Medicinal properties and uses of calamus. Medicinal properties and contraindications of calamus root. Use for teeth, eyes, anti-smoking

The homeland of calamus is considered to be in Southeast Asia. It is believed that in Rus' they learned about calamus during the invasion of the Tatar-Mongol yoke. Tatar warriors knew that calamus was capable of purifying water, so they took it with them on campaigns and, if necessary, threw it into reservoirs. It was noticed that the rhizomes for a long time continue to be viable. When they got into the water, they came to life and in this way the plants grew in Rus'. In those days, people called it “Tatar potion”, “Tatar saber”, Tatarnik. Merchants of the Middle East made a fortune by selling the aromatic dried roots of this plant as a spice or a candied delicacy. If you add a little calamus to a culinary dish, it will acquire a unique smell and taste. Candied pieces of rhizome can easily replace ginger or cinnamon for gourmets. In the Middle Ages, calamus was valued as an excellent disinfectant, it was chewed to prevent cholera infection, typhus, during outbreaks of these diseases. Doctors used the powder to sprinkle wounds to heal faster.

Description of the plant

The Latin name for calamus (or common) is Acorus calamus. This perennial loves to grow in damp places, in swamps. The height reaches 100-120 cm. Belongs to the aroid family. The rhizome is creeping, brownish, long (up to 1.5 m), grows horizontally, in some places it can reach a thickness of three centimeters. It gives off a characteristic aroma; it tastes hot-bitter, spicy-tart. Large sword-shaped leaves of bright green color grow from the growing points on the rhizome. Their height is from 60 to 120 cm, and their width is from 1 to 2.5 cm. A cob is formed on a flattened peduncle - a lateral inflorescence, tapering upward. The flowers are small, greenish-yellow. The fruit is a red multi-seeded berry. In Russia, thickets of calamus can be found in the Volga delta, Kuban and other southern regions, and sometimes in Siberia. Harvesting of these healing rhizomes is carried out in the fall, picking them up from the water with a rake or shovel. Then they must be washed thoroughly, freeing them from leaves, small roots that grow from the underside, similar to laces. Next, you should cut the raw materials into small pieces, lay them out to dry in the attic or quickly dry them in a dryer. Just don’t set the temperature to more than 30 degrees, then all the beneficial substances will be preserved. High-quality raw materials after drying are very fragrant, pinkish-white when broken. Its taste is bitter and specific.

What does it contain?

The aroma is determined by the content large quantity essential oils consisting of asarone, calamen, calamenon, calamendiol. There are also sesquiterpene alcohols called calameol, camphor, borneol, camphene, eugenol, curcumene, caryophyllene, calarene, proazulene. Discovered great content phytoncides, acoron, isoacoron, acetic and valeric acids. Also fundamentally revealed:

  • glycosides acorin, lucenion;
  • alkaloid calamine;
  • acoretin (bitterness);
  • tannins;
  • acoric acid;
  • choline, iodine;
  • ascorbic and palmitic acids;
  • azarin aldehyde (giving a strong aroma to the rhizome);
  • resins, mucus, starch.

How is calamus used?

It has been established that calamus rhizomes have the following properties:

  • improve appetite, stimulate;
  • enhance production gastric juice;
  • tone the heart muscle;
  • strengthens brain vessels;
  • relieve spasms;
  • improve vision and memory;
  • increase diuresis and bile secretion;
  • have bacteriostatic, anti-inflammatory, fungicidal and wound-healing effects.

There is evidence that dosage forms from calamus rhizomes have calming and analgesic effects.

Rhizome powder is included in such tablets as “Vikair”, “Vikalin”. They are prescribed for the treatment of chronic, ulcerative lesions stomach or duodenum.

If you have problems with the stomach, digestion (especially if the acidity is low), or if you have trouble with diarrhea, you can purchase a package of calamus rhizomes at the pharmacy and prepare an infusion or decoction from the raw materials. For the decoction, take two tablespoons of calamus rhizome (chopped) and 250 ml of boiling water. After the mixture boils, keep it on low heat for another 10 minutes. Dosage: 50 ml of strained broth four times a day.

This decoction is good for washing wounds that fester or heal poorly. The pharmacy sells a powder called " Ambulance", which also contains calamus rhizome powder. It is convenient to use for cuts, abrasions, wounds, for the treatment of acne and trophic weeping wounds. In addition, calamus is included in many preparations (gastric, appetizing). Here is an example of a collection that regulates the activity of the gastrointestinal tract:

  • 1 part calamus rhizome;
  • 2 parts peppermint leaves;
  • 2 parts of valerian rhizome;
  • 3 parts nettle leaves;
  • 1 part buckthorn bark.

