How to use Anaferon for children in tablets. Conditions for dispensing from pharmacies. Anaferon for children instructions and dosage

Anaferon for Children is a medication with immunomodulatory and antiviral effects. It reduces the number of viruses at the site of the lesion. The therapeutic principle is based on increasing the production of biologically active components that directly affect intracellular metabolic processes. Thanks to this, the child’s immune defense is enhanced.

This drug refers to monopreparations with a single active component - antibodies to human interferon gamma. The medicine is available in two forms - tablets and syrup, dosed in drops. Let's look at the features different types medicinal product:

The price of Anaferon for children in drops is from 230 rubles, in tablets – from 200 rubles. The medication can be purchased without a prescription in pharmacies.

The pharmaceutical product is stored for 3 years at temperatures below 24 degrees away from children.

Therapeutic effect

Nature in human body There is a protective system that produces antibodies when any virus penetrates. They stimulate immune defense, which helps eliminate foreign microorganisms. In children, especially under three years of age, immunity is poorly developed. And when children's body begins to fight the disease, this process takes longer.

A person’s main natural assistant in resisting an infectious disease is interferon. It has a powerful antiviral effect. The drug "Anaferon" stimulates its production, which promotes quick cleansing from infectious agents.

  • acute respiratory infections of a viral nature;
  • Defeats respiratory tract caused by viruses;
  • Herpes-type infections, including chickenpox;
  • Other infections provoked by various viral agents and occurring against the background of immunodeficiency;
  • Concomitant infections.

Drops are indicated for the treatment of acute respiratory viral infections and respiratory diseases in children from one month to three years inclusive.

According to pediatricians, it is better to start using the medicine on the first day of the onset of the disease. If some time has passed from this moment, the effectiveness of treatment decreases, but the positive dynamics do not disappear.

Some doctors classify Anaferon as a medicine that has not proven its effectiveness. They question therapeutic effect drug due to extreme little content active component. But many parents think pharmaceutical effective and note that it helps with rotavirus, lowers the temperature with acute respiratory infections and other infectious diseases.

Contraindications and side effects

It is prohibited to take the medicine under the age of one month and in case of excessive sensitivity to the components.

Side effects after taking the medication when correct dosage not recorded. There is a risk of allergies due to excessive sensitivity to the components of the pharmaceutical drug.

In the analogue for adults, the concentration of the active ingredient is higher, but the instructions say that this drug is not considered dosage dependent. In cases where preventive measures or therapy are necessary, you can give the baby adult Anaferon.

No overdoses of Anaferon for children have been registered. But it is believed that an excess of the drug can cause dyspeptic symptoms.

Application regimens and dosage

Anaferon Children's instructions for use of the drug in tablets:

Flu, acute respiratory infections, herpes, intestinal and neuroinfections

Directions for use (single dose - one tablet): in the first two hours after the onset of signs of illness, every 30 minutes. Subsequently, three more times at equal time intervals. The next day and then three times a day until cure.

Acute stage of genital herpes

Directions for use (single dose - one tablet): in the first three days, eight times throughout the day, then the dosage is halved. It is necessary to observe equal breaks between taking the medication. Therapy lasts 21 days.

Therapy and prevention of immunodeficiencies

Directions for use (single dose - one tablet): it is recommended to give once a day, the course is adjusted by the pediatrician.

Complex therapy for concomitant bacterial infections

Directions for use (single dose - one tablet): the baby is offered the medicine once every 24 hours until recovery.

Prevention of influenza and acute respiratory infections

Rules of use (single dose - one tablet): The child is given the medicine once every 24 hours for a period of one to three months, until the end of the epidemic season

Small children are offered liquid suspension– drops or a tablet dissolved in water (about 20 ml), since even at three years old not every child can swallow a whole one. The pharmaceutical preparation is consumed separately from food, the tablet must be kept in the mouth until completely dissolved.

The regimen for taking the drops is as follows: drop 10 drops into a spoon and give:

  • At the beginning of therapy, four times every 30 minutes a day;
  • The rest of the same day three more times with equal breaks;
  • From the second to the fifth day - three times in 24 hours.

