A prophetic dream spell as a method of predicting the future. How to make yourself dream about the future

During sleep, a person sees dreams that can be pleasant, exciting or, conversely, terrible. Full control this process impossible. Available special technique, which can help anyone who wants to establish contact with their subconscious. She will tell you what to do to have a dream with a certain plot.

Sleep to order

Dreams are the remnants of emotions that a person experiences during the day. The subconscious mind tries to tell a person a way out of certain situations and give answers to many questions. So, let's try to figure out what to do to make the dream the way it should be.

  1. Learn to remember all your dreams. To do this, you need to write them down daily. All people have dreams, but many simply do not remember them. Using meditation and relaxation will help a person learn to manage all his dreams.
  2. Before going to bed, you need to mentally formulate a question to which you want to get an answer. You can also imagine a person you really want to see.
  3. Concentrate on getting the answer you need. It is in the interval between deep sleep and in the waking state you can see what you want and receive many answers.

It is impossible to learn how to properly manage your dreams in one day. This requires training and time. By learning to communicate with your subconscious, a person will be able to get the desired result.

Prophetic dream

A large number of people dream of looking into the future and finding out what awaits them. Prophetic dreams can provide the necessary information and knowledge. In order to see them, you must first prepare.

Special attention should be given to the condition of the Moon. To have a prophetic dream, she must be in last stage growth. Without this condition it is impossible to obtain the desired result.

Before going to bed, be sure to take a warm bath, to which lavender and rosemary oil is added. It is also necessary to tie a knot on an ordinary thick rope, but do not tighten it completely. It is placed under the pillow. If you dream good sleep, the knot is tightened, and the bad one is dissolved.

Place under the foot of the bed before going to bed bay leaves, and under the pillow there is a mirror. At the same time, you need to say: “I want you to have a true and prophetic dream. As darkness and light are reflected in this mirror, so will the path of my future be reflected in it.” In a dream, you should dream of a mirror in which you can see the future.

Erotic dreams

Quite often people have erotic dreams. They may have nothing to do with real life. It turns out that erotic dreams help relieve stress and strong tension, which accumulates in the body throughout the day.

Each person in a dream can independently choose his partner and place of action. By using constant training You can order yourself a specific dream with a sexual twist.

When preparing, you need to stop drinking alcohol and coffee, and try to drink more water. Dinner should be light. The room should be maintained at an optimal temperature and absolute silence should be maintained. It is better to sleep on your back, and your head should be low enough.

In order to have an erotic dream, you need to close your eyes and imagine a spicy situation. You need to imagine all the gestures and movements in the smallest detail. You should stay in this state for at least 10 minutes. Initially, a person may fall asleep very quickly. It is important to learn how to prolong the state of being between sleep and wakefulness. In this case, a person can enjoy the whole night.

If fortune telling does not bring the necessary results, but you need to find out about the future, you can try using a prophetic dream spell. Typically, those who use it are warned about what will happen in the future and can prevent trouble.

In the article:

Conspiracies for prophetic dreams - what you need to know about them

Not everyone has the skills that allow them to predict the future. But if you use a special spell for a prophetic dream, you can find out what awaits you. There are rules that cannot be ignored during magical work for a prophetic dream, otherwise everything you do will be in vain.

Almost every one is carried out immediately before bedtime. This means that you will have to refrain from reading and watching TV every night, snacking in the middle of the night, sex and anything else that might distract you. Wash and shower, change clothes - all this should be done only before casting a spell for a prophetic dream. Talk to someone, correspond on the Internet, perform phone calls and you can’t answer them until the morning.

You must sleep and wake up alone. If you share your bed with your spouse, try to find a reason to go to another room for one night. You must also be alone in the room. Make sure that no one wakes you up or disturbs you. Turn off your phone and alarm clock in advance. It is best to choose a day off so that you can wake up naturally, without the alarm ringing.

Your attitude is very important, as with any practice of magic, a lot depends on it. When you go to bed after reading the plot, you should be determined to see in your dreams what you want to know. Try to get rid of all extraneous thoughts and distractions. Think only about what you want to know in a dream, but try not to imagine specific situations.

The phase of the moon also matters. If this is not specified in the descriptions of the plot, then choose last days waxing moon, just before the full moon. The full moon is also a good idea.

The use of incense will be a big plus of the ritual. Their aromas will help you tune in to prophetic dreams. Dry sleep grass and aloe stems are suitable. If this is too difficult for you, aroma sticks and essential oils of patchouli, eucalyptus, sandalwood and some others are usually suitable.

This evening, the shower can be replaced with a relaxing bath at a temperature that is pleasant for you. You can add essential oils to the water, such as lavender or peppermint. Wiccan magicians advise inhaling the steam coming from the water infusion of the following plants: laurel, cinnamon, wormwood, nutmeg and rose. Also favors prophetic dreams witch tea. It consists of two parts cinnamon, two parts yarrow and three parts rose petals.

Most often, prophetic dreams are the same as reality, but some people see subconsciously encrypted dreams about the future. Many people, before falling asleep, note a feeling of anxiety and a foreign presence. Don't pay attention to him and let him disturb your sleep.

