Benefits of rinsing your nose with salt water. Nasal rinsing at home for children and adults. Important rules for rinsing a child's nose

You can rinse your nose every day for preventive purposes. This procedure is especially useful during the season colds and during a runny nose, when swelling of the mucous membrane occurs, making breathing difficult and threatening many complications.

Purpose of rinsing

Not everyone knows about this useful procedure and how to rinse the nose with a runny nose.

The mucous membrane covering the nasopharynx, sinuses and cavity performs very important function. The constant vibration of its cilia ensures the removal of mucus formed in the sinuses, and with it products metabolic processes, dust particles and other harmful substances.

When at viral infection the membrane becomes inflamed, the secretion of mucus increases, which becomes favorable environment to propagate the infection. When you have a runny nose, rinsing your nose is necessary because:

  • will remove excess mucus and pus from the nose, and will also remove huge number viruses;
  • moisturizing the mucous membrane will help prevent it from drying out and completely blocking the nasal passages with the formation of crusts;
  • regular procedure will prevent infection from penetrating further into the respiratory organs;
  • in addition, after it the surface of the mucous membrane will be cleaned and prepared for the effects of drugs.

Salt water

To this procedure was successful, you need to choose what to rinse your nose with when you have a runny nose. The easiest way to do this is to take a solution table salt in ordinary boiled water. In this case, the temperature and concentration must be optimal for an effective effect on the mucous membrane.

An isotonic solution of sodium chloride is optimal, easily prepared by adding a teaspoon of dry substance to a liter of boiled water. Moreover, it is salty that will help with a runny nose, not clean water, otherwise the swelling of the mucous membrane will only increase.

In the case of a more concentrated solution, water from the mucous membrane will move into the solution, diluting it. At the same time, the shell will dry out. If the solution is less concentrated than the mucous membrane, then the movement of water will occur in reverse side and will lead to even more swelling. Therefore, such concentration is necessary saline solution which will create osmotic pressure, approximately equal to blood plasma.

Many firmly believe that salt is used because of its bactericidal properties. Supposedly it destroys microbes that have settled in the mucous membrane. However, the amount of salt is completely harmless to bacteria, and an increase in its content is dangerous because it burns the mucous membrane. Nasal rinse solution is not intended for treatment, and none of its components will also not speed up the healing process.

The nose is washed in order to clean it and thus prepare the conditions for further treatment. Salt water, herbal decoctions, and other means will not be able to destroy viruses hidden in the depths of the mucous membrane. Their task is to clear the nasal passages and make it easier to breathe.

Wash solutions

Salt water is the simplest, most accessible and effective remedy for nasal irrigation at home.

However, there are a sufficient number of others who are able to cope with this task.

They can be easily found at the pharmacy or, if desired, prepared at home. Of the best ways to rinse your nose when you have a runny nose, the following are usually used.

  • Saline solution for intravenous infusions. It is often used to clean wounds or for other purposes. This is the same salt solution, only prepared under sterile conditions. The drug perfectly thins mucus and cleanses nasal cavity.
  • Solutions containing sea salt. They have approximately the same composition as saline solution.
  • Pharmacies offer a large selection of sprays prepared on the basis of saline solution and differing in herbal additives. They are more expensive, but are produced in special bottles that are safe for irrigation. To rinse a child’s nose at home, it is much more comfortable to use such packaging.
  • Many people often use tinctures to irrigate the nose. medicinal herbs. Prepare the product by dissolving a small spoon of a water-based preparation in a glass of boiled water.
  • Diluted with boiled water lemon juice rinses your nose well.
  • You can also use beet, carrot or onion juice, but they must be used with caution. For example, with bacterial rhinitis, beet sugar can serve as a good feed for microbes and lead to complications.
  • Can be cooked salt water with the addition of 2-3 drops of iodine.
  • Some herbs are known for excellent anti-inflammatory properties. For example, rinsing the nose with chamomile can to some extent reduce inflammation and swelling of the mucous membrane; oak decoction also has similar properties. The products can be used by both children and adults. They are also advised to gargle.
  • Kalanchoe can also relieve inflammation, however, due to the possible side effects Doctors do not recommend using it often.