The medication is taken separately from food, in between feedings.

Compatibility with other drugs and analogues

There is no information about the incompatibility of Anaferon for children with other medications. Its use can be combined with antibacterial and antiviral pharmaceuticals.

If at the pharmacy the right medicine no, the pediatrician can choose another medication with. Analogs have a different composition, but the effect will be similar. The following antiviral immunomodulator drugs are suitable for tablet medications:

  • Arteflu;
  • Cycloferon.

You can also use syrups "Amizonchik", "Tsitovir-3", drops "Immunal" and suppositories "Genferon", "".

Anaferon for children does not eliminate viruses, but creates an immunostimulating effect so that the immune system quickly overcomes the virus. This helps the baby not get sick or recover faster.

Viral infections threaten a child’s health from birth. Diseases are especially severe in children up to three years. During this period, the immune defense system of children is not yet fully formed. To help the body fight influenza and other dangerous viruses created special drugs, which enhance the protective capabilities of immature immunity. A striking example Children's Anaferon is such a medicine.

Anaferon stimulates the immune system, helping it cope with pathogens.

What does the drug consist of and how does it work?

Anaferon for children is a single drug, that is, it is based on one active ingredient is antibodies to human interferon. The dose of the active ingredient is 3 mg per tablet. Simple fruit sugars are used as forming agents.

Nature has laid in man protective system, which produces antibodies in response to the penetration of any pathogen. They stimulate the immune system, which leads to the destruction of foreign microorganisms. In children, this system is poorly developed, especially in the first three years of a baby’s life. Therefore, the child’s body begins to fight the disease, but cannot quickly cope with it due to weak immunity.

Humans' main natural assistant in the fight against infection is interferon. It has a powerful antiviral effect. The drug Anaferon is designed to stimulate its production, and this leads to the rapid suppression of active viruses.

The drug has a very gentle effect on the child’s body.

As a result of the influence of the drug, a triple positive effect occurs:

  • destruction of the virus;
  • strengthening immunity;
  • acceleration of recovery.

In what situations is the medicine used?

Anaferon is prescribed to a child for the development of diseases caused by the following viruses:

  • adenovirus;
  • influenza virus;
  • respiratory syncytial virus;
  • enterovirus;
  • herpes virus;

The medicine is effective against rotavirus.

The drug is effective both as remedy, and for prevention during the epidemic. The medicine is used for the following diseases:

  • ARVI;
  • flu;
  • herpes;
  • tick-borne encephalitis.

Except viral infections, Anaferon is also successfully used when the body is damaged by bacteria in order to strengthen its immunity.

Where is the medicine produced and how much does it cost?

Children's Anaferon has only one release form - lozenges. The package consists of 20 tablets in one blister. Included in the box. The drug is produced exclusively in Russia by NPF Materia Medica Holding since 2007.

The cost of one blister ranges from 190 to 250 rubles. The medicine is not in short supply and can be bought at any pharmacy. It is permitted to be used in within three years from the date of production. Anaferon for children is not available in other forms, for example, in suppositories or injections.

How to take the medicine

The basic principle of taking the drug is resorption in the mouth until complete dissolution. This is easy to do if you can explain to the child how to use the tablet. But the medicine is allowed with one month old. For children, it is permissible to dissolve the tablet in a tablespoon of boiled water, brought to room temperature.

For children under three years old, the tablet should first be dissolved in boiled water.

At various diseases there is its own dosage regimen. Below is an overview of specific diseases with recommendations for use according to current instructions.

  • Prevention of exacerbation of chronic herpes infection. Dosage - one tablet per day. The course of therapy is 6 months.

If during the first three days If there is no significant improvement after taking the drug, a visit to the doctor is necessary.

To enhance the effectiveness of the drug, it can be combined with any antiviral agents.

When should you not take Anaferon?

The drug has several contraindications:

  • children's age less than 1 month;
  • individual intolerance to the components of the drug;
  • galactosemia (a disease associated with metabolic disorders);
  • lactose intolerance;
  • malabsorption syndrome (impaired absorption nutrients in the small intestine).