What to do if the prophetic dream turned out to be scary?

To partially avert the misfortune, say before you get out of bed:

Where there is darkness, there is a dream. Amen.

Or get up with right leg and at the same time say:

All troubles are in dreams, go to your enemies. Amen.

This is not enough to prevent a bad prophetic dream from coming true. More ambitious measures need to be taken, and you know better what they should be. There are many, for example, which you can easily find on our website.

And if the dream you saw turned out to be good, say different words. Before you get out of bed, say:

A good dream is in my hand. Amen.

Or get out of bed with your left leg and say:

What I saw in my dreams, I took for myself. Amen.

You cannot tell prophetic dreams to anyone. Especially if you dreamed about something good, otherwise it won’t come true.

Sleep spell when falling asleep

It is important to be able to pronounce this spell at a time when you are already drifting off to sleep, but without waking up. You can say it in a whisper, or to yourself, five times:

Let me quickly dream about what should come true. I wish it so!

It’s good if immediately after reading this simple plot you fall asleep.

To cast this spell you will need a small mirror. round shape. It should not contain any drawings, inscriptions or other decor. The presence of a frame is also undesirable, but removing it is easy. The mirror must be clean; it is better to wipe it right before you read the plot. It would be good if it was a new mirror, but this condition is not mandatory.

Place a mirror under your pillow, lie down on it and say:

As darkness and light are reflected in this mirror, so will my future one appear in it.

Most often, people who have used such a spell dream of a mirror, and in the mirror they see a reflection of what they wanted to know about. The next morning the mirror must be hidden. Don't tell anyone about it and don't give it to anyone other than you. The mirror should only be used for divination.

Plot for a prophetic dream on a candle

You can use this method of seeing a prophetic dream only three times throughout the year, on strictly defined days - on, on the night of the Old New Year, and on. You cannot read this conspiracy on other days or more than three times a year.

For this magical work on a prophetic dream, you need a candle, absolutely any one. Before going to bed, light it and say the spell three times. Its text reads drawn out, like an invocation:

Abu, Lah, Yessa. I call you, I urge you, I attract you to a prophetic dream. Take the candle flame to yourself and give me a truthful dream in exchange. The last smoke from the flame will enter my mind and predict my fate. The one who loves and who loved will show, tell about haters and dashing people. She will tell me about who I can escape from and who I will destroy.

Word " Amen“You can’t speak, you can’t be baptized either. The candle should be extinguished, preferably with your fingers or a special cap. After this, go to bed immediately and completely remove clothing and jewelry before going to bed.

Prayer for sleep with two candles

This spell cannot be used more than once a month. Time - from Thursday to Friday, around 22:00-23:00 hours.

In order to read a dream plot in which you will see the whole truth, you need two identical church candles. They should be twisted into one so that one wick is on top and the second is on the bottom. With your left hand, hold the resulting “double” candle in the middle and read:

Mother of God, I pray to you and Jesus Christ.
Let my desire become clear.
May the grace of the Lord come to me.
Through my dream, and in my memory.
Let the angel of dreams tell me about the future.
For the morning, for tomorrow, for the day after tomorrow. (report the time in which you want to predict events). Key. Lock. Language. Amen.

After you say the last word of this plot, immediately extinguish the candle. Place it at the head of the bed or on a cabinet that stands next to your bed. Then go straight to bed. You definitely need to fall asleep before midnight.

Take whatever remains of the twisted candles to church within three days. There is a special tray for candle stubs, put it there. It is advisable to do this immediately in the morning.

Prophetic dream spell on Saturday

This spell is cast only on Saturday. Before you go to bed, prepare a piece of bread and sprinkle it with salt. There are no special requirements for these products, except that the bread must be fresh and suitable for use. Read the spell for bread and salt:

Sunday with Monday, Tuesday with Wednesday, Thursday with Friday, and you, Saturday, have no friends, here’s bread and salt for you, and give me a clear dream.

Place bread and salt at the head of your bed, and then immediately go to bed.

Spell for a prophetic dream on evening water

For this plot, you need spring water, which you collected at dawn. Water from a natural source is often replaced with mineral water without gas, but it does not fit here - it is impossible to know at what time it was dialed. Water needs a small basin, saucepan or plate.

Immediately when you bring this water home, read the following words above it:

I invite the devil on the dawn of the evening,
I ask him for true and secret words.
Not everyone knows those words, but whoever hears them,
He recognizes prophetic dreams.
As soon as I fall asleep, I will find the answers to my questions.

Wash your face with water and dry yourself with a clean towel (it doesn’t have to be new). After this, go straight to bed and try to fall asleep quickly. You should not read this plot too often.

Sleep spell to see a cure for the disease

If you have been sick for a long time, and the medicines that doctors prescribe for you do not help, you can try to find out in a dream what medicine you need. They do this on the day of honor St. Nicholas.

Should go to sleep inside church fence. There are many ways to do this. Many churches are not guarded at night, you may be able to find one. It also makes sense to pretend that your lock is broken, and spending the night near a church is still safer than in a park on a bench.

