A bright blush on the child’s cheeks. Red cheeks and fever in a child: causes and consequences

When we present healthy baby, the first thing that appears in our minds is the plump rosy cheeks on a smiling child’s face. Often the cause of blushing is not as harmless as it might seem at first glance. Red spots on a child’s cheeks may be a sign of internal problems in a small body or a symptom of dangerous diseases.

Causes of red cheeks in a child

Factors influencing redness can be divided into those that do not pose a threat to health and pathological ones. They do not pose a threat, do not require treatment and disappear after eliminating the causes that provoked this condition. These include blush caused by:

  • prolonged physical activity;
  • teething;
  • irritation of the facial skin by mechanical irritants;
  • overheating;
  • exposure to wind, dry air or cold.

Hyperemia may be a sign of a number of pathological conditions. Among them:

Delayed bowel movements may be the cause of red cheeks in a child. This is due to the absorption of toxins by the intestinal walls, which are released when food remains rot. More often these problems occur in children who are on artificial feeding, but children who are breastfed can also suffer from problems with bowel movements. If constipation occurs regularly, you should consult a pediatrician to solve this problem as quickly as possible.

Flushing of the facial skin may be a symptom arterial hypertension. Hypertension is rare in children. It develops during acute renal failure and pathologies of the adrenal glands, heart diseases, abnormalities of brain development, endocrine disorders. In the case of arterial hypertension in children there is increased fatigue, sleep disturbances, headaches, muscle weakness. If these symptoms are detected, you must immediately consult a doctor for examination and subsequent treatment of the disease.

One of the most common causes of facial flushing is allergies. It happens:

  • Alimentary (food);
  • respiratory (by inhaling pollen particles, animal hair, dust);
  • contact (when the skin is exposed to an allergen);
  • medicinal.

Nutritional allergy is an intolerance certain types products. An allergen (a substance that provokes the development of a pathological reaction) is the components of food from the diet of a baby or a nursing mother. This role is played by products such as eggs, chocolate, citrus fruits, honey, and milk. An allergic reaction can be triggered by a product from the diet of a nursing mother or included in complementary foods.

In children after six months of age, when milk is introduced into complementary foods, intolerance to casein (cow's or goat's milk protein) often occurs. Casein, being an antigen protein, causes the body to produce antibodies, thereby causing a reaction. If milk turns the cheeks red, it is recommended to replace it with age-appropriate milk formulas.

Respiratory allergies manifest as rhinitis (nasal congestion, runny nose, lacrimation) or allergic conjunctivitis(inflammation of the eyes), but may be accompanied by redness of the cheeks and chin. Allergens can be perfumes, flowers, household chemicals, dust. To treat respiratory allergies, it is necessary to eliminate the source as soon as possible (this may not happen), and also seek help from an allergist.

Contact allergies occur after skin contact with chlorine contained in running water, washing powders not intended for children's underwear, or contact with low-quality children's toys. To prevent allergic reactions, it is recommended to boil water for bathing the baby, use special detergents for washing children's clothes, and do not give the child toys with a specific chemical smell.

Reason drug allergies antibiotics, cold drops, antiviral drugs, cough syrups. Children prone to any type of allergy should be given medications with caution and strictly as prescribed by the doctor. If a child's cheeks become red after using a new drug, the medication should be discontinued.

If there are redness not only on the cheeks, but also on other parts of the body, and they appear frequently, we can assume that the baby has atopic dermatitis. It's chronic allergic disease skin, which occurs due to exposure to several types of irritants on the body, for example, nutritional allergies from the inside and contact allergies from the outside.

Red cheeks in children may be the first sign of an infectious disease and are a criterion for their differential diagnosis. Hyperemia is characteristic of the following diseases:

  • meningococcal infection,
  • pneumonia (pneumonia),
  • scarlet fever (an infectious disease caused by streptococcus),
  • bacterial sepsis (contamination of the body with pathogenic microbes),
  • rubella,
  • measles,
  • erythema infectiosum (an infectious viral disease manifested by a small papular rash),
  • Infantile roseola (an infectious disease caused by the human herpes virus).