Pour 250 ml of boiling water over a tablespoon of this mixture. Place on low heat. After boiling, reduce the heat and leave on the stove for 10 minutes. Then turn off the gas, and let the broth stand under the lid for another 30 minutes. Drink the strained broth twice a day (morning and evening) 100 ml.

  • 1 part calamus rhizome;
  • 1 part thyme herb;
  • 1 part mint leaves;
  • 1 part rosemary herb;
  • 1 part chamomile flowers;
  • 1 part lavender.

Take 50 grams of this mixture of plants, pour two liters of boiling water, after boiling, keep on the fire for 10 minutes, then turn off the stove. Leave for 30 minutes. After straining, pour the resulting healing aromatic decoction into a baby bath and bathe your baby in it for 15-20 minutes.

If you are vomiting, you can use a pre-prepared tincture. For it you will need 20 grams of calamus rhizomes crushed into powder and 100 ml of vodka. Preparation time: 14 days (in a dark cabinet). It should be taken orally before meals (20 minutes) three times a day, 20 drops. This tincture can be taken as a mouth rinse - a teaspoon per 100 ml of warm water.

Calamus preparations are appropriate for, urolithiasis, hysteria, as well as to improve hearing, vision, memory, and prevent gum disease. At bad smell from oral cavity Rinse your mouth several times a day with an infusion prepared in this way: place a tablespoon of crushed rhizomes in a thermos and pour 250 ml of boiling water. After two hours you can start filtering and rinsing.

When you suffer from heartburn, hold a little calamus root powder in your mouth (the amount that fits on the tip of a kitchen knife).

A problem familiar to many, you can also try to solve it with the help of calamus by preparing an infusion from it. Simply add a tablespoon of calamus root powder to a glass of water (cold). After 8 hours of such cold infusion, the strengthening agent will be ready. All you have to do is strain it. Rub this mixture three times a week into the roots of your hair. To achieve good effect Such rubbing should be done for two months.

About contraindications

And now MirSovetov will warn readers about those cases when it is impossible to be treated with this wonderful aromatic root:

  1. For hypotension (it can further lower blood pressure).
  2. For any bleeding.
  3. In the acute phase of kidney inflammation or ulcers of the digestive system.
  4. At individual intolerance of this rhizome.

You should be very careful when treating with calamus rhizome if you have increased gastric juice production. Then make a collection that will certainly contain those components that can suppress the increased production hydrochloric acid. Avoid using calamus during pregnancy or lactation.

We hope that the information received about the medicinal properties of calamus root will help you use this rhizome if necessary, without resorting to the help of drugs created synthetically. And in order not to harm your health, always consult a herbalist and follow the dosage and preparation rules dosage forms from plants. In very small quantities, calamus root powder is used as a spice in the preparation of soup, sauces, stewed cabbage, meat, and fish.

The historical age of this amazing plant is estimated at more than three thousand years. The ancient healers of India and China mentioned it in their recipes. Medieval healers used calamus to treat typhoid, cholera, colds. It was applied to wounds to prevent decay.

Calamus root was used as a spice, and its essential oil was added to various fragrant and antiseptic mixtures. Scientists cannot even now say where exactly the plant’s homeland was, but it is absolutely certain that Hippocrates successfully used it in his medicinal compositions.

Calamus is a genus of herbaceous perennials. According to various sources, species diversity There are from two to six species represented, but only two of them are officially recognized. These are marsh calamus (or common calamus) and grass calamus.

A typical place where calamus grows is the shores of freshwater bodies of water; most often it can be found near swamps, lakes and small rivers. There are many known ethnic names for common calamus: cinquefoil, Irnaya root, Tatar grass, Ir, Gair, reed calamus.

Calamus fruits have a unique ability - they can be carried by animals. This may be why it is believed that the plant came to Europe with the advent of the Mongol-Tatars. It was also believed that the Tatars took the roots of fragrant grass with them on campaigns and scattered them in reservoirs, believing that in this way the water would become clean and safe for use. Hence another name - “Tatar potion”.

Quickly taking root along the banks of reservoirs, the rose root spread throughout the entire European part of the continent. The marsh calamus is a bush 60-120 cm high. Bright green fleshy leaves up to 1 meter long, sword-shaped, grow above the rhizome like a fan and have a spicy swamp smell. The leaf is up to 2.5 cm wide. Because of the shape of the leaf, in the European part of Russia, calamus is more often called marsh cinquefoil.

The plant has a massive creeping rhizome that can stretch up to 1.5 m in length. C outside the root is covered with a brownish crust, inside there is light pink pulp, edible, bitter in taste. The smell of calamus root is somewhat reminiscent of cinnamon or tangerine. It is quite suitable for food, therefore it is used as a spice in culinary production. Included as a component in compositions recommended by traditional medicine. Calamus oil is extracted from the rhizomes, which is used in practical medicine, cosmetology and perfume production.