The last of the three contraindications occur in the presence of congenital enzyme defects. This means that the baby, due to a lack of enzymes, is not able to digest lactose. Such diseases are diagnosed in the early postpartum period.

If there are signs of allergy, use should be discontinued.

Among side effects single registered mild cases allergies in the form of pinpoint rash. If such symptoms appear, the medicine should no longer be given to the child.
The drug is combined with all known, and. There are no cases of incompatibility with other drugs.

What analogues of Anaferon exist?

The pharmaceutical industry produces a number of drugs that provide similar action. The most famous of them:

  1. contains a ready-made human interferon. He provides double action: directly antiviral, as well as stimulating the production of its own interferon. The drug activates immune system in children.

    Available in the form of gel, ointment and suppositories (candles). The gel contains 36 thousand international units of interferon, ointment 40 thousand, suppositories from 150 thousand to 1 million. Average price gel and ointment - about 200 rubles, suppositories - from 250 rubles for 10 doses. The medicine is used for ARVI and influenza for prevention and treatment, as well as for the treatment of herpes and viral hepatitis. External forms are used only for prophylactic purposes.

    An analogue of Anaferon is Viferon candles.

    • allowed from birth, even in premature infants;
    • contains ready-made interferon, not its stimulator;
    • Possibility of use in candles;
    • more pronounced effect therapeutic effects for viral infections;
    • no contraindications.
    • higher price;
    • weak preventive effect;
    • the external form may irritate the mucous membrane;
    • shorter shelf life;
    • Candles must be stored in the refrigerator.
  2. contains one antiviral agent- umifenovir. This is a classic medicine that suppresses the activity of the virus in a child’s body. Available in the form of tablets, capsules of 50 and 100 mg, as well as suspensions. Used for the prevention and treatment of acute viral infections. The average price is from 300 to 1000 rubles, depending on the dosage.

    Anaferon's analogue, Arbidol, is an antiviral and immunomodulatory drug.

    Pros compared to Anaferon:

    • a variety of release forms, including a tasty suspension;
    • higher antiviral effect.

    Disadvantages compared to Anaferon:

    • little stimulation of the immune system;
    • prohibited for children under 3 years of age;
    • shorter shelf life.
  3. is a stimulator of interferon production in the body. It has a similar effect to anaferon. It has a pronounced strengthening of the child’s immune forces. Included in the list of essential medicines. Available in 12 mg tablets. The average price is 250 rubles.

    Does not cause side effects. Contraindications are completely similar to Anaferon, but Kagocel is prohibited until the age of three.

    Anaferon analogue - Kagocel for children from three years old.

    Pros compared to Anaferon:

    • more pronounced immunostimulating effect;
    • included in national recommendations for use during an influenza epidemic;
    • vital remedy;
    • no need to dissolve in the mouth, just drink;
    • more long term storage

    Disadvantages compared to Anaferon:

    • not for children under 3 years of age;
    • you can overdose.

When the first signs of the disease appear, take immunomodulators in a “loading dose”.

Doctor's and parents' opinions

Children's Anaferon long time used in medical practice. Here are the most typical reviews from parents about him.

Anna, 30 years old:

“The child just turned 2 years old and caught the flu. The first five days it held high temperature. I gave strong antibiotics. The doctor advised Anaferon to strengthen the immune system. The effect of taking the medicine did not take long; after two days the child felt better. The fever subsided, the baby became happier, and his appetite appeared. I believe that only Anaferon helped. Now I will always give the remedy from day one.”

Julia, 22 years old:

“Two months ago I gave birth to a girl. Happiness has darkened respiratory infection. Medicinal substances At this age, many are contraindicated. The pediatrician prescribed Anaferon. Dissolved the tablet in breast milk. The drug helped a lot. Three days later, the daughter recovered. Of the other remedies, I used only suppositories with efferalgan. I believe that the credit for the recovery belongs to Anaferon.”

It is necessary to take the tablets until all symptoms of the disease disappear completely.