A few tips will help you carry out the procedure correctly and effectively:

  • the prepared solution should be at room temperature;
  • after rinsing, mucus will still flow out of the nose for ten to twenty minutes, so evening irrigation should not be done immediately before going to bed;
  • When blowing your nose after the procedure, you need to open your mouth slightly so as not to put pressure on your eardrums;
  • in cold weather, you can leave the house only 30-40 minutes after the end of irrigation.

If you have a runny nose at home, you should not rinse your nose if you have:

  • possibility of bleeding from the nasal cavity;
  • obstruction of the nasal passages caused by extensive swelling;
  • neoplasms in the nasal cavity;
  • abnormal curvature of the septum;
  • damage to the eardrum;
  • the appearance of allergies to substances contained in the rinsing liquid.

Execution technique

This simple manipulation is not related to special difficulties, however, it must be carried out competently and according to the rules so as not to harm the body. There are different ways how to rinse your nose at home when you have a runny nose.

  • Scoop some of the liquid into cupped palms, then lean over the sink and, raising your hands to your nostrils, suck in the liquid. Spit out some of the liquid that gets into your mouth and, after blowing your nose, free your nose from mucus. Instead of using your palms, you can draw water into any container.
  • You can suck in the liquid through each nostril alternately, closing the other and periodically clearing your mouth and nose. After finishing the procedure, you need to thoroughly blow your nose, then rinse your mouth with boiled water.
  • It is especially important to understand how to properly rinse your nose when using a rubber syringe or a special vessel for irrigation. In such a case you need:
  • fill the vessel with liquid;
  • leaning over the sink, turn your head at an angle of 90 degrees, opening your mouth;
  • insert the spout of the vessel into the nostril, which is located above, and release a stream of liquid;
  • after passing through the nasopharynx, it should pour out of the second nostril;
  • do the same manipulation with the other nostril.

When you have a cold, it is better to rinse frequently; saline solution is completely safe and does not cause side effects. If a runny nose is accompanied by a sore throat, you can also clear plaque from your throat at the same time. In this case, you should not lower your head, but raise it.

Nasal rinsing for children

If you need to rinse a child’s nose with a runny nose, the technique for performing the procedure will be the same as for adults. However, it is not advisable to carry out manipulations before the age of five, as the fluid may enter the lungs. IN special cases This procedure is allowed for three year old child, but only with strict adherence following conditions which must be executed simultaneously:

  • the baby can swim and dive well and will not be afraid if water gets into his nose;
  • The child is calm about the procedure and, without resisting, follows all instructions exactly.

However, before three years Irrigating the nose of children is strictly unacceptable. Fluid and mucus can get into the ear, causing complications. And the child will not allow this to happen, being capricious and resisting. You can simply drop the solution into his nose to moisturize. Flowing back, the liquid will also remove excess mucus. If parents are concerned about what to use to rinse their child’s nose, they can be found at the pharmacy. special means in convenient bottles that make them easy to use.

If you have a runny nose, it is always better to consult a specialist, and he will be able to advise what and how to rinse your nose. This useful procedure will alleviate the condition and speed up treatment.

Easy-to-implement procedures, such as rinsing the nose with saline, do not require additional advertising. They are carried out at home using a minimal set of devices. The solution is prepared with your own hands or purchased at a pharmacy.

Rinsing the nose with saline solution - indications

Before rinsing your nose with salt water, make sure it is really necessary. At home, such actions are required when:

  • allergies;
  • nervous overstrain;
  • adenoiditis;
  • frontite;
  • headaches;
  • acute inflammatory processes throat;
  • sinusitis;
  • pneumonia;
  • sinusitis;
  • rhinitis of any etiology;
  • sphenoiditis.


Prohibitions to the procedure are a tendency to develop otitis media. As for the youngest children, washing is carried out when the baby reaches 6 months.