The stem of the plant is straight, with three pronounced edges and sharp, like a saber blade, ribs. The flowers are greenish-yellow, collected in an eight-centimeter, spadix-like inflorescence emerging from the center of the leaf. Flowering occurs in May-July. The fruit is a red or greenish berry, and while the fruits are formed everywhere, the seeds ripen only in the Asian part of the mainland.

Due to the shape of the leaf, calamus is called marsh cinquefoil

Chemical properties

Calamus contains a whole spectrum useful compounds what does the plant do universal remedy from many diseases. It contains elements such as ascorbic acid (about 150 mg), starch (25–40%), acetic and valeric acids, as well as the alkaloid calamine, a group of phytoncides, choline and iodine, resinous substances and gum.

The roots of the plant contain up to 48% essential oils. They are extracted by steam distillation from pre-crushed rhizomes. The essential composition includes camphor oil and a number of terpenoids - asarone, acarone, borneol, camphene, pinene.

Thanks to such extensive chemical composition the plant has anti-inflammatory, antiseptic, vasodilating and analgesic properties.

Calamus contains a lot of useful compounds


The growing area of ​​the plant is quite defined, although extensive. Irina root is common in the countries of Southeast Asia and Europe, as well as in Northern and South America. On the territory Russian Federation often found in the European part, southern Siberia and Far East.
Favorite habitats of calamus are river banks, lakes, ponds, streams and swamps; thickets of grass can be found in abandoned meadows and ditches.

It is believed that marsh cinquefoil came to Russian territory in the 13th-15th centuries; in the 15th century the plant was recognized in Western Europe, but it reached the coast of North America only in 1783, and since then it began to be actively grown.

The seeds of the plant in Asia are carried by insects and animals, but in Europe the grass reproduces using rhizomes. In the spring, during the period of ice melting and flooding, pieces that break off from the main root are carried by the current and take root in new places. The common calamus is considered a plant that promotes the development of ponds, since quiet, swampy creeks are especially suitable for its habitat, and you can not only get a plant harvest, but also clean the pond.

Calamus habitats - river banks, lakes, ponds


Traditional medicine uses calamus rhizomes to prevent rickets in children, and also as an expectorant and antidepressant. The root of the herb helps to cope with disorders of the gastrointestinal tract: if you add a little crushed powder to honey, heartburn and colic go away.

Baths with it have a wonderful relaxing effect, and hair washed with calamus decoction becomes stronger and thicker. The Chinese say that cinquefoil drives away evil from the home, and they place bunches of the plant at the windows and doors of their houses.

Icy root is used in folk medicine for the treatment of diseases associated with infections and infestations, in particular, it is very effective in the treatment of skin diseases, abrasions, wounds and eye diseases. Also, the medicinal properties of calamus root are used to relieve toothache. Traditional healers They believe that the herb of marsh cinquefoil helps with gynecological diseases and illnesses genitourinary system, and also maybe good remedy for cancer in the early stages.

There are recipes based on calamus that help fight alcoholism and smoking. If you chew the root of this plant, you develop a strong aversion to tobacco. The plant can be a wonderful addition to indoor flower arrangements. Varieties such as variegated calamus and dwarf calamus are used as a decorative element. They are easy to care for and purify the indoor air from bacteria. Calamus is recommended for those who keep aquariums.

The use of calamus in folk medicine

Medicinal properties and harm

Medicinal properties plants are directly related to its unique component composition. Marsh cinquefoil is effective for treating the following range of diseases:

  • liver diseases, including hepatitis and cirrhosis;
  • cholecystitis and enteritis;
  • gastritis, colitis and stomach ulcers;
  • respiratory viral diseases;
  • flu;
  • sore throat, tonsillitis, laryngitis;
  • varicose veins and thrombophlebitis;
  • joint diseases;
  • headache and toothache;
  • hypertension;
  • renal failure;
  • gynecological diseases;
  • urological disorders;
  • neuroses and psychotic states;
  • wide range skin diseases from wounds to infections.

There are practically no contraindications for use, but it is not recommended to use calamus during pregnancy and lactation, with high acidity of gastric juice, with allergies and severe hypotension.

Collection, preparation and storage

Medicinal properties have been identified in the root of calamus, so this particular part of the plant is suitable for harvesting. Rhizomes are collected in natural conditions, on sites near the shore of the reservoir. Harvesting is carried out in the autumn-winter period, when the plant cells are full useful substances reaches the maximum level.

The root is cleaned of impurities, cut into pieces and thoroughly dried in special rooms for outdoors while maintaining the temperature within 20-30 degrees. Dried rhizomes are checked: they should be brittle, pinkish color, have a bitter taste and a characteristic aroma.

