Why doesn't the baby sleep during the day? Psychological causes of poor sleep. Pathological causes of lack of daytime sleep in infants

Full sleep very important for a small child. This is why newborn babies sleep for a very long time, perfectly combining sleep and breastfeeding.

Over time, duration nap theirs gradually decreases, because the child needs to have time to learn so much! But there are situations when one month old baby doesn't sleep all day. Why is this happening? Isn't this dangerous for the baby? And how to ensure healthy sleep for your baby? Let's try to figure everything out in order.

Features of sleep in newborns

A newborn and baby during the first months of life spend most of their time sleeping. Of course, their sleep is not the same as that of older children:

  • The little person’s body does not yet understand what time of day it is outside, so babies can sleep all day, but at night they can be awake for several hours in a row;
  • During the first months of life, a baby can stay awake for no more than 1 hour at a time. At the same time, he spends most of this time feeding. For many mothers, the day consists of continuous feedings and putting the baby to bed. This period passes quickly, but for now you need to be patient;

How to properly organize breast-feeding on initial stages, you will learn from the article: How to properly feed a newborn >>>

  • The baby is able to fall asleep in any conditions, despite possible noise or bright light in the room. But he can wake up just as quickly. This is due to the fact that now he does not yet have that phase of deep sleep, which is inherent in an adult. Study the current article on the topic: How much should a baby sleep at 1 month?>>>;
  • It is normal for a child under 1 year of age to not sleep through the night. Usually children wake up to eat and immediately fall asleep again.

But this does not happen for everyone and not always. After all, every person, no matter how small, is individual. Immature nervous system does not allow you to sleep strictly on a schedule. The child’s rhythms are constantly changing, getting confused and the routine is usually very chaotic.

To establish a child’s daily routine, it is important to provide gentle care. This attitude towards the child calms him down, helps him relax and sleep better. You will learn how to gently care for your baby and reduce the amount of crying and anxiety several times by watching the video course Happy Motherhood >>>.

What you need for a good sleep

If you want your child to sleep well, try to create all the necessary conditions for this:

  1. The room in which you are going to put your child to sleep should be well ventilated and should not be hot. The optimal room temperature is 20-22 °C. If your apartment is too hot, be sure to ventilate it before putting your baby to bed. On this topic, read the article: Temperature in the room for a newborn >>>;
  2. In the first months of life, babies do not yet react to noise. But still try to avoid sharp sounds, they can not only wake up, but also scare the baby;
  3. Another important question– where to put the baby? It's easiest for both you and the baby if the baby sleeps next to you. A large matrimonial bed or a crib, moved next to the parent's, will become good decision problems with your sleep and feeding your baby at night;

Important! When a 1-month-old baby doesn’t sleep well, it’s important for you to get enough sleep at night, because during the day the baby will be entirely in your care.

  1. It is equally important to avoid excessive fatigue.

Causes of poor sleep

More than one month may pass after birth while your baby adapts to his new life. Therefore, it is so important that his sleep is complete and allows him to fully restore his strength for further discoveries. Why is my baby one month old, but he doesn’t sleep well and cries? This question worries many young parents. If you can be considered one of them, try to understand the reasons for this condition:

  • Perhaps the baby does not sleep enough during the day and wakes up often. So he may be too tired during the day and by the time he sleeps at night he will be too overexcited. That's enough common reason poor children's sleep;

You will learn to build correct mode day of the baby, during which he will fall asleep in 10 minutes, without crying and whims, by watching the course Peaceful sleep of the baby from 0 to 6 months >>>

  • Quality sleep is only possible when all the baby's needs are met. If he is hungry, he is hot or cold, his diaper needs to be changed, etc., then it is not surprising that the baby cannot sleep and is capricious. To be sure that your baby is eating enough, read the article: Feeding on demand >>>;
  • The air quality in your apartment can affect your sleep. It can be stuffy, dusty or too dry. Sometimes regular airing is enough for the child to fall asleep quickly and soundly;
  • Many babies experience colic, which naturally interferes with their ability to sleep. How to help a child with colic and tummy pain, see the course Soft tummy >>>;
  • Sometimes the reason for lack of sleep is related to individual characteristics child's body. If the child feels well during the waking period, plays and is not capricious, then this is probably the reason.

In addition, it is worth paying attention to how the baby sleeps. If in his sleep he often shudders, spins restlessly, or even you notice convulsions, then you should show him to a neurologist who can understand the situation and, if necessary, prescribe treatment.

How to help your baby

And some tips on what to do if your baby doesn’t sleep well during the month?

  1. Helps many babies warm bath before bed, which relaxes them. But there are also children who, on the contrary, are invigorated by this procedure. Watch the baby, if he is like this, then you should reschedule bathing for the first half of the day. See also the article How to bathe a newborn?>>>;

You should bathe your child in a small bathtub, in a special way, allowing you to relax the baby and help relieve all accumulated tension. I show how to do this in practice in the “Happy Motherhood” course, the link to which was above

  1. There is a category of babies who benefit from light swaddling to fall asleep. This is due to the fact that newborns have spontaneous hand movements. Thus, he is able to wake himself up. Although, some children, on the contrary, could not sleep in a diaper and fall asleep only when they manage to free their arms. Experiment;
  2. The best, one might say, universal remedy is breastfeeding. By making sucking movements, the baby quickly calms down and falls asleep;
  3. Rocking motion helps some babies fall asleep. During intrauterine life, he got used to falling asleep to his mother's monotonous movements. After birth, this habit remains in children. This does not have to be done in your arms; you can use a stroller, cradle or pendulum crib. If your baby easily falls asleep without motion sickness, then you should not accustom him to this;
  4. Do you remember how, as a child, before going to bed, my mother sang lullabies to us? Do the same for your baby. The calm, monotonous sounds of your voice can quickly lull him to sleep;
  5. If a child gets very excited during the day, for example, after going to the clinic or having guests, then don’t expect him to fall asleep quickly. Help him: dim the lights, carry him in your arms, sing a quiet lullaby, or just talk to him, holding him lightly. This way the child can relax and fall asleep. This technique is described in detail in the article: Bedtime Rituals >>>;
  6. Protect yourself from stress. After all, it has been proven that a child picks up psychological state mother and can worry with her.

Your baby is 1 month old, but he doesn’t sleep well at night and you can’t find the reason? Then you need to start with a general arrangement of care for the baby. Correctly monitor the child’s rhythms, help him relax and fall asleep, eliminate all stressful moments from his life.

The child grows, and his nervous system becomes stronger and more resilient. Your sleep will get a little better. Although, it is possible to achieve restful sleep much faster if you focus on your child’s sleep and pay attention to special attention rhythms and rituals.

What difficulties do you encounter with your 1 month old baby’s sleep? Write in the comments, I’ll advise you where to start changing the situation.

You and your baby have returned home from the maternity hospital. For a little person, you are the center of the world: mother, doctor, teacher, friend. He concentrates his attention on you, adopts your behavior, and thanks to your tenderness he calms down. But what to do if the newborn does not sleep at night and during the day?

The quality of the first months of a baby’s life is extremely important for its further development. It is a great happiness to watch your child grow, develop, and realize their dreams. Even the tiniest baby in the first days of his life already shows rapid growth, both physical and emotional. That is why, in order for him to become healthy and smart, it is necessary to control his diet, massage him, and work with him physical exercise, communicate with the baby, and also pay close attention on the quality of his sleep.