Rituals and conspiracies for prophetic dreams are one of the most reliable ways see your future. You will be able to get the information you need to know to make the right decision.

Rituals require your own magical items

Not a single magical action will work effectively and safely if you do not follow certain rules and requirements. Each conspiracy has its own requirements; sometimes training of fortitude is required, and sometimes it will be necessary to use magic items.

Must be strictly adhered to following rules in order to find out in your dreams the whole truth about the coming future:

  1. The conspiracy must be carried out completely alone.
  2. The conspiracy is carried out only during the period of several days of the waxing moon.
  3. Under no circumstances should you make any guesses about the ritual. Your head should be bright and your thoughts clear.
  4. If you are experiencing a moment of stress or are worried about something, then the ritual should not be performed. It’s better to postpone the plot until the next night, or relieve stress by taking a fragrant bath.

A simple ritual for a prophetic dream

The main thing is to choose the right day

This sleep plot will not require you to study any nuances and is very simple to implement. You just need to choose the right day, guided by the above rules, and before going to bed, say the following words:

So that I could dream about something that is destined to come true. That's how I want it to be!

These words must be repeated five times, after which not a word can be spoken until the moment of awakening.

If, upon waking up, you realize that you had a prophetic dream, you need to blow into your fist without getting out of bed. right hand with the words:

I saw what I wanted!

Ritual using a mirror

To carry out the ceremony you will need a small oval mirror. It is best if it is a completely new mirror that has never been used before. If there is no such mirror, then you need to thoroughly wipe with alcohol the mirror that you are going to use during the ceremony.

Before going to bed, you need to hide the mirror under your pillow and say the following words:

Just as everything is reflected in a mirror, both light and darkness, so in the dream of God’s servant (name) her future will be reflected. So be it. Amen

That same night you should dream of a mirror in which you can see your future. After the ceremony, the mirror must be hidden from prying eyes. You cannot tell anyone about the ceremony, otherwise the future may change.

It must be remembered that this ritual should not be abused; frequent use of magic can lead to interference from external magical forces.

A very powerful prayer

When using this prayer, you will definitely attract a prophetic dream that will show the whole future and help you find out the whole truth during sleep.

The prayer itself must be said at the moment when you are already falling asleep. Words need to be memorized in advance. If, for some reason, this is impossible, then it is necessary to rewrite the prayer on a sheet of blank paper without blots or errors. If additional lighting is required, then use the flame of a church candle.

Carefully and without blots, you can rewrite the plot on a blank sheet of paper.

I, the servant of God (name), hurried into the light as best I could, when I heard the ringing of heavenly bells for mass. The Lord God himself served that mass, with his angels and archangels. In one hand the Lord held a small rod, and in the other hand the keys to the gates of heaven. So let the gates of heaven open, and let the door of hell be closed forever, let the door of hell be closed forever. The sacred child goes to his mother, Mother Mary the Mother of God. The child asks from whom the bright light comes, the Divine light. Mother Theotokos answers him that from her son, that he was crucified on a tree, that he was nailed with an iron nail, that he was stabbed directly into a merciful heart. May I, servant of God (name), see through a dream a blue cross, a red cross, on which the Lord God is crucified. Amen

How I, a teacher from Saratov, married an American rich man

I am 30 years old, I have a little daughter. It would seem, how can I, a simple teacher, marry a millionaire? However, this story can instill faith even in those who are already despairing. I hope it inspires you.

My story begins with a failed marriage. I married for love at 19, and lived with an absolute loser for almost 10 years. At first he seemed sweet and good, but after the birth of the child he started drinking and turned into an alcoholic, spending my meager salary on vodka.

Plot for a prophetic dream can be a powerful weapon. For those who don’t know: in the astral plane there is all the information about what has already happened and will still happen. There is a lot of talk about this these days. Unfortunately, even if they give methods on how to get to this magical “treasury of information,” most of them are completely unacceptable for ordinary person. All meditations and other techniques require such concentration and such time expenditure that there will be no time left to live.

But the Higher Powers have already given man a mechanism for communicating with the astral plane. It is given to everyone from birth. Some don’t suspect it, others know it, but don’t understand how to use it. It's about about prophetic dreams. Often, people only take advantage of "occasional" glimpses in this direction. That is, they learn to decipher those dreams that come by chance, unplanned, so to speak.

But nothing prevents you from receiving information from the magical astral dimension every day, if you want. This is not only extremely interesting, but also useful. And why not use the ability received from birth? It turns out somehow irrationally (well, this is, of course, a joke). But seriously, you can ask your Higher Self about anything. Believe me, it can answer literally immediately, like an ordinary interlocutor. Just understanding these answers, as they say, “takes twenty years to study.” Not everyone is able to decipher the “signs of fate.” And anyone can ask the subconscious to show you in a dream the answers to important (and not so important) questions. They are quite easy to decipher. As a last resort, if you can’t do it yourself, you can buy a dream book.

