ECG interpretation, normal indicators. Interpretation of ECG in adults: what do the indicators mean? Sinus rhythm 80 beats per minute

Determining the norm of sinus rhythm are positive P waves in lead II and negative ones in aVR on the electrocardiogram. In this case, after each P wave there is a QRS complex.

Ideally, positive P waves are recorded in all leads except aVR. However, this situation does not always occur. And the absence of a positive P wave in some lead does not always indicate pathology. To understand this, you need to clearly know the criteria for normal sinus heart rhythm:

  • registration of positive (upward) P waves in lead II;
  • the presence of negative (downward) P waves in lead aVR;
  • regardless of the lead, the atrial complex (P-wave) has a constant shape;
  • Each P wave is followed by a QRS complex;
  • maintaining a constant distance between the teeth P-P (the difference is allowed within 10%);
  • Heart rate varies from 60 to 100 beats per minute.

Sometimes in the conclusion to the ECG you can see the following phrase “normosystole - irregular sinus rhythm.” Deciphering such an ECG is quite simple.

A person has a respiratory arrhythmia - each P wave on the ECG is followed by a corresponding QRS complex, but the intervals between the P-P and R-R waves are not the same (or exceed more than 10% of the difference). Diagnosing respiratory arrhythmia is quite simple - you need to record a regular ECG, then ask the person to hold their breath while inhaling for a few seconds and record another film at this moment.

The second option is the occurrence of 1-2 extrasystoles from sinus node. They appear on everyone healthy person. In small quantities, extrasystoles (which are not felt by a person and do not cause changes in hemodynamics) are considered a normal variant.

Sinus rhythm with a normal position of the EOS is a variant of the norm. It is the one that most often occurs in healthy adults. In this case, the vector of the heart axis is directed at an angle from +30° to +70°.

Sinus rhythm with normal heart rate

In addition to the normal sinus rhythm, it is also important to determine the heart rate on the ECG. Usually the electrocardiograph itself calculates given value. However, its indicators are not always accurate. Therefore, it is better when the heart rate is calculated by a doctor - this indicator is more accurate. In a healthy adult, the heart rate ranges from 60 to 90 beats per minute. However, a change in these values ​​does not always indicate pathology.

Professional athletes often experience bradycardia - heart rate less than 60, hemodynamics are not impaired. This condition is a variant of the norm.

A heart rate of more than 90 beats per minute can be observed after performing physical activity - climbing stairs, jogging, playing sports, lifting heavy objects. An increase in heart rate in this case indicates an adequate response cardiovascular system to change the type of activity.

Heart rate can be determined both on a cardiogram and by auscultation during an examination by a doctor.

Sinus rhythm in children

For normal sinus heart rhythm in children, the same indicators are characteristic as in adults. However, the heart rate of a child is higher than that of an adult. So, a newborn baby has a normal heart rate - 140-160 beats per minute. In children preschool age, Heart rate can be up to 100 beats per minute. And only to adolescence in a child, the pulse becomes similar to adults - from 60 to 90 beats per minute.

Normally, sinus rhythm in a child appears on the cardiogram in the same way as in adults - atrial complexes are positive in the second lead and negative in aVR. In this case, each atrial complex is followed by a ventricular complex.

Main body human body The heart, which supplies all its tissues with blood, is the heart. The degree of oxygen saturation of the brain and the functional activity of the whole organism depend on the systematic contractions of its muscles. For excitement muscle tissue the heart needs an impulse (electrical signal) coming from conducting cardiomyocytes.

Normally, these impulses are produced by the sinus node; the characteristics of the heart rhythm depend on their frequency and location. IN modern medicine diseases of the cardiovascular system are detected using special method examinations – electrocardiograms. Practitioners prescribe it for diagnosing pathologies of the heart muscle, monitoring the course of existing ailments, before any surgical intervention and in for preventive purposes.

ECG results provide doctors with specific information about cardiac activity. In our article we will provide information about the features and parameters of normal heart rhythm, possible deviations. We will also tell our readers what sinus rhythm is on an ECG and how to determine it pathological signs.

Heart Rate Characteristics

The occurrence of electrical phenomena in the heart is due to the movement of sodium and potassium ions in the myocardial cells, which creates necessary conditions for excitation, contraction and then transition to the original state of the heart muscle. Electrical activity is characteristic of all types of myocardial cells, however, only cardiomyocytes of the conduction system exhibit spontaneous depolarization.