Almost all infectious and viral diseases occur with increasing temperature. If you notice reddened cheeks and fever, you should urgently seek help. medical care. A timely diagnosis and correctly prescribed therapy can alleviate the symptoms of the disease, speed up the recovery process and minimize complications.

In a baby

Red cheeks in a baby are one of the signs of overfeeding. Formula-fed babies often suffer from this. Overfeeding occurs because such children do not make any effort to suck milk. A breastfeeding baby works hard and gets tired by the end of the meal. Children who are bottle-fed put in less effort, and satiation occurs only 10-15 minutes after eating, and the baby almost always eats more than normal.

A bottle-fed baby's cheeks become red because a small body still produces a small amount of enzymes; they are enough to completely digest a certain amount of food. Excess food is retained in the intestines, and toxins released during its rotting are absorbed and enter the bloodstream. To prevent overfeeding, you should strictly follow the recommendations for the amount of food for the child.

It is not uncommon for a child's cheeks to become red when teething. This is due to increased blood circulation in the tissues around the tooth. Hyperemia does not cause much discomfort to the child and goes away after teething. Another reason for reddening of the cheeks during teething may be the slight rise in temperature characteristic of this period.

Red spots on a child's cheeks can be caused by overheating. It occurs due to excessive wrapping of the baby or failure to temperature regime. Ventilation, an air humidifier and regular cleaning will help normalize the microclimate in the room. Red, rough cheeks in a baby occur due to contact with the skin of saliva, food debris, contact with mechanical irritants (bristles, a pillowcase made of hard fabric, etc.). To prevent hyperemia, it is necessary to follow the rules of baby hygiene and avoid contact with rough surfaces.

The child's cheeks turn red in the evening

Red cheeks in a child in the evening may be a symptom of an incipient infectious disease. If your body temperature is higher than normal, consult a doctor immediately. In addition to infectious diseases, hyperemia can be caused by:

  • Failure to comply with temperature and relative humidity standards in the room.
  • Allergic reaction.
  • Teething.

Red cheeks and chin

If the temperature is within normal limits, and the cheeks and chin are red, the baby has an allergy. Consultation with a pediatrician, allergist, analysis of the child’s diet, and in the case of breastfeeding, the mother’s, will allow you to correctly determine the allergen. If eliminating the irritant is not enough, the doctor will prescribe systemic antihistamine (antiallergic) therapy.

One cheek turned red

Hyperemia of one cheek in a child may be due to for various reasons. Among them:

  • Pneumonia. In addition to redness of one cheek, there is an increase in temperature, cough, cyanosis of the nasolabial triangle, excessive sweating.
  • Insect bite.
  • Allergic reaction.
  • Reaction to external mechanical stimulus.
  • Teething.

After the walk

Increased physical activity is the cause of red cheeks in children. Physical activity improves blood circulation and promotes the appearance of blush. IN winter time redness of the skin may be associated with a temperature change when returning from frost to warm room. To prevent frostbite and chapping in winter, before going for a walk, exposed areas of the body should be generously lubricated with protective cream. In summer for warning sunburn It is recommended to use creams with UV protection.

Cheeks are burning, no fever

Often, redness of a child’s cheeks without a fever is associated with factors that do not pose a threat to health. Once these irritants are eliminated, the skin returns to its natural color. If hyperemia does not go away within several hours, this means that the body is signaling internal problems. Monitoring body temperature, monitoring general condition, identifying additional symptoms will make it possible to timely establish the cause of hyperemia and begin treatment of the incipient disease. Depending on the causative agent of the disease, antibiotics or antiviral drugs, immunomodulators and restorative therapy are prescribed. The duration and intensity of treatment depends on the disease and the severity of symptoms.

For treatment helminthic infestations a complex of anthelmintic therapy is prescribed, including chemical or herbal preparations, antihistamines (anti-allergic) agents and a special hygiene regimen. If you follow the doctor's prescriptions and recommendations correctly, the prognosis is favorable, and if you follow the rules of personal hygiene, you can avoid relapses of infection.