Calm, strong and long sleep the baby is his guarantee full development. If the baby does not sleep day and night and behaves restlessly, this can lead to developmental delays and decreased immunity. Why do sleep disorders happen and how can you easily deal with them?

What happens when baby sleeps

There are 2 stages of sleep: fast and slow sleep. In infants, these phases replace each other approximately every hour.

When your baby smiles in his sleep, moves his arms and legs, or even opens his eyes, he is in the REM sleep phase. This kind of sleep is also called active sleep, because the brain cells continue to work actively. The brain processes the data it received while awake. Daily experiences are summarized, memory is formed, and brain areas responsible for learning develop.

When active phase replaces deep sleep, the child’s body recovers, rests, and regains the strength spent during wakefulness. During deep sleep, growth hormone is produced. It is in this phase that rehabilitation and healing of the body occurs. That's why restful sleep The baby is so important for the development of his immunity.

Sleep duration norm

Partially, the structure of sleep and the time spent on sleep depends on the character and temperament of the child. Normally the baby is up to three months should sleep 16 to 18 hours. Immediately after birth, the baby can sleep up to 20 hours a day, waking up only to eat. Sleep is evenly distributed regardless of the time of day. During this period of its development, the baby is more concentrated on what is happening to him. He will start crying if he is tired, hungry or something is bothering him. If the baby eats comfortably, he will sleep peacefully and soundly.
The period when young parents get up at night to a screaming child is short. By the end of the first month, the baby learns to recognize the difference between day and night. Wake up in dark time for a day he will be there only for food. From three months, the baby, waking up at night, if he is comfortable, may not require the mother’s attention. Having reached 6 months, the child will be awake for about 10 hours and will almost completely stop waking up at night. This will largely depend on what healthy sleep skills you have instilled in him. The norm of sleep, accordingly, during this period is 14 hours.

Do not forget that the norm is average values. Are you concerned about why your baby sleeps a little more or less? Don't worry if your baby sleeps 1 hour more or, conversely, stays awake a little more than expected. All children are individual little man has the right to his choice. But if the gap with the norm is more than one and a half to two hours, it is necessary to take measures to normalize sleep. In more difficult cases If there are discrepancies with the norm, we recommend contacting a pediatrician or visiting nurse.

How to overcome the causes of poor daytime sleep

The most common reasons bad sleep during the day healthy children are considered:

  • intestinal colic,
  • not comfortable temperature in the room,
  • uncomfortable clothes,
  • non-compliance with the daily routine,
  • loud sounds and bright lights,
  • emotional anxiety.

Intestinal colic

Why does the baby scream loudly, press his legs to his stomach, and tense his tummy? Most likely he has colic. In the first few months after birth, infants' intestinal microflora is not fully formed, which causes colic after eating.

To reduce intensity discomfort, a young mother should first of all control her diet, avoiding foods that can cause bloating. Every day when working with your baby, place him on his tummy, this will help strengthen the abdominal wall.

Many parents wonder why colic occurs if they (the parents) followed all the rules healthy eating. During feeding, make sure that the baby does not take in air with his mouth, this also causes the accumulation of gases. After eating, hold the baby against your shoulder in a column position so that he burps out excess air.

If colic is already bothering the child, you can massage the tummy and apply a warm towel. Or do simple gymnastics. Having placed the baby on a flat surface, slowly bend his legs towards his stomach and straighten them. Don’t forget about your grandmother’s remedies. The most popular is dill water.

Violation of comfort

Sleep during the day can be disrupted by too high a temperature in the room, excessive dryness, wet diapers or uncomfortable clothing. These reasons are easily eliminated.
Because for development respiratory system The baby really needs fresh air; it is recommended to thoroughly and regularly ventilate the room in which he sleeps during the day. The temperature of the room where the baby's crib is located should be between 18 and 22 degrees Celsius.

To prevent the baby from being disturbed by bouts of hunger or thirst while sleeping during the day, he needs to be fed and watered before bed. A wet diaper, in addition to being unpleasant in itself, can cause diaper rash, provoke itchy skin, and even the appearance of ulcers. Monitor the condition of your baby's skin, lubricate it with baby milk, and give air baths more often.

When your baby is asleep, he won't be disturbed by background noises, such as quiet conversations or a TV playing. When falling asleep, loud sounds can disrupt the sleep phase and disrupt your routine. The same goes for bright light. Make sure that the crib is located away from light sources; it is better to close the curtains.

Compliance with the regime

Every day you need to put your child to bed at the same time, observing the same bedtime ritual. Some young mothers think that if the baby sleeps less during the day, he will sleep more soundly at night. On the contrary, failure to adhere to a sleep schedule can cause overwork in the baby. When a child is overly tired, he is unable to sleep. Don't wait until your baby starts yawning, rubbing his eyes or fussing, put him to bed before he gets tired. Keep in mind that poor sleep habits can even cause your temperature to rise.

Emotional mood

Why does the baby sleep peacefully in your presence and starts crying as soon as you put him in the crib? Over nine months of development inside the mother, the child gets used to hearing her heartbeat and feeling safe. New big world with its loud sounds can frighten him. Putting your baby into bed can also cause feelings of fear as he no longer senses his mother's presence. It is better if the baby feels you nearby and hears your voice. If it is more comfortable for your baby to fall asleep next to you, allow him to do this at least in the first few months. Gradually teach your baby to sleep alone.

In order for your baby to grow and delight you with his successes, you need to take care of his sleep pattern, level of comfort, and you should help him overcome painful colic and fear of loneliness. Using our recommendations, you can organize proper and healthy sleep for your baby. Healthy child– happy mom!

From the moment a child is born, a mother’s life changes dramatically. All her time will now be taken up with caring for the baby, his upbringing and development. But at the same time, the new mother does not cease to be a wife, housewife, and a woman in principle - in addition to caring for the baby, she has many more things to do, from which no one exempted her. Therefore, one of the most frequently asked questions, asked to pediatricians in the maternity hospital: how many hours does a newborn baby sleep (should sleep) during the day, what is his sleep norm, and what to do if a newborn baby, who is not even a month old, does not sleep or sleeps very little during the day?

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Baby's sleep - duration of daytime sleep

Newborn baby from birth and during the first three months of life should sleep an average of 18-20 hours per day. But since each child is individual, the norm can be considered the amount of sleep in the range 16-20 hours a day. (See the article how many hours a day does a newborn sleep?)

Since the regime infant not yet, then this number of hours is evenly distributed between day and night. Here a lot depends on the state of health - this is the main indicator of the norm, or on the baby’s temperament. If the child feels well, he is not tormented unpleasant symptoms, occurring in the first months of life, such as increased intracranial pressure, colic in the stomach, then his sleep can continue continuously for a couple of hours in a row. This is followed by a period of wakefulness, and then sleep again.

During sleep, the baby may wake up for feeding, or may miss the next milk intake. If a child does not wake up to eat within four hours, this is an alarming symptom. Hunger in infants during the first months of life can be compensated for by sleep. Therefore, after 3-4 hours of sleep, if the baby has not asked for food, wake him up and feed him. It is preferable to offer feeding to the baby on demand rather than on an hourly basis. Then the duration of sleep will be longer, the child will sleep more calmly.

