Oral hygiene message. Hygiene can help you get rid of dental problems. Professional hygiene includes

Proper hygiene oral cavity It has important in the prevention of caries.

It is a mistake to think that oral hygiene is correct if you use the best toothpaste and bought an expensive one. toothbrush. Oral hygiene will only be successful if it is performed regularly and correctly.

You need to brush your teeth twice a day:

According to experts, oral health depends on good hygiene from childhood, and many oral problems can already be avoided during pregnancy. Perfect and healthy teeth in adult life begin to grow in the womb. Therefore, dental care should begin before the baby is born. Good diet during pregnancy, attention to oral hygiene in the newborn and too much breast milk are the ingredients for a baby with gums and healthy teeth.

An expectant mother who cares about her child’s teeth must take care of her feeding already during pregnancy. Balanced foods nutrition and mainly the dosage when taking calcium, which greatly contributes to the dental preparation of the child. After birth, care does not stop.

In the morning after eating;

In the evening before bed;

In addition, the concept of “good hygiene” includes: brushing your teeth after each meal - not after an hour, but within the first 5 minutes. The most harmful effect of food residues and microorganisms on teeth occurs in the first forty minutes after eating. Moreover, no matter how many times you eat, you brush your teeth so many times. If you eat a bun or candy, you need to brush your teeth. Therefore, it is advisable to avoid snacking between main meals.

According to pediatric dental specialist Dr. Caroline Jorge Zarvosa, some dental problems have their roots early in the breastfeeding process. Many people don't know but The right way Breastfeeding a baby means lifting it upright, reclining at the chest. When a child is lying prone, the chances of deformation in the dental arch are greater,” she explains.

Even after a few days, the baby is already breastfeeding and retains lactose around the gum line and may already have bacteria. The sooner the mother begins to perform child hygiene, the better. Cleaning your child's mouth can be done with a cotton swab or a cotton swab dipped in water. Brushing is important because, above all, hygiene has no age, and also because when toothbrushes appear in the middle of 6 months and you have to use a brush, the baby will already be used to something “different” in the mouth and you will not you will complain or feel bad.

Your toothbrush needs to be changed every three months, as pathogenic microflora accumulate on its bristles, and the brush wears out and does not clean plaque well.

It is advisable to change the brush after suffering from a sore throat, flu, stomatitis and other diseases of the mucous membrane of the mouth and nasopharynx. If this is not possible, at least wash it well and treat it with an antiseptic.

Mandatory preventive examinations at the dentist

As soon as the first teeth are born, the mother should use brushes or very soft deities to avoid damaging the baby's gums. And use fluoride-free toothpaste, says the doctor. In addition to proper hygiene, it is important that mothers are aware of some of the symptoms of dental decay. Because dentin birth usually causes itchy gums, it is common for children to place their hands in their mouths to massage the area. “Therefore, at this stage, the child is susceptible to infection by certain bacteria and may have symptoms such as diarrhea,” explains the doctor.

The opinion that a brush made of natural bristles is healthier is wrong! Natural fibers accumulate more more bacteria Moreover, the natural bristles are quite soft for high-quality teeth cleaning.

An electric toothbrush is a pretty good choice, especially for smoking people, but you need to use it in the same way as a regular one; it itself will not clean your teeth. The main advantage of an electric toothbrush is the additional vibration for more effective removal plaque and dental plaque.

Pacifiers should also be avoided during the teething phase. According to the dentist, they are associated with occlusion difficulties, deformation of the dental arch, among other problems. “Vessels are always contraindicated, and baby teeth are the basis for the dentition for adults, so what better care, the better future results will be achieved.”

Pediatric dentistry plays a fundamental role in the health education of infants and their parents. Ideally, visits to the dental office should occur before the baby's teeth are born. According to specialist Gabriel Tilly Politano, consultations before the eruption are necessary for parents to receive some recommendations that are not directly tied to the teeth. For example, the presence of a short language brake can be diagnosed on early stage, avoiding the risk of compromising breastfeeding.

Storing a toothbrush under a cap is certainly convenient, but not hygienic. The bristles must be completely dry, since additional moisture is an ideal environment for the active growth of bacteria.

Most people are not sufficiently familiar with using the right methods brushing teeth. Special clinical observations have established that many brush their teeth with horizontal reciprocating movements, while plaque is removed only from the vestibular surfaces of the teeth. This method of brushing teeth leads to the fact that soft plaque is transferred from the surface of the teeth to the interdental spaces. In addition, there is a danger of wedge-shaped defects appearing in the cervical areas of the teeth, and the gingival papillae may be damaged.