Treatment for atopic dermatitis is aimed at adjusting the diet, eliminating external irritants and relieving symptoms. If redness on a child’s cheek is caused by atopic dermatitis, the doctor prescribes a diet. In addition to the product that causes an allergic reaction, acute and fatty foods, eggs, chocolate, citrus fruits, limit salt intake.

In accordance with the child’s age, therapy with systemic antihistamines (Loratadine, Suprastin) is prescribed. To relieve symptoms of intoxication, the use of enterosorbents is indicated - products that cleanse the intestines of allergens (Polysorb, Atoxil). Take off external manifestations allergies will be helped by treating irritated areas with corticosteroid ointments (Hydrocortisone, Elokom), and to prevent secondary infection - with ointments containing antibiotics (Levomekol, Levosin).


The problem when there are red bright cheeks on the face in adults and children may be associated with manifestations of allergies on the skin, but this is not the only reason that is diagnosed medical practice. Inflammations and rashes often cause discomfort and can be symptoms of diseases. The reason for this phenomenon needs to be clarified and measures taken. A bright blush on the cheeks is not always a sign of health.

What are red cheeks

A slight blush has always been considered a sign of health or a characteristic of modest people. From a physiological point of view, the cause of red cheeks is a rush of blood to this part of the face. Found in the skin large number capillaries, which provide thermoregulation processes. What causes the increase in body temperature, flushing of the face and redness is not always immediately clear. The reasons need to be looked for in order to adjust the treatment.


There are many main reasons why cheeks are red. This:

  • fluctuations emotional state(a person does not control these reactions; their manifestation is associated with the work of the autonomous nervous system, her sympathetic division);
  • hormonal changes in the body ( adolescence, menopause);
  • taking medications (especially hormonal ones);
  • alcohol consumption;
  • V in rare cases– liver or stomach diseases;
  • allergic reactions;
  • hypersensitivity and skin diseases.

Flushing, which externally manifests itself as red cheeks, causes stretching of the capillary walls and their thinning. As a result, blood stagnates in small blood vessels, production harmful substances. Frequent redness of the cheeks leads to serious consequences– the occurrence of rosacea. It is easy to identify it at home, but for treatment you need to see a doctor.

In a child

Rosy cheeks The baby's appearance delights the parents and is perceived as an indicator of health; the pallor of the skin of young children is more worrying. If your child’s cheeks suddenly turn red or this phenomenon occurs frequently, it may be associated with illness or the presence of a disease. Don’t worry right away if your child’s skin turns red due to individual factors:

  • after playing in the cold, walking in the cool season (the blush lasts about half an hour after returning indoors);
  • psychological reaction of the child (anger, shyness) - the redness will disappear when the child calms down;
  • prolonged exposure to the sun;
  • in children 1-2 years old, redness is observed after eating (especially in those who can eat on their own, the remains of some dishes cause irritation on the baby’s delicate skin).

There are reasons that should definitely alert attentive parents:

In an adult

Indicators serious illnesses, allergic manifestations include redness on the cheeks of an adult. This reaction occurs from several hours to several weeks. There are many reasons for redness: some are associated with genetic disorders, others are simple reactions to exposure environment. In some cases, the doctor recommends that the patient undergo blood and urine tests.

Red skin on the cheeks is due to one of the reasons:

Why do teenagers' cheeks turn red?

From a physiological point of view, adolescence is a difficult period. At this time, growth processes are actively launched, the sex glands begin to work, and hormonal levels change dramatically. The teenager’s body still needs to get used to the new substances that have appeared in his blood. Facial redness in adolescents may be associated with this. When hormone levels stabilize, the phenomenon disappears.

In addition, dysfunction is observed in the adolescent’s body. cardiovascular system. The heart grows faster than blood vessels, so he has to work in mode increased load. In this regard, in adolescence there are differences blood pressure, which can cause red skin on the cheeks. When the processes of the final formation of the cardiovascular system are completed, such reactions stop.

Allergy on the cheeks

Causes of allergies skin reactions There are many manifestations on the face in children and adults, these include:

  • toxicosis in pregnant women;
  • chronic infectious diseases;
  • disturbance of intestinal microflora;
  • unformed immune system;
  • pet hair and skin reactions / immune system at her;
  • cosmetics of dubious quality;
  • contact with household chemical cleaners and detergents;
  • carcinogens in food.

