Orthophosphoric acid benefits for humans. Phosphoric acid is harmful to health. E338 – ortho-phosphoric acid

Name: Orthophosphoric acid E338
Other names: E338, E-338, English: E338, E-338, Orthophosphoric acid
Group: Food additive
Type: Antioxidants, antioxidants, acidity regulator
Effect on the body: harmful
Approved in countries: Russia, Ukraine, EU

Orthophosphoric acid E338 (Phosphoric Acid) belongs to inorganic acids and is an antioxidant. The structure is crystalline, without a certain color, quite hygroscopic. Easily dissolves in water, ethanol and many other solvents. When heated to 213°C, it is transformed into pyrophosphoric acid. Concentrated solution of orthophosphoric acid E338 is viscous. The additive tastes sour, mainly in Food Industry present as an acidulant. IN large doses or if consumed regularly poses a threat to human health.

Orthophosphoric acid E338 is used in various fields of human activity. In industry, it is used in soldering as a flux for ferrous metals, stainless steel, and oxidized copper. In molecular biology, the additive is necessary for a number of studies. It shows its qualities very well in the process of cleaning metal parts and surfaces from rust and prevents subsequent corrosion by covering it with a protective film.
In the food industry, orthophosphoric acid E338 is used as an acidity regulator mainly in sweet sodas. E338 is also added to sausage products, in the production of cheeses and processed cheeses, and to baking powders intended for bakeries. Phosphoric acid is also used in sugar production.
It plays a major role in the agricultural sector in the production of soil fertilizers and the production of phosphates for livestock feed. There is also an additive in detergents, cleaning and softening products. synthetic products.
At one time, phosphoric acid was used by dentists to remove enamel from teeth. But over time, this practice was abandoned. Approved for use in all countries of the world.

Effect on the human body:
Orthophosphoric acid E-338 increases the acidity of the body, which negatively affects its acid-base balance. In this case, calcium is forced out of the teeth and bones, which leads to caries and the development of early osteoporosis. In addition, it is contraindicated for people with natural increased level acidity. Additive E338 is not safe. A concentrated solution, if it gets on the skin or mucous membranes, causes burns. If vapors are inhaled phosphoric acid atrophic processes develop in the nasopharynx, nosebleeds may occur, crumbles tooth enamel and the tooth itself, even a change in blood composition is observed. With frequent and abundant consumption of E338 in food, disturbances occur in gastrointestinal tract, vomiting, diarrhea, nausea, aversion to food, weight loss appear. Daily dose Use for humans has not been described.

Fans of the carbonated drink Coca-Cola are unlikely to look at its composition, which contains the additive E338. This substance is orthophosphoric acid, which is used not only in the food industry, but also in the textile, agricultural and even copes with rust on the surface of parts. What are the properties of the chemical compound, what are the areas of its use, what you need to know about safety precautions - it is worth considering in more detail.

What is phosphoric acid

At room temperature these are hygroscopic, colorless, diamond-shaped crystals that are highly soluble in water. An orthophosphoric compound is considered an inorganic acid of medium strength. One of its forms is a yellowish or colorless syrupy liquid, odorless, an aqueous solution with a concentration of 85%. Its other name is white phosphoric acid.

The chemical orthophosphorus compound has the following properties:

  • soluble in ethanol, water, solvents;
  • forms 3 rows of salts - phosphates;
  • causes burns upon contact with skin;
  • when interacting with metals, it forms flammable, explosive hydrogen;
  • the boiling point depends on the concentration - from 103 to 380 degrees;
  • liquid form prone to hypothermia;
  • incompatible with flammable materials, pure metals, quicklime, alcohol, calcium carbide, chlorates;
  • at a temperature of 42.35 degrees it melts, but does not decompose.


Phosphoric acid is an inorganic compound that is described by the formula H3PO4. His molar mass equal to 98 g/mol. A microparticle of a substance is built in space in such a way that it connects hydrogen and oxygen atoms with each other. The formula shows – Chemical substance has the following composition:

Preparation of phosphoric acid

Chemical compound has several production methods. Famous industrial method production of orthophosphoric acid - thermal, which produces a pure product High Quality. The following process occurs:

  • oxidation during combustion with excess air of phosphorus to phosphorus anhydride having the formula P4O10;
  • hydration, absorption of the resulting substance;
  • condensation of phosphoric acid;
  • capturing mist from the gas fraction.

There are two more methods for producing orthophosphorus compounds:

  • An economical extraction method. Its basis is the decomposition of natural minerals-phosphates hydrochloric acid.
  • At laboratory conditions the substance is obtained by reacting white phosphorus, which is poisonous, with dilute nitric acid. The process requires strict adherence safety precautions.

Chemical properties

The inorganic compound is considered tribasic and of medium strength. The following chemical properties of orthophosphoric acid are characteristic:

  • reacts to indicators by changing color to red;
  • when heated, it is converted to pyrophosphoric acid;
  • V aqueous solutions undergoes three-step dissociation;
  • when reacting with strong acids, it forms phosphoryls - complex salts;
  • forms a yellow precipitate when interacting with silver nitrate;
  • thermally decomposes to diphosphoric acid;
  • upon contact with bases, amorphous hydroxides, it forms water and salt.


Phosphoric acid is used in many areas, from industry to dental treatment. The product is used by craftsmen as a flux when soldering, to clean the metal surface from rust. Liquid is used:

The substance is used:

  • in the oil industry;
  • in the manufacture of matches;
  • for film production;
  • for the purpose of protection against corrosion;
  • to clarify sucrose;
  • in the manufacture of medicines;
  • in refrigeration units as a binder in freon;
  • at machining for polishing and cleaning metals;
  • in the textile industry in the production of fabrics with fire retardant impregnation;
  • as a component in the production of chemical reagents;
  • in veterinary medicine for treatment urolithiasis at minks;
  • as a component for metal primer.

In the food industry

The use of phosphoric acid in food production has become widespread. She is registered in the registry food additives under code E338. When used with permissible quantities the substance is considered safe. The following properties of the drug are useful:

  • preventing rancidity;
  • acidity regulation;
  • shelf life extension;
  • preservation of taste characteristics;
  • enhancing the effect of antioxidants.

Phosphoric acid as an acidifier, leavening agent, and antioxidant is used in the bakery, meat, and dairy industries. Used in production confectionery, sugar. The substance gives products a sour, bitter taste. Additive E338 is included in:

  • processed cheeses;
  • muffins;
  • carbonated drinks - Pepsi-Cola, Sprite;
  • sausages;
  • buns;
  • milk;
  • baby food;
  • marmalade;
  • cakes

Research has shown that overconsumption of products containing phosphorus compounds, especially carbonated drinks, can lead to health problems. It is possible:

  • leaching of calcium from the body, which can trigger the formation of osteoporosis;
  • violation acid-base balance– the additive can increase its acidity;
  • the appearance of gastrointestinal diseases;
  • exacerbation of gastritis;
  • destruction of tooth enamel;
  • development of caries;
  • the appearance of vomiting.

In the non-food industry

The use of phosphoric acid can be observed in many areas of production. This is often associated with chemical properties product. The drug is used for the manufacture of:

  • combined, phosphorus mineral fertilizers;
  • activated carbon;
  • phosphorus salts of sodium, ammonium, manganese;
  • fire retardant paints;
  • glass, ceramics;
  • synthetic detergents;
  • fire-resistant binding components;
  • non-flammable phosphate foam;
  • hydraulic fluids for the aviation industry.

In medicine

Dentists use orthophosphorus composition to treat inner surface crowns This helps improve its adhesion to the tooth during prosthetics. The substance is used by pharmacists to prepare medicines and dental cement. In medicine, the use of orthophosphorus compounds is associated with the ability to etch tooth enamel. This is necessary when using adhesive materials of the second or third generation for filling. Important points– after etching the surface must:

  • Rinse;
  • dry.

Anti-rust application

A rust converter based on phosphoric acid creates a protective layer on the surface that protects against corrosion during further use. The peculiarity of using the compound is that it is safe for metal when applied. There are several ways to remove rust with phosphoric acid, depending on the size of the damage:

  • etching with immersion in a bath or other container;
  • repeated application of the composition to the metal with a spray gun or roller;
  • covering the surface with pre-treated mechanical cleaning.

The orthophosphorus compound converts rust into iron phosphates. The composition can be used for washing and cleaning:

  • rolled metal products;
  • wells;
  • pipeline surfaces;
  • steam generators;
  • water supply, heating systems;
  • coils;
  • boilers;
  • water heaters;
  • heat exchangers;
  • boilers;
  • machine parts and mechanisms.

Interaction of phosphoric acid

The properties of an inorganic substance determine its interaction with other substances and compounds. At the same time there are chemical reactions. The orthophosphorus composition interacts with:

  • salts of weak acids;
  • hydroxides, entering into a neutralization reaction;
  • metals to the left of hydrogen in the activity series with the formation of salt and the release of hydrogen;
  • basic oxides, participating in the exchange reaction;
  • ammonium hydroxide, creating ammonium hydrogen phosphate;
  • ammonia to produce acid salts.

Safety precautions when working with acid

Orthophosphorus compound belongs to the class hazardous substances, requires caution. Work with the composition must be carried out in a special room equipped with supply and exhaust ventilation, away from sources of fire. Lack of funds is unacceptable personal protection:

  • respirator;
  • gloves;
  • special clothing;
  • non-slip shoes;
  • points.

Contact of orthophosphorus composition on the skin or eyes is dangerous, and inhalation of hot vapors is harmful. This may cause burns, dizziness, vomiting, and coughing. In case of emergency you need to:

  • remove clothing that has come into contact with the substance;
  • rinse the affected area with running water;
  • call a doctor;
  • apply a loose bandage;
  • Neutralize spilled liquid with alkali.

Transportation rules

There are special GOSTs that stipulate the rules for transporting phosphoric acid, which is classified as dangerous goods. The substance can be delivered by any type of transport. The chemically active liquid is transported in tightly closed:

  • steel tank trucks;
  • bottles made of polyethylene, glass;
  • plastic cubes;
  • barrels;
  • cans;
  • rubberized railway tanks.


Phosphoric acid can be purchased in pharmacies, hardware stores, and ordered through Internet sites. For industrial purposes, they are purchased in bulk at discounts. average cost for Moscow in rubles is:



Analysis chemical composition and the impact of its components as a whole on the human body using the example of the highly carbonated drink “Coca-Cola”.

Coca-Cola is one of the most recognizable and famous drinks of our time. But who knows what chemistry is hidden in the composition of this drink and what else it can serve in life, besides quenching thirst.

1.Composition and calorie content of the product.
2. The influence of the components of the product and the product itself on the human body.
3.Use of the drink in everyday life.
4. Conclusions from the above.

1.1 Composition.
The composition of Coca-Cola looks like in the following way:
Sugar, or sucrose (C12H22O11)
Sugar color dye (E150)
Phosphoric acid (H3PO4)
Some flavors
Carbon dioxide(CO2)
1.2 The nutritional value drink
Calorie content 42 kcal
Proteins 0
Fats 0
Carbohydrates 10.6 g
Sodium<11,0 мг
Potassium 1.0 mg
Calcium 4.0 mg
Magnesium 1.0 mg
Phosphorus about 17 mg

2.1 The effect of orthophosphoric acid (E-338) on the human body.
Phosphoric acid (E-338) is used as an acidifier in various drinks (in fact, not only in Coca-Cola). Causes stomach upset.
Phosphoric acid has a pH of 2.8 (a 5% sulfuric acid solution has a pH of 2.5). Derivatives of orthophosphoric acid are also used in the food industry - from baking powders and the preparation of processed cheeses to sausage production and sugar production. The main area of ​​use of orthophosphoric acid is the production of phosphorus and complex concentrated fertilizers, the production of feed phosphates, synthetic detergents and water softeners.
Phosphoric acid is often labeled on packages as “acidity regulator E-338.”
Phosphoric acid disrupts the acid-base balance in the body towards increased acidity. To neutralize it, the body has to displace calcium from bones and teeth. Hence the caries. The same reason leads to an earlier and earlier onset of osteoporosis.
Orthophosphoric acid at high concentrations causes burns, vapors cause atrophic processes in the nasal mucosa, nosebleeds, crumbling of teeth, changes in blood flora, etc. When consumed, it causes digestive tract upset and vomiting.
2.2 The effect of caffeine on the human body.
Even though the amount of caffeine in Coca-Cola is not that high, it is still necessary to be aware of the harmful aspects of repeated consumption of this ingredient.
High levels of caffeine in the body overload the adrenal glands, resulting in a chronic state of mental stress.
Caffeine also increases blood pressure, which is usually accompanied by severe headaches. This situation is made worse by the fact that stopping caffeine intake (for example, in the form of coffee) can also cause headaches.
When consuming more than 250 mg of caffeine, there is a risk of various ailments, a list of which is given below. (If, in addition to memory deterioration, you find symptoms of five or more of the listed diseases, then memory problems are likely due to insufficient attention caused by consuming large quantities of caffeine.)
Diuresis (feeling of needing to urinate frequently).
Blood flow to the face.
Gastrointestinal disorders.
Convulsive muscle twitching.
Incoherent speech.
Dysphoria (negative emotional state of irritability or anger).
This situation is aggravated by the fact that as soon as the effect of caffeine ends, a loss of energy sets in, which often leads to headaches, fatigue and certain problems with concentrating and remembering new information.
2.3 The influence of the gas contained in the drink on the human body.
Carbon dioxide (CO2) is a heavy, colorless and odorless gas compared to air. The impact of its increased concentrations on living organisms classifies it as an asphyxiating gas. Slight increases in concentration up to 2-4% in unventilated areas lead to the development of drowsiness and weakness. Dangerous concentrations are considered levels of 7-10%, at which suffocation develops, manifesting itself in headache, dizziness, hearing loss and loss of consciousness for a period of time from several minutes to one hour. Poisoning with this gas does not lead to long-term consequences and after its completion the body is completely restored.
2.4 The effect of the drink as a whole on the human body.
Any specific negative effect on the body of the drink has not been officially established. The effect of the Coca-Cola drink on health is no different from other similar products. Thus, it is not recommended to drink highly carbonated drinks for persons suffering from diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, in particular, acute and chronic gastritis, including those accompanied by increased gastric secretion, peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum, disorders of the biliary tract, diseases of the pancreas and other pathological processes. Diabetes patients should be aware of the sugar content in classic types of drink.

There is mention of a study that found a link between regular daily consumption of classic Coca-Cola and an increased risk of developing type 2 diabetes.
The head of the epidemiology department of the National Institute of Environmental Health Research (USA), Dale Sandler, studies the impact of food on human health. Dr. Sandler's research found that obesity, a history of kidney stones, and drinking colas may increase the risk of developing kidney disease.

3.1 Using Cola you can do the following:
Remove rust. Coca-Cola is an excellent rust remover. If you have household items that are covered in rust, soaking them overnight in Coca-Cola and scrubbing them thoroughly the next morning will amaze you with their appearance. The properties of cola help to destroy rusty particles, which makes cleaning much easier. You can also use this drink to clean fabric from rust; just pour a little cola onto the stain and rub in in a circular motion.
Wash the windows. Citric acid (C6H8O7), in addition to removing rust, is very effective in cleaning windows. It is especially useful when cleaning car windows. After the procedure, do not forget to wipe the glass with a damp cloth to remove any remaining sugar. Coca-Cola in this case acts as a cheap alternative to many citrus cleaning products, the price of which is much higher than a can of the famous drink.
Eat her. Cola is often used as an ingredient in the preparation of various dishes. You can mix it half and half with your favorite sauce and marinate the chicken in the resulting mixture. The sugar in the cola will give the chicken a glossy coating and caramel flavor, and the citric acid will give it a nice flavor.
Get rid of unpleasant odors. If an unpleasant odor of unknown origin has settled in your house or apartment, then adding a little cola to a bucket of detergent and washing the floor with it, you can easily get rid of the unpleasant odor. Moreover, if you yourself are saturated with an unpleasant odor, then by dousing yourself with cola and then washing it off with plain water, you can easily get rid of it. An added bonus is the fact that cola has a beneficial effect on hair.
Numb the bite. The chemicals contained in cola can be very effective in neutralizing the pain of a jellyfish sting. Most likely, most people are unlikely to carry special pain-relieving lotions with them to the beach, but you can always find a bottle of cola. A small amount of it should be poured onto the bite site, and you will immediately feel relief.
Clean the dishes. Sometimes the bottom of pots and other utensils becomes covered with a black film that is almost impossible to remove. It appears due to burning food. To remove such black marks and restore the appearance of the dishes, pour a can of cola into it and place it on the stove with low heat. After about an hour, remove from heat and wash as usual.
Wash clothes. Some stains are very difficult to remove from clothing, and stain removers are expensive. But there is a cheap solution to the problem: mix a can of Coca-Cola with regular powder and run a regular wash cycle. Using this method, you can effectively remove even blood stains, as well as deodorize unpleasant-smelling clothes.
Get rid of bugs in the garden. Pour the cola into a shallow container and place it in the garden or vegetable garden near the problem area. Slugs, snails and other bugs, if they crawl in there once, they will never get back out. This will significantly save you wasting money on pesticides. You can water cola plants that like acidic soil, such as azaleas and gardenias.
"Make" an explosion. Most people familiar with the Internet have probably heard about the interaction of cola with Mentos. The idea is that if you put one Mentos mint into a bottle of Coca-Cola, the resulting chemical reaction will result in a relatively powerful explosion.

4. The conclusion can be formulated as follows: Coca-Cola is one of the most harmful highly carbonated drinks that are now sold on store shelves. Its manufacturers have produced an excellent pain reliever and an equally bad dishwashing detergent, but not a thirst quencher (it is a known fact that this drink, in turn, even stimulates it). So, people, drink proven products, not chemicals created for the sake of making money!

As an acid it is quite weak. In food production it is used as an acidity regulator, its marking is E338.

In its pure form, orthophosphoric acid has the appearance of hygroscopic crystals without color. One of the properties of orthophosphoric acid is as follows: at a temperature exceeding 42 degrees Celsius, the process of its melting begins, and the substance turns into a viscous liquid without color.

Another property of orthophosphoric acid is that it is highly soluble in water.

Food antioxidant E338 Phosphoric acid

This food additive is easily soluble in ethanol, water and many other solvents. In addition, when heated to 213 degrees, it is converted into pyrophosphoric acid, while in concentrated form it forms a viscous solution.

Due to the fact that this substance tastes quite sour, in the food industry this property of the food antioxidant E338 Orthophosphoric acid determines its use as an acidulant and acidity regulator.

Phosphoric acid: properties and harm of food additive E338

Such solutions can have different pH levels (ranging from 1.08 to 7.00), depending on the amount of acid added. An 85% solution of this chemical element produces a caustic liquid, but when water is added, the acid level quickly decreases. Orthophosphoric acid has the chemical formula - H 3 PO 4. At standard room temperature the substance is in crystalline form.

Phosphoric acid is harmful to health

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Food additive E338

Belongs to the category of antioxidants. Considered harmful to human health. The main functions of phosphoric acid are acidification (it is very popular in drinks that use flavorings: Pepsi, Coca-Cola, etc.). This food additive is approved in countries around the world, which is very disappointing, as it is harmful to health.

This antioxidant is popular in the food industry. Phosphoric acid can be found in the following products: in the popular drinks Fanta, Sprite, Coca-Cola, Pepsi, and many others that include flavorings.

Phosphoric acid: harm or benefit

Orthophosphoric acid (chemical formula H3PO4) is an inorganic acid and, under normal conditions, in its pure form, is represented by colorless rhombic crystals. These crystals are quite hygroscopic, do not have a specific color, and easily dissolve in water and in many different solvents.

organic synthesis; production of food and reactive acids; production of phosphorus salts of calcium, sodium, ammonium, aluminum, manganese; medicine; fertilizer production metal processing industry; film production; production of activated carbon; oil industry; production of refractory materials; production of detergents; match production.

Phosphoric acid is of great importance for plant nutrition.

E338 (Orthophosphoric acid), acidity regulator

The structure is crystals, without a specific color, quite hygroscopic. Easily dissolves in water, ethanol and many other solvents. When heated to 213°C, it is transformed into pyrophosphoric acid. Concentrated solution of orthophosphoric acid E338 is viscous. The taste of the additive is sour; it is mainly used in the food industry as an acidulant. In large doses or when consumed regularly, it poses a threat to human health.

Application: Orthophosphoric acid E338 is used in various fields of human activity.

Is Coca-Cola harmful?

It is known to include oils of lemon, orange, cinnamon, nutmeg, bitter orange blossom, coriander and lime.

Every component of this drink is harmful!

1. Carbon dioxide irritates the gastrointestinal tract. It causes weakness of the valve that lies between the esophagus and the stomach. As a result, the contents of the stomach flow back into the esophagus, which causes inflammation in it and heartburn.

Coca-Cola is harmful to health

It was invented back in 1886 by the American doctor John Pemberton, at first it was sold only in pharmacies in the form of syrup, and only later it began to be mixed with carbonated water.

It “takes” from bones and teeth, so osteoporosis and caries can develop.

Among other negative consequences of consuming products containing this component, doctors note the appearance of diseases of the digestive tract, including gastritis and stomach and intestinal ulcers, nausea, diarrhea and vomiting.

Scientists currently have no information about the possible benefits of the supplement. There is also no confirmed data on a possible connection between the consumption of acid in food and the occurrence of cancer, infertility or gene mutations.

Phosphoric acid is a synthetic antioxidant and stabilizer, acidity regulator and component of many popular foods and drinks. Despite the fact that the product is assigned a medium level of danger, it is an ingredient in Coca-Cola and Pepsi sodas, which both adults and children love to drink. Recently, scientists are increasingly drawing the attention of the world community to the fact that the food additive E338 is one of the common causes of caries, disturbances in the gastrointestinal tract, and leaching of calcium from the body. So far, the only thing they have managed to achieve is establishing the maximum permitted amount of the substance as a food additive. And today, the study of the properties and results of consuming food additives continues, as well as the search for an alternative that is similar in price and easy to obtain. It has not yet been found, and the ingredient code “E338” can still be found in food. The consumer can only carefully study the labels and decide for himself whether it is worth buying products with this acidity regulator.