Special people. They say there is a special person in the world

Not so long ago, scientists were unanimous in the opinion that Homo Sapiens are the highest stage of development of life on planet Earth. But today, many assumptions have been made that our own species is still developing. In this case we're talking about about Indigo children.

Let us recall that the concept of “Indigo children” was first used by Nancy Ann Tapp. Back in 1982, he described in the book “How to Understand Life Using Color” the unique feature of some children who showed themselves in various fields life. Studying the aura of representatives human species with atypical features, he noticed that she was dark blue in color. If we talk about aura, then translated from Latin it means a breath of wind. This is the so-called manifestation of the human soul, which can only be noticed by gifted people with hypersensitive perception.

Indigo children are not like ordinary children. Their independence, originality, sensitivity and vulnerability make adults pay attention to themselves. In many areas, Indigo children exhibit unique phenomena and talents. The category of such children does not seek to subjugate their own kind, but they will not submit to others. If you take a closer look at Indigo children, you can definitely say that they are a mystery of nature. They evoke fear, curiosity, admiration.

People belonging to the new species have one distinctive feature - their gaze. It is impossible to forget the soulful, wise and bright eyes! Indigo children, just born, can focus their vision on objects. It should be noted that ordinary babies learn to look at things much later. Growing up, Indigo children ask adults questions about the fate of the world, and sometimes they themselves express thoughts that are not at all childish. The generation of new children, with due attention from adults, is actively demonstrating their talents in various fields.

It is known that children have the gift of telepathy, but they communicate in a similar way with their own kind. Indigos can see through walls, they easily find a diseased organ in the human body, and can read books with their palms. In addition, thanks to their unique abilities, Indigos have access to information field land.

Some children have well-developed immunity. Everyone has heard about the case when HIV-infected parents a baby was born. After the doctors took a blood test, it turned out that the child was also sick, but after 6 years there was no trace of the infection left. The boy has recovered! But that's not all. Doctors took the boy’s cells for analysis, and it turned out that even exposure to viruses had no effect on them. They still remained immune. The researchers did not stop there; they studied the child’s DNA and it turned out that the boy had 24 cordons out of 64 carriers of genetic information. Note that ordinary person Only 20 cordons are functioning.

What unites not ordinary people

Lee Carroll, a famous American psychologist, described four types of Indigo children:

  1. Humanists. Such children become good teachers, doctors, lawyers, scientists. They are active and sociable. Due to their high mobility, children often get injured. As babies, Indigos cannot imagine how they can limit themselves to playing with just one toy. They examine everything that is in the house. They can shake the contents of drawers and tables onto the floor and immediately lose interest in the game.
  2. Conceptualists. The most common type. Children of this type become designers, architects, engineers, pilots, astronauts and soldiers. They love to explore the world, so they often enjoy traveling. Indigo children have a well-developed physique and strive for leadership. It is especially important for this type of child to have both parents in the family. If a child is raised only by mom or dad, this can lead to psychological problems V adolescence. It is important for parents to carefully monitor their behavior.
  3. Artists. This type is the least common. Kids of this species have a very difficult time in life. They are vulnerable and sensitive, they have a fragile physique. In any field, Indigo children remain creative. At the age of 5-10 years, children of the “artist” type are ready to try dozens of creative directions. If they go to music school, then learn to play several instruments at once. Later, having chosen one of them, they are able to achieve high levels of mastery.
  4. Versatile. Indigo children of this type are more likely to be bullies. It is difficult for them to adapt to new conditions, but they know everything about everyone. From an early age they strive for independence, while teaching their own parents. From this category of children extraordinary, outstanding personalities grow up. These people are able to bring new religions and philosophies into the world.

When did Indigo children start being born?

The first Indigos appeared in the late 70s of the last century. But at that time there were too few of them. Ten years later, there were already about fifteen percent of Indigo children in the generation. To date, the number of Indigos has exceeded 60 million. Note that among older people only one percent is indigo. Among thirty-year-olds there are ten, but among children school age every fourth child is an Indigo child.

Can Indigos be harmful?

Indigo children are not dangerous, their task is not destruction, but if those around them push them away and impose their point of view on them, then Indigos will react aggressively. Several similar tragedies happened in America not long ago: children shot their classmates and teachers. It is known that they were all Indigos. Wednesday did not accept them, and the Indigos took revenge.