Allergic manifestations- not the only reactions of the body, the disease manifests itself in redness and rash in other areas internal organs, inflammatory processes on mucous membranes oral cavity, nose, eyes, magnification lymph nodes, the appearance of signs of eczema, dermatitis. You definitely shouldn’t take red spots on your face as a harmless reaction or aesthetic defect.

Red cheeks as a symptom of illness

The most common cause of red spots on the face is allergies, but there are a number of diseases of which this manifestation is a symptom. For example, vitamin deficiency. If redness on the cheeks is observed in the spring, against the background of drowsiness, chronic fatigue, transferred infectious diseases, this is due to the lack of vitamins. Violation hormonal levels is the cause of unhealthy blush.

At skin diseases red spots appear only in certain areas, for example on the cheeks:

  • fungal diseases and other infections cause redness, itching, and peeling skin;
  • Rosacea refers to chronic diseases skin, spots and rashes occur during an exacerbation and make you suffer;
  • dermatitis.

How to get rid

Redness on the cheeks cannot be ignored. If blood vessels are close to the surface skin, any environmental impact causes the constant appearance of red areas; such a manifestation does not require treatment. To stay on outdoors it is necessary to apply a protective composition. If this is a manifestation of certain types of allergies, the doctor should prescribe antihistamines, which should be taken in therapeutic/prophylactic courses.

If redness is associated with other diseases, such as cardiovascular diseases, appropriate therapeutic measures are prescribed that are aimed at eliminating the root cause. This concerns hormonal imbalances, treatment of dermatitis. Therapeutic measures should be prescribed by a dermatologist. When carrying out therapy it is necessary:

  1. stick to a diet;
  2. exclude certain foods;
  3. refuse cosmetic creams;
  4. forget about prolonged exposure to the sun;
  5. do not abuse alcohol.

Folk remedies

To treat redness of the skin on the cheeks, to eliminate other defects, it is good to wash your face with a decoction of chamomile, wipe the skin with an ice cube, and apply a care product morning and evening. IN folk medicine There are a lot of recipes for tinctures and drinks; anyone can make them. They should help the body properly eliminate redness on the skin. Adviсe:

  1. Birch infusion lotions effectively solve the problem.
  2. It is good to use masks of sour cream, honey and olive oil.
  3. It is advisable to apply to the skin of the face before going to bed. vegetable oils(sunflower, olive, others).

Video: red spots on the cheeks

Child's red cheeks for a long time were considered a sign of excellent health. Needless to say, some are guided by this sign even now, especially for people of the older generation, in whose imagination perfect child I imagine a rosy-cheeked, overfed butt with a voracious appetite. But this is a misconception, sometimes quite serious. No. No one claims that the child should be anemicly pale - a light blush on the cheeks should certainly be present, but, let us emphasize, only a light one. Let's not forget about a sense of proportion.

So, if one or both cheeks of a child have red skin for a long time and does not return to its usual color, you should consider the possible reasons.

Why does the child have red cheeks?

Let's consider a number of main reasons - both quite harmless and quite alarming:

  • Your cheeks may turn red after an active walk in the cold or just fresh air. In this case, the redness disappears quickly after the child is at rest;
  • emotions - children are very impressionable and excitable, so red cheeks are a sign of an emotional outburst, anger, shame, and so on;
  • overheating - the child may simply be hot. Pay attention to clothing and air temperature in the room where he is located. Ventilate the room;
  • increased body temperature, fever. The cheeks may turn red due to an increase in body temperature during ARVI and other diseases, this is especially common towards the end of the day. Therefore, if a child has red cheeks in the evening, the first thing to do is measure the body temperature and note the presence or absence of other signs of the disease;
  • diathesis is a condition caused by food allergies. It is somewhat broader than just the concept of allergy and indicates that many body processes are affected and disrupted. As a rule, this becomes clear to parents only when the process has gone far enough, and the child’s cheeks have become not only red, but also rough;
  • red cheeks infant may indicate errors in the nutrition of the mother, who, as is known, must follow a diet during the period of breastfeeding. If your baby eats formula, it may be that it causes such a reaction and you should change the brand;
  • if u one year old child red cheeks may be a reaction to a food allergen present in complementary foods;
  • red spots on a child’s cheeks may be a sign of erythema infectiosum, but in this case, a few days before their appearance, the child experiences diarrhea, vomiting, and fever.