In this article

Plot for a prophetic dream

“I, the Lord’s servant (name), hasten to the light and run. The ringing of bells sounds within me, the heavens are calling to the Lord's Mass. I will open my soul, I will let in the Angel’s call. Let (name) open the doors of Heaven to me and leave the gates of Hell closed. Mother Theotokos, like a child, will take me by the hand. He will open and push the gates into the Lord. The secret one will tell me secrets. What lies ahead for me. Gentlemen, a bright light will enter the soul. Illuminate what is to come. Mother Theotokos will tell you that her child was crucified on the cross. Whoever sees him, the way will be open. Let that Holy Cross enter my dream, so that I may be protected by the wing of an Angel; whatever I see will come true! Amen!"

A spell to make you have a prophetic dream

When you are comfortably settled in bed and ready to go to bed, say the following spell. Only after that you can’t not communicate with anyone, not get up. For family people, it is recommended to engage in such divination when you are already asleep. And the words for a prophetic dream are:

“I’m going to another world, I’m going for knowledge. Let the Angel lead me along the heavenly roads, so that I know all the unknown events. For the future to become a reality, there will be no trouble or grief. To know what fate judges, to expect good, not bad, from it. Amen!"

A conspiracy to see a prophetic dream

If you have a very specific question for your subconscious or the Higher Powers (which is the same thing), then it is recommended to carry out such a ritual. Buy yourself a special mirror. It should be round and attractive (in your opinion). A red mirror is recommended for hot people with an ardent temperament. The same piece of glass is suitable for those who are interested in matters of the heart. “Business” questions should be asked in a mirror designed in a strictly styled manner. Let him outer surface will be of a calm tone, not particularly bright.

Many girls like a “chic” finish, with rhinestones or gold plated. So choose such a magic mirror. The criterion is this: it should give you a pleasant feeling so that you want to pick it up. This attribute of “conversation with the subconscious” must be stored separately. It is advisable not to show it to anyone on purpose. Make sure that no one else's eye looks into the reflective surface. Otherwise, you will attract their thoughts and events into your dreams. Do you need it?

On the other hand, if you want to find out what a person (for example) is thinking about, then on the contrary, let him look in the mirror, as if by chance. After this, make a prophetic dream. This way you will get extremely accurate images. All that remains is to solve it correctly.

Before going to bed, look into your magic mirror and say this:

“I’m leaving for other worlds. I wish that the future opens up, it appears to me in a dream. Mirrors are a bright ray, clear my horizons from the confusion of clouds. Let the future appear clearly, without hiding. I go to sleep, I see the road! Amen!"

Place the mirror under the pillow, reflective surface facing up.

A spell for a prophetic dream to find out who caused the damage

Say before going to bed:

“Lord, forgive, forgive the sins of Your servant (name)! There is no evil in me, only love. Who spoiled my blood? Who dragged fate into the black swamp? Who was lurking nearby like a rat? Who caused the black damage? My angel, make it open in a dream! Amen!"

Conspiracy of 77 Brahmins for a prophetic dream

“Venus, I conjure God’s servant (name) in the names of the Angels of sleep, the sorcerers of the third legion. Anael, Angel of the sixth day, I conjure you too. The seal of King Solomon that he never bowed to anyone. I turn to King David for advice, he gave wise answers to everyone. I call out the names of the angels: Adonai, Hey, Hey, Asim, Im, Sadai, so that my spell is confirmed. All the stars in the Universe and the imperishable planet itself. With all the powers in the world that created him.

I conjure the angels of the second legion. I call the Creator as a witness. I conjure with the earth, its trees and herbs, high mountains and lavas. With the ashes of my ancestors I conjure the names of those who died and who were born, those who have not yet been born. I conjure mothers’ milk, hell’s torment, women in labor with suffering and aspirations. Solomon's keys by force, the figure of a six-winged Cherub.

Let the dream be true, let what is not seen on earth be revealed. Let true insights come. Let all the spirits arise, imperishable barriers before my eyes, open, help me look into the future. Lord, bless my spell! The power of an Angel was put on me at night! Give me strength to cope with the visions! Amen!"

Almost everyone deciphers and analyzes dreams from time to time. Fascinating and educational, you must agree. After all, this is not just information out of nowhere. A dream is a kind of conversation between the subconscious and the manifested personality. It contains so much that it takes your breath away when you finally begin to understand the intricacies of wandering around the country of Morpheus.

One thing is bad. As a rule, a person cannot initiate this intimate conversation. We have to wait for the subconscious to deign to send the next message. And this, you see, is tiring. Especially when you have a lot of questions, there is something to talk about. And also themes. Until you learn to induce dreams yourself, you cannot set the direction of the conversation. You have to follow the lead of the one on the other side.

We didn’t think about this yesterday or today. Thousands of years ago, people tried to understand what dreams are. We noted and formulated rules for deciphering them. It is unknown who realized that it was also possible to lead them. However, prophetic dream spells are now practiced. And wonderful information comes that can change your life, help you make decisions and much more.