Useful article: which feeding method to choose - requirement or hours (pros and cons)

But the mother may encounter such a phenomenon as sleep disturbance in the child. If you notice that your newborn baby does not sleep all day, then you should pay special attention to this and try to understand whether the baby really has a sleep disorder.

Causes of sleep disturbances in a newborn baby

Let's say right away that the opinion that a newborn should sleep constantly during the first weeks of life, interrupted only by feeding and bathing, is incorrect. From the first days of life, the baby learns about the world, and during periods of wakefulness he looks at everything around with curiosity, although he still does not distinguish all colors and the perception of objects is not at all the same as that of an adult. But these periods exist, and they should exist, so don’t be surprised if every half hour or hour the baby wakes up and groans, tosses and turns, and opens his eyes. It is worth talking about sleep problems in cases where:

  • The total amount of sleep per day for a newborn baby is less than 15 hours;
  • The child is awake 4-5 hours straight without dozing and sleep;
  • The baby is clearly overexcited, restless, has difficulty falling asleep and wakes up every 5-7 minutes.

Why does a newborn sleep poorly?

Factors influencing lack of sleep

  1. The child feels discomfort. Check if the baby is fed and if his diaper is clean. Wet diapers and hunger are the first causes of sleep disturbance. There are patient children, but most feel very uncomfortable and let it be known.
  2. The room temperature is abnormal. 20-23 degrees Celsius - this is the temperature that is considered optimal in the room for a newborn baby (See the article on the topic of temperature in a newborn’s room). The baby should also be dressed accordingly - not over-wrapped, but also not kept completely naked. Active movements of the baby's legs and arms, sneezing will tell you that the child is cold. And an increase in body temperature, pink cheeks - that the room is too hot.
  3. Sound background. In general, in the first weeks of life, the baby does not react too emotionally to sounds (when does the child begin to hear?). But when falling asleep, sudden knocks, noise, and loud music can interfere with falling asleep.
  4. Too light in the room. Bright daylight irritates the baby and prevents him from falling asleep. Use blinds or shutters to darken the room.
  5. Pain in the child's tummy (intestines). Colic and large cluster gases in a child’s stomach cause pain and discomfort. To make your baby feel better, place a warm, ironed diaper on his tummy, a baby heating pad, or make light massage(how to help with colic?).
  6. Loneliness. After birth, the baby experiences the first emotional shock. He no longer hears his mother’s heartbeat, he is no longer rocked by her steps and movements. And of course, he really needs affection and love. A baby will sleep comfortably and cozily in your arms, but there is also an excellent device - a sling. It allows the baby to feel calmer, and this miracle thing frees up the mother’s hands and gives her the opportunity to do business, while her beloved baby remains under close supervision.

What to do if the baby does not sleep during the day

  • If you really feel something is wrong, seek advice from your pediatrician. It's better to be safe than sorry, because sometimes sleep disorders are a symptom serious illnesses. These include diseases of the central nervous system (central nervous system), respiratory disorders, increased respiratory function, etc.;
  • Ensure your child gets regular walks and sleeps fresh air. The lungs are filled with oxygen, the baby easily falls asleep to the sound of leaves and the rocking of the stroller. Make it a habit to walk twice a day, avoiding only cold days and bad weather;
  • Create all the conditions at home for a comfortable sleep. No nervousness in the family, a calm and relaxing environment will help the baby fall asleep;
  • You can add it to your baby's bath water. healing infusions herbs- strings and daisies. They will have a relaxing effect, providing the baby sound sleep;
  • Sew yourself a small sachet filled with valerian herb. Place the sachet in your baby's crib. Sleep will be more restful and sound;
  • After sunset, eliminate all active games and loud music. Preparing for bed should begin several hours in advance so that the child is ready to sleep and is not emotionally overloaded.
  • Why does a child under one year old sleep poorly at night: how to improve a child’s sleep?
  • Why does a newborn baby flinch in his sleep?
  • When does a baby start sleeping through the night?
  • How to put a child to sleep without tears and whims
  • Can a newborn sleep on his stomach?

Video gallery about newborn sleep:

Why does a child sleep poorly and what to do in this case:

The situation when a child does not sleep well during the day is familiar to most young parents. This manifests itself differently for everyone: some children cannot fall asleep, some constantly wake up, and some do not sleep at all. Mothers often use the same method - they rock and lull the newborn to exhaustion, but the child still does not sleep. This is not surprising, because babies can have trouble sleeping various reasons, and these reasons need to be eliminated in different ways. Then the children sleep peacefully, and the parents spend much less energy and can rest themselves.

A child’s daytime sleep may also be disrupted, although the baby needs it no less than at night. In most cases, parents can correct these disorders on their own, without consulting a doctor.

Why is napping so important for babies?

An adult spends a third of his life sleeping. Some people don’t even allow themselves this, believing that even less is enough for them, because work is more important. A newborn baby needs much more sleep. If for an adult lack of sleep is fraught with chronic fatigue, decreased performance, lethargy, then month old baby will suffer more.

Everyone knows grandma's statement that children grow in their sleep. Despite the fact that it is often said specifically for better sleep, the grain of truth in it is very large. Indeed, children grow and develop in their sleep and improve their health. A small child, even though he is not very active yet, needs a lot of energy - in a new world for him, he spends more of it than adults. These forces are precisely restored in sleep. The more the baby sleeps, the better his physical development goes.

Strange as it may sound, the psycho-emotional load on a newborn baby is also very noticeable. If he spends enough time in sleep, then his psyche becomes strong and stable. When a child has trouble sleeping during the day, he will:

  • get tired quickly;
  • unnaturally excited and hyperactive;
  • often get sick due to weak immunity;
  • lag behind in mental and physical development.

How younger child, the more time he needs to sleep. The duration and quality of sleep directly determines how physically and mentally healthy the baby will be; That's why it's so important that he sleeps well and a lot during the day.

How long should a nap last?

There is no established daily routine for newborns. They are given food as needed and after feeding they most often fall asleep. It is difficult to talk about the duration of daytime sleep at this age, so here we're talking about about total number hours spent by a child sleeping per day. From birth until approximately 3 months, children need to sleep 18-20 hours a day, that is, most of their lives. You also need to take into account the fact that all children are different. For some, even this will not be enough, for others it will be too much. Taking into account individuality, experts vary the numbers slightly and claim that the norm for daily sleep for an infant will be 16-20 hours.

In addition to being guided by numbers, it would be nice for parents to watch their baby. The fact that he sleeps little can be concluded from some characteristic signs:

  • the child is awake for 5 or more hours in a row;
  • the baby is constantly in an overexcited state, often cries and worries (what to do if the child constantly cries?);
  • has difficulty falling asleep, sleeps little and often wakes up;
  • the total number of hours per day spent by the child sleeping is 15 or less.

If one or all of the above signs are present, it becomes clear that the newborn has problems sleeping. It is necessary to look for the cause (either on your own or with the help of a specialist), otherwise there is a high risk that the baby will develop health problems.

It turns out that babies can also be nervous and irritable. This behavior of the baby clearly indicates that he will not fall asleep soon. If this repeats systematically, you need to take action. The child does not sleep well during the day: we eliminate the problem

There may be several reasons for this. If you do not take into account whether the baby has any diseases (this is a completely different topic), then the most common ones can be listed as follows:

  • not fully formed digestive system and intestinal microflora;
  • lack of daily routine;
  • hunger or thirst;
  • stuffy and too high temperature indoor air;
  • wet diapers;
  • uncomfortable clothing or bed surface;
  • loud sounds and excessively bright lights.

