Rules for maintaining oral hygiene. Products for personal oral hygiene. Proper brushing of teeth

In conditions exclusively self-care Sooner or later, a visit to the dentist will be necessary to take care of your teeth due to pain or complete destruction teeth.

Only regular professional hygiene can prevent the occurrence of unpleasant consequences due to insufficiently effective treatment of the oral cavity and keep teeth in good condition for many years.

What is included in the set of procedures?

Professional oral hygiene includes basic and additional procedures.

The basic ones include:

In addition to basic procedures, professional oral hygiene may include additional:

  1. . Basic procedures give teeth durability, remove plaque and give them a natural color. Many people want to have bright white teeth, which give their appearance an aesthetic appearance. Bleaching is carried out using special equipment and tools, since it uses aggressive substances applied to the enamel. From them harmful effects The gums and mucous membranes must be protected. It is impossible to guarantee that this operation will be carried out without consequences for the teeth, although all methods used in modern dentistry The methods are reliable and have been extensively tested. One of the most common side effects bleaching is increased. The effect of the procedure lasts for up to five years;
  2. . Used for tooth loss. In this operation, the implant is implanted into bone tissue jaws. After it fuses with the bone, a procedure is carried out in which the implant becomes the basis of the crown. Various materials are used for implantation, mainly titanium-based alloys. This operation is one of the most difficult and is performed only in high-quality medical centers. Before it is carried out, the patient undergoes a course of examinations, based on the results of which the material and shape of the implant are selected.

Professional oral hygiene is carried out in stages. First, an inspection, followed by stone removal, primary bleaching, polishing and fluoridation.

After an examination, the hygienist may exclude some steps based on the condition of the teeth. Additional procedures are performed solely at the request of the patient.

Regular examinations by a dental hygienist are key to oral health. It is necessary to undergo professional hygiene procedures for teeth and gums at least twice a year. Some people's lifestyles require more frequent visits Oral hygiene specialist.

For example, when excessive consumption It is recommended to use tea and coffee to lighten your teeth at least once every two months. The same applies to smokers. Once every three months, those who wear it should visit a hygienist.

For strong and healthy teeth, it is necessary to follow basic rules of oral and dental hygiene from a very young age. The habit of observing healthy image will keep your entire oral health healthy in the future. Definitely, each of us should think about preserving our teeth, because they are the main tool for the primary processing of food.

Correct balanced diet(less sweet and sour, more dairy, which contains calcium) – guarantee of healthy teeth. But besides proper nutrition In order to keep your teeth healthy, you also need to take care of their hygiene. Let's consider the process proper care for teeth.

It is necessary to begin the process of brushing your teeth immediately after they begin to grow. For children, this is done using a cotton swab on a stick or a sterile soft cloth. Thus, from childhood, you can teach your child that brushing teeth is part of general hygiene. As your baby begins to show teeth, he will need to be shown how to use a toothbrush. If baby teeth fall out, you should not ignore caring for them, as more problems may arise in the future. serious problems, especially when permanent teeth begin to emerge.

Oral hygiene

Rules for daily dental and oral hygiene

Rule 1. You need to brush your teeth at least 2 times a day with toothpaste or use tooth powder, both externally and externally. inside. A toothbrush can remove plaque or food debris, and toothpaste or the powder will give fresh breath oral cavity, eliminate unwanted odor and destroy harmful microflora.

It is best to brush your teeth with toothbrushes that vary in the size of the working surface, materials (made of synthetic materials or pig bristles), and also in shape. It is best to use brushes that have a working surface of three to 3.5 centimeters for adults, and for children from 2.5 to 3 with a curved surface.

The most in an efficient way Keeping the toothbrushes used clean and preventing their excessive bacterial contamination (in 79-85% of cases streptococci can appear on the brushes, in 4-5% E. coli, and in 10% staphylococci) is to thoroughly rinse with running water after use. It is also recommended to cover the work surface soap suds, which can be easily washed off before next use.

Brushing your teeth should be done for two or three minutes, and it is necessary to include from three hundred to five hundred paired movements along and across the teeth so that the interdental spaces can be cleaned. Also don't forget about massaging your gums. In order to make it convenient for a person to brush their teeth, the surface can be divided into twelve sections and each one can be cleaned and massaged in turn. After eating, you must rinse your mouth thoroughly warm water or special solutions. It is advisable to change it once a quarter toothbrush, and in case of wear - more often.

Choosing the right toothbrush:

  • the length of the cleaning head should be from 20-30 mm;
  • It is better to choose a cleaning head with smooth, rounded transitions;
  • you should choose a multi-tuft brush, which consists of various individual tufts and bristles, with roundings at the ends of the tufts;
  • Brushes with medium bristles are considered the best;
  • It is best to choose bristles from artificial fibers.

The toothbrush should be rinsed thoroughly with water after brushing your teeth, dried and replaced every three to six months.