During these visits, parents learn, for example, how to use a pacifier correctly. Think of a baby's first tooth during the first year of life, and the mother or father taking her to the dentist's office at that age. If you have a habit of using the pacifier in the wrong direction, the baby is already addicted. In other words, he was unable to obtain guidance in right time, either during pregnancy or at the very beginning of the child’s life, explains the Master of Pediatric Dentistry.

Other topics also having great importance, are addressed in the pediatric dental office, such as breastfeeding, bottle feeding, and teeth eruption symptoms. It is very rare for parents to take children who are only a few months old to the dentist. They usually only take it if there is a complaint, so we tend to educate them about this importance during pregnancy. The oral hygienist should teach the importance of prenatal dentistry, learning things that don't pertain to predental teeth, he adds.

Proper brushing of teeth

During training proper cleaning You can try counting the movements. On each surface, you need to make 10 paired movements with a brush, involving the gingival margin.

Cleaning begins with the chewing group of teeth lower jaw.

Chewing surfaces are cleaned with back-and-forth movements.

Interdental hygiene with toothpicks and brushes

The National Health Survey, conducted in partnership with the Ministry of Health, highlighted the alarming problem associated with breastfeeding. Breast milk has all the vitamins and nutrients essential for the health and preparation of the child, and gesture is also a great ally for the oral health of young children. Breast-feeding is a determining factor for the development of oral breathing, for craniofacial growth, for the development of the lower jaw and for proper adequate muscle stimulation, which is not developed using a bottle, explains Pediatric Dentistry.

Buccal surfaces - sweeping movements away from the gums.

Lingual - with scraping movements.

Then they move sequentially to the front group of teeth and move to the other side of the jaw. The upper teeth are also brushed with the same sequence.

Cleaning is completed with vertical movements of the brush with the jaws closed in the anterior area and circular movements in the area chewing teeth. Cleaning takes approximately 3 minutes.

How to floss

This study also revealed alarming information about the health of a child who, after steps modern life parents and relatives began to eat incorrectly. Such research shows that three out of 10 Brazilian babies drink soda before the age of two, for example.

Gabriel points out that it is very important to know that sugar, if consumed correctly, does not cause tooth decay. Children of dentists eat sugar, eat sweets, but often children of dentists have tooth decay. After all, oral health experts know that frequent and unrestrained use of sugar is what can cause illness. The so-called "scraps" in bad times- large bad Boys, When we're talking about about caries. In addition to nasturtiums, nighttime bottles may also be a risk factor for a child's oral health, he says.

This means that for effective cleaning we need one more hygiene item - dental floss.

Only dental floss can clean lateral surface teeth and especially the pocket area of ​​​​the gums, where plaque accumulates most, tartar forms and gum inflammation begins faster.

Since the choice of dental floss for oral care is very large, the easiest way is to ask the pharmacy for a flat, lubricated floss, since it is less likely to damage the gum tissue. Perfect time for flossing - before bed.

Early childhood is the right time to establish good eating habits. It is not Sunday at grandma's house eating inappropriately that will cause decay. Parents should take a firm stance on rampant candy consumption. But it must be emphasized that tooth decay occurs only if there is a frequent and exaggerated habit of sugar consumption, that is, if the child consumes sweets every day in an insane way, clarifies Pediatrics.

When it comes to general condition health of young children, it is important to emphasize that overconsumption sugar not only causes tooth decay. Other diseases such as diabetes and obesity cannot be forgotten. Teamwork, that is, dental professionals with other health professionals, is an established factor in ensuring a child's overall health. Ideally, Pediatric Dentistry should be part of the health care team involved in possible treatment child so that together they can develop a fair and effective preventive work.

Application technique

Dental floss is very easy to use. A thread 30-40 cm long is wound around the middle fingers and pulled thumb right and left index hand. In this position, it is inserted into the interdental space, pressed against the surface of the tooth, then 6-7 movements are made in the anteroposterior or inferior-superior direction. Then this procedure is repeated at each interval. The duration of the procedure is 3 minutes. You should not push the thread with great force, so as not to injure your gums.

We discussed this issue a lot at the Brazilian Congress of Pediatric Dentistry, which recently took place in Recife. We unanimously believe that it is wrong to expect children to reach four, five or six years of age, develop tooth decay, and then use curative treatment. It is extremely important to closely monitor pregnant women, the development of infants and postpartum women, and establish correct preventive work, also advocates Doctor of Medical Sciences.