What to do if your child has red cheeks all the time?

If the redness lasts long enough - from several hours, then the first thing to do is to exclude possible illness by taking your temperature and noting any other symptoms. If the child feels and behaves as usual, you should look more thoroughly for the reason why the child has red cheeks.

Most likely, the cause may be food and developed from it. In order to confirm your guesses, you should consult a doctor and do the appropriate examination, which will help identify the allergen. You can also take some measures on your own to eliminate this symptom. It is necessary to exclude all obligate allergens for the baby (citrus fruits, chocolate, seafood, chicken eggs, whole milk, wheat products, confectionery with dyes and additives, etc.), keep a food diary to understand after which deterioration occurs, give him baths with string and chamomile, smear the skin with special emollient creams.

The rosy child's face evokes universal affection. But parents are not happy if the baby’s cheeks turn red for unknown reasons. Moreover, these reasons can be completely different. This article will talk about the main ones and answer questions main question: What should parents do in this case?

Provoking factors

Conventionally, two groups of them can be distinguished:

  • natural- when redness of the cheeks occurs normal reaction body. They do not pose a danger, and the redness will soon go away on its own;
  • pathological- when a child’s red cheeks signal that a problem has arisen. Then they should be considered as a symptom of the disease.

Let's look at both groups of factors in more detail.

Natural causes

1. Long-lasting motor activity . The child runs, jumps, plays sports - in a word, makes physical efforts. Blood circulation increases, as a result - a blush on the face.

2. Teething. How these two phenomena are related is a mystery, but the fact remains: many babies’ cheeks turn red during the period when another tooth is cut. Moreover, beauty does not depend on nutrition and other factors; it appears literally out of nowhere and disappears as soon as the tooth erupts.

Pediatricians shrug their shoulders and ask whether there really could not have been exposure to allergens during that period of time. It is believed that this is due to general decline immunity against the background of teething, the skin becomes more susceptible. Or that the child is nervous due to constant pain in the mouth and an excited state provokes redness of the cheeks. Nobody knows for sure. However, many mothers have faced and continue to face this.

3. Mechanical irritation cheek skin in contact with rough surfaces. For example, when a child’s scarf rubs and other similar situations.

4. Overheat. Indeed, if a child is hot, his cheeks turn red. And sometimes not only they, but the whole face.

5. Weathering: if the cheeks are chapped, the skin will not only be red, but also dry and rough to the touch.

6. Fresh air(if it’s not hot outside) it always works magically: after a walk, the children have a healthy glow on their cheeks. This is a completely natural phenomenon, especially if it is winter outside and the air is frosty.

Pathological causes

A child's red cheeks indicator of health problems. Unfortunately, this may be the case. This symptom may indicate that there are:

1. Disturbances in the digestive system. Here it is usually either overeating, or in difficulty defecating.

The first problem is mostly typical for bottle-fed babies. After all, sucking formula from a bottle is much easier than sucking milk from a mother’s breast. Therefore, with the mixture the process goes faster.

However, the feeling of fullness does not appear immediately, but 10–15 minutes after eating. Only then does the brain give a signal that the child is full. Until this moment, the baby, especially if he has become very hungry, eats with great enthusiasm. As a result, he eats more than necessary. The body processes exactly as much as it is capable of. Leftovers undigested food rot or ferment in the intestines and are then excreted from the body in feces. During decay, decay products enter the bloodstream, causing the cheeks to acquire a reddish tint.

As for difficulties with bowel movements, the mechanism for the appearance of beautiful cheeks in this case is the same as with overfeeding. Feces, which do not leave the body on time, release toxins, and they enter the blood. Redness of the cheeks is a response to the appearance toxic substances. This happens with both artificial and breastfeeding(although in the first case the number of children suffering from constipation is greater).

2. Increased blood pressure. This pathology in children is extremely rare and is a consequence of diseases of the kidneys, heart, brain or thyroid gland. Requires thorough examination and further treatment.