In addition to the teeth themselves, you also need to carefully monitor the dental spaces. The best time to clean between teeth is in the evening before you brush your teeth. For this purpose, there are special brushes so that you can clean the dental spaces, especially when they are large enough. If your teeth are tightly spaced together, you can clean them using special silk threads. It's best to start with waxed floss as it can be easily inserted into the space of your teeth. But in such cases, pieces of wax from the thread may get stuck in the spaces between the teeth, in which case the effectiveness becomes lower than that of unwaxed thread.

To remove food debris from your teeth, you can use wooden toothpicks. In this case, medical toothpicks can be more adapted to the shape of the dental crotches.

Tooth powder refers to a more complex mixture based on chalk calcium orthophosphate with the addition of white magnesia to add fluffiness and lightness. Magnesium peroxide, which is contained in tooth powder, can effectively disinfect the oral cavity and whiten teeth.

Toothpastes can be divided into two types: hygienic (which clean and refresh) and therapeutic-prophylactic (helping to treat and prevent gum and tooth disease). These toothpastes contain abrasive substances that effectively polish the surface of the teeth and remove plaque. Usually these are aluminum oxide and hydroxide, calcium phosphates, zirconium orthosilicate, precipitated chalk, silicon dioxide. In order for toothpaste to better retain its properties, glycerin, sorbitol, and gelatin-like components synthesized from cellulose are added to it.

In addition, a small amount of chlorophenol or formaldehyde is added to toothpastes for a disinfecting effect. Foaming in toothpastes is provided by sulfonated soap, for example, by rubbing the salt of alizarin oil. In addition, manufacturers include fluorine-containing substances in the composition of therapeutic and prophylactic pastes - sodium fluorophosphate, sodium fluoride, etc. Such substances are capable of forming a hard protective layer on the surface of tooth enamel.

Fluoride supplements will help ensure the formation and distribution of bacterial plaque on the teeth, which can subsequently cause caries. In addition, manufacturers include anti-inflammatory substances in the paste that strengthen the mucous membrane in the mouth and can reduce bleeding gums. In order for the toothpaste to have pleasant aroma and it is usually flavored with brown, eucalyptus, mint or clove oil.

As a rule, transparent toothpastes are made on the basis of silicon dioxide (gel), and they contain medicinal and flavoring components, but their mechanical cleaning of teeth is worse compared to other toothpastes.

Rule 2. Often, ignoring the rules of oral and dental hygiene can lead to an unpleasant odor. In order to avoid an unpleasant odor in the mouth and strengthen the gums, it is recommended to brew and then rinse the mouth with a decoction of one tablespoon of St. John's wort flowers in one glass of water. A decoction of mint will help refresh your mouth after eating. To eliminate yellowness on teeth, it is recommended to use baking soda with the addition of a few drops of lemon juice.

Rule 3. For dental hygiene, it is useful to eat one hard apple after meals. Its fibers will help remove plaque, and the saliva released during thorough chewing will help wash away any remaining carbohydrates. In addition, malic acid will help restore normal level acid-base balance in the mouth.

Rule 4. Among other things, it is better to visit a hygienist who will tell you how to brush your teeth, maintain dental hygiene, and also select tools. It is recommended to visit the dentist twice a year. Since professional dental hygiene should include a number of measures, both diagnostic and therapeutic, which will help detect dental plaque and select best way their removal.

Professional oral and dental hygiene– represents measures for the prevention of periodontitis (inflammation of the gums) and caries, which, among other things, is also characterized by cosmetic effect. It is necessary to visit the dentist once every six months to ensure comprehensive hygiene oral cavity and diagnostics carious cavities. A visit to the doctor will help prevent the occurrence of stomatitis and periodontal abscesses in the future.

What is dental plaque? In case of improper care and cleaning of teeth at home, dental plaque may appear, which consists of microorganisms, food debris, and salivary proteins. This can lead to gum disease and dental caries in the future. During the process of professional teeth cleaning, all types of dental plaque are removed from the entire surface of the tooth.

Professional hygiene includes:

  1. tartar;
  2. hard plaque;
  3. elimination of deposits on the gums and soft plaque.

If daily brushing of teeth at home does not lead to the expected results, you should contact your dentist. The dentist will clean your teeth and oral cavity at a professional level.

Is dental and oral hygiene necessary from a dentist? In the human dental system there are hard-to-reach places (periodontal pockets and interdental spaces) in which it is impossible to eliminate bacterial plaque with the help of means personal hygiene at home. When brushing your teeth, you may not notice and miss some areas, especially hard-to-reach places where accessibility is practically zero. Microbes often accumulate in such hard-to-reach areas; in the future, this can lead to an increase in dental plaque, the formation of tartar, and ultimately, inflammation can occur.

Some people's bodies are predisposed to the formation of tartar (hard plaque), which cannot be removed by yourself at home. This can often happen due to malocclusion, and also due to anomalies in the structure of the dental system.

Professional dental hygiene should usually be carried out in several stages:

  1. Removing tartar. To carry out this procedure, ultrasonic scalers are used, which help remove tartar without damaging tooth enamel;
  2. Cleaning your teeth using a sandblaster, which will help remove pigmented plaque from your teeth that is formed under the influence of food coloring or nicotine;
  3. Final polishing of teeth using nanoabrasive paste that contains fluoride;
  4. Coating of teeth with preparations that contain calcium fluoride to saturate the tooth enamel.