It takes several months for the newborn’s intestinal microflora to form. During this process, the baby often experiences colic, pain, discomfort, and gas builds up. Of course, it is very important that the mother follows a diet during pregnancy, but in any case, you have to live with it for some time. To help your child, you can give him something to drink dill water, and after feeding, keep it in an upright position for 15-20 minutes.

An unestablished daily routine does not have a very good effect on daytime sleep. If this is the only reason, then from the second month you can establish a routine and the baby will sleep better.

From hunger or thirst, the baby may wake up suddenly or not fall asleep until he is fed. Every mother knows that if you feed a hungry baby, he will immediately fall asleep safely.

It is uncomfortable for a baby, even a newborn, to sleep when the house is very hot and stuffy. Pediatricians warn that it is better when the room is cool than hot. The optimal air temperature for sleeping is 18-20 degrees, but not more than 22, and humidity is 50-60%, maximum 70.

Wet diapers and uncomfortable clothes are completely individual factors. There are children who do not react at all to any inconvenience, and there are those who make a fuss as soon as they wet themselves.

As for loud sounds and bright lights, such things are often not very noticeable to a newborn baby. Even if he does not react in any way, it is better to eliminate these factors so that they do not irritate the fragile nervous system. Let the child be in a calm, comfortable environment all day long.

The need for a daily routine

Everyone has long known about the daily routine. It is unlikely that anyone will argue with the fact that if you follow the regime, you can solve and prevent many health problems, increase your productivity and move to a new quality of life.

Authoritative pediatrician Evgeny Komarovsky, as well as many other experts, recommend starting to accustom your child to a daily routine as early as possible. This needs to be done gradually, then very soon you will be able to observe the first results. Of course, a newborn baby sleeps almost all the time, but already from the second month he begins to walk a little, the time intervals between meals and sleep increase. Now you can start adjusting the mode. It is important to do this systematically, that is, put the baby to bed at the same time every day, then he will soon get used to it and will fall asleep without problems (of course, provided that he is healthy). An adjusted regime will also serve parents well, as they will have the opportunity to rest, because the baby’s health and peace of mind directly depend on the condition of his mother.

Lack of daytime sleep is bad for your health and general condition, as well as on child development. Fatigue and constant voltage can cause disturbances in night sleep, since an overexcited nervous system will not allow the baby to sleep peacefully and will disturb him for a long time during sleep. Children who do not sleep all day may have poor and restless sleep at night and wake up without visible reasons, and the next morning they will be as whiny and tired as the day before after a long busy day.

Each infant's needs for rest during the day are individual: one infant needs to sleep most of the day, while another infant sleeps poorly during daylight hours. If the baby’s health is good and he is cheerful, this means that he fully satisfies his sleep needs. However, there are times when the baby does not sleep at all during the day or rests little, he is lethargic in appearance and cries. This may signal various malfunctions in his body.

Reasons for lack of sleep

Why does it happen that an infant does not sleep well, and sometimes it happens that the baby is awake all day? Even in the mother’s belly, the baby’s nervous system is formed, which provides the basis for his temperament. A child may not sleep if he simply has no desire to rest, but wants to experience the world around us.

However, in such a situation, he will sometimes fall asleep due to fatigue. If your baby is awake all day, you should look for the reason.

This condition can be caused by:

  • with physical or psychological nature that led to sleep disorders;
  • with the individual characteristics of the child.

How to distinguish pathology

If the baby is active, eats normally, and is in a good mood, a short amount of sleep during the day is enough for him, which means that normal condition for the baby's body. Typically, such children sleep more outside during walks, and when rocked to sleep in their crib, they cannot fall asleep for a long time. However, in this case you also need to be careful. You should count how much time the child sleeps during the day. If a baby sleeps for at least 15 hours per day, then there is no need to worry about his health.

When a child is actively awake for more than 5 hours, cries, does not fall asleep even on the street, and is reluctant to eat, this may signal a sleep disorder. Usually this condition can be determined by observing how the baby sleeps: if he wakes up every 10 minutes, you should consult a doctor.

If the baby constantly cries, screams, worries, and practically does not eat, this may indicate psychological disorders.

What interferes with healthy sleep

A child may not sleep well in his crib for other reasons:

  1. In case of violations of sanitary standards. Sometimes for normal sleep it is enough to change the temperature, ventilate the room and do wet cleaning so that the baby sleeps better. Best temperature for a baby it is 21 degrees.
  2. For psychological discomfort. To prevent the baby from falling asleep for a very long time, you should cover the windows with dark curtains so that too much light does not penetrate into the room and irritate the baby. Also, excessive activity of the mother, turmoil, and many guests in the house can induce wakefulness. To avoid this, parents should try to do everything that can calm the child 2 hours before the child goes to bed.

It happens that a baby is worried about the severance of communication with his mother, which affects the quality of his sleep. This process can be normalized in a couple of months if the mother often takes her child in her arms and hugs.

  • Subject to availability physiological reasons. Colic and gas often cause sleep disturbances. This condition is painful for the child, which is why he is not only awake because of this, but also cries and has a lethargic appearance. To help him, just apply a heating pad to his tummy and give him a massage.
  • If the lack of sleep is not accompanied by any symptoms, a neurological disorder may have developed.
  • From the 6th month, restlessness in sleep can be caused by teeth growing, receiving bright emotions before rest, or the desire to continue playing.

Other lack of sleep

Since the baby has not yet developed a routine, any lack of sleep can hide developing pathology, therefore, it is necessary to constantly monitor the condition of the baby: how he eats, how he feels, how he behaves.

Lack of sleep at night

Sometimes children don't sleep at night. This is due to the fact that after birth children have not yet developed their individual rhythm, and they simply don’t care when to rest. Until the age of 1 month, the baby may wake up frequently, and this will be the norm. A child at this age eats regularly, which is why he needs to interrupt his sleep. Sometimes children confuse day and night. To fix this, parents need to wake up the baby more often during the daytime and do things with him various exercises for development and relaxation. Such frequent awakenings will force him to sleep deeper and longer at night.

Long sleep

The normal duration of rest during 1 month of life is 19 hours a day. During this time, the baby develops the brain, nervous system, and also produces growth hormone.

You need to worry when the baby sleeps a lot and eats little, and weakness is noticeable in his condition.

Doctors advise taking the child out of bed more often sleepy state, creating frequent short situations when the baby eats so that he gets the amount of food he needs in parts.

If you do not do this, but allow the baby to sleep a lot by reducing nutrition, dehydration may occur, jaundice may begin, and the concentration of glucose in the blood may decrease. When a baby gains weight normally and eats little, it means that this amount of food is enough for him, and you shouldn’t wake him up again.

Restless holiday

While sleeping in her crib away from her mother, the baby may experience restless movements, which also interfere with healthy rest. However, not every turn indicates pathology. For example, if a baby makes some sounds, jerks his limbs, changes his facial expression, it means he is immersed in the rapid phase of sleep, which is absolutely normal for any person.

If a child cries and screams in his sleep, you need to wake him up, hold him close and begin to give him a soothing, relaxing massage. This will help the baby calm down quickly and be able to go back to sleep later.

