White acacia medicinal properties - recipes using white acacia. White acacia - medicinal properties and contraindications of Robinia

Acacia is a fairly common and well-known tree, with large thorns on the branches and trunk. This plant belongs to the legume family, as evidenced by the fruits - long pods with seeds that appear in the fall. Since ancient times, people have used acacia to treat many diseases. And in our time, acacia is included in the list of official medicinal plants many countries of the world. Interestingly, great benefits lie in all parts of the acacia: flowers, bark, leaves. Nectar blooming acacia very fragrant and rich valuable substances, acacia honey is also very healthy and tasty.

What are the benefits of acacia?

The flowers of the plant contain sugars, organic acids, vitamins A and C, essential oils, glycosides, flavonoids robinin and tannin. The bark of young shoots contains stigmasterol, phytosterol, rutin, fixed oils, tannin and tannins, and also contains the flavonoid robinin, which has a hypoazotemic effect on the body: it promotes the removal of urea and other harmful substances from the body.

White acacia tincture, used externally, helps with varicose veins veins and . It is also used to rub paralyzed limbs. Traditional medicine V medicinal purposes uses flowers, bark of young shoots and acacia leaves.

The plant has antipyretic, expectorant, diuretic, antispasmodic and mild laxative effect. Alcohol tinctures of flowers are indicated for peptic ulcer, food allergies, stomach bleeding, diseases of the female reproductive system, , on early stages hypertension. Infusions and decoctions of flowers are used for flatulence, diarrhea, high blood pressure and eliminating the consequences of strokes. German medicine recipes recommend treating gastritis with tincture of acacia flowers. low acidity gastric juice.

Decoctions of flowers and leaves are drunk for various inflammatory diseases genitourinary system, as well as at . Tea made from acacia flowers helps get rid of infertility and nervous disorders. The aroma of acacia flowers can relieve depression, calm and relieve anxiety, and normalize sleep. Herbalists prescribe acacia for those who are depressed and people prone to conflict. It is believed that after acacia, a person either does not allow conflicts or quickly resolves them.

Decoctions are prepared from the leaves to reduce fever, treat coughs, sore throats, colds and infections of the upper respiratory tract, including . Acacia honey is also used in the treatment of respiratory diseases. Much is known about the benefits of honey, but acacia honey has special beneficial properties. What is noteworthy is that, unlike other types of honey, acacia honey does not crystallize and can remain liquid for more than a year.

In China and Japan, acacia is used to treat a wide variety of diseases. High content Acacia routine ensures health blood vessels: strengthens and makes their walls elastic. Thanks to vitamins A and C, acacia prevents premature aging and the occurrence of cancer.

Be careful, acacia!

It is not recommended to treat acacia on your own, since all parts of the plant contain toxic substances(in particular the alkaloid robinine). Violations in dosage cause severe poisoning. Symptoms of poisoning: nausea, diarrhea, headache, sharp pains in the stomach cardiovascular failure, severe weakness. If any of these symptoms appear, you should immediately rinse your stomach, drink activated carbon and consult a doctor.

An amazingly tasty, unusual jam is made from white acacia flowers, which also has the medicinal properties inherent in this plant. Acacia has been known as a medicinal plant since the 19th century. Flowers are collected and dried in the shade. White acacia is a universal donor and its bioenergy, which gives freshness and vigor, is useful for everyone, especially women. You will find recipes for using the medicinal properties of white acacia in this article.

Robinia pseudoacacia(false acacia, common, lat. Robinia pseudoacacia) - a fast-growing, forest-forming, drought-resistant tree, a species of the genus Robinia (Robinia) of the Legume family (Fabaceae). The plant comes from North America, has become naturalized in many temperate regions of the planet. People call it " White acacia ". White acacia is unique plant cures many diseases.
In our country, white acacia has been cultivated since the mid-19th century. It is known that in former Russia it was brought to Odessa in 1822, and from there it began to conquer (and very successfully!) Russian spaces. This tree is quite heat-loving and light-loving, so at first it was bred mainly in the southern regions. Even now, white acacia is a familiar element of the landscape of the Russian Black Earth Region, Kuban, Stavropol, Lower Volga region, and to the north and east it is a great rarity (however, it is successfully bred in the south Far East). Some trees can withstand the climate of the Moscow region and even more northern regions, but in some winters they freeze slightly.
Below are the recipes healing potions from white acacia.