Dentists advise performing comprehensive oral hygiene procedures two to four times a year, at least. It can reduce bleeding gums and also prevent gum disease.

Often the reason inflammatory phenomena For example, bleeding gums can be caused by poor hygiene in this area. Some people do not know at all what is the best toothpaste or toothbrush to use. In this regard, they need professional consultation with a hygienist in order to prevent inflammation on the initial stages periodontitis (gingivitis).

Many dentists pay great attention professional hygiene oral cavity. Prevention measures in dentistry have led to the need to form a whole area that is aimed at comprehensive oral hygiene. Dental hygienists remove supragingival deposits. Hygienists, using special brushes, ultrasound or cleaning pastes, carefully remove supragingival deposits in the oral cavity without damaging the tooth enamel.

It is not possible to whiten teeth during the procedure for removing supragingival deposits, but the teeth become healthy and clean. Professional teeth cleaning is recommended not only for adults, but also for children. Naturally, taking into account their individual characteristics. It is recommended to visit a dental hygienist twice a year (at least). If the patient has bleeding gums, tartar, caries, or is a coffee fan, strong tea, wine, smokers are advised to visit the dentist quarterly.

Before dental treatment, prosthetics, professional whitening, it is imperative to have professional hygiene and teeth cleaning done by a dental hygienist.

The main responsibilities of a dental hygienist in general work with a dentist:

  1. Carrying out epidemiological surveys, as well as drawing up a schedule of treatment and preventive work;
  2. Preparation and training in all methods of dental prevention;
  3. Sanitary educational work;
  4. Establishment of hygienic indices of samples;
  5. Professional hygiene and teeth cleaning;
  6. Creation of conditions for rinsing the mouth with fluoride-containing and remineralizing solutions;
  7. Sealing permanent teeth non-invasive methods and breast fissures;
  8. Coating teeth with fluoride gel or varnish;
  9. Evaluating the effectiveness of a prevention program.

The dental hygienist must treat diseases of the mucous membrane (if any). It is also necessary to prevent caries with special fluoride-containing preparations (fluoride gels or fluoride varnishes), curettage, treat fissure caries, in addition, he can give recommendations on the choice of toothbrushes, gels, rinses and toothpastes.

Prices for professional hygiene vary from six thousand to twelve, depending on the situation and indications.

The human oral cavity is home to a huge number of different microorganisms. They settle on the teeth, gums, tongue and buccal mucosa. Colonies of microbes and their metabolic products lead to a number of dental problems. In addition, when bacteria enter the body, they provoke the development of gastrointestinal pathology.

To balance the ecosystem and improve overall health, regular and high-quality oral hygiene is necessary. The high effectiveness of such a procedure depends on the correctness of its implementation and some other nuances.

The importance of oral hygiene lies in the prevention of major dental diseases, as well as in maintaining an attractive appearance of a person. By following the rules for conducting events, you can achieve significant results, including:

  • formation of strong teeth;
  • destruction of pathogenic microflora;
  • prevention of the development of caries and periodontal disease;
  • prevention infectious diseases oral cavity and gastrointestinal tract;
  • snow-white smile;
  • fresh breath;
  • savings on dental services.

As shown medical practice, especially urgently need hygiene care people with weakened immune system and smokers.

Types of oral hygiene

To maintain the microflora of the oral cavity, in which the teeth and oral mucosa will always be healthy and aesthetically pleasing, there are a number of hygiene measures. They are divided into two main types: personal hygiene and professional procedures.

In the first case, oral care is carried out independently at home. According to the recommendations of dentists, the procedure must begin with early age when children have their first teeth.

If cleaning the mouth at home does not bring the desired result, the second method is used. Professional cleaning held in medical institution dentist.

Each method requires compliance with a number of rules. Therefore, for procedures to have high efficiency, you need to familiarize yourself with them in more detail.

Rules for carrying out hygiene procedures

In order for individual oral hygiene to ensure thorough cleaning and create an attractive smile, you must purchase special cleaning products in advance and then follow the rules of the event.

Oral care is usually carried out using special cleaning products, including:

  • Toothbrush for cleaning teeth, cheeks, tongue.
  • Toothpaste for the prevention and treatment of diseases.
  • Brushes for removing food residues in interdental crevices.
  • Rinse to complete the procedure.

When it is not possible to brush your teeth, use dental floss. To eliminate bad breath and small food particles after eating, it is recommended to use chewing gum no sugar.

Rules for cleaning teeth

Oral hygiene rules depend on the choice of cleaning product. Using a toothbrush, the procedure is carried out as follows:

  • The cleaning attribute is rinsed with running water.
  • Apply a small amount of toothpaste to the bristly surface of the brush.
  • At an angle of 45 degrees relative to the gum, the attribute is located in the open mouth.

  • The upper teeth are cleaned from top to bottom using smooth, circular movements.
  • The lower jaw is cleaned from bottom to top.