Dried roots should be stored in a dry, ventilated area, without access sunlight. Can be stored for up to 2 years. It is necessary to distinguish between common calamus and false calamus iris, calamus iris and reed reed. Despite all their external similarities, plants have completely different medicinal properties.

Calamus root has medicinal properties


As medicinal component Flame root can be used in powder form and as a tincture or decoction. It is very useful to have a tincture of calamus rhizomes in your home. You can prepare it in different ways. Here are the two most popular methods:

Unpretentious and very useful “Tatar grass” can help in the prevention and treatment of a whole bunch of diseases. In addition, it exudes a pleasant aroma and has bactericidal properties. All types of butterfly root can be successfully used in landscape design, and the presence of a plant in the home will help cope with depression and stress.


What is calamus, medicinal properties and contraindications, what are they? beneficial properties this plant, all this is of great interest to those who lead healthy image life, monitors his health, and is interested in traditional methods treatment, including with medicinal herbs and spices. So we will try to answer these questions in the following article.

Calamus (common calamus, or amygmus root) - perennial herbaceous plant, growing on the banks of rivers, lakes and swamps. India and China are considered its homeland. Currently widespread in North America, Europe, Siberia, 10th East Asia and the Far East. It is cultivated as a herb.

The plant has an erect triangular stem, the height of which can reach from 50 cm to 1.2 m. It has a thick, flattened creeping rhizome of a cylindrical shape, greenish or brownish-yellow color, the diameter is up to 3 cm, and the length is up to 1.5 m.

In its lower part, thin roots up to 50 cm long are formed. Calamus rhizomes are distinguished by a bitter, spicy-burning taste and strong aroma.

The leaves of calamus are narrow-linear, have a rich green color, and develop on the lateral branches and the top of the main rhizome. The length of the leaf reaches an average of 80-100 cm. The stem appears to be wrapped in leaves, which are closely adjacent to it at the base.

The flowers are greenish-yellow in color. The perianth is made up of 6 petals. The flowers form cylindrical cobs, the length of which varies from 4 to 12 cm. The flowering period begins in June and continues until August.

The fruit is a berry, colored pale green or red.

The plant propagates vegetatively. For planting in culture, sections of rhizomes are taken. They are collected and stored in late autumn or early winter. The rhizomes are thoroughly washed with running water and dried in the open air.

When heat drying, special care must be taken temperature regime- no more than 30 °C. Drying at more high temperature leads to evaporation of essential oil and a decrease in the quality of raw materials. Properly dried rhizomes when scrapped have a pinkish-cream color.

Before storing, long rhizomes must be cut into pieces no longer than 20 cm. The shelf life of harvested rhizomes is no more than 3 years.

What does calamus treat?

Calamus rhizomes contain a large amount of essential oils, the components of which are substances such as calamenon, O-camphor, O-camphene, eugenol, curcumen, acoron, valerian and acetic acid, phytoncides. In addition, they are rich in acoretin, acorine, calamine, tannins, ascorbic acid, choline, vitamins and starch.

The essential oils and bitterness of acorin found in the roots of the plant activate the secretion of gastric juice and, affecting taste buds, increase appetite and normalize the digestion process.

Hippocrates also described in his writings healing properties this plant and its effect on the functioning of many organs and systems human body. Avicenna recommended taking preparations from rhizomes to those who suffered from stomach and liver diseases.

Preparations prepared from calamus rhizomes are prescribed for treatment cardiovascular diseases, and also as wound-healing, anti-inflammatory and bactericidal agents. They also improve brain function. Due to the presence of terpenoids in the composition, preparations from calamus rhizomes have some antispasmodic effect.

Infusions, tinctures and decoctions from calamus rhizomes help improve the functioning of the gallbladder and urinary system organs, and relieve pain of various origins.

IN Korean medicine preparations from calamus rhizomes are recommended to be taken for stomach disorders, decreased vision, weakened memory, dystonia, flatulence, cardioneurosis, furunculosis and arthritis. Chinese healers use them to treat rheumatism, ear diseases, cholera and epilepsy.

In Indian medicine, preparations from calamus rhizomes are used for tuberculosis and as a antibacterial agent, and in Tibetan - for the treatment of gastroenteritis and ulcers on the mucous membrane of the larynx. In Bulgaria they are recommended for anemia, dysminorrhea, stomach colic, as well as for diseases of the gallbladder, liver and kidneys.

In Europe, preparations from calamus rhizomes have long been used for various diseases: colds, flu, dropsy, inflammation renal pelvis, heartburn, stomatitis and periodontal disease, arthritis, rickets, gout, malaria, allergic manifestations, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, urinary, female reproductive, respiratory and cardiovascular systems, brain diseases, as well as abscesses and seizures. In the old days, it was believed that chewing fresh calamus stems would help prevent the development of such serious illnesses like typhoid, cholera and influenza.