One of the most important parameters normal function heart rate is considered to be sinus rhythm, which indicates the fact that the source muscle contractions comes from the Keith-Fluck node (or sinus region of the heart). The regular repetition of emerging cardiac impulses is determined on the cardiogram both in healthy people and in patients with heart pathologies.

The ECG complex consists of several waves, intervals and segments that reflect complex mechanisms propagation of depolarization and repolarization waves through the heart muscle

It is carried out according to the following scheme:

  • assessment of heart rhythm regularity;
  • counting the number of contractions of the heart muscle;
  • definition of the “pacemaker” - the source of the occurrence and conduction of excitation in the heart muscle;
  • study of the function of impulse conduction through the heart.

The heart rate of a healthy adult ranges from 60 to 90 beats per minute. Tachycardia indicates an increase in heart rate, bradycardia - a decrease. To determine the “pacemaker of the heart” (the area of ​​the myocardium that generates impulses), the course of excitation is assessed by upper sections– atria. This indicator is determined by the ratio of the teeth of the ventricular complex. Sinus rhythm, vertical position of the EOS ( electrical axis heart, which reflects the peculiarities of its structure) and a normal heart rate indicate the absence of any abnormalities in the functioning of the heart muscle in the patient’s body.

What does sinus rhythm mean?

The structure of the heart muscle consists of four chambers, which are separated by valves and septa. In the right atrium, in the zone of confluence of the superior and inferior vena cava, there is a certain center consisting of specific cells that send electrical impulses and set the rhythm for the regular repetitions of muscle contractions - the sinus node.

The cardiomyocytes that form it are grouped into bundles, they have a spindle shape and are characterized by weak contractile function. However, they are also capable of generating discharges, like the processes of neurons with glial coating. The sinus node sets the rhythm of the heart muscle, which ensures normal blood delivery to the tissues human body.

This is why maintaining a regular sinus rhythm is extremely important for assessing cardiac function. On an ECG, this indicator means that the impulse comes from the main (sinus) node - the norm is 50 beats per minute. Its change indicates the fact that stimulating the heart muscle electrical energy comes from another part of the heart.

For further excitation and contraction of the myocardium, the sinus node sends signals to the conduction system - the Aschoff-Tawar junction (atrioventricular) and the Purkinje muscle fibers (the walls of the heart located in the interventricular septum and entwining its top)

When interpreting the final cardiogram data special attention pay:

  • on the QRS (ventricular complex) following the P wave;
  • per interval (time period) PQ – normally its range is from 120 to 200 milliseconds;
  • on the shape of the P wave, which must be constant at each point electric field;
  • the R-R intervals are similar to the boundary of the R-R intervals;
  • per T segment is observed behind each P wave.

Signs of violation

Not everyone modern man can boast of having no heart problems. Very often, when performing an ECG, such pathological conditions, like a blockade, which is provoked by a change in the transmission of impulses from nervous system directly to the heart, arrhythmia caused by a discrepancy in the systematicity and sequence of myocardial contractions. Irregular sinus rhythm, indicated by a change in the cardiographic indicator - the distance between the teeth of the cardiogram, may indicate dysfunction of the “pacemaker”.

The diagnosis of sick sinus syndrome is made based on clinical findings and heart rate. To determine this parameter, the physician interpreting ECG results, uses the following calculation methods: divide the number 60 by the R-R interval expressed in seconds, multiply the number 20 by the number of teeth of the ventricular complexes performed within three seconds.

Violation of sinus rhythm on an ECG means the following deviations:

  • arrhythmia - differences in timing R-R intervals more than 150 milliseconds, most often this phenomenon is observed during inhalation and exhalation and is due to the fact that at this moment the number of beats fluctuates;
  • bradycardia – heart rate is less than 60 beats/min, the P-P interval increases to 210 ms, the correct propagation of the excitation impulse is preserved;
  • rigid rhythm - the disappearance of its physiological irregularity due to a violation of neurovegetative regulation, in this case there is a decrease R-R distances at 500 ms;
  • tachycardia - heart rate exceeds 90 beats/min, if the number of myocardial contractions increases to 150 beats/min, ascending ST elevation and descending depression of the PQ segment are observed, second degree atrioventricular block may occur.