In fact, a spell for a prophetic dream is a common thing. Girls with adolescence“secret words” are passed on to each other, after which they must future husband will appear in night vision. But this is the simplest thing you can ask the subconscious. There are many other options for using the wonderful time of daily travel through a magical land. Let's look at them.

In this article

Spell for a prophetic dream: some rules

First, a few general rules. They are all simple and understandable. A prophetic dream should not be caused in an upset or excited state. Or rather, of course, try it. You can simply attract aggressive forces into your visions. And horrors are not the worst thing that will happen after this. Dreams are not a game of imagination, as scientists try to convince us. No. During a night's rest, a person actually finds himself in other worlds. They are different. There, just like in real life, all sorts of events happen. There is also a possibility of falling into enemy networks. Which, you see, few people want.

Therefore, try to order dreams only when you are calm. And the worst thing is that I am able to cast a spell for a prophetic dream. alcohol intoxication. This is already a completely risky experiment. Some demon will definitely come to your hidden worlds and settle there. It will be difficult to get rid of him. This entity will ruin life like... But not every magician will be able to see it. Therefore, it is recommended to approach the practice seriously and meaningfully. Again, caution doesn't hurt.

The spell for a prophetic dream should be cast before you go to bed. This is done standing or sitting. And after that you can no longer talk to anyone, watch TV or answer calls. In general, all that remains is to sleep. If you get distracted, nothing will happen.

Spell for a prophetic dream from Thursday to Friday

On this night, according to grandmothers and witches, only prophetic dreams come. But not every time and not for everyone. To be among the lucky ones, you should say the formula and fall asleep. How this is done is described above. And the words are:

“From Thursday afternoon to Friday night, enter the world of magic. I will wake up in it, as soon as I wake up, I will look around, I will turn to the night. Tell me, witch, (describe your problem)! As the stars rise, the fairies will come! Amen!"

If you don’t have a specific question, then ask: “what awaits me?” And one more small nuance. You should go to bed on Thursday, that is, before midnight. This is important for anyone prophetic vision. At midnight a person should already be in the land of Morpheus. Otherwise, he ends up in another world where the subconscious cannot communicate with him. There will be no prophetic dream.

Spell for a prophetic dream of Brahmins

This formula is also said before going to bed. Don't talk to anyone. And read the words clearly (you can from a piece of paper). They are:

“I call the angels of sleep, I conjure them to talk. Adonai, Hey, Iim, Hey, Sadai, Venus! By higher powers I conjure you! David and Slomon with a wise seal. Bring me accurate paintings, not spoiled by hell and the underworld. May the visions come true. The angels of the Third Legion will leave all false thoughts to someone else's prophet, which clouds the eye. I conjure with the Holy Bible, I conjure true dreams! Amen!"

You know, the Brahmin spell is usually used only when a serious specific problem needs to be solved. They don't talk about it. It is believed that the angels already see what they should warn you about and from what. But, if you use a spell for no reason, you will lose contact with the angels. They will consider you mischievous and will stop responding to the call. This should be taken into account if you want to regularly receive reliable information in a dream.

Spell for a prophetic dream on a full moon

When the queen of the sky is in full bloom, the entire planet rushes to meet her. This is a special time. It is filled with the magic of creation. On this night you should only wish for positive dreams. That is, the question must be formulated so that there is no aggression in it. If the problem is related to enemies or competition, then ask what you should do, what to do, and the like. Aggressive thoughts are dissonant with the energy of the night. That is, the likelihood of obtaining reliable data decreases.

Say this:

“The lunar face, the star cry, the mirror world invited me. Show me reality truthfully, everything is not false. Let the hints fly and open my eyes. Show me, moon, (ask a question). I recognize your kingdom. I give you my faith! Amen!"

Say so.

Dreams have long been associated with travel through unknown matters. Therefore, pictures of what was seen during the rest period are considered magical messengers capable of carrying prophecies. Very often events from dreams come true in real life. This is especially true for phantoms that people see on the night from Thursday to Friday. But in most cases such prophetic visions appear spontaneously. However, there is a way to “order” predictive night vision. To see prototypes of the near future, you can read special spells that our great-grandmothers used. Some such conspiracies, how to see a prophetic dream, will be described in our article.

Special conspiracies with which you can induce a prophetic dream are quite popular. They allow a person to learn about upcoming events in order to be able to prepare and make the right decision.

Like all other magic spells, conspiracies for summoning prophetic night images must be read, observing a number of rules. So, for example, for prophetic visions The following is relevant:

  • Carrying out the ritual completely alone so that its consequences do not affect other people;
  • Confidentiality (you cannot talk about what you have planned or done if you decide to use magic);
  • The optimal time for rituals to induce prophetic dreams. It is best to plan rituals for the last days of the waxing moon;
  • Confidence in a positive outcome;
  • Clear head. Before the ceremony, you need to relax and tune in to the desired wave, clear your head of unnecessary thoughts.

Implementation of these simple rules is the key to a successful result. By following these points, you can create a good basis for the spoken magic spell accompanied the realization of what you wanted, and you were able to see true prototypes of future events.