Technique for rinsing the nose with saline solution

If you have a product on hand or you made it yourself (look for recipes below), then learn the technique.

So, how to properly rinse your nose with salt water:

1. You will need a bulb syringe, a large syringe or a special watering can (sold in pharmacies). Fill the vessel with the solution.

2. Stand over the sink. Open your mouth, hold your breath. Insert the “spout” of the watering can into the nostril.

3. Add salt water without haste. You will feel the solution coming out of the second nostril.


If you have congestion, rinsing your nose with saline will not work at home. First you should use drops (vasoconstrictors), only then rinse.

Recipes for saline nasal rinse

Before you do saline solution, pick up optimal composition for rinsing the nose. Variations vary depending on the ailment present.

No. 1. Standard solution for adults

1. Connect hot water(500 ml.) with 1 tsp. sea ​​salt. Allow the grains to dissolve and the solution to cool to a comfortable temperature.

2. Irrigate the nostrils up to 4 times daily. The presented composition can be used during pregnancy.

No. 2. Solution with iodine for sinusitis

1. Rinsing the nose with saline solution is practiced for sinusitis. Warm up 0.3 liters to a comfortable temperature. water, add 1 tsp. salt, add a drop of iodine.

2. Make sure that the crystals have dissolved, then proceed with the procedure. Carry out manipulations up to 5 times a day.

No. 3. Solution for rhinitis

1. To make rinsing your nose with saline solution comfortable at home, follow the rules. Dissolve in 240 ml. boiling water 10 gr. salt.

2. Leave to cool to an acceptable temperature. Carry out the procedure after waking up and before going to bed. The downside of the product is that it dries out the mucous membrane. Not suitable for children.

No. 4. Solution with iodine and soda

1. Combine in 0.5 l. non-hot water 3 drops of iodine, 10 g. salt and 5 gr. soda Do rinsing three times a day.

2. As a result, the mucous membrane is disinfected, congestion and inflammation disappear.

No. 5. Solution for infants

1. Rinsing the nose with sea salt is allowed for children. At home, it is enough to prepare a solution.

2. In 0.3 l. dissolve 2 grams of boiling water. salt. Cool the product and drop 2 drops with a pipette to the baby up to 5 times a day.

No. 6. Soda solution

1. Dissolve in 0.5 l. warm water 1 tsp. baking soda and 3 tsp. salt. To carry out the procedure comfortably, use a small watering can.

2. To eliminate inflammation and swelling, perform 3 procedures. The advantage of the composition is that it has a pronounced bactericidal effect.

No. 7. Solution for a child according to Komarovsky

1. Nasal rinsing according to Komarovsky can be done with either physiological or saline solution at home.

2. Make your own liquid from 1 liter. lukewarm water and 1 tsp. table salt. Carry out the procedure with a syringe three times a day.

Frequency of nasal rinsing with saline solution

1. If you want to carry out prevention, rinse your nose with saline solution three times a week. At home, 200 ml is consumed at a time.

2. If the disease is already present, rinse the nasal cavity up to 4 times a day. The healing course can last up to 2 weeks.

3. If you have chronic illnesses upper respiratory tract or work indoors with high content dust, wash continuously.

When you have a cold, be sure to start rinsing your nasal cavity for preventive purposes, even if there is no congestion. Such actions will allow you to quickly cope with the disease. Otherwise, to relieve inflammation and significantly alleviate the condition, use one of the recipes described above.

Then it will go away in a week, and if not treated, then in 7 days, it can be dispelled if you start on time and rinse your nose correctly. This is the most affordable and effective way wash the nasal cavity from mucus, reduce the microbial load on the mucous membrane and relieve swelling. The procedure itself in medical circles is called nasal irrigation, and is quite common in medical recommendations. Therefore, it is very important to know how to rinse your nose with salt in order to skillfully carry out this manipulation.