To identify possible violations heart rhythm is performed by Holter ECG - daily monitoring functional activity myocardium

Causes of sinus arrhythmia

The patient's anxiety can be caused by the ECG conclusion, which indicates data on irregularity and instability of sinus rhythm. The most common reasons for such deviations are:

To clinically differentiate heart rhythm disturbances, physiological tests are performed - this makes it possible to neutralize the effect of the autonomic nervous system and accurately identify the presence morphological changes in the sinus node.

If the irregularity of sinus rhythm is not eliminated by holding the breath and drug tests, this indicates that the patient has:

Features in young patients

The parameters of the child’s cardiogram differ significantly from the results ECG of an adult person - every mother knows how often her baby’s heart beats. Physiological tachycardia is explained anatomical features child's body:

  • up to 1 month, heart rate varies from 105 to 200 beats/min.;
  • up to 1 year – from 100 to 180;
  • up to 2 years – from 90 to 140;
  • up to 5 years – from 80 to 120;
  • up to 11 years – from 75 to 105;
  • up to 15 – from 65 to 100.

A rhythm of sinus origin is recorded in children without defects of the heart muscle, its valve apparatus or blood vessels. Normal on graphic recording ECG segments P before ventricular systole should have the same shape and size, heart rate should not exceed age-related indicators. Unstable heart rhythm and sinus ectopy are a signal to search for unfavorable factors, provoking a decrease in the activity of the main node of the conduction system of the heart.

Very often the reason sinus arrhythmia in childhood there may be a breath-holding reflex associated with changes in temperature, fear or confusion of the child

Sick sinus syndrome is observed in premature babies, infants who experienced oxygen deficiency during intrauterine development, newborns with increased blood pressure inside the skull, infants with vitamin D deficiency, adolescents - the processes of rhythm changes are associated with rapid growth child's body and vegetative-vascular dystonia. Physiological disturbances of sinus rhythm resolve without specific treatment as heart rate regulation improves and the central nervous system matures.

Such a child needs to undergo cardiography once every six months; the state of his cardiovascular system is monitored by a qualified specialist.

Sinus rhythm dysfunction pathological nature can be caused by a severe infectious and inflammatory process, genetic predisposition, congenital structural abnormalities and deformations of the heart muscle. In this case, the cardiologist prescribes little patient treatment and preventive measures in conditions of constant monitoring of the functional activity of the heart.

Summarizing the above information, I would like to add that an ECG is a simple and inexpensive diagnostic method with which dysfunctions of the heart muscle can be detected in a short period of time. However, if there are serious pathological changes To make a final diagnosis, this technique is not enough - the patient is prescribed echocardiography, ultrasound scanning heart and coronary examination of its vessels.

Sinus node - This is a group of cells located in the right atrium that have the ability to produce impulses and transmit these impulses to other myocardial cells.

Normally, the impulse arises in the sinus node of the right atrium, covers both atria, then through the atrioventricular node, which is the center of second-order automaticity, the impulse is transmitted to the ventricles and covers them with excitation.

This is how the heart contracts: first the atria, and then the ventricles. If, after conducting an ECG, the doctor concluded “sinus, correct rhythm,” then this means that your heart contracts normally, there are no pathological abnormalities in the functioning of the conduction system. This means that the impulse that causes your heart to contract occurs where it is needed, namely in the sinus node of the right atrium.

1 ECG and sinus rhythm

The simplest and available method determination of heart rhythm - ECG. This is a method that allows you to determine the frequency and regularity of heart contractions, assess the nature of the rhythm and its source, and diagnose acute or chronic myocardial damage. Carrying out an ECG mandatory when preventive examination and medical examination. Any doctor should be able to encrypt a cardiogram and medical worker with secondary medical education.

On the electrocardiogram there is a P wave, which is responsible for the work of the atria, and there is a complex of QRS waves, this complex shows the work of the ventricles. Since the atria normally contract first, then the ventricles, the P wave should always precede the QRS complex.

So, ECG signs of sinus rhythm:

  1. Constant shape of the P wave (duration 0.1 s, height 2-2.5 mm),
  2. Equal distance between teeth P-P or R-R,
  3. The P wave always precedes the QRS complex,
  4. The distance from the P wave to the subsequent Q wave is the same and equal to 0.12-0.2 s,
  5. Heart rate from 60 to 90 beats per minute.

If these criteria are met on the ECG, this means that the heart rhythm is normal.