Summon a true prophecy to get an answer to your question

Many have probably heard that true dreams can appear not from Monday to Tuesday, not from Friday to Saturday, but precisely from Thursday to Friday. And if you read a special conspiracy on Thursday evening, you can be sure that the ritual is guaranteed to be effective.

Such a magical plot as seeing a prophetic dream will help a person decide on the situation.

To get an answer to your question in night vision, the author of the ritual must first ask a question late on Thursday evening and then read the spell. The ceremony is carried out directly in bed.

Having formulated a question so that the answer is unambiguous (either “yes” or “no”), the person must say it loudly. Then follow the words of the spell for a vision that should come true:

“I, the servant of God (my name), go to bed on Friday, from Thursday to Friday! So that I would dream of bread, if not, and water, if yes.”

On Friday, when you wake up, you should remember what happened while the moon was shining in the sky. This will be the answer to the question. If both products appear in the context of the overall picture, then the unknown awaits you.

Universal ritual

This ritual can be performed on any day of the week (Tuesday, Friday, Wednesday, Saturday or on the night of Monday, Thursday). By resorting to such a magical action, a person will see very informative dreams that will become harbingers of his near future.

“Let it appear to me in a night vision that it is destined by fate. As I want, so it will come true!

The words of this conspiracy for real night vision should be the last ones a person utters before resting. By closing his eyes, a person will fall asleep and see true events throughout the night's rest. If any events appear to him during this period, in the morning he will need to say: “I saw what I wanted!”

If you don’t dream anything during the night, the ritual can be repeated. As a rule, when the spell is recast, prophetic dreams should appear.

Ritual with a mirror

This ritual, during which a conspiracy is read to summon a prophetic vision at night, must be carried out on Saturday. It is advisable that this day coincide with the last days of the waxing moon.

The ritual is not done on an empty stomach and right before bed. Taking the mirror, you need to lie down in bed and read the following plot:

“Sunday is a bad day for Monday. Couple - Tuesday and Wednesday. Friday is a pair for Thursday. Only Saturday itself was left, without a couple. So let me (my name) have a prophetic dream on Saturday, for which the dark night itself will become a pair. Amen!".

After the words of this spell, the mirror should be placed under the pillow. Immediately close your eyes and try to fall asleep. During the night on Saturday, the author of the ritual will be able to see prophetic dreams. As a rule, all the events seen in them will definitely come true.

Ritual with water and bread

To see true dreams at night that will help you learn more about the future, you can perform another ritual. You can do it on any day of the week (Tuesday, Saturday or late Monday evening). The main thing is that the period of the event falls on the last days of the waxing moon.

You will also need to prepare in advance for the ritual. To do this you should take:

  • a piece of fresh bread;
  • glass filled with holy water.

“Dark Monday nights, prophetic Thursdays, lunar Wednesdays and Saturdays! Sunday and Tuesday! Everyone unite on Friday so that true visions will appear to me. Help me see prophetic dreams. What I see will come true, and what I hear will come true. Tuesday, Sunday, the nights of Monday, Thursday, Saturday and Wednesday, endow Friday with your strength, so that today in the dark a vision will appear to me, which will undoubtedly come true!”

This plot is read six more times. At the end of the ritual, gratitude is said once:

“Thank you, strength of Monday, Thursday, Tuesday, Saturday and Sunday! Thank you for your participation, support and real dreams!”

After this, you need to put a glass under the bed and put the edge on it. Now you can sleep peacefully. Throughout the night, you will dream of phenomena that will come true in the near future.

Often in the life of every person there are situations when you do not know what to do or cannot even imagine what this or that action will lead to.

Few agree to tempt fate through predictions, but no one will refuse to watch a prophetic dream. A prophetic dream spell will help to summon him, then all that remains is to spend time deciphering what you saw. Before you begin the ritual, you need to properly prepare the bedroom and also prepare yourself to watch a prophetic dream.

Preparing a person to receive a dream begins with a quiet evening, being in a peaceful state. This day is completely unacceptable for overload, nerves or overstrain. Folk legends say that such a day is best spent alone, and you need to go to bed alone. Shortly before a night's rest, it is recommended to take warm bath with the addition essential oils. Oils of fir, lavender, rosemary or mint will have a beneficial effect. Then the person should take a glass of warm milk.

Ordering prophetic dreams from the subconscious is available only on certain days - the last ones during the waxing Moon.

Preparing a room starts with preparation sleeping place. To do this, you will need to change the old bedding for new ones and carefully make the bed with them. Shortly before bedtime, it is recommended to fumigate the room with the smoke of sleep herbs or aloe, and these herbs must be dried in advance. You should go to bed long before midnight. At this moment you need to pray, only then is it permissible to start reading the text of the conspiracy. It is important that the rest is continuous, lasting about 8-9 hours, as it should be for healthy sleep.

What will the mirror tell you?

Most Popular Today strong conspiracy for a prophetic dream. It is carried out using a small mirror. This effective plot is recommended to be read exclusively on Saturdays during the waxing Moon. When going to bed, a person will need to take a mirror with him, and before going to bed, read the text of the plot. It should be read three times, after which the mirror should be hidden under the pillow.