Every parent is worried when their child gets sick. The natural desire during this period is the desire to make the child feel better, and even better, to prevent the disease itself. Today this can be done with the help of children's immunomodulators, which are sold in pharmacies. In this article we will talk about the drug anaferon, which has a stimulating effect on the child’s immunity, as well as about the features of taking this drug.

Composition and release form of children's anaferon

The active substance of anaferon is gamma globulins. They are the ones who force the body to actively produce interferon. Thanks to this principle of action, the condition of a sick child is alleviated or his resistance to various viruses is increased.

As excipients Anaferon contains lactose, aerosil, calcium stearate and MCC.

Anaferon for children is not available in suppositories or syrup, and for both children and adults, the only form of release of the drug is tablets. They taste sweet white, sometimes with a yellowish or grayish tint.

How to take Anaferon for children?

Taking anaferon does not depend on food intake. The tablets are intended for resorption. If the child is still small and cannot do this on his own, dissolve the anaferon tablet in one tablespoon boiled water.

The dosage of children's anaferon depends on the desired effect.

Taking anaferon during illness

If it is necessary to quickly relieve the symptoms of an acute viral disease, anaferon is prescribed to children according to the following scheme:

  • the first day, 8 tablets are taken, five of them are drunk every half hour, and the remaining three are drunk during the same day, dividing the time between doses into equal intervals;
  • the following days, the dosage of children's anaferon is one tablet three times a day;
  • after complete relief of the symptoms of the disease, anaferon is taken for one to two weeks, one tablet per day. This is necessary in order to avoid complications that may be caused by the virus.

If, three days after starting to take Anaferon, the symptoms of the disease remain unchanged or worsen, it is imperative to consult a specialist about the advisability of further taking the drug.

Taking anaferon for children for prevention

As a prophylaxis against viral diseases during an epidemic, Anaferon is prescribed one tablet per day for 1 to 3 months.

In case chronic disease caused by the herpes virus, anaferon is taken one tablet per day for the period specified by the specialist. Maximum term daily use of the drug is six months.

At what age do children take Anaferon?

The difference between children's anaferon and the adult analogue of the drug is the concentration of antibodies to interferon gamma. Anaferon for adults, children should not be given, as its effectiveness will be reduced.


Contraindications to taking anaferon are sensitivity to any of its components, lactose intolerance, and age under 1 month.

Anaferon for children can be taken together with antipyretic or anti-inflammatory drugs.

This is probably one of the immunomodulators most often recommended by pediatricians. Perhaps this is one of the best-selling children's antiviral drugs. And it seems that this is one of the drugs around which there are constant discussions, and not only consumers and doctors, but also pharmacologists participate in them. While one side subjects the medicine to destructive criticism, the other assures of its high effectiveness.

Let's look for the pros and cons of Anaferon for children.

Anaferon for children: instructions for use

Anaferon is registered as an antiviral, immunomodulatory drug. Antibodies to human interferon gamma, indicated in the instructions as active substance, are function activators immune defense our body. In other words, Anaferon for children promotes the production of the child’s own internal interferon, and this substance (more precisely, a protein) reduces the susceptibility of our cells to the effects of viruses. This means that Anaferon is designed to strengthen the immune system so that in the end the child’s body can resist viral diseases or easier to deal with.

The drug, quite logically, is intended for the prevention and treatment of viral infections, and is also widely used in immunodeficiency conditions. Its use is especially strongly recommended for frequently ill children attending child care institutions.

Anaferon is active against influenza viruses, parainfluenza and other acute respiratory viral infections, rotavirus, enteroviruses, adenovirus, herpetic infections, tick-borne encephalitis, coronavirus, calicivirus, etc. It is also used in the treatment bacterial infections as an aid.

The drug can be used as monotherapy, that is, independently, and in combination with other medicines, including antiviral, antibacterial and antipyretic.

The only contraindications to taking Anaferon are sensitivity to the constituent components (it must be taken into account that the medicine contains lactose) and age under 1 month.

How to give Anaferon for children to a child: dosage

To achieve effective treatment or prevention, you need to know how to take Anaferon for children correctly.