2 What does a patient need to know before an ECG?

In order for electrocardiogram data to be as accurate as possible, there are certain rules that the patient must follow before undergoing this study. Firstly, try not to be nervous, do not drink alcohol, coffee, strong tea, do not smoke before the procedure, as the heart rate will increase, tachycardia will develop and the ECG data will be incorrect. There is no need to overeat and do physical labor. If you follow all the above rules, then recording an ECG will allow you to most accurately diagnose the work of your heart and determine its rhythm and frequency of contractions.

3 Heart rate in children

The heartbeat of newborns and toddlers is much faster than that of an adult. If you place your palm on chest small child, you can hear how often and loudly the tiny heart beats. How younger child, the more often his heart contracts. For example, the norm for a newborn baby is a heart rate of up to 140 beats per minute, and when feeding or crying, it can reach 180 beats per minute.

This is explained by the fact that babies have a more intense metabolism and the fact that the heart is less susceptible to influence vagus nerve, which slows down the heartbeat. By two years of age, the heart rate averages 120-125 per minute, by six - 100-105, and by ten to twelve years the child’s heart rate will correspond to that of an adult.

These physiological features characteristic of childhood, a parent should take this into account and not panic if, when decoding the cardiogram, the doctor writes a three-digit number, determining your child’s heart rate. Perhaps a rapid heartbeat is normal for his age. And if the intervals between heart contractions are the same, the P wave accompanies each set of ventricular contractions - this means sinus rhythm, and in this case there is no cause for concern.

4 When is sinus rhythm abnormal?

The sinoatrial node can produce impulses both with the same, constant frequency, and with periods of gradual acceleration and deceleration. If sinus rhythm is characterized by such periods of acceleration and deceleration, we're talking about about abnormal sinus rhythm or arrhythmia. There are two forms of sinus arrhythmia: respiratory (cyclic) and not associated with breathing (non-cyclical).

Respiratory or cyclic arrhythmia is characterized by the fact that the heart rate increases during inhalation and slows down during exhalation; there is a clear connection with breathing. This condition occurs due to high activity of the vagus nerve. Respiratory arrhythmia is typical for young people, athletes, patients with neurocirculatory dystonia, neuroses, as well as adolescents during puberty.

ECG signs of respiratory arrhythmia:

  1. Signs of sinus rhythm (P wave normal shape and sizes, always precedes the QRS complex),
  2. Heart rate increases during inhalation and decreases during exhalation,
  3. The duration of R-R is not the same, but the run-up is within 0.15 s.

Characteristic feature and diagnostic criterion is next moment: respiratory arrhythmia disappears on the ECG when holding the breath, increases under the influence of drugs from the b-blocker group and disappears under the influence of atropine. Sinus arrhythmia not associated with breathing is observed in elderly people with various cardiac pathologies (cardiomyopathies, coronary artery disease, myocarditis).

If respiratory arrhythmia has a favorable prognosis and is physiological feature, then non-cyclic arrhythmia has a more serious prognostic significance and may mean certain disturbances in the functioning of the heart.

ECG signs of non-cyclic arrhythmia:

  1. Signs of sinus rhythm (P wave of normal shape and size, always precedes the QRS complex)
  2. There is no connection between sinus arrhythmia and breathing,
  3. Sinus arrhythmia persists with breath holding,
  4. The duration of R-R is not the same, the run-up is more than 0.15 s.

From the above we can conclude: sinus rhythm is the normal rhythm of heart contraction, but sinus rhythm does not exclude possible disturbances in the functioning of the heart. It is important that the rhythm is not just sinus, but also correct. Proper sinus rhythm means that your heart beats regularly and rhythmically.

Sinus rhythm is the normal heart rhythm that is generated by the sinoatrial node. Normal heart rate per minute ranges from 60 to 90 beats. Sinus rhythm is considered correct when each complex on the cardiogram is at an equidistant distance from the other. If the distance between complexes exceeds 10% of the average, the rhythm is called irregular.

Signs of sinus rhythm are the presence of positive P waves in lead II and negative ones in avR. Each atrial wave is followed by a ventricular complex. These are the main signs of sinus rhythm.

Regular sinus rhythm indicates normal operation hearts.