In addition, it is used in folk medicine:

✓ for diseases of the stomach and intestines, flatulence, poor appetite, nausea, vomiting;

✓ for the treatment of colds and bronchitis;

✓ for cholelithiasis and urolithiasis;

✓ for the treatment of female diseases, during menopause. To enhance potency;

✓ for baths for infectious skin diseases. To enhance hair growth. In Ayurvedic medicine, calamus is used to cleanse the blood and blood vessels of toxins, for memory impairment, headaches, and neuroses.

Calamus rhizomes contain up to 150 mg% vitamin C, in leaves, stems and inflorescences - up to 130 mg% vitamin C. This vitamin is extremely useful for weak nerves, poor concentration, increased physical and mental fatigue, stress and depressive states, insomnia, weakened immunity of the body.

Drowsiness. In the evening, drink an infusion of 1/2 teaspoon of calamus root powder and 1/4 teaspoon of ginger powder per cup of water.

It is always useful to have a tincture of calamus rhizomes in the house:

Tincture. Pour 100 g of dry crushed calamus rhizomes into 1 liter of vodka, leave in a dark place at room temperature for 15 days, shaking the contents periodically, then strain. Take 1-2 tbsp. spoons 3 times a day before meals, washed down with water. The tincture is bitter, but its healing properties are worth keeping at your disposal at all times. The tincture has an excellent tonic effect, and the corresponding “thoughts move”, and at the same time heals gastrointestinal tract, relieves nervous tension.

With increased acidity of gastric juice, chronic constipation, frequent heartburn and flatulence, take 1 tbsp. a spoonful of calamus roots, dried and crushed orange peels, tansy grass flowers; 1 pinch of valerian roots, St. John's wort, marshweed, pour 1.5 liters of fortified red grape wine and leave in a dark place for 3 weeks, shaking daily at noon, strain, squeeze out the raw materials. Take 1 teaspoon three times a day 15 minutes before meals, washed down with warm honey water (1-2 sips). The same infusion will also help with poor appetite. The course of treatment is up to 3 weeks.

Store the infusion in the refrigerator or in the cellar.

Fresh calamus rhizome is an excellent remedy for the treatment of fibroids. Take 1 tbsp of root gruel. spoon 3-4 times a day 30 minutes before meals.

At the same time 1 tbsp. pour a spoonful of dry crushed celandine herb into 0.3 l cold water, bring to a boil, leave, covered, for 6–8 hours, strain. At night, do slow (drip) douching with infusion for 1.5 hours. The course of treatment is 1–1.5 months.

2 tbsp. Mix spoons of fresh calamus root gruel (or 1 tablespoon of dry root powder) with 50 g of aloe juice and 50 g of honey, leave in a dark, cool place for 3 days, shaking the contents periodically. You will receive a mixture that is indispensable in the treatment of fibroids. Take 1 tbsp. spoon 3-4 times a day an hour before meals.

Useful in treatment and prevention malignant neoplasms various localizations"calamus wine" Wine tincture is used to prevent severe vomiting.

Wine. Pour 100 g of fresh crushed calamus rhizomes with a liter of natural grape wine, leave for 14 days, shaking the contents periodically, and strain. Drink 1-2 tbsp. spoons 30 minutes before meals and 30 minutes after meals.

At muscle tension in the upper part of the body, do an enema with 1 cup of calamus oil and hold for 30 minutes.

Essential oil calamus ( pharmaceutical drug) take 2-3 drops orally with a coffee spoon of honey 3 times a day as a sedative for hysteria.

For insomnia, it is useful to take baths from a decoction of calamus rhizomes for three to four weeks (you can also use leaves and stems). Pour 200 g of dry or 0.5 kg of fresh crushed raw materials into a bucket of boiling water and cook in a sealed container over low heat for 15 minutes. The decoction should be steeped, wrapped, for one to two hours, strained and poured into the bath. The water temperature in it should be 36–37 degrees Celsius, the duration of the bath should be 10–15 minutes. The bath should be taken two hours before bedtime. After a bath, it is useful to drink any of the natural sedatives recommended for insomnia.

For insomnia caused by depression, neuroses, neurasthenia, a collection of calamus rhizomes, peppermint leaves, sorrel, St. John's wort, taken in equal parts by weight, is useful.

Infusion. 1 tbsp. pour a spoonful of the dry, crushed mixture into 1 cup of boiling water, leave, covered, for two to three hours, strain. Drink 1 tbsp. spoon 3 times a day before meals.