Spell “For a prophetic dream” on a mirror

“Monday pairs Sunday, Tuesday pairs Wednesday, Thursday pairs Friday! And only Saturday was left without a couple! May I have a prophetic dream on Saturday, for which the night will be a match! Amen!"

After the ceremony, a person should try to immediately fall asleep soundly. Analysis of what is seen is carried out in the morning, as soon as the person wakes up.

It is recommended to write down all the memorable moments from the dream on paper so as not to miss the slightest detail. It is very important that the ritual be performed in home, since all his things are saturated with the energy of this person.

To avoid a possible unplanned awakening, it is recommended to turn off all possible irritants - alarm clock, radio, mobile and landline phones, as well as other equipment. The most truthful dreams come to a person around midnight, and they are remembered better than others. Prophetic sleep - early, not deep.

Bread and water will predict the future

On Friday night, it is recommended to read the spell for bread and water - with their help you can also order predictive dreams. To perform a magical ritual, you will need very little - a crust of bread with a glass of holy water. These items must be placed under the bed at night, then the words of prayer must be said. The text is repeated 7 times, after which the gratitude is read once.

Spell “For a prophetic dream” for bread and water

“Monday and Thursday nights, Tuesday and Sunday day, Saturday and Wednesday moon, Unite on Friday. Help me see dreams-harbingers, Give strength to Friday night! What I see will come true, what I hear will come true, what I learn will come true! Amen!"

Spell “For a prophetic dream” for bread and water (gratitude)

“Thank you to the forces of Monday and Thursday, Tuesday and Sunday for your participation, thank you Saturday and Wednesday for your support! Friday dreams are my real ones, thank you!”

To evoke a dream showing the near future, you just need to read a special bedtime prayer and then fall asleep. No other actions are required. However, it is important to remember preparatory stage, including preparing the room and yourself.

Conspiracy “For the near future”

“I go to bed on the Siena mountains, three angels stand at my head, one sees, the other hears, and the third will tell me the whole truth - what I buy, and what I find, maybe I’ll accept a gift, let it come true, and if I lose it in a dream , I sell or give away, then let such a dream dissolve.”

There are conspiracies against insomnia, with the help of which you can easily calm your nerves and fall into a sound sleep.

To fight against insomnia, just read a prayer before going to bed. Immediately before going to bed, a special conspiracy is read against his absence. If all requirements are met, the person falls asleep for some time.

Since ancient times, people have always believed in prophetic dreams. And this is understandable, because it has been proven that through dreams the subconscious often signals us about certain events that may happen to us in the near future.

In this regard, magical rituals that allow you to see prophetic dream. There are several ways to induce such a dream.

Requirements for rituals for prophetic dreams

Rituals that use a prophetic dream spell are not simple magical acts. Not only the effectiveness of the ritual, but also the minimization of possible negative consequences depends on the correctness of the ritual.

The optimal time for the ceremony is the last few days before the full moon. It has long been known that the moon in this phase is distinguished by its ability not only to show the hidden future in a person’s dreams, but can also find ways to solve problems.

A conspiracy for a prophetic dream is always read in absolute solitude. Also be sure to go to bed alone. It should be remembered that the ceremony cannot be performed in bad mood. If you cannot relieve tension, then before the ritual you should take a relaxing herbal bath, and fumigate the room in which the magical action is planned to be performed with oils.

A simple ritual

There is a simple ritual that is performed immediately before falling asleep. The main thing is to feel when a wave of sleep comes over you.

Directly in this state you need to say the following words:

“I, the Servant of God (my own name), wish that in a dream you see something that is destined to come true in the near future. I want it this way, so it will be so. Amen".

Such words should be spoken five times. And they should be the last phrases spoken just before going to bed. If you really had a sincere desire to have a prophetic dream, then this will definitely happen.

In the morning, while you remember the dream, you should quickly say:

“I dreamed about what I asked for.”

With a mirror

A ritual with a mirror will help you see a prophetic dream. This is one of the most popular and widespread rituals. If the ritual is successfully performed, you will be able to see your near future very clearly in a dream.

For the ritual, it is best to purchase a new mirror. But if this is not possible, then you can use the existing accessory, but only rinse it first cold water, and then wipe with alcohol or vodka.

Before going to bed, you need to put a mirror under your pillow and say the following words:

“This mirror reflects the complete darkness of the night, so let the bright light be reflected in the mind of the Servant of God (proper name) in a dream. Let the magic mirror show me my future; let it appear as a vision in my head on a moonlit night and be remembered. Amen".

Such words must be repeated monotonously, quietly and clearly seven times. After this, you need to try to fall asleep as quickly as possible, without allowing any extraneous thoughts into your head.

After this conspiracy in the morning, the first thing you need to do, without getting out of bed, is to analyze the dream and highlight the accents in it that need to be remembered and transferred to real life. If in the morning you were unable to remember the meaning of the dream, then maybe this will happen during the day. In this case, no matter what you do, no matter where you are, you need to put everything aside and stop. Then you need to analyze the memories and draw appropriate conclusions.