Sinus rhythm disturbance may occur in healthy adults as a reaction to emotional experiences. However, more often changes in rhythm indicate the following conditions:

  • acquired heart defects;
  • cardiomyopathy;
  • myocarditis;
  • alcoholic heart disease;
  • thyrotoxicosis.

Overdose antiarrhythmic drugs or other medicines.

There are situations when, in addition to regular heart contractions, extraordinary impulses hearts. They are called extrasystoles. Quite often, extrasystoles are classified as disturbances of the normal rhythm and its regularity. However, small amounts of extrasystoles can occur normally in healthy people. The number of supraventricular extrasystoles normally depends on the age of the person.

Irregular sinus rhythm of the heart can be observed in the form of attacks of paroxysmal supraventricular tachycardia in pregnant women. Typically, such attacks occur infrequently and bother a woman only with sensations of heartbeat. Hemodynamics do not change. However, in in rare cases such an attack may mean the development of significant disturbances in the functioning of the heart. Therefore, any change in rhythm in a pregnant woman must be carefully diagnosed.

Clinical picture

The main complaint in most cases of rhythm disturbance is a feeling of palpitations. In addition, a person may be bothered by:

  • excessive sweating;
  • hot flashes;
  • dizziness;
  • weakness.

Abnormal sinus rhythm can be detected using a conventional cardiogram or Holter monitoring. The results of the study can be assessed either by a cardiologist or a functional diagnostics doctor.

In childhood

Irregular sinus rhythm in a child can also be a manifestation of both normality and pathology.

Normally, instability of the sinus rhythm of the heart can occur with excessive emotional excitement. In children adolescence Often such a change in rhythm occurs as a manifestation of respiratory arrhythmia. Diagnosing it is quite simple - during ECG procedures, after recording a standard cardiogram, the child is asked to hold his breath. If the rhythm returns to normal, doctors talk about the development of respiratory arrhythmia. If, after holding your breath, the rhythm does not become normal, additional research is necessary.

In young children, unstable sinus rhythm may be one of the manifestations of congenital heart defects. In older children, changes in sinus rhythm may be the first manifestation of acquired heart defects, cardiomyopathies, and myocarditis. To exclude these conditions, it is necessary to conduct a thorough diagnosis.

Any rhythm disturbance requires a full diagnosis to determine the cause of its development. In order to make a diagnosis of physiological arrhythmia, it is necessary to exclude pathological factors.

What does sinus rhythm mean on an ECG and how to decipher it? In the myocardium, through muscle contractions, an impulse is generated by the conduction system of the heart, namely the cells of the sinus and atrioventricular nodes, as well as Purkinje fibers.

The fact that sinus rhythm is normal on an ECG is indicated by its indicator of 60-90 pulses per minute (in a healthy person at rest). It must be taken into account that in a newborn child the SR frequency can vary from 60 to 150 pulses per minute; the adult physiological norm is established at the age of 6-7 years.

To understand what sinus rhythm is on an ECG and what it should be, consider normal indicators electrocardiograms:

  • The P wave is normal should precede the QRS complex, and the distance between P and Q will be 0.12-0.2 seconds. After the QRS complex, the T wave can be traced.
  • P wave shape in all leads is unchanged, and it will be negative in lead aVR and positive in standard lead II. In other leads, these P wave indicators depend on the electrical axis and may be different.
  • In a healthy person, over 7 years old rhythm frequency is 60-90 pulses per minute.
  • Vertical position of the EOS(electrical axis), as well as sinus rhythm on the ECG indicate the physiological norm of the parameters. The normal position of the myocardium in the chest is indicated by the vertical axis, which is a projection of the location. The organ can also be in semi-vertical, semi-horizontal and horizontal projection, and the rotation of the heart from the transverse axis can also be recorded. These indicators indicate individual characteristics.

It is known that such a sinus rhythm on the ECG means that the patient does not have cardiac pathologies. To get reliable result Before starting the examination, it is necessary to calm down, eliminate excitement and nervousness, as well as physical activity.

For example, after climbing stairs you should rest. You should also not smoke for at least half an hour before the electrocardiogram.

Conclusion ECG sinus an irregular rhythm may indicate both pathologies and physiological changes.