You should not try to deceive Indigo, this will only cause aggression. It is almost impossible to regain the trust lost from Indigo. Such children are smart and observant, they know weak points parents and others, and Indigo children often use this for their own purposes. Indigos know that they came to Earth for a special purpose, so they will stop at nothing.

About the famous Indigos

Actress Oksana Akinshina, famous TV presenter Ivan Urgant, composer Igor Vdovin, pianist Polina Osetinskaya, journalist Evgeny Kiselyov are considered Indigos.

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You probably thought that we'll talk about some extraordinary people with special properties. This is how we usually see pop and movie stars, famous politicians, scientists, clairvoyants and others. No, we will talk about truly special people - the foundation of all humanity. The idea of ​​writing this article was not born yesterday, but the impetus was reading Maria Gribova’s article “Ordinary People”. What the author writes about cannot leave most of the readers indifferent. I was moved to tears.

I immediately remembered my grandparents - simple rural workers. I remembered their faces, furrowed with deep wrinkles, so dear and kind; their cracked, calloused, but so gentle palms. And eyes with such light! - the light of true wisdom and truth of life...

I often think: what good have they seen in their lives? They worked all the time - from dawn to dusk, without demanding any rewards or honors. All the burdens of the formation of Soviet power fell on their shoulders. Whole villages of them were destroyed during the Holodomor. It was they who won the bloodiest and most terrible Great War in the history of mankind. Patriotic War, millions dying from fascist bullets and shells in order to save our lives. They were the ones who restored everything destroyed by the war. national economy and gave birth to children - as many as God will give! - without fear of any difficulties, and raised worthy people. And they didn’t need money, positions, basic amenities of life, or pickles.

SPECIAL PEOPLE are those who do not have their own “I”, but have “WE”. They are “like everyone else”, “so that everything is like people”, “as the team says.” These are people with a muscle vector. It was only during the training on system-vector psychology by Yuri Burlan that I learned about such people. There are 38% of them in our general unconscious psyche. These are the most peaceful, conflict-free, flexible people. This is the salt of the earth. This is the living mass of all humanity. This is life itself in the human body.

People with a muscle vector are people of the earth. Only they truly feel the earth alive. They are firmly tied to their native land, to their small homeland. For them, the taste of water from their well or an apple from their garden is special. A muscular woman is always a mother-heroine with a horde of children. At the age of 16-17 she is already physical level twists it - I really want to give birth! She went to mow with her belly, the time came - she abandoned the scythe, gave birth under a haystack, finished the mow and took the child home. What power! And she manages the child so deftly, as if she had already nursed a dozen.

One of my grandmothers had 8 children, but four died in early age. I remember my grandmother’s garden, in which there were many apple trees. When the early apples appeared, we, the grandchildren, would pick them and take them to treat grandma. But she refuses. “Grandma, why don’t you like apples?” I ask. “Granddaughter, I love you very much,” he answers. “Only before the Savior I can’t eat them. Four of my little children died. In the other world, God goes and distributes apples to children on the Savior. And if I eat it before the Savior, he won’t give it to mine, he will say: “But your mother pig ate your apples.” And only a sad smile on her face and not a single tear in her eyes. God gave - God took, what can you do! And then I cried at night, imagining the children in the other world without the apples that their mother ate. As muscular people are taught, this is how they live: without arguing, without discussing, without sticking out. The main thing is to be like people, to be like everyone else.

All people relate to death differently in accordance with their vector set: some are terribly afraid of death, others even desire it. You can learn about these amazing features at the training on system-vector psychology by Yuri Burlan. And only muscular people take death calmly. They prepare for death ahead of time, so that everything is humane, according to the correct ritual.
So my grandmother always had everything prepared in advance for death. I remember my grandmother was in the garden, and we, grandchildren, were hot in the house. What to do? - climb into the closet, dress up in dresses and have a concert. The cousin reached the mysterious bundle in the very depths of the closet, untied it, and there, among the scarves, bedspreads and towels - a simple black dress. Not understanding what kind of dress it was, my sister put it on, painted her lips with red lipstick and let’s dance - it’s a concert! And then grandma comes in...