Recipes for preparing solutions

Ready-made saline solutions can be purchased at the pharmacy. They use real sea water, so this solution is most suitable for washing. Many pharmaceutical companies produce seawater solutions under different names. The most popular are Aquamaris, Humer, Salin, Dolphin, Nosol. Or you can buy hypertonic saline solution at the pharmacy.

Another way to rinse your nose with saline is to do it yourself. To do this, use natural sea salt, purchased at a pharmacy, without flavorings or dyes. Several recipes that will be useful for preparing the solution.

  • Recipe No. 1

In a warm glass boiled water add 2 teaspoons of sea salt without dyes and flavors, stir until the salt is completely dissolved. After this, let the solution sit for a few minutes. If there are still undissolved salt crystals at the bottom, then the top of the solution is drained and used for its intended purpose.

If the nasal mucosa is dry or very sensitive, then use 1 teaspoon of salt for preparation, or even less - ½.

  • Recipe No. 2
  • Recipe No. 3

You can use table salt instead of sea salt, it will also have an effect. The cooking recipe is the same as in the previous ones.

  • Recipe No. 4

Prepare a two-component solution consisting of ½ teaspoon of sea or table salt and ½ teaspoon of soda.

Flushing techniques

  • Method 1

The prepared saline solution is poured into a saucer. They close one nostril, and try to draw the solution from the saucer with the other, so that it comes out through the mouth. If there is still mucus in the nose, then simply blow it out. The same is repeated with the second.
If the nose is very clogged and it is impossible to retract it, then first it is instilled vasoconstrictor drops, after a while they blow their nose, and after 15 minutes they begin the procedure.

  • Method 2

In a small rubber syringe or a large syringe, ten or twenty cc is best for this, draw ready solution. Bend over the washbasin, insert the tip of the syringe into one nostril, and under strong pressure on the syringe plunger, let water into the nasal cavity under a large stream. Next, the water is spat out through the mouth or blown out. Repeat for the second nostril. This method is good to use for children, since they themselves cannot yet suck in water through their noses, as described in the first method.

  • Method 3

To do this you will need a special teapot. During the procedure, you should breathe through a wide open mouth. The solution is poured into a teapot, leaned over the washbasin, tilted the head in the opposite direction of the nostril, which is washed. The spout of the teapot is inserted into the nostril and they begin to pour in, while the solution should pour out from the other nostril, the one in the direction in which the head is tilted. Partial water may enter oral cavity. After washing, it is spit out. The second part of the solution is used to rinse the second nostril.

If there is no special teapot available and it is not possible to buy one, then use a small teapot.

  • Method 4

The prepared solution is taken into a pipette and 5 drops are instilled into each nostril, slightly tilting the head back. After a while, the nose is freed from mucus by blowing the nose, and the procedure is repeated until the nasal cavity is completely clean.

When and how often

When you have a runny nose, you need to rinse your nose as often as possible. This increases the protective barrier of the mucous membrane, cleanses the ciliated epithelium from mucus and dust, and reduces the microbial load on the mucous membrane. You can use this procedure with preventive purpose every day at summer time, or during a flu epidemic several times during the day. As practice shows, by regularly rinsing the nose, you can avoid not only the complications of ARVI, but also prevent them. Doctors claim that the level of the disease is reduced by 3 times.

All more doctors become supporters of the doctrine that the nose should be washed as often as teeth are brushed, and that this procedure should be included in the daily water procedures morning and evening.

Rinse should be carried out at the first symptoms of congestion, then it will give the greatest result, although the nose should be rinsed at any stage of the disease.

The amount of nasal rinsing in each case is selected individually, but the minimum number of procedures is 3 times a day. And so this should be done during the day in every case if the nose is stuffy.

After the procedure, within half an hour, additional fluid may come out that did not come out of the sinuses after blowing your nose. That is why, after such a procedure, you should not go outside for some time. In winter this time is 2 hours, in summer - 30 minutes.