The above manipulations are carried out within 3 minutes. After this time, the toothbrush is turned over and the tongue is cleaned with a rubber nozzle. At the end of the procedure, the oral cavity is rinsed with warm water or a special rinsing solution.

When using dental floss, proper oral hygiene is carried out in the following order:

  • For a one-time procedure, dental floss 40-50 cm long is cut.
  • The thread seeps into the interdental crevices with smooth movements.
  • Having reached the surface of the gum, the thread is directed in the opposite direction in a similar way without sudden movements.

Having cleared one in this way interdental gap, move on to another. In this case, the thread must be clean for each section.

If the above hygiene measures do not get rid of plaque deposits on the teeth, dentists recommend professional cleaning.

Carrying out professional cleaning

Oral hygiene with professional help is carried out to eliminate accumulations of soft plaque, which over time develops into tartar. When a hard stone forms, a person loses his attractive appearance. In addition, against the background of this pathology, concomitant diseases teeth.

To prevent these negative phenomena, the dental hygienist prescribes measures using medical instruments and special equipment.

Before proceeding with professional intervention, the dentist must first carefully examine the patient. Medical Oral hygiene practices depend on the following indicators diagnostics: caries intensity index, hygiene index, assessment of the condition of the mucous membrane, type of bite, presence of dental pathologies.

After assessing the condition of the oral cavity, the specialist must form a responsible attitude towards the prescribed procedure in the patient. It is important that a person understands that medical oral hygiene can completely get rid of periodontal disease and improve external condition teeth.

Carrying out procedures

A medical complex of measures to remove persistent dental tumors can be carried out therapeutically, orthodontically or surgical method. Each event is conducted by a dentist in a medical office.

In order for professional oral hygiene to go smoothly, before it begins, the patient is prescribed rinsing the nasopharynx with an antiseptic solution.

For major operations, anesthetic medications may be used, in the form of sprays or injections. The professional cleaning complex includes several stages.

Removing plaque and tartar. An ultrasonic device is used for this. In some cases, manual mechanical cleaning with dental instruments is used.

Removing pigmented plaque. A popular device for cleaning teeth from soft plaque is the AirFlow device. As a result of the pressure of the emitted water, air and soda, the enamel becomes lighter by 2 shades.

Teeth polishing. This method uses professional products, which contain zirconium microparticles.

Fluoridation. This method involves strengthening the enamel with fluoride-containing gel trays. The procedure lasts only a minute, but during this time the enamel has time to become saturated with fluoride ions, due to which it becomes stronger.

Fissure sealing. This method involves composite resins, which, using special tool fill the grooves of teeth on the chewing side.

Many patients neglect professional procedures, as well as the visit to the dentist itself. However, this position is fundamentally wrong.

By contacting a specialist in a timely manner, you can avoid dangerous pathologies oral cavity, as well as receive recommendations for daily care so that individual oral hygiene brings significant benefits.

In medical practice there are certain rules mouth cleaning techniques. Their compliance does not require special effort and difficulties...

  • To maintain the microflora in the mouth and the strength of the teeth, it is necessary to observe balanced diet from dairy and legume products.
  • To brush your teeth, it is better to choose a brush with synthetic bristles.
  • The cleaning attribute should be replaced every 3-4 months.
  • Clean your mouth with a toothbrush and toothpaste 2 times a day. The first procedure is carried out in the morning, the second before bedtime.

  • Various oral hygiene practices should include cleaning the tongue and gums. It will become good remedy periodontal prevention.
  • After each procedure, the toothbrush must be thoroughly rinsed with running water.
  • It is recommended to clean the spaces between teeth after every meal. To do this, you can use dental floss or special wooden sticks.

  • It is better to entrust the monitoring of the condition of the oral cavity to the dentist.
  • Professional hygiene should be carried out 1-2 times a year by a qualified specialist.
  • For hard-to-reach areas of the mouth, it is advisable to purchase specialized tools, such as a brush and floss.
  • Don't neglect mouthwashes either. Their regular use contributes not only to fresh breath, but also to the strength of the enamel structure.

Consequences of neglecting hygiene rules

Failure to comply with the rules of oral hygiene, in best case scenario, will entail bad breath and development of caries. But, as medical practice has shown, such neglect will have more serious consequences.

A large accumulation of harmful bacteria in the absence hygiene procedures or their incorrect implementation contributes to the development of the following pathologies:

  • . This inflammatory process gums affecting the alveolar process of the jaw. The pathology is accompanied putrid smell from the mouth, bleeding gums when brushing teeth individually, itching and a negative perception of the taste of food.
  • Candidiasis. This inflammatory process develops when Candida bacteria enter the mouth. In pathology, swelling of the oropharynx and white coating on the tongue. IN neglected form diseases may cause erosion on the surface of the oral mucosa.
  • . Such damage to the lining of the mouth occurs due to the proliferation of infectious microorganisms. When bacteria enter the human body, they destroy the surface structure of the gums, tongue and cheeks. Subsequently, ulcers appear on the affected areas.

As you can see, each pathology develops due to the entry of harmful bacteria into the oral cavity, where there is an optimal habitat for their growth and reproduction. Only careful daily care behind the oral cavity.