There is no doubt that ideal dental care, or lack thereof, can reflect children's lives in positive or negative ways. There is a lot of quality of life research going on. Presence of changes in occlusion that predispose to trauma in the deciduous dentition, or presentation of caries early childhood interferes, and a lot, with the child’s quality of life. A child with caries, for example, has ruminant involvement, he may have pain, inadequate development, and the social part is compromised because, unfortunately, there are friends who criticize, the dentist warns. Thinking about development; in craniofacial growth, which depends on mastication, on the harmony of the teeth, on the musculature, and believing that dental diseases affect the quality of life and good food, it can be categorically stated that dental care is of paramount importance for personal development, he concludes.

If your gums are inflamed, you will usually experience some light bleeding in the first few days of flossing. As the gums become stronger, the bleeding gradually goes away. If during subsequent procedures the bleeding does not stop or the gums remain red, inflamed and swollen, you should definitely consult a dentist, as this early symptoms gum diseases.

Proper oral hygiene includes

How can I take care of my child's teeth? Good procedure Oral care begins early in life. Even before your baby's teeth are born, there are several factors that can affect your appearance and health. For example, tetracycline, a common antibiotic, can cause discoloration or staining of teeth. For this reason, it should not be used by nursing mothers or women in the second half of pregnancy.

Since baby teeth are typically around six months of age, there is no reason to use standard oral hygiene routines such as brushing and flossing. But children need special oral care that all parents should be aware of. These precautions include preventing bottle tooth decay and ensuring your child receives adequate fluoride.

Wide dental floss (tape) is ideal for those patients who have large gaps between teeth or have recession (“sagging”) gums, as well as those who are mastering dental floss. We recommend using a separate section of floss to clean each tooth.

Since when certain diseases Ordinary dental hygiene is not enough; there are many additional items for oral hygiene.

What causes dental problems?

What are bottle bubbles and how to avoid them? Cavities are caused by frequent exposure to liquids containing sugar, such as milk, commercial formula for newborns and fruit juices. Liquids containing sugar accumulate around the teeth over the course of long periods time while your baby sleeps, causing cavities to first develop in the front teeth of both the lower and upper arches. For this reason, never let your child fall asleep with a bottle of milk or juice in their mouth. Instead, give him a bottle of water or a pacifier recommended by your dentist before bed.

These are interdental brushes, oral irrigators, etc. It is better to use such items after consulting a doctor. As for the well-known toothpicks, their use is not recommended at all. Using a toothpick often leads to injury to the interdental papilla and the development of inflammation, which can even lead to localized periodontitis.

And after each feeding, wipe your baby's teeth and gums with a damp cloth or net. Fluoride works well even before your child's teeth emerge. It strengthens the enamel of teeth during their formation. Many water distribution companies add fluoride levels appropriate for tooth development. To find out whether the water you get at home contains fluoride and the amount of fluoride in it, call the water company in your area. If the water you get does not contain fluoride, talk to your pediatrician or dentist about fluoride drops that can be given to your child daily.

The only additional item that can be actively used is chewing gum.

It enhances salivation, has a beneficial effect on the properties of saliva, additionally trains the chewing muscles and periodontium, and has deodorizing properties.

But it also needs to be used carefully, because prolonged use can overwork the joint and chewing muscles, causing overload salivary glands and active products gastric juice, which in large quantities destroys the gastric mucosa, causing a variety of diseases. It is better to use chewing gum after meals; it is not recommended to use it on an empty stomach.

Oral hygiene products are toothpastes

Now there is a huge selection of toothpastes on the market, but they still differ. It's better when toothpaste your dentist selects individually for you, especially for medicated toothpastes, as they contain medicinal supplements depending on the clinical picture patient.

Additionally, there are hygiene products such as dental elixirs; they are also used as prescribed by a doctor for inflammation of the gums and other diseases of the oral cavity. If you use the elixir yourself, then remember: you cannot use the same elixir for more than 10 days in a row, as your microflora may get used to it. active substances elixir and become more resistant to any influences. In addition, elixirs containing chlorhexidine, when long-term use may stain teeth

Using an irrigator for oral hygiene

Situations in which it is difficult to brush your teeth - if you are in a cafe, visiting friends, outdoors, then the minimum hygiene kit is dental floss and chewing gum. You can use dental floss anywhere: in a cafe - go to the toilet and floss in front of the mirror, or just on the street, stepping aside.