But sometimes convulsions occur, which are a pathological condition; they are characterized by rhythmic trembling or chills. If you have such symptoms, you should contact a neurologist.

Sleeping in the fresh air

Many parents notice that their baby does not sleep well during the day in his crib at home, but falls asleep instantly outside. Until the baby turns 4 months old, you can take advantage of this situation to develop a sleep routine for him. To do this, you should go for a walk down the street with your baby at the same time until he falls asleep, and then just return home and put him to sleep in his crib.

In the future, you will gradually have to get rid of the habit of sleeping on the street; to do this, you can use the following tips:

  1. Put your baby to bed at the same time you were walking outside.
  2. Monitor his fatigue and desire to rest.
  3. Come up with a daily action, the repetition of which will indicate that it is time to sleep.
  4. We should not forget about a pleasant and comfortable environment.
  5. Ventilate the room more often so that there is enough oxygen in it, just like outside. But when loud, sharp sounds are heard outside, it is necessary to close the window, as they can frighten the baby and disrupt his mood for rest.

Normalization of daytime sleep

Why is daytime rest so important? Sleeping during the day is very important element healthy child development. Lack of rest leads to overexcitation of the baby’s nervous system and also causes fatigue.

This may cause severe night sleep. Therefore, it is very important to teach your baby to sleep during the daytime.

To do this, you must adhere to the following rules:

  1. Monitor your baby regularly: when he shows that he wants to sleep, he needs to be placed comfortably in the crib. Even if the baby cries, it is best not to leave him to fall asleep in his mother’s arms, as he will get used to it, and then it will be very difficult to put him to bed. It’s better to just be there as the baby falls asleep, stroking him or singing a lullaby. This place also promotes the production conditioned reflex for rest: the baby begins to understand that he needs to sleep in his crib.
  2. A strict daily routine will help stabilize your sleep. It is necessary to do everything literally hourly in the same place in order to develop the baby’s habit of resting in his crib. Psychologists recommend that before resting you always say kind words to your baby, for example: “it’s time for bayushki.” In this case, you should say the same phrase every time so that the baby gets used to it and knows what it means.
  3. If a child falls asleep in a crib for a long time, you need to be patient and be with him during these moments.
  4. Bathing and a relaxing massage will also promote sound sleep.
  5. When a baby does not sleep well, in order to prepare him for rest, you should refrain from active play with the child and from strong emotions 1 hour before bedtime.
  6. Fresh air relaxes children, allowing them to fall asleep faster, which is why it is good to walk with your child outside before swimming.

When a baby does not sleep well all day, this is a reason for parents to carefully monitor its development and health. In the case when the baby is good mood, actively explores the world around him, eats willingly, but sleeps little (mostly on the street), there is no reason for concern. But if he cries a lot and loudly, moves his arms and legs randomly, eats little and reluctantly, then something is bothering him. To exclude the development of diseases, you need to consult a doctor.

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In the minds of young mothers, a newborn baby should only eat and sleep all day and night. For some reason, this regimen is considered natural and necessary for the baby’s health.

And if the baby does not sleep all day, it means that something is wrong with his condition. Is this true?

Why doesn't the baby sleep during the day?

Why does a newborn not want to sleep during the day or wakes up every hour? There may be several reasons:

  • discomfort in the tummy;
  • the newborn is hungry;
  • a wet diaper interferes;
  • unsuitable air temperature;
  • uncomfortable clothes;
  • had a good night's sleep.

If the baby has difficulty falling asleep or does not want to sleep during the day, or is also capricious, you should pay attention to this. The fact is that such behavior can be caused by a mental or physical disorder.

Baby food

In a small organism there is continuous formation digestive system which can cause discomfort and even painful sensations. It could be colic, pain in the tummy - and the baby does not sleep well. If the reason for the lack of sleep is precisely this problem, you should reconsider the baby’s diet.

Important! Remember to keep your baby upright for at least 10 minutes after feeding to allow air to escape from the esophagus.

Often a newborn simply does not get enough to eat, especially an artificial one. He often wakes up from hunger, or it is difficult to put him to sleep. In this case, the mother should do a test breast milk to check the quantity nutrients. Malnutrition can also be caused by insufficient lactation. The newborn makes great efforts to get milk, and falls asleep from fatigue. Mom thinks he's full and puts him to bed. But an hour later the baby wakes up and starts crying!


A wet diaper and an unsuitable microclimate in the room can also be the reason why a newborn often wakes up during the day or cannot be put to sleep. It is difficult for a small organism to adapt to a new environment; this can become the basis for whims and insomnia.

Uncomfortable clothing can also cause your baby to wake up frequently during the day and at night. Try to buy not fashionable undershirts and rompers, but ones that are comfortable for a small body. Sometimes shirts for babies are made from old soft cotton, the seam should be on the outside.

If it is difficult to put the baby to sleep during the day, and no whims are observed, it means that he gets enough sleep at night. Infant sleep differs from adult sleep in that it is dominated by fast phase. So it turns out: the baby took a nap for 10 minutes - and is not going to sleep anymore!

Important! To regulate daytime sleep, try to walk outside more and keep your baby busy with various games. Then he will need to rest.

How to help your baby fall asleep?

It has been noticed that small children fall asleep very quickly to the accompaniment of monotonous noise. The following sounds belong to it:

  • washing machine;
  • muffled conversation;
  • hair dryer;
  • heat fan.

Babies do not disturb their parents during air flights or train travel: they sleep all the time. This is proof of the calming effect of motion sickness and uniform monotonous sound on the baby’s psyche.

It has also been noted that harsh sounds and bright lighting have a negative impact on the fragile psyche and cause discomfort. In such an environment, the newborn has difficulty falling asleep, often wakes up and is capricious, and is difficult to put him to bed.

Therefore, make sure that:

  • during the day the curtains were closed or closed;
  • the room was well ventilated;
  • there was no hectic, nervous atmosphere in the house.

An important psychological moment for the baby’s peace of mind is simply the presence of the mother next to him. Over the long 9 months, the baby got used to hearing the beating of his mother’s heart every minute and being constantly with her. The moment of birth can be perceived as loneliness and abandonment. This strange condition can cause fear in the child, and he reacts by crying and worrying.

Important! Do not leave your baby alone in the room for a long time, pick him up and caress him more often. Gradually he will get used to the new conditions of existence and calm down.

Dangerous insomnia

Why does a baby sleep poorly and is difficult to put him to bed? Sometimes constant insomnia can be a signal of a nervous disease in the baby. If it is impossible to put the child to bed, he breaks down from crying and turns blue (usually a triangle from the nose to the chin turns blue), you should immediately contact a pediatric neurologist. Only he can make the diagnosis.

You should also show your child to the doctor if he does not sleep all day for no apparent reason or wakes up every hour at night even after a hearty feeding. The reasons why a one-month-old baby does not sleep may be: hidden symptoms disturbances in the functioning of the body. Only a thorough examination will help to identify them.

Why does this happen, and where can a baby get nervous disease? The cause is difficult childbirth, during which brain tissue is injured and oxygen deficiency occurs. Consequences difficult birth manifest themselves in inferior development of the organism. Therefore, the baby does not sleep well at night, wakes up every hour, it is impossible to put him to sleep, and he is capricious all day long.

Don’t try to calm your baby down with sleeping pills! Reason chronic insomnia It may not be of a harmful nature, but of a hidden illness.

