases the positive prognosis for a quick recovery.

To conduct an examination for such symptoms as cough, high temperature, chest pain, you need to contact, who in turn will conduct an examination and prescribe following methods diagnosis of pneumonia:

- listening with a stethoscope;
— ;
- chest organs;
— bronchoscopy, sputum analysis;
- and a blood test.

Additionally, the following examinations may be prescribed:

In the diet, you should reduce the consumption of: (give preference to table salt, but not more than 7-8 g).

The following should be excluded from the diet: very fatty foods, difficult to digest foods, gas-forming foods that irritate the mucous membranes ( confectionery), coffee, and foods that cause constipation.

Food is consumed fractionally, in small portions, 5-6 times a day. Preference is given to food prepared by boiling or steaming.

In severe cases of pneumonia, at first, until symptoms subside, it is recommended to consume predominantly liquid foods: juices, low-fat fermented milk drinks, semi-sweet tea with lemon, decoction, mineral waters(degassed), low-fat meat broth.

For moderate pneumonia (with mild symptoms), it is recommended to eat: soups with cereals, noodles and vegetables, pureed meat, boiled fish, soft-boiled eggs, cottage cheese, vegetable and fruit purees, etc. Energy value The diet should be 1500-1600 kcal, of which proteins – 60 g, fats – 40 g, carbohydrates – 250 g.

If you don’t really want to eat, you can include in your diet: lightly salted snacks (herring, caviar, ham, cheese), pickled, spicy and pickled vegetables, juices.

Treating pneumonia at home with folk remedies, can only be done after consultation with your doctor! This minimizes as much as possible possible complications in treatment. Moreover, I would like to remind you once again that if due attention and failure to provide first aid, death from pneumonia can occur even several hours after the first signs of the disease. Be careful!

Folk remedies for pneumonia

Calceumite. Place 10 thoroughly washed, fresh, whole eggs, with shells, in a jar. Fill them with juice from 10 squeezed . Wrap the jar in dark paper, tying it with gauze on top, and set aside in a cool, dark place for 10 days. When the eggs have dissolved to a homogeneous mass, add to them 300 g of uncandied melted and 150 - 200 g of cognac, aged at least 5 years. Mix everything thoroughly and pour into an opaque glass container. Calceumite should be taken after meals, 1 teaspoon 3 times a day. Store in a cool, dark place for no more than 20 days.

Ulyanovsk recipe. Lightly melt 1.3 kg linden honey, but make sure that it does not heat up, and add to it 200 g of crushed leaves, without thorns (previously washed thoroughly, and kept in a cool dark place for several days). Next, brew 150 g of birch buds and 50 g of linden flowers in two glasses, boiling them for 1 minute. Next, squeeze out the prepared decoctions, add them to the cooled honey, and pour in all 200 g olive oil, stir. The product should be stored in a cool, dark place. Take after meals, 1 teaspoon 3 times a day.

Yaroslavl recipe. Take 300 g of high quality honey and add to it 1 large leaf of crushed aloe (without thorns). Next, pour 100 g of the mixture clean water, and stirring thoroughly, cook for 2 hours in a water bath. Cool the prepared product and store it in the refrigerator. It is necessary to take the Yaroslavl remedy 3 times a day, after meals, for adults 1 tbsp. spoon, children 1 teaspoon.