If your teeth have bridges or braces, food debris often accumulates under the intermediate part of the bridge. Therefore, for those who have crowns, it is very convenient for hygiene to use an irrigator to clean the oral cavity. This device, through a nozzle, delivers a thin pulsating stream of water, saturated with air microbubbles, with the help of which food debris and soft plaque are washed away.

Irrigators demonstrate particular effectiveness in the presence of gum inflammation (gingivitis and periodontitis). With periodontitis, periodontal pockets form between the teeth and gums, in which a lot of infection accumulates. It is impossible to clean periodontal pockets with a toothbrush or regular rinsing, but an irrigator can help with this. Irrigators provide invaluable assistance to pregnant and lactating women who experience “pregnant gingivitis.”

Remineralization of teeth: fluoride prophylaxis

Remineralization means the saturation of tooth enamel with minerals, mainly calcium and fluoride, which is aimed at increasing the strength of tooth enamel, as well as increasing the enamel’s resistance to cariogenic microorganisms. Treatment of teeth with calcium and fluoride can be divided into daily at-home and professional (at a dentist’s appointment).

Home fluoride prophylaxis

The basis of daily home fluoride prophylaxis is banal brushing of teeth with toothpastes containing fluoride. Moreover, fluoride in toothpastes varies greatly. There are pastes that contain the more effective “aminofluoride” or “sodium fluoride”, and there is a cheaper and lower quality component “sodium monofluorophosphate”. Of the first two compounds, fluorine penetrates the enamel much faster.

If you want to carry out a more professional course of remineralizing therapy not only with fluoride, but also with calcium (and at the same time, at home), then there will be few toothpastes and rinses here. Here you need special remineralizing gels. If you carry out this course once every 3 months, and brush your teeth well the rest of the time, then it is possible that you will no longer have to go to the dentist at all.

Professional dental treatment is carried out at a dentist’s appointment. The difference between professional treatment is that it is more effective due to the possibility of using more concentrated preparations. These drugs are produced, for example, in the form of varnishes that cover teeth.

The procedure consists of applying a transparent varnish containing fluoride to the cleaned and dried surface of the teeth with a brush. This fluoride actively penetrates the tooth enamel within a few hours. The film itself gradually dissolves during this time. The effect of fluorine is that fluorine, penetrating into the enamel, combines with calcium there, thereby achieving a significant strengthening of the enamel and increasing its resistance to organic acids produced by cariogenic organisms.

Many people believe that when careful hygiene oral cavity, visits to the dentist for this reason are not necessary. But this opinion is wrong.

Professional hygiene oral cavity treatment is not at all opposed to those home methods that are used to prevent diseases of the teeth and gums. At-home methods and methods used in the hygienist's office complement each other. Therefore, do not forget to visit your dentist every six months and, if necessary, carry out professional oral hygiene, because any disease is easier to prevent than to treat.

Pathogenic microorganisms attack teeth and gums every second, disrupting natural processes and reducing the aesthetics of a smile. That is why it is very important to know the rules of oral hygiene separately for adults and children, as well as professional ways cleansing and protecting your teeth.

In this article we will look at basic information about oral hygiene, as well as the indices by which its quality is calculated. We will also give advice on proper care of your teeth and gums.

We all know that good grooming includes brushing with a toothbrush twice a day. But what does the average person rarely think about?

How to properly monitor the condition of your teeth and gums

Oral hygiene advice for adults is a little different because teeth wear down with age, frequent snacking at work, eating snacks and sweets, and lack of time to thoroughly brush your teeth and care for your gums.

  1. Clean the surface of your tongue every day while brushing your teeth. from light plaque until the muscle acquires a pink and glossy tint.
  2. Rinse your mouth after snacking refreshing dental rinses (alcohol-free only). You can also chew gum without sugar or flavorings for a couple of minutes.
  3. Clean the spaces between your teeth several times a week. special brushes or dental floss.
  4. Dental and oral hygiene should not be complete without antiseptic and antimicrobial agents. V. Place this liquid in a special irrigator and, under the pressure of the stream, wash away food debris from remote corners, simultaneously sanitizing the oral cavity.
  5. Visit your dentist every 5-6 months for preventive examination And professional cleaning dentition from dark stone, plaque and food pigments.
  6. Take calcium and fluoride supplements inside, do not forget about vitamins, minerals and trace elements.
  7. If the water in your area of ​​residence is not fluoridated, then use purchased water for drinking.. As a rule, it is cleared of harmful additives and compounds, is saturated useful minerals and salts, and also contains fluoride, which is necessary for dental health. Fluoridated water is especially important for oral and dental hygiene in children under 12 years of age.