Baby sleeps a lot

Does your baby constantly sleep and miss an hour of feeding, and this happens every day? If he is calm and gaining weight well, there is no need to worry. It is not recommended to wake him up at the appointed feeding time every time: he will calmly eat when he wakes up.

If the baby looks weak, eats poorly and sleeps for many hours every day, this may be a sign of pathology. In this case, the sleepyhead must be woken up during the day at feeding time and given nutritious food. Losing weight due to malnutrition can cause developmental problems.

From the 1st to the 12th week of his life, the child adapts and gets used to the world around him, to rhythms and time, and parents need to know how much sleep their baby should sleep. Based on sleep standards, mothers can determine whether the baby’s sleep schedule is correct or whether the child is sick.

How much should a baby sleep in the first week of life?

Newborn sleep pattern

In the first days of its life, the baby only sleeps and eats. He does not have a strict sleep schedule, as the newborn gets used to the time of the world around him.

As a rule, a child sleeps from 18 to 20 hours a day. This time is enough to restore the strength and energy that the baby spends on learning about the outside world, as well as for the development of all body systems.

Phases and duration of sleep of a newborn 1 week of life

Newborn babies sleep almost 24 hours. At the same time, they wake up every 2-3 hours to eat.

Those babies who are breastfed can wake up after 1.5 hours. After all, breast milk takes 75 minutes to digest.

During the day, a child needs 9 hours of sleep, and night rest it takes 10 to 11 hours.

Reasons restless sleep in a newborn in the first week of life

Night for a baby of this age begins at 21:00 and ends at 9:00 am. It is during this period that the newborn should sleep soundly. But don’t forget, you need to feed him 3-4 times during the night.

Daytime and nighttime sleep patterns may be disrupted if the room is stuffy.

The room needs to be ventilated.

Also, for a baby to sleep soundly, it is necessary. He should be comfortable, warm, but not hot.

How much should a baby sleep in the second week of birth?

Sleep pattern of a two-week-old baby

A two-week-old baby sleeps from 18 to 20 hours a day. At this time it grows. His body is developing, all systems are beginning to adapt, mainly the nervous system. In addition, during sleep, energy appears that the child spends on understanding the world around him.

Phases and duration good sleep in an infant of the second week of life at night and during the day

During the day, a newborn sleeps from 8 to 9 hours, and at night from 10 to 11. His sleep is interrupted in order to eat.

Please note that babies wake up after 1.5-2 hours. And those children who are fed formulas can sleep up to 3 hours.

Why does a baby sleep poorly or not sleep in the second week of life?

A baby may have trouble sleeping for several reasons.

  • Firstly , he might get hot. Make sure he is warm under the blanket. To make it more comfortable, try swaddling your baby.
  • Secondly , affects the room temperature. To prevent the room from being stuffy, it should be ventilated.

How and how much do newborn babies sleep in the third week of life?

Sleeping and waking patterns in infants aged three weeks

At this age, children begin to become active. They can consciously move their hands, raise their head for a few seconds and look for a long time at an object of interest. Moreover, children wake up before the allotted time calculated for feeding, and go to bed not immediately after they have eaten, but later.

To gain strength, children need 18 hours a day of sound sleep.

Phases and duration of sleep in a newborn three weeks of life at night and during the day

A three-week-old baby consistently sleeps 8 hours during the day and 10 at night. At the same time, he wakes up every 2-3 hours to eat and examine the external environment.

Many mothers notice that babies sleep the most soundly from 11 pm to 9 am.

Why does a baby sleep poorly at 3 weeks of age?

The baby may not sleep due to discomfort.

  • For example, he may be hot.

Usually babies are swaddled and covered with a blanket. To check if your baby is hot, put your finger in the collar. If the back does not sweat, then everything is normal.

  • The baby may also be cold.

You can check this by looking at the frozen spout.

  • By the way, the stuffiness in the room also makes it difficult to fall asleep.

How long does a baby normally sleep in the fourth week after birth?

Features of daytime and night sleep in infants of four weeks

At one month old, the baby already begins to understand what day and night are. He develops a sleep pattern.

In total, the baby rests 18 hours a day. This time is enough for the growth and development of the body, as well as to restore the energy spent on learning about the new world.

Duration and phases of sleep in a four-week newborn

Already in a month, the baby has 4 daytime sleep periods and one at night.

In total, babies sleep 8 hours during the day. This time is divided into two morning periods of 3 hours each, and two evening periods. superficial sleep- 30-40 minutes.

Many mothers have noticed that their children sleep 4 times for 2 hours. This habit negatively affects the child’s psycho-emotional state.

At night, children sleep for 10 hours.

Sleep disturbance in a newborn 4 weeks of life: main causes

A newborn may not sleep for several reasons.

  • Firstly , he may be disturbed by an external stimulus such as music or conversation. It is advisable to monitor surrounding factors.
  • Secondly , the child may be cold or hot. He needs to be swaddled so that he feels comfortable.
  • Thirdly , room conditions, such as stuffiness or humidity, may affect your sleep. It is necessary to ventilate the room before going to bed.

How do newborn babies sleep in the fifth week of life?

Five week old baby's sleep schedule

A child of this age sleeps 18 hours a day. This time is enough to replenish your reserves of strength and energy.

A five-week-old baby already requires more parental attention, as he can stay awake for up to 3-4 hours every day.

In addition, the baby adheres to 4 naps during the day and 2 naps at night.

Duration and phases of sleep in infants at 5 weeks of life at night and during the day

During the day, the child's sleep is divided into 4 periods and amounts to 8 hours.

As a rule, in the first two daytime periods the baby sleeps for 3 hours, and in the last two evening periods - for 30-40 minutes. This time is enough to get enough sleep and not go into deep sleep.

At night, mothers can sleep more peacefully, since within 10 hours the child will need to be fed 1-2 times.

Why does my baby sleep restlessly or not sleep at all at 5 weeks?

  • A common cause of poor sleep is a stuffy room. Before putting the baby down, you should ventilate it.
  • Also, the baby may not sleep due to an uncomfortable pillow or duvet. It is advisable to check whether he is hot or cold.
  • Abdominal pain can also be a cause of restless sleep. They appear due to the fact that the nursing mother ate a product that she had not consumed before.

How much should a baby sleep in the sixth week of life?

Sleep patterns of a six-week-old baby at night and during the day

By 6 months, a newborn has a stable sleep and wakefulness pattern.

During the day the child continues to sleep 4 times. And at night it can be interrupted 1-2 times for feeding.

In total, the baby sleeps 18 hours a day. This time is enough to gain strength and begin to explore the world around us again.

At this age, the child already independently holds his head in an upright position, follows objects by turning his neck.

How much sleep should a 6 week old baby sleep?

The baby's daytime sleep is divided into 4 periods and amounts to 8 hours. Baby takes two deep sleep 3 hours and two superficial ones for 30-40 minutes.

A child’s nighttime sleep is limited to 10 hours. Moreover, it can also be divided into 2-3 periods, since the baby needs to be fed at night.

Why does a 6 week old baby sleep restlessly at night/day?

  • The most common cause of poor sleep in a child of this age is incorrect sleep associations. That is, he can wake up at night, cry and fall asleep only after being rocked or picked up.
  • The baby may wake up from shaking. Swaddling saves you from them.
  • By the way, the reasons for poor sleep can also be a stuffy room or illness.