There are 3 options for deviation from the norm, in frequency and timing:

  1. , which is evidenced by a regular acceleration of the rhythm. The cardiogram shows a shortened R-R interval, heart rate (heart rate) exceeds 120 pulses per minute, in severe cases up to 220. These disorders manifest themselves in the patient the following symptoms: shortness of breath, lack of oxygen, rapid breathing, palpitations, feelings of anxiety and fear.
  2. ABOUT sinus bradycardia says a decrease in sinus rhythm on the ECG below 60 pulses per minute and a pronounced prolongation RR interval. The patient experiences dizziness and may lose consciousness. This condition may indicate a disorder of the vagus nerve, which requires pharmacotherapy, and if treatment is not effective, a need for a pacemaker arises.
  3. Sinus arrhythmia expressed by irregular contraction of the myocardium. That such a sinus rhythm on an ECG indicates instability of the heart rhythm. At the same time, the heart rate either accelerates or slows down, as evidenced by the different durations of the P-P intervals.

Based on ECG data, the doctor can make a conclusion about the state of the cardiovascular system and, if there are abnormalities, make a diagnosis.

Instability of the heart muscle, slow or accelerated rhythm indicate the presence of weak sinoatrial node syndrome in the wall of the right atrium, which can lead to coronary heart disease or other serious disease.

How to decipher a cardiogram of the heart: sinus rhythm and what the ECG results indicate

After the diagnosis is completed, the cardiogram of the heart is deciphered, sinus rhythm and other parameters are described according to all the rules.

A specialist (cardiologist) compares the result with the norm and makes a conclusion:

  • The normal heart rate falls between 60 and 90 pulses per minute, in children under 6 years old up to 120, and in newborns up to 140.
  • The state of excitation of the sinus node can be determined by the P wave, which is always located in front of the QRS waves.
  • The PQ interval has the same duration (0.12-0.20 seconds) throughout the electrical cardiogram.
  • The PP interval (the cycle of myocardial contraction before the start of the next contraction) should also be the same throughout the entire cardiogram.

ECG results, interpretation, sinus rhythm may indicate physiological arrhythmia caused by increased psycho-emotional or physical activity, as well as some external factors(sharp change in weather conditions).

Functional bradycardia or tachycardia accompanied by both irregular sinus rhythm and changes in heart rate. If, after eliminating the above reasons, cardiac activity does not return to normal, a pathological process can be suspected.

As a result of deciphering the cardiogram of the heart, abnormal sinus rhythm may indicate:

  • diseases of the cardiovascular system, inflammatory and/or infectious nature;
  • organic changes in the myocardium;
  • congenital and acquired anomalies of heart valves;
  • acute or chronic heart failure;
  • congenital anomaly atrioventricular node;
  • endocrine pathologies, including thyrotoxicosis;
  • damage to the vagus nerve;
  • anemia or chronic hypoxia.

Nonspecific changes in the myocardium, confirmed by deciphering the cardiogram of the heart, sinus rhythm and its deviations may also indicate such bad habits like smoking, drug use and large doses alcohol, as well as an overdose of certain medications, therapeutic regular use of medications such as cardiac glycosides.

ECG results, interpretation, sinus rhythm and its display on the cardiogram will help not only determine the presence of factors that lead to irregular cardiac fluctuations, but also choose the appropriate treatment tactics.

The choice of treatment for heart rhythm disturbances depends on what causes them, physiological or disease. If in the first case a change in regime helps and healthy image life, then in the second it is required thorough examination and treatment of the underlying disease.

In any case, without waiting for the results of an ECG decoding of sinus rhythm, it is necessary to give up drugs, nicotine, abuse of alcohol, coffee and tea, maintain a normal sleep and rest schedule, play sports, and spend more time in the fresh air.

It is important to eat well, not to overuse spices or chocolate, and to provide the body with all the necessary nutrients. It is forbidden to self-prescribe medications, especially antiarrhythmics and sedatives.

Detection of severe sinus arrhythmia, which has developed against the background of pathology of the heart and blood vessels, requires careful analysis, a high-quality therapeutic complex, and, if necessary, surgical intervention.

The specifics of treatment depend on the type pathological process and severity of symptoms.

Decoding the cardiogram of the heart, sinus rhythm in most cases indicates the adaptive ability of the myocardium to living conditions and changes in the load on the body, but requires mandatory confirmation of the absence of ailments.

This is due to the fact that blockade of the conduction system of the heart can be dangerous not only to health, but also to human life. Therefore, you should look so carefully at all suspicious ECG results, transcripts, sinus rhythm and carefully study elements and segments with deviations from the norm.