It should be understood that, first of all, rinsing the nose is medical procedure, so she cannot be pleasant. The first time will be the most difficult, and then the patient himself begins to understand with what force he needs to draw in water with his nose, how hard to squeeze the blower and how to tilt his head correctly. This method of treating rhinitis should be the first to treat any nasal congestion and the onset of an acute respiratory viral infection.


Methods of rinsing the nasal cavity with saline solutions are quite effective and safe. This procedure is indicated even for pregnant women at any stage. Contraindications are:

  • otitis with frequent relapses
  • Chronic nosebleeds
  • Nasal polyps and any neoplasms (benign and malignant)

The nasal cavity is the fastest and affordable way cope with rhinitis. Allows you to disinfect the nasal cavity, wash away mucus, constrict blood vessels and thereby restore nasal breathing.

Nasal lavage or rinsing the nose with salt, or more precisely, its solution, is a procedure during which the nasal cavity and paranasal sinuses are cleared of excess mucus, settled foreign particles (including xenobiotics), as well as causing runny nose microbes and viruses.

Indications and contraindications

The mucous epithelium of the nasal cavity, which has ciliated (ciliary) cells equipped with cilia, and mucous secretion are protective system human respiratory system - mucociliary clearance, thanks to which the inhaled air is cleaned and moistened. For the nose to do its job protective functions, its mucous membrane should be clean, and the ciliary (motor) activity of ciliated cells should be high. This is facilitated by periodically rinsing the nose with salt.

It is especially useful to rinse your nose with salt when you have a runny nose, as acute inflammation nasal mucosa during this period leads to a weakening of the ciliary activity of the cilia and significantly reduces it protective properties. As a result, bacteria and viruses linger on the nasal mucosa, causing infection of its cells.

In otorhinolaryngology there are the following readings to carry out this procedure:

Nasal lavage also has contraindications; in particular, it is not recommended to rinse the nose if the nasal passages are obstructed (including choanal atresia); if present, adenoma, papillomas or osteomas of the nasal cavity and paranasal sinuses; for acute and chronic forms otitis, as well as with a tendency to nosebleeds.

Preparing to rinse your nose with salt

Preparation for this procedure comes down to preparing all the necessary equipment and rinsing solution. The equipment used for this procedure is a syringe or a syringe without a needle; for those familiar with yoga techniques, a classic small-volume teapot is used.

You will also need distilled or purified boiled water heated to +37°C, a glass, a teaspoon and table salt.

Why is table salt used to rinse the nose? The mucous membrane and mucous secretion of the nasal cavity normally have a pH of 5.5-6; as soon as the acidity shifts towards OH (pH 6.5-7.8), the ciliated cells stop working, and pathogenic microbes settle in the nasal cavity, causing a runny nose. A solution of table salt, firstly, has a certain antiseptic effect, and, secondly, helps reduce the pH level, that is, it helps restore the protective properties of the mucociliary system.

What are the proportions of salt and water for rinsing the nose?

For daily hygienic rinsing, a 0.9% isotonic sodium chloride solution is prepared: 9 g of sodium chloride is dissolved in one liter of water. If you need to rinse your nose with salt for sinusitis or in cases of acute bacterial sinusitis, then you need 5-10% hypertonic solution: 5 g salt (half a teaspoon) or 10 g salt (teaspoon) per 100 ml of water.

At heavy discharge from the nose helps rinsing the nose with soda and salt: 1/3 part baking soda and 2/3 table salt or 1:1. Baking soda dries out the mucous membrane, so it is not recommended to do such procedures more than once a day (for 4-5 days). Otolaryngologists advise adding three drops of iodine per glass to the lavage solution: this type of nasal rinsing with iodine and salt is suitable for chronic sinusitis, nasopharyngitis and sinusitis with the presence of pus in the nasal discharge.

Sea salt is also used for rinsing the nose (you need to take food salt, not for baths). The iodine content enhances it antibacterial effect. In addition, in addition to NaCl, sea salt contains sodium sulfates, chlorides and sulfates of potassium, calcium and magnesium. Potassium compounds regulate the acidity level of the mucous membranes, calcium strengthens the membranes of the mucosal epithelial cells in the nasal cavity, and magnesium helps restore the ciliary cells of the mucous membrane.