4. Infections. Redness on children's cheeks is sometimes one of the signs of a number of infectious diseases, for example:

  • pneumonia;
  • rubella;
  • measles;
  • scarlet fever;
  • roseola;
  • erythema infectiosum;
  • bacterial sepsis;
  • meningococcal infection.

It is worth keeping in mind that another a clear symptom infection is an increase in body temperature. If adults discover a combination of symptoms such as hyperthermia and red cheeks in their child, they should call a doctor.

5. The most common cause of red cheeks in children is allergic reaction . Main types:

  • contact;
  • food;
  • medicinal;
  • respiratory.

Contact Allergy occurs after direct exposure to an allergen. For example, children's cosmetics, diapers, household chemicals, residues of washing powder on clothes, toys of dubious quality.

Food allergy - increased immune response to specific product nutrition. And usually sweets, eggs, whole milk, honey, citrus fruits act as irritants, exotic fruits, brightly colored fruits (especially bright red). The body reacts to the presence of these products both in the child’s personal menu and in the diet of the nursing mother. And such a reaction can occur to infant formula; this also applies to cases of food allergies.

Medicinal the form most often appears when using nasal drops, cough syrups, antibiotics, immunomodulators, and vitamins. Therefore, always give new medications with caution, carefully monitor how the child’s body tolerates them. Do not give medications unless absolutely necessary, do not self-medicate.

At respiratory types of allergic reaction include runny nose, nasal congestion and difficulty breathing, as well as watery eyes and inflammation of the eyes. The cheeks and chin may become red. Main irritants:

  • flowering plants;
  • tobacco smoke;
  • perfumery;
  • household chemicals;
  • dust;
  • varnishes, paints, solvents.

6. If not only the cheeks, but also other parts of the body turn red and this happens systematically, then the issue may be atopic dermatitis, it is also mistakenly called diathesis. The disease manifests itself as a result of the influence of internal and external reasons: the antigen protein stimulates the immune response, and irritating factors (each person has their own) act externally. It must be said that with age, in most children, the disease goes away, as the work of all body systems is adjusted (especially the immune, digestive and endocrine).

What to do if your baby has red cheeks

The main advice to parents is not to panic, but to take it as a signal child's body. If the phenomenon recurs often or does not go away for a long time, it is better, of course, to consult a pediatrician about this. He will examine the baby, help identify the cause and prescribe treatment, which will depend on the diagnosis.

What parents can do on their own:

  • If there is any suspicion of infection, show the child to a doctor as soon as possible;
  • stop overfeeding your child. Monitor the volume of portions: it’s better to let the baby eat less, but more often, this approach helps improve the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • eliminate potential irritants in the form of chlorine, as well as similar “heavy” detergents and washing powders;
  • use medications for allergies only with the permission of the pediatrician, so as not to further harm the child. If the redness does not cause any particular discomfort, do not give medications at all;
  • if the child scratches his cheeks, use fenistil;
  • do not give whole milk, replace with age-appropriate formulas or fermented milk products;
  • do not buy bright underwear; it often causes a reaction among allergy sufferers;
  • carefully monitor the home microclimate. “Weather in the house” is extremely important for any child: air temperature is 18–23 degrees, humidity is 50–60%. Regularly ventilate rooms and do wet cleaning. Do not overheat the baby, make sure that he does not sweat;
  • Avoid constipation in your child. With any type of allergy or inflammation, it is easier for him when the intestines are not loaded. If there is a problem, solve it with your baby’s doctor. Now there are a lot of means, including quite gentle ones.

Important: if you do all of the above, but your cheeks are still red, it means that the irritant could not be determined, the matter is something else. Pay attention to little things like:

  • aerosols at home (air freshener, for example);
  • toilet water from parents or other family members;
  • cats, dogs, other pets;
  • food for aquarium fish;
  • dust;
  • flowers;
  • carpets and other floor coverings;
  • nuts, raisins in the diet.