Child dental care

The issue of children's hygiene worries parents most of all, because it is almost impossible to force a child to brush their teeth thoroughly and carefully, as well as to monitor the quality.

Children should be taught oral hygiene from early childhood.

And, nevertheless, you should know at what age it is time to engage in dental education, what regular actions you can begin to teach.

Age up to 3 years. All babies are born with the rudiments of teeth, which are hidden under flaps of gums. During this period, clean the mouth using a bandage or soft tampon at least once a day. The swab can be moistened with a mild antiseptic or a solution based on essential oils. This will eliminate any remaining milk and complementary foods from the mucous membrane and remove some of the microbes. After the first teeth erupt, choose a brush with soft bristles for your baby. Brushing your teeth can be done with purified water or a solution containing essential oils, fruit or berry juice.

Prohibit your child from putting fingers, objects, toys, etc. into his mouth to avoid the development of an unhealthy habit such as malocclusion.

Age from 3 to 6 years. Responsible period of formation personal hygiene oral cavity for children. To thoroughly clean the tooth, begin using a fluoride-containing soft paste, which will help reduce the risk of caries. We teach the child to perform the correct movements with a brush (down-up, circular), reach the far corners and back walls teeth, spit out the water with the remaining toothpaste. Also during this period, it is time to introduce the child to the dentist and conduct an initial visual examination of the dentition.

Age from 6 to 8 years. On the eve of the first trip to school, the process of replacing baby teeth with permanent ones begins. During this period, the dentition is subject to various dental diseases(especially caries), injuries and deformities. We begin to teach the child to use floss, clean the interdental spaces and the side walls of the far teeth. It is also important to strictly control the quality, correctness and duration of hygiene, and examine the teeth after regular cleaning. Doctors advise switching your baby to professional toothpaste with normal level fluorine

Age over 8 years. Responsible schoolchildren are old enough to choose for them a “sophisticated” toothbrush with normal bristles and toothpaste that their parents use. Maintain oral hygiene twice a day, especially after eating sweets and drinking soda. Teach your child to clean the surface of his tongue using the back (brush) of his brush. The number of visits to the dentist should be increased to 1-2 every six months.

Professional dental care

Professional oral hygiene

It is known that even with diligent brushing of teeth twice a day and flossing, another third of plaque forms on the enamel. It mainly accumulates on the back of the tongue, in the interdental spaces, subgingival pockets, and cervical areas of the teeth. It would help to solve this problem good irrigator and an interdental brush, however, unfortunately, only a few patients can boast of such efforts.

Many people have become interested in what professional oral hygiene is and how often it should be done.

In essence, this is a set of measures that allows you to remove hard dark stone, yellowish and white, from the surface of teeth and gums microbial plaque, food debris, dyes and pigments (including smokers, red wine and coffee drinkers).

At the first stage it is applied local anesthesia(if necessary) and with the help of dental instruments or ultrasound, pathological deposits are removed without damage thin layers enamels.

At the third stage, pigments and dyes are removed using ultrasound and apparatus Air Flow. A jet of sodium bicarbonate quickly and painlessly cleanses the enamel, brightening it by 1-3 tones.

The final stage of oral hygiene in dentistry, which is included in the enamel restoration complex, is polishing the surface from bacteria special pastes and opening with fluorine-containing varnish. This will ensure the effectiveness of the entire procedure for 4-6 months.

Hygiene indices

Dentists evaluate the quality of dental and gum care using special indicators(there are more than 80 of them in total). They help to track the quality level of the microflora of the mucous membrane, periodontal and periodontal tissues, as well as determine the stage of plaque and tartar.

10-15 minutes a day helps keep teeth healthy

To calculate oral hygiene indices, an iodine or methylene blue solution (other coloring agents) is applied to several teeth being examined (usually 6). Using tinted deposits, the indicators of plaque and stone, their structure, depth of damage, degree of distribution, etc. are calculated. The first group of indices evaluates the area of ​​distribution, the second is responsible for the thickness of the layer, and the third demonstrates the mass. A comprehensive fourth group will help evaluate the qualitative chemical, physiological and microbiological indicators of stone and plaque.

High-quality hygiene largely depends on the diligence and attentiveness of the patient. For healthy teeth, it is enough to devote 10-15 minutes a day to care, using not only a brush and toothpaste, but also irrigators, flosses, brushes and rinses. Also remember to visit your dentist for professional cleanings and checkups.