For men with insomnia caused by weakened sexual function, it is useful to take this infusion of calamus rhizomes: 1 tbsp. pour a spoonful of dry crushed calamus rhizomes into 0.5 liters of boiling water and leave in a tightly sealed container overnight (preferably in a thermos), then strain. Drink 3 tbsp. spoons 3 times a day in between meals.

Calamus rhizomes are placed in compotes of fresh and dried apples, pears, and rhubarb. They are also boiled in syrup and candied for confectionery. Candied rhizomes - healthy treat with weakened sexual activity in men, with disorders of the nervous system.

It is advisable that the root and leaves of calamus be constantly in your home medicine cabinet. There is no price for this beautiful plant - the benefits from it are incredible.

Dried calamus rhizomes have a strong spicy smell, tart and spicy taste. Used as a spice instead bay leaf, ginger and cinnamon. Add to soups, fish broths, fatty fried meats, fried potatoes and vegetables. Leaf powder is added to dough to bake aromatic bread. It improves the taste of sweet dishes, fruit soups, salads. Jam is made from the inner whitish leaf rosette or rhizomes, and they are candied.

“Place pieces of calamus root in the corners of your apartment to avoid poverty, hunger, and disease,” magic healers recommend.

Recipes from the book by N. Danikov “Healing spices for health”

Useful properties:

Calamus was used as a spicy additive in ancient times by cooks in Greece and Rome. The rhizomes of this plant are used mainly in the preparation of soups, broths, cabbage, potato, meat and fish dishes. They serve as a flavoring addition to baked goods, fruit salads, tea and compotes from pears and apples. In addition, candied fruits are made from rhizomes.

The importance of calamus as a spice in Europe has fallen - it has become the property of pharmaceuticals. And in the vegetarian regions of India they never stop using everything that grows on its own and asks to be put into the pot.

In fairness, it must be said that Indian calamus has a more pronounced aroma, like everything that grows under the tropical sun. And there, crushed calamus root is added to meat when stewing, in broths and soups.

✓ For stewed meat. For European tastes, calamus root is bitter, so it is better not to crush the root, but to place it in a pan in a large piece shortly before the end of cooking. And then pull it out.

✓ For salads. Shoots of calamus leaves are used in salads. Just don't overdo it with the portion! IN large quantities calamus will cause nausea.

✓ For infusions and flavoring of liqueurs. Drinks with calamus perfectly stimulate the appetite. You just need to remember that it is used in those recipes that call for bitter spices.

✓ For candied fruits. Tea with candied calamus will remind you medieval Europe and will boost immunity.

Candied calamus rhizomes


Calamus rhizomes - 500 g

Sugar syrup - 500 ml

Pour the sugar syrup into an enamel container, place on the fire and bring to a boil. Then dip the previously prepared - washed and cut into small pieces - calamus rhizomes into it. Boil everything for 10–15 minutes.

Remove the candied fruits from the pan with a slotted spoon and cool at room temperature. Store in a glass container. Serve as a dessert.


Calamus root is prohibited:

  • during pregnancy,
  • frequent nosebleeds,
  • acute forms peptic ulcer stomach,
  • exacerbations of kidney inflammation,
  • increased stomach acidity.

The plant can reduce vascular pressure, so you should use it responsibly and monitor your personal well-being. An overdose can lead to bouts of vomiting.

The calamus plant, which has a wide range of beneficial properties, is widely used as a medicinal raw material, both in traditional and folk medicine.

The medicinal plant calamus is a perennial rhizomatous herb.

It is the rhizomes of the plant, as well as to some extent the leaves, that contain the maximum concentrations of specific compounds that determine its medicinal properties, represented by:

  • , including sesquiterpenes, terpinoids, azarylaldehydes
  • Tannins, cahetin tannins
  • Phytoncides
  • Alkaloids, including calamine
  • Starch
  • Glycosides, e.g. acarin, lucenion
  • Bitterness of acoretin
  • Gum
  • Resins
  • Ascorbic, acaric, palmitic, acetic, valeric acids

The specific smell of plant materials is due to the presence of azarin aldehyde.

The rhizome of the plant has a characteristic taste, intensely spicy, tart, pungent, and bitter.

Thanks to the unique combination of these compounds, calamus has healing effects:

  • Anti-inflammatory
  • Bactericidal
  • Wound healing
  • Painkillers
  • Calming
  • Antispasmodic
  • Choleretic
  • Diuretic
  • Tonic
  • Promoting increased secretion of gastric juice
  • Increase appetite, improve digestion

Plant raw materials obtained from calamus are produced in the form of dried crushed rhizomes, packaged in bags, or in powder form, intended for both internal and external use.
Dispensing the drug in pharmacies is permitted without the need to present a prescription.