How much sleep should a seven week old baby normally sleep?

Sleep patterns in seven-week-old babies, day and night

At 7 months the child begins to express himself energetically.

Parents should accustom him to active games in the first half of the day, and to quiet activities in the afternoon. Then the baby will sleep well.

A child of this age needs 18 hours of sleep per day. If your child sleeps longer, he may feel unwell.

The baby should not be weaned from the sleep-wake schedule.

How much and how should a baby sleep at 7 weeks?

A 7-week-old baby's naps are no different from those of a 6-week-old baby.

Rest is divided into 4 periods: 2 for 3 hours and 2 for 30-40 minutes.

It is advisable that the first periods of deep sleep take place in the first half of the day, and the second shallow periods in the evening.

In just one day, a baby can sleep up to 8 hours. And he needs 10 hours to rest at night.

Why does a baby sleep poorly at night and during the day at seven weeks of life: reasons

We wrote above about active games; they should take place during the day.

Another reason for poor sleep is an uncomfortable pillow or mattress. Since the baby is already beginning to move, he can, of course, slide down during sleep and lie down as he wants.

In this problem, swaddling saves parents. Wrapped in a warm blanket, the child will not want to crawl or move anywhere.

By the way, swaddling also prevents the baby from flinching.

How long does a newborn baby sleep in the eighth week of life?

Sleep schedule for babies aged eight weeks - daytime and nighttime

The sleep schedule of 8-week-old babies does not differ from that of 5,6,7-week-old babies. As a rule, they need 18 hours of rest every day.

Babies can already hold their head upright or lying on their stomach.

In addition, children already distinguish between the concepts of day and night.

Sleep phases and duration in an 8 week old baby

At this age, babies sleep for 10 hours at night. Mothers get up to them only once to feed and change them.

And during the day, children have enough to sleep 8 hours. It is divided into 4 periods: 2 deep sleeps of 3 hours each and 2 superficial sleeps of 30-40 minutes each.

Sleep disturbance in a child at 8 weeks of life: causes

As a rule, at this age the baby sleeps peacefully. But if he is disturbed by an external stimulus, voice or music, he will wake up.

  • Poor sleep can also be caused by illness. When a child feels bad, he will not sleep.
  • In addition, if he is hot or cold, the baby may begin to cry.
  • Another reason could be stuffiness in the room. Ventilate the room half an hour before bedtime.

How and how much does a baby sleep in the ninth week of life?

Proper sleep schedule for children 9 weeks of age

A stable 4-day rest period is also maintained in 9-week-old children. But in time it decreases by 1 hour.

But my night's sleep doesn't change. In total, babies need 17 hours to rest.

They need strength in order to study the world around them, learn to hold their head straight and lean on their forearms, lie on their stomach, and also turn on their side.

How long should a child sleep during the day and at night?

The duration of a child's daytime sleep changes by 1 hour and is 7 hours.

In addition, the child sleeps 4 times during the day: 2 deep sleeps for 2-3 hours and 2 shallow sleeps for 30-40 minutes. As a rule, the first ones take place before lunch, the second ones after.

And night time does not change. 10 hours is enough for a baby to sleep. Of course, at night mommy will have to get up once to feed.

Why does a 9-week-old baby sleep poorly during the day or at night?

  • To ensure your baby sleeps soundly, wrap him in a soft, warm sheet and then cover him with a blanket (if the room is cold).
  • Pay attention to external stimuli - music, radio, TV. Turn them off.
  • Before putting your child to bed, ventilate the room in case he feels stuffy.
  • And, of course, teach your baby to fall asleep on his own. He shouldn't wake up to feel your hands or rocking.
  • By the way, the cause of poor sleep can be abdominal pain and other diseases.

How should an infant sleep at the tenth week of birth?

How much should a child sleep at night and during the day?

As soon as the baby's viewing area has increased due to the fact that he has learned to hold his head while lying on his stomach, he begins to monitor surrounding objects.

In order for the baby to have a lot of strength and enough energy for 7 hours of daily wakefulness, he must sleep at least 17 hours a day.

Duration and phases of sleep in a child aged 10 weeks

A baby's daytime sleep is divided into 4 periods, of which 2 deep sleeps of 2-3 hours each and 2 shallow sleeps of 30-40 minutes each. It is advisable that the first ones fall in the day, and the second ones in the evening.

Babies need 10 hours to rest at night. During the night, a mother can disturb her child once to feed her.

Why can’t a child sleep during the day or at night, what bothers him?

Abdominal pain is often the cause of sleep disturbances. The mother of the baby should watch what she eats. baby on artificial feeding can be transferred to another mixture.

A child may also have trouble sleeping due to an uncomfortable mattress, a hot blanket, a stuffy room, or simply hunger.

How much should a baby sleep in the eleventh week of life?

Sleep patterns in children aged 11 weeks at night and during the day

A child’s sleep schedule at this age remains almost unchanged. A baby should sleep 16-17 hours a day.

He has been “walking” a little longer than usual, and may sleep less during the day. In addition, 4 naps a day are maintained. It is necessary so that the child has the strength for active games.

Sleep phases and duration in infants aged 11 weeks

In children of this age, daytime sleep is divided into 4 periods. Babies sleep 2 times in the morning for 2-3 hours and 2 times in the afternoon for 30-40 minutes. Please note that the nighttime routine for 11-week-old children does not change, it is 10 hours. You can also feed once a night.

Why does a baby at 11 weeks of age sleep poorly during the day or at night: reasons

The cause of sleep disturbance can be overwork. The baby can overwork himself lying on his stomach, holding his head. Overfatigue will also appear due to muscle tension, because a child at this age will try to crawl to toys and turn on his side.

Poor sleep can also be caused by hunger, a stuffy room, a hard mattress, an uncomfortable pillow, heat, cold, nocturnal shuddering or illness.

Sleep of children at the twelfth week from birth

Features of daytime and night sleep in infants 12 weeks

By three months, the child should learn not only to hold his head, but also to move it to the sides: up, down, right, left. He should also rest on his forearms while lying on his stomach and turn on his side.

In order for the baby to be in a good mood and have enough strength and energy to develop his own abilities, he will need 16-17 hours of sleep.

At the same time, his 4-day nap should also be maintained.

Sleep phases and duration in children 12 weeks of life

Many mothers notice that a 3-month-old baby’s sleep does not last more than 4 hours in a row.

Despite this regime, daytime rest takes place in 4 periods. Babies sleep 2 times for 2-3 hours in the first half of the day, and after lunch 2 times for 30-40 minutes. The daily sleep norm for a 12 week old baby is 6-7 hours.

But the baby’s nightly schedule does not change; he needs 10 hours to sleep. In this case, the child may sleep all night and not wake up to refresh himself.

Causes of poor sleep in 12 week old babies

  • By this age, children should sleep independently. They do not need to be rocked or picked up. The baby will not be able to sleep if the parents change their rocking tactics.
  • Sleep can also be disturbed due to illness; children often have stomach pain.

Other causes of poor sleep are stuffiness or humidity in the room, cold, heat, uncomfortable bedding (pillow, mattress, blanket), external stimuli (music, TV, voice, telephone).

In order for the baby to develop correctly and comprehensively, he needs a full day's rest. Often young mothers are upset because the baby refuses to sleep. How valid are parental concerns? Why does the baby sleep little during the day or not fall asleep at all?