Following the recommendations of specialists for individual procedures, as well as regular visits to the dentist, will help maintain a clean and healthy mouth, as well as provide fresh breath and a snow-white smile.

Oral hygiene is important factor in maintaining the health of teeth, gums, tongue and internal mucous membranes. Regularly cleanse your mouth of food debris and pathogenic microorganisms does not allow foci of infection to spread, spoil the tooth surface and bring discomfort along with strong painful sensations.

Expert opinion

Biryukov Andrey Anatolievich

doctor implantologist orthopedic surgeon Graduated from Crimean Medical University. Institute in 1991. Specialization: therapeutic, surgical and orthopedic dentistry including implantology and implant prosthetics.

Ask a question to an expert

I believe that you can still save a lot on visits to the dentist. Of course I'm talking about dental care. After all, if you carefully look after them, then treatment may indeed not come to the point - it won’t be necessary. Microcracks and small caries on teeth can be removed with regular toothpaste. How? The so-called filling paste. For myself, I highlight Denta Seal. Try it too.

By observing the rules of hygiene, a person eliminates the possibility of developing various serious illnesses, such as caries, gingivitis, periodontal disease and others.

Tooth enamel is a very sensitive substance and susceptible to destructive substances. In each person, it reacts differently to stimuli and resists them. But no matter how strong the enamel is, with age its thickness decreases, and it no longer fully fulfills its protective function.

Therefore, it is important to regularly brush your teeth, use mouthwash and floss from an early age.

Methodology for assessing the hygienic state of the oral cavity

Dentists have developed special technique to determine the degree of contamination of the oral cavity. To carry out the test, you will need dyes and a scale with enamel darkening indices.

The algorithm of the technique is as follows:

  • dye is applied to the enamel;
  • all surfaces of the tooth are painted - frontal, medial, vestibular and occlusal;
  • The color intensity of each individual tooth is compared with the color scale of the scale.

Depending on the result, the level of hygiene is measured by points:

  • 1.0-1.5 is an excellent indicator;
  • 1.5-2.0 - satisfactory;
  • 2.0-2.5 - unsatisfactory;
  • 2.5-3.4 - bad;
  • 3.4-5.0 - very bad.

Each dental clinic prefers to use its own methods to index enamel contamination. Dyes, gradations and shades of the scale may differ, but the testing method is the same.

Oral hygiene criteria

Oral care rules are simple manipulations that need to be repeated every day. Since childhood, parents accustom their children to regular procedures for brushing their teeth and the entire oral cavity. Then a person of conscious age will not think about the appropriateness of the procedure.

Let's highlight the criteria for maintaining oral hygiene:

  • You need to brush your teeth 2 times a day - morning and evening. This rule is familiar, but few people adhere to it. People clean their teeth in the morning, before leaving home. But over the course of a whole day, many pathogenic microorganisms accumulate in the mouth, which will cause inflammatory processes;
  • cleaning duration – from 3 to 5 minutes;
  • A toothbrush wears out in 2-3 months. After the period has expired, it needs to be changed;
  • choose toothpaste taking into account their condition. An important indicator is the presence or absence pathological formations in the mouth. There is no point in saving on this product;
  • Not only teeth require care, but also gums, tongue, internal soft fabrics. There are dental products and devices that solve this problem;
  • It is recommended to clean the mouth after every meal. Simply rinsing with water reduces the risk of developing an infection in the mouth by 80%;
  • Have your teeth checked by a dentist every 6 months. This way you will protect yourself and prevent progression various diseases, if they suddenly appear.

How to choose the right hygiene products?

To ensure high-quality cleansing of the entire mouth, you need to carefully select hygiene products. IN standard set accessories include:

  • brush;
  • paste;
  • mouth rinse;
  • brush for interdental space;
  • dental floss (floss).

Let us consider in detail the requirements for each device and tool.

A regular toothbrush. The belief that it is best to choose brushes with natural bristles is incorrect. It is artificial fibers that meet hygiene standards the most. Each brush has a certain degree of hardness. There are very hard, hard, medium hard, soft and very soft degrees.

More than 50% of adults use brushes with medium hardness. For children, it is better to choose soft fibers. But the toughest fibers are designed specifically for smokers; their mode of action is more aggressive. This is the only way to cope brown coating from cigarette smoke on enamel.

A toothbrush is a purely personal device, and sharing it with someone else is simply unacceptable. This entails the transfer of pathogens from one mouth to another. It needs to be changed frequently, since after 2-3 months of use it turns from a device for cleansing the mouth into a breeding ground for harmful bacteria.

Electric toothbrush. Sometimes people prefer an electric brush. It does not have any special advantages over conventional tools, but if all rules of use are followed, it speeds up the cleaning process itself. Experts recommend it for use by older people who have problems with coordination of movements.

Toothpaste. This product is divided into two types: hygienic and therapeutic and prophylactic. The first type is intended for the majority of users, including children, who do not have obvious problems with their teeth and gums. Medicinal pastes, in addition to cleansing, they fight pathological conditions of the oral cavity: caries, infections, inflammation, bleeding gums, dark coating and tartar.