In addition to use in traditional medicine, mainly as a stimulant, as well as a drug that helps improve the digestive process, is found wide application as a traditional medicine.

It is interesting to note that in different countries Calamus rhizome is used much more widely in folk medicine, often for treatment serious illnesses, and also as a prophylactic agent.

Plant raw materials from calamus are used in folk medicine in the form of juice, infusions, powder, tinctures, tea preparations, douching solutions, and baths.

Using calamus rhizome as a medicine will really be beneficial if you follow the rules for its use and do not neglect contraindications.

Taking the tincture internally, as well as its use as an external remedy, may be accompanied by the manifestation allergic reactions, in such cases you should stop using it.

Tincture of calamus rhizome is used to treat hair

The effectiveness of tincture of calamus rhizome for treating hair, as well as for its health, has been tested for years and is widely used.

The use of tincture is advisable if you have:

  • Problems associated with hair loss varying degrees intensity
  • Increased fat content of the hair to normalize the activity of secreting glands
  • Dandruff
  • Excessive dryness, including those caused by climatic influences, aggressive procedures

The compounds contained in the rhizome of the plant help strengthen hair, normalize its structure, provide nutrition to the roots, regulate fat secretion, stimulate growth, eliminate dandruff, give it shine, silkiness, beauty, and health.

Regular use of the plant tincture is also recommended for preventive purposes.

Strengthen therapeutic effect calamus can be made by drawing up special fees medicinal plants, for example, burdock, and preparing hair rinse tinctures based on them.

A proven remedy for improving hair condition is tincture of calamus rhizome.

The desire to use the healing properties of calamus for treatment various kinds diseases are quite understandable and understandable. Treatment with it will be truly effective if you familiarize yourself with its composition, indications and contraindications for use in advance, and make sure reliable source raw materials.

Calamus preparations are most widely used in medicine in gastroenterology as bitters. The bitter glycoside acorin, contained in calamus essential oil, reflexively stimulates gastric secretion, especially the release of hydrochloric acid, while increasing appetite and improving digestion. In addition, it increases the biliary function of the liver, the tone of the gallbladder and diuresis.

Thus, for the prevention and treatment of urolithiasis and cholelithiasis, complex preparations, which include calamus oil. And for peptic ulcers of the stomach and duodenum, as well as hyperacid gastritis, the drugs “Vicalin”, “Ultox” and “Vicair”, which contain calamus rhizome powder, are prescribed. Less commonly, plant preparations are used for cholecystitis and hepatitis of various origins.

Calamus is also important in dentistry.

Due to its anti-inflammatory, antiseptic, analgesic effect, medicinal products calamus is recommended for glossitis, gingivitis, periodontal disease and others inflammatory processes oral mucosa.

In gynecological practice, a decoction of calamus in combination with an infusion of the cuff herb is used for douching for colpitis of coccal and trichomonas etiology. It is also used for hypomenstrual syndrome, secondary amenorrhea, ovarian failure and pathological menopause.

The range of uses of calamus root in folk medicine is much wider than in scientific medicine.

In Tibetan medicine Calamus rhizome is used as a tonic and anthelmintic, it is included in patches for the treatment of certain bone lesions. There are also Tibetan smoking sticks for disinfection and cleaning of premises during infectious diseases: Calamus rhizome, Gugul gum (Vatica Laneafolia), Hedychium spicatus rhizome, Asafoetida gum and charcoal to ensure slow combustion.

In Chinese medicine The rhizome of calamus is used as a tonic, stimulant, antidiarrheal agent, and also for flatulence. In addition, its drugs are prescribed for rheumatism. Calamus tincture, according to Chinese doctors, improves vision and hearing. The rhizome along with the leaves is used as an antipyretic, externally in the form of hot baths.

In India The company "Dolkar" prepares smoking medicinal sticks called "Asafetida" from the rhizome and leaves of calamus. It should be noted that in pure form When smoked, ground calamus root does not smell very pleasant. Obviously, this is due to the presence of starch and a large amount of fiber in them. Therefore, the remark of the famous scientist from Khorezm Abu Reykhan Biruni (973 - ca. 1050) about the necessary kind of fermentation to which raw materials are subjected looks very convincing: starch is destroyed, but essential oils remain.

Calamus marsh, as very strong medicine, is part of Mongolian prescriptions for the treatment of skin diseases.

In Germany and Switzerland (less in France) calamus rhizome is widely used as an aphrodisiac, gastrointestinal tonic, anti-inflammatory and aromatic agent.

In Bulgaria calamus rhizome is considered one of the best stomachic, bitter remedies, which stimulates the appetite, improves digestion, and also has a anesthetic effect on mucous membranes and is therefore widely used. Essential oil is used for hysteria, stomach colic, etc.