One last thing about what kind of rinsing salt you can use. The company Jadran Galenski Laboratorij (Croatia) produces a series of nasal products from water Adriatic Sea– Aqua Maris, including Aquamaris salt for nasal rinsing. Experts note that the salinity of the water in the Adriatic Sea is lower than in the Mediterranean, as it is being diluted fresh water several flowing rivers.

And Achilles salt for nasal rinsing, produced in Solikamsk (Russian Federation) and declared as “sea salt of the ancient Permian Sea,” is a fossil rock salt (halite) formed in the Permian geological period of the Paleozoic (252-298 million years ago) on the spot ancient ocean. Having a marine origin, all the rock (aka table) salt we use has retained only NaCl in its composition over hundreds of millions of years.

Technique for rinsing the nose with salt

When you have a runny nose, rinsing your nose with salt is done for each nasal passage in turn (you cannot suck in or pour the solution into both nostrils at the same time).

The most simple technique rinsing the nose with salt: take a handful of solution (temperature + 35-37 ° C), close one nostril with your finger, bend over the sink, bring the solution to the free nostril and, while inhaling, draw it into the nose. The mouth should be kept slightly open so that the water flows out freely. Then exhale through the nostril. The second nasal passage is washed in the same way.

It is convenient to rinse your nose using a small syringe or syringe, into which the solution is drawn and injected one by one into the nasal passages (water should also be poured out through the mouth). It should be borne in mind that the stream of liquid supplied should not be strong - so that the solution does not get into the auditory (Eustachian) tubes connecting the nasopharynx and middle ear, the holes of which are located on the side walls of the nasopharynx.

It is recommended to rinse the nose with salt for sinusitis using a teapot into which the solution is drawn. Standing in front of the sink, the head leans forward and turns slightly to the side: when rinsing the right nasal passage - in left side, for the left - to the right (that is, the nostril being washed should be higher). When you inhale and hold your breath, the solution is poured through the spout of the kettle into the upper nostril, and poured out of the opposite nostril by gravity. Removal of the remaining solution is done by blowing your nose: first with your head bowed, and then with your neck straightened. The second nasal passage is washed in a similar way.

ENT doctors warn: after this procedure you should not leave the room immediately. In the cold season, you need to wait at least two to three hours; if it’s warm outside, at least 40-45 minutes.

In addition, if rinsing the nose with salt is carried out incorrectly, there may be complications that are expressed in the development of inflammation of the middle ear - otitis media.

It is very useful to rinse the nose with saline solution, which is confirmed by both traditional and alternative medicine. The procedure has a beneficial effect on respiratory system. Rinsing the nose at home helps in the treatment and prevention of infectious diseases. The main thing is to perform the procedure correctly.

How to properly rinse your nose with salt water

If all precautions are taken, the procedure is absolutely safe for both adults and children of any age, even infants. Rinsing the nose with saline solution is necessary for:

  • removing dust particles and everything that irritates the mucous membranes and can provoke allergic reaction;
  • strengthening capillaries;
  • improving the functioning of nasal cavity cells;
  • disinfection;
  • relieving swelling, facilitating nasal breathing;
  • increasing local immunity.

You should not rinse your nose if you have:

If you have sinusitis, sinusitis, rhinitis or any other infectious disease, affecting the respiratory system, then rinsing will help you recover much faster. Muslims have long considered this washing to be as obligatory as, for example, brushing your teeth in the morning. It is worth noting that infectious diseases they are affected much less frequently. There are two ways to rinse your nose. At correct execution You won’t feel anything unpleasant about any of them.


The method is popular among Indian yogis and is called “Jala Neti”. To rinse your nose with saline solution, you need to pour it into a special teapot, but a regular teapot will do. An ordinary baby pacifier is attached to the tip. You need to bend over the sink, tilt your head to the side, open your mouth. The solution is carefully poured into the nostril that is higher and comes out through the other. You should breathe through your mouth. When about half of the liquid remains, rinsing is repeated for the other nostril.