I will never forget the rage that distorted her kindest face. She, who never punishes us, spanked her sister so much that everyone was scared. Everyone roared in unison, and grandma was with us. Now I only know why she had such a reaction to the innocent trick of the children: you cannot encroach on the holy of holies of a muscular man - something that is prepared for death. So the treasured bundle for death always lay in the closet. Then suddenly someone died in the village, but did not prepare for death, and the grandmother gave away her bundle. Then I collected a new one again. I don’t even know how many of these nodules changed - my grandmother lived to be almost 90 years old. And up to last day worked. And I kept trying to persuade her to rest, I felt so sorry for her. Back then I couldn’t even imagine that hard, monotonous work on the ground, at a machine, on a conveyor belt is the greatest pleasure for people with a muscle vector!

Now, I hope you also understand that pop and movie stars and others like them are not special. The simplest people are special. If it weren’t for them, people without pretensions, we wouldn’t exist - so smart, self-sufficient and always dissatisfied with everything.

Where is humanity going now, driving these special people into cities? The short answer is to extinction and degradation. This especially affects post-Soviet countries, where the majority of the population has a urethral-muscular mentality. They destroy the village, and with it they destroy the healthiest part of humanity (both mentally and physically) - people with a muscle vector. The Russian village is also drinking itself to death. But these are separate, very deep topics.

What simply shocks me about the system-vector psychology of Yuri Burlan? From some small episode of life, realized systematically, you can write an entire systematic novel. What deep layers this knowledge reveals in all areas of life!

I dedicate this article with great gratitude to millions of our ancestors and their descendants - special ordinary people on which the whole world rests. Without them there will be nothing on Earth!

I want that when we meet a working person, we would not turn up our noses, would not express our mental and material superiority, but would say to him a simple human “THANK YOU” for his work, which most of us are no longer capable of.

The article was written based on training materials on

An unusual family lives in an ordinary Moscow apartment on Ochakovskoe Highway - with special children and great love, the warmth of which even pours over strangers who drop in for a cup of tea. Three years after Russia passed a law prohibiting American citizens from adopting Russian orphans, I came to visit a girl who had lost her family twice and found a family twice.

Special boy

A woman with a dog in her arms opens the door for me. The dog is small, old, and whines. They picked her up so she wouldn't bark - the children were sleeping. The woman is young and beautiful, with eyes in which some kind of warmth is hidden, mysterious light. When Larisa tells me that her eldest son is already a father three times, and she is a grandmother, I do not hide my amazement.

When she married Dmitry, they did not think about any adopted children. It came out naturally. She was a volunteer at City Hospital No. 18, on Vernadsky Avenue. Khariton was 4, he was diagnosed with myelodysplasia (underdevelopment spinal cord). When Larisa met him, he lay in bed all the time and looked at the world with his beautiful sad eyes.

“I watched him for a whole year,” recalls Larisa. - He was like an angel. He thought that people live in the hospital - they just go out and come back. I told my husband about him. I wanted to help this particular boy, you know?” Friends dissuaded me. “They tell you: the child is sick, you can’t cope, he will die, and you have to answer. But you are afraid and do it.”

Dmitry comes into the kitchen: also young and handsome, with dark hair and a calm smile. They are somehow elusively similar, as often happens in strong families.

How did you decide to adopt a foster child who also needs special care? - I ask.
“When you’re 20, you have the same priorities,” Dima smiles. – And when you’re 40, you’re completely different. You no longer think about missing fishing or anything else important in life.
“Well, you went fishing,” says Larisa, “once.”
Both laugh.

When Khariton settled at home, it turned out that he was a born artist. He copied children in the hospital and parents at home. He has good memory, and he can pronounce the most complex sentences and phrases. “They told us we couldn’t handle it. He needs a catheter every 2.5 hours. You have to carry him on yourself - he doesn’t walk, and there is no lift for the stroller in the entrance. But all this turned out to be not scary.”

After a rehabilitation summer in Germany, paid for by Rusfond, Khariton had a modern wheelchair and even a special corset that allowed him to stand. But the corset did not catch on - Khariton was bored with it, he was used to kicking the ball while sitting in a stroller, turning around when he wanted, and the heavy metal structure hindered his movements. In addition, it is difficult to lower this device into the street every time without a lift: after all, you also need to lower the child for a walk.