There is only one dosage form This drug is a lozenge. They should be kept in the mouth until completely dissolved, not combined with food or liquid. For children who are unable to dissolve tablets, they are crushed and diluted in a tablespoon of water.

Anaferon Children's is a drug that activates antiviral immunity. With preventive and medicinal use has immunomodulatory and antiviral effects.

Active ingredient: affinity purified antibodies to human interferon gamma.

Stimulates humoral and cellular reactions of the immune system:

  • activates the function of T-effectors;
  • induces the formation of endogenous interferons, mainly interferon gamma;
  • enhances the phagocytic activity of macrophages and neutrophils.

By activating the immune system, it helps reduce the severity and duration of the main manifestations of upper respiratory tract infections (cough, runny nose, sore throat, elevated temperature bodies, headache, herpetic lesion skin and mucous membranes), reduces the tendency to form purulent foci (foci), reduces the risk of developing bacterial complications.

The combined use of Anaferon for children with antipyretic and anti-inflammatory drugs allows you to reduce the dose and duration of taking the latter.

Indications for use

What does children's Anaferon help with? According to the instructions, the drug is prescribed in the following cases:

  • prevention and treatment of acute respiratory viral infections (including influenza);
  • complex therapy of infections caused by herpes viruses ( infectious mononucleosis, chicken pox, labial herpes, genital herpes);
  • complex therapy and prevention of relapses of chronic herpesvirus infection, including labial and genital herpes;
  • complex therapy and prevention of other acute and chronic viral infections caused by tick-borne encephalitis virus, enterovirus, rotavirus, coronavirus, calicivirus;
  • as part of complex therapy bacterial infections;
  • complex therapy of secondary immunodeficiency conditions of various etiologies, including prevention and treatment of complications of viral and bacterial infections.

Instructions for use Anaferon for Children, dosage

The tablet must be kept in the mouth until completely dissolved. When prescribed to children from 1 month to 3 years, it is recommended to dissolve the medicine in 1 tablespoon of boiled water at room temperature.

During the epidemic season, for the purpose of prevention, Anaferon for children is taken daily for 1-3 months at a dose of 1 tablet per day.

Treatment should begin when the first signs appear respiratory disease. Standard dosages of Anaferon Children's tablets, according to the instructions for use:

  • For influenza, ARVI, herpes viral infections, intestinal infections and neuroinfections - every 30 minutes for the first 2 hours. Next, you need to take 3 more tablets at equal intervals. Starting from the second day, take 1 tablet \ 3 times a day until full recovery health.
  • To treat an exacerbation of genital herpes, take a tablet 8 times a day for the first 3 days, then take a tablet 4 times a day. Equal intervals for taking the medication should be observed. Therapy lasts 3 weeks.
  • At complex treatment bacterial infections take one tablet once a day.

If there is no improvement by the end of the third day of therapy with the drug ARVI and influenza, you should consult a doctor.

Instructions for Anaferon Children's drops

Anaferon drops for children are taken orally, in between meals. The first five doses of the drug on the first day of therapy should be taken between feedings or 15 minutes before the start of feeding or fluid intake.

Anaferon Children's drops are dosed into a spoon, 10 drops per dose.

Treatment regimen: on the first day, take 10 drops every half hour for two hours, for the remaining time - 3 doses in the same dose at equal intervals. From the 2nd to the 5th day of therapy - 10 drops \ 3 times a day.

In the presence of severe catarrhal-inflammatory phenomena, depending on the severity of the condition in the first 3 days, the frequency of administration can be increased to 4-6 times a day. In the future, when the condition improves, the instructions recommend taking the drug again 3 times a day.

Side effects

The instructions warn about the possibility of developing the following side effects when prescribing Anaferon for children:

  • Manifestations of increased individual sensitivity to the components of the drug are possible.

When used for the indicated indications and in the indicated dosages side effects not identified.


It is contraindicated to prescribe Anaferon for Children in the following cases:

  • children up to 1 month;
  • increased individual sensitivity to the components of the drug.

The safety of use during pregnancy and lactation has not been studied. If it is necessary to take the drug, the risk/benefit ratio should be taken into account.