Rinse aid. Main part this tool makes a decoction of medicinal herbs or a vitamin cocktail. It is needed to consolidate the effect of brushing your teeth. After rinsing, a protective film is formed on the surface of the enamel, which repels dirt and prevents it from accumulating.

Ershik. This device is suitable for people who straighten their teeth with braces. Food collects under them, and it is almost impossible to remove it from there without a brush.

Dental floss. While eating, food debris collects in the interdental space. They are influenced different groups bacteria that cause rotting processes, first of the food itself, and then of the tooth. To prevent this situation, you need to clean the gaps with dental floss every time after eating.

It has 2 types of sections - flat and round. Flat threads are intended for people with significant interdental space, while round threads are for tightly fitting teeth. Flosses are also impregnated with various aromatic compounds to freshen breath and improve the quality of destruction of pathogens.

Irrigator. A modern device that removes plaque and food debris with a stream of water. An additional function of the irrigator is gum massage. It is ideal for people with crowns and bridges.

What could be the consequences of poor hygiene?

They constantly live and reproduce on the surface of teeth and gums. different bacteria. An excellent habitat for them is food debris and plaque. The cleaner the oral cavity, the fewer pathogenic organisms live there. From this it follows that the main purpose of oral hygiene is to prevent the accumulation of microbes in it.

The first sign of non-compliance with these rules is caries. This pathological condition leads to softening and subsequent destruction of dental tissue. Then voids form inside the tooth body. In the absence of proper treatment, caries spreads to the gums, and the disease receives a new name - gingivitis. The gums begin to bleed, itch, swell, then ulcers appear and bad smell from the mouth.

Another cause of foul odor may be halitosis. It develops when complete absence oral hygiene, when colonies of bacteria oversaturate the teeth, gums and soft tissues, tongue and palate.

Do you feel nervous before visiting the dentist?


Poor brushing of teeth leads to the accumulation and hardening of plaque on the enamel, which over time turns into stone. Against this background, the tissues surrounding the tooth become inflamed, red, and the gums are in an irritated state. This pathological condition is called periodontitis. If left untreated, the gums will no longer hold the roots of the tooth, it will begin to loosen and fall out.

In addition to observing hygiene rules at home, dentists also recommend resorting to professional hygiene. And there are two logical explanations for this:

  • soft plaque can be removed using a professional tool;
  • A qualified specialist will help you get rid of hard plaque and treat oral diseases.

Professional hygiene is divided into stages:

  • ultrasonic cleaning to remove plaque and stones on teeth. It works on the principle of wave vibrations, does not damage the enamel, and is effective;
  • AirFlow method - a mixture of soda, water and air under pressure cleans the enamel surface;
  • fluoridation – saturation of tooth coating with fluoride ions.

Also, the dental hygienist, based on the condition of the oral cavity, recommends means for cleaning it, gives advice on additional care for teeth and gums, tries to give the client as much information as possible in order to maintain the result.

Dental hygiene is professional teeth cleaning by removing tartar (above and subgingival plaque) and smoothing the root surface, which prevents the formation of plaque in the future.

Proper oral hygiene includes:

thorough brushing of teeth with a toothbrush and toothpaste;

cleansing the mouth after eating;

regular care of interdental spaces.

If you cannot brush your teeth after eating, rinse your mouth with water, but preferably with a special mouthwash. If this is not possible, use chewing gum.

Maintaining good oral hygiene is the best way to prevent dental diseases.

The food we eat undergoes significant culinary processing and is therefore poor in natural products. This does not at all promote self-cleaning of the mouth. Our diet does not require intensive chewing, which means it does not provide the necessary load on the teeth and periodontal tissues. In such conditions, rational oral hygiene becomes especially important, otherwise food debris, fermentation and decay products, and bacteria will accumulate in it, which, in turn, will lead to the formation of tartar and plaque.

You need to brush your teeth correctly. The upper teeth are brushed with sweeping movements from top to bottom, and the lower teeth - from bottom to top. Be sure to brush the inside of your teeth. To clean the side surfaces of teeth, special dental flosses are used. Children are recommended to use low-abrasive children's toothpastes.

It is recommended to use a toothbrush with artificial bristles and a small size (to facilitate manipulation in the mouth). Before first use, the brush should never be doused with boiling water. Simply rinse under running water.

Remember that it is not the toothpaste that cleans your teeth, but only the brush. The paste has an auxiliary, antimicrobial, deodorizing and refreshing effect. The paste should not be used in large quantities. The size of a large (for small children) pea is quite sufficient volume.

Teeth should be brushed twice a day tooth powder or paste on both the outside and inside. A toothbrush removes food debris and plaque, and powder or paste refreshes the oral cavity, eliminates unpleasant odors and destroys harmful microflora.

Tooth powders- complex mixtures based on chalk calcium orthophosphate and with the addition of white magnesia to give them lightness and friability. Magnesium peroxide contained in tooth powders disinfects the oral cavity and whitens teeth.