Do not use folk remedies for treatment - pediatricians unanimously advise. The fact is that the child’s body can itself restore the functioning of all the processes occurring in it, and the problem of red cheeks will disappear over time. However, "healing" folk remedies, which countless relatives try on a child, can make themselves felt even when the child grows up. And this is not counting the most ingenious of recipes, which can cause much more harm than atopic dermatitis or allergies.

Many young parents consider red cheeks a sign of a child's health. But do not confuse a healthy blush with pathological manifestations. Treat your baby carefully and don’t wait for everything to go away on its own. If you suspect any abnormalities in the body, it would be a good idea to consult a pediatrician.

I think this situation is quite typical: at one “wonderful” moment you looked at your baby, and suddenly discovered that the child’s cheeks were red. Is this good or bad? Is it normal and a sign of health, or symptoms of an incipient disease? "Light blush" from fresh air, or the first sign of someone coming? Let's figure it out.

The reasons for the appearance of redness on a baby’s cheeks are different, and to determine the potential danger we just need to look close attention on associated symptoms. Let's look at the 5 most typical cases.

1. The child’s red cheeks are not accompanied by any other symptoms.

The most positive and safe case. The appearance of redness can be caused by active games and walks in the fresh air. There's another one safe reason redness of the cheeks: emotions. Feelings of shame, anger, modesty or shyness cause the blood to rush to the face and the cheeks to turn red.

2. Along with the appearance of red cheeks, the child has a fever

Increased temperature causes the blood vessels on the face to expand. If after measurement the result is less than 38 degrees, then the use of any antipyretic drugs is not required.

To eliminate the problem, various natural, non-carbonated, caffeine-free drinks are used. The most popular, proven generations still remain fruit drinks from raspberry jam or lingonberries, as well as sweetened tea with rose hips. But when promoted, caring parents immediately call ambulance, but the child is not denied a drink.

3. Redness of the cheeks appeared against the background of general weakness, fatigue and low temperature body

Fatigue or loss of strength, which may be caused by lack of correct mode day for the child.

As a result, he does not get enough sleep due to watching late-night movies, eats poorly, preferring sweets, or suffers from a lack of fresh air, spending all his time free time in front of the computer.

Making your baby live according to a schedule will be extremely difficult. We'll have to show good strength will. 🙂 It will be necessary to gradually introduce restrictions on a reckless lifestyle: first go to bed at 21.00 (this is the most optimal time for going to bed in children and adolescents), then have breakfast healthy products(porridge, cottage cheese, etc.), limit the computer to 2-3 hours a day and choose the most optimal time for daily walks with the whole family.

4. Red cheeks in a child are accompanied by slight peeling or a small rash (not purulent in nature)

This is how childhood diathesis manifests itself - an allergic reaction, for example, to irritants such as excessively consumed amounts of chocolate or citrus fruits.

The success of treatment in such a delicate situation depends entirely on the parents’ ability to withstand a child’s hysteria or big sad eyes in which tears accumulate, as well as on the child’s ingenuity.

The most important medicine is a complete refusal of sweets: sweets, cookies, jam, yoghurts, cottage cheese, juices, fruit drinks and citrus fruits, plums, pears, red grapes.

The duration of treatment is usually 7-12 days if all conditions are met. If there is even the slightest doubt, then consulting a doctor is essential.

Due to the deteriorating environmental situation and sharp increase in the number of cases of development, pediatricians recommend using candida ointment and nystatin tablets even with diathesis. Medicines It should be given to the baby only if he has itching or the rash does not go away on its own within 4-5 days.

5. Red cheeks, rash on the face or hands, accompanied by elevated temperature body, cough or difficulty breathing

This is how an allergic reaction manifests itself. Guessing what caused it is the most wrong way to behave. The appearance of allergy symptoms after taking any product or contact with a certain object does not at all indicate it as the source of the problem.

Allergens tend to gradually accumulate in the body, and as soon as their number reaches a maximum, the child begins to show negative reactions to something that “previously did not irritate me at all.” Only right decision in this case, take an extensive test to identify a dangerous allergen, exclude it from the child’s life, and only then begin treatment with medications prescribed by the attending physician.

In general, if your child’s cheeks are red, try to first determine what exactly was the source of irritation. Well, to be sure, still consult a doctor. It's more reliable.