Why do you need to sleep during the day?

Daytime rest is necessary for children for several reasons:

  • strengthening immunity;
  • helps the nervous system cope with new impressions and emotions received during the waking period;
  • improves concentration;
  • promotes mental physical development infants, prevention of hyperactivity.

How much sleep do you need?

The amount of daily rest is taken into account, not just daily rest. The norm immediately after birth and up to 4 months is considered to be 17-20 hours per day. The amount is distributed evenly throughout the day.

At four months, the routine has become established, and the duration of daily sleep gradually decreases to 17-18 hours. By 6 months – 16 hours, by 9 – 15 hours. At the age of 1 year small child sleeps approximately 13 hours per day. This amount of time is distributed between 2-3 daytime sleeps with breaks for wakefulness. By the year, this number is reduced to 1 time per day.

To determine whether a baby is sleeping normally, you need to know what is considered normal. Up to 4 months, children are in this state almost constantly, waking up to eat, or feeling discomfort. You should know - normal sleep children under one year old are intermittent and restless.

Considering that normal rest at night lasts 8 hours, during the daytime a newborn should approximately sleep:

Age (months) Day Number of falls asleep (times) In just one day
1 8-9 3-5 17-20
3 6-7 3-4 14-17
6 5-6 3 14-15
9 4-5 2-3 13-15
12 3-4 2 13-14
18 2-3 1 12-14
24 2 1 12-13

Most children tend to shudder, turn, cry, and open their eyes in their sleep. These movements are called the Moro reflex. By 5 months it disappears.

Sleep phases

There are four stages of sleep: falling asleep, superficial, deep, REM sleep. IN infancy each stage lasts 15 minutes, the full cycle is 45-50 minutes. The superficial prevails over the deep. During the rapid stage, the child’s eyes are closed, the eyelids tremble noticeably, eyeballs moving quickly, breathing unevenly. Infant can smile, twitch, awaken from any rustle or sound.

When moving to the slow stage, breathing becomes deep, measured, the eyeballs are motionless, the muscles relax, and sweating is activated. It is difficult to wake up the baby.

What is a violation?

What to do when your baby doesn’t sleep well during the day or at night? These standards serve as a guide and depend on the characteristics of each individual baby. Often a mother, not knowing the differences between normal and pathological, worries in vain. To determine the background of what is happening and understand why the newborn sleeps poorly, it is important to understand what disorders indicate trouble.

Disorders are divided into primary and secondary.

Primary disorders

A primary disorder is said to occur when a child sleeps poorly and the sleep pattern is altered. There are no concomitant diseases, obvious root causes of violations.

Secondary disorders

If sleep has become disturbed due to illness, they speak of secondary disorders. Changes appear due to congenital anomalies functioning of the nervous system, brain tumors.

What to do if you suspect possible problems? Immediately consult a neurologist and determine accurate diagnosis, start treatment. It is better to be overly suspicious than careless.

Consequences of lack of sleep

When a baby sleeps poorly after 4 months of life, this can negatively affect health and proper development. During the rest period, the baby’s body intensively produces growth hormone, improvement occurs neural connections brain. A baby who lacks sleep day and night is anxious, cries, and hyperactive due to exhaustion of the nervous system.

Possible causes of violations

Among the most common root causes of why a baby does not sleep well during the day are the following.

Unsuitable room temperature, humidity

In the room where the baby sleeps, it is important to create optimal temperature and humidity conditions. The desired temperature is 17 - 20 degrees Celsius, humidity 50-70%.

Hunger, thirst

If quite a lot of time has passed since the last feeding, if the baby does not eat enough due to lack of breast milk, this can also cause the baby to cry and refuse to fall asleep. In summer and spring, children may be thirsty. Feeding a 3-4 month old newborn with salty food before bedtime will most likely cause restlessness, frequent waking up, and whims.

Bright lights, loud sounds

In order to sleep peacefully during the day, you need a comfortable environment. Bright sunlight Due to loosely closed curtains, artificial lighting interferes with rest. A running TV, radio, car horns, barking dogs on the street, or loud knocking can disrupt day or night sleep.

Wrong clothes

Tight, uncomfortable underwear, tight seams, tight elastic bands, and laces cause discomfort to a newborn. Choose light, breathable fabrics, a simple cut of linen with a minimum of seams. It is advisable to select clothing appropriate to the ambient temperature.

A wrapped baby overheats and sweats, which can result in heat rash and diaper rash. Hypothermia leads to active movements, sneezing, skin become cool to the touch.

Wet diapers, uncomfortable diaper

Children's skin is sensitive and reacts to the slightest irritation. Diaper dermatitis, allergic rashes, other skin damage, a wet diaper can cause discomfort and irritation.

Unsettled routine

A 4-month-old baby may be reluctant to fall asleep during the day because she is simply not accustomed to going to bed at the same hours. Sometimes children confuse day and night, which causes a lot of trouble for their parents.

Emotional overload

An imperfect nervous system does not provide the necessary processes of excitation and inhibition. It is difficult for the baby to calm down and switch to falling asleep.

Painful conditions of the body

Accumulated in abdominal cavity gases and pain prevent you from sleeping peacefully and soundly. If you have intestinal problems or colic, regularly give a light massage to the abdomen, put a warm diaper on it, and give the baby something to drink.

Incorrect parental bedtime behavior

Many parents place their baby in their arms. Others rock him night and day. The mechanism of “sickness” is simple - the newborn becomes dizzy, and quickly gets used to this state. When placed on the crib, the baby wakes up, refuses to go back to sleep, and asks to be held. Some people go to bed exclusively with a bottle or pacifier. In the absence of familiar objects, it is difficult for a child to fall asleep. Often, the prerequisites for such behavior are the mother’s overprotection and insufficient attention.

How to set up the process?

In the absence of somatic neurological problems, in order to provide the baby healthy holiday day and night, follow these simple rules:

  1. Maintain good sleep hygiene. Create a comfortable temperature in the room, dim the bright lights and loud sounds. Choose for the crib hard mattress, . Give preference to comfortable, comfortable clothes;
  2. Plan your routine so that your baby goes to bed immediately after feeding. Adjust the hours of falling asleep according to the needs of the baby;
  3. Lay down when the first signs of fatigue appear. If he is tired and rubs his eyes, put him to bed early, do not wait for the allotted time;
  4. Create a bedtime ritual. Before each fall asleep, sing lullabies to your baby, stroke her head, kiss her;
  5. Use special cradles, cribs, “cocoons”, “nests” for motor motion sickness;
  6. Ensure adequate physical activity while awake. Take him for walks in the fresh air more often. Most children who have difficulty falling asleep in a crib do just fine outside in a stroller;
  7. If the baby moves and makes sounds during sleep, this does not mean that he is awake. You shouldn’t immediately take the baby in your arms and finally wake him up. The baby probably dreamed something and will continue to sleep;
  8. Use quality ones in size;
  9. With the permission of the pediatrician, it is recommended to give the newborn special children's supplements.

Daytime sleep is the key to the proper development of a baby. Show a little patience and persistence and everything will return to normal. Along with this, positive changes will occur in the baby’s mood.

Remember: healthy, normal developing child knows how much rest he needs. If you suspect that unhealthy sleep during the day is associated with illness, consult a doctor immediately.