The mirror used in the ritual must be put in a secret place known only to you. The accessory can be used in the future only for magical rituals; such a mirror cannot be used in everyday life.

Water spell

Another popular ritual that can be used to induce a prophetic dream is a ritual using water. When performing a magical act, you need to use a glass of water and one church candle.

Having secluded yourself in a separate room, you should light a candle and read the following spell, bending over a glass of holy water:

“Natural and holy water, pure and transparent, help me, the Servant of God (my own name), see a prophetic dream. Let me dream about everything that was given to me by fate. I want to see everything that happens to me and come true. Help me, holy water, to remember a prophetic dream in the morning and find out the dreamed events in real life. My word is strong, my work is molded. Amen".

Data magic words spoken three times. After the water has been charmed, you need to wash your face with this water and immediately go to bed.

Before going to bed you need to say:

“What you wish for will definitely come true.”

So that the prophetic nightmare does not come true

If you had a terrible prophetic dream, then you need to try not to let it into real life.

To partially neutralize the forecast, you need to say in the morning, before getting out of bed:

“I, the Servant of God, did not see anything. Where the darkness of the night went there and nightmare. Amen".

All the rituals given above allow you to see one-time prophetic dreams. But, if you are a person who naturally has strong natural energy, then you can induce sleep with a simple effort of will.

Sleep is one of the most mysterious and little-studied human states. Scientists have not yet come to a consensus on how dreams arise and why people dream. However, the fact remains that things will happen in the dreamer’s life, and there is a lot of evidence of this in history. Is it possible to make this process manageable, and how to see the future in a dream?

It has been proven that the brain does not rest at all while we sleep. He continues to work hard, and one of the results of his work is dreams. Surely everyone can remember a case when the solution to a problem that was tormenting him in reality unexpectedly came in a dream. An example of this is the discoveries of scientists to which dreams led them. It was dreams that helped Dmitry Mendeleev discover periodic table elements, Friedrich August Kekul - molecular structure benzene, and Niels Bohr - the planetary model of the atom.

Such dreams are a continuation of daytime thoughts, and the solution comes at night, since at this time the brain stops being distracted by surrounding stimuli and concentrates on the main thing.

Another type of prophetic dreams is associated with the ability of a certain number of people to subtly sense the connection between the past, present and future. In other words, those who have developed intuition, during sleep they can process this information and draw conclusions about how events will develop.

Often a dream comes true simply because the one who sees it really wants it or, on the contrary, tries with all his might to avoid it. In this case, the brain is so absorbed in desire that it continues to concentrate on it during sleep. This evokes from the subconscious images of a dream come true, if faith in success is stronger than fears, or the worst fears coming true, if fear prevails.

Thus, a dream is only a reflection of a person’s formed internal intention. Thought is material, and the force of its influence is quite capable of attracting or repelling the desired result.

There is very little mystical in the types of dreams described, and the fact that they come true can be explained. But there are other dreams that cannot be called anything other than clairvoyance. They describe it so accurately important events from the future that it defies any logical explanation.

Some people have the invaluable gift of clairvoyance and are able to see prophetic dreams. Meanwhile, seeing dreams that can predict the future is given not only to clairvoyants, but ordinary people who are sensitive and able to trust their intuition. Therefore, every person has a chance to see a prophetic dream. To do this, you need to put aside prejudices and tune in.

  1. Select right time. The veil between the past and the future lifts a little in the last days before the full moon. These days, mystical qualities, the gift of foresight and intuitive abilities intensify.
  2. Prepare your body. On the day before the ritual, do not overload yourself physical activities, sex, abundant food and especially alcohol. Your dinner should be light and healthy. In the evening before going to bed, try to relax as much as possible - take a warm bath with aromatic oils and sea salt.
  3. Prepare the place. Make sure that no one disturbs you at night or in the morning - warn your family, turn off the phone and alarm clock, remove all irritants. To have a prophetic dream, you must sleep in complete solitude and peace. Turn off the lights and light sandalwood-scented candles.
  4. Prepare your mind. Avoid conflicts on this day, do not watch TV before bed. Think about what is important to you, the question you want answered in your dream.
  5. Before going to bed, relax, banish unnecessary thoughts and concentrate on your question, clearly formulate it. Meditate while looking at a candle flame with your eyes unfocused. Try to fall asleep with this single thought, calmly and focused.
  6. In the morning, do not rush to jump out of bed. Catch your feelings, emotions. Try to first remember as many details from your dreams as possible, write them down on paper.

Sometimes correctly formulating your desire and realizing your emotions about it is the key to solving the problem. Listen not only to the interpretations of your dreams, but also to your intuition.

In all centuries and times, people have made a lot of efforts to unravel dreams. Scientists are exploring the nature and mechanisms of sleep, but it still remains an area of ​​mystical knowledge. Science is not yet able to explain why some dreams are closely related to real-life events and turn out to be prophetic. Therefore, people should listen to what dreams tell them. Knowing how to see the future in a dream, you can receive necessary information from your subconscious and avoid mistakes, wrong decisions and dangerous situations.