Toothpastes There are two types: therapeutic and prophylactic (serve to prevent diseases of teeth and gums, and also contribute to their treatment) and hygienic (only refresh and clean). Toothpaste contains abrasive substances to polish the surface of the teeth and clean them of plaque. Typically these are precipitated chalk, aluminum oxide and hydroxide, calcium phosphates, zirconium orthosilicate, silicon dioxide. For better preservation of the paste, gelatin-like components synthesized from cellulose, glycerin, sorbitol and other substances are added. A little chlorophenol or formalin is also added to the pastes to provide a disinfectant effect. Foaming is provided by sulfonated soap, for example, the sodium salt of alizarin oil.

Therapeutic and prophylactic pastes include fluorine-containing substances - sodium fluorophosphate, tin fluoride, sodium fluoride, etc. These additives form a hard protective layer on the surfaces of tooth enamel. In addition, fluoride supplements slow down the formation and spread of bacterial plaque on teeth, which is the cause of caries. Toothpastes also contain anti-inflammatory substances that strengthen the oral mucosa and reduce bleeding gums. To give the toothpaste a pleasant taste and smell, add mint, cinnamon, eucalyptus or clove oil, as well as citric acid and other substances.

Transparent toothpastes are made on the basis of silicon dioxide gel and can contain any flavoring and medicinal components, but their ability to mechanically clean teeth is worse than that of other toothpastes.

Failure to comply with hygiene rules teeth and oral cavity often leads to an unpleasant odor. To eliminate bad breath and strengthen gums, it is recommended to rinse with a decoction of one tablespoon of St. John's wort flowers in one glass of water. Prevention and treatment of inflammation of the oral mucosa is carried out with alcohol or vodka tincture of St. John's wort. Mint decoction perfectly refreshes the mouth after eating. To remove yellow stains on your teeth, you can use baking soda with a few drops of lemon juice instead of toothpaste twice a week.

It is good for dental hygiene to eat a hard apple after a meal. Its fiber will remove plaque, and the abundant saliva that is released during diligent chewing will wash away the remaining carbohydrates. In addition, malic acid will restore the normal acid-base balance in the oral cavity.

Oral hygiene with the participation of specialists includes a certain set of measures aimed at removing tartar and soft plaque. These procedures are performed by a hygienist or dentist and precede orthodontic, surgical, orthopedic and therapeutic procedures.

Professional dental hygiene is a set of diagnostic and therapeutic measures aimed at identifying dental plaque and choosing the optimal method for their removal. In addition, the patient is taught the principles of individual dental hygiene that most closely correspond to the type of dental plaque he has, and, if necessary, he is given recommendations on the use of additional medications in the form of applications, rinses, etc., which will promote the regeneration of periodontal tissues .

How is professional oral hygiene performed?

Thus, professional oral hygiene has a certain sequence: first, tartar is removed, then pigmented plaque is cleaned off. Subdental and dental deposits can be eliminated in one of the following ways:

The most effective method of removing tartar today is carried out using a hand tool or an ultrasonic device - a scaler. When removing tartar using a scaler, the patient does not feel any discomfort, because this procedure non-traumatic and painless, it does not harm tooth enamel. The operating principle of an ultrasonic scaler is as follows: with the help of the oscillatory movements it creates, tartar is knocked off even in the most inaccessible places.

After the tartar has been removed, the doctor begins the procedure for removing pigmented plaque, for which he uses the modern Air-flow procedure (powder-jet effect). A jet of aerosol containing an abrasive substance and water is directed to the places where plaque is deposited and knocks it down. After this procedure, the teeth become two shades lighter, but you should know that this effect does not remain forever. If you need to whiten your teeth even more, you should use a special teeth whitening procedure.

After plaque is removed and tartar is removed, the doctor coats the teeth with a special varnish or fluoride-containing gel, which helps reduce the sensitivity of the enamel.

Basic methods of oral hygiene

Regular teeth cleaning

Mouth rinse

Brushing your teeth, ideally, should follow every meal. But since this condition is difficult to fulfill, you can limit yourself to morning and evening procedures. Throughout the day, personal oral hygiene products, such as breath fresheners or floss, can fill this gap.

Rinse your mouth necessary after every meal. It is advisable to use such oral hygiene products as special rinses that contain disinfecting and refreshing components.

Methods for assessing oral hygiene.

Oral health indices Methods for assessing dental sediments

Fedorov-Volodkina Index (1968) The hygienic index is determined by the intensity of coloring of the labial surface of the six lower frontal teeth with an iodine-iodide-potassium solution, assessed using a five-point system and calculated using the formula: Ksr = (∑Ku)/n where Ksr. – general hygienic cleaning index; Ku – hygienic index of cleaning one tooth; n – number of teeth.

Staining the entire surface of the crown means 5 points; 3/4 – 4 points; 1/2 – 3 points; 1/4 – 2 points; absence of staining – 1 point. Normally, the hygiene index should not exceed 1. Green-Vermillion Index (1964). The Oral Health Index Simplified (OHI-S) evaluates the area of ​​tooth surface covered by plaque and/or tartar and does not require the use of special stains. To determine OHI-S, examine the buccal surface 16 and 26, the labial surface 11 and 31, lingual surface 36 and 46, moving the tip of the probe from the cutting edge towards the gum.