In Poland Calamus is used externally - for hair loss in the form of a concentrated decoction, which is rubbed into the scalp.

Recipes for using calamus at home

Considering that calamus is used for a wide range of diseases, there are a great many recipes with it. First of all, it is used for diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

For the diseases mentioned above, you can prepare decoction of calamus rhizomes. The decoction is being prepared as follows: 10 g (2 tablespoons) of raw materials are placed in an enamel bowl and poured 200 ml (1 glass) of hot boiled water, close the lid and heat in boiling water (in a water bath) for 15 minutes, then cool for 45 minutes, filter, and squeeze out the remaining mass. The resulting infusion is diluted with boiled water to the original volume of 200 ml. Take warm, 1/4 cup 3-4 times a day, 30 minutes before meals. Store in a cool place for no more than 2 days.

For some diseases, slightly modified recipes are more effective.

For colitis and fermentative dyspepsia, accompanied by swelling and grumbling, calamus is prepared in rice water: 1-2 tbsp. spoons of washed rice and 10 g of crushed calamus rhizomes are poured with 1.5-2 cups of water, boiled for 20 minutes, filtered and drunk warm 3-4 times a day, 1/2 cup instead of meals for 1-2 days.

For hepatitis rhizomes of calamus, immortelle, St. John's wort take in equal parts. One tablespoon of the mixture per glass of water. Boil for 5 minutes. Take half a glass 3-4 times a day before meals.

For gallbladder diseases Pour a teaspoon of crushed calamus rhizome with a glass of boiling water, leave for 20 minutes, strain. Take the infusion 1/2 cup 4 times a day.

As mentioned above, this plant is an excellent antiseptic. . For diarrhea of any origin, take 2 teaspoons of calamus powder, brew with a glass of boiling water and leave for 2 hours in a tightly sealed container. Then strain and drink 1/4 cup 3 times a day half an hour before meals.

With this unpleasant phenomenon like heartburn, calamus is a favorite folk remedy.For heartburn Take a quarter teaspoon of powdered raw material with a sip of water. You can chew a small piece of the root and swallow it. Even very annoying heartburn stops if you take fine powder from calamus rhizomes on the tip of a knife 3 times a day.

For stomatitis and gingivitis Use a warm infusion to rinse your mouth. Pour a teaspoon of chopped rhizome into 1.5 cups of boiling water, leave for 2 hours, strain. In this case, you can use alcohol tincture, diluted with water. To prepare it, 20 g of crushed rhizome is poured with 100 g of 70% alcohol and left for 8 days in a dark place. Take 20 drops 3 times a day before meals. This tincture in the form of a compress will also help with toothache.

To strengthen teeth and gums, as well as for periodontal disease Calamus root powder is mixed into the tooth powder at the rate of 0.2-0.5 g per time. Brush your teeth 3 times a day. In case of periodontal disease, the gums should be additionally treated with calamus infusion.

For hemorrhoids make sitz baths from a decoction of 30 g of calamus rhizome per 1 liter of water. For various gynecological inflammatory processes, it is also used in the form of sitz baths or douching.

In case of violation peripheral circulation in the limbs(if your hands and feet are constantly cold) you should take “hand” and “foot” hot baths with calamus. After the bath, do not dry yourself.

Other uses

There is also information about the use of calamus rhizomes for tanning leather.

A fragrant oil was prepared from calamus, which was used in religious worship. Biruni describes a very amazing way of obtaining incense from the roots of calamus: “In various incense, this plant is used only when it rots and crumbles. They say that in those places there is a pass; when this plant is transported through it, its particles rot and it becomes usable for their use in medicines and incense. If it is transported through other passes and places, then its particles do not separate from each other, but on the contrary, they become hard and strong like other grains.”

Essential oil from rhizomes is used in the cosmetic and perfume industry (for flavoring toilet soaps and lipsticks, as well as bath preparations), the distillery industry (for preparing bitter vodkas, liqueurs, fruit essences) and the fishing industry (for imparting pleasant aroma and slightly bitter taste), culinary and confectionery production.

Dried and ground into a fine powder, the rhizomes of calamus are a traditional spice in Indian and Islamic cuisine, used for preparing sweet dishes and compotes. In England and America, candied fruits are made from it. Why should pieces of fresh root be placed in a thick sugar syrup or honey, boil for 5-10 minutes, then remove, strain off the syrup, dry and sprinkle with powdered sugar.

Since ancient times, it has been classified as a spice, and the dried rhizome is used instead of bay leaves, cinnamon, and ginger. In addition, calamus is a good seasoning for stewed meat. However, due to its bitter taste, it is better to use this spice carefully and add it when stewing and in soups, not in crushed form, and then remove it.

From the very young leafy shoots of this plant you can prepare a delicious tonic salad.