Infusion for female inflammation
Take 1 tablespoon of white acacia flowers (yellow is not good), pour a glass of boiling water, leave for 1 hour, strain and take 1 tablespoon 3 times a day before meals. This infusion removes everything female inflammation. You can also douche with a special decoction: boil 1 tablespoon of acacia flowers (dry or raw) in half a liter of water for 3 minutes, strain and cool until warm state. This is for one douching.
Carry out a dozen such procedures, take the infusion for a month.
With the same decoction this recipe You can cure cervical erosion, but you need to douche for a month, maybe a little less or a little more.

White acacia will help even with infertility. Brew acacia flowers like tea (a pinch per glass before meals). Drink tea from acacia flowers like this: take it for two months, and then take two months, take a break again, take it for two months, and then take a break again. And so on until you get pregnant.
To relieve headaches of any origin (colds or nervous soil) keep this tincture in your house: fill a half-liter jar half filled with acacia flowers, pour “triple cologne” to the top and leave for a week. In this tincture you need to moisten a handkerchief, squeeze it lightly and apply it to the crown of the head. Cover the top of the compress with a piece of cellophane and insulate it with a handkerchief. In a few minutes the pain will disappear.
If your teeth hurt, acacia helps again. Take 1 teaspoon of flowers, brew in a glass of boiling water, hold for a while under the lid and rinse your teeth with the warm infusion. So you can forget about toothache for a long time thanks to the recipe using white acacia.

White acacia tincture

The following recipe will help those whose nerves are on edge: half liter jar fill with acacia flowers, top up the jar with vodka or good moonshine, close with a nylon lid and leave in a dark place for 2 weeks, shaking occasionally. Then strain the tincture, squeeze out the flowers and discard. The medicine is ready. This tincture will heal your nerves. Take 1 teaspoon of tincture per 50 g of water 3 times a day 15 minutes before meals. After monthly treatment you will feel a significant improvement, you will become more calm person, you will stop being nervous, your sleep will improve, your liver will become healthier. You will feel great, you won’t remember any headaches or heartaches. They say correctly that all diseases are caused by nerves.

The same tincture can cure heel spurs. A moistened and slightly wrung-out swab is attached to the heel and secured with a bandage. The result is amazing.
It is also recommended to wipe immobile limbs with the same tincture after a stroke due to paralysis 2-3 times a day, always starting from the fingers upward.
At multiple sclerosis The spine area should be wiped.
Whooping cough can be treated with milk and acacia: pour 1 teaspoon of flowers into a glass of milk, bring to a boil, cool, strain, add honey to taste and drink half a glass warm before lunch and dinner.
For uterine fibroids, take this infusion 1 tablespoon 3 times a day after meals. There are cases when fibroids disappeared.
If you experience leg cramps at night, keep a bottle of tincture on your bedside table. Lubricate your feet with the tincture when there is a cramp, and the pain will immediately go away.
Another recipe for acacia tincture helps well with varicose veins, dissolving even large varicose veins. To do this, lubricate the affected areas with tincture 2-3 times a day.

Medicinal value and methods medicinal use white acacia

The bark, flowers and fruits of white acacia are used as medicinal raw materials. Robinia glycoside, flavonoids, fragrant essential oil, sugars, and organic acids were found in the flowers. The bark contains tannins, toxalbuminrobin, essential oil, stigmasterol, phytosterol, tannins.

Flowers are harvested during flowering. They are collected in a half-bloomed state. Dry in a well-ventilated area at a temperature of 40 - 50 ° C. The bark and leaves are collected throughout the growing season.

In folk medicine, white acacia flowers are used as an antispasmodic, hypotensive, expectorant, antipyretic, astringent, anti-inflammatory, hemostatic and mild laxative.

At increased acidity gastric juice, gastric ulcer and duodenum For constipation, use a hot infusion or alcohol tincture prepared from the bark of young acacia branches.

To prepare the infusion, take 1/2 teaspoon of crushed bark and pour 2 cups of boiling water, infuse for 1 hour, strain and take 1/3 - 1/2 cup over 20 - 30 minutes. before meals 3 times a day.

The tincture is prepared from fresh flowers or 5g of dried bark, which are infused in 100 ml of vodka for 10 days. Take 20 - 25 drops in 1/2 glass of water 3 times a day for 30 minutes. before meals.

Good healing effect For radiculitis, cuts, wounds, alcohol tincture of white acacia flowers gives. Sore spots must be lubricated generously.

In case of thrombophlebitis, swollen venous nodes are well resolved by abundant wetting and rubbing with alcohol tincture of white acacia flowers.