The absence of plaque is designated as 0, plaque up to 1/3 of the tooth surface is 1, plaque from 1/3 to 2/3 is 2, plaque covers more than 2/3 of the enamel surface – 3. Then tartar is determined by the same principle. The formula for calculating the OHI index is S=∑(ZN/n)+∑(ZK/n) where n is the number of teeth, ZN is dental plaque, ZK is tartar. Plaque: Calculus: 0 no 0 no 1 on 1/3 of the crown 1 supragingival calculus on 1/3 of the crown 2 on 2/3 of the crown 2 supragingival calculus on 2/3 of the crown 3 3 supragingival calculus > 2/3 of the crown or subgingival calculus, surrounding the cervical part of the tooth Value Index Score Oral hygiene assessment 0 - 0.6 Low Good 0.7 - 1.6 Average Satisfactory 1.7 - 2.5 High Unsatisfactory Very high Poor

Silnes-Lowe Index (1967) takes into account the thickness of plaque in the gingival region in 4 areas of the tooth surface: vestibular, lingual, distal and mesial. After drying the enamel, the tip of the probe is passed along its surface at the gingival sulcus. If a soft substance does not stick to the tip of the probe, the plaque index on the tooth area is indicated as – 0. If the plaque is not visually determined, but becomes visible after moving the probe, the index is 1. A plaque with a thickness of a thin layer to a moderate layer, visible to the naked eye, is assessed as 2 Intensive deposition of plaque in the area of ​​the gingival sulcus and interdental space is designated as 3. For each tooth, the index is calculated by dividing the sum of the scores of 4 surfaces by 4. The total index is equal to the sum of the scores of all examined teeth, divided by their number.

Tartar Index (1961). Supra- and subgingival tartar on incisors and canines is determined lower jaw. The vestibular, distal-lingual, central-lingual and medial-lingual surfaces are examined differentially. To determine the intensity of tartar, a scale from 0 to 3 is used for each examined surface: 0 - no tartar 1 - tartar is determined to be less than 0.5 mm in width and/or thickness 2 - width and/or thickness of tartar is from 0.5 to 1 mm 3 - width and/or thickness of tartar more than 1 mm. Formula for calculating the index: ZK intensity = (∑codes_of_all_surfaces)/n_teeth where n is the number of teeth.

Ramfjord Index (1956) as part of the periodontal index involves the determination of plaque on the vestibular, lingual and palatal surfaces, as well as the proximal surfaces of the 11, 14, 26, 31, 34, 46 teeth. The method requires preliminary staining with a Bismarck brown solution. The scoring is done as follows: 0 - absence of dental plaque 1 - dental plaque present on some surfaces of the tooth 2 - dental plaque is present on all surfaces, but covers more than half of the tooth 3 - dental plaque is present on all surfaces, but covers more than half. The index is calculated by dividing the total score by the number of teeth examined.

Navi Index (1962). The color indices of tissues in the oral cavity limited by the labial surfaces of the front teeth are calculated. Before the examination, the mouth is rinsed with a 0.75% solution of basic fuchsin. The calculation is carried out as follows: 0 - absence of plaque 1 - plaque was stained only at the gingival border 2 - the plaque line is pronounced at the gingival border 3 - gingival third of the surface is covered with plaque 4 - 2/3 of the surface is covered with plaque 5 - more than 2/3 of the surface is covered with plaque . The index was calculated in terms of the average number per tooth per subject.

Turesky Index (1970). The authors used the Quigley-Hein scoring system on the labial and lingual surfaces of the entire row of teeth. 0 - absence of plaque 1 - isolated spots of plaque in the cervical area of ​​the tooth 2 - thin continuous strip of plaque (up to 1 mm) in the cervical part of the tooth 3 - strip of plaque wider than 1 mm, but covering less than 1/3 of the tooth crown 4 - plaque covering more than 1/3 3, but less than 2/3 of the tooth crown 5 - plaque covers 2/3 of the tooth crown or more.

Index Arnim (1963) in assessing the effectiveness of various oral hygiene procedures, determined the amount of plaque present on the labial surfaces of four upper and lower incisors stained with erythrosine. This area is photographed and developed at 4x magnification. The outlines of the corresponding teeth and colored masses are transferred to paper and these areas are determined with a planimer. The percentage of surface area covered by plaque is then calculated. The Hygiene Performance Index (Podshadley and Haby, 1968) requires the use of a dye. Then a visual assessment of the buccal surfaces of 16 and 26 teeth, labial surfaces of 11 and 31 teeth, and lingual surfaces of 36 and 46 teeth is carried out. The examined surface is conventionally divided into 5 sections: 1 – medial, 2 – distal, 3 – mid-occlusal, 4 – central, 5 – mid-cervical. 0 - no staining 1 - staining of any intensity present The index is calculated using the formula: PHP=(∑codes)/n where n is the number of teeth examined. PHP value Hygiene effectiveness 0 excellent 0.1 - 0.6 good 0.7 - 1.6 satisfactory unsatisfactory