A small bulb or even a syringe is perfect for rinsing. The syringe is filled with a solution. You need to bend your head forward and to the side. Then you should pour some of the liquid into the upper nostril and blow your nose. For the other they repeat the same thing. If a person severe runny nose, then before the procedure you need to use vasoconstrictor drops.

Nasal rinsing for sinusitis at home

Flushing is especially effective for this disease, but it is only part of the complex treatment. By rinsing the nose with saline solution, the process of natural removal of pus and mucus is resumed. In addition to sea or ordinary salt, you can also add iodine to the water. Before washing, you need to blow your nose very well. If this does not work, then you should use vasoconstrictor drops. Useful tips:

  1. Before rinsing your nose with salt water, you should consult with your doctor, who will recommend the safest technology for performing the procedure for your stage of the disease. This is necessary to prevent the infection from spreading to the middle ear.
  2. For one wash, you need to prepare 0.1-0.2 liters of solution. Make a fresh batch each time.
  3. Do not bring the liquid to a temperature exceeding 39 degrees.
  4. Perform four washes per day.
  5. When performing the procedure, pronounce the sound “and-and-and”, then the solution will not get into your mouth. Soft palate protects the nasopharynx from the throat.
  6. For sinusitis, wash for at least a week, or better yet, for two.

How to make saline solution

The most important advantage of rinses is that the mixtures are very easy to prepare yourself. The solution does not require expensive ingredients, only salt: sea or ordinary table salt. It is harmless to adults and children. There are also store-bought preparations based on saline solution, but if you want to save as much as possible on treatment, then it is better to prepare it yourself.

Sea salt for nasal rinsing

Instructions for preparing solutions of different concentrations:

  1. Dissolve half a tablespoon of sea salt (it is better to take pure, without impurities) in 0.4 liters of boiled water.
  2. If you want to rinse your nose with a concentrated saline solution, use different proportions. Take a tablespoon of salt and one glass of water. This recipe is suitable for people who have to work in a very dusty room or area.
  3. Dilute a tablespoon of salt with a liter of water. You will receive universal solution, suitable even for gargling.
  4. If you are preparing a mixture for a child, then dilute salt (a quarter of a teaspoon) in 0.2 liters of water. That kind of concentration is enough for him.

Salt solution

  1. The classic option is 10 grams of salt per 0.5 liter of water. To prevent this, you should rinse your nose with this solution once a day. To get rid of any disease, do the procedure more often, preferably twice or thrice a day. Before rinsing your nose with saline solution, you can add a drop of iodine. This will make it even more useful.
  2. Mix 5 grams of salt and baking soda, pour into a glass warm water. This remedy is not suitable for prevention; it is recommended to be used only for treatment. Kills bacteria well. They can not only wash your nose, but also gargle. It is also popularly used to relieve toothache.

How to rinse a child's nose

The technique depends on the age of the child:

  1. Baby. Rinsing the nose with saline solution is the most difficult thing to do for an infant, since its passages are very narrow and the mucous membrane is sensitive. Place your baby on his back and gently clean the nose with a damp cotton swab. Pipette 2 drops of saline solution into each nostril in turn. After a couple of minutes, you need to remove the mucus from the nostrils with a small bulb or cotton swabs.
  2. Child from one year old. Place your baby near your pelvis and tilt his head forward. Use cotton swabs to remove visible dirt. Ask your baby to open his mouth. Using a small syringe or syringe, inject the liquid into both nostrils one at a time. Before rinsing your child’s nose with saline, make sure he is calm and not nervous, otherwise the procedure will be too difficult.
  3. Children over five years old. At this age, children need to be taught to do rinsing on their own. Pour the saline solution into the bulb. Place your child over the bathtub. Ask him to tilt his head forward and to the side, take the pear and carefully insert its contents into the nostril that is higher. Then repeat the procedure for the other one.

Advice for parents.