Bark decoction: 1/2 tablespoon of dry crushed raw materials per 0.5 l hot water, boil for 20 minutes, strain while hot, bring the volume to the original volume. Take in small portions for 2 days hot during exacerbation of gastritis and peptic ulcers. If well tolerated, the decoction can be drunk throughout the day.
It must be remembered that white acacia bark is poisonous, therefore, when taking medications containing bark, do not exceed the dose!

Collect flowers during flowering and dry in the shade. Boil 1 tablespoon of flowers in water or fresh milk with honey. Drink as tea before lunch for whooping cough.

Tea made from acacia petals. Pour 1 teaspoon of dry petals with 1 glass of boiling water, leave for 3 - 5 minutes. Drink with honey for colds.

You can douche with a decoction of these flowers (2 tablespoons per 0.5 liters of water).

2 tablespoons of a mixture of acacia flowers, calendula inflorescences and creeping wheatgrass rhizomes, taken in a ratio of 10:5:2, boil over low heat for 7-8 minutes. in 1.5 glasses of water, leave for 1 hour, filter and take 1/4 glass 3-4 times before meals for acute and chronic cystitis, pyelonephritis.

2 tablespoons of the seeds of the motherwort pentaloba herb, flowers with leaves of hawthorn prickly, white acacia flowers, calendula inflorescences in a ratio of 3: 2: 1: 1 per 0.5 liters of water, boil for 3 - 4 minutes, leave for 8 hours, strain, take according to 1/4-1/3 cup 3 times a day for high blood pressure.

An infusion of inflorescences is popularly drunk as an astringent, expectorant, antipyretic and antispasmodic. It is believed that this medicine also helps with joint rheumatism, inflammation bladder, some women's diseases.

In Kuban, acacia was used to treat cancer. A raw acacia log was placed in the oven, and when foam began to emerge from the cracks, it was collected and the ulcer was moistened with it.

Acacia contains the powers of Venus, Moon and Jupiter. Flowers are collected on the waxing Moon from sunrise to noon.

Contraindications to white acacia preparations:

Remember that the seeds, bark and roots of black locust contain toxic substances. When using these parts of the tree to treat, strictly follow the dosage of the drug in recipes to avoid poisoning by white acacia.

Applications, recipes and medicinal properties of white acacia.

Medicinal plant white acacia is a tree from the legume family, reaching a height of up to 15 - 20 meters, with a beautiful spreading crown and white, pleasantly smelling flowers collected in racemes.


Acacia It blooms from late May to early June, after which fruits appear on the tree: dark brown flat pods with 4 to 6 legume-shaped seeds.

ACTIVE SUBSTANCES. PARTS OF WHITE ACACIA USED. White acacia People have long called it a sacred plant for its rare and medicinal properties amazing. In folk medicine acacia flowers used internally as anti-inflammatory, for pain in the intestines, food allergies, gastric bleeding, processes inflammatory pathways urinary (pyelonephritis), inflammation of women.

White acacia. Benefit and harm. Video



WHITE ACACIA DECOVERY. When treating these diseases should be taken decoction of acacia flowers: tablespoon dry color for half a liter of water, boil for three minutes. When it cools down, strain and take two tablespoons three times a day 20 minutes before meals. Treatment course- month.


BLOOD CLEANSING PURPOSES WITH WHITE ACACIA. Prepare oregano, sage, horsetail,- a couple of parts, and , nettle, St. John's wort, and- one part at a time.

spoon tbsp. collection, pour two hundred and fifty ml. (glass) of boiling water and leave, covering it, until it cools. Drink a couple of tablespoons three times a day before meals, half an hour. The course of treatment is thirty days, a break is a week and then repeat the course.

Tincture of fresh white acacia flowers externally (one hundred grams per three hundred ml., leave for a couple of weeks, shaking periodically) in the form of rubbing, it is used for radiculitis, rheumatism, gout. Should be taken except for internal rubbing tincture twenty-five caps. several times a day for thirty minutes. before meals for thirty days with thirty ml. water.

How to prepare a tincture of white acacia flowers? Video

Wipe well acacia tincture limbs are motionless (up from the fingers), with multiple sclerosis - spine area, and lubricate in the same way, rubbing the areas lightly, damaged by thrombophlebitis, three to five times a day.

TINCTURE. White acacia for rubbing. Fifty gr. dried flowers white acacia half a liter vodka pour and leave in a dark place for twenty-one days, shaking periodically, strain and apply for rubbing.

Effective application for rubbing, rubbing in and orally for administration from fresh acacia flowers tincture(two hundred grams of fresh color per half liter vodka).

RECIPE FOR RUBBING WITH WHITE ACACIA FOR RHEUMATISM, MYOSITIS, RADICULITIS, JOINT PAIN. To do this you need to take a couple of glasses. vodka, pour fifty grams into it. acacia flowers, and leave for three weeks in a dark place, and do not forget to shake periodically. When the mixture has infused, strain it - and then the liquid for rubbing will be ready. Rubbing should be done a couple of times a day, every day.

FOLK RECIPE WITH WHITE ACACIA FOR FIBROID. For uterine fibroids and inflammatory diseases of the female reproductive system, a decoction taken from white acacia flowers. To prepare, take a tablespoon of dried flowers and pour a couple of tbsp. water, bring to a boil and cook for another couple of minutes. leave on low heat until it boils a little. Afterwards, strain the contents, cool and add water as before boiling. This decoction should be taken daily 3 - 4 times 0.500 hours before meals, a tablespoon of tbsp.

White acacia. Nervous disorders, etc. Video

FOLK RECIPE FOR TINCTURE WITH WHITE ACACIA FOR INFERTILITY. Tincture of white acacia flowers is taken for infertility. To do this, pour ten grams. flowers (fresh) ten gr. alcohol or vodka. We insist on everything for up to ten days. Apply acacia tincture should be taken three times a day, and diluted: twenty drops. tinctures need to be mixed with tbsp. spoon of water.

FOLK RECIPE FOR BOTH WITH WHITE ACACIA FOR COLDS . For coughs and colds or as a means to reduce fever, a decoction of white acacia leaves is used. You need to take Art. one spoon of dried leaves, crushed into powder, add a glass of boiling water, put on fire and boil for 5 minutes. on the lowest heat. Cool the broth, strain it and take one tablespoon of tbsp several times before meals.

FOLK RECIPE FOR COLLECTION WITH WHITE ACACIA FOR CYSTITIS. Acute cystitis and chronic can be cured herbal mixture acacia flowers, calendula, wheatgrass root. n fifty gr. pour three hundred ml of this collection. water, bring to a boil, boil for 8 minutes. Then remove the broth from the heat and leave for a while. 60 minutes, then strain and add boiling water to the original volume. You need to drink this decoction every day three times before meals, fifty ml each.

Be healthy!

White acacia, treatment. Video

Acacia is a fairly common and well-known tree, with large thorns on its branches and trunk. This plant belongs to the legume family, as evidenced by the fruits - long pods with seeds that appear in the fall. Since ancient times, people have used acacia to treat many diseases. And in our time, acacia is included in the list of official medicinal plants in many countries of the world. Interestingly, great benefits lie in all parts of the acacia: flowers, bark, leaves. The nectar of flowering acacia is very aromatic and rich in valuable substances; acacia honey is also very healthy and tasty.

What are the benefits of acacia?

The flowers of the plant contain sugars, organic acids, and C, essential oils, glycosides, flavonoids robinin and tannin. The bark of young shoots contains stigmasterol, phytosterol, rutin, fatty oils, tannin and tannins, and also contains the flavonoid robinin, which has a hypoazotemic effect on the body: it promotes the removal of urea and other harmful substances from the body.

White acacia tincture, used externally, helps with varicose veins and thrombophlebitis. It is also used to rub paralyzed limbs. Traditional medicine uses flowers, the bark of young shoots and acacia leaves for medicinal purposes.

The plant has an antipyretic, expectorant, diuretic, antispasmodic and mild laxative effect. Alcohol tinctures of flowers are indicated for peptic ulcers, food allergies, gastric bleeding, diseases of the female reproductive system, pyelonephritis, and in the early stages of hypertension. Infusions and decoctions of flowers are used for flatulence, diarrhea, high blood pressure and to eliminate the consequences of strokes. German medicine recipes recommend treating gastritis with low acidity of gastric juice with tincture of acacia flowers.

Decoctions of flowers and leaves are drunk for various inflammatory diseases of the genitourinary system, as well as for uterine fibroids. Tea made from acacia flowers helps get rid of infertility and nervous disorders. The aroma of acacia flowers can

At the end of May, the air is filled with pleasant smell. Thick, sweet and so strong that it even makes your head spin. If you approach a tree and stand under it for a minute, you can hear the buzzing of bees, it seems that the tree itself is humming. This is white acacia.