In Germany, for whose citizens such corsets are produced, accessible environment everywhere, and Khariton in Germany walked in a corset himself, with his own legs. It was cool, he liked it. But in Moscow it became uninteresting to him - anyway, he couldn’t go out on his own. Yes, and you can’t get out in a wheelchair. All efforts of Larisa and Dima to “knock out” the lift were in vain. That's how they live.

Khariton is taken to secondary school to Krylatskoye. The school has an inclusive class, and Khariton lies on the carpet between classes and assembles Legos. He was lucky with his teacher - she not only teaches, but also takes care of him: she even agreed to insert a catheter. If she had not agreed, Dima would have had to watch next to her son for half a day.

However, at work they were sympathetic to Dmitry’s family circumstances and allowed him to work remotely. “In our life, everything turned out in such a way that some people themselves “disappeared,” while others remained with us, and it became clear that they were there forever.” Relatives and the priest did not dissuade them from the “cross.” “Yes, it seems to me that there was no suffering in this, there was joy,” says Larisa.

Our friends told us: “Kharitosh is lucky.” And I thought: I’m lucky that he chose me. This child reforged us.

You think that you are generally good, but only this child helps you understand yourself. I've read a lot foreign literature. I learned to communicate with the child, taking into account his characteristics. I learned to listen to him.”

Special little sister

One day Khariton asked his mom and dad for a sister. They laughed it off. And then we read an article on Pravmir about little Irishka from Vladivostok, who was to be adopted by the family of Kristen and Andrew Widerford from Virginia. They met with Irina and waited to be told the date of the court hearing. But at the end of 2012, Russia passed a law prohibiting Americans from adopting Russian children. Kristen then cried a lot and asked all the journalists with whom she spoke to find a family for Irina - she felt guilty that she could not adopt her.

“I read Kristen’s words, and she really touched me,” says Larisa. – And Irishka was so wonderful in the photo. And I realized that in orphanage she will withdraw into herself, it will be difficult for her to survive. But we didn’t know anything about Down syndrome and how to care for such children.”

Kristen and Andrew Widerford and Ira

They found information and specialists, contacted Kristen, who worked as a special education teacher and explained that there is nothing special about raising children with Down syndrome - you just need to love them. They called Vladivostok. The regional operator of the federal data bank of orphans said: “Are you sure? The child is going blind. Why her?” Irishka has dystrophy optic nerve, but Larisa and Dima were no longer afraid. “Khariton and I realized that a child is never easy - before you get it, you have to suffer,” Larisa laughs.

And they flew to Vladivostok.

Irishka was an alien, a little person deeply absorbed in himself, who swayed, lulling himself to sleep, and sucked on a finger to calm himself down.

The paperwork took several days - and now Irishka is sitting on the plane, closing his eyes and frozen. And so - the whole flight. During the entire journey she did not eat a crumb or a drop of dew. When she arrived, she drank a glass of water, and at home, when a cat jumped onto her sofa, she crawled away from him like a spider and fell soundly asleep.

“They gave her to us when she was 4 years old, but it felt like infant, - recalls Larisa. “That’s what they told me with a smile: “Here is your microtype.” She weighed 9 kilograms and was 80 centimeters tall. She didn’t walk, didn’t drink or eat on her own, didn’t speak. At first she ate at home all the time. After a couple of months I got back on my feet. Now she weighs 15 kilograms, she eats herself with a spoon, she calls her dad “daddy”, she loves her brother very much.”

The lunchtime nap is coming to an end, and Irishka leaves the bedroom and goes into the kitchen. She immediately climbs onto daddy’s lap and hugs him, then sits down with mom, takes out pencils and draws circles. “This is our new success - until now there were doodles, and now there are circles,” says Larisa. While her parents decided not to take her to kindergarten- let her adapt, she spent 4 of her five years in a government institution.

Dima brings Khariton - the boy, remarkably similar to him, looks at me carefully. When his parents told him about Irishka, asking him if they could cope, because she was all alone and she needed special care,

Khariton replied: “We can handle it, she will bloom with us like a fiery rose.”

He has a rich imagination. At first he had a lot of fears - he was afraid open windows, midges, cars. And Irishka was afraid. And now he sings and plays from morning to evening. “At some point we realized that with the advent of Irishka we were always smiling from ear to ear,” says Larisa. “A very bright child.”

Sometimes they Skype with Kristen. At first, Kristen cried all the time - she dreamed for many days that a little girl from Russia would appear in her family. But now she smiles because Irishka has found her home, and Kristen helped her with this.

There are still several children left in the federal database of orphans from the “American list” - US citizens wanted to adopt them, but did not have time. Among them are 10-year-old Valeria from St. Petersburg and 9-year-old Oksana from Vladimir. Girls have Down syndrome. Katrina Morris and Judy Johnson, who were supposed to be the girls' mothers, are praying that families will be found in Russia for Lera and Oksana. After all, the law has already taken away three years of their childhood.

Olga Allenova, Kommersant, especially for Pravmir. Photos of Olga Allenova and Anna Galperina.

Some people consider themselves completely different from others, special and unique. Some, on the contrary, do not see any differences from the rest and identify themselves with the “gray mass”. Is every person unique? What makes a person special?

What is individuality?

In psychology, the term “individuality” is defined as a set of character traits and other characteristics that distinguish one person from another. It manifests itself in differences in appearance, behavior, clothing style, interests and hobbies, desires, needs, physical and mental capabilities.

Each person is special not only due to the presence or absence of one of the listed qualities, but also due to various options their combinations. So, for example, people often have nothing similar to each other except their temperament, and two people with completely different interests can have the same character.

Is every person special?

You can often hear the phrase that all men, women, and indeed all people are the same. How true is this statement? Some people think that a person can be considered special only in those cases when he has achieved some incredible success, reached unprecedented heights, or has phenomenal abilities. From this point of view, “ordinary” people should not differ in any way from each other, and there are only a few outstanding personalities in the world.

In fact, every person is special in their own way. Even people who are very similar in character will not be completely the same. Their perception of reality, attitude towards certain things, dreams and desires are always different. If a person does not strive to openly express his personality, it does not mean that it does not exist at all. Inner world each of us is so unique and inimitable that among the several billion inhabitants of the planet it is impossible to find two identical people.

As you know, only in the process of education and the influence of society. At birth, a child has individuality only in terms of appearance, physical and biochemical properties of the body. In the process of development, a person’s character and temperament are formed. At the same time, the boundaries of individuality expand. A person becomes more and more different from others, acquiring features peculiar only to him.

Character and temperament are not all that make you a special person. Adults, as a rule, have formed social and moral values, take a certain public position, and express their opinions on certain issues. Social and psychological are highest level manifestations of individuality. Thus, absolutely all the qualities inherent in him make a person special, starting from his appearance and ending with his opinion on each specific problem.

Does appearance make a person special?

When a child is born, his character and views have not yet been formed. The only thing that at this moment distinguishes him from other people is his external data. Even newly born babies are completely different from each other.

In adult life looks are also what make you special. People differ in eye color, hair length, hairstyle, figure. When we meet a person, we first look at his appearance and evaluate it. The style of clothing and demeanor in society complement our appearance and add our own individuality to it. Even very, they will never be completely the same.

The problem of individuality in twins

If for ordinary people it is not so difficult to realize their individuality, then children born in a pair with a brother or sister really face the problem of understanding their identity. WITH early childhood They are constantly confused, dressed the same, and many parents also make the irreparable mistake of perceiving their children as a single whole.

Growing up, twins often cannot imagine their life without a brother or sister. At the same time, it is difficult for them to highlight their positive and negative qualities, to figure out whether they are really different from their twin. If one of the couple achieves great success, the second becomes depressed, considers himself a failure, and does not realize that he can achieve something in a completely different area.

To prevent similar situation, parents of twins should emphasize the differences between them from childhood. It would be good if everyone had their own room. As children grow older, there is no need to discourage them from wanting to dress differently or have different hairstyles. In some situations, twins need to be separated, for example, by sending them to study different classes, or at least seated at different desks. This is necessary so that everyone learns to exist in the world independently, is able to find friends and realizes himself as a separate person.

Fear of being special

Some people think that a special person who tries to express all his qualities and is completely different from others is sure to get himself into a lot of problems. So, for example, in a work team where nothing has changed for years, a creative newcomer who wants to show his creativity and implement original ideas, is unlikely to deserve approval. People tend to negatively perceive those who are different from others and who disrupt their usual way of life.

For this reason, many people extinguish their individuality, try to merge with the bulk of people and “not stick out.” As a rule, when a person cannot express himself, he feels depressed and dissatisfied with life. Perhaps you shouldn't pretend to be someone you're not? Change your job and your social circle. Elsewhere, your ideas may be appreciated, and you won't have to hide the fact that you are a special person.

Is the desire to stand out from the crowd what makes you special?

Many people don't want to be like others. Everyone possible ways they are trying to emphasize their individuality. To do this, some people put on ridiculous clothes, get tattoos, piercings, put provocative makeup on their faces, behave strangely in public places. Very often, such a manifestation of individuality causes bewilderment and aggression on the part of other people.

Is it really unusual? appearance- is this what makes you a special person? Everyone gives the answer to this question for themselves. Some people believe that individuality is expressed in this way only by those who cannot express themselves otherwise, but for others it is an opportunity to present themselves and prove that they are not like others.

How to show your individuality in everyday life

People who don't dress provocatively or attract everyone's attention with their appearance, nevertheless, also want to feel special. How is it possible to everyday life can I show myself?

In fact, every person is unique in some way. You don't have to do shocking things to appear special to others. It is enough just to be yourself, not to hide or hide your distinctive features. What makes you a special person will definitely be noticed by others.

Incredible facts

"The more you love yourself, the less you are like anyone else, and that makes you unique." - Walt Disney

Most people suffer from low self-esteem. But there are many among us special people who don't even realize that they are unique.

The reason for this is that sometimes there may be people in our lives who underestimate us and make us feel worthless and inferior.

But it’s nice to know that you are special.

To be a special person in a good way words, each of us strives. However, only a few can be classified as such.

But there are signs that indicate that you are the chosen one, about whom we can safely say: he (she) is truly a special person.

Here are the 10 signs:

Special person

1. You believe that there is always something to learn in life.

“The only true wisdom is the realization that we essentially know nothing.” (Socrates)

You are not arrogant like many people, and you are interested in what is happening around the world. You are also an inquisitive person and always feel like you have to learn something new because it is always good to improve your own skills.

2. You are kind to others.

When you meet new people or when you are dealing with someone you already know, such as communicating with friends or colleagues, you smile and are always kind to them.

And this is correct, because there is no reason to be negative and have a negative attitude towards others.

Never try to imitate people who are always angry and dissatisfied with everyone, those who are rude and ignorant, those who are disrespectful to others, even if you yourself are physically stronger.

As a rule, such people have a lot of personal problems and internal complexes.

It is how you treat others that defines you as a person. Your kindness and positivity make you special and unique.

3. You understand other people's feelings

You don’t know how, but when someone shares with you the details of their personal life, talks about their problems and troubles, you understand perfectly well how this person feels at that moment.

You share feelings and experiences and are able to guess people's moods.

For example, if someone tells you, “I’m fine,” you know for sure whether the person is fine or whether it’s just a reassurance phrase, but in reality it’s much more serious. After all, by the face and intonation of the voice, you are able to determine the experiences of your interlocutor, his thoughts and mood.

4. You know how to enjoy music

"The beautiful thing about music is that when it hits you, you don't feel any pain." - Bob Marley.

The human brain is very sensitive and especially receptive to music. We not only enjoy music but also need it in our daily lives and it always evokes deep emotions in us.

These emotions can be good or bad, but they are always very strong emotions.

Rare qualities

5. You are a good listener.

"I like to listen. I've learned a lot from listening carefully to others. Most people just don't know how to listen." - Ernest Hemingway

This is one of the rarest qualities in a person. Anyone can talk about themselves for hours. But the talent to hear another is not given to everyone.

If you know how to hear and listen to those around you, and at the same time, be sincerely interested in what the interlocutor is telling you, then you are truly a special person.

6. You enjoy making others happy.

You feel good every time you manage to please someone or make them happy.

You think a lot about how to make people smile more often and live better. And most importantly, you put a lot of effort into it. On your part, it could be an unexpected gift, a smile, a surprise, or any good deed that will make someone in this world happy.