People call it differently: parasol, tooth root, caragana, pea tree.

The tree can reach a height of 10-12 meters. Its bark is riddled with deep furrows. The leaf consists of eight small, paired oval-shaped leaves; the flowers are collected in large inflorescences. The fruits are small pods with brown seeds.

The homeland of acacia is the USA, but it grows in Europe, Australia, and Latin America. On the territory of Russia it feels good in the Caucasus, in the Moscow region and, of course, in Crimea.

There are many varieties of acacia, it is easy to distinguish them by their flowering:

  • Corkscrew acacia: white inflorescences reaching a length of 20 cm;
  • Golden acacia: bright yellow inflorescences;
  • Bristle acacia: pink or purple large flowers;
  • Pink acacia: large pink inflorescences;
  • White acacia (robinia): large, white, strong-smelling inflorescences.

Chemical composition and beneficial properties

Any type of plant has medicinal properties, but chemical composition The bark, leaves and flowers of white acacia are richest in various bioactive substances:

IN medical practice All parts of the plant are used for their variety of medicinal properties:

  • Antipyretic;
  • Diuretic;
  • Laxative;
  • Anti-inflammatory;
  • Hypotensive;
  • Expectorant;
  • Hemostatic;
  • Antispasmodic.

Indications for use

Such properties are used in the treatment of many diseases and conditions:

But it’s not for nothing that acacia is called a female tree. It helps with diseases of the female genital area:

  • For any female inflammatory diseases;
  • For cervical erosion;
  • For infertility;
  • With uterine fibroids.

Decoctions and infusions of white acacia flowers are very good for treating pain when urinating in men.

The sedative properties of acacia are similar to those of chamomile, so the plant is also used for children:

  • As teas and decoctions for colds;
  • As decoctions for bathing babies;
  • Honey from acacia flowers.


All parts of the plant contain toxic substances, therefore, they must be used for treatment with the greatest caution, preferably after consulting a doctor and an experienced herbalist.

Taking acacia preparations is strictly prohibited only for pregnant and lactating women. It is advisable not to give even honey to children under three years of age, but decoctions can be used externally.

Instructions for use

All parts of the plant are used for treatment, and the most common dosage forms– decoctions and teas, infusions and alcohol tinctures, honey

For sore throat and hoarseness

Pour boiling water over three ripe (already brown) acacia pods and place in a half-liter jar. Add boiling water, close and wrap the infusion for three hours.

Gargle with this infusion several times a day.

At kidney stone disease and cystitis

For decoction you can use both dry and fresh flowers.

Pour half a liter of water over the flowers (a tablespoon). Let it boil. When it cools down, strain the broth.

Drink a tablespoon three times a day.

For muscle pain

Finely chop the young shoots and leaves of the acacia. Fill a 0.5 liter jar with them to two-thirds of the volume. Fill the jar to the top with good vodka. Let it brew for two weeks.

Apply externally to rub sore spots.

For colds, coughs and as an antipyretic

Pour a tablespoon of mashed dry leaves into 200 ml of boiling water. Cook over very low heat for five minutes. When the broth has cooled, strain it. For treatment, take a tablespoon before meals three times a day.

For rheumatism and radiculitis

Pour 50 grams of flowers with good vodka (2 glasses). Shaking from time to time, let it brew for three weeks in the dark. Strain.

Rub the sore areas morning and evening.

For stomach ulcers and gastritis

Place young shoots and acacia leaves on the bottom of a half-liter jar. Fill with vodka to the very top. Let it stand in a dark place for two weeks.

The product is taken 20 drops three times a day before meals.

For female infertility

Pour boiling water over a large pinch of acacia flowers. Infuse like regular tea.

After two months of treatment, you need to take a two-month break and you can continue treatment again.

For uterine fibroids

Pour a large pinch of flowers into a glass of milk and wait until it boils. When cool, strain. Add a little honey to the infusion.

Drink a tablespoon three times a day after meals.

For constipation and high acidity

Pour boiling water (2 cups) over half a teaspoon of finely ground tree bark. Let it sit for one hour. Then strain.

Drink half a glass three times a day before meals.

For inflammation of the appendages (for douching)

Boil a tablespoon of flowers in 500 ml of water for 3 minutes. After an hour, strain.

Use warm decoction for douching for seven days.

Can also be used by pregnant women.

Acacia honey

The medicinal properties of this honey are so numerous that it is worth